May 2010 The Latest Word

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For the members, family and friends of the Downey Adventist Church

Behind the Scenes Mom by Pastor Mitch


hich female Bible character is your favorite? Women who come to my mind are Mary the mother of Jesus, Queen Esther who saved the Jewish captives in Babylon and what about Hannah the mother of Samuel? As I look over the list of women who came to my mind, it is clear the woman were committed to God. In addition, they demonstrated boldness in their personalities while influencing their cultures for good.

On the other hand, there is a whole group of less renowned Bible moms who quietly influenced their children to serve the Lord faithfully. What distinguishes these Bible moms is their love for God expressed through their “everyday” faithfulness. In place of a high profile personality, many Bible moms shunned the spotlight for an active, behind the screens, life of supporting their families. For example, there’s the Bible mom who encouraged

her son to attend the gathering where a famous Rabbi named Jesus was speaking. She packed a lunch and encouraged him to sit up toward the front of the crowd to hear every word the Rabbi said. Then she asked God’s blessing on her son and sent him off to one of the most memorable experiences of his life. He was chosen to share his lunch with Jesus and 5,000 others. On Mother’s Day, May 8, we’ll celebrate the moms who avoid notoriety yet continued on page 2


A physically strong woman exercises her body regularly. A spiritually strong woman prays throughout the day as she works or serves or sits quietly in the presence of God. Some women keep both body and soul in the best shape possible. This behavior sets an example for everyone.

INSIDE The Next Big Thing on page 3

SGA Chorale he San Gabriel Academy Chorale will be leading worship in song on May 22. Music is an important part of worship. The Bible talks extensively about the need to praise and express ourselves through music. Inivite your friends and family to come and experience this unique service.

Body and Soul

After the service we will be hosting a luncheon for the students and their families. Everyone is invited to stay and join us. The luncheon will be haystacks. We need lots of people to sign up to help bring enough food for all our guests. Watch for sign ups in the foyer. =

Who Is He? My Salvation! is on page 4 Ginny’s Kitchen on page 5 What’s happening? see pages 6 & 9 FQs for Kids is on page 7 Our Church Family page 10 Kid’s Page on page 11

THE LATEST WORD Behind the Scenes Mom (cont. from page 1)


On May 29 the title of the message is No Barriers. The Bible is clear why we ought to consider the outcome of our trials with joy: “because

you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance,” (James 1:3). When the Bible uses the words “you know” in this verse it is referring to “experimental knowledge” or the knowledge we gain by experiencing something first hand. This knowledge cannot be learned from books, TV, or the Internet. It’s a doing kind of understanding. We’re living in extraordinarily difficult economic times. This message is one of pure encouragement and trust in God who has a plan for each of us. See you when the church gathers. =

The Latest Word V 22 N 05 BILL AUMACK


embrace their faith in have a horrible voice mean prayer and the like. Have everyday interactions with it’s ok for me not to sing? you ever made plans with their families. The serJoin us on that day to see yourself to read your Bible mon title is the Behind the what the Bible has to say only to be interrupted by Scenes Mom. We’ll a friend’s telephone open our Bibles to call? What did you study the life of a do? Jesus faced What distinguishes woman named Mary. interruptions from Our Mary is not the these Bible moms is their time to time as he mother of Jesus but traveled from place love for God expressed a mom whose son to place. However, through their “everyday” when it came to is well known even though she is not. his spiritual prifaithfulness. Make plans to invite orities, Jesus used a your mom or somesimple word to keep one’s mom to this uplifting about how and why we himself on track. Bring service. should sing. your Bible and learn the “simple” word Jesus used On May 1, Bill The message on May to maintain his life’s priAumack’s message is 15 is entitled Making orities. called Do You have a Priorities Stick. Jesus had Song? The Bible is pretty his life’s priorities clearly On May 22, San clear about the importance defined. In preserving Gabriel Academy’s choir of music and singing. But those priorities he said will offer a musical worwhy is it so important? “no” to those things that ship. The Book of Psalms Why should we sing? And might conflict. The priis really a “book of songs” the most important quesorities common with all that have been sung tion, does the fact that I Christians is Bible reading, throughout the ages. Most of us have felt the thrill of music in our hearts and how it helps us express our love for God. Bring a friend to hear the message of redemption sung by the San Gabriel Academy choir. Also, a fellowship luncheon is planned. The food theme is haystacks. We need everyone’s help to bring food items to share with our guest. A sign-up sheet will be available in the foyer.

responsible for this

LINDA AUMACK proof reading


paper distribution


address mail to: Downey Seventh-day Adventist Church 9820 Lakewood Blvd. Downey, CA 90240 office: 562.869.6013 fax: 562.622.1691

distributed monthly issue date: May 2010 copyright 1992-2010

April 2010 God, Webster & You by Linda Bewley


ebster says “enlightened” means “freed from ignorance and misinformation . . . based on full comprehension of the problems involved” (Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary).


od’s word says, , “I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you” (Ephesians 1:18 NIV). I found an article in Reader’s Digest this month. It’s called “Next Big Things – 25 Ideas, Inventions, and Gadgets That Will Improve Your Life.” There’s something, I think, that would appeal to all of us. Some of the items listed:

The Next Big Thing • A 4-day work week and a 3-day weekend. (Yea!) •No-drill dental work— supposedly available in the US this year • Safer motorcycle helmets that include a covering called Super Skin, made to stretch like the skin which covers our skulls • A high-tech guitar with a touchpad and no strings. (Bye-bye calloused fingers!) • Needle-free vaccines— inoculations which are deposited via a skin patch • Do-it-yourself glasses, the lenses of which are filled with silicone oil and encased in hard plastic with a plastic

Worship Schedule May 15

Mitch Williams

May 1

Making Priorities Stick

Bill Aumack

Do You have a Song?

May 22

San Gabriel Chorale

May 8 Mitch Williams

Behind the Scenes Mom Mother’s Day

May 29

Mitch Williams No Barriers

dial on each lens to change the shape of the lens which, in turn, changes one’s vision • Hope for heart patients

in the form of a turbine engine the size of a D battery implanted into patients’ abdomens. [There are more. For a complete list and description, see Reader’s Digest (May 2010)] Some of the items listed seem like they should be well into the future, you know, like something out of a science fiction movie. Rather, however, they are things that are already used in certain parts of the world or they are right

around the corner. I read that article before falling asleep last night, and was surprised to find myself thinking about it when I woke up. This is what came to mind. It’s exciting to think about all of the technological advances approaching us, but I was reminded that there is at least one NEXT BIG THING that the article does not include. One grand event approaching us, the next big thing we are looking for, is the return of Jesus Christ. That one event will free us from all need for technology to improve our lives. We won’t need dental work, with or without a drill. No need for vaccinations or a safer motorcycle helmet. In that one approaching event, there is relief for a world full of sickness, violence and fear. Simply put, hope for every heart. =


THE LATEST WORD Before the Father by Linda Fernandez

Who is He? My Salvation!


“Surely God is my salvation…” Isaiah 12:2a

She now finds something to pray about every 5 or 10 minutes!

n Isaiah 12:2, 3 as well as Psalm 18:47 and 25:5 we find the names of God, El Yeshuati or Elohay Yishi. These names refer to his role as God of my Salvation. Descriptions of these names include salvation, deliverance and victory. I try to make it a point daily to be thankful for the gift of salvation and I pray for deliverance and protection during my day as well as victory over my tendency toward sin. It is Easter break from school and the past two weeks I have had the joy of spending time with grandchildren and great-nieces and nephews of various ages. We do the typical stuff, arts and crafts, visit museums and parks, get together with family. Doing so usually requires a great deal of driving since everyone is so spread out. I have found that during this down time between the “are we there yets” and the “can I change the radio stations” are great opportunities for catching up with these rapidly growing and maturing young ones. One 6 year old seems fascinated by my habit of praying every time we head out in the car or stop to eat. She now finds something to pray about


every 5 or 10 minutes! While on one adventure to a museum in a part of town we were not used to, we stopped to eat at a popular fast food place. A couple of things took us by surprise: we were completely thrown off guard as we encountered floor to ceiling bullet proof

glass surrounding the service people behind the counter! It was lunch time yet we were the only ones in the establishment. When we left, we realized that someone had left one of the car’s back doors ajar with all our belongings in full view. We immediately sensed that this was not an area where this would be advisable, but nothing had been touched. God had provided an instantly beautiful example to those little ones of my feeble attempt to explain why I often pray

for God to go before us and prepare our path and keep us safe as one child remarked, almost to herself, “It’s a good thing we prayed”. Salvation is a difficult topic to share with children (and perhaps adults) with limited childhood exposure to spiritual things. During our Easter service at church, Pastor Mitch had each of us personally drive a nail into a life-size cross. The nail represented our fears, failures and anything we had not yet surrendered to the Lord. I was able to share this powerful message with one of my teenagers. Seeing God actively involved as in the fast food incident helps them accept the deeper ideas I try to convey in our short time together. Father: Thank you for allowing your interaction to be seen so clearly in the minds of those with whom I share my faith. May they continue to be amazed at Almighty God reaching down to love them, to protect them and to offer them salvation. =

April 2010 From Ginny’s Kitchen Fresh Asparagus Coconut Soup ½ cup diced celery ½ cup diced white onions 1 lb. fresh asparagus, washed & snapped into pieces 1 cup water ¾ cup canned coconut milk (not low fat) ½ cup soy milk or cow’s milk 1 t. salt 1 t. white pepper Suggested topping to serve: Plain yogurt, Parmesans cheese, fresh herbs (like, basil or rosemary or tarragon) In a small pot, simmer asparagus with celery, onions in the water for approx. 20 minutes. In a blender, puree asparagus mixture until completely smooth. Add the ¾ cup of coconut milk and blend. Add ½ cup soy milk

or cow’s milk and blend. Return to pot, add salt and pepper. Bring to medium/hot temperature, cook and stir often. Careful not to boil or burn. Add one of the toppings and serve. =

A Mother’s Prayer


ake me a wise mother, O Lord. Keep me calm and give me patience to bear the small, irritating things in the daily routine of life. Give me tolerance and understanding to bridge the gulf between my generation and that of my children. Let me not be too ready to guide my children’s stumbling feet, but allow me to be ever near to bind their bruises. Give me a sense of humor that I may laugh with them but never at them. Let me refrain from preaching with words.

Keep me from forcing their confidences, but give me a sympathetic ear when my children come to me. Make me humble. Keep my children close to me, O Lord, though miles may separate us. And let your light so shine upon me that they, too, will perceive your glory. Amen. = -St. Philip Episcopal Church, Rochester, Minnesota


Downey Adventist Church Sunday







1 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship

Visit C.S. - Community Service S.S. - Sabbath School



Bill Aumack




7 7:41 pm sunset

10 AM C.S.

8 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Mitch Williams Mother’s Day

7 pm Women’s Prayer Group






6:30 pm Band Practice

14 7:46 pm sunset

15 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Mitch Williams





7 pm Women’s Prayer Group

6:30 pm Band Practice


21 7:52 pm sunset

22 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship SGA Chorale 12:30 Luncheon

7 pm Board Meeting





7 pm Women’s Prayer Group

6:30 pm Band Practice


28 7:56 pm sunset

29 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship


Mitch Williams

31 7 pm Women’s Prayer Group

6:30 pm Band Practice

April 2010 Stewpot by Gordon Botting, DrPH, CHES


hen I was a teenager, the educators of my day believed that your IQ, or your Intelligent Quotient, was the best measurement of not only your learning aptitude, but also how successful you might be in life. Consequently, if you did not do extremely well in either English or Mathematics, you tested very poorly on your IQ test; which could also mean you might be one of life’s failures. Today, we know the IQ assessment measurers only about 20 percent of who you are as a person. The EQ, or Emotional Quotient, is an improved measurement of your potential maturity and how, in adulthood, you might relate to life and your fellow human beings. Besides your IQ and EQ, I believe there is another “Q” that may be equally important. That is your “FQ” or Finance Quota. This FQ is not based on your temperament, genetics or smarts, but concerns the money management principles your parents taught you as you were growing up. Consider the fact that parents spend an inordinate

FQs for Kids amount of money making sure their children get the best education. They send them to the finest Christian schools and summer camps. They pay for music lessons and special tutoring. They may even dole out more ‘green backs’ for driver’s education, and yet fail to provide a learner’s permit for basic finances. I particularly like what Mary Hunt, in her book, Debt-Proof Your Kids contends; “It seems to me that if we could teach our children not to touch a hot stove, we could train them not to get burned by the lure of credit-card debt. If we could train them to look both ways before crossing the street, we could teach them to carefully read the fine print. If we could instill in them the value of delaying gratification, it could become a lifetime behavior.”1 Having extolled the importance and value of exposing and teaching your children money management, this will not, however, guarantee your offspring a flawless financial future. It will, nevertheless, give them

the best start in holding their own in an adulteconomic world. To help parents reading this bulletin, I have outlined three areas that are a must for early childhood financial development. I like to call these the three big “S’s” of money management.

Sharing We all are aware that we live in a very greedy and selfish society. In these last few years we have seen CEO’s and company executives of financial institutions accept tremendous salaries and bonuses. Recently, I read where top CEO’s are earning more than 230 times the income of the average employee. However, the principle of sharing is a universal and timeless concept. God’s universal love theme has been one of a generous giver. “For God so loved the world that He gave. . . .” We need to teach our children the value of compassion in sharing by simply showing them the needs of others and the blessings that come from unselfishly giving back. Kids are usually anxious to please, so it should not be difficult to teach them how to share a portion of their moneycontinued on page 8

“Nothing loosens a person’s grip like giving things away. It purifies motives and lightens the heart.” — John Maxwell

What Is A MoneyManagement Allowance? Children should never be given a moneymanagement allowance as a reward for making their bed, taking out the trash or any other chore. The allowance is given as a tool, used to instruct your child on the basics of good financial management. As the child matures, the funds and their responsibility, should be increased.


THE LATEST WORD FQs for Kids (cont. from page 7) management allowance.

Your Kids’ Sharing Values Should Include:


. Sharing is always first; before spending or saving. It develops an attitude of gratitude and thankfulness.


. Sharing 10 percent is a good start, and is also part of God’s plan for our lives.


. Encourage your children to give to causes they can see are helping others. For example, they might sponsor, with their parents, an orphan in an under privileged country.

Saving Begin by encouraging your children to take from their money-management allowance a portion to save for a future need or want. Take them regularly to the local bank and have them place in a savings

account a second 10 percent of their money-management allowance. This is the best way to help them save for a larger item; such as a bike, an unusual science kit, or computer game. Saving a portion of their moneymanagement allowance will become a lifetime habit and will, as an adult, help them plan for those “rainy-day emergencies” as well as their “sunny retirement.”

Your Kids’ Saving Values Should Include:


. Saving money is an essential habit that results in never going broke.


. Saving your money teaches you the joy of delayed gratification, instead of instant gratification.


. Regularly putting money aside establishes

Adventurer Schedule There have been a few changes in the Adventurer program. Here are the dates and the topics for the remainder of this year.


May 15 - Sunbeam Curriculum June 19 - Awards Ceremony Also, the Adventurer club will do the curriculum as part of Sabbath School. Please be sure to be present during Sabbath School to meet all the requirements so you can get an award.

the habit of saving and initiates the concept that money, over time, can grow and earn interest.

Spending Kids, at a very young age, learn very quickly the concept of spending. Just stand behind a toddler at a supermarket checkout stand and listen to the whining and pleading for candy. The most important lesson for children concerning spending is the difference between their “needs” and their “wants.” A simple definition is, “needs” are the necessities of life; such as food, clothes and shelter. Whereas, “wants” are things that bring delight and pleasure to our lives, but that we can live without; such as games and special trips to theme parks. As soon as a child can read and write, they should have a notebook-trackingsystem of their spending.

Each month, when they receive their money-management allowance, they should record their income on the first line of a new page. Then, they can catalog below their deductions; beginning with sharing, then savings and then all the other spending items.

Your Kids’ Spending Values Should Include: 1. Needs are indispensable, but wants are optional. 2. Remind them that a spending plan is the most important building block of the three “S’s.” 3. Keeping a record of their spending is crucial. A monthly spending notebook must include both income money-management allowance and expenses. = 1. Mary Hunt, Debt-Proof Your Kids, DPL Press, 2006, page 2.

April 2010

this month

May Birthdays Chris Martin – 1 Dudley Meade – 1 Victor Zamora – 4 Linda Aumack – 6 Michael Fernandez – 6 Kaye Navarro – 10 Byron Molina Jr. – 11 Vanity Duarte – 12 Justine Amezaga – 13 Bill Aumack – 17 Ray Munguia – 18 Frank Duran – 23 Alex Aumack – 28

Upcoming Events 2nd Sunday - 10 a.m. Community Service 3rd Saturday - Adventurer Club Thursdays - 7 p.m. Women’s Prayer Group Fridays - 6:30 p.m. Band Practice May May May May May

8 - Mother’s Day Service 9 - Mother’s Day 20 - Board Meeting, 7pm 22 - SGA Chorale & Luncheon 31 - Memorial Day

If your birthday is left out in the monthly newsletter, please contact the church office so we can put it in.

The Latest Word deadline is the 5th of the month.

If you are looking for a new, fun way to read The Latest Word online, be sure to check out the newest format at http:// Same great content in a richer environment. Be sure to check out all the reading modes. As usual, you can still get read it at our website at

Coming Soon June 12 - Kids in Discipleship Sabbath June 26 - Parking Lot Party (date change) July 19-23 - VBS


THE LATEST WORD The Latest About

AUS. Keep up the good work!

Thank you to everyone who has been saving Campbell Soup Labels for education and Box Tops for Education. That is greatly appreci-ated.

If you have any Church Family news, please contact the church office so we can get it into the newsletter. =

On the Campbell Soup labels, all that is really needed is the UPC (the bar code). You don’t have to save the entire label, just the UPC bar code.

Our Church Family We need graduates! If you know someone who is graduating this year, please contact either Letty or Bill and let them know. Thanks. Octavio and Mariana were married in our sanctuary by Pastor Mitch on April 9. Look for this new couple in our Sabbath service sometime in May. Vacation Bible School is coming soon. If you

are willing to help, please contact Bill as soon as you can. We need help in the classrooms, the kitchen and lots of other areas. Thanks for helping us teach the children about Jesus.

Please give your labels to Linda Aumack. Thank you for your support! =

Congratulations to Elora Chavez and Kevin Torres who made 3rd Quarter Honor Roll at

On Memorial Day


emember the words Abraham Lincoln spoke at the dedication of the national cemetery on the Civil War battlefield of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania: “It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us - that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion - that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain - that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom ....” =


For the Box Tops for Education, please save the Box Tops coupon.

Keys to a Successful Marriage


usbands and wives focus often on God, who holds them together. When two become one in a Christian marriage, they vow to remain one until death parts them. Oneness takes thoughtfulness, constant communication and daily deeds of kindness. Words are extremely important to sustain a marriage. Words hotly spoken can kill love, while words tenderly spoken can enhance love. Husbands and wives need constant assurance by hearing words of love and by deeds done to show love in action. Remember that the bonds of matrimony are a good investment only when the interest is paid daily. =

April 2010


April 2010

Ponder This... = “In the time of your life, live — so that in that wondrous time you shall not add to the misery and sorrow of the world, but shall smile to the infinite variety and mystery of it.” —William Saroyan = “Mothers write on the hearts of their children what the world’s rough hand cannot erase.” —Author unknown = “Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war than we know about peace, more about killing than we know about living. We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount.” —General Omar Bradley

Downey-Florence Seventh-day Adventist Church 9820 Lakewood Blvd., Downey CA 90240

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