Nov 2013 The Latest Word

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For the members, family and friends of the Downey Adventist Church

Abundant Blessings

An Attitude of Gratitude by Cary Fisher

I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving” (Psalm 60:30). As Thanksgiving is coming, I love that we celebrate a holiday centered around being grateful. We should always remember that what we get out of life mostly comes from our perception. If we dwell on the negatives, we will see ourselves as having a life of hardship; however, if we focus on how God has blessed, we will see all the goodness that is

in our lives. Ask yourself the question, how has God blessed you today? I believe that no matter what our circumstances are, we can find so much to be grateful for, and by having gratitude, we can be Christians filled with joy and love. Also, our witness to the world has such a greater impact when we are rejoicing over the Lord rather than dwelling on our own trials and burdens. As far as my preaching

schedule for November, I will spend the first three Sabbaths continuing the topics of our small groups. “The Secret Ingredient” will be the title of my sermon on November 2nd. My theme will be about God’s plan for His churches to succeed, but it seems many churches may be missing something that keeps it from living out its potential. According to our small groups lesson for the week, that ingredient is enthusiasm, so how can we continued on page 2

There is plenitude in God. That great fact must never be lost or obscured. We must not exchange this immense graciousness for a few scraps of human morality or a few shopworn proverbs. God is a vast reservoir of blessing who supplies us abundantly. —Eugene H. Peterson, Traveling Light


Pathfinder and Adventure Induction

Amazing Reunion page 3


duce them to the concepts of the Class Levels within the Spirit of Pathfindering. This candlelight ceremony is formal and impressive. Each candle represents a different class level and each part of the Pledge and Law.

White Space page 4

There will be some food and games in the Fellowship Hall after the Induction Service. This is a great opportunity to enjoy some fellowship and spend some time with our Adventurers and Pathfinders.

Thanks for Friends on page 7

aturday, November 16th at 4:00pm, the Pathfinders and Adventurer clubs will hold their Induction Service for the 2013/2014 year. The Induction Service is where the new students are welcomed into the clubs. This is a Candlelight service which provides the club the opportunity to explain the purpose of the club’s Pledge and Law and to intro-

Come on out and support our clubs! =

Taste & Inspiration on page 5 What’s happening? see pages 6 & 9

Our Church Family page 10 Kid’s Page on page 11

THE LATEST WORD An Attitude of Gratitude (cont. from pg 1) be more enthusiastic about God, church and life?

Do you like the direction of life? Could you use a transformation? That Sabbath, I will be going

the time with the different small groups as they share what they’ve learned On November 9th, in their groups. We have my sermon is titled been studying on “Causing a Chain how we all can be Reaction”. It’s flu a part of a thriving, season and we know We should always passionate church how quickly disease community, and I can spread, but dis- remember that what we am looking forward ease is not the only get out of life mostly comes to their different thing that can spread. from our perception stories. The true gospel should spread like November wildfire, and my ser30th will have a mon will show how a pasThanksgiving theme. over the ten steps listed in sionate spirituality can be Bill Aumack will presThe Big Four as to how infectious to others. Can ent the sermon “State of to make dramatic changes you and I be infectious Contentment.” It seems in your life and in our about our faith? our entire society is based church. on the need for more; On the 16th, my serNovember 23rd is the more money, more power, mon will be my final small Sabbath that we celebrate more fame, more stuff. groups sermon and it is the close of our small How can we be content titled “Transformations”. groups. We will spend with what God has already given us?

our annual “Celebration Sabbath” potluck on November 23rd. This follows our small groups worship service for the entire church to enjoy. See you when the church gathers. =


The Latest Word V 25 N 11 BILL AUMACK


For our calendar of events, let me start with our annual Fall Party on October 26th. This is a social gathering filled with food, games, and fun that is mostly planned by our small groups. It is for our entire church to enjoy and for us to invite our family and friends. It is also a great alternative to gather together without the influence of Halloween. On November 10th, the Pathfinders are having a yard sale. This is where we bring your donated items to show support as the Pathfinders try to raise money for their Oshkosh trip. Lastly, we have

November 3

responsible for this

LINDA AUMACK copy editor

HATZUKO AISPURO paper distribution


address mail to: Downey Seventh-day Adventist Church 9820 Lakewood Blvd. Downey, CA 90240 office: 562.869.6013 fax: 562.622.1691

distributed monthly issue date: Nov 2013 copyright 1992-2013

November 2013 The Word & You by Linda Bewley


od’s word says, “You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation” (Revelation 5:9).

As I write this article, I am preparing for an unusual trip. I am planning to leave tomorrow to attend a family reunion. What, you may ask, is unusual about that?! It is unusual, because I have never met the family holding the reunion. Let me explain

Amazing Reunion by telling you the shortest possible version of this story. You see, in March 2003, while doing genealogy research, I discovered that my father had been adopted. And, although it took 10 long years, I finally obtained a copy of his adoption file in January 2013. For the first time, I learned the name of my paternal grandmother and learned that she had passed away during that 10-year period. I also learned that my father has a half-sister living in Kansas. After much thought and consideration about the situation, I decided to call her and gently explore the subject of our relationship. Let me tell you, that was one scary phone call! I don’t think I’ve ever been quite so nervous in my entire life.

Worship Schedule November 2 Pastor Cary

The Secret Ingredient

November 9 Pastor Cary

Causing a Chain Reaction

November 16 Pastor Cary Tranformations

November 23 Pastor Cary The Last Commandment

November 30 Bill Aumack

State of Contentment

After a few phone calls and emails, we were able to confirm the information I had, at which point she said, “I guess that makes me your aunt!” And very shortly thereafter, the invitation was extended to attend the family reunion. I don’t know what to expect when I get there, but because it will be the

here on earth, none of us really know exactly what the heavenly reunion will be like. But one thing is sure. We will all be there, because we have been saved by the grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ. We have all been adopted into the family of God. And we will all have a story about how and when that adop-

culmination of ten years of research, I expect it to be nothing short of amazing.

tion took place. So even though we do not know exactly what to expect when we get to heaven, I do expect that it will be nothing short of amazing! We know that is true, because the Bible promises, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9 NLT). =

You know, that might be a taste of the reunion we look forward to in heaven. Of course, we are planning to be reunited with family and friends we’ve known here on earth. That’s a given. But there will be more! There will be lots and lots of people we’ve never met before. And even though we sometimes get a glimpse of heaven


THE LATEST WORD by Bill Aumack

White Space Before the Father is on hiatus while Linda fights cancer. Your prayers on her behalf are appreciated.

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. -Jesus

If rest is important enough for God to make it a command and promise, I need to seriously consider if I am following his direction in this matter.



or those readers who are unfamiliar with the term white space. It is the portion of a page left unmarked: margins, gutters, and space between columns, lines of type, graphics or pictures. The term arises from graphic design practice, where printing processes generally use white paper. White space should not be considered merely ‘blank’ space — it is an important element of design which enables the objects in it to exist at all; the balance between positive (or nonwhite) and the use of negative spaces (white space) is key to aesthetic composition. Inexpert use of white space, however, can make a page appear incomplete. So white space is an important design element. Instead of being a wasted area, it actually provides visual relief for readers. A similar concept applies to our calendars. How much “white space” do you leave in each little square? With a fast-paced, no-white-space life our relationships can suffer. But when you allow your schedule to slow down, leaving openings for adventure, spontaneity and

down-time, family members can grow closer to one another. Our schedules are so busy, so full of important appointments that sometimes we lose sight of what is really important. I wonder why that is.

We certainly know about the importance of taking a break. It’s so important that God made it one of the 10 Commandments. We know the 4th commandment talks about the importance of taking a break and resting, especially on the Sabbath. Yet sometimes, the Sabbath can be as busy, or even more busy than a regular week day. So we have something we know in our head, but it’s not lived out in our lives. Or in other words, it is not in our heart or our belief system - because we aren’t acting on what we know. But that’s not all. Not only is rest a command,

but it’s a promise from God as well. Matthew 11:28 and 29 state, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find

rest for your souls.” If rest is important enough for God to make it a command and a promise, I need to seriously consider if I am following his direction in this matter. Don’t be afraid of a little white space on your calendar. In fact, actively guard that white space. Keep a little margin in your life. Be thankful for a break and some rest. After, it’s what God has asked you to do. =

November 2013 Taste & Inspiration Sautéed Asian Vegetables with Roasted Almonds


n Genesis 43:11 Israel sends his sons Judah and Benjamin on a return trip to Egypt in an effort to schmooze Pharaoh’s governor for the release of their brother Simeon and also to purchase more food. It seems that due to the famine of that time, Pharaoh was the last source for food. Israel had Judah put some of the best products of the land in their bags and take them to Pharaoh as a gift. One of those products was almonds. Almonds have been a nutritious nut to snack on as well as being used to as a tasty accompaniment to main entrees as well as side dishes like the recipe we submit this month. This is a simple yet healthy dish that has all the ingredients

in their natural state. We hope you enjoy it and continue to encourage you, our church family, to maintain a healthy diet.

Ingredients • 1 small red bell pepper • 1 small orange or yellow bell pepper • 1 head bok choy • 1/4 cup sliced almonds • 3 teaspoons olive oil, divided • 1 teaspoon minced garlic • 1 teaspoon lemon juice

Directions Trim bell peppers, remove seeds, and slice thinly. Trim both ends of bok choy, slice thinly, and

Be sure to keep up with the latest news by signing up for the Wednesday email. You can sign up here or send us an email at DowneyChurch at gmail dot com and we’ll add you.

Pilar & Phillip place in a large bowl of cold water for a few minutes to remove any grit. Remove by handfuls and immerse again in a fresh bowl of cold water. Drain in a colander. Preheat oven to 350°F. Place almonds on a baking sheet and roast for 10 minutes, tossing once or twice. Meanwhile, heat 2 teaspoons olive oil in a large sauté pan or wok. Add pepper and sauté on medium-high heat for 3 minutes. Stir in garlic and continue to sauté for

3 more minutes. Remove and set aside in a mediumsized bowl. Heat remaining 1 teaspoon olive oil in pan. Add washed bok choy and sauté for a minute. Add lemon juice and cover pan, letting bok choy wilt. Return peppers to pan, add roasted almonds, and stir gently before serving.

Enjoy! =


Downey Adventist Church Sunday







1 6:01 pm sunset Visit S.S. – Sabbath School C.S. – Community Service

9:30 am S.S. 10:50 am Worship Pastor Cary Small Group #4

3 pm Pathfinders & Adventurers

7 pm Women’s 7 pm Band Prayer Group Practice







8 4:55 pm sunset

9 9:30 am S.S. 10:50 am Worship Pastor Cary Small Group #5

9 am Pathfinders & Adventurers


7 pm Women’s Prayer Group





8 am Pathfinder Yard Sale

7 pm Band Practice

15 4:50 pm sunset

16 9:30 am S.S. 10:50 am Worship Pastor Cary Small Group #6

7 pm Women’s Prayer Group






7 pm Band Practice

22 4:46 pm sunset

9 am Pathfinders

4 pm Pathfinders & Adventurers Investiture

23 9:30 am S.S. 10:50 am Worship

Pastor Cary Celebration Sabbath 7 pm Church Board



7 pm Women’s Prayer Group




7 pm Band Practice

12:30 pm Fellowship Luncheon

29 4:44 pm sunset

30 9:30 am S.S. 10:50 am Worship Bill Aumack

7 pm Band Practice

November 2013 Stewpot by Gordon Botting, DrPH, CHES


he entrance was dramatic. The preacher was just getting wound up when suddenly, a bed descended through the roof right in front of him. The story unfolds in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 5:17-20). A paralyzed man desired to see Jesus that He might heal him. Unfortunately, he could not push through the crowd at the entrance so his friends came up with a unique plan that gave him a front-row seat in the crammed room that seized the full attention of the Savior for healing and spiritual blessing. What really impressed me about this account is not the theological question that Jesus posed as to whether this man should be made well or have his sins forgiven—it is this individual’s friends. Have you asked yourself if your friends would be willing to not only contrive an incredible way to get you before a famous physician, but actually carry it out? These unnamed individuals were not merely acquaintances but real, genuine friends.

Thanks for Friends This month as we celebrate Thanksgiving Day, it would be fitting to talk about the significance of friendships.

Friend Facts Your circle of friends may look more like a triangle with 500 or more people that you meet at work or at religious or leisure activities. Some move to the center of the triangle and become the ‘core’ acquaintances you know by first name and see on a regular basis. Finally, one to seven of them become ‘intimate’ friends and will emerge at the top of the triangle. These are the friends that Proverbs 18:24 affirms as the ones who stick “closer than a brother.”1 “What is a friend? I’ll tell you. A friend is a person with whom you dare to be yourself. Your soul can go naked with him. He seems to ask you to put on nothing, to be what you really are. When you are

with him, you do not have to be on your guard. You can say what you think, so long as it is genuinely you. He understands those contradictions in your nature that cause others to misjudge you. With him you breathe freely. He understands. You may weep with him, laugh with him, pray with him; and through and underneath all, he sees, knows, and loves you. A friend, I repeat, is one with whom you dare to be yourself!”2 Social psychologist Robert Weiss puts it this way: “One recipe for friendship is the right mixture of commonality and difference. You’ve got enough in common so that you understand each other and enough difference so that there is something to exchange.”

CHARACTERISTICS OF A TRUE FRIEND Some of the characteristics of a true friend include making time for the relationship, always keeping shared secrets and feelings confidential, caring deeply in times of pain, rejoicing over achievements, and remaining faithful and loyal at all times. However, two continued on page 8

“The better part of one’s life consists of his friendships.” –Abraham Lincoln

“Friendship cheers like a sunbeam; charms like a good story; inspires like a great leader; binds like a golden chain; guides like a heavenly vision.” –Newell D. Hillis


THE LATEST WORD Thanks for Friends (cont. from page 7) characteristics stand out: constant and candid.

A True Friend is Constant Far too often when we desperately need friends— whether it is just for a pick-meup after a rough day on the job, or when feeling depressed and lonely, or having a family crisis—they instantly vanish! We call them ‘fair-weather’ friends. They desert us when dark clouds or storms appear on our horizon. A father gave his son this advice: “If you drive an old clunker, you will find out fast who your real buddies are when your vehicle breaks down.” A loyal friend will not leave you in times of trouble. King Solomon wisely writes, “A friend loveth at all times.” (Proverbs 17:17, KJV)3

A True Friend is Candid


Fickle friends flatter and sweet-talk while true friends are always candid about even sensitive situations with honesty and openness. As Proverbs 27:6 (ESV) describes, “Faithful are the wounds (corrections) of a friend; profuse are the kisses (flatteries) of an enemy.” Jesus

was a consummate truthteller. When it came to calling things as they were, He pulled no punches. Jesus was far more concerned about conveying the truth than being considered “nice.”4

likely to live six months after the stroke than subjects who had no support. The earliest study of 5000 residents of Alameda County in California found during their nine-year period of research that those who had the most social connections had less than 50 percent likelihood of death.



Education A research study of over 20,000 high school students concluded that the teens our children hang out with will have the greatest influence on their adolescent classroom performance. They found that youngsters with “more academically-oriented friends” did better over the course of their schooling.5

Health Numerous studies have shown that health and wellness come as a result of having a social network of friends. Yale University’s study of 194 heart attack patients reported that those who had emotional support were three times more

Finance is often the most difficult aspect when it comes to friendship. On the negative side, we hear and read about how seniors have been befriended by unscrupulous individuals who have taken advantage of their trust and milked all their money. However, giving your time, energy, loving concern, and even your possessions and finances to a friend who is in dire need can be a real blessing. In 1 Samuel 18:4, when Jonathan gave his robe, tunic, sword, bow, and belt to his friend, David, he was declaring: “Everything I have is yours. When you have a need I will meet it, you can count on me to help you emotionally and materially.”6

Amazingly, the greatest blessing of friendship is that as long as we live, every day gives us the opportunity to find new friends who will change us, inspire us, and ultimately grow us. As we look to the future with its possibilities of new relationships, remember these words of diarist Anais Nin: “Each friend represents a world within us, a world possibly not born until they arrive and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.”7 =

References: 1 Jeane Zornes, “What Are Friends For?” Christian Women, May/June 1993, pp. 53-55. 2 Aubrey Malphurs, “You Can Count on Me,” Journal Unknown, pp. 4 & 17. 3 Ibid. 4 Robert Crosbey, “I Have Called You Friends,” Discipleship Journal, 2002, p. 53. 5 “Will Johnny Get A’s?” Newsweek, July 8, 1996, p. 72. 6 Charles Stanley, “True Friendship,” Journal Unknown, p. 5. 7 Judith Stone, “You Gotta Have Friends,” Health, December 1986, pp. 33 & 64.

November 2013

Upcoming Events November Birthdays Laura Luna – 3 Sandra Gomez – 3 David Chavez – 4 Juanita Cabrera – 5 Norman Markussen – 6 Kevin Torres – 9 Clarice Murray – 10 Noemi Morales – 10 Esther McPhoy – 10 Mark Pond – 12 Ava Meade – 13 Yolanda Pena – 15 Sammy Ramirez – 15 Melissa Archila – 16 Gustavo Ortega – 17 Alex Chavez - 18 Evelyn Vierna – 20 Araceli Sanchez – 21 Mark Toban – 22 Beverly Kauffman – 24 Flor Munguia – 27 If your birthday is left out in the monthly newsletter, please contact the church office so we can put it in.

Thursdays - 7 p.m. Women’s Prayer Group Fridays - 7:00 p.m. Band Practice Nov 2 - Pathfinders & Adventurers 3pm Nov 3 - Pathfinders & Adventurers 9am Nov 3 - Set Clocks BACK one hour @ 2am Nov 10 - Pathfinder Yard Sale Nov 16 - Pathfinders & Adventurers Induction 4pm Nov 16 - Thanksgiving Food Drive deadline Nov 17 - Pathfinders 9am Nov 23 - Celebration Sabbath Nov 28 - Thanksgiving Day

The Latest Word deadline is the 5th of the month.

Coming Soon Dec 7 - Adventurer Campout Dec 21 - Community Christmas Program


THE LATEST WORD The Latest About

Our Church Family Ray and Linda Fernandez made it to Colorado for a family reunion. Be sure to ask them about it.

to let us know if you have student who is getting good grades so we can celebrate together.

Thank you to everyone who has been saving Box Tops for Education. That is greatly appreciated.

Remember to pray for our small groups as we wrap up this series.

If you have any Church Family news, please contact the church office so we can

Grades are coming up. Please be sure

Celebration Sabbath


ovember 23rd is Celebration Sabbath. We will be celebrating what God has done during our The Big Four Secrets to a Thriving Church Family series and in our small groups. We look forward to hearing from the groups and how God has been working with each group. Additionally, there will be a special offering for Evangelism on the 23rd. This offering helps our church provide more programs and outreach events to our friends and neigh-


get it into the newsletter. =

bors. Please don’t think of this as “fund raising”, but as “Faith Raising.” We desire to help as many people as possible develop a relationship with Jesus. Every celebration needs some good food. Please plan to stay after church for a feast. It will be a time of fellowship and sharing some food. Don’t miss it. =

For the Box Tops for Education, please save the Box Tops coupon. Please give your labels to Linda Aumack. Thank you for your support! =

November 2013


November 2013

Ponder This... = “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” —John F. Kennedy

= “Faith walks simply, childlike, between the darkness of human life and the hope of what is to come.” —Catherine de Hueck Doherty

= “When you are down to nothing, God is up to something!”

Downey-Florence Seventh-day Adventist Church 9820 Lakewood Blvd., Downey CA 90240

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