November 2014 The Latest Word

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For the members, family and friends of the Downey Adventist Church

A Gratitude that is Contagious by Cary Fisher


ovember is here which means that Thanksgiving and Christmas will soon be upon us. For many for us, we are looking forward to all the festivities that come with this time of year. However, this is also the season for a little holiday stress and an unsound splurge on all those holiday delicacies. Be sure to guard your health because we are also in the middle of a flu season which makes quite the combination. You don’t

want to spend your holidays celebrating while sick in bed. We all know how fiercely contagious the flu can be, but there are other things that can spread just as quickly. For example, spend a day just smiling at everyone, and you will see how infectious a smile can be. I am positive that your day will be filled with an abundance of pleasant facial expression turned right back at you. Also,

your overall attitude on life can be equally contagious. If you can live life with a positive perspective, others will join you in your praises. After all the Bible tells us, “Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done” (Psalm 105:1). Let’s be a people of praise and a people that show the world what our awesome God has done for us. Think about how has God blessed you? Even on your worst days, continued on page 1


Every celebration needs some good food.

Full many a blessing wears the guise of worry or of trouble; Far-seeing is the soul, and wise, who knows the mask is double. But he who has the faith and strength to thank his God for sorrow Has found a joy without alloy to gladden every morrow. —Ella Wheeler Wilcox


Celebration Sabbath oin us on Sabbath, November 22 for our Celebration Sabbath. We will be celebrating what God has done during our 6 Weeks of the Book of James series and in our small groups. We look forward to hearing from the groups and how God has been working with each group.

Give Thanks Always

Please plan to stay after church for a feast that will be provided by our small groups and church members. The small groups will each bring some soup and church members will bring crackers, corn bread, finger sandwiches, etc. It will be a time of fellowship and sharing some food. Don’t miss it. =

To 10 List page 3 Thankful for God’s Blessings page 4 Taste & Inspiration on page 5 What’s happening? see pages 6 & 9 Our Church Family page 7 Kid’s Page on page 9

THE LATEST WORD A Gratitude ... (cont. from page 1)


November 22nd Celebration Sabbath - This Sabbath’s worship service caps off the Book of James small group series. Bill Aumack will lead us in a time of testimony to show how powerfully God has lead in each of our small groups. After our worship service, we will close our celebration

with a fellowship dinner. November 29th - Happy is Healthy - For our Thanksgiving Sabbath, we have a message focused on gratitude. Gratitude or thankfulness affects our spirituality, emotions and our physical body as well. After all, the Bible says, “a cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones” (Proverbs 17:22) See you when the church gathers. =

The Latest Word V 26 N 11 BILL AUMACK


spend some time thinking our words can influence November’s about God’s handiwork, others in positive or negaSermon and you undoubtedly tive ways. will be able to see God’s Calendar November 8th miraculous interventions in Submit Yourself to God your life. Remember (James 4:1-17) to, “Give thanks Our culture certainly to the Lord, for he the world is full of idolizes people with is good; his love infectious things that can big celebrity perendures forever “(1 and their Chronicles 16:34). harm us, God’s love and sonalities giant egos; however, goodness can be equally God values a much While the world is full of infectious different characas contagious things that can harm teristic in all of us. us, God’s love and James writes, “humgoodness can be equally as ble yourselves before the November 1st - Using contagious, and is certainly Lord, and he will lift you Your Words (James 3:1worth spreading. If you are up” (James 4:10). This 18) - We are on our fourth a person that is naturally Sabbath will be a message week of our small groups, pessimistic, learning to of putting less emphasis on and this message will be praise the Lord will not ourselves by putting God’s on the power of words. only change your life, but will ahead of our own. James calls our tongues your smile and your gratelike “fire that corrupts the November 15th ful heart can literally have whole body”. As we grow Waiting Upon the Lord a ripple effect that can in Christ, help us see how (James 5:1-19) - We will truly change this world. learn in our final sermon on our Book of James series that Christian maturity comes as we are able to be patient and even rejoice in our sufferings. James says, “as you know, we count as blessed those who have persevered” (James 5:11).

responsible for this

LINDA AUMACK copy editor


paper distribution


address mail to: Downey Seventh-day Adventist Church 9820 Lakewood Blvd. Downey, CA 90240 office: 562.869.6013 fax: 562.622.1691

distributed monthly issue date: Nov. 2014 copyright 1992-2014

November 2014 The Word & You by Linda Bewley


od’s word says, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” Hebrews 12:1-3. I’ve recently decided to make some top ten lists for things that have occurred

Top 10 List in my life. For example, the Happiest Moments, Most Fun Things, Biggest Surprises, Favorite Geeks and Favorite People. I think of new categories all the time, but here are a couple of things on the fun list, in no particular order. A 100-mile bike ride from Lompoc to Oxnard; riding a Segway for the first time in Raleigh, NC; and losing a group of Pathfinders on a 50-mile bike ride while riding in the support van—as well as the hilarious events which ensued in the following months (all of which I’m happy to share if you ask!). On my Biggest Surprises list, I would include things like meeting half-siblings for the first time at age 50. The lists are nowhere near full. In fact, I’m finding it difficult to start the list of my top ten favorite

Worship Schedule Nov. 1 Cary Fisher

Using Your Words

Nov. 8 Cary Fisher

Nov. 22 Bill Aumack

Celebration Sabbath

Submit Yourself to God

Nov. 15 Cary Fisher

Waiting Upon the Lord

Nov. 29 Cary Fisher

Happy is Healthy

people. It isn’t because I don’t know enough people to include. Rather, when I start to think about the people who qualify for that list, I quickly come to realize I will never be able to narrow it to ten people. I’m going to run into a similar situation when I create a list of my top ten favorite people in the Bible. Jesus takes first place, of course! That’s a no brainer. But after that, I don’t know where to start. Do I start with Noah and commend him for the faith it took to build an ark when he must have been the laughing stock of his community? Joseph must belong on the list for the amazing example he gives of someone who was determined to live his life in obedience to God despite the injustice he experienced. Maybe Moses belongs on the list, because God said, “You’re it!” and assigned to him the task of delivering the Israelites from bondage and because he continued to care and intercede for a people who often wanted to stone him. See my problem? That’s four out of ten in the first five books of the Bible! What about Abraham, Joshua, Samuel, Elijah, Elisha, and King David? Then there’s the New Testament to consider. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter and Paul. Each one of these people is a

favorite and helps my faith in different ways. How will I narrow it down? I think the writer of Hebrews may have had a similar problem when describing the heroes of faith in Hebrews Chapter 11. He started out making a list of people who qualify. He commended each as a person of faith, all for different reasons. But finally, in verse 32, he gives up trying to acknowledge everyone. He said he didn’t have time to write about all the rest. But he did tell us that through faith they conquered kingdoms and shut the mouths of lions, they became strong in their weaknesses, and some witnessed loved ones returned from death to life. Some were tortured, flogged and imprisoned. Yet they “were all commended for their faith.” (Hebrews 11:39.) In Chapter 12, the writer calls these people “a cloud of witnesses.” Their lives, stories and examples serve to encourage us to be people of faith and to keep our eyes on Jesus. So here’s a thought. Do you know someone whose faith encourages you to keep your eyes on Jesus and qualifies to be part of that cloud? I know I do. Oh oh, I see another list on the horizon! =


THE LATEST WORD by Alberto Melenciano

In order to accomplish these goals, I had to climb a mountain of obstacles and challenges.

Little did I know that on that day I had gained a guardian angel!


Thankful for God’s Blessings!


ollege students that migrate from third world countries to the United States with the goal to pursue an education face difficulties that at times seem impossible. This is part of my story.

to climate changes (it was freezing! I had never been in cold weather before), education changes, cultural changes and all other changes that come with starting a college education.

I came to the United States with the goal to obtain a degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. That was my dream! To become an Engineer!

My very first challenge was my inability to communicate effectively in the native language. I could understand what others were saying for the most part, but I was not able to put a cohesive sentence together. This created a barrier that at times seemed impossible to climb. But with time, effort, and practice I was able to master the native language.

As a foreign student that did not speak the language and did not fully understand the culture, the decision to pursue this dream put me in a path of hardship, growth, and faith in God’s blessings that I could not have imagined in a million years. You see, in order to accomplish these goals, I had to climb a mountain of obstacles and challenges. A few of those challenges were: • I did not speak the native language at all • My parents could not afford to pay for my tuition • I needed to work to pay for tuition, books, materials, food and housing • College officials wanted me to return back home since there were no guarantees that I could pay for tuition Upon arrival to college I tried my hardest to adjust

My second challenge was to find work. Since I did not have a good dominion of the native language, explaining to people that I needed work was a major problem from the onset. As I tried for weeks to communicate and failed miserably, a little old lady that worked in the records office approached me after seeing me struggle and to my surprise spoke to me in Spanish. I could not believe my ears! I had finally connected with someone that could understand me. She asked me if I could tell her my

story. And this I did per her request. After I was finished relating all the events, from the moment I left home until I got to college, she smiled at me and said that I was brave for pursuing my dreams against all obstacles. She then asked me if I had eaten anything to which I replied by shaking my head. She took me to her home, where I met her husband. She fed me and talked to me about my journey so far. She asked about my goals, my objectives, my beliefs and a number of other topics of interest to her. Little did I know that on that day I had gained a guardian angel! Mrs. Koenig got me a job in the college farm, records office, and student services. She spoke with the college officials about my situation and from that moment they became more helpful. She helped me find a place to live and for six months she provided me with enough cash for food and rent. I am thankful to Mrs. Koenig and to God for his blessing of putting Mrs. Koenig in my path! Because of her open heart and kindness she helped shape my future. =

November 2014 Taste & Inspiration Spinach Shake


or those who weren’t able to attend our Health Fair, here is the spinach shake recipe that was used for the samples during the Health Fair.


Pilar & Phillip

• 3 cups spinach • 2 cups ice • 1/2 banana • 2 tbsp peanut butter (optional) • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder

• 3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk

speed, until completely mixed.


Pour shake into glass and enjoy!

Add all ingredients to blender and blend on high

Enjoy! =

Why Praise God?


n Reflections on the Psalms, C.S. Lewis shared that he was confused and embarrassed by God’s instructions to offer him praise. “We all despise the man who demands continued assurance of his own virtue, intelligence or delightfulness.” But then Lewis thought about great artwork, for which admiration is the only appropriate response. Otherwise, he wrote, “we shall have missed something.”

Lewis concluded that God wants praise not only because it’s right but because we need to do it. Praising God fulfills our highest purpose. As Psalm 33:1 (NIV) says, “It is fitting for the upright to praise him.” —Adapted from Walking With God Through Pain and Suffering, Timothy Keller


Downey Adventist Church Sunday







1 6:00 pm sunset Visit S.S. – Sabbath School C.S. – Community Service

10:50 am Worship Pastor Cary

3 pm Pathfinders/ Adventures




5:30 Fall Party

7 pm Band Practice

7 pm Wed. Fellowship 9 am Pathfinders/ Adventures

9:30 am S.S.



7 4:54 pm sunset

8 9:30 am S.S. 10:50 am Worship Pastor Cary

7 pm Wed. Fellowship




7 pm Band Practice



14 4:49 pm sunset

15 9:30 am S.S. 10:50 am Worship Pastor Cary

7 pm Band Practice

7 pm Wed. Fellowship






3 pm Pathfinders

21 4:46 pm sunset

22 9:30 am S.S. 10:50 am Worship

Bill Aumack Celebration Sabbath 7 pm Wed. Fellowship




7 pm Church Board



7 pm Band Practice

12:30 pm Luncheon

28 4:44 pm sunset

29 9:30 am S.S. 10:50 am Worship Pastor Cary


7 pm Wed. Fellowship

7 pm Band Practice

November 2014

Upcoming Events November Birthdays Laura Luna – 3 Sandra Gomez – 3 David Chavez – 4 Juanita Cabrera – 5 Joe Perez – 5 Norman Markussen – 6 Kevin Torres – 9 Clarice Murray – 10 Noemi Morales – 10 Esther McPhoy – 10 Mark Pond – 12 Ava Meade – 13 Yolanda Pena – 15 Sammy Ramirez – 15 Melissa Archila – 16 Gustavo Ortega – 17 Alex Chavez - 18 Evelyn Vierna – 20 Mark Toban – 22 Beverly Kauffman – 24 Flor Munguia – 27

Wednesday - 7 p.m. Wed. Night Fellowship Fridays - 7:00 p.m. Band Practice Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov.

If your birthday is left out in the monthly newsletter, please contact the church office so we can put it in.

Be sure to keep up with the latest news by signing up for the Wednesday email. You can sign up here or send us an email at DowneyChurch at gmail dot com and we’ll add you.

1 - Pathfinders / Adventurers @ 3pm 1 - Fall Party @ 5:30pm 2 - Pathfinders / Adventurers @ 9am 2 - SGA Fall Festival @ 10-4pm 9 - AUS Fall Festival @ 10-4pm 18 - Pathfinders @ 3pm 22 - Celebration Sabbath 22 - Fellowship Luncheon @ 12:30pm 23 - Yard Sale 27 - Thanksgiving

The Latest Word deadline is the 5th of the month.

Coming Soon Dec 22 - Christmas Program Jan 2 - Agape Feast Communion


THE LATEST WORD The Latest About

Our Church Family Ask Victoria Z or Ethan M about their recent mission trip to Utah with San Gabriel Academy.

Remember to set your clocks BACK one hour Saturday night/Sunday morning on November 2nd.

Sammy Nicholas Ramirez was dedicated on Oct 18th. Be sure to congratulate his proud parents.

Are you wanting to be involved in ministry at the church? We have some needs of ministry positions that need to be

filled. If you’re interested in helping, please see Pastor Cary or Bill. Thanks. If you have any Church Family news, please contact the church office so we can get it into the newsletter. =

Thank you to everyone who has been saving Box Tops for Education. That is greatly appreciated. For the Box Tops for Education, please save the Box Tops coupon. Please give your labels to Linda Aumack. Thank you for your support! =

Fall Party Game Night


ur Fall Party is Saturday, November 1st at 5:30pm. This year we will be doing something a bit different. We are still going to have a time of worship and some awesome food to eat, but this time we’ll be playing some board games. There will still be a few group games to bring us all together. So watch for food signups in the foyer and find


your favorite board game to play. Remember, one of the main purposes of the Fall Party is to invite a friend. This is a great opportunity to show a friend that it’s ok to be part of a church family. Sign up to bring some food, find a fun game or two and invite a friend. You don’t want to miss this! =

Something’s Fishy


n her blog “Tales of Wonder,” Marlo Schalesky writes about the short-lived goldfish her family has accumulated over the years. When her daughter brought two more home, Schalesky tried to lower her expectations: “Fish like this don’t live that long.” Yet those particular fish thrived — one lived five years! Schalesky figured their well water must have been purer than the city water their previous pets inhabited. People are like fish that way, Schalesky suggests:

What surrounds us has power over us. Constantly “swimming” in negativity and impure thoughts hinders our growth and well-being. Yet if we seek Christ-like surroundings, we’ll thrive spiritually. “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things” (Philippians 4:8, NIV). =

November 2014


November 2014

Ponder This... = “The foremost quality of a trusting disciple is gratefulness.” —Brennan Manning, Ruthless Trust

= “I am not a saint, unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps on trying.” —Nelson Mandela

Downey-Florence Seventh-day Adventist Church 9820 Lakewood Blvd., Downey CA 90240

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