Oct 2010 The Latest Word

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For the members, family and friends of the Downey Adventist Church

Contagious Christian

Pass It On

by Pastor Mitch


ello everyone, we’re back from our Sabbatical. For the most part, our Sabbatical was filled with grandkids and planning new adventures. However, as many of you know, I suffered a heart attack in August which required us to change our plans and focus on regaining my health. We thank God that there was no damage to my heart. Thanks to each of you for your prayers, cards, emails and phone messages. Your love and concern encouraged us. Ginny and I feel blessed to

be your pastors. We love each of you and you are in our prayers. We’re looking forward to our first Sabbath back when we’ll celebrate Communion with you on October 2. I can’t think of a more beautiful service to continue our ministry once again at the Downey Church. Communion is the day of new beginnings and personal renewal in the Lord. The foot washing service, prior to taking the Bread and the Cup, is the opportunity of confessing to

the Lord and to one another our failings. As we gather with family members, it’s the moment to say “sorry” and seek the forgiveness of those closest to us. The Bread and the Cup represent the body and blood of our Lord. The spiritual supper brings us renewal and opens doors to growth in the Lord. Communion is the Lord’s assurance we’re not traveling life’s journey alone. On October 9, we start the 6 Weeks of Contagious Christian’s small groups’ continued on page 2

Pass on the word of encouragement in an honest compliment .... Pass on the look of encouragement in a generous smile .... Pass on the touch of encouragement in a hearty handshake .... Pass on the kindness of encouragement in a thoughtful deed .... And let the encouragement of Christ flow through you.

INSIDE Imagine That on page 3

Becoming a Contagious Christian

Love ... Goes the Extra Mile on page 4


Ginny’s Kitchen on page 5

t’s not to late join a Small Group. They are just starting to meet for our new series called Becoming a Contagious Christian. This 6 week series by Lee Strobel & Bill Hybels will help us understand how to share our faith in a style that works for you. The emphasis is on natural approaches that work over time to bring family members, friends, coworkers and neighbors to the point of trusting in Christ.

If you are not currently in a small group, please sign up in the foyer at church. This series with it’s book and video vignettes will help us all learn how to communicate better. You won’t want to miss out on this. If you’d like to host a small group, please talk to Bill and let him know. Thanks. =

What’s happening? see pages 6 & 9 Hand Out or Hand Up is on page 7 Our Church Family page 10 Kid’s Page on page 11

THE LATEST WORD Pathfinders are Coming (cont. from page 1)


It just so happens that the one conversion was a demon possessed man. After healing him, Jesus sent the man away to share with his family how much he had done for him. Those who’ve read the passage in Mark 5 are familiar with Christ’s response to the healed man. However, some may not be aware how the Lord clarified precisely what the healed man would say. What the Lord added to the healed man’s Godstory was exactly what we

and our neighbors need to hear today. Come and hear what the Lord said to the man and why it’s significant today. The title of the message on October 23 is Contagious Relationships. Over the years, I’ve read the New Testament many times. And I’m always surprised by the Lord’s new instructions on those parts of scripture that seem so familiar. The narrative of the calling of Matthew to follow Jesus as his disciple is the case in point. “As he walked along, he saw Levi son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,” Jesus told him, and Levi got up continued on page 5 The Latest Word V 22 N 10 BILL AUMACK


campaign. God wants to table in the foyer with the of us shares his goodness use us to impact the spiriContagious Christian sign with those around us. The tual lives of our friends or contact the office. Lord is proud of us when and family. The Bible we share our love for him The message on says, “... go and in our own words. make disciples of all Bring some friends nations, baptizing to this service and During the 6 Weeks of them in the name of they will leave Contagious Christian small encouraged. the Father and of the groups, you’ll learn to natuSon and of the Holy The message on Spirit, and teaching rally and effectively commu- October 16 answers them to obey everynicate your faith to people the foundational reathing I have comsons we shy away you know. manded you” (Matt from sharing our 28:19-20, NIV). faith. The message During the 6 Weeks October 9 is called is called A Contagious of Contagious Christian A Contagious Faith. Heart. Jesus traveled with small groups, you’ll learn Beloved, we’re living in his disciples to a region to naturally and effectively the end of time and Jesus of 10 non-Jewish cities. communicate your faith is coming soon. Now is After that long journey, to people you know. It’s the time for each of us to he might have been disapan adventure you won’t resist our enemy’s tempta- pointed for only one life want to miss! To find out tions that your God-story was changed. Some might more or to register for a is unimportant. The conclude that the whole small group, stop by the Lord’s plan is that each adventure was a waste of time for even the town’s people became irate and asked him to leave. Yet, one changed life can change everything.

responsible for this

LINDA AUMACK proof reading


paper distribution


address mail to: Downey Seventh-day Adventist Church 9820 Lakewood Blvd. Downey, CA 90240 office: 562.869.6013 fax: 562.622.1691

downeychurch@gmail.com www.downeychurch.com

distributed monthly issue date: Oct. 2010 copyright 1992-2010

October 2010 God, Webster & You by Linda Bewley


ebster says “conceive” means “to take into one’s mind ... to form a conception of: IMAGINE ... to apprehend by reason or imagination” (Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary).


od says “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit” (1 Corinthians 2:9-10 NIV). As I write this, I am planning to leave town for a few days. In fact, I’ll be on the road in less than two hours. There is something about the anticipation of a trip that I always enjoy perhaps even more than the trip itself. Maybe it is the ability to

Imagine That daydream or imagine the possibility of good things to come or maybe it is the thought of leaving behind my cares and responsibilities for a time. Even so, there is one aspect I always dread. I dislike packing. I may want to leave all my responsibilities behind me, but for some reason I want to take everything else with me—everything except the kitchen sink, as they used to say. Why is that?! No matter the trip, when I get back home, I inevitably find that I took far too much of everything and promise myself I’ll never do that again. Yeah, right!

Worship Schedule October 2 Mitch Williams Communion

October 9 Mitch Williams

A Contagious Faith

October 16 Mitch Williams

A Contagious Heart

October 23 Mitch Williams Contagious Relationships

October 30 Mitch Williams

Contagious Stories

I know that promise is going nowhere. This causes me to think about the trip to heaven we will all make when Jesus comes again. While we are here waiting for His return, our lives are packed with plenty of cares and responsibilities,

some of which are within our control and some are not. Even though we are promised God’s guidance and help each day, I’m guessing there are times when we are all overwhelmed with the issues we face. I know I am. I wonder if it is because we want to hold onto everything, do everything or control everything. I’ve never tried to lift or hold a kitchen sink before, but I imagine it may be quite heavy. So is the weight of what we carry around. Maybe it’s the weight of trying to bear our own sin, the heaviness of carrying our own worries and

anxieties or the struggle to maintain our own positions about everything rather than surrendering to God. Who knows? But that’s what I like about God’s word. No matter what the issue, you will always find just the right solution when you

prayerfully pick up the Bible. I was reminded of that while reading chapter 12 of Hebrews this morning. In just 29 verses, there is enough good advice to address almost anything. And maybe it’s summed up in verse 2. “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.” No matter where you travel, it’s always good to be home again. I suspect that will never be more true than when Jesus comes to take us to heaven. That will definitely be HOME, SWEET HOME! =


THE LATEST WORD Before the Father by Linda Fernandez

Love ... Goes the Extra Mile

O ... love is kind ... 1 Cor. 13:4

At first I thought I was simply fulfilling our obligation to make an appearance ...


ver the summer I attended numerous graduations. In fact every weekend and some weekdays found me traveling to one place or another. Not only me, but thousands like me as we poured into huge stadiums and arenas or quietly found a seat in a nearby church for graduation ceremonies honoring those having mastered kindergarten to advanced degrees. At first I thought I was simply fulfilling our obligation to make an appearance at each function, but a couple of times that idea was so completely torn from my head that I had to stop and think about some of the other things I do, why I do them and how they are seen by others. My husband, Ray usually does not venture far from home. In fact, when the grandchildren were small they used to say… ”Papa doesn’t go far places.” Indeed, when it was time to visit museums or various other attractions, it would be Nana and the kids heading out to see the world. Even for most of the graduation ceremonies, I would make the appearance for the both of us. But a couple of occasions

stand out this year as significant. One of our nieces is married to a wonderful young man who is going through training to be an astronaut. One of the rungs of this incredible ladder is to become a test pilot. When it came

time to complete this part of his journey and graduate, he was only going to invite his parents. His wife suggested he invite other family members and friends. He couldn’t believe others would be interested, but sent out the invitations anyway. I, along with others, was totally shocked when my husband said he planned to make the trip with me as it involved not only traveling but staying away from home for a day or two.

When our niece explained her great joy at his coming and told her husband about her legendary hermit uncle, he was so touched. But it wasn’t just my husband; some of his friends traveled from other states and changed previous plans to be there to congratulate him. He had the additional honor of having the most people in attendance at the affair. He simply could not get over it. Many of the other graduating youngsters were probably too young to be seriously grateful for those who chose to support them, but hearing the comments of their appreciative parents can be so heartwarming. Hopefully in years to come, each graduate will think back on those who attended graduations, confirmations, weddings and the like and say, “I had a kind person like that in my life.” Let’s pray… Father: Help us be willing to make that extra gesture of kindness to share your love with others in our daily lives. =

October 2010 From Ginny’s Kitchen Lemon Meringue Pie Favorite pie crust recipe or frozen pie dough /premade 2/3 cups + 3 T. of Agave Nectar 1 cup water 6 T. cornstarch 1/3 cup fresh lemon juice 1 egg yolk, slightly beaten 1 T. grated lemon peel 2 T. butter Meringue Topping: 4 large egg whites only 1/4 teaspoon of cream of tartar 1/2 cup white CH sugar Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Prepare pie crust & flute edges & pierce shell. Bake for l0 minutes

or until brown at 450 deg.

Meringue Prep:

Filling: In a microwave bowl, combine Agave and cornstarch, stir and add water and fresh lemon juice. Stir and bring to a boil in microwave for 1 minute. Stir again. Carefully add a little at a time and whisk the egg yolk into the Agave, lemon and cornstarch. Stir constantly. Microwave for one more minute and then stir. Stir in the butter and grated lemon. Add butter until blended and melted. Pour into pie shell and cover with Saran wrap.

Beat egg whites and add cream of tartar with electric mixer on high speed. Gradually add 1 T. of sugar at a time until sugar is blended and stiff peaks are made. Remove Saran wrap from pie crust and filling. Spread meringue over lemon pie filling. Cover from from edge to edge. Bake 325 degree for 25 minutes. Cool on rack. =

Contagious Christian (from page 2) and followed him” (Mark 2:14, NIV). Have you ever walked up to someone and said, “Why don’t you follow Jesus?” Most would respond with a very enthusiastic “no.” Yet, our Lord walked up to Matthew and the first thing he says is “follow me.” Often, we’re so shy about sharing our faith, we feel it takes just the right moment to share our God-story and that is true. However, we need to ask ourselves who determines the “precise” time to share our faith? Is it up to us to know when to share or is there a better way.

This message will knock your socks off and set your mind at ease when it comes to when you should share your faith. The final message on October 30 is Contagious Stories. Real-life stories can be powerful. They can change minds, touch hearts, and impact lives. They can even reshape societies and redirect history. Take, for example, the story of the hard-living, liquor-slogging, vulgarityspewing captain of a slave ship in the 1700s who in the midst of a terrible

storm cried out to God for deliverance from the wind and waves—and mercifully received it. His name was John Newton, and he later told of how that experience was used by God to dramatically reorient his entire life and perspective, including his views on slavery. His story and experiences became key influences in the life of William Wilberforce who, decades later, succeeded in abolishing the slave trade in the entire British Empire.

to tell. Not just those of us with dramatic details, but all of us with ordinary stories of life-change. Our God-stories can be absolutely contagious in their influence and impact! That’s why the Bible is so adamant in 1 Peter 3:15 about our need to “always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” This message will aid you in thinking about your God-story and how to share it with others.

All of us, if we’re genuine followers of Jesus, have an important story

See you when the church gathers. =


Downey Adventist Church Sunday







1 6:38 pm sunset


9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Mitch Williams

Visit www.downeychurch.org C.S. - Community Service S.S. - Sabbath School



6:30 pm Band Practice




8 6:29 pm sunset

9 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Mitch Williams





7 pm Women’s Prayer Group

6:30 pm Band Practice


15 6:20 pm sunset

10 AM C.S.


16 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Mitch Williams




7 pm Women’s Prayer Group

6:30 pm Band Practice


22 6:11 pm sunset

23 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Mitch Williams





7 pm Women’s Prayer Group

6:30 pm Band Practice


29 6:04 pm sunset

30 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Mitch Williams


7 pm Women’s Prayer Group

6:30 pm Band Practice

5:30 PM Fall Party

October 2010 Stewpot by Gordon Botting, DrPH, CHES


t has been said that if the world were shrunk to a village of 100 people, 70 would be illiterate, 80 would live in substandard housing, 50 would suffer malnutrition, and 6 (all from the United States) would possess 59% of the entire village’s wealth. Or using the entire human population: 30,000 children die every 24 hours of preventable diseases, 800 million people are malnourished, 1 billion cannot gain access to fresh water, 8 million are refugees from civil wars, and 15 million children are orphans from the scourge of AIDS. This is the picture of international poverty. Are there any solutions?

Answer to International Poverty We all know it is far better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish. Handouts in third world countries continue to keep families in the bondage of poverty. However, in 2002 students

Hand Out or Hand Up at La Sierra University designed a Students In Free Enterprise (SIFE) Project as a part of several international micro-loan projects in the village of Karandi, India. Twenty families each received a cow they could use to produce milk for themselves and sell to generate income. The cow loan is repaid in full with the birth of the first female calf, which is then given to another needy family. Also, members of the University of Ghana SIFE taught the Kpomkpo villagers to make soap from local natural resources, thus developing a soap business. Before, the participant’s salary was just under $2 per month but with their new soap business that salary grew to over $20 monthly. When visiting Mozambique in Africa as a part of the Maranatha International Church construction project, I discovered not only have 800 churches been built, but the blessings of these buildings carry on in other ways. Over 80% of the people are illiterate so during the week these striking red brick buildings become learning centers for the local villages. Like

the little red school houses of 19th century America, the citizens learn to read and write. These houses of worship have also become gathering places for the distribution of food, clothing, medicine and vitamin supplements. Another blessing is that these churches not only present the Good News and Jesus as the Water of Life, but a newly-dug well now provides fresh, flowing water for these rural communities. Now, what about the American poor?

Who are the American poor? There is no conclusive definition of “poor” in the United States. Some would define it due to their net worth or range-ofincome. The Agriculture Department estimates the cost of a bare-bone-butadequate-diet and multiplies it by three. This figure is adjusted annually for inflation.1 The latest poverty threshold is $21,834 for a four-member family with two children under the age of eighteen. Interestingly, of those families defined as living below the poverty line, 91% have microwaves, 79% have air-conditioning and nearly 50% have cell phones.2 Poverty continued on page 8

“Poverty often deprives a man of all spirit and virtue; it is hard for an empty bag to stand upright,” —Benjamin Franklin

“The great thing about serving the poor is that there is no competition.” —Eugene Rivers

“Let the members of poor households be taught how to cook, how to make and mend their own clothing, how to nurse the sick, how to care properly for the home.” Adventist Home, p. 485


THE LATEST WORD Hand Out or Hand Up (cont. from page 7) can also be defined as a societal phenomenon or an attitude that fosters self-defeating behaviors such as bad work habits, little to no education and dysfunctional family lifestyles. Chiefly noted are the teenage unwanted pregnancies as well as the wide-range of addictions from alcohol and drugs to aberrant behaviors.


Finally, some poverty is the result of misfortune like large companies downsizing or rising medical debts due to accidents or disabilities.3 It is the author’s observation that in developed countries the best solutions for the poor are simple and practical. Relief and development agencies inform us that if we don’t begin to partner with those who are destitute and disadvantaged, the above mentioned statistics will remain overpowering for the next fifty years. The key is to find an integrated, practical and effective approach to working toward the eradication of the American poor. Here are a few effective practical and realistic procedures.

Answer to Domestic Poverty In his book The Age of Abundance, author Brink Lindsey describes the difference between the desperate poor and the blissful rich in order to contrast long-term consequences. Often people find themselves underprivileged and destitute because they are persistently and desperately working just to provide food, shelter and/ or schooling for their families. One solution could be to NOT buy their groceries at the local corner convenience store but to walk a few more blocks and purchase their essentials at a supermarket where limited finances go further. The poor often do not have the opportunity to learn how to prepare simple, inexpensive home cooked meals verses grabbing the fast food snack. If all our Adventist Community Service (ACS) centers would let their clients choose their provisions from the different food groups, using colors to identify them, such as vegetables from the shelves marked in green, fruits

from the ledge marked in red, whole-grain foods from the brown shelf, etc., they would be learning about nutrition and wellbalanced meals instead of just picking up the presorted bags from their local food bank. (Some ACS centers have been using this teaching opportunity with success). Another way to assist America’s growing poor, particularly as more families fall into the homeless faction because of job loss and foreclosures, is to spotlight iolving the root-causes of these societal irregularities rather than affixing the easy, surface bandage. In an article entitled, Abolishing Homelessness In Ten Years, Philip Mangano asserts, “We [must] reframe the issue in business and economic terms. For example, the cost to maintain a homeless person is more expensive than solving the homeless crisis. Should I spend $35,000—$150,000 per year on emergency rooms, police, fire, public defenders, for a chronically homeless person or, would it be better to spend $13,000—$25,000 on housing, thus creating stability for the person?” 4

The Bottom Line Just giving aid to the less fortunate is not enough, but “partnering with the poor” could result in the elimination of poverty in this country and around the world. Ellen White informs us that “Christ came to this earth to walk and work among the poor and suffering. They received the greatest share of His attention.” Call to Medical Evangelism and Health Education, p. 23. Today in your Sabbath School class, around your dinner table or in your churches’ small groups, discuss and plan practical initiatives that you and your church family can do to tend to your area’s poor because Ellen White continues, “And today, in the person of His children, He visits the poor and needy, relieving woe and alleviating suffering, “ibid, p. 23, emphasis supplied. = References: 1. Ric Edelman, The Truth About Money, Rodale, 2004, pages 39-40 2. Robert J. Samuelson, Defining Poverty Up, Newsweek, June 7, 2010, page 23 3. Daniel Gross, Today’s Culture of Poverty, Newsweek, April 7, 2008, page 18 4. Philip Mangano, Abolishing Homelessness In Ten Years, Christianity Today, May 2009, pages 52-53.

October 2010


October Birthdays

Mario Rodriguez – 3 Denise Macias – 7 Jay P. Weaver – 9 Evan Aumack – 10 Martha Guerrero Patino - 12 Virginia Duarte – 12 Natalie Michel – 12 Evelyn Garcia – 17 Annie Mendez – 23 Kahlil Meade – 24 Victor Acuna, Jr. – 31

Upcoming Events 2nd Sunday - 10 a.m. Community Service Thursdays - 7 p.m. Women’s Prayer Group Fridays - 6:30 p.m. Band Practice October 2 - Communion October 9 - Small Groups Series “Contagious Christian” October 30 - Fall Party, 5:30 PM

If your birthday is left out in the monthly newsletter, please contact the church office so we can put it in.

The Latest Word deadline is the 5th of the month.

If you are looking for a new, fun way to read The Latest Word online, be sure to check out the newest format at http:// issuu.com/downeychurch. Same great content in a richer environment. Be sure to check out all the reading modes. As usual, you can still get read it at our website at www.downeychurch.org.

Coming Soon Nov Nov Dec Dec

7 - Daylight Savings Ends 20 - Celebration Sabbath 4 - Kid’s Sabbath 25 - Christmas Program


THE LATEST WORD The Latest About

Our Church Family It was good to see Patricia Jackson back from Belieze. They are still working on the adoption. Please pray for all those involved. Congratulations to Annie Mendez. She has a new job teaching 4th grade. Remember to pray for our students who are headed to college and

graduate school this fall. We sorrowfully report the passing of Javon Toban. Please remember Mark and Margarette in your prayers during this difficult time.

Each small group will plan two games to lead out at the Fall Party. We need games for all age groups, from 3 to 100.

If you have any Church Family news, please contact the church office so we can get it into the newsletter. =

For the Box Tops for Education, please save the Box Tops coupon.

Pathfinders We will also be havingsome good food! So bring your games and bring some food to share and we will have a great time. =


ur Pathfinder club is getting started. Edwin Morales is the director. Celene Aispuro and Tomas Aispuro are the secretary and deputy director, respectively. All students who are 10 years old or in the 5th grade are encouraged to sign up. Watch at church during the month of September for sign ups. Be sure to have your children invite their friends and classmates as well. If you would be willing to help with the


On the Campbell Soup labels, all that is really needed is the UPC (the bar code). You don’t have to save the entire label, just the UPC bar code.

Please give your labels to Linda Aumack. Thank you for your support! =

The band is in the studio working on the

Fall Party Autumn is here and that means one thing - the Downey Adventist Church 4th Annual Fall Party. The Fall Party is October 30th at 5:30 p.m.

CD. Thanks to everyone who supported the yard sale and helped fund the project.

Thank you to everyone who has been saving Campbell Soup Labels for education and Box Tops for Education. That is greatly appreciated.

Pathfinder club, please talk to Edwin. There are lots of opportunities to make a difference. Some full-time, some part-time. You can make a difference for the youth. =

October 2010


October 2010

Ponder This... = “Spirituality is attention to the life of the Spirit in us. It is contemplating the unspeakable beauty of our loving God.” -Henri Nouwen = “What is more unwise than to mistake uncertainty for certainty, falsehood for truth?” -Cicero = “The devil is easy to identify. He appears when you’re terribly tired and makes a very reasonable request which you know you shouldn’t grant.” -Fiorello La Guardia

Downey-Florence Seventh-day Adventist Church 9820 Lakewood Blvd., Downey CA 90240

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