For the members, family and friends of the Downey Adventist Church
Standing Together through Small Groups by Cary Fisher
ow! What a great summer we’ve had at the Downey Adventist Church. For instance, our “Parking Lot Party” may have been my favorite church social that I have ever been too. However, now that summer has past, we are entering into a very active Fall season for our church. In October, we are starting a new small groups series and I encourage all of you to try to join one of
our groups. The theme of our series will be centered around the book called The Big Four Secrets to a Thriving Church Family by Joseph Kidder. We basically will be learning about four essential attributes of a successful church congregation, and hopefully, we will also grow in Christ as we see our own individual roles as it relates to God’s church.
While Downey Church has been doing small groups for quite of few years, maybe you have never been in a group. You might be asking yourself “why is it important to be in a small group”? Well, that was how Jesus worked. He had only three and a half years to let the world know that He was the Son of God, so He did this by teaching a small group of followers called his discicontinued on page 2
Pass on the word of encouragement in an honest compliment .... Pass on the look of encouragement in a generous smile .... Pass on the touch of encouragement in a hearty handshake .... Pass on the kindness of encouragement in a thoughtful deed .... And let the encouragement of Christ flow through you.
Small Groups oin a small group as we read the book The Big Four Secrets to a Thriving Church Family by Joseph Kidder. This book will help us grow into a church family that is focused on bringing people to the Lord. You will want to be a
Pass It On
Acts of God page 3 No Pink Slips page 4
part of this. The small groups start on Oct 12th and run through November 16th. Celebration Sabbath will be on November 23rd. Sign up sheets for the groups are in the foyer. =
Taste & Inspiration on page 5 What’s happening? see pages 6 & 9 Developing a Saver’s Attitude on page 7 Our Church Family page 10 Kid’s Page on page 11
THE LATEST WORD Standing Together through Small Groups (cont. from pg 1) give us a way to stay more connected as a church and another opportunity to be
“Depending on Each Other”. That Sabbath, we will consecrate the difSecondly, what are ferent small groups small groups? 1) with prayer, and Small groups are a we will discuss time for connecting Why is it important why it is essential with others. 2) They each one of us can become very to be in a small group? for to be connected effective ways of Well, that was how with other believlearning about God, ers. On October Jesus worked. 3) They will help 12th, my sermon is you to participate in titled “Crossfit our ministry. 4) Lastly, Church”. We will small groups are about moved by the Holy Spirit. reflect on what makes a witnessing the power of church community healthy prayer as we share with Along with our small and how to keep a church each other our life experigroups, all of my sermons spiritually fit. My October ences. In reality, we all in October will follow 19th sermon will be called need more than a weekly along with the topics of “Servant Leaders”. We our groups. October 5th worship service to truly will spend time on how grow into the followers of will actually be our small Jesus led his people by God that Jesus wants us groups “kickoff” weekcaring for their needs. to be, and small groups end with a sermon titled Jesus was the quintessential servant leader, and hopefully, we can all model after Him as we impact the world as servant leaders. On the 26th, my sermon will be titled “Passionate Sincerity”. This sermon will ask the question, “are we truly passionate about being led by the Holy Spirit?” Do we truly thirst for God’s righteousness or are we comfortable with a type of relationship with God as long as it is convenient for us?
Let me finish by saying that I am personally excited about the journey that we are about to take as a church in our small groups, and I pray that all of us can be a part of that journey together. See you when the church gathers. =
The Latest Word V 25 N 10 BILL AUMACK
ples. His message spread from there.
responsible for this
LINDA AUMACK copy editor
HATZUKO AISPURO paper distribution
address mail to: Downey Seventh-day Adventist Church 9820 Lakewood Blvd. Downey, CA 90240 office: 562.869.6013 fax: 562.622.1691
distributed monthly issue date: Oct 2013 copyright 1992-2013
October 2013 The Word & You by Linda Bewley
od’s word says, “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have” (1 Peter 3:15).
How many of you like spiders? I don’t know many people who do. Even though I dislike spiders, I also dislike killing them. So I find myself in a state of conflict when I find one in my house. Particularly if it’s a small one, like the one I discovered this morning. I really couldn’t bring myself to kill it and decided to cap-
Acts of God ture it and put it outside. Have you ever tried to catch an insect in order to set it free? It’s not an easy task. When you try to scoop it up or get it to crawl onto a piece of paper or cardboard, it runs away. Obviously the little creature is just trying to protect itself. It would be so much easier if you could make the insect understand that you are not trying to kill, but to save.
world, the suffering and chaos and believe that it is all from God, just like the insurance policies that describe catastrophes as “acts of God.” In that state of mind, we might become convinced that God is out to get us rather than help us, that he is full of hate and vengeance rather than love. And that’s exactly what our enemy would love for the world to believe, isn’t it?
That scenario made me think about us. It made me stop and wonder whether we sometimes feel that way about God. Until we’ve come to know Christ as our Savior, chances are we’ve heard and accepted for fact the lies that Satan has told. Perhaps we look at the
But that’s where God’s people come in. “You will be my witnesses,” Jesus said to the disciples before ascending to heaven (Acts 1:8). They were to tell people that Jesus, who had been crucified, was raised to life again, a proof like no other of the power of God. We can do the same, but it doesn’t stop there. We can set the record straight by telling people the truth about God and by declaring God’s goodness and trustworthiness. Sometimes it’s not easy to tell others about a God who loves them so much he died for them. Perhaps we’re afraid they will act like the spider I captured. We’re afraid
Worship Schedule October 5 Pastor Cary
October 19 Pastor Cary
Depending on Each Other
Servant Leaders
October 12 Pastor Cary
October 26 Pastor Cary
Crossfit our Church
Passionate Sincerity
they will run, choose not to listen or flat out call us crazy. Thankfully, Jesus does not expect us to speak to others about him by our own power. He said, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you. . . .” (Acts 1:8) With the Holy Spirit’s help and power, we can have courage to speak about God when given the opportunity. I think I need to take to
heart Paul’s instructions to the Colossians: “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders, make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” =
THE LATEST WORD by Bill Aumack
No Pink Slips Before the Father is on hiatus while Linda fights cancer. Your prayers on her behalf are appreciated.
“Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” Mark 5:19 (NIV)
Don’t hold back for the fear of failure. Serve the Lord boldly.
omeone once asked IBM founder Thomas Watson if he would fire an employee who made a mistake that cost the company $60,000. To the questioner’s surprise, Watson replied, “Why would I fire someone in whom I’ve invested $60,000 in training?” We would all be blessed to have such understanding bosses. Neither will God “fire” or in any way dismiss us for our mistakes and failures. He has invested far too much — even his own Son’s life! — in each of us for that. Yet often times we act in a such a fearful manner. It’s almost like we are afraid that we’ll be “fired.” Sometimes we’re afraid during worship. We don’t want to clap or raise our hands or express any form of worship with our bodies. We’re afraid to move and to be expressive. Sometimes we’re afraid when it is time to sign up for small groups. We are unsure what might happen, so we imagine the worst and we deprive ourselves of wonderful experience.
Sometimes we’re afraid when someone asks us to help with a ministry at church. We don’t think we are capable, or we don’t think we have the time, or we aren’t sure if we are good enough to help out. We might feel that we don’t know what we are doing. Or that we didn’t go to seminary so we don’t have all the answers. We’re afraid to help in Sabbath School because someone might ask a question that we don’t know the answer to. It seems like there is a thousand reasons to why we can’t help out. I can’t help but think of the story of the demon possessed man in Mark chapter 5. Jesus casts out the legion of demons that possessed him into a herd of pigs that then kill themselves. The locals are completely freaked out and maybe worried that Jesus is going to cost them more money, so they ask him to leave. Naturally he complies and the man who is now free from the demons begs to go with Jesus. But Jesus tells him no. Instead he should tell everyone what God done for him. So the man does it and goes the Decapolis (that is the area of the 10 cities) and tells people what God has done for him.
This is amazing to me. This man doesn’t know very much about Jesus. He didn’t study at the University. He’s not well educated. He doesn’t have a lot of experience in his Christian walk. He’s has none of the training or experience we would want to be a missionary, yet this man does what Jesus asks. Later Jesus comes back to this region and the people are more receptive to him, probably in part to this man’s efforts to tell his story of redemption.
If he could step up and do something for Jesus, why can’t we? I don’t think service for the Lord has to do with how much you know, it’s more about how much you love. Don’t hold back for fear of failure. Serve the Lord boldly. Try something new for the sake of the Gospel, and when you make a mistake, bring it honestly to God in prayer. God’s not going to fire you. He loves us all. He will continue to help us to grow and develop in love and service. =
October 2013 Taste & Inspiration Quick and Easy Bean Salad
n Ezekiel 4:9, God tells Ezekiel (and I’m paraphrasing), to “take wheat, beans, barley and lentils, millet and spelt (there’s that ol’ spelt again! Remember, an ancient wheat!) and put them in a storage jar and use them to make bread...” I’m certainly curious to learn how that tasted, not to mention what the preparation was. This month’s recipe is very simple AND tasty. It contains various beans along with some other very flavorful vegetables. It tastes even better the next day after sitting in the fridge overnight. We encourage you, our church family, to join us in promoting a healthy diet.
1 (15 ounce) can of black beans, thoroughly rinsed, and drained (or 1 ½ cup of freshly cooked black beans) 1 (15 ounce) can of garbanzo beans, thoroughly rinsed, and drained (or 1 ½ cup of freshly cooked garbanzo beans) 1 (15 ounce) can of kidney beans, thoroughly rinsed, and drained (or 1 ½ cup of freshly cooked kidney beans)
Pilar & Phillip and drained (or 1 ½ cup of freshly cooked pinto beans) 1/2 cup fresh chopped cilantro 1/2 cup chopped red onion 1 cup fresh plum tomatoes chopped ¼ cup Italian dressing 2 Tbsp. lime juice (about the amount of juice from one lime)
Directions: In bowl, combine all ingredients and gently toss. Allow to chill before serving. Bean salad can be garnished with fresh avocado and served with your favorite crackers. Enjoy! =
Salt and pepper to taste 1 (15 ounce) can of pinto beans, thoroughly rinsed,
Be sure to keep up with the latest news by signing up for the Wednesday email. You can sign up here or send us an email at DowneyChurch at gmail dot com and we’ll add you.
Optional: 1 fresh finely chopped Serrano Chili
Downey Adventist Church Sunday
6:34 pm sunset Visit S.S. – Sabbath School C.S. – Community Service
9:30 am S.S. 10:50 am Worship Pastor Cary
3 pm Pathfinders & Adventurers
7 pm Women’s 7 pm Band Prayer Group Practice
11 6:25 pm sunset
9 am Pathfinders & Adventurers
12 9:30 am S.S. 10:50 am Worship Pastor Cary Small Group #1
7 pm Women’s Prayer Group
7 pm Band Practice
18 6:16 pm sunset
19 9:30 am S.S. 10:50 am Worship Pastor Cary Small Group #2
7 pm Women’s Prayer Group
7 pm Band Practice
25 6:08 pm sunset
9 am Pathfinders
3 pm Pathfinders & Adventurers
26 9:30 am S.S. 10:50 am Worship Pastor Cary Small Group #3
7 pm Women’s Prayer Group
7 pm Band Practice
5:30 pm Fall Party
October 2013 Stewpot by Gordon Botting, DrPH, CHES
he strikes at both the American and the world economy keep coming. According to the February 2013 issue of The Week magazine, 44 percent of Americans do not have enough in their savings accounts to cover basic expenses for 90 days if financial emergencies were to occur such as one spouse losing a job, or an unexpected medical expense. Regrettably, almost 30 percent of Americans have zero savings for those unforeseen circumstances. At one point in our country, we Americans valued savings. In fact, the cornerstone of our financial planning is to provide for our family enough savings for a rainy day situation or a sunny retirement, or both. Until a decade ago most personal savings rarely fell below 10 percent, but since the height of the 2008 recession that number has been consistently less than 5 percent. Unfortunately, this is one of the lowest in the developed world. (Compared to China with an average of 30 percent).1
Developing a Saver’s Attitude We have a long list of what we consider reasonable and rational excuses for why we have financial fatigue when it comes to savings—simple things as the irresistible urge to buy new technological gadgets or neglecting to brownbag a couple of days a week become part of the challenge. The bottom line is that in our monetary DNA we are accustomed to “living beyond our means.” However, the good news is you and I can save, but it depends on whether or not we make it a priority. Some of the reasons why we don’t save and how these patterns can be turned to building blocks in reestablishing a consistent savings plan are discussed below.2
Make Saving a Priority Some saving goals are far too big. So big, in fact, that they are over the next mountain—impossible to reach and easily forgotten. The best method in planning your saving goals is
to make them realistic, definite, and measureable. An example of this would be: “Save $50 each pay period next year to pay for a family vacation in advance.” It may mean changing your economic lifestyle and making saving a higher priority than spending.
Make Saving a Habit God’s creatures set an example in making it a habit to store up food in the summer, for they know winter comes with a shortage of food. Watching the busy ants on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, King Solomon remarked, “Go watch the ants, you lazy person. Watch what they do and be wise… They store up food in the summer and gather their supplies at harvest.” (Prov. 6:6-8 NCV). Ellen White reminds us, “Every week you should lay by in some secure place five to ten dollars not to be used up unless in case of sickness.”3 Getting into the habit of saving is valuable— Gladys Holm is an excellent example. In her whole life she never earned more than $15,000 a year but when she died at the age of 86 she left an astonishcontinued on page 8
“A change of perspective can put change in your pocket.”5
“The wise man saves for the future, but the foolish man spends whatever he gets.”6
THE LATEST WORD Developing a Saver’s Attitude (cont. from page 7) ing $18 million bequest to a Chicago children’s hospital. Her secret was to save a small amount each month and invest in the stocks that her employer was investing in. Over the decades, with great stock picks and the wonder of compound interest, she died a very wealthy woman.4
your accounts are paid on time, sparing you the costs of late fees and postage which can add up to a considerable amount over time.
Make Saving Automatic One of the easier ways to save is to have a certain amount automatically deducted from each paycheck and deposited to your savings account. Over 90 percent of working individuals in European countries and over 70 percent in Great Britain make this a regular practice. In the United States, however, only about 40 percent of employees take this option.
For over 20 years my wife and I have arranged with our local bank or credit union for automatic drafts to be taken from our joint checking account to pay our mortgage, car loans, utilities, insurance, etc. You may ask what this has got to do with saving. It will save you a lot of worry by making sure
Make Saving Emotional Businesses long ago learned that successful advertising engenders an emotional connection. Imagine that you are driving down the road. You see a billboard promoting a new vehicle and it sparkles with these words: “You don’t park it, you display it.” Compare this with a bank slogan that says, “Place your money in a savings account— it’s a smart thing to do.” Obviously, the vehicle mantra speaks to your heart and soul while the
savings slogan, although accurate and sensible, touches no emotional chord. You and I need a captivating and persuasive goal to turn from not saving to truly enjoying building up savings for a rainy day or for that sunny retirement! And what if the savings catchphrase was: “Saving $100 today will save your marriage tomorrow?” Financial problems are significant factors that lead to stress in marriage and one of the leading causes in a majority of divorces. Knowing this, couples should happily and energetically embark on a regular and consistent savings plan.
References: 1 Hanson McClain’s Investment Newsletter, July 2013. 2 Matt Bell, “Four Ways to Build Savings,” Disciple Magazine, Spring 2013, p. 8 (The four headings and basic concepts for this Stewpot came from this article). 3 Ellen G. White, Adventist Home, p. 396. 4 Matthew Miller, “Millionaires in Every House,” US News & World Report, September 29, 1997, p. 32. 5 Cynthia G. Yates. 6 Proverbs 21:20 (The Living Bible). 7 Ellen G. White, Letter 29, 1884.
Remember that a good savings plan in place
moves you step-by-step away from the edge of financial stress and ruin— allowing you to have a better sleep and to enjoy life at its best! =
“With wise management you can save something after paying your debts.”7
October 2013
Upcoming Events October Birthdays
Thursdays - 7 p.m. Women’s Prayer Group Fridays - 7:00 p.m. Band Practice
Grace Ramirez - 1 Mario Rodriguez - 3 Pedro Ramirez - 5 Lee Ann Harry - 6 Denise Macias - 7 Evan Aumack - 10 Martha Guerrero Patino - 12 Virginia Duarte - 12 Natalie Michel - 12 Evelyn Garcia - 17 Chanal Red - 17 Annie Mendez - 23 Kahlil Meade - 24 Victor Acuna - 31
Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct
5 - Pathfinders & Adventurers 3pm 6 - Pathfinders & Adventurers 9am 19 - Pathfinders & Adventurers 3pm 20 - Pathfinders 9am 26 - Fall Party 5:30pm
No Church Board in Oct due to Small Groups
The Latest Word deadline is the 5th of the month.
If your birthday is left out in the monthly newsletter, please contact the church office so we can put it in.
Coming Soon Nov Nov Nov Dec
- Thanksgiving Food Drive 10 - Pathfinder Yard Sale 23 - Celebration Sabbath 21 - Community Christmas Program
THE LATEST WORD The Latest About
Our Church Family Congratulations to Jefferson Poleon. He recently transferred into our church family. Also to Maggie Zamora who joined by profession of faith. Welcome to the family!
Melenciano. They were married in our church on September 1. If you have any Church Family news, please contact the church office so we can get it into the newsletter. =
Congratulations to Celene Aispuro and Alberto
The Ultimate Sacrifice
t www.IAmSecond. com, soldier-turnedpastor Chris Plekenpol shares a powerful experience from his service in Iraq. When a terrorist drove a bomb-carrying car into a tank, the detonator didn’t work, but the car’s gas tank exploded. As the would-be attacker tried to escape the flames, Plekenpol had a brief opportunity to save the man’s life. But he realized he wasn’t willing to die for an enemy. After the man was dead, Plekenpol consid-
ered how much he had in common with him. “I’ve been an enemy of God,” he said. “Yet he didn’t sit back and just watch me die. He decided to come from heaven to earth to take that blast for me.” Because of Christ’s heroic, selfless act, “I owe him everything,” Plekenpol says. “For … while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son … ” (Romans 5:10, NRSV). =
Thank you to everyone who has been saving Box Tops for Education. That is greatly appreciated. For the Box Tops for Education, please save the Box Tops coupon. Please give your labels to Linda Aumack. Thank you for your support! =
How’s Your Path?
ome Christian converts in an African village were diligent about daily prayer. In fact, they each had a special place in the thicket outside town where they prayed in solitude. Over time, they wore pathways through the brush to their private prayer areas. If someone neglected his or her prayer life, it was evident because fresh grass started growing on that particular footpath. Out of concern, fellow Christians offered this loving reminder: “Friend, there’s grass growing on your path.”
How worn is your own path to prayer? Are you persistent when answers don’t seem to come? Do you trust that God will answer your prayers, according to his good and gracious will? Don’t abandon your pathway to prayer. When you grow weary, remember Galatians 6:9 (NIV), which promises that “at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” =
October 2013
October 2013
Ponder This... = “After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.” ―Aldous Huxley = “Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: If you’re alive, it isn’t.” —Richard Bach = “Merely having an open mind is nothing; the object of opening the mind, as of opening the mouth, is to shut it again on something solid.” —G.K. Chesterton
Downey-Florence Seventh-day Adventist Church 9820 Lakewood Blvd., Downey CA 90240
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