Sept 2013 The Latest Word

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For the members, family and friends of the Downey Adventist Church

A Prayer for Guidance

Inviting Eternity by Cary Fisher


et me start by saying that I am having so much fun being your pastor. You have shown such incredible hospitality towards my family and me. Plus, I have been so impressed by the commitment that has been displayed at this church. For example, this year’s VBS was a complete success all because of your joyful service in making each participating child feel valued and loved. We had neighbors that came and shared

with me how accepted and comfortable they felt here. I believe we made some new friends for life. Thank you all that had volunteered so much of your time for such an incredible week. That being said, don’t forget about our next big event. As we finish up August, remember our Luau themed “Parking Lot Party.” It will be a night filled with island style music, games, activities and food. Plus the social will be another opportunity to

serve our family, friends, neighbors and community, and show that our doors and hearts are always open to those around us. Did you know that according to research, ninety-six percent of people that do not attend church of any kind would go if they were simply invited? That is a remarkable statistic, and shows that there are people in our lives that are just waiting to be asked. No wonder why Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful continued on page 2


—Rev. Mychal Judge, FDNY chaplain and the first official casualty on 9/11


Friendship Day riendship Day is September 21st. This is the perfect day to invite your friend to church. If you brought someone to the Parking Lot Party, this is a great opportunity to invite your friend to a wor-

Lord, take me where you want me to go; Let me meet who you want me to meet; Tell me what you want me to say, and keep me out of your way.

Bless You or Bless Me? page 3

ship service. There will be a free luncheon after church and every friend will receive a gift. Don’t miss this opportunity to make a difference in eternity! =

A Vibrant Palette page 4 Taste & Inspiration on page 5 What’s happening? see pages 6 & 9 Where Should I Pay My Tithe? on page 7 Our Church Family page 10 Kid’s Page on page 11

THE LATEST WORD Inviting Eternity (cont. from pg 1)


On September 21st, we will have our “Friendship Day” and my sermon will be titled “Why We Need Each Other.” Everyone needs support and a church community should always be the greatest source of strength for all. Do you remember what Jesus told

Peter on how the church would be built? Jesus said because of your faith “on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:17) As we make Jesus our foundation, we can’t help but feel strengthened and supported. Finally, our last worship service of the month (September 28th) will be communion. Communion is always a time to reflect on your walk with Jesus, so I pray that it will be a special time for all of us. See you when the church gathers. = The Latest Word V 25 N 09 BILL AUMACK


but the workers are few. our small groups minisinclude others by getting Ask the Lord of the hartry in October, and while them connected with a vest, therefore, to send out you will receive more small group? My prayer workers into his harvest information regarding the is that during this small field.”(Matthew 9:37group session we 38). I believe Jesus will develop deeper asked his disciples 96% of people that relationships with to pray. He knew other and with do not attend church each that the disciples our God. of any kind would go couldn’t do it alone, As far as our serand that we all have if they were simply mons for the month, a part in harvestI will continue my invited... ing his fields. That series on “What message is a great Makes a Church?” reminder because on In August, I will have the Sabbath of September groups on a later date, it is preached on worship, 21st, we are going to have time for all of us to start discipleship, and service, a “Friendship Day.” On preparing for it. We can and on September 7th, that day, we are encourstart by asking ourselves my message will be about aging you to invite these questions. If you evangelism. The title will your friends to church. haven’t been involved in be “Changing Everything.” Afterwards, we will have the past, how can you give During the pentecost, they special luncheon for all of yourself the opportunity were “praising God and our invited friends. this time around? If you enjoying the favor of all are involved, how can you Finally, we are starting the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:47) On the 14th, I will wrap up my series with a sermon called “Breaking Bread.” I will hopefully show how early Christians continued to meet with each other, and how important fellowship is for our spiritual growth.

responsible for this

LINDA AUMACK copy editor

HATZUKO AISPURO paper distribution


address mail to: Downey Seventh-day Adventist Church 9820 Lakewood Blvd. Downey, CA 90240 office: 562.869.6013 fax: 562.622.1691

distributed monthly issue date: Sept 2013 copyright 1992-2013

September 2013 The Word & You by Linda Bewley


od’s word says, “Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. . . For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.” (Psalm 103:1, 11-12.)

During my quiet time this morning, I was reading the Adult Sabbath School lesson. Even though the last couple of months have been a chal-

Bless You? Or Bless Me? lenge for me, this quarter’s lessons have been a big blessing. Spending time in God’s word always brings peace of mind, comfort and strength! This morning, though, I noticed something that struck me as odd or at least noteworthy. One of the texts was Exodus 12:29-31 which describes the last of the plagues in Egypt. Scripture says, “. . . the Lord struck all the firstborn in the land of Egypt . . . and there was a great cry in Egypt, for there was not a house where there was not one dead.” Following this plague, Pharaoh finally decided to allow Moses and God’s people to leave. But here’s the part of the story that struck me: When Pharaoh told Moses to leave, he

Worship Schedule September 7 Pastor Cary

Changing Everything

September 14 Pastor Cary Breaking Bread

September 21 Pastor Cary

Friendship Day Why We Need Each Other

September 28 Pastor Cary Communion

added, “and bless me also.” Really? Now that’s bold, if you ask me! How could someone so ruthless and hard-hearted, someone who treated slaves with callousness and cruelty, ever think that he deserved a blessing? I’m afraid had I been in Moses’ shoes, I might have wanted to say to Pharaoh, “Are you kidding me?” But Pharaoh’s bold request got me thinking about people I run across each day. Maybe their lives and actions, like Pharaoh’s, appear undeserving of blessing. Yet Jesus would have me bless them with my words and actions without judging their worthiness. In fact, isn’t it a little bold to think that any of us is worthy of God’s blessings? If I’m

searching to find someone worthy, truly worthy, of God’s blessings, I will be searching for a long, long time. Paul says, “. . . for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely in his grace through the redemp-

tion that came by Christ Jesus.” (Romans 3:23-24.) The truth is I am a recipient of undeserved blessing from God and dependent upon His grace. That’s a truth I can’t afford to forget. =


THE LATEST WORD by Bill Aumack

A Vibrant Palette Before the Father is on hiatus while Linda fights cancer. Your prayers on her behalf are appreciated.

“...if we’re going to try to tell the story of God or paint the story of God, we ought to use as many colors as we can find...” - David Crowder

There is more that we don’t know about God than what we do know about God.



n the mid-’90s, David Crowder was a student at Baylor University, a Christian college in Waco, Texas. When he and fellow student Chris Seay realized how few students were attending worship, they launched University Baptist Church. Crowder became the worship pastor and started writing songs for the services. The result was David Crowder Band — and many passion-filled worship songs. Of the group’s inventive musical style, Crowder says, “I think if we’re going to try to tell the story of God or paint the story of God, we ought to use as many colors as we can find — or at least try to add them to our palette.” How true this is! God is a big God. We can’t begin to comprehend everything about him. We try, but usually that ends poorly. I’ve read and heard a lot of different Christian leaders say they know this about God, or that about God. They try to make God understandable. In an attempt to understand and explain God, they end

up putting God into little cubby holes so we can understand. There is some value in trying to comprehend God. And the Bible does give us some glimpses into God’s character. But I think when we consider the big picture, there is more we don’t know about God than what we do know about God. We try to understand as much as

possible, but on this side of eternity we are just too limited. That’s why it is important to be inclusive when we are talking about God. We need to use broad strokes. We need to add as many colors to our palette as possible. This includes our worship music like Dave Crowder talked about. We do this by singing different songs, and different styles and continually learning new songs. But

it’s more than just worship music. This should affect how we show love and grace to those around us. This should affect how we choose to bless those around us who sin differently than we do (see Linda Bewley’s article on page 3). In short, this should affect everything we do. When we examine Jesus’ example in the New

Testament, he seems to be very inclusive. There are no examples of him turning away someone who was seeking truth. No one had sinned too much. Even people who were outsiders, like the Romans and other foreigners, were helped. What are you doing to paint with broad strokes and use lots of colors to reach everyone for Jesus? That’s worth pondering about. =

September 2013 Taste & Inspiration Roasted Cauliflower with Garlic and Coriander Once again, we refer to Isaiah 28, verses 24-26. In it the mention of wheat, caraway, barley and spelt was made. Also, what the farmer must & mustn’t do to yield an abundant crop. Spelt, I’ve learned through a bit of research, is an ancient wheat. Very uncommon, hence ancient. I’ve yet to find it available in the market or specialty stores. We hope you’ve enjoyed the recipes submitted using these ingredients. This months recipe contains caraway, which is a very flavorful and aromatic spice.

the way we believe God intended. In the backyard, he’s planted kale, basil, Swiss chard, red-leaf lettuce, parsley, tomatoes as well as a banana, peach, plum, persimmons and lime tree. It’s very rewarding to be able to walk back there and pick what we want for a nice garden-fresh salad. We do it often! And what a huge difference in taste!!!! We hope this inspires you, our church family, as well.

Victor, Pilar’s son, has been a huge inspiration for Pilar and myself as we continue promoting a healthy diet by trying to use food ingredients more in their natural state. Just

1 head cauliflower

God be with you!!

Ingredients 6 cloves garlic finely minced 1 Tbls coriander 1 tsp caraway seeds

Be sure to keep up with the latest news by signing up for the Wednesday email. You can sign up here or send us an email at DowneyChurch at gmail dot com and we’ll add you.

Pilar & Phillip 1/2 tsp kosher salt zest of half a lemon 1 Tbls fresh chopped Italian parsley 3 Tbls olive oil pinch chili flakes

Instructions Pre heat oven to 450 F. Trim leaves off cauliflower, leaving stem intact, and slice into 3/4 inch slices. Slice garlic. Place both in a bowl and sprinkle garlic, coriander seeds, caraway seeds, salt, pepper, chili

flakes, lemon zest and 2 T olive oil. Toss to coat well. Grease baking sheet with 1 T olive oil, spread out cauliflower mixture and roast in oven for 20-25 minutes, or until fork tender and lightly browned. Arrange on a platter and sprinkle with chopped Italian parsley and a little more lemon zest. Details: Prep time: 5 mins. Cook time: 25 mins. Total time: 30 mins. Yield: 2-4 servings Enjoy! =


Downey Adventist Church Sunday













7:13 pm sunset

7 9:30 am S.S. 10:50 am Worship Pastor Cary

3 pm Pathfinders & Adventurers

7 pm Band Practice






13 7:04 pm sunset

9 am Pathfinders & Adventurers

14 9:30 am S.S. 10:50 am Worship Pastor Cary

7 pm Women’s Prayer Group






7 pm Band Practice

20 6:54 pm sunset

21 9:30 am S.S. 10:50 am Worship Pastor Cary

Friendship Day Fellowship Luncheon 7 pm Women’s Prayer Group






7 pm Band Practice

27 6:44 pm sunset

9 am Pathfinders

28 9:30 am S.S. 10:50 am Worship Communion

7 pm Downey Church Board 7 pm Women’s Prayer Group


3 pm Pathfinders & Adventurers

30 Visit S.S. – Sabbath School C.S. – Community Service

7 pm Band Practice

September 2013 Stewpot by Edward W. Fargusson, M. Div.


watched my computer screen with great interest as a large orange octopus slithers across the deck of a ship. “Keep watching,” a voice says, “you won’t believe what you are about to see.” “No way!” another voice chimes in as the octopus approaches a very small slit in the side of the ship. The opening is barely large enough for water to run off the deck and back into the sea but once the octopus discovers it, it becomes freedom. The videographer moves to observe from various angles so you can see the amazing feat as the octopus squeezes its large mass through a very small opening. Once it falls freely to the ocean, it disappears quickly, swimming away from the ship and danger. Not having a skeleton is fine if you are an octopus. But for us, without a skeleton, we couldn’t walk, stand, sit, talk, or eat. Our skeleton is not to be seen but is critical for us to live. In the July issue of Stewpot I talked about the spiritual nature of tithing, emphasizing how tithe is all about our trust in God and how our control of where it goes

Where Should I Pay My Tithe? Part 2: Practical Reasons undermines that trust. Now I want to address the practical implications of where you pay your tithe. My main point is that tithe and local church budget provide the skeleton for ministry. Without them the church is like an octopus, limited in movement and not very practical in our environment.

The Need of a Foundation Every building needs some kind of foundation or it will eventually fall. Jesus made that point in the parable of the houses built on the sand and on the rock. We all recognize that principle. However, it has become popular today to only give to that which shows. The foundation of a building or the skeleton in your body doesn’t get much attention. Many say they want to see where their money goes. We are addicted to the gratification of feedback on what

we do. That is great but every pastor will tell you that no one wants to give to the electric bill. Recently, my pastor talked about the gratefulness of a family from our community. A 34-year-old father died, leaving his wife and two young boys. They didn’t have a church and asked to use ours for his service. They needed a pastor too. It was the result of faithful members returning tithe and giving to the local church budget that made the ministry of a building and a pastor a reality for that family. Independent ministries are able to be so targeted in their focus. Maranatha Volunteers International takes groups to other places to build churches. Canvasback Missions, Inc. provides medical teams to Micronesia. These are important ministries that are close in proximity to where I live and deserving of our support. But they didn’t minister to that family in a time of need. Without tithe and local church budget, Maranatha and Canvasback would not have the foundation or continued on page 8

“Give to God what’s right—not what’s left.”5

“I have observed 100,000 families over my years of investment counseling. I always saw greater prosperity and happiness among those families who tithed than among those who didn’t.”6 —Sir John Templeton, Chairman of Templeton Funds


THE LATEST WORD Where Should I Pay Tithe? (cont. from page 7) skeleton to keep operating. It is not a competition for the dollar but rather we are all part of the body and need one another to keep functioning as a whole.

Temple Corruption I hear people talk about not paying tithe because they don’t agree with what the church is doing. How well do you think the temple was run in the days of Malachi? Do you think God was happy with the priests of that day? Read Malachi, the whole book! “To you priests who despise My name. Yet you say, ‘In what way have we despised Your name?’ You offer defiled food on My altar.”1 The temple in Malachi’s day was corrupt and yet God instructed His people to keep returning their tithe to that corrupt temple.


“Read carefully the third chapter of Malachi, and see what God says about the tithe. If our churches will take their stand upon the Lord’s word, and be faithful in paying their tithe into His treasury, more laborers will be encouraged to take up ministerial work. More men would give themselves to the ministry were they not told of the depleted treasury. There should be an abundant supply in the Lord’s treasury, and there would be if self-

ish hearts and hands had not withheld the tithes, or made use of them to support other lines of work.”2 How should we address problems in the church? Not by withholding tithe! We should pay our tithe to the church without hesitation. Then we should become active in the church to exercise our influence on its operation. As active church members, board members, and representatives at conference constituencies, we should make it known that we expect our church to follow after God. Then we should leave it in God’s hands.

Ellen White’s Use of Tithe There will always be those who claim to follow Ellen White’s example when they divert tithe. I find most people have never actually read for themselves what Ellen White did with tithe. You can read about it yourself on the White Estate website.3 Let me share with you my conclusions after studying for myself:

• Ellen White was directed specifically by God to do what she did. If you wish to follow her example, make sure that it is God’s voice you are following. • Ellen White indicates that her practice was because no system existed at that time to accomplish what needed to be done. Once the church established such a system, she ceased her practice. • None of the tithe she gave or collected went outside the church structure. Instead it was directed to parts that were not getting what they needed due to the lack of the above-mentioned system. • Ellen White stopped her own practice and urged others not to follow her example. “I would not advise that any one should make a practice of gathering up tithe money.”

Conclusion I see a weakened church because we have developed a form of osteoporosis. Our skeleton is being weakened because funds that should be available are being diverted or withheld. Without a strong skeleton, the church is weak and cannot be the

healthy, vibrant bride of Christ. I appeal to all of us to support God’s church by returning a faithful tithe and giving liberally to the local church budget. = References 1 Malachi 1:6&7 (New King James Version). 2 Ellen G. White, Gospel Workers, (Review & Herald Publishing, 1915) 227. 3 issues/egw-tithe.htm. 4 Ellen G. White Letter 136, August 14, 1898. 5-6 Fred Lambert Ministries, Tithe and Giving Quotes. Retrieved from http://www. and%20Giving%20Quotes.pdf 7 Tony Cooke Ministries, Great Quotes and Thoughts Regarding Stewardship, Tithing, and Giving. Retrieved from http://www. articles_leadership/pastoral_ helps/quotes_thoughts.html

“A religion that gives nothing, costs nothing, and suffers nothing, is worth nothing.”7 —Martin Luther

September 2013

Upcoming Events September Birthdays Yazmin Williams – 2 Abraham Guevara – 3 Pilar Centeno, Jr. – 5 Pat Novinski – 6 Destinee Macias – 8 Kean Aispuro – 9 Elora Chavez – 9 Shelby Jackson – 11 David Guerrero – 12 Mario Delgado – 12 Dolores Gamboa – 13 Amber Macias – 15 Mitch Williams – 19 Hector Archila – 21 Enoch Aispuro – 22 Matthew Macias – 22 Patricia Jackson – 23 Eloy Luna – 23 Dessirey Torres – 24 Dennis Navarro – 26

Thursdays - 7 p.m. Women’s Prayer Group Fridays - 7:00 p.m. Band Practice Sept Sept Sept Sept Sept Sept Sept

2 - Labor Day 7 - Pathfinders & Adventurers 3pm 8 - Pathfinders & Adventurers 9am 21 - Friendship Day & Fellowship Luncheon 21 - Pathfinders & Adventurers 3pm 22 - Pathfinders 9am 26 - Church Board 7pm

The Latest Word deadline is the 5th of the month.

If your birthday is left out in the monthly newsletter, please contact the church office so we can put it in.

Coming Soon October - Small Groups Begin October 26 - Fall Party


THE LATEST WORD The Latest About

Our Church Family Congratulations to Yolando Ortegon who transferred her membership to Downey. Also to Alberto Melenciano who joined by profession of faith. Welcome to the family!

Thank you to everyone who has been saving Box Tops for Education. That is greatly appreciated. For the Box Tops for Education, please save the Box Tops coupon. Please give your labels to Linda Aumack. Thank you for your support! =

Every One Counts!

A Radical Decision



’m an avid player of Yahtzee, in which you roll five dice to collect different number combinations. It’s a game of both chance and strategy. Because it seems less problematic to accept a roll that’s short by one point rather than a roll that’s short by, say, six, every so often I’m disappointed to discover I’ve missed winning by only one point. We do something similar in church and other parts of life: dismiss a child’s idea as less impor-


If you have any Church Family news, please contact the church office so we can get it into the newsletter. =

tant than an adult’s; worry more about pleasing the “big givers” at church than the ones who contribute less; check in on the longtime member who misses worship once but forget about the newcomer who attended twice, then didn’t return. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, leaves 99 sheep in order to go after just one who is lost. May we learn from his example that everyone — every one — counts. = —Heidi Mann

n words attributed to Mother Teresa, “Many people mistake our work for our vocation. Our vocation is the love of Jesus.” As we celebrate Labor Day, what does such a distinction mean? Vocation comes from Latin for “calling.” Christians understand vocation as that for which God created you, involving activities you do well, enjoy and feel good about doing, and that serve others. If you’re blessed to earn a paycheck doing something that fits those categories, then your profession or occupation — your work —likely is your vocation.

Other people work a paying job because an opportunity presents itself and the income is needed, even if it isn’t their favorite thing to do. Perhaps they live out their truest vocation during non-employment hours: singing with a choir, raising children, building houses with Habitat for Humanity. Christians in any capacity, paid or not, can live out Jesus’ calling to love God and neighbor with our whole being (Luke 10:27). When God is “CEO” of our lives, it shows in how we treat our fellow laborers. =

September 2013


September 2013

Ponder This... = “Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.” —George Eliot = “Education is learning what you didn’t even know you didn’t know.” —Daniel J. Boorstin = “The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and for deeds left undone.” —Harriet Beecher Stowe

Downey-Florence Seventh-day Adventist Church 9820 Lakewood Blvd., Downey CA 90240

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