Downtown Albany Digest - Spring 2013

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albany digest DOWNTOWN

A quarterly publication of the Downtown Albany Business Improvement District

Š 2012 Michael Panzarino of M.A.P. Graphics

in this issue... page 4 DABID Events

page 7 Downtown Details

page 9 Business Profile

page 10 Downtown Properties

page 11 Downtown Living

page 15 Things to Do In Downtown and more...

GERALD D. JENNINGS, MAYOR, CITY OF ALBANY The winter chill is finally winding down, and it is not hard to imagine that summer is just around the corner in the City of Albany. Our beautiful tulips are almost blooming and it is time, once again, to prepare for yet another exciting season at Albany’s 65th Annual Tulip Festival. This highly anticipated spring tradition begins when hundreds of thousands of tulip bulbs blossom into a breathtaking scene just in time for a Mother’s Day celebration in Washington Park. There will be many historic traditions to enjoy, including the street scrubbing on State Street, the Tulip Queen Coronation, the Tulip Queen and Court Luncheon and the Royal Tulip Ball. The festivities will be held May 10th – 12th in Washington Park. Then, our highly-anticipated Alive at Five summer concert series kicks off in Riverfront Park. On Thursday nights in June, July and August, come enjoy free live music, with a variety of food and other vendors. For more information on all City of Albany special events, please visit www. Again this June, we will be celebrating Father’s Day with a concert, food, beverages and fireworks at the Riverfront Park. June also marks the kickoff of the popular “Sculpture in the Streets” public art exhibition. Works from regional artists will be placed throughout Downtown and walking maps will be provided by area businesses. In addition to these exciting festivities, I’m also looking forward to downtown Albany’s renowned Restaurant Week, hosted by the Downtown BID, to be held the week of April 20th – 26th. This event offers restaurants throughout Downtown the opportunity to provide patrons with the ideal combination of delectable cuisine, comfortable ambiance, and affordable prices. Be sure to make your reservations early! I hope you’ll mark your calendar now and be sure to join me for all of these exciting events. I’ll also be joining the BID at their annual meeting on May 14th to celebrate the vitality of downtown and discuss all that we have planned for the future in downtown Albany. Sincerely,

Mayor Gerald D. Jennings Albany, New York

GEORGETTE STEFFENS, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Spring time is so much fun in downtown Albany. The tulips are in bloom, the sun is shining, and sidewalk cafes begin to appear. With 70+ eateries and numerous retailers and retail related services all within a two block radius of your location I encourage you to get out of your office and enjoy all that Downtown has to offer. And we have several new offerings that we are thrilled to welcome to Downtown. Dali Mamma located at 36 Maiden Lane, with their seasonal menu of farm-to-fork, hand-to-hand lunch options, is a great new addition. Zachary’s Pastry Shoppe also opened at 54 State Street, filling such an incredible need for fresh baked cakes, cookies, cupcakes, and pastries. We also added a collectibles retailer with the opening of Empire State Coin at 25 North Pearl Street. Each of these three new retailers fills a niche for us in Downtown that had been previously missing. Spring also signals the return of many of our great special events. Join us at the Farmer’s Market which takes place in Maiden Lane Park on Thursdays during lunch starting in May. Our Blues Music Contest is back on Friday, May 3rd at numerous locations Downtown from 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM. Save the date for the BID’s Annual Meeting: Tuesday, May 14th from 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM with Illuminate Downtown Albany taking place immediately following from 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM on the floor of the Times Union Center where you can sample food, beverages and services from all of our great Downtown establishments. And we kick off the 2013 Sculpture in the Streets exhibit with the Garden Party on Friday, June 14h. So join us in Downtown for great food, music, shopping, and events this spring. Sincerely,

Georgette Steffens © 2012 Julia Zave

Executive Director


Jim DiNapoli Tribute

In Remembrance The Downtown Albany Business Improvement District started 2013 in a cloud of sadness. Our long time charter member, Jim Dinapoli passed away suddenly. We will be eternally grateful for his dedication and commitment to downtown Albany. The following quotes don’t begin to touch the surface of the man we knew and respected. © 2012 Timothy Harrison Raab

Tracy Metzger (TL Metzger & Associates, LLC) “Jim was all about Albany, investing his time and expertise to make a difference. He always had something to say and a great sense of humor. He will be missed. “ Georgette Steffens (Downtown Albany Business Improvement District) “He just had this way about him. It didn’t matter what standing you had, whether you were the company president or the receptionist at the front desk, Jim made you feel important.” Kevin O’Connor (Tech Valley Communications) “He was one of those guys whose word was his bond. He was as honest as the day was long. He knew everybody, and everything, that was going on. He made getting things done a whole lot easier.” Ed Swyer (Swyer Companies Inc.) “Jim loved Albany and believed in the future of Downtown. He possessed insight into downtown Albany real estate like no one else.

He always had his ear to the ground. He knew all the buildings; the history, the owners, the tenants and all the people behind the scenes. He knew who you could trust, and who not to trust. In the rare instance that he didn’t know something, he would tell you that, then research it and get back to you with the answer. He never took a short-cut. He was a man of integrity. To be with him was a great experience. He had a wonderful sense of humor and made you feel like you were the most important person in the world.” Paul Fallati (Galesi Group) “Jim was a great advocate for the City of Albany, had vast knowledge of the real estate market, and always knew what was happening around town Jim was the go to guy when you needed a contact for anything, he knew who you had to talk to or would get you the answer quickly. Jim was a close friend to many, a man of integrity, had a quick sense of humor, brought people together, and always reached out to make sure you were included in upcoming event. Jim will truly be missed!”


Welcomes a New Board Member and New Staff Richard A. Rosen Richard Rosen is Vice President and Partner of Columbia Development. Richard has been a part of the Columbia Development team for 22 years, focusing on project development and execution since joining the firm. With over two decades of construction and real estate development experience, Richard has helped to develop projects throughout the Capital Region, establishing over three million square feet in excess of $80 million. Leading the firm’s project operations, Richard has directed the development of retail, shopping centers, student housing, and restaurants. He specializes in assisting clients in the evaluation, relocation, renovation and strategic allocation of new and existing centers. Prior to joining Columbia Development, Richard worked with long-time affiliate, BBL Construction Services. Richard holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business from the State University of New York at Albany.

Kris Sigsby Kris Sigsby joined the Downtown Albany Business Improvement District in December 2012. In her current position as Office Manager she handles the bookkeeping operations, manages supplies and equipment, provides information on Downtown to callers and walk-ins, and offers assistance to BID staff on events and general office needs. Previously Ms. Sigsby served as Operations Director at Albany Center Gallery. In addition to overseeing day-to-day operations, she obtained art grants, increased membership through an Annual Fund Drive, and was instrumental in securing ACG as a beneficiary of the Albany Wine and Dine for the Arts. Prior to joining the Gallery, she has been self-employed in the field of property management, rental services, restoration, and construction and design. Kris has an Associates Degree in Interior Design from Sage Albany, a Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies from UAlbany, and Bachelor of Arts in Fine Art from UAlbany. 3


World Record Recap It’s official! The Downtown Albany Business Improvement District (BID) was successful at setting the world record for the most people singing Jingle Bells while ringing Jingle Bells on Wednesday, December 12, 2012 at 12:00 PM. Albany County Executive Daniel P. McCoy, City of Albany Mayor Gerald D. Jennings, Downtown stakeholders, BID staff and Board Members, elected officials as well as visitors from around the Capital Region congregated in the Times Union Center atrium for a memorable rendition of the classic holiday tune. Jingle bells were provided by B. Lodge & Company. Talented singer Melli Rose from the City of Albany Special Events Department joined by Early Learning Center led the tune to an official mass of 488 singers as confirmed and registered by

“ This unique idea brought residents, the business community and political leaders together to enjoy a “time-out” from the hustle and bustle of the normal day and have fun.” – Albany County Executive Daniel P. McCoy “ The Times Union Center building was originally designed by Crozier Associates and it was their vision that the front part of the arena building would serve as the City of Albany’s front porch. What a joyful way to bring that initial vision to life by gathering over 400 people on Albany’s front porch to set a world record for Downtown.” – Albany Mayor Gerald D. Jennings

© 2012 Julia Zave

“ Downtown has a history of celebrating the holiday season. It is rumored that the first Christmas card in the United States was printed in a building on Broadway. From the Symphony of Lights on State Street to the beautiful window displays, Downtown is festive throughout December.” – Georgette Steffens, Executive Director, Downtown Albany Business Improvement District

Social Media Spotlight: Downtown Albany Instagram The Downtown Albany Business Improvement District (BID) launched its Downtown Albany Instagram account in October of 2012. Instagram is a fast fun way to share photos with friends and family that allows users to post photos in three simple steps – take a photo, choose from a variety of photo effects that recreate the quality of vintage cameras, and add a caption. Since its launch the BID’s newest social media platform has gained approximately 200 fans per month surpassing 800 followers as of February 2013. The platform is especially interesting for our District based organization due to the “Photo Map” feature. Users can navigate the map interface and take a virtual tour to see all that Downtown has to offer. Photos are posted daily throughout the work week and give our audience, which ranges from Downtown employees who like our photos on lunch break to road trippers impressed by our City’s historic architecture, a day-to-day experience of Albany’s Downtown. The new social media tool gives users a current view of our living, breathing, organic environment.


Make sure to follow us on our other social media channels.



© 2011 Bob Anderson |

Busy Busy BID Grab your highlighters, mark your calendars, type away in your smart phone – The Downtown Albany Business Improvement District (BID) is proud to bring back our popular events for 2013. Spread throughout downtown Albany, these fan favorites are designed to impact the economic climate and the quality of life for Downtown employees, businesses, residents, as well as visitors of New York’s Capital City. Many of the BID events are free and open to the public. “Our 2013 events give attendees a thorough scope of what downtown Albany has to offer by encouraging the public to explore multiple activities and venues” said Georgette Steffens, Executive Director, BID, “Events have proven to be a successful element of BID services through an increase in attendance, awareness of Downtown business, and continued stakeholder satisfaction.”

Illuminate Downtown

Spring reStaurant Week April 20th –26th Participating Restaurants Pick a menu, grab your friends and enjoy three-course meals for just $20.13. Complete restaurant surveys for your chance to win great prizes.

BlueS MuSic conteSt May 3rd | 5– 9 PM Participating Venues Regional talent compete for a chance to perform during Blues Night at the popular Alive @ Five music series. Vote for your favorite act at this free event.

On May 14, 2013, the Times Union Center will assist the Downtown Albany Business Improvement District in creating an abstract version of Downtown on the floor of the arena, highlighting BID stakeholders with table setups presenting their services. Last year, the event drew 65 local businesses and this year we expect to have even more participating, representing all that Downtown’s vibrant climate has to offer.

Maiden lane park FarMer’S Market

See for yourself what makes our dynamic Downtown community an engaging place to live, work and visit. Pencil this fun and successful event in your calendars and stay tuned for more details. Tickets are $15 for General Admission and $5 for Student Admission. Admission includes access to all booths and activities on the TUC arena floor which includes music, raffle prizes and more. Tickets available online.

doWntoWn alBany BuSineSS iMproveMent diStrict annual Meeting

Preceding Illuminate Albany, the Downtown Albany Business Improvement District will hold their Annual Meeting at the Times Union Center. The meeting will present successes from 2013, BID initiatives, and goals for the year ahead. RSVP online today.

Every Thursday May – October | 11 AM – 2 PM Seasonal vegetables, fresh baked goods, artisan cheeses, flowers, wine and more await you at this urban market.

May 14th | 4– 5 PM Times Union Center Join us as we highlight our successes from 2012 and set the course for 2013 and beyond.

illuMinate doWntoWn May 14th | 5– 8 PM Times Union Center Stroll through an illuminated replica of downtown Albany. Dive into samplings from over 60 Downtown restaurants, pubs, retailers, services & businesses.

Sculpture in the StreetS puBlic art exhiBition Beginning June 2013 Throughout Downtown Tour our Downtown public art exhibit, highlighting regional and world-renowned artists.

JazzFeSt coMpetition September 6th | 5– 9 PM Participating Venues Regional jazz talent compete for a chance to perform during Albany’s Riverfront Jazz Festival. Vote for your favorite act at this free event.

Fall car ShoW October 12th | 11 AM – 2 PM Join us and the Saratoga Automobile Museum for cars and motorcycles from all eras within Albany’s Historic District. Vote for your favorite vehicles at this free event.

Fall reStaurant Week October 19th – 25th Participating Restaurants Pick a menu, grab your friends and enjoy three-course meals for just $20.13. Complete restaurant surveys for your chance to win great prizes.

Jingle elF QueSt December 4th – 11th Participating Locations Find and take photos of elves hidden in Downtown businesses during this week-long free event for a chance to win great prizes.

Sculpture in the StreetS garden party June 14th | 5:30 – 8 PM Join us outdoors for the launch of the 2013 Sculpture in the Streets exhibit. Food, drinks, music, and a silent auction. 518.465.2143

© 2012 Timothy Harrison Raab



Photo by Capitalize Albany Corporation Staff


Short Term Opportunities and Prepares For Long Term Strategies By Sarah Reginelli, Director of Economic Development, Capitalize Albany Corporation

Stakeholders representing the Downtown Albany business community, residents and visitors gathered in February at the final meeting of the six-month Stakeholder Forum Series, which developed partnerships and strategies to move Downtown forward. This series – hosted by the City of Albany, Capitalize Albany Corporation and the Downtown Albany Business Improvement District – focused on specific recommendations that can be implemented by Downtown partners in the near-term and collected input to help launch Capitalize Albany Corporation’s Tactical Plan initiative. Since Mayor Gerald D. Jennings took office in 1994, the transformation of Downtown has been a priority. From the booming residential market, and the ongoing redevelopment of the Hudson riverfront, to our world-class arts institutions and changing mix of businesses, Downtown has been evolving in a positive way throughout the last two decades. Collaboration is essential to continue to grow downtown Albany into a vibrant urban neighborhood, a strong center of business, an exciting entertainment destination and the heart of New York’s Tech Valley.

These discussions built consensus and developed unique and innovation ideas on how to improve Downtown in the near-term, including:

To this end, starting in September of 2012, more than 200 Downtown Stakeholders joined us to discuss and analyze critical components for downtown Albany’s success. Each forum in the Series focused on a specific Downtown theme. The meetings were open to the public with each session drawing an average of 40 participants. The themes discussed during the six-month Series were:

n Creating a façade incentive program for the improvement of local streetscapes

n Commercial attraction, development & retention

n Producing easy-to-follow, concise guidelines for the City’s land use process

n Public safety & quality of life n Retail attraction, development and retention n Arts and entertainment district investment and adaption n Parking transportation and access n Downtown attraction, development and retention. The meetings gathered representatives from a variety of Downtown constituents, including major entertainment venues like the Palace Theater and Times Union Center, developers and real estate brokers like Cass Hill Development and TL Metzger Associates, small businesses like The Merry Monk and Fresh & Fly Clothing, as well as local residents. At each of the meetings participants broke into small working groups in order to encourage out of the box thinking and focused conversation.

n Linking Downtown businesses and residential property owners directly to Human Resources departments at large local employers in order to reach potential customers and tenants n Actively promoting the tremendous quality of Downtown’s infrastructure to attract new commercial tenants

n Developing a fund where local stakeholders can directly donate to Downtown improvement projects n Creating partnerships between entertainment venues, new events and transportation and parking services

Now that the series has been completed, Capitalize Albany Corporation, the City of Albany, and the Downtown BID are looking forward to implementing some of these ideas as well as others to make immediate improvements for the betterment of Downtown. This series brought out much more than just near-term fixes. Many of the ideas the stakeholders discussed included systemic changes and big-picture concepts. This feedback will be used by Capitalize Albany Corporation in its upcoming development of a Tactical Plan for the next phase of Downtown Albany’s revitalization – an effort that many local businesses and partners, including the Downtown BID, are contributing to in order to ensure its success. continued on page 7


Downtown Details n Hinkley, Allen & Snyder, LLP welcomes several new people to the firm: Rhiannon A. Campbell, a new associate in the Environmental & Litigation Group, Maireed T. Hickey, a new associate in the Real Estate Group, Adam W. Kiracofe joined as a new associate in the Trusts and Estates law Group, Gina Fajardo is the firms new Director of Marketing and Laurie W. McDonald was named the firm’s Director of Business. n O’Connell & Aronowitz recently hired John Musacchio as an associate in their litigation department.

n Jessica Vigars joined the law firm of Cooper, Irving & Savage, LLP as an associate attorney. n Berkshire Bank, located at 41 State Street welcomes Thomas Miller as a Branch Manager. n Hiscock & Barclay’s Yvonne E. Hennessey was installed as President for 2013 of The Northern District of New York Federal Court Bar Association. The firm has also promoted Peter Hotchkiss to Director of Information Technology and attorney John P. Gaughan to partner at Hiscock & Barclay, LLP.

continued from page 6 The Tactical Plan will be an implementation-focused blueprint for achieving the next level of success in Downtown. The plan will focus on many of the themes that emerged from the Stakeholder Forum Series, and will develop detailed, market-driven recommendations that will act as a guide for local redevelopment and reinvestment. The implementation of this bold plan will create an environment that grows the tax base and attracts and retains workforce talent and commercial enterprises; young professionals, families and empty nesters; residential developers; new businesses and retailers; and entertainment venues and events – strengthening Downtown’s identity and economic vitality. This ongoing collaboration strongly positions us collectively to capitalize on existing momentum, create and seize new opportunities and push Downtown into a new era of revitalization.

n UHY appointed Howard Foote as Managing Partner in charge of operations in its downtown Albany location. Foote also holds the title of Chief Financial Officer. n Tech Valley Communications appointed James Capuano to Senior Vice President, Chief of Network Operations. n Salon 109 welcomes stylist Ashley Skelly and massage therapist Joshua Jenkins to their team.

Every Downtown stakeholder can play a major role in building an even brighter future for Downtown Albany. Now is the time to be a part of this movement. Visit downtown-tactical for more information on the Tactical Plan and how you can contribute.



The Power of RE defines the prefix “re” as a return to a previous condition, or even the repetition of a previous action. A simple idea. Yet powerful when examining the RE-INVENTIONS many Downtown businesses are implementing through marketing and business development initiatives. Here are just a few examples of businesses who have recently put the power of “re” into action for themselves, improving their business structure and positioning for future success. RE-CONNECT A renovation focused on bringing new life to a classic pub in Downtown, the Victory Cafe recently decided to overhaul their entire bar area. While some of the work addressed structural repair, much of the rehab focused on making the hot spot a warmer, richer and more welcoming environment for patrons. “With the growing residential community in Downtown, we wanted to attract and cultivate this clientele from their first day of moving in” said Will Foro, General Manager, Victory Cafe. Today, golden wainscot frames the walls and entire bar area, accompanied by a beautiful granite counter top. Additional draft line capacity, a new functional behind bar set-up, built-in (and fold down) side tables throughout and an impressive amount of hooks for coats and jackets, complete the finished look. Also of note, the Victory’s entrance to the upstairs banquet hall was relocated creating a more private and pleasing experience, all while soaking up the Victory’s amazing menu. | 518.463.9113

RE-EVOLVE The idea of being traditional empty-nesters was never part of the plan for Jim and Lena Hart. When their second child left for college a few years ago, they began to look for alternatives to a big empty house in the middle of Albany. The couple was drawn to 374 Broadway, realizing that the lower level of the old historic belt supply company had been converted into a gym. Lena who owns a private training company, starting seeing the possibility of moving her business. Because the building layout will include the Hart’s own residence, the finishes throughout all the spaces are fundamentally unique for rental units. Materials from Italy and Oregon are just the start to the conversation, as is the inclusion of radiant heated floors and instant on-demand hot water. Throughout the building historical elements and wide open-spaces were preserved, but allowances for thoughtful pockets of privacy were also important. Two open-floor 1,600 sq ft apartments on the second floor will be available for rent beginning in the summer 2013. The third floor, which has a private roof top access, will serve as the couple’s main residence. The 4th floor apartment (also available for rent) offers partial private access to the roof top, 1300 sq ft and 16-foot vaulted ceilings.

For the Harts, the shift to live and own property in downtown Albany was really about evolving the idea of an empty-nester. “It’s about living well and simple,” explains Jim, “We are done with mowing the lawn and filling the pool with chemicals. I’ll walk 40 feet to work and Lena will walk down the stairs to see clients. And when it is time to head out and travel, we’ll just lock the door and go.” | 518.527.1206

RE-EVALUATE Uri Kauffman knew that in order for his business to stay competitive in the Downtown office rental market, he needed an edge. A big one. The answer? Bring in a needed service previously not available in the BID District and incorporate the incentive into the property package. Enter Harmony Kids - A day care center right in the heart of Downtown. But not just any child care center. True to the 90 State Street’s executive suite brand, the care facility boasts several rooms allowing for traditional academic, enrichment and creative playroom activities. While the child care center is open to all applicants, tenants leasing an executive suite at 90 State Street receive 50% off daycare services for six months. Parents are encouraged to drop in to visit during the work day and can even have lunch (catered by The Deli Mill) with their child. A convenient early drop-off of 7:30 AM and pick-up time of 6:00 PM, accommodates parents, giving them flexibility without limits and penalties during operation hours. The days of rushing out of the office, fighting traffic and then arriving at daycare late – all to be presented with a fine - are over. | 518.591.4678 Again and again, organizations are refusing to stay stagnant and are pushing towards a larger goal. Whether re-connecting, re-evolving or re-evaluating, businesses and individuals in downtown Albany are grabbing hold of inventive ideas and implementing them through the power of RE. We invite you to read about additional Downtown RE-inventions on our blog, Albany Buzz. Direct link located at


© 2012 EMA

Eric Mower and Associates Makes Downtown Home Eric Mower & Associates (EMA), one of the nation’s top 20 independent communications agencies, made Downtown their home this past summer, moving into Omni Plaza, a Class A office tower located at 30 South Pearl Street. Nestled in the heart of Downtown, the firm is closer and more accessible to their client base. An added bonus of their new office are the impressive views of Albany’s distinct skyline. On January 15, 2013 EMA held an open house celebration, inviting guests to experience firsthand what it is like operating in downtown Albany. After visitors were given tours of the impressive facilities, the crowd congregated upstairs in Taste’s banquet room and enjoyed the restaurant’s cuisine complimented by a conversation between Pulitzer prize-winning author William Kennedy and Times Union columnist Fred LeBrun about Albany’s history, politics, journalism, and the construction of the Empire State Plaza. Old Times Union articles were blown up representing some of Downtown’s most notorious stories and figures. Eric Mower & Associates | 30 South Pearl Street | 518.449.3000

“ Our move to downtown Albany has been tremendous. There is really no substitute for being in downtown Albany - the Capital Region’s Main Street. And it’s an easy walk to Jack’s and 677 Prime.” – Sean Casey, Director of Public Affairs, Eric Mower & Associates

Albany Parking Authority Continues Updating and Improving All-Day Parking Options The Albany Parking Authority (APA) finished the installation of 33 new additional multispace parking meters in January, creating more all-day parking options in downtown Albany. The new solar powered meters accept credit and debit card payments using Visa and MasterCard in addition to accepting coins. The meters run on an increasing rate structure, extending the 2-hour parking limit to 10 hours. The 33 new solar powered multi-space parking meters serve more than 200 spaces near downtown Albany’s Entertainment District along Pearl Street, Broadway, James Street, Beaver Street, Green Street, Hudson Ave, Howard Street, Lodge Street, Pine Street, Eagle Street, Van Tromp Street, and Columbia Street.

We Want to Know If your business or organization is located in the BID district, email us at with your news, events and updates. 9 7




























111 State Street, 1,612 square feet of first floor office space in a brownstone with many original details. Boasts original woodwork, 12’ ceilings, large windows, HW floors, 300 SF of storage in basement at no charge, and 3 off street parking spaces included in the rent. Tracy Metzger TL Metzger & Associates 518.426.5211 x103









121 State Street, 10,000 square feet of Class “A” Office Space, convenient location, 200 yards from Capitol, Courts and Government Offices. (Nearby parking garage available). High speed fiber optic for internet and telephones available. Full kitchen and mail/file room. Large conference room and executive office. Paul Chevalier Hinman Straub, P.C. 518.689.7256 DALLI U S









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ST 90 State Street, Grand E U 15,000 SF of first floor BE Nas 34,000 SF of upper retail/office space as well floor office space available. Classic Downtown office building with breathtaking views in the heart of the Central Business District, over 15 offices suites to choose from, parking, coffee MA shop, daycare, free conference rooms and onsite IDE N available. storage Felton McLaughlin HU NAI Platform DSO N R IVE 518.465.1400 R W AY









515 Broadway, Features 7,000 square feet on the 4th floor, available immediately. Amenities include a secure building, close to courts, banks and the Capitol Building. 67 North Pearl Street, 56,310 SF of professional David Fallati office space for lease. Expansive floor plates, Galesi Management Corporation 6,000 SF of storage space, 2 passenger and 518.465.4565 2 freight elevators, overhead door, walk to LA S H N O Weverything downtown Albany hasTAto offer. C TE AS AR Zachary Conley D TE R 677 Broadway, 3,801 square feet on the 3rd floor Carrow Real Estate Services and 2,913 square feet on the 7th floor. A rare 518.462.7491 x208 vacancy opportunity at this landmark story building containing 180,000 square feet of first class professional office space. Parking is 30 South Pearl Street-Omni Plaza, Suites from available in the Quackenbush Garage adjacent 1,500- 17,000 (full floor) square feet available. NO to the building. Distinctive office B E Asuites located in Downtown’s RT VE ON Marc Goldstein premier location. OnRsite restaurant, take-out Columbia Development kiosk and meeting/banquet facility. Discount 518.862.9133 membership to Omni Fitness Center. Mark Aronowitz Omni Development Company, Inc. 677 Broadway, sub-lease opportunity in 518.432.4500 Albany’s premier office building. This 2,235 square foot space is located on the 6th floor HUDS and offers a nice combination of private offices 153 South Pearl Street, Retail space available ON and open space. Parking is available within in the Coliseum. Square footage varies amongst close proximity. the floors within this urban mall setting. Onsite M Todd Curley parking and wifi along with flexible rental rates. HA AD MI IS LT O Coldwell Banker Prime Properties Christopher Gallagher O D IV I S N ION N 518.785.9000 x126 Gallagher & Company 518.432.9705 VA N 11 North Pearl Street , 200 square feet to ZAN 6,500 square feet available for lease with many 41 D State Street, Professional office space. One T amenitites, 11 North Pearl has wonderful views month free for each year of lease. A perfect of Pearl Street, State Street, as well as the fit for any business from individual offices in Hudson River. our executive suites up to 15,500 square feet Melissa Martino on a single floor. 77,500 square feet– 39,300 Albany Pearl Street Heights Associates, LLC square feet of contiguous office space available. 646.572.6473 Customized floorMplans, on-site management Wi AD ISO lb u N team, private large conference room, janitorial r and parking included in rent, restaurant, salon, bank and last but not least, unparalleled views of our majestic Hudson River. BL EE Karen Laberge KE R Albany Management HE RK 518.458.7113 IME R


80 State Street, Various floors available with 1,600-3,400 square feet. The lobby, restrooms, and elevators have recently been remodeled. CO Amenities L U Minclude fitness center, banking B IA facilities, 24/7 access, and 24/7 security. Janet Kaplan 80 State Street LLC 518.482.8986




39 North Pearl Street, 1,534 SF of street front retail space available along W A with 1,266 LK SF of office space on the 1st floor, W3585 AY SF of office space on the 2nd floor, and 9.204 SF available on the 6th floor. Walking distance to courthouses, NYS Capitol and municipal PIN buildings, recently upgraded common areas, E professional management, high-speed internet C Ohigh-speed passenger elevators, access, two RN on-site sub-grade I N parking garage. G Brian Conley Conley Realty Services 518.626.0682 E

22 Clinton Avenue, 3,700 square feet of second floor office space that can be customized to tenant specs in a larger 11,500 square foot three story building. Includes secure on-site parking for 20+/- cars, directly across from the Palace Theater in the heart of the Entertainment District, one block from the Hampton Inn. John MacAffer CBRE 518.452.2700










Downtown Albany features fantastic real estate and one-of-a-kind properties. Below are featured C O properties available for sale or lease in the District. L U For information on all the available properties in M B District has never been easier and the Albany Downtown, visit Moving into the IA Parking Authority’s Parking Incentive Program offers businesses discounts of 50% on the price of daytime parking in APA garages, resulting in a monthly fee of $70.


Available Living Spaces

© Randall Perry Photography

With so many exciting living options in downtown Albany, it’s easy to see why so many are choosing to live where they work. Join Albany’s newest neighborhood. The following properties currently have availability. Make the call and come take a look. For a full listing of residential projects in Downtown, please go to our website at 374 Broadway-Liberty Lofts n Units: 4 n To be completed: Projected July 1, 2013 Sq. Footage: 1,400- 1,700 n Bedrooms: 1-2 n Bathrooms: 1-2 Price: 1 bedroom starting at $1,500; 2 bedrooms starting at $1,800 Amenities: Open floor plans, skyline views, elevator, roof-top deck, Scavolini kitchens. Contact: James or Lena Hart, or Sitting directly across from the beautiful D&H Building, the Liberty Lofts features four uniquely designed, loft style units with 800 square feet of grand entertaining space that possess oversized windows and beautiful views. The elevator in the building provides direct access to each unit. These are unique and inspired apartments in the heart of Downtown. 522-524 Broadway- Penta on Broadway Availability: 2 units n Sq. Footage: Apt 501: 1,050 SF; Apt 502: 1,110 SF n Bedrooms: 2 bedroom n Baths: 2 per unit Price: Apt. 501 - $1,545/mo; Apt. 502 - $2,695/mo (furnished); $1,645/mo (unfurnished). Amenities: Central air, hardwood floors, washer/dryer, elevator, dishwasher Contact: Maddalone & Associates- 518.346.8600 Prominently located across from Downtown’s pedestrian bridge to the waterfront, this project connects urban renters to the Capital City’s greatest recreational asset, the Hudson River. 17 Chapel Availability: 11 units n Sq. Footage: 1,190-2,165 Bedrooms: 1-2 n Bathrooms: 1.5-2.5 Price: condominiums starting in the low $300,000s Amenities: customizable flooring, cabinets, appliances, fixtures, indoor parking, weight room, on site grocery delivery, walk-in closets Contact: Kathleen Sullivan, 518.203.2555 17 Chapel offers 12 unique floor plans with numerous customizable options including flooring, fixtures, cabinets, and appliances. Homeowners pay reduced taxes for the first 12 years of ownership providing an average tax savings of $104,000.

The Lofts @ 111 Pine Availability: 2 units n Sq. Footage: 500-1,200 Bedrooms: 2 n Bathrooms: 2 Price: 2 bedrooms starting at $1,800 Amenities: exposed brick walls, washer/dryer, controlled access lobby, modern appliances, hardwood floors Contact: Tim Holmes, 518.265.5778 The recently constructed project offers nine modern apartments in close proximity to Downtown’s Waterfront Pedestrian Bridge, as well as the Corning Preserve. Two penthouse units include interior staircases leading to fifth floor bedrooms with iconic views. The Monroe - 49 Sheridan Avenue Availability: 5 units n Sq. Footage: 789-2044 square feet Bedrooms: 1-2 n Bathrooms: 1-2 Price: 1 bedrooms starting at $1,045; 2 bedrooms starting at $1,585 Amenities: hardwood floors, stainless steel appliances, solid surface counter, on-site parking, washer/dryer, storage available, onsite parking available, private terraces/ patios available Contact: Danielle Bridger, 518.371.2410 x 20 The Monroe is the largest residential project in Downtown. The project has added a fifth floor to what was a four-story building and hosts 43 one-bedroom, and two-bedroom loft-style units. 60 State Place Units: 14 n To be completed: Projected Fall 2013 Sq. Footage: 575-1,840 n Bedrooms: studio-2 n Bathrooms: 1-2 Price: Studios starting at $1,213; 1 bedroom starting at $1,299; 2 bedrooms starting at $2,000 Amenities: 12’ ceilings, floor to ceiling windows, hardwood floors, stone counters, washer/dryer, common roof deck Contact: Melissa Jochum, 518.462.7411 x 608 The National State Bank Building is being reenergized and reintroduced as a 26,500 square foot mixed use development consisting of a 10,000 square foot catering facility and 14 luxury apartments. With a prominent State Street address and ample amenities, 60 State Place offers renters the opportunity to live in the historic center of downtown Albany. 11


Making Dali Mamma Favorites

Taking Orders

Traveling Taste Buds

Dali Mamma Teaches Healthy Habits From Tuesday, February 19, 2013 through Thursday February 21, 2013, Katrin Haldeman, owner of the Dali Mamma café, organized field trips for Traveling Taste Buds, a food education program she conceptualized for the Boys & Girls Club of Albany. The trips welcomed children to her new downtown Albany café located at 36 Maiden Lane. The ‘buds’ experienced hands on tours of the Dali Mamma café, teaching them how to create the café’s signature dishes, run the register and even take a customer’s order. Traveling Taste Buds initiative, headed by the Dali Mamma herself (Haldeman), was created to educate children about healthy eating, with the hope that their learning experiences would naturally extend into the community and their individual homes.

Tell me more about the Traveling Taste Buds project. What is the format, goals, objectives? Traveling Taste Buds is a program that incorporates healthy snacks, history, geography, art and music. We start by asking the kids what their favorite foods are and then ask if there was anywhere in the world they wanted to go – where would it be? We paired up the food, the place and talk about both – like French Fries – did they really come from France? Where is France on the map? What do we know about France? Is there a famous museum there? The format is pretty organic – we look at the calendar to have specific recipes relevant to the month. Teaming up with the Boys & Girls Club was a dream come true. My goal and objectives are simple and lofty: n To incorporate healthy snacks and food education to local students. n To replicate this program on a state-wide, then national scale. n To effect change in the lives of all of the students in the program.

What brought about this interest in healthy eating, particularly with children? I am the fifth child of eight! When I was very young, my mom changed our lives by taking all of the processed food out of the kitchen. We had an all-natural diet, including citrus lollipops that

Dali Mamma | 36 Maiden Lane | 518.443.2233

to this day I crave and wish I could find again. When I had my own sons, I wanted to do the same for them. Working with children is vital because healthy habits start when we are young. Giving kids not just the tools for healthy eating, but the love of healthy eating is the key to a lifelong love of good food.

What is the importance of shopping local? Is there a direct link to healthy eating and being a “localvoire”? Shopping local is the key to healthy living. When we are sourcing our food locally it is nutrient dense, it is natural and not filled with anything other than sunshine and green grass. Having fresh food makes our bodies happy, if our bodies are happy, we are happy.

As a business, why does the Dali Mamma hold such a high importance in community engagement? When I conceived Dali Mamma, it was with the specific intent to not only engage the community, but to also cultivate and grow it. I grew up living in a small community within my house. Having seven siblings taught me how community works. We rely on each other, watch out for one another, we cheer for each other and are there to support each other when we are down. Communities are central to survival – if one person succeeds, we all succeed. It is my philosophy for life.


Welcome to Downtown Albany! New Businesses Zachary’s Pastry Shoppe - has opened at 54 State Street. With its home base in East Greenbush, the frontage on State Street will provide the Downtown worker an opportunity to satisfy a sweet’s craving or celebrate a colleague’s birthday or anniversary. Call 518.813.9557 or visit their website at Dali Mamma - recently opened its doors at 36 Maiden Lane offering a seasonal menu with the freshest ingredients “farm to fork” and “hand to hand.” Catering and special event options are available. Contact them at 518.874.1791 or Empire State Coin - added a new location to their resume at 25 N. Pearl Street. In business since 1972, they buy and sell collectibles, gold and coin. Call 518.452.2500 to make an appointment or find out more information. Harmony Kids - has opened at 90 State Street offering quality child care from 6 weeks to 12 years old. Call 518.591.4678 or visit their website at MicroKnowledge - a computer training and consulting company, has partnered up with the BEAHIVE located at 418 Broadway. The partnership will be a series of five courses starting with a free class on Wednesday, April 3rd. For a full list of classes visit their website at

Recommitted Degraff, Foy & Kunz, LLP has recommitted to downtown Albany and has relocated at 41 State Street. They can be reached at 518.663.1824 or via web at Alexander Poole & Co. has renewed their lease at 11 N. Pearl Street. In business for over 50 years, Alexander Poole & Co. specializes in processing and legal services around the Capital Region. They can be reached at 518.436.0895 or Thomas Gabriels, Esq. recently relocated to 11 N. Pearl Street. Specializing in Bankruptcy Law, Mr. Gabriels can be reached at 518.463.1069.

New Offices to Downtown Albany National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has recently located to 99 Pine Street. NAMI is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. NAMI advocates for access to services, treatment, support and research and is steadfast in its commitment to raise awareness and build a community for hope for all of those in need. NAMI is the foundation for hundreds of NAMI State Organizations, NAMI Affiliates and volunteer leaders who work in local communities across the country to raise awareness and provide essential and free education, advocacy and support group programs. Call 518.462.200 or visit their website at Excel Engineering P.C.: an engineering firm that specializes in medical, institutional and commercial projects has located at 52 James Street. They can be reached at 518.464.0412. Visit their website at

We Want to Know If your business or organization is located in the BID district, email us at with your news, events and updates.

Political Precision, a political consulting, policy analysis and government and media relations firm has become a member of the BEAHIVE at 418 Broadway. They can be reached at 518.269.6830 or via the web at Anelli Xavier DWI Defense Attorneys have recently located to 522 Broadway. They are a team of lawyers that focus solely on DWI defense. They can be reached at 877.435.7394 or via web at Veracity Financial Group, LLC joins the tenants at 11 N. Pearl Street. They are a financial and management consulting firm that concentrates on providing c-level consulting, accounting, and advisory services to clients. Headquartered in downtown Albany, they have a secondary location in Bennington, Vermont. Call 877.797.7948 or visit



Mark Your Calendars!

Things To Do In Downtown Albany (April - June 2013)

n 14th Annual High School Regional – Albany Center Gallery through 4/27/2013 n Illuminations Exhibit – Broadway Art Center through 4/12/2013 n Jonny Mathis – The Palace Theatre 4/4/2013 n 1st Friday – Downtown Albany 4/5/2013 n Al DiMeola & Gonzalo Rubalcaba – The Egg 4/7/2013 n Graham Parker & The Rumor – The Egg 4/10/2013 n David Sedaris – The Egg 4/11/2013 n Disney Live! Mickey’s Music Festival – The Palace Theatre 4/12/2013 n Life in Color – Times Union Center 4/12/2013 n Dinosaur Petting Zoo – The Egg 4/13/2013 n Amy Schumer – The Egg 4/13/2013 n A Novel Idea Exhibit – Broadway Art Center 4/15/2013 – 5/17/2013 n Eddie Jobson – The Egg 4/16/2013 n Renaissance – The Egg 4/17/2013 n Scotty McCreery – The Palace Theatre 4/18/2013 n Restaurant Week – Downtown Albany 4/20/2013 – 4/26/2013 n Pilobolus – The Egg 4/21/2013 n Red – Capital Repertory Theatre 4/23/2013 – 5/19/2013 n Leo Kottke – The Egg 4/26/2013 n 14th Annual High School Regional – Albany Center Gallery through 4/27/2013 nA lbany Symphony Orchestra: Carnegie Hall Sneak Preview – The Palace Theatre 4/27/2013 n Time for Three – The Egg 4/27/2013 n The Magnificent Seven (Movie Event) – The Palace Theatre 4/29/2013 n Stephen Lynch – The Egg 5/2/2013 nR ingling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus – Dragons – Times Union Center 5/2/2013 – 5/5/2013 n Downtown Albany Blues Competition – Downtown Albany 5/3/2013 n The Tenors – The Palace Theatre 5/4/2013 n Sandy Hackett’s Rat Pack Show – The Palace Theatre 5/9/2013 n Super Why! Live You’ve Got The Power – The Palace Theatre 5/10/2013 n Joe Bonamassa – The Palace Theatre 5/11/2013 nD owntown Albany Business Improvement District Annual Meeting – Times Union Center 5/14/2013 n Illuminate Albany – Times Union Center 5/14/2013 n JAWS (Movie Event) – The Palace Theatre 5/20/2013 n It’s All Relative Exhibit – Broadway Art Center 5/20/2013 – 7/12/2013 n Sculpture in the Streets Exhibit – Downtown Albany beginning 6/2013 n Spank! The Fifty Shades Parody – The Egg 6/2/2013 & 6/3/2013 n Son Volt – The Egg 6/11/2013 n Andrea Bocelli – Times Union Center 6/13/2013 n Sculpture in the Streets Garden Party – Federal Plaza 6/14/2013 n Fleetwood Mac – Times Union Center 6/19/2013 n Hot Tuna – The Egg 6/21/2013

Red | Capital Repertory Theatre

The Tenors | The Palace Theatre

Sports! n Albany Devils Hockey – Times Union Center 4/5; 4/7; 4/13; 4/14; 4/19; 4/20; 4/21

For more information on these upcoming events, contact the Downtown Albany Business Improvement District (BID) at 518.465.2143 or visit

Fleetwood Mac | Times Union Center


Non-Profit Org.U.S. PAID Albany, NY Permit #1046 40 N Pearl Street, Suite 1 Albany, NY 12207 T: 518.465.2143 | F: 518.465.0139 (Downtown Albany BID)

MISSION STATEMENT To restore, promote and maintain the character and vitality of downtown Albany, and to improve the quality of life and overall image for all who live in, work in and visit the Capital City. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Committee Marc Paquin, Chairperson Cass Hill Development Companies I. David Swawite, Vice Chairperson Omni Development Company, Inc. Mark Holtzman, Treasurer KPMG Michael Gulotty, Secretary Hampton Inn & Suites, Albany Board Members Brad Fischer, Albany County Jeff Gordon, Gordon Companies Jim Hart, Merrill Lynch Hon. Gerald Jennings, Mayor, City of Albany Janet Kaplan, Esq., Swyer Companies Karen Laberge, Albany Management James Linnan, Linnan & Fallon, LLP Hon. Daniel P. McCoy, Albany County Executive Hon. Carolyn McLaughlin, Common Council Felton McLaughlin, NAI Platform Dominick Purnomo, Yono’s/dp: An American Brasserie Rich Rosen, Columbia Development

Reach Qualified Audiences Whether looking for a business or consumer audience, you can find several smart choices for advertising your business with these options from the Downtown Albany BID: n Downtown


n Downtown

LINKS monthly e-newsletter; and

n Downtown

Albany BID website.

For details email Marquita Rhodes at

Brad Rosenstein, Jack’s Oyster House Jim Rua, Café Capriccio Kathy M. Sheehan, Albany City Treasurer Shane Spillenger, Pearl Street Entertainment Mitzi Stewart, NYS Dormitory Authority Michael Tucker, Esq., Center for Economic Growth Mike Yevoli, Capitalize Albany Corporation


STAFF Georgette Steffens, Executive Director Marquita Rhodes, Director of Marketing August Rosa, Communications Coordinator Kris Sigsby, Office Manager Cheryl Stock, Business Development Manager Don Wilson, Operations Manager INTERNS Kourtney Newberry, Business Development Intern Lindsay Wilber, Marketing/Communications Intern


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