Voter Guide - August 4 Primary

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august 4 primary election voter guide


Cooper lives in Beverly Hills and obtained her undergraduate and law degrees from Wayne State University. She was 46th District Court Judge from 1979-1986; Oakland County Circuit Court Judge from 1987-2000; Michigan Court of Appeals Judge from 2001-2007; and has been Oakland County Prosecutor since 2009. Cooper has been involved with a number of professional and community non-profit groups. REFORM OF BAIL SYSTEM Across the country we are seeing calls for reform of the current bail system. Is the bail system in need of reform? If so, what would you suggest? If not, why? Yes. Judges and /or magistrates set bond for an individual charged with a crime. In Oakland County we have 31 different district court judges. Many times the “fines” and “costs” and a portion of the cash bonds are used as a funding source for local district courts. We have been talking to legislators about the interim bond act since I was elected. A few years ago my office took part in a work committee of attorneys, judges, legislators, and pretrial services to discuss bail reform and set the groundwork for the expansiveness of the project. Those early discussions were eventually subsumed by the current Michigan Joint Force of Jail and Pretrial Incarceration, which generated its report on January 10, 2020 with pending recommendations to our legislature. I am in full agreement with the report’s recommendations. SENTENCING DIVERSION PROGRAMS Rather than jail time on some more minor offenses, we are witnessing the use of diversion programs. What 8B

diversion programs are currently being used by the Oakland County Prosecutor's office? Do you agree with the movement in the last threefour years of increasing use of these programs? For what types of crime would you support diversion programs rather than jail sentences? What limitations (types of crimes) would you not support for diversion programs rather than jail time? Rather than jail time on some more minor offenses, we are witnessing the use of diversion programs. What diversion programs are currently being used by the Oakland County Prosecutor's office? Do you agree with the movement in the last threefour years of increasing use of these programs? For what types of crime would you support diversion programs rather than jail sentences? What limitations (types of crimes) would you not support for diversion programs rather than jail time? The courts impose incarceration when the crime endangers the safety of the public, such as an assaultive crime or when there are repeated offenses or a violation of the court’s conditions of probation. My office has always had a first offender diversionary program, a Teen Court Program, referrals to Youth Assistance, and requests to the court for delayed sentences (economic crimes giving the offender the opportunity to make financial restitution to the victim). The courts also have the option of YTA, Extended YTA, 769.4a (for Domestic Violence), and 7411 (minor drug offenses). All of these programs are used to try and keep individuals out of our jails and prisons. And for many, if they successfully complete the program or conditions of probation, they will not have a criminal record. PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENT This primary on the Democrat ticket is taking on the appearance of contests nation-wide where progressive policies are challenging those who have held this position for years. Is that a fair description of what Democrat primary voters are facing in August? How much of he policies being suggested by the progressive movement are actually data-based, research-based? Local “progressive” groups use national numbers and do not address the specifics or accomplishments within a particular county. As the county prosecutor we have seen a steady decline in criminal case filings in circuit court (41 percent reduction) and juvenile filings (63 reduction). While my opponent spouts progressive rhetoric, her actions and history are

quite opposite. As a family court judge, she sent an individual to jail for civil contempt for failing to vaccinate her child. There were less draconian ways to get the child vaccinated. She sent another 19 individuals to jail for civil contempt of court, again without the right to a jury trial or a standard of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Karen has received substantial funding from my Republican predecessor, David Gorcyca, who co-sponsored three of her fundraisers. Not sure if she is a Democrat, let alone a progressive. CHANGING ENFORCEMENT CULTURE Because some of the suggested changes to the prosecution system could be viewed as actually pushing change in the culture of law enforcement which may be more accustomed to a heavier-handed prosecution of crimes, does the county prosecutor need to meet with law enforcement leaders to explain a change in prosecutor philosophy to avoid blow back to policy changes? Likewise, should there be a meeting of minds with judges of the district and circuit court system? You don’t have to be an ideologue to work against the dire problems and disparities that exist in the criminal justice system. In fact, it requires an open and agile mind and knowledge of the law to effectuate change. What seems to be lost in the rhetoric is that victims of crime suffer from the same over whelming ethnic and cultural disparities. My attorneys are taught that ethics and fairness and excellence are the mantra of the office. We teach law at the police academy. You bring about change by earning respect for your knowledge, your hard work and your intellectual honesty. People only listen if they trust you. The courtroom is the one place where it is critical that the public have confidence in the fact that they will get a fair hearing. There is no justice system if we have judges or police officers or prosecutors with agendas.

lot of fanfare; I’m not using my office as a bully pulpit. My attorneys are well trained and highly skilled. I think my continued endorsements by first responders are a metric. I think the lowered crime rates are a metric. I think my work during the pandemic is a metric. I think our 99 percent affirmance rate in the court of appeals is a metric. I think the happiness on the faces of the kids at Mandy’s Place every Christmas morning is a metric. WHY VOTE FOR YOU What qualifies you for this position rather than your opponent? Experience, thoroughness and authenticity is the glaring difference. Over my career, I have made a difference in a lot of lives, one case at a time. I haven’t cured the social ills of our lifetime, but I stood up and tried and continue to try. I run a fair, ethical and professional office. My opponent worked as a district court prosecutor for David Gorcyca 20 years ago. She was never promoted to circuit. She was a family court judge for only one term. She spent most of her career in civil law. She has never tried a murder or capital case, has no knowledge of complex forensic evidence and absolutely no administrative experience. With the rise of hate crimes as well as the pandemic and the economic crises, this is not the time for on the job training or to bring back the horrific headlines of the Gorcyca administration.


ASSESSING PERFORMANCE Is there a system of metrics or performance standards that county citizens can use to gauge the performance of an elected county prosecutor? There are 701 times specific duties of county prosecutors are mentioned in the Michigan Constitution, statutes and court rules. My best metric is the trust the voters have placed in me by returning me to office time and again. That’s because I have been a fixture in the schools and in the senior centers and now on webinars. There is not a


McDonald resides in Birmingham and obtained her undergraduate degree from Alma College and law degree from Wayne State University. She was an Oakland County Circuit Court Judge from 2012-2019. McDonald has held positions with a number of professional and community groups. AUGUST 2020 PRIMARY

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Articles inside

Bloomfield Township Trustee/Republicans

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Bloomfield Township Trustee/Democrats

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13th District Oakland County Commission/Democrats

page 21

12th District Oakland County Commission/Democrats

page 20

Bloomfield Township Clerk/Republicans

pages 26-27

Bloomfield Township Supervisor/Democrats

pages 22-23

Bloomfield Township Treasurer/Republicans

pages 28-29

Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner/Republicans

page 19

Bloomfield Township Supervisor/Republicans

pages 24-25

Oakland County Treasurer/Republicans

pages 16-18

11th District U.S. House/Republicans

page 5

Oakland County Executive/Democrats

page 6

Oakland County Executive/Republicans

page 7

Oakland County Sheriff/Democrats

pages 10-11

9th District U.S. House/Republicans

page 4

Oakland County Treasurer/Democrats

pages 14-15

Oakland County Prosecutor/Democrats

pages 8-9
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