UMB Graduate School
1|Gr ad uate Assi st ant G uid e
UMB Graduate School
Contents Overview
Status and Duties
Qualification and Selection
Appointment and Duration of Employment
Letter of Appointment
Registration Requirements
Health Insurance
Conduct and Discipline
Additional Employment
Overview 2|Gr ad uate Assi st ant G uid e
UMB Graduate School
Graduate Assistants at the University of
Other university policies and procedures can
Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) function both
be found on the Graduate School’s Web site
as students and as professionals, enhancing
at and in the
their education by playing this important
Student Answer Book.
dual role. While studying to meet academic requirements for advanced degrees,
Assistantship Status and Duties
Graduate Assistants also complement their
A Graduate Assistantship is a study grant of
formal studies through research and/or
financial assistance to a graduate student
teaching under the supervision or tutelage of
that is offered in return for certain services
UMB faculty and staff.
at UMB. These services are further described below. A graduate assistant at
As a graduate student, you will be concerned
UMB receives a tuition waiver for up to 10
mainly with your individual teaching or
credits of coursework per semester (not
research assignment and with activities
summer), a stipend, and student health
within your program. You will also be a
insurance for the Fall and Spring semesters.
professional, albeit of an apprentice nature, in a large, complex university. Thus, you will need a clear understanding of your dual status, being aware especially of the requirements, responsibilities, and privileges of your position as both student and professional.
Graduate assistants are graduate students with academic endeavors and research as their top priorities; they are not university employees. Graduate assistants work under the supervision of the program offering the appointment. The program determines the assignment, supervises the work, and makes
This booklet is a compilation of campus policies and practices that relate specifically to recipients of graduate assistantships and PLUS awards. You should also become thoroughly familiar with the academic regulations of the Graduate School and the special requirements of your program.
the recommendation for reappointment and promotion to the respective stipend level(s). The graduate program is the primary source of information for assistantship details. Graduate assistant duties may be determined by the program director, any duly-appointed executive committees or assistants to the 3|Gr ad uate Assi st ant G uid e
UMB Graduate School
director, or the faculty member assigned to
research directly related to degree
supervise the course, laboratory session, or
progression. However, in some programs
research project in which the assistant is
the work the GRA is assigned is not
necessarily related to his or her progression toward a degree. This full-time GRA is
The assigned duties of a graduate assistant
expected to work 20 hours a week.
shall be consistent with the teaching and research missions of the university. The
GRA duties vary according to the nature of
assignment depends on the graduate
the research project in which the student
program’s needs and the experience and
participates and the source of funding.
qualifications of the assistant.
GRA’s may be assigned to work on research that is directly applicable to their thesis or
There are two main categories of
dissertation to be submitted in partial
employment for graduate students: graduate
fulfillment of the requirements for the
research assistantships (GRA) and graduate
master’s or doctoral degree. GRA duties are
teaching assistantships (GTA). Some
performed under the direction and
students are designated as graduate
supervision of a University or Graduate
assistants (GA) because they perform both
Faculty member, principle investigator or
research and teaching duties in the same
other authorized university representative.
semester. At the University of Maryland, Baltimore, assistantships are academic
All GRA appointees, whether funded by the
appointments without tenure.
Graduate School, one of the professional schools, or a research grant, are expected to
Graduate Research Assistants
devote 100 percent effort to his/her studies
A GRA is a graduate student whose primary
or research project.
focus is research related. Most graduate students who are supported by assistantships on this campus fall into this category. Generally, a Graduate Research
Graduate Teaching Assistantships
Assistantship provides support to students
A GTA is a graduate student whose main
while they are completing coursework or
focus is assisting in a teaching program. 4|Gr ad uate Assi st ant G uid e
UMB Graduate School
Typically, a full-time GTA works 20 hours
assistants will not be allowed to be solely in
per week, is paid a stipend consistent with
charge of a course, but will be given an
university guidelines, and is eligible for
appropriate degree of responsibility in a
tuition remission and student health
classroom or laboratory so that they may be
insurance. A GTA is expected to devote
introduced to teaching activities gradually
100 percent effort, after completion of the
and effectively. The final responsibility for
20 hour work commitment, to his or her
material covered, grades, and other formal
studies or research project.
course duties remain with the supervising faculty member. Distribution of duties
The specific duties of a GTA vary from one
among teaching assistants is in the hands of
program to another, but for the majority of
the graduate program and should reflect both
GTAs, assignments and responsibilities fall
the interests and skills of the graduate
into the following categories:
assistants and the desire of the program to
further their professional development.
Administration of community programs, workshops, and so on:
Assisting a faculty member in the
Qualification and Selection
grading, advising, proctoring, and
A graduate assistant must be a registered
administrative duties associated with a
graduate student, enrolled full-time in a
course or courses;
degree program, who is making satisfactory
Teaching responsibility for a laboratory
progress toward a degree. All graduate
or discussion session of a course; or
students are expected to maintain a
Teaching responsibility for a classroom
cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or
section if a multi-sectional course, under
better. The appointee should hold an
the close supervision of the course
appropriate baccalaureate degree from an
accredited institution. Appointments are normally given to those students who have
GTAs serving in any capacity are under the
shown superior aptitude in their field of
direction and close supervision of a
study and who appear likely to render a high
University or Graduate Faculty member.
quality of service to the university by their
Graduate students functioning as teaching
teaching and research activities. 5|Gr ad uate Assi st ant G uid e
UMB Graduate School
30. Twelve-month appointments generally The program director selects graduate
begin either July 1 or Sept. 1.
assistants upon the recommendation of a graduate student recruitment committee or
Each graduate program is responsible for
the student’s mentor.
determining and communicating its own specific criteria, consistent with university
The Graduate School is an equal opportunity
policy, and for assessing student
institution with respect to both education
qualifications for appointment and
and employment. Its policies are consistent
reappointment to graduate assistantships.
with pertinent federal and state laws and
Reappointment is generally dependent upon
regulations on affirmative action and equal
satisfactory performance, adequate progress
opportunity employment. Graduate research
toward a graduate degree, and the needs of
and teaching assistants are selected
the program. Appointment and
according to these policies.
reappointment are contingent upon the availability of funds. Every effort will be
Appointment and Duration of
made to continue funding PhD candidates in
good standing who lose mentor funding.
An assistantship appointment may be either full time (20 hours per week) or half time
Letter of Appointment
(10 hours per week). (See “Benefits
The official letter of appointment for a
Available to Graduate Assistants” for
graduate assistantship comes from the
benefits associated with these two
program director or faculty member whose
appointment categories.) Appointments
research project funds the assistantship. See
may not be for less than half time; ¼, 2/3, or
the back of this booklet for a sample letter of
¾ appointments are not permitted.
appointment. Students must receive a letter of appointment or reappointment annually.
Graduate assistants may be appointed for a regular academic year (10 months) or a 12-
This letter provides pertinent information on
month period. Ten-month appointments
the terms of the assistantship, including:
begin with the fall semester and end June 6|Gr ad uate Assi st ant G uid e
UMB Graduate School
1. Stipend level and amount
categories below). ABGA 900, 901, 902
2. Remission of tuition and student health
courses officially establishes the student as a
insurance 3. Permissible level of course registration per semester 4. Specific beginning and ending dates of the appointment and date on which the
graduate assistant. If graduate assistants do not register for one of these courses, the Internal Revenue Service may not recognize them as working students and may tax them for Social Security (FICA).
graduate assistant is expected to report to the program 5. Expected type of duties and the person to whom the student will report 6. Estimated time commitment in terms of responsibilities to the program 7. Acceptance deadline date and program director/PI and student signature
ABGA 900, 901 and 902 registrations are entered as ‘Pass’ (P/F) courses but do not count toward the tuition remission awarded as part of graduate assistant benefits and students do not pay for the course. Students may not use these credits to fulfill graduation requirements.
Note that the Graduate School and the
Also, courses taken for Audit (AU) do not
Student Financial Aid office must be copied
count toward the minimum credit
on all letters of appointment.
requirement for degree completion. Courses that are graded AU are counted as
Registration Requirements
attempted, not passed or earned hours. No
Graduate assistants must register as full-time
quality points are awarded for courses taken
students whether they are appointed to a
for Audit. Thus, courses taken/graded AU
full- or half-time assistantship. To be
are not included in grade point average
considered full-time, a student must register
(GPA) calculations. Graduate School
for a minimum of 9 credits per semester (not
funded assistantships will not pay for
courses taken for Audit.
Graduate assistants must register for ABGA 900, 901 or 902 depending upon her/his
Graduate Research Assistant (GRA)
designation (see graduate assistant
7|Gr ad uate Assi st ant G uid e
UMB Graduate School
A GRA is a graduate student whose
sectional course, under the close
primary focus is research related. GRA
supervision of the course director.
duties vary according to the nature of the
GTA’s must enroll in ABGA 901
research project in which the student participates and the source of funding.
Graduate Assistant (GA)
GRAs may work under a faculty member
Some students are designated as graduate
or mentor/PI in her/his research, or may
assistants (GA) because they perform
be assigned to work on research that is
both research and teaching duties in the
applicable to the student’s thesis or
same semester. GA’s must enroll in ABGA
dissertation. GRA’s must enroll in ABGA
900 Registration Information – Below are the Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA)
Course Registration Numbers (CRN’s) for
A GTA is a graduate student whose main
each assistantship category:
focus is assisting in a teaching program. The specific duties of a GTA vary from one program to another, but for the majority of GTAs, assignments and responsibilities fall into the following categories: 1. Administration of community programs, workshops, and so on 2. Assisting a faculty member in the
ABGA 900 (7 cr.) Graduate Research Assistant Fall Term – Section 01: CRN=90001 Spring Term – Section 01: CRN=20001 Summer Term – Section 01: CRN=60001
ABGA 901 (7 cr.)
Graduate Teaching
grading, advising, proctoring, and
Fall Term – Section 01: CRN=90003
administrative duties associated
Spring Term – Section 01: CRN=20003
with a course or courses
Summer Term – Section 01: CRN=60003
3. Teaching responsibility for a laboratory or discussion session of a course, or 4. Teaching responsibility for a
ABGA 902 (7 cr.) Graduate Assistant Fall Term – Section 01: CRN=95813 Spring Term – Section 01: CRN=25045 Summer Term – Section 01: CRN=62004
classroom section of a multi8|Gr ad uate Assi st ant G uid e
UMB Graduate School
Stipends Assistantships are funded from several
There are two levels (also known as “steps”)
sources. Assistantships are generally paid
for the classification of graduate assistants.
from state funds. GRAs may be provided by
These levels, which are based on experience
the campus, the student’s program, a
and progress toward the degree, determine
research grant to the student’s mentor, a
the minimum stipend that may be awarded.
training grant, or a student may receive
A level I stipend is awarded to first and
his/her own training grant.
second year graduate assistants. Upon successful admission to candidacy for the
All assistantships, whatever the source, must
Ph.D., the student may be eligible to receive
meet the minimum criteria for stipend and
a level II stipend. Departmental budget
benefits outlined in this document.
constraints may affect promotions.
The stipends of students holding individual
When a change to a level II stipend is
awards from the National Institutes of
initiated, approval from the Graduate School
Health, the National Science Foundation or
(that is, a copy of the admission to
any other government or private foundation,
candidacy letter) must be forwarded to the
will also be supplemented to the level set by
payroll office along with the revised payroll
the Graduate School. The student’s program
action form by the program/departmental
must notify the Graduate School of the
payroll representative.
award. Any stipend that exceeds the minimum must Students should be aware that graduate
be approved by the Graduate School. A
assistantships are considered a financial
written request specifying the reasons for
resource in determining one’s eligibility for
exceeding standard stipend levels should be
need-based financial aid.
forwarded to the Graduate School by the
Minimum Stipends
program director or coordinator.
The university sets minimum stipends for
Stipend Limits
graduate assistantships. Stipend levels are
Stipend limits are based on the NIH
established annually.
principle that stipends may not be “unreasonably high.” This means that the 9|Gr ad uate Assi st ant G uid e
UMB Graduate School
total benefits (stipend, tuition, and health
Benefits Available to Graduate
insurance) provided to a graduate assistant
may not exceed the NIH standard compensation level for a first year postdoctoral fellow (NIH year ‘0’). See for more information on NIH’s standard compensation levels.
Tuition Remission Graduate assistantship appointment status determines tuition remission benefits. Fulltime graduate assistants (20 hours per week) receive 10 credit hours tuition remission in the fall and spring semesters. Half-time graduate assistants (10 hours per week)
Payroll and Payroll Titles Graduate assistantship stipends are paid through the university payroll system. Graduate students must submit all documentation required by the university to their program/departmental administrator or
receive 5 credit hours tuition remission and one-half student health in the fall and spring semesters, or 10 credits of tuition remission and student health in the Fall or Spring only. The Graduate School does not offer tuition remission for winter or summer sessions.
payroll representative. Questions regarding payroll should be addressed to the program administrator and then to Human Resource Services (Administration Building, 620
For each semester that graduate assistants are eligible for remission, they must complete a tuition remission form by the
West Lexington Street, 3 Floor, 6-7600). Payroll titles are listed as the following:
first day of classes. Remission is not automatically applied to a student’s account.
936606 Graduate Teaching Assistant I
Note that the tuition remission form for
936509 Graduate Assistant
graduate assistants signals the Student
936501 Graduate Assistant I
Information Management System to bill the
936503 Graduate Assistant II
student at the in-state rate. It should be filed
936609 Graduate Research Assistant
at the earliest opportunity.
936601 Graduate Research Assistant I
936603 Graduate Research Assistant II
The following procedures should be followed each semester to ensure tuition remission: 10 | G r a d u a t e A s s i s t a n t G u i d e
UMB Graduate School
The graduate assistant obtains a tuition remission form from her/his
Student Health Insurance
department/program coordinator or
It is the University’s policy that all UMB
payroll representative, or from Human
students have health insurance. Graduate
Resource Services (Administration
assistants who do not have other equivalent
Building 620 West Lexington Street, 3rd
coverage must be enrolled in the university
Floor, 6-7600) by presenting her/his
student health insurance plan. The
letter of appointment.
premiums for graduate assistants are
The student prepares and signs the
covered by their assistantships, depending
tuition remission form. If a student is
on the funding source. A booklet, “Health
taking courses on more than one campus
Care for Students at the University of
within the University of Maryland
Maryland,” describing this plan is available
System, a form must be completed for
from Student Accounting (HS/HSL, second
each campus.
floor, 6-2930). Graduate students who
The funding source and the appropriate
already have equivalent coverage may waive
institutional chartstring information are
the campus insurance by following the
added and signed to show approval. Depending on the funding source, the
prescription medications are covered under
signer will be the program director, the
this plan, but vision and dental claims are
dean, the department administrator or
not. Optional dental and vision plans are
coordinator, the student’s mentor or Celeste Gerhart in the Graduate School.
directions in the booklet. Note that
The form is approved by Human Resource Services.
available at the students’ own expense. And students may purchase family coverage since it is not normally covered by the university.
The university automatically enrolls and
The form is submitted to Student Accounting, HS/HSL, 601 West Lombard Street, 2nd Floor, 6-2930) for processing.
bills full-time students for the student health insurance plan. Enrollment occurs at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters (effective Aug. 1 and Feb. 1, respectively.) Students who arrive on campus before the 11 | G r a d u a t e A s s i s t a n t G u i d e
UMB Graduate School
beginning of a semester or who register for
remission is not available. Completion of
fewer than 9 credits their first semester at
the “Tuition/Fees/Insurance Payment by
the university must enroll themselves in the
Grant Funds” form (see
insurance plan. They should do this when
they arrive on campus. Students need only
uition-payment-PS.pdf ) is required for in-
enroll for student health insurance one time
state billing status. Upon termination of the
assistantship, students are billed according
Charges for student health insurance will
to their original billing status, unless they
then appear on the student’s bill. If those
have filed a formal petition for a permanent
charges are to be paid by a graduate
change of residency. Copies of the in-state
assistantship administered by the Graduate
status petition are available at the Office of
School, the student should obtain a signed
the Registrar, 601 West Lombard Street
health insurance charge-back form from
(HS/HSL, Suite 240, 607481). Information
Celeste Gerhart in the Graduate School (620
is also online at
West Lexington Street, 5th Floor, 6-6794) or the payer of the award. These forms can
Student Fees
then be returned to Student Accounting
Students are responsible for paying fees
HS/HSL, 601 West Lombard Street 2nd
associated with registration. Information is
Floor) to cover the premium.
available online at
In-State Billing
Graduate assistants are eligible for in-state billing during the performance of the
Retirement and Social Security
assistantship. In order to receive this
Retirement and Social Security (FICA) taxes
benefit, the student must submit a Tuition
are not withheld from the stipends of
Remission form to the Human Resources
graduate assistants, and students are not
office at least six (6) weeks prior to the start
entitled to the benefits that accrue from such
of the term for which they are registered.
Tuition remission is available to students who are on payroll and who are registered for the term. For summer and winter terms, 12 | G r a d u a t e A s s i s t a n t G u i d e
UMB Graduate School
Vacation and Sick Leave
insurance, automobile and home insurance,
Graduate assistants are not covered by the
vision and dental insurance. For details,
University of Maryland’s vacation or leave
visit or call Human Resource Services
policies applicable to faculty or staff.
(Administration Building 620 West
However, the University of Maryland
Lexington Street, 3rd Floor, 6-7600).
recommends that the mentor or supervisor of a graduate assistant provide the graduate
Conduct and Discipline
assistant with two weeks of leave each
In their research and teaching activities, all
calendar year and a limited amount of time
graduate assistants are subject to the ethical
for absence due to unexpected sickness,
precepts and code of the academic
family or any other emergency. Leave time
profession, to the laws of the state of
for graduate assistants should be granted on
Maryland regarding its employees, and to
an equitable and nondiscriminatory basis.
the university policies that govern their
Any graduate assistant leave approved by
institutional obligations. Violation of any of
the mentor or supervisor must be used by the
these constitutes the basis for disciplinary
graduate assistant during the calendar year
for which it was approved. Leave does not carry-over from one year to the next.
Performance Reviews Each program is responsible for determining
Credit Union
and implementing procedures for review and
Graduate assistants are eligible to join the
evaluation of graduate assistants. Therefore,
State Employees Credit Union of Maryland.
the process of evaluation will vary. It may
For details, call 410-487-7328, visit
include written assessment of work by an or stop by the local branch at
individual faculty member, classroom
11 S. Paca Street.
visitation by designated faculty members, and written student evaluation. The results of reviews and evaluation should be
University-based Benefits
discussed with the graduate assistant
Graduate assistants may enroll in the
following at their own expense: taxdeferred investment plans, long-term
Termination 13 | G r a d u a t e A s s i s t a n t G u i d e
UMB Graduate School
A graduate assistant appointment may be
and contributing to the recipient’s
terminated before expiration of the specified
professional development. In all instances,
time under unusual and compelling
it is understood that the graduate student’s
conditions, such as:
priority should be his or her studies and
1. Incompetence, inefficiency, or neglect of
research and that 100 percent of his or her
effort will be devoted to this endeavor.
2. Misconduct that is job-related
Graduate assistants whose terms of
3. Delinquency in academic work
appointment include a work component are
4. Moral turpitude
not, therefore, expected to work more than
5. Discontinuance of the work in which the
20 hours per week on any project or set of
appointment is made 6. Chronic physical or mental ailment or
projects not directly related to their dissertation research. Other graduate
defect that interferes with the graduate
assistants are not permitted to take on any
assistant’s performance of required
work beyond their studies or research within
or outside the university. Therefore,
7. Academic misconduct
graduate assistants are ineligible for
8. Violation of the Statement of Rights and
additional awards that include a work
Responsibilities for Academic Integrity
component. A graduate assistant who
9. Voluntary mutual agreement, and
receives external support for his or her
10. Change in budgetary appropriations.
research will be expected to end his or her graduate assistantship. During the summer
Except in the most egregious instance, the
session, Graduate Assistants who have
graduate assistant will receive written notice
completed at least their second year may
of termination at least two weeks before the
receive supplemental compensation for
effective date.
working increased hours on related projects beyond their appointment. Payment requests will be processed only for increased hours
Additional Employment
worked during the summer session; see
Graduate assistantships are awarded with the
Graduate School academic calendar. Before
intent of both providing financial support
work begins, approval must be obtained from the student’s adviser, graduate program 14 | G r a d u a t e A s s i s t a n t G u i d e
UMB Graduate School
director, the Office of International studies
members. Such students should be
(international students only), and the Office
considered Visiting GRAs and the following
of the Graduate School Dean.
steps should be taken:
The request form can be found at:
The program should ensure that the
student is covered by health
insurance from his or home institution.
Tax Status
The student should sign the “Visiting
Stipends received through graduate
Scientist Agreement” form, which
assistantships are generally considered
protects the intellectual property
taxable income and thus may be subject to
rights of our campus. Copies of this
federal, state and local taxes. Graduate
agreement and of the Visiting
assistants are encouraged to consult with
Scientist Policy can be obtained from
their own tax counsel, the Internal Revenue
Research and Development (620
Service and/or their own state and local tax
West Lexington Street 4th Floor, 6-
codes to determine specific obligations
regarding stipends, scholarships, fellowships
The program director should make
or other forms of tuition reduction. Note:
certain that the student has
Special rules may apply to non-US citizens
completed all of the safety training
or non-resident aliens.
required or appropriate for the student’s laboratory placement (such
Visiting GRAs
as radio-isotope handling or
Sometimes a graduate student pursues
procedures to minimize exposure to
dissertation research on this campus while
blood-borne pathogens). If not, such
registered as a student at another university.
training should be arranged with the
This situation can arise when a student’s
Environmental Health and Safety
adviser has recently come from another
university to join our faculty or when a
If the student is to be paid with grant
student registered elsewhere comes to UMB
funds administered by this campus,
to pursue a project with one of our faculty
he or she should be assigned the
15 | G r a d u a t e A s s i s t a n t G u i d e
UMB Graduate School
payroll title of GRA. A letter stating
campus to work on a project. The Process
that the student is enrolled as a full-
for doing this is as follows:
time student at his or her home
The faculty member, through
institution and providing the name of
consultation with the student and his
that institution should be submitted
or her graduate program identifies a
along with the payroll action form.
suitable student. It is important at
A second copy of this letter should
this point to obtain the agreement of
be sent to Celeste Gerhart in the
the graduate program director as to
Graduate School (620 West
the details of the appointment.
Lexington Street 5th Floor, 6-6794).
These details should be clearly stated
The student will then be FICA-
in the graduate assistant’s letter of
exempt. The student should not
register for ABGA 900/901/902 and
The student is put on the university
should not be given the GRA since
payroll as a graduate assistant on our
he or she is not a full-time student
enrolled on this campus.
The student completes a tuition
If the student is being paid by his or
remission form showing that
her home institution, s/he will not be
registration will be on the student’s
on the UMB payroll. The Graduate
home campus and files the form with
School should be notified in writing,
our Human Resource Services office
however, as in 4 above.
just as other graduate assistants do.
Note: International students are not
The student completes and files an
considered for “Visiting GRA
inter-institutional registration form
for ABGA 900, 901 or 902 on this campus.
Graduate Assistants from Other USM Campuses Upon occasion, a faculty member will wish to support a graduate student from another
The faculty member arranges to cover the costs of the student’s health insurance at his or her home campus.
University System of Maryland (USM) 16 | G r a d u a t e A s s i s t a n t G u i d e
UMB Graduate School
Appendices ..................................................................................................................................... Sample Graduate Assistant Appointment Letter
Dear (Name)
Congratulations! Upon recommendation of the (Name) program at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, I am pleased to offer you a Graduate (Research or Teaching) Assistantship for the period of (Date) to (Date). This assistantship consists of a stipend of ($), tuition remission for up to 10 credits for the fall and spring semesters, and health insurance benefits. Please be aware that graduate assistantships are considered a financial resource in determining one’s eligibility for need-based financial aid.
As a graduate assistant, you will perform duties as assigned by your faculty mentor, Dr. (Name), for a total 20 hours per week. You will be expected to devote 100 percent of your effort, after completion of your work assignments, to your studies and research. You may not be employed in any other capacity. In addition, you must be registered as a full-time student each semester and session that you hold an assistantship.
- Or -
As a graduate assistant, you will be expected to devote 100 percent of your effort to the successful completion of your studies and research and to perform duties as assigned by your faculty mentor, Dr. (Name). You may not be employed in any other capacity. In addition you must be registered as a full-time student each semester and session that you hold an assistantship. Acceptance of this offer is an agreement that both the student and program are expected to honor. In those instances in which a student accepts the offer before (Date), and subsequently desires to withdraw, the student must resign the appointment in writing before (Date). An acceptance given or left in force after (Date) commits the student to not accepting another offer without first obtaining a written release from the program making the original offer. Similarly, 17 | G r a d u a t e A s s i s t a n t G u i d e
UMB Graduate School
an offer by the program is conditional on presentation by the student of a written release from any previously-accepted offer. The Graduate Assistant Guide booklet, available at, has more details concerning this appointment. Please notify my office whether you will accept this offer by signing and returning this agreement by (Date). We are looking forward to working with you. Sincerely (Name) I accept the graduate assistantship offer for the period of (Date) and agree to the conditions of the award Signature Date: Cc:
Graduate School Student Financial Aid
..................................................................................................................................... Graduate Assistant Checklist Appointment Letter (Submit Each Year of Appointment) ABGA 900/901/902 Registration (Enroll Each Fall and Spring Semester) Tuition Remission Form (Submit Each Semester of Appointment) Student Health Insurance Enrollment
(Needed Each Semester of Appointment)
Student Health Insurance Charge-back Authorization Payroll Hire/Action Form (and all necessary forms)
(Submit Each Semester of Appointment)
(Submit Each Semester of Appointment)
..................................................................................................................................... 18 | G r a d u a t e A s s i s t a n t G u i d e
UMB Graduate School
Contact Information
Financial Aid Student Financial Aid: 410-706-7347 Graduate School: 410-706-6794 Health Insurance Student Accounting: 410-706-2930 Student Health: 410-328-6645 Human Resources Human Resource Services: 410-706-7600 NIH Payroll Financial Services: 410-706-8581 Registration Office of the Registrar: 410-706-7480
19 | G r a d u a t e A s s i s t a n t G u i d e