2009-2010 Annual Report

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Contents 1










A full listing of grants and contracts awarded July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010 is available at www.pharmacy.umaryland.edu/fy10grants.

Mission The University of Maryland School of Pharmacy leads pharmacy education, scientific discovery, patient care, and community engagement in the state of Maryland and beyond.

Vision We will achieve our mission by:

• inspiring excellence in our students through a contemporary curriculum,

innovative educational experiences, and strategic professional relationships.

• advancing scientific knowledge across the spectrum of drug discovery, health

services, and practice-based and translational research with significant focus on

collaborative partnerships.

• expanding the impact of the pharmacist’s role on direct patient care and

health outcomes.

• building and nurturing relationships with all members of our community.

• capitalizing on our entrepreneurial spirit to improve pharmaceutical research,

practice, and education in Maryland and throughout the world.

Pledge We are proud to be critical thinkers, lifelong learners, and leaders who are sought for our expertise. We earn our reputation with the highest standards of personal ethics and professional conduct. Students and education are central to everything we do. We engage the community; together, we contribute to the improved health of society. We celebrate the distinctive talents of our faculty, staff, and students. We honor our traditions and advocate for dynamic changes in pharmacy practice, education, and research. We create the future of pharmacy.

D EAN’S MESSAGE The University of Maryland School of Pharmacy leads

• The completion of

pharmacy education, scientific discovery, patient care,

the first all alumni

and community engagement in the state of Maryland

online survey with

and beyond. Those words, the School’s mission state-

the final results being

ment, are the foundation for everything we do here at

used as a resource for

the School of Pharmacy.

creating a five-year

This Annual Report, focused on the 2009-2010 fis-

Alumni Association

cal year, is a reflection of the hard work of our faculty,

strategic plan that

staff, and students, who embrace the School’s mission

will be completed in 2011.

and live it through their daily efforts in the classroom,

the clinic, the lab, and the community.

was completion of Pharmacy Hall Addition, which

Some highlights of their efforts are:

opened in August for the start of the fall semester.

• The awarding of $16.5 million in research

After 15 years of advocacy and fiscal support from

Of course, one of the major highlights of the year

grants and contracts, a 31 percent increase

our faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends, and a

since 2006, with funding from the National

financial commitment from the state of Maryland, our

Institutes of Health jumping from $4.2 million

new building is now a symbol on our campus of the

in Fiscal Year 2009 to $6.3 million in FY10.

pharmacy profession’s important role in the provision

• The provision of 17,700 hours of clinical care

of health care. I commend everyone who was a part of

in nine ambulatory and 24 inpatient settings,

bringing this beautiful new building to completion, and

reaching almost 35,000 patients.

I see tangible signs every day of how it already has im-

• The Maryland P3 Program’s win of a coveted

pacted our students’ educational experience, expanded

Pinnacle Award from the American Pharmacists

our research capabilities, and provided a wonderful

Association Foundation.

setting for all of us to connect as a School community.

• Keeping academic courses on pace and

The opportunities our new Pharmacy Hall will

preserving spring break despite the unprec-

bring us are immeasurable. As you read this Annual

edented closure of the campus due to the

Report and take note of the Honor Roll of Donors, I

blizzards in February 2010.

hope you realize that those opportunities were made

• The formation of subcommittees to prepare

possible in large part because of the ongoing support

for the School’s Accreditation Council for

and commitment of you, our alumni and friends. I

Pharmacy Education re-accreditation visit in

invite you to visit the School and to see for yourself the


transformations that are taking place.

• The establishment of a leadership develop-

ment program to position faculty and adminis-

trators to assist in achieving the goals set in the

2010-2015 strategic plan.

• Our students providing more than 4,000 hours

of community service through the School’s

Student Government Association.

That’s it for now,

Natalie D. Eddington, PhD ’89, BSP, FAAPS Professor and Dean




Total enrollment Entering class With baccalaureate Age range of first-year students Average age of first-year students Female/male ratio across all four years

Ethnicity across all four years: 45% Asian 41% Caucasian 10% African-American 2% Hispanic 2% No response

81 Full-time faculty 57 Adjunct faculty 619 Preceptor faculty

STAFF 92 150

Administrative, development, facilities, IT, poison specialists, student services, and special support Technical, research staff, and teaching assistants




65 Total enrollment

Department of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research 25 Students 52/48% Female/Male

92 8 154 87 404

Principal investigators Published books Refereed works published Non-refereed works published Papers presented


Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences 40 Students 54/46% Female/Male ACADEMIC TRAINING 41 Postdoctoral fellows 7 Residents

GRANTS AND CONTRACTS FUNDING epartment of Pharmaceutical D Health Services Research


epartment of Pharmacy D Practice and Science


epartment of Pharmaceutical D Sciences




64 Review panels 1,293 Manuscripts read/reviewed 58 Editors/Associate editors 36 Officeholders 334 Departmental committees 968 Total days in public service

EMPLOYMENT SURVEYS PHARMD GRADUATES/ COMMITMENT TYPE 36% Community/chain 24% Hospital 22% Residency/fellowship 7% Public health service 3% Community/independent 2% Pharmaceutical industry 1% Managed care 1% Graduate school 4% Other

2 | U N I V E R S I T Y O F M A RY L A N D S C H O O L O F P H A R M A C Y www.pharmacy.umaryland.edu



Gifts $1,717,248

This report is an unaudited presentation of revenues supporting the School. Net General Appropriation and Tuition and Fees $17,576,713

Fair market value of endowments 2010: $13,947,800

Grant and Contract Awards and Designated Research Initiative Funds $16,946,313 Federal Funds $13,316

Auxiliary and Misc. $2,995,273

FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009

Scholarships, Fellowships, and Endowments $1,114,781

Campus-Funded Fringe Benefits $3,727,344

Gifts $1,780,696


Net General Appropriation and Tuition and Fees $18,631,333

This report is an unaudited presentation of revenues supporting the School.

Grant and Contract Awards and Designated Research Initiative Funds $16,905,776 Federal Funds $13,316

Fair market value of endowments 2009: $12,529,742

Auxiliary and Misc. $2,460,444

Scholarships, Fellowships, and Endowments $1,063,961

Campus-Funded Fringe Benefits $3,366,517


N EW FACULTY William Culpepper II, PhD, MA Research Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research Culpepper completed a master’s degree in experimental psychology in 1990, and worked in a variety of research settings. His PhD is in epidemiology from the University of Maryland School of Medicine. Culpepper’s primary focus is in neuroepidemiology with an emphasis on multiple sclerosis (MS) and epilepsy. As the associate director for epidemiology and outcomes for the Veterans Affairs Multiple Sclerosis Center of Excellence, he is actively involved in creating a surveillance registry to track outcomes and adherence to disease modifying therapies. Additionally, he is involved in research assessing etiological mechanism in MS, access and barriers to care, and costs of MS care. Culpepper has been funded by the National Institutes of Health, private and public foundations, and by the pharmaceutical industry. Alison Duffy, PharmD Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science A graduate of the University of Rhode Island, Duffy completed both a pharmacy practice residency and hematology/oncology specialty residency at the University of Cincinnati-UC Health University Hospital in Ohio. As a clinical pharmacy specialist at the University of Maryland Medical Center, Duffy works with hematologic malignancies, solid tumor, and blood and marrow transplant inpatient services and hopes to expand her oncology practice to the outpatient setting. Her research interests are in oncology, specifically in hematologic malignancies and infectious complications of patients with cancer. Duffy is pursuing board certification in oncology pharmacy this year.

Susan DosReis, PhD Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research DosReis received her BS in pharmacy from the University of Rhode Island School of Pharmacy, a PhD in pharmaceutical health services research from the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, and completed a National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) postdoctoral fellowship in children’s mental health services at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. She comes to the School of Pharmacy from a faculty position in the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. DosReis’ research focuses on pharmacoepidemiologic investigation of psychotropic medication use among children and adolescents as well as patient- and family-centered research on preferences for children’s mental health treatment. She has been the principal and co-investigator on several federal research grants from the NIMH. Zhongxing Jiang, PhD Research Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Jiang received a BA from Southwest University in China and a PhD from Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He completed postdoctoral training in drug delivery at the University of Utah and in chemical biology at the Indiana University School of Medicine. The focus of Jiang’s current research is the design, synthesis, and evaluation of fluorinated macromolecules as 19F magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) agents and drug delivery vehicles for multi-chromic MRI and personalized cancer drug therapy.

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Loyal donors provide the foundation for the School of Pharmacy’s success.

7 Thank you to everyone—our alumni, faculty, staff, and friends—who has invested in the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy.


LEGACY COUNCIL In our continued efforts to recognize donors, the Legacy Council of the University of Maryland has been established to acknowledge those who have made generous contributions to the School of Pharmacy through their estate plans. Anyone who has made such a gift is eligible for membership in the Legacy Council, which is chaired by Clayton Warrington, BSP ’58. To qualify, simply provide documentation of the gift to the Office of Development (www. umaryland.edu/plannedgiving) or a copy of the relevant document in which the School is named as a beneficiary. For additional information about membership in the Legacy Council and estate planning, please contact Janice Batzold, MS, acting executive director of development and alumni affairs, at 410-706-1711 or at jbatzold@ rx.umaryland.edu. Members of the Legacy Council include: John H. Balch, BSP ’68~

Estate of Bertha J. Manchey

Estate of Lillian K. Slama

Estate of Evelyn Grollman Glick

Estate of Helen Mendelsohn

James M. Trattner, PhD ’28

Gwynne L. Horwits

David G. Miller, BSP ’85

Clayton L. Warrington, BSP ’58~

Leonard Horwits, BSP ’60

Joseph H. Morton, BSP ’60

Elizabeth Warrington~

Bernard Lamy

Paul Pumpian, BSP ’50

Gregory Lukaszczyk, BSP ’84

Chris A. Rodowskas, PhG ’29

DAVID STEWART ASSOCIATES In the mid-1980s, several dedicated alumni and friends established our premier giving society, the David Stewart Associates (DSA), to fund significant Schoolwide initiatives that would propel the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy nationally as a leader in pharmacy education. We honor David Stewart, America’s first professor of pharmacy and founder of the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, who symbolized a passion for excellence and commitment to pharmacy education. The founding members of the DSA include: Leon R. Catlett, BSP ’65

Leon Jablon=

Thomas S. Petr, BSP ’74

Melvin S. Cohen

William J. Kinnard Jr.

Stephen J. Provenza, PhG ’29=

James P. Cragg Jr., BSP ’43

Dorothy Levi, BSP ’70

Lawrence R. Rachuba

Leonard J. DeMino

Mark A. Levi, PD, BSP ’70

Gerald M. Rosen, PhD, JD

Donald O. Fedder, BSP ’50=

Samuel Lichter, BSP ’60

David M. Russo, BSP ’79

Michaeline R. Fedder

Martin B. Mintz, BSP ’65, PD

Ralph A. Small Jr., BSP ’74

Robert Foer, BSP ’51=

Benjamin S. Mulitz

Bernard A. Weisman, BSP ’70

Mayer Handelman, BSP ’54

Elizabeth Newcomb, BSP ’68

Kenneth P. Whittemore Jr., BSP ’76

William M. Heller, MS ’51,

John R. Newcomb Jr., BSP ’65

Leonard Winkleman

PhD ’55, DSC ’87

David Pearlman, BSP ’52

H. Elinor Hens

William L. Pearlman, BSP ’48

= Deceased

Through individual gifts and pledges of $1,000 or more, this core group of donors has grown to create a solid base of private support for the School’s efforts to advance pharmaceutical education and science. To join this prestigious group of alumni and friends, or for information on giving to the School, please contact Janice Batzold, MS, acting executive director of development and alumni affairs, at 410-706-1711 or at jbatzold@ rx.umaryland.edu. 6 | U N I V E R S I T Y O F M A RY L A N D S C H O O L O F P H A R M A C Y www.pharmacy.umaryland.edu

The University of Maryland School of Pharmacy appreciates the financial support of the following individuals and organizations during the period July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010:


Dolores M. Kinnard

Susan DosReis, PhD ’99

William J. Kinnard Jr.+

Thomas Dowling

David Stewart Associates

David A. Knapp*

Dennis L. Eaton, BSP ’80*


Deanne E. Knapp*

Michele Y. Ewing


Barbara Lichter

Russell B. Fair~

John H. Balch, BSP ’68~

Samuel Lichter, BSP ’60*+

J. Philip Fink, BSP ’79*

Mark A. Levi, BSP ’70+

Amy Lippman

Mark G. Fletcher, BSP ’78, MS ’81,

David G. Miller, BSP ’85~

$25,000 - $99,999

Martin B. Mintz, BSP ’65~+

Kathleen Gondek, MS ’88, PhD ’93

Patricia A. Barditch-Crovo, BSP ’78

David M. Russo, BSP ’79*+

Jefferson J. Gregory, BSP ’79

Andrew Coop

John A. Scigliano, MS ’44,

I. William Grossman, BSP ’56~

Thomas S. Petr, BSP ’74+

Felix A. Khin-Maung-Gyi, BSP ’83*

James E. Polli

Marilyn Shangraw~

Mary Therese Gyi, BSP ’83,

Larry E. Small, MS ’76, PhD ’80~

Frances Spaven, PhD ’86~

Stephen L. Handelman, BSP ’79

Kerry Spaven

William M. Heller, MS ’51,

Angelo C. Voxakis, BSP ’71~

$10,000 - $24,999

George C. Voxakis, BSP ’58,

Alice H. Hill, PharmD ’93~

Natalie D. Eddington, PhD ’89

Morton D. Kramer, BSP ’50*

Donna Handelman

Stephen M. Wienner, BSP ’91*

Sally Van Doren, PharmD ’85~ Ellen H. Yankellow, BSP ’73,

PharmD ’96~

PhD ’50*

PharmD ’96*

Mayer Handelman, BSP ’54+

PhD ’83

PharmD ’06*

PhD ’55, DSc ’87~+

Angela Lamy Anne B. Leavitt*

Clayton L. Warrington, BSP ’58~

$1,000 - $1,999

Raymond C. Love, PharmD ’77*

Elizabeth Warrington~

Alfred Abramson, BSP ’56

Michael Luzuriaga, BSP ’70~

Bruce Anderson

Alexander D. MacKerell Jr.

$2,000 - $9,999

Douglas P. Arkin

Ann M. MacLaren, BSP ’87

Robert S. Beardsley

Stephen B. Bierer, BSP ’72*

David D. MacLaren, BSP ’83,

James L. Bresette, PharmD ’97~

David A. Blake, BSP ’63

Barry M. Bress, BSP ’79

David L. Booze, BSP ’81

Daniel Z. Mansour, PharmD ’06

Suzanne J. Caplan, BSP ’65*

Lisa L. Booze, BSP ’79,

Gina P. McKnight-Smith,

Yale H. Caplan, BSP ’63, PhD ’68*

Conrad P. Dorn Jr., BSP ’58,

Cynthia J. Boyle, PharmD ’96~

Jill Molofsky, BSP ’81~

MS ’61, PhD ’63~

PharmD ’00

PhD ’88~

PharmD ’97

Thomas S. Brenner, BSP ’72*

Jill A. Morgan

John F. Fader II, BSP ’63

Albert W. Brzeczko, PhD ’90

Paul J. Na, BSP ’90

Gary L. Haas~

David R. Chason, BSP ’71

Joseph A. Oddis~

Robert W. Henderson, BSP ’63~

Patricia J. Chason

Richard P. Penna~

Brian M. Hose, PharmD ’06

Betty W. Cohen, BSP ’49~

William T. Popomaronis, BSP ’78

Walter J. Hryszko, BSP ’74~

William J. Cooper~

Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner,

David H. Jones, BSP ’70

Stephen L. Disharoon, BSP ’79

PharmD ’83~

*Signifies donor for 15+ consecutive years

+Signifies David Stewart Associates Founding Member

~Signifies donor for 5-14 consecutive years

= Signifies Deceased FY10 ANNUAL REPORT | 7

Howard R. Schiff, BSP ’56

DeAnna D. Leikach, BSP ’92~

Virginia Lambrow

Jerome Schwartz, BSP ’49*

Neil B. Leikach, BSP ’92~

Mark H. Lapouraille, BSP ’84*

Paul Shapiro

Phyllis Lovito~

Lisa C. LeGette, BSP ’92~

Jeffrey B. Sherr, BSP ’78

Denis Lynch

Qingdi Q. Li, PhD ’00

Joanne H. Sherr, BSP ’78

Kristin A. Lynch, PharmD ’97

Lisa M. Matson, BSP ’88~

Matthew G. Shimoda, PharmD ’84

John M. Motsko Jr., BSP ’69

Jay M. Mei, PhD ’94

Alex M. Taylor, BSP ’76~

Melissa L. Scholnick

Dora M. Ober

Christopher E. Thomas, BSP ’86,

Cathie L. Schumaker, BSP ’77

Joseph D. Ober, PharmD ’85

Sorell L. Schwartz, BSP ’59

Eberechukwu Onukwugha

Huseyin C. Tunc, BSP ’83~

PharmD ’89

Michael J. Steinberg, PharmD ’00~

Prashant Patel, PharmD ’09

John F. Van Wie, BSP ’84

George W. Swope Jr., BSP ’70~

Thomas J. Pfaff, BSP ’85~

Wayne D. Van Wie, BSP ’88

Melike G. Tunc, PharmD ’08

Michael B. Rodell, BSP ’58~

Gerolyn Ann Whittemore

Zeynep T. Tunc, PharmD ’06

Israel M. Ruddie, BSP ’44

Kenneth P. Whittemore Jr.,

Susan S. Wells

James R. Salmons, BSP ’89,

Thomas A. Wells

Thomas G. Williams Sr., BSP ’80,

BSP ’76+

Anthony K. Wutoh, BSP ’90,

Suzanne K. Simala, BSP ’84*

Linda Simoni-Wastila

PharmD ’99~=

PhD ’96

Thomas G. Williams Jr.,

PharmD ’00~

Ashley F. Slagle, MS ’04, PhD ’08 Apothecary Club

Francis J. Tinney, PhD ’66*

Wanda Williams

$250 - $499

Charles H. Tregoe, BSP ’59*

Terry F. Wills, PharmD ’00~

Janice T. Batzold

Carol Ann Williams

Angela Wilks

Sherry N. Berlin, BSP ’74~

Gary J. Wirth, BSP ’79

Ilene H. Zuckerman, BSP ’81,

Francis J. Bublavek, BSP ’81

Loreen A. Wutoh, BSP ’86

Rebecca J. Ceraul

David M. Yoder, PharmD ’98~

Michael D. Cohen, BSP ’63

Lane P. Zangwill, BSP ’78*

PharmD ’06

PharmD ’83~

Dean’s Club

James M. Crable, BSP ’82

$500 - $999

Terry L. Davis, BSP ’83,

1841 Club

Kimberly L. Barnett, BSP ’86


Michael Beatty, BSP ’95

Colleen Day

Brett M. Behounek, BSP ’84~

William P. Beierschmitt, PhD ’86

Ubong D. Edet, PharmD ’04

Howard K. Besner, BSP ’78,

Louis M. Bickel, BSP ’47*

Joseph J. Fallon Jr., BSP ’76

George Bosmajian

Leslie D. Frank, BSP ’77, PhD ’82

Jeffrey M. Brewer, PharmD ’98

Patricia Bosmajian

Julian M. Friedman, BSP ’56*

Janice B. Connelley, BSP ’79~

Laci L. Brown, PharmD ’01~

Jack Frieman, BSP ’56

Charles R. Downs, BSP ’73,

Gilbert Cohen, BSP ’54*

Steven P. George, BSP ’82

Mary W. Connelly, BSP ’51*

Stuart T. Haines~

Wayne A. Dyke, BSP ’68

Nicholas Cornias, BSP ’92~

Richard A. Hodges, BSP ’71*

Bruce D. Greenberg, BSP ’88

Stephen L. Hilbert, BSP ’71,

Lionel H. Jacobs, BSP ’68*

Ronald E. Lay, BSP ’78*

MS ’75

PharmD ’98*

PharmD ’02~

PharmD ’99*

Karen M. Kabat, MS ’83

Frederick J. Mack, BSP ’79~

Lisa T. Kloch, BSP ’80

Thomas H. Keller Jr., BSP ’63

Shelby D. Reed, BSP ’93, PhD ’99~

Kan Chan Ku, PharmD ’01

Raymond T. Lake III, MS ’86,

Brian L. Schumer, BSP ’81~

Nancie Leibowitz

Thomas S. Shelor, BSP ’74~

MS ’87

*Signifies donor for 15+ consecutive years

+Signifies David Stewart Associates Founding Member

~Signifies donor for 5-14 consecutive years

= Signifies Deceased

8 | U N I V E R S I T Y O F M A RY L A N D S C H O O L O F P H A R M A C Y www.pharmacy.umaryland.edu

John C. Smith, BSP ’76

Jason F. Chancey, PharmD ’00~

Judith Wenzel Smith, BSP ’77*

Barbara S. Chong, PharmD ’97

Brian J. Goetz, PharmD ’94~

PharmD ’96~

Vijay V. Upreti, PhD ’07

Francis I. Codd, BSP ’41

Sharon M. Green, BSP ’77,

Jay A. Wenig, BSP ’78

Steven S. Cohen, BSP ’68

PharmD ’02

Karen T. Collins, BSP ’70

Randall W. Grimes, PharmD ’98

Century Club

Linda L. Cooper, BSP ’84

Deborah F. Groleau

$100 - $249

David R. Cowden, BSP ’80*

George E. Groleau, BSP ’76

Marie V. Adams~

Pamela M. Crowe

Kathryn L. Hatch, BSP ’85

Robert W. Adams, BSP ’68*

Hedy J. Cylus-Gleiman, BSP ’73

Frank R. Henderson Jr., BSP ’88

Abimbola O. Adebowale, PhD ’99

Amy Davidoff

Diana P. Henzel, BSP ’93~

Stanton G. Ades, BSP ’74

Geraldine A. Delaney

Mary-Therese Hewins, BSP ’81,

Robert T. Adkins, BSP ’52*

Mary DeLuca, BSP ’79~

Marsha E. Alvarez, BSP ’71,

Jean M. Dinwiddie, PharmD ’93~

Cris Hildebrandt

James E. Dipaula, BSP ’71~

Elmer Hildebrandt

Cynthia M. Anderson, BSP ’87

David T. Diwa, PharmD ’97

Renee M. Hilliard, PharmD ’01

Michael J. Appel, BSP ’69~

Barbara B. Doegen, PharmD ’99~

Marta Hoffman, BSP ’60

Elvira M. Aquino

Gayle R. Dolecek, BSP ’65

G. Lawrence Hogue, BSP ’69

Kwame G. Asem, BSP ’89

Michelle L. Eby, PharmD ’99

Forest S. Howell, BSP ’87

Daniel Ashby

Daniel S. Eckert

Gayle C. Howell, BSP ’91

John J. Ayd, BSP ’51

Nancy A. Edgeworth, PharmD ’96

Helen Hsiao, PharmD ’06

Hector T. Ayu, BSP ’93

William H. Edmondson, BSP ’66

Trang H. Huynh, BSP ’91~

Anand R. Baichwal, PhD ’85*

Felicia U. Edoga, PharmD ’05

Martin Jagers, BSP ’85

Dov E. Banks

Donald B. Elliott Jr., BSP ’57

Paula P. Jandorf, BSP ’80

Freddy E. Banks, BSP ’92

Omolola O. Elliott, BSP ’92

Cindy Q. Jiang, BSP ’90

Marshal Banks

Lily Chua Eng, BSP ’76~

Julie S. Johnson, BSP ’94

Rochelle Banks

Simon S. Eng, BSP ’76~

Tali M. Johnson, PharmD ’02~

Phyllis A. Bernard, BSP ’88~

Michael J. Evanko Jr., BSP ’73*

Michael E. Jones, BSP ’72*

Lawrence H. Block, BSP ’62,

Theodore J. Evans, BSP ’83~

Theresa K. F. Justice, BSP ’82

PharmD ’96*

MS ’67, PhD ’69

MS ’84

Fran Favin-Weiskopf,

Patrick Y. Kamara, PharmD ’98

Ronald L. Block, MS ’63*

Susan A. Katz, BSP ’88~

Thomas V. Bolling, BSP ’69

Sally A. Felton, BSP ’85,

Edward G. Kern, BSP ’69

Laurajean C. Brice, BSP ’78~

Lauretta A. Kerr, BSP ’86~

Elaine L. Brogan, BSP ’78~

Dennis E. Ferguson, BSP ’79*

James M. Kessler, BSP ’73

Huong T. Bui Dang, BSP ’82

Jill R. Fetter, BSP ’93

Yelee Y. Kim, PharmD ’01~

Kathleen T. Burke, BSP ’80

Stephen S. Friedman, BSP ’82

Judith L. Kistler, MS ’59

Beatriz N. Caceres-Gentile,

David R. Fulton Jr., BSP ’81

Linda C. Klein, BSP ’72

PharmD ’96

PharmD ’88* PharmD ’96

Margarita A. Gambetta,

Liesel A. Kloetzli, PharmD ’08

A. Kevin Callahan, BSP ‘76,

Lawrence J. Kotey, PharmD ’03

PharmD ’78~

PharmD ’01

Kidanewold T. Geda, PharmD ’03~

Freda L. Krosnick

Gary S. Carson, BSP ’80

Florence F. K. Gee, BSP ’74

Jay E. Krosnick, BSP ’85

Marian L. Cascio, BSP ’77~

Stephen M. Gerardi, BSP ’75

Edmond J. Kucharski, BSP ’84

Michelle M. Ceng, PharmD ’98

Timothy D. Gladwell,

Kathrin C. Kucharski, PharmD ’87

*Signifies donor for 15+ consecutive years

+Signifies David Stewart Associates Founding Member

~Signifies donor for 5-14 consecutive years

= Signifies Deceased FY10 ANNUAL REPORT | 9

Marcus J. LaChapelle, PharmD ’07

James R. Ritchie, BSP ’63~

Norman R. Yockelson, BSP ’71*

Jonathan N. Latham, PharmD ’98~

David M. Rombro, BSP ’54

Donna M. Zarzuela, PharmD ’94

Calvin Y. Lee, PharmD ’04

Melvin N. Rubin, BSP ’55

Reid A. Zimmer, BSP ’63*

Hyun J. Lee, PharmD ’00

Miranda H. Ruenroeng,

Jung E. Lee, BSP ’93

Pauline P. Lee

Stephen Ruenroeng

Alan A. Abramowitz

Henry M. Levi, BSP ’63~

Laura E. Sampson, BSP ’87

Janet M. Abramowitz, BSP ’81

Julie E. Limric, BSP ’69~

Douglas R. Schmidt

Moses A. Adejumo, PharmD ’98

Ronald J. Logan, BSP ’75

Marguerite M. Schmidt

Michele S. Allen

Walter P. Mackay, BSP ’62*

Eric R. Schuetz, BSP ’86~

Rita Amernick

Daniel F. Mackley, BSP ’76*

Christopher L. Shawyer, BSP ’76

Ali A. Amir, BSP ’88

Harry E. Macks, BSP ’59

Emil N. Sidawy, PharmD ’03

Deborah M. Amos

Gary H. Magnus, BSP ’81, MS ’85

Gisele M. Sidbury, PharmD ’97~

Marlene I. Anarah, PharmD ’01

Lawrence L. Martin, BSP ’66

Paul Sifen, BSP ’44

Caroline T. Bader, BSP ’81~

Antonia Mattia, PhD ’85, BSP ’88*

Sonia Sifen

Jami L. Bailey, PharmD ’05

Madeline McCarren, PhD ’83

Morton I. Silverstein, BSP ’54

Laurine A. Barrow-Wilson, BSP ’89

Margaret V. McDougall, BSP ’76

Anthony J. Sniadowski, BSP ’59

Michael J. Barton, BSP ’95

Mark P. McDougall, BSP ’85

Larry A. Snyder, BSP ’60*

William H. Batt, BSP ’63

Mary Lynn McPherson,

Rona S. Snyder~

Vahram Bedrossian, BSP ’79~

Adams O. Solola, PharmD ’04

Barry L. Bloom, BSP ’66~

Ronald R. Mellott

Kaitlyn M. Solola, PharmD ’04

Eileen Bloom-Prinkey, BSP ’94~

Donna Y. Miller, BSP ’78

Ronald J. Spector, BSP ’71*

Barbara Miller Blue, BSP ’55~

Robert K. Moler, BSP ’50*

Nina H. Spiller, PharmD ’88

Susan K. Braun, BSP ’93

Yvonne K. Molotsi, PharmD ’02~

Charles H. Steg Jr., BSP ’78,

Michael D. Brown, BSP ’75

Arnold Neuburger, BSP ’59*

Marian C. Bruce

Jason M. Noel

Carol E. Stevenson, PharmD ’02~

Jennifer T. Bui, PharmD ’89

Frances A. Owings, PharmD ’98~

Bruce Stuart

Sydney L. Burgee Jr., BSP ’55~

Charlene Ozanne-Blankfard,

Nancy L. Taylor, BSP ’62*

Robert M. Caplan, BSP ’50*

PharmD ’86

BSP ’85

Contributors Up To $99

PharmD ’05

PharmD ’00~

Cecelia H. Tillman, BSP ’78

Stewart Wesley Carter, BSP ’76,

Robin L. Paluskievicz, PharmD ’98

Regina M. Toal

Joseph Pariser, BSP ’63*

S. Brian Toth III, BSP ’94

Marvin J. Chertkoff, BSP ’51,

Leonard N. Patras, BSP ’74

Hoai–An Truong, PharmD ’05~

Martin T. Paul, BSP ’71

John Vakoutis, BSP ’72

Catherine Yu Chew, PharmD ’99~

David Pearlman, BSP ’52+

James B. Walter Jr., BSP ’51~

Elizabeth A. Cicchetti, PharmD ’03

Michael P. Peloquin, PharmD ’04~

Phillip P. Weiner, BSP ’61,

Terri F. Clayman, BSP ’77,

Philip M. Perry, BSP ’74*

Anthony J. Petralia Sr., BSP ’52~

Hal J. Weinstock, BSP ’74*

Doris H. Cohen

Carolyn Petralia, PharmD ’03~

Andrea B. Weiss, BSP ’89

Michael J. Cohen BSP ’66*

Marvin Stanley Platt, BSP ’51

Fred M. Weiss, BSP ’70

James P. Cragg Jr., BSP ’43~+

Barry W. Poole, BSP ’71~

Monica L. White, PharmD ’95

Paul J. Crist, BSP ’74*

Stanley A. Pyles, BSP ’90

Irene L. Winters, BSP ’54~

Deborah E. Cruz, PharmD ’98

Lois A. Reynolds, PharmD ’01

William Yeboah, PharmD ’00

Hope S. DeCederfelt, BSP ’82

PharmD ’96

PharmD ’05~ MS ’54

PharmD ’98*

*Signifies donor for 15+ consecutive years

+Signifies David Stewart Associates Founding Member

~Signifies donor for 5-14 consecutive years

= Signifies Deceased

1 0 | U N I V E R S I T Y O F M A RY L A N D S C H O O L O F P H A R M A C Y www.pharmacy.umaryland.edu

Leonard J. DeMino+

Robert R. Imbierowicz Sr.,

Edward T. McCagh Jr., BSP ’75~

Vincent R. DiPaula, BSP ’61

Michael F. McMahon, BSP ’80*

W. Thomas Dolan, BSP ’74*

Clarence A. Jeffers III, BSP ’75

Atul M. Mehta, MS ’75, BSP ’76,

Nancy A. Dravis, BSP ’81, MS ’95

Angel N. Jordan, PharmD ’06

Norman DuBois, BSP ’53*

John T. Jordan Jr. PharmD ’95

Stanley J. Merwitz, BSP ’54

Melvin F. W. Dunker, PhG ’33,

Michelle Jump

Albert T. Meyers, BSP ’51~

PhD ’39

BSP ’55~

PhD ’81

Carl Kaiser, MS ’52, BSP ’53,

Harris L. Miller, BSP ’65*

Deborah J. Ehart, PharmD ’00~

Kellie M. Monzillo, PharmD ’06

Neil E. Esterson, BSP ’51~

Ronald Kasl

Kemper Moody

Evelyn R. Farinas, BSP ’79

Karen S. Kauffman

Thomas L. Morgan, BSP ’93~

Daniel A. Farney, PharmD ’01

Diane L. Kaufman

Teresa A. Okala, PharmD ’98

Jerome L. Fine, BSP ’56,

Jacqueline Kelly

David M. Oken, BSP ’58

PharmD ’96

PhD ’55*

Robert L. Kestler, BSP ’69*

Marc Okun

Leslye K. Fitterman, MS ’90,

Linden Kilby

Maripaz Guzman Ortiz

Sung K. Kim, BSP ’94~

James B. Ortt, BSP ’55*

Charles A. Fleischer, BSP ’66

PhD ’95

Stonewall C. King Jr., MS ’60~

Stephanie G. Oster, BSP ’93

Sarah Forquer

Susan Y. King, BSP ’63

Kathleen M. Phelan, BSP ’93

Julia F. Forsmark

Stanley A. Klatsky, BSP ’56

Sandra Dee Pinder

Timothy C. Funk, BSP ’77~

Wendy Klein-Schwartz,

Robin Pitsnogle

John E. Gavlinski, BSP ’53~

Lisa N. Pitt, PharmD ’98

Harry B. Gendason, BSP ’38*

Colleen M. Kocak, BSP ’78

Cristina V. Platon, BSP ’83

Herbert Gendason, BSP ’71

Charles J. Kokoski, BSP ’51,

Monica L. Pogue, PharmD ’00

Jennifer L. Gerace

Raghu R. Prabhu

Carla A. Gill, BSP ’76

Albert W. Kossler, MS ’53*

Douglas E. Prinkey

Donald J. Glenn, BSP ’83

Mary Elizabeth Kremzner, BSP ’87,

Irving M. Pruce, BSP ’49

Margie Mae Goldberg-Okun,

Bonnie Darlene Purdy, PharmD ’87

BSP ’81, PharmD ’02

PharmD ’77

MS ’53, PhD ’56*

PharmD ’98

Sarah Kung-Pak

Sandra Quick

Ronald Goldner, BSP ’60

Herbert Kwash, BSP ’56

Sangeeta V. Raje, PhD ’02

Miriam Golob

Honghong T. La, PharmD ’08

Florito S. Ramiro

Martin D. Grebow, BSP ’60*

Thomas P. LaMartina, BSP ’87~

Joseph M. Ras, BSP ’73

William J. Grimm Jr., BSP ’78

Stephen L. Lauer, BSP ’62*

Kelley E. Reed

Marie Joji Haines

Cherokee L. Layson-Wolf,

Budne C. Reinke, BSP ’63~

Tia M. Harper-Velazquez,

Luann Orehek Reno, BSP ’89

Tran T. Le, PharmD ’99

William C. Richmond, BSP ’59~

Walter Heath

Melvin Lessing, BSP ’66*

Carol D. Ritchie

Gerald J. Heilman, BSP ’55*

Charles B. Levine

Leon Rosen, BSP ’62

Doreen M. Heppert, MS ’79

Jeffrey D. Linzy

Robert F. Royce, BSP ’51

Bernard P. Heyman, BSP ’57

Richard S. Lipov, BSP ’69

Anita Rozenel

Anna Marie Homonnay-Weikel,

Anthony Loiacono

Samuel Rozenel

Denise Lupo Lutz, BSP ’77*

Daniel B. Satisky, BSP ’81

S. Eileen Howard

Daniel C. Lyons, PharmD ’07

Jean O. Schwartz, BSP ’87

Eva Malozi

Kelly L. Shaner, BSP ’92

PharmD ’96

BSP ’82, PharmD ’04

PharmD ’00~

*Signifies donor for 15+ consecutive years

+Signifies David Stewart Associates Founding Member

~Signifies donor for 5-14 consecutive years

= Signifies Deceased FY10 ANNUAL REPORT | 11

Lionel M. Shapiro, BSP ’52~


Lee Ming Shen, MS ’52

Class of 1951 John J. Ayd, BSP

Aimee Shryock

Class of 1933

Marvin J. Chertkoff, BSP

Yan Shu

Melvin F. W. Dunker, PhG

Mary W. Connelly, BSP

Lawrence P. Siegel, PharmD ’02

Neil E. Esterson, BSP

Morton Smith, BSP ’43

Class of 1938

William M. Heller, MS

Sudi Soleimanpour

Harry B. Gendason, BSP

Charles J. Kokoski, BSP

Gail R. Solomon

Albert T. Meyers, BSP

Allen Spak, BSP ’63~

Class of 1939

Marvin Stanley Platt, BSP

Mark E. Sporre, BSP ’84~

Melvin F. W. Dunker, PhD

Robert F. Royce, BSP

Joyce A. Stern

James B. Walter Jr., BSP

Thomas L. Stern

Class of 1941

Charlotte R. Stombler, BSP ’49

Francis I. Codd, BSP

Kathyrn M. Strong, PharmD ’97

Class of 1952 Robert T. Adkins, BSP

Michele A. Suit

Class of 1943

Carl Kaiser, MS

Shana S. Sumler

James P. Cragg Jr., BSP

David Pearlman, BSP

Anna Summerfield~

Morton Smith, BSP

Anthony J. Petralia Sr., BSP

Marc R. Summerfield, MS ’76~

Lionel M. Shapiro, BSP

Letitia Lee Swam

Class of 1944

Lee Ming Shen, MS

Charles D. Taylor Jr., BSP ’67,

Israel M. Ruddie, BSP

John A. Scigliano, MS

Class of 1953

Donald W. Taylor, BSP ’69

Paul Sifen, BSP

Norman DuBois, BSP

Michael G. Taylor Jr.

John E. Gavlinski, BSP

Hamet M. Toure, PharmD ’03

Class of 1947

Carl Kaiser, BSP

Juliette C. Toure, PharmD ’03

Louis M. Bickel, BSP

Charles J. Kokoski, MS

PharmD ’00~

Dorothy A. Vallosio

Albert W. Kossler, MS

James L. Vallosio

Class of 1948

Joan H. Venick

Gene G. Zepp, BSP

Laura D. Weiss, BSP ’93

Class of 1954 Marvin J. Chertkoff, MS

Brenda K. Weller, BSP ’92~

Class of 1949

Gilbert Cohen, BSP

Mark S. Wienecke, BSP ’77*

Betty W. Cohen, BSP

Mayer Handelman, BSP

Evie Pakas Williams

Irving M. Pruce, BSP

Stanley J. Merwitz, BSP

Joan P. Williams, BSP ’70*

Jerome Schwartz, BSP

David M. Rombro, BSP

Donald R. Young, BSP ’57*

Charlotte R. Stombler, BSP

Morton I. Silverstein, BSP

Gene G. Zepp, BSP ’48

Irene L. Winters, BSP

LiRong Zhao

Class of 1950

Corey L. Zimmerman, BSP ’95

Robert M. Caplan, BSP

Class of 1955

Anthony E. Zimmermann, BSP ’85,

Morton D. Kramer, BSP

Barbara Miller Blue, BSP

Robert K. Moler, BSP

Sydney L. Burgee Jr., BSP

John A. Scigliano, PhD

Gerald J. Heilman, BSP

PharmD ’93~

*Signifies donor for 15+ consecutive years

+Signifies David Stewart Associates Founding Member

~Signifies donor for 5-14 consecutive years

= Signifies Deceased

1 2 | U N I V E R S I T Y O F M A RY L A N D S C H O O L O F P H A R M A C Y www.pharmacy.umaryland.edu

William M. Heller, PhD

Class of 1961

Class of 1967

Robert R. Imbierowicz Sr., BSP

Vincent R. DiPaula, BSP

Lawrence H. Block, MS

Carl Kaiser, PhD

Conrad P. Dorn Jr., MS

Charles D. Taylor Jr., BSP

James B. Ortt, BSP

Phillip P. Weiner, BSP Class of 1968

Melvin N. Rubin, BSP Class of 1962

Robert W. Adams, BSP

Class of 1956

Lawrence H. Block, BSP

John H. Balch, BSP

Alfred Abramson, BSP

Stephen L. Lauer, BSP

Yale H. Caplan, PhD

Jerome L. Fine, BSP

Walter P. Mackay, BSP

Steven S. Cohen, BSP

Julian M. Friedman, BSP

Leon Rosen, BSP

Wayne A. Dyke, BSP

Jack Frieman, BSP

Nancy L. Taylor, BSP

Lionel H. Jacobs, BSP

Stanley A. Klatsky, BSP

Class of 1963

Class of 1969

Charles J. Kokoski, PhD

William H. Batt, BSP

Michael J. Appel, BSP

Herbert Kwash, BSP

David A. Blake, BSP

Lawrence H. Block, PhD

Howard R. Schiff, BSP

Ronald L. Block, MS

Thomas V. Bolling, BSP

I. William Grossman, BSP

Yale H. Caplan, BSP

G. Lawrence Hogue, BSP

Class of 1957

Michael D. Cohen, BSP

Edward G. Kern, BSP

Donald B. Elliott Jr., BSP

Conrad P. Dorn Jr., PhD

Robert L. Kestler, BSP

Bernard P. Heyman, BSP

John F. Fader II, BSP

Julie E. Limric, BSP

Donald R. Young, BSP

Robert W. Henderson, BSP

Richard S. Lipov, BSP

Thomas H. Keller Jr., BSP

John M. Motsko Jr., BSP

Class of 1958

Susan Y. King, BSP

Donald W. Taylor, BSP

Conrad P. Dorn Jr., BSP

Henry M. Levi, BSP

David M. Oken, BSP

Joseph Pariser, BSP

Class of 1970

Michael B. Rodell, BSP

Budne C. Reinke, BSP

Karen T. Collins, BSP

George C. Voxakis, BSP

James R. Ritchie, BSP

David H. Jones, BSP

Clayton L. Warrington, BSP

Allen Spak, BSP

Mark A. Levi, BSP

Reid A. Zimmer, BSP

Michael Luzuriaga, BSP

Class of 1959

George W. Swope Jr., BSP

Judith L. Kistler, MS

Class of 1965

Fred M. Weiss, BSP

Harry E. Macks, BSP

Suzanne J. Caplan, BSP

Joan P. Williams, BSP

Arnold Neuburger, BSP

Gayle R. Dolecek, BSP

William C. Richmond, BSP

Harris L. Miller, BSP

Class of 1971

Sorell L. Schwartz, BSP

Martin B. Mintz, BSP

Marsha E. Alvarez, BSP

Anthony J. Sniadowski, BSP

David R. Chason, BSP Class of 1966

James E. Dipaula, BSP

Barry L. Bloom, BSP

Herbert Gendason, BSP

Class of 1960

Yale H. Caplan, PhD

Stephen L. Hilbert, BSP

Ronald Goldner, BSP

Michael J. Cohen, BSP

Richard A. Hodges, BSP

Martin D. Grebow, BSP

William H. Edmondson, BSP

Martin T. Paul, BSP

Marta Hoffman, BSP

Charles A. Fleischer, BSP

Barry W. Poole, BSP

Stonewall C. King Jr., MS

Melvin Lessing, BSP

Ronald J. Spector, BSP

Samuel Lichter, BSP

Lawrence L. Martin, BSP

Angelo C. Voxakis, BSP

Larry A. Snyder, BSP

Francis J. Tinney, PhD

Norman R. Yockelson, BSP

Charles H. Tregoe, BSP


Class of 1972

George E. Groleau, BSP

Lisa L. Booze, BSP

Stephen B. Bierer, BSP

Daniel F. Mackley, BSP

Barry M. Bress, BSP

Thomas S. Brenner, BSP

Margaret V. McDougall, BSP

Janice B. Connelley, BSP

Michael E. Jones, BSP

Atul M. Mehta, BSP

Mary DeLuca, BSP

Linda C. Klein, BSP

Christopher L. Shawyer, BSP

Stephen L. Disharoon, BSP

John Vakoutis, BSP

Larry E. Small, MS

Evelyn R. Farinas, BSP

John C. Smith, BSP

Dennis E. Ferguson, BSP

Class of 1973

Marc R. Summerfield, MS

J. Philip Fink, BSP

Hedy J. Cylus-Gleiman, BSP

Alex M. Taylor, BSP

Jefferson J. Gregory, BSP

Charles R. Downs, BSP

Kenneth P. Whittemore Jr., BSP

Stephen L. Handelman, BSP

Michael J. Evanko Jr., BSP

Doreen M. Heppert, MS

James M. Kessler, BSP

Class of 1977

Frederick J. Mack, BSP

Joseph M. Ras, BSP

Marian L. Cascio, BSP

David M. Russo, BSP

Ellen H. Yankellow, BSP

Terri F. Clayman, BSP

Gary J. Wirth, BSP

Leslie D. Frank, BSP Class of 1974

Timothy C. Funk, BSP

Class of 1980

Stanton G. Ades, BSP

Sharon M. Green, BSP

Kathleen T. Burke, BSP

Sherry N. Berlin, BSP

Wendy Klein-Schwartz, PharmD

Gary S. Carson, BSP

Paul J. Crist, BSP

Raymond C. Love, PharmD

David R. Cowden, BSP

W. Thomas Dolan, BSP

Denise Lupo Lutz, BSP

Dennis L. Eaton, BSP

Florence F. K. Gee, BSP

Cathie L. Schumaker, BSP

Paula P. Jandorf, BSP

Walter J. Hryszko, BSP

Judith Wenzel Smith, BSP

Lisa T. Kloch, BSP

Leonard N. Patras, BSP

Mark S. Wienecke, BSP

Michael F. McMahon, BSP

Philip M. Perry, BSP

Larry E. Small, PhD

Thomas S. Petr, BSP

Class of 1978

Thomas S. Shelor, BSP

Patricia A. Barditch-Crovo, BSP

Hal J. Weinstock, BSP

Howard K. Besner, BSP

Class of 1981

Laurajean C. Brice, BSP

Janet M. Abramowitz, BSP

Class of 1975

Elaine L. Brogan, BSP

Caroline T. Bader, BSP

Michael D. Brown, BSP

A. Kevin Callahan, PharmD

David L. Booze, BSP

Stephen M. Gerardi, BSP

Mark G. Fletcher, BSP

Francis J. Bublavek, BSP

Stephen L. Hilbert, MS

William J. Grimm Jr., BSP

Nancy A. Dravis, BSP

Clarence A. Jeffers III, BSP

Colleen M. Kocak, BSP

Mark G. Fletcher, MS

Ronald J. Logan, BSP

Ronald E. Lay, BSP

David R. Fulton Jr., BSP

Edward T. McCagh Jr., BSP

Donna Y. Miller, BSP

Margie Mae Goldberg-Okun, BSP

Atul M. Mehta, MS

William T. Popomaronis, BSP

Mary-Therese Hewins, BSP

Thomas G. Williams Sr., BSP

Jeffrey B. Sherr, BSP

Gary H. Magnus, BSP

Class of 1976

Joanne H. Sherr, BSP

Atul M. Mehta, PhD

A. Kevin Callahan, BSP

Charles H. Steg Jr., BSP

Jill Molofsky, BSP

Stewart Wesley Carter, BSP

Cecelia H. Tillman, BSP

Daniel B. Satisky, BSP

Lily Chua Eng, BSP

Jay A. Wenig, BSP

Brian L. Schumer, BSP

Simon S. Eng, BSP

Lane P. Zangwill, BSP

Ilene H. Zuckerman, BSP

Carla A. Gill, BSP

Class of 1979

Class of 1982

John M. Gregory, BSP

Vahram Bedrossian, BSP

Huong T. Bui Dang, BSP

Joseph J. Fallon Jr., BSP

1 4 | U N I V E R S I T Y O F M A RY L A N D S C H O O L O F P H A R M A C Y www.pharmacy.umaryland.edu

James M. Crable, BSP

David G. Miller, BSP

Class of 1989

Hope S. DeCederfelt, BSP

Joseph D. Ober, PharmD

Kwame G. Asem, BSP

Leslie D. Frank, PhD

Charlene Ozanne-Blankfard, BSP

Laurine A. Barrow-Wilson, BSP

Stephen S. Friedman, BSP

Thomas J. Pfaff, BSP

Jennifer T. Bui, PharmD

Steven P. George, BSP

Sally Van Doren, PharmD

Natalie D. Eddington, PhD

Anna Marie Homonnay-Weikel,

Anthony E. Zimmermann, BSP

Luann Orehek Reno, BSP

BSP Theresa K. F. Justice, BSP

James R. Salmons, BSP Class of 1986

Christopher E. Thomas, PharmD

Kimberly L. Barnett, BSP

Andrea B. Weiss, BSP

Class of 1983

William P. Beierschmitt, PhD

Terry L. Davis, BSP

Lauretta A. Kerr, BSP

Class of 1990

Theodore J. Evans, BSP

Raymond T. Lake III, MS

Albert W. Brzeczko, PhD

Mark G. Fletcher, PhD

Mary Lynn McPherson, PharmD

Leslye K. Fitterman, MS

Donald J. Glenn, BSP

Eric R. Schuetz, BSP

Cindy Q. Jiang, BSP

Felix A. Khin-Maung-Gyi, BSP

Frances Spaven, PhD

Paul J. Na, BSP

Mary Therese Gyi, BSP

Christopher E. Thomas, BSP

Stanley A. Pyles, BSP

Karen M. Kabat, MS

Loreen A. Wutoh, BSP

Anthony K. Wutoh, BSP

Madeline McCarren, PhD

Class of 1987

Class of 1991

Cristina V. Platon, BSP

Cynthia M. Anderson, BSP

Gayle C. Howell, BSP

Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner,

William M. Heller, DSc

Trang H. Huynh, BSP

Forest S. Howell, BSP

Stephen M. Wienner, BSP

David D. MacLaren, BSP

PharmD Huseyin C. Tunc, BSP

Mary Elizabeth Kremzner, BSP

Ilene H. Zuckerman, PharmD

Kathrin C. Kucharski, PharmD

Class of 1992

Raymond T. Lake III, MS

Freddy E. Banks, BSP

Class of 1984

Thomas P. LaMartina, BSP

Nicholas Cornias, BSP

Brett M. Behounek, BSP

Ann M. MacLaren, BSP

Omolola O. Elliott, BSP

Linda L. Cooper, BSP

Bonnie Darlene Purdy, PharmD

Lisa C. LeGette, BSP

Mary-Therese Hewins, MS

Laura E. Sampson, BSP

DeAnna D. Leikach, BSP

Edmond J. Kucharski, BSP

Jean O. Schwartz, BSP

Neil B. Leikach, BSP

Mark H. Lapouraille, BSP

Kelly L. Shaner, BSP

Matthew G. Shimoda, PharmD

Class of 1988

Suzanne K. Simala, BSP

Ali A. Amir, BSP

Mark E. Sporre, BSP

Phyllis A. Bernard, BSP

Class of 1993

John F. Van Wie, BSP

Fran Favin-Weiskopf, PharmD

Hector T. Ayu, BSP

Kathleen Gondek, MS

Susan K. Braun, BSP

Class of 1985

Bruce D. Greenberg, BSP

Jean M. Dinwiddie, PharmD

Anand R. Baichwal, PhD

Frank R. Henderson Jr., BSP

Jill R. Fetter, BSP

Sally A. Felton, BSP

Susan A. Katz, BSP

Kathleen Gondek, PhD

Kathryn L. Hatch, BSP

David D. MacLaren, PhD

Diana P. Henzel, BSP

Martin Jagers, BSP

Lisa M. Matson, BSP

Alice H. Hill, PharmD

Jay E. Krosnick, BSP

Antonia Mattia, BSP

Jung E. Lee, BSP

Gary H. Magnus, MS

Nina H. Spiller, PharmD

Thomas L. Morgan, BSP

Antonia Mattia, PhD

Wayne D. VanWie, BSP

Stephanie G. Oster, BSP

Mark P. McDougall, BSP

Brenda K. Weller, BSP

Kathleen M. Phelan, BSP FY10 ANNUAL REPORT | 15

Shelby D. Reed, BSP

Gina P. McKnight-Smith, PharmD

Charles D. Taylor Jr., PharmD

Laura D. Weiss, BSP

Gisele M. Sidbury, PharmD

Terry F. Wills, PharmD

Anthony E. Zimmermann,

Kathryn M. Strong, PharmD

William Yeboah, PharmD

PharmD Class of 1998

Class of 2001

Class of 1994

Moses A. Adejumo, PharmD

Marlene I. Anarah, PharmD

Eileen Bloom-Prinkey, BSP

Jeffrey M. Brewer, PharmD

Laci L. Brown, PharmD

Brian J. Goetz, PharmD

Michelle M. Ceng, PharmD

Daniel A. Farney, PharmD

Julie S. Johnson, BSP

Terri F. Clayman, PharmD

Margarita A. Gambetta, PharmD

Sung K. Kim, BSP

Deborah E. Cruz, PharmD

Renee M. Hilliard, PharmD

Jay M. Mei, PhD

Terry L. Davis, PharmD

Yelee Y. Kim, PharmD

S. Brian Toth III, BSP

Randall W. Grimes, PharmD

Kan Chan Ku, PharmD

Donna M. Zarzuela, PharmD

Patrick Y. Kamara, PharmD

Lois A. Reynolds, PharmD

Mary Elizabeth Kremzner, Class of 1995


Class of 2002

Michael J. Barton, BSP

Jonathan N. Latham, PharmD

Howard K. Besner, PharmD

Michael Beatty, BSP

Teresa A. Okala, PharmD

Margie Mae Goldberg-Okun,

Nancy A. Dravis, MS

Frances A. Owings, PharmD

Leslye K. Fitterman, PhD

Robin L. Paluskievicz, PharmD

Sharon M. Green, PharmD

John T. Jordan Jr., PharmD

Lisa N. Pitt, PharmD

Tali M. Johnson, PharmD

Monica L. White, PharmD

David M. Yoder, PharmD

Yvonne K. Molotsi, PharmD

Ellen H. Yankellow, PharmD


Sangeeta V. Raje, PhD

Corey L. Zimmerman, BSP

Class of 1999

Lawrence P. Siegel, PharmD

Abimbola O. Adebowale, PhD

Carol E. Stevenson, PharmD

Class of 1996

Catherine Yu Chew, PharmD

Marsha E. Alvarez, PharmD

Barbara B. Doegen, PharmD

Class of 2003

Susan C. DosReis, PhD

Elizabeth A. Cicchetti, PharmD

Charles R. Downs, PharmD

Kidanewold T. Geda, PharmD

Cynthia J. Boyle, PharmD Beatriz N. Caceres-Gentile, PharmD

Michelle L. Eby, PharmD

Lawrence J. Kotey, PharmD

Nancy A. Edgeworth, PharmD

Tran T. Le, PharmD

Carolyn Petralia, PharmD

Sally A. Felton, PharmD

Shelby D. Reed, PhD

Emil N. Sidawy, PharmD

Jerome L. Fine, PharmD

Thomas G. Williams Sr., PharmD

Hamet M. Toure, PharmD

Timothy D. Gladwell, PharmD Tia M. Harper-Velazquez,

Juliette C. Toure, PharmD Class of 2000 Lisa L. Booze, PharmD

Class of 2004

George C. Voxakis, PharmD

Jason F. Chancey, PharmD

Ubong D. Edet, PharmD

Phillip P. Weiner, PharmD

Deborah J. Ehart, PharmD

Anna Marie Homonnay-Weikel,

Anthony K. Wutoh, PhD

Cherokee L. Layson-Wolf,


Ellen H. Yankellow, PharmD


PharmD Calvin Y. Lee, PharmD

Hyun J. Lee, PharmD

Michael P. Peloquin, PharmD

Class of 1997

Qingdi Q. Li, PhD

Ashley F. Slagle, MS

James L. Bresette, PharmD

Monica L. Pogue, PharmD

Adams O. Solola, PharmD

Barbara S. Chong, PharmD

James R. Salmons, PharmD

Kaitlyn M. Solola, PharmD

David T. Diwa, PharmD

Charles H. Steg Jr., PharmD

Kristin A. Lynch, PharmD

Michael J. Steinberg, PharmD

1 6 | U N I V E R S I T Y O F M A RY L A N D S C H O O L O F P H A R M A C Y www.pharmacy.umaryland.edu

Class of 2005


Irwin and Betty Cohen Trust

Jami L. Bailey, PharmD

$50,000 - $99,999

Maryland Society of Health-

Stewart Wesley Carter, PharmD

Beacon Charitable Foundation

System Pharmacists

Felicia U. Edoga, PharmD

Maryland Pharmacists Association

Morgan Stanley Smith Barney

Miranda H. Ruenroeng, PharmD

Springer Science + Business Media

Global Impact

Hoai-An Truong, PharmD

LLC-N.J. Thermo Fisher Scientific

Class of 2006

Mount Carmel Medical, Inc. National Association of Chain Drug Stores Foundation

Mary Therese Gyi, PharmD


NeighborCare, Inc.

Brian M. Hose, PharmD

$25,000 - $49,999

Nutramax Laboratories, Inc.

Helen Hsiao, PharmD

American Foundation for

PharmCon, Inc.

Angel N. Jordan, PharmD Daniel Z. Mansour, PharmD Kellie M. Monzillo, PharmD Zeynep T. Tunc, PharmD

Pharmaceutical Education Bon Secours Baltimore Health System Walgreens Co.

Thomas G. Williams Jr., PharmD

Professional Pharmacy of Essex Rite Aid Corp. Russo’s Rx Shoppers Food & Pharmacy The Pfizer Foundation, Inc.


TTP LabTech, Inc.

Class of 2007

$10,000 - $24,999

Wienner, Inc.

Marcus J. LaChapelle, PharmD

American Heart Association

Wyeth Matching Gifts: A Program

Daniel C. Lyons, PharmD

Kaiser Permanente Medical Group

of Pfizer, Inc.

Vijay V. Upreti, PhD

Partners in Pharmacy Education

Your Community Pharmacy, Inc.

Fund Class of 2008

Safeway, Inc.

Liesel A. Kloetzli, PharmD

Contributors Up To $999 Ahold Financial Services

Honghong T. La, PharmD



Ashley F. Slagle, PhD

$1,000 - $9,999

Baltimore Veterans Affairs

Melike G. Tunc, PharmD


Medical Center

Bio Research Supplies LLC

Banner Masonry Corp.

Class of 2009

Biotage LLC

Brooks-Huff Tire & Auto Centers

Prashant Patel, PharmD

Boonsboro Pharmacy, Inc.

Carroll Hospital Center

CARE Pharmacies, Inc.

CNA Foundation


Catonsville Pharmacy, LLC

EPIC Pharmacies, Inc.


Columbia Hickory Pharmacy

Finksburg Pharmacy, Inc.

Combined Federal Campaign of

Fulton Pharmacy, Inc.


the National Capital Area

GE Foundation


CVS Caremark

Genentech, Inc.

Actavis Mid Atlantic LLC

CVS Caremark Charitable Trust,

George’s Creek Pharmacy, Inc.

American Cancer Society


Giant Food, Inc. and Subsidiary


DAB Consulting LLC


BioSoteria, Inc.

Eli Lilly and Co. Foundation

GRS, Inc.

CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield

Exxon Mobil Foundation

Hecrol LLC T/A Service Care

DrugLogic, Inc.

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund


Fink’s Pharmacy

Hereford Pharmacy, Inc.

Giant of Maryland

Invacare Corp.

Harris Teeter, Inc.

Jarrettsville Pharmacy, Inc. FY10 ANNUAL REPORT | 17

Johnson Family Pharmacy LLC Joseph J. Fallon Jr., MD, PA Klein’s ShopRite of Maryland Lyon’s Pharmacy Maintenance Management, Inc. Merck Partnership for Giving Mt. Vernon Pharmacy

IN MEMORY Harmond H. Amernick, BSP ’62 Terry P. Crovo, BSP ’80, PD Stephen B. Kistler, MS ’59 Marvin L. Venick, BSP ’55 Thomas G. Williams Sr., BSP ’80, PharmD ’99

Northern Pharmacy and Medical Equipment Perry Hall Children’s Center, Inc. Pfizer, Inc. Preston Pharmacy, Inc.

IN HONOR Alfred Abramson, BSP ’56 Samuel Lichter, BSP ’60

Rainbow’s End, Inc. Sharpsburg Pharmacy Sunset Diabetes Resources, Inc. SuperValu The Annapolitan Shop, Inc. The Paul and Sonia Sifen Foundation

This is a listing of gifts received from

UM Alumni Association

July 1, 2009, to June 30, 2010. We have

International, Inc.

made every effort to provide a complete and accurate listing of donors and gifts.


If we have made an error or omission,


please accept our sincere apology and contact Janice Batzold, interim execu-

The University of Maryland

tive director of development and alumni

School of Pharmacy thanks the

affairs, at 410-706-1711 or at jbatzold@

corporations, foundations, orga-

rx.umaryland.edu so that we may correct

nizations, and private sponsors

our records.

who, throughout the year, have so generously contributed directly to student organizations to enrich the student experience and enhance ongoing professional development. CVS Caremark Rite Aid Corp. Safeway, Inc. Shoppers Food & Pharmacy Target Corp. Walgreens Co.

1 8 | U N I V E R S I T Y O F M A RY L A N D S C H O O L O F P H A R M A C Y www.pharmacy.umaryland.edu

Board of Visitors John H. Balch, BSP ’68, RPh President PharmaCare of Cumberland Option Care of Cumberland Michael Beatrice, PhD ’01, MS Corporate Vice President, Regulatory and Quality Science Abbott Laboratories David Blake, PhD ’66 President DAB Consulting, LLC Albert Brzeczko, PhD ’90 Vice President, Technical Affairs Acura Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Harold E. Chappelear, DSC ’98, RPh, LLD (Hon.) Principal InternaSource, LLC Felix Khin-Maung-Gyi, PharmD, MBA, BSP ’83, CIP, RAC CEO Chesapeake Research Review, Inc. Mayer Handelman, BSP ’54 Maryland Board of Pharmacy Mark A. Levi, BSP ’70, PD Principal Levi LLC Gina McKnight-Smith, PharmD ’97, MBA, CGP, BCPS Clinical Coordinator Maryland Provider Synergies

Robert G. Pinco, BSP, JD Senior Counsel Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney P.C. William T. Popomaronis, BSP ’78 Vice President Long Term/Home Health Care Pharmacy Services National Community Pharmacists Association Bruce Roberts, RPh President and CEO BeneCard Prescription Benefit Facilitator Hon. David D. Rudolph, EdD, MEd Maryland House of Delegates Jermaine Smith, RPh Director, College Relations and Professional Recruitment Rite Aid Pharmacy Alex Taylor, BSP ’76 Chief, Division of Clinical Services Maryland Medicaid Sally Van Doren, PharmD ’85 President & CEO BioSoteria, Inc. George C. Voxakis, PharmD ’96, BSP ’58 President American Liberty Financial Services, Inc. Clayton L. Warrington, BSP ’58 Chairman (Retired) Bozell Wellness Worldwide Ellen H. Yankellow, PharmD ’96, BSP ’73, Chair President and CEO Correct Rx Pharmacy Services, Inc.

David G. Miller, BSP ’85, RPh Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists


Leadership Dean Natalie D. Eddington, PhD, BSP, FAAPS

Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs Lisa Lebovitz, JD

Senior Associate Dean for Administration and Finance William Cooper, MBA

Assistant Dean for Instructional Design and Technology Shannon Tucker, MS

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Richard Dalby, PhD

Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Andrew Coop, PhD

Associate Dean for Curriculum and Instructional Resources Raymond C. Love, PharmD, BCPP, FASHP Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education Paul Shapiro, PhD Associate Dean for Student Affairs Jill Morgan, PharmD, BCPS

Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner, PharmD, BCPS, CDE Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research Ilene Zuckerman, PharmD, PhD

Assistant Dean at the Universities at Shady Grove Heather Brennan Congdon, PharmD, CACP, CDE

Centers Center for Drug Safety Sheila Weiss Smith, PhD, Director Center for Innovative Pharmacy Solutions Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner, PharmD, BCPS, CDE, Interim Director Center for Nanomedicine and Cellular Delivery Peter Swaan, PhD, Director Anjan Nan, PhD, Co-Director Center on Drugs and Public Policy Francis Palumbo, PhD, JD, Executive Director

Computer-Aided Drug Design Center Alexander MacKerell Jr., PhD, Director Maryland Poison Center Bruce Anderson, PharmD, Director Peter Lamy Center on Drug Therapy and Aging Bruce Stuart, PhD, Executive Director Pharmaceutical Research Computing center Ilene Zuckerman, PharmD, PhD, Executive Director Gail Rattinger, PharmD, PhD, Director

2 0 | U N I V E R S I T Y O F M A RY L A N D S C H O O L O F P H A R M A C Y www.pharmacy.umaryland.edu

Becky Ceraul Director, Communications and Marketing School of Pharmacy Chris Zang Managing Editor Office of External Affairs Julie Bower Graphic Designer Office of External Affairs Special thanks to the following contributors: Janice Batzold Ann Bonaparte Nancy Bowers William Cooper Colleen Day Peggy Funk Sara Kraft Lisa Lebovitz Jill Morgan Angela Newman Patrice Sharp Alicia Walters Produced by the Office of External Affairs, 2011




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