VOLUNTEER WITH DPR! Durham Parks and Recreation (DPR) relies on a strong volunteer base to provide programs and services to the residents and visitors of Durham. Volunteer opportunities with Durham Parks and Recreation fall into the following categories:
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Special Events Specialized Skills Instructors Service Durham Community Trail Watch Athletics School Age Care Programs
ADOPT-A-PARK, ADOPT-A-TRAIL Volunteers from all over the community support Durham’s parks and trails through the Adopt-APark and Adopt-A-Trail (APAT) programs. These programs are a great opportunity for you or your organization to make a positive difference in your community. Since 2003, community groups have supported their community by adopting parks and trail segments in Durham. DPR manages nearly 1,800 acres of parkland in more than 68 parks and more than 30 miles of greenways, and we’re still growing. The assistance we receive from adopting agencies is invaluable as we make every effort to care for our natural resources. The City of Durham Parks and Recreation Department provides routine park maintenance and repairs; however, the adopting individuals and organizations give the park or trail the extra care and attention it needs. Adopters work on a variety of projects of their choosing. They have assisted with numerous cleanup, landscaping, and facility improvement projects. Any individual or organization interested in bettering our parks and trails can adopt. For additional information on the Adopt-A-Park and Adopt-A Trail programs, please visit our website dprplaymore.org or contact Mal Atkinson, at 919-560-4355 or dprvolunteers@durhamnc.gov.
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident