Play More, September 2020

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Waving a rope around sounds simple right - until you do it DPR style. This class relies on the "art of undulation" meaning a regular rising and falling or movement to alternating sides: movement in waves. You'll work every muscle, especially your core, all while reaping cardiovascular benefits, improving coordination, and increasing metabolic endurance. Plus, this highly effective workout is low impact, safe for both beginners and avid gym goers. Ages: 18 and up CR Fee: $32 NCR Fee: $47 EDISON JOHNSON RECREATION CENTER 13112 Sep 8-Oct 27 Tu 6:30pm-7:30pm

Come out and take a breath of fresh air at Herndon Park! Bring your family out! We will do a variety of different bodyweight exercises together. Each exercise will have modifications so everyone can work out at the same time while having fun, and getting our bodies stronger. All Ages CR Fee: $4 NCR Fee: $9 C.M. HERNDON PARK 13550 Sep 24 Th 6:30pm-7:30pm

F.I.T. Fun Intense Training: This workout class will be fun yet intense involving various intervals of exercises that include cardio, running, and toning. This will be an outdoor program, and all participants will be physically distanced. Masks are required before and after the program, but not during the exercise portion. Participants should bring a water bottle. Age: 18 and up CR Fee: $16 NCR Fee: $21 ROCK QUARRY PARK 12526 Sep 3-Sep 24 Th 5pm-6pm 25

HIP HOP AEROBICS This class is designed to tone your abs and lower body muscles while burning tons of calories without even realizing it. If you like trap music and working out then this is the perfect class for you and your friends! This class will take place outside in the Play Prints area. Age: 18 and up CR Fee: $0 NCR Fee: $43 HOLTON CAREER AND RESOURCE CENTER 13588 Sep 3-Oct 15 Th 6pm-7pm

We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident

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