Aged care checklist When trying to decide which aged care home or service best suits your needs, a checklist is an excellent evaluation method.
You may want to consider a short-term respite stay at the home. That way you can experience what it is like to live in the facility before you make the final decision as to whether it is a place you would like to move into permanently. Below are a number of questions to ask the provider when assessing the suitability of an aged care home, supported living facility or other service, to assist you in making your decision.
The provider
Is the provider for-profit or not-for-profit, church or charity based? Do the owners/directors of the company have a health and/or aged care background?
When was the last time a complaint was made to the provider, what about and how was it dealt with?
Are residents and their families encouraged to have input into services offered and the quality of care?
The facility
Does the home look and smell fresh and clean, and is it in good repair?
Are the carpets and floor coverings clean? Is the inside temperature comfortable? Does the home meet safety regulations? Is there good and clear signage throughout the facility? Are there secure and interesting outdoor areas? Are there spaces and activities to support people living with special needs, such as dementia?
Do the residents appear clean and neat? Can you stay in the facility if your needs change?
The staff
Are the staff friendly and welcoming? Does the staff provide clear answers to your questions? What is the mood of interaction between staff and residents? Do staff look like they take their time with residents to give them personal attention?
What is the ratio of nurses/care workers to residents on weekdays, weekends and at night-time?
Aged care checklist
Take note of your first impressions when you first call the nursing home or service. Are staff friendly and accommodating to answering your questions? When considering a nursing home, ask to tour the facility and speak to people already living in the care home. You may know someone who lives there or has a loved one at the facility. Ask them about their experience.