DePauw Magazine Summer 2013

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Summer 2013


NATHAN D. NICHOLS ’05 Machines are writing for us


Students got a chance to relax during ďŹ nals week at DePuppies Stress Out. The puppies, provided by Helping Pawz Animal Rescue, also seemed to enjoy the attention.




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Can machines write? What narrative science will mean for you

The road more traveled The remarkable increase in Fulbright recipients at DePauw

The life of national champions






Recent Words

34 Development and Alumni Engagement 42 Class Notes Cover photo and photos on pages 10-19 by Duncan Wolfe ’10.

Christopher J. Wells vice president for communications and strategic initiatives

Steven J. Setchell ’96 associate vice president for alumni engagement

Larry G. Anderson senior editor

Contributors: Sarah McAdams, Linda Striggo and Christopher L. Wolfe

Kelly A. Graves director of publications

DePauw Alumni Association Officers

Donna Grooms class notes editor Larry G. Ligget University photographer

Brent E. St. John ’89, president Donald M. Phelan ’79, vice president Gilbert D. Standley ’82, secretary


DePauw Magazine Summer 2013 / Vol. 76 / Issue 1

letters MORE ABOUT MISS MILLS It was both wonderfully amusing and altogether laudable that lab instructor Rachel told a student, “I’ll marry you, but I still won’t give you a passing grade in lab.” [As related by John Jakes ’53, “A DePauw Story: How I Got from Here to There and Back,” in winter 2013 DePauw Magazine] Relationships need honesty, and academic life needs its own integrity. When Jakes recites the names of the English faculty of 60 or more years ago, it is as though I, an English major, wakened from deep sleep and was young again. In that recitation, he saved best until last, Miss [Ermina] Mills. But he restricts his praise to her course in contemporary literature. I want to extend her praise beyond the classroom, for Miss Mills also made a difference with her extracurricular contribution to liberal arts education. Other English teachers hosted in their homes a tea for each advanced course. Students saw the environment teachers created for their private selves, evidence of their enthusiasms and taste, heirlooms and trophies of travel. Sometimes the teachers would exhibit a book or other artifact that indicated what they taught officially was also what they loved personally. Once, Dr. [Frederick] Bergmann, having discovered my fascination with the writing and artwork of William Blake, did me the great favor of having me (solo) to dinner with his wife and him to give me, after dessert, my first view of illustrations by Blake in color. It is hard for us to remember – in these days in which each of us produces a holiday letter with a dozen color photographs – that 70 years ago color illustrations were technically difficult and expensive, and therefore rare. Visits to teachers’ homes were


all by specific invitation. In contrast, Miss Mills kept open house, Sunday evenings. Students simply dropped in. There was popcorn, buttered and salted, and conversations. Students addressed fellow students as well as Miss Mills; they spoke about challenges, academic, personal, national and global (it was WWII) as well as about the other arts and literature. Students also read their own writing. Miss Mills made possible the extracurricular dimension of a liberal arts education in her open house. There was also a ripple effect to the open house. After I graduated from DePauw, I corresponded with Miss Mills, and, when I passed near Greencastle, visited her in person. When I became a teacher myself, I tried to give my students what she had given hers. Charles “Tony” J. Stoneburner ’46 Golden Valley, Minn. PENCE DIDN’T EVEN READ HIS PAPER John Jakes’ “entertainment” in the winter issue of DePauw Magazine is joyfully memory jogging. I am careless in using Graham Greene’s term as definition of Jakes’ contribution, but I am spot-on when characterizing its impact. To the English Department faculty

correspondence was ongoing until his death, letters in which he continued to “teach” Browning, Tennyson, Aristotle and Horace. My experience with Raymond Pence was more directly and joltingly personal than what Jakes recounts. In Advanced Composition, an early essay was returned with “F. I didn’t even read this paper.” Pence had given us a prescribed endorsement, and in mine I had reversed two of the lines, causing the total rejection of the piece. Not long after, he returned another paper with a heavy line drawn across the page at the end of the first paragraph with the comment: “This turns my stomach; I quit here.” Now, in my years at DePauw I lived with President and Mrs. Wildman, working as houseman in exchange for my room. Almost daily President Wildman asked me how things were, and when he asked his question at the time those papers had been so peremptorily returned, I answered with those details. President Wildman with a sympathetic shrug replied, “I understand. My daughter, Sarah, and Dr. Pence’s daughter once broke some rule in his class, and he kicked both of them out. As Sarah’s parent, I had to write a note to get her reinstated.” When I had a role in the University production of Victor Herbert’s The Red Mill, Dr. Pence sought me out: “That was the finest characterization I have ever seen. I didn’t have any idea who you were.” I didn’t dare tell him that he was a better critic of writing than of theater, for that achievement, I was sure, was largely from the abilities of the make-up girls rather than my limited talents at characterization. Eventually,

“That was the finest characterization I have ever seen. I didn’t have any idea who you were.” RAYMOND PENCE TO H. WENDELL HOWARD ’49

that Jakes lists and that I, too, studied with and highly revered, I must add Jerome Hixson. The profound effect he had on my life I spelled out in “Tribute to a Memorable Teacher, Jerome C. Hixson,” published in the Spring l988 issue of College Teaching. Our

I recognized that Pence established standards of judgment based on a selfdiscipline that “begets correct habits.”


H. Wendell Howard ’49 Rochester, N.Y. HERE’S TO YOU, JIM And hail Old Gold throughout the land … Universities, including DePauw, are quick to sing the praises of outstanding alumni, especially those who donate heavily to the school. I’d like to recognize another kind of gift, equally worthy of praise, from my friend, Jim Wright ’64, who passed away in October. Even though our student days at DePauw overlapped by two years, our paths didn’t cross until a southern California high school college fair in fall 1990. We were there to learn how to be volunteer alumni representatives for DePauw’s admission office. Twenty-some years and umpteen college fairs later, I was a pretty good volunteer, but Jim was a DePauw alumni admission representative extraordinaire – the gold standard. Late every summer, Jim organized our little band of volunteers to staff DePauw’s booth at college fairs from North San Diego County to the San Fernando Valley. Once September rolled around, Jim lived and breathed college fairs until mid-November, when the last of the fairs wrapped up. Jim was always early for fairs. No matter how early I got there, Jim had already spread out the black table blanket with “DePauw” in gold letters across the front and neatly arranged all the brochures. Pens were placed next to interest cards, ready for students to fill out. I knew I’d find Jim in the lounge having dinner with other college reps. Everyone knew and respected Jim. In the college fair community, we all supported

Brian W. Casey

It is impossible not to be proud of DePauw students. They make it easy when they win national championships and secure prestigious fellowships, as the students you will read about in this issue have done. But it is not just in these shining moments of triumph that the young people at DePauw are inspiring. From their first days on campus, they bring intelligence and a sincere enthusiasm for engaging with the world. They walk everywhere in animated groups, sharing their excitement in new ideas and new experiences, and they gravitate toward opportunities to lead in their Greek houses, on their teams, in student government, in musical ensembles, and on and on. They are eager to engage with the world, fired by the belief that they have a role to play, and a responsibility, in shaping their world for the better. E.B. White once wrote: “I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.” DePauw students somehow manage to do both, enjoying their world together, improving it together, and always with the belief that they can create the kind of world in which they want to live. Those of us who care for this University must continue to find the students who will thrive here and make it possible for them to attend and graduate. We must regularly and consistently assess and enhance our academic program to ensure that it is providing our students the best possible foundation for all that they will do with the rest of their lives. We must continue to provide the kinds of experiences in and out of the classroom that have been the hallmark of a DePauw education, and we must do more to connect these experiences in a framework designed to help our students move on to meaningful work or study after graduation, helping them take their first steps toward the lifelong success they have defined for themselves. We are called upon to meet our students’ hopeful, enthusiastic energy with our own. In the years ahead, DePauw must continuously strengthen itself, preparing for the requirements of a new century and a changing planet. The University must draw on all possible resources to achieve its goals, and this means that we will work much more actively to connect our alumni with current students. I am, therefore, very pleased to report that we have created the new position of associate vice president of alumni engagement, a role that has been taken on by Steve Setchell ’96. He will lead our efforts to engage alumni with the mission of the University, and to connect our students with our alumni in meaningful ways. There are so many ways that alumni can help to strengthen DePauw, from recommending prospective students to our Admission Office, to hosting internships, to mentoring our current students as they begin their careers or start graduate and professional programs. I will communicate more about our efforts in these areas in the months ahead, and I look forward to hearing from you and enlisting your help as we move forward. Every year at this time, the students of whom I am so proud join you in the ranks of DePauw alumni, and they carry with them all of the strengths they have honed in their time in Greencastle. It is impossible not to be proud of them, just as it is impossible not to be proud of our alumni. Thank you for all you do for DePauw.

Letters continued on page 30. Brian W. Casey President SUMMER 2013 DEPAUW MAGAZINE 3

Courtesy of White House Photography Office


“That’s pretty cool.” PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA during comments welcoming the WNBA champions, the Indiana Fever,

and Indiana’s “other championship team,” the 2013 NCAA Division III women’s basketball champions, the 34-0 DePauw University Tigers, at an event in the East Room of the White House on June 14.

“It became obvious that the chimpanzees were far more like us than we’d thought before.” JANE GOODALL, World-renowned

primatologist and conservationist, in an Ubben Lecture in Lilly Center on April 17


Countries where DePauw students will study off-campus during the fall semester.

TECHNOLOGICALLY SPEAKING DePauwsome. That was the name of the team of three DePauw students who were among 13 groups in the finals of the 11th annual U.S. Imagine Cup, Microsoft’s premier student technology competition. The DePauw team developed an app (WeAssist) that allows users to share location and a message in an emergency.


Recycling bins added on campus in the spring as part of the Alcoa Foundation Recycling Bin Grant Program.

“Today the Ubben name joins the names of the Rectors, Roy O. West, and Lucy Rowland and Bishop Roberts as names forever enmeshed in the very fabric of this campus.” DEPAUW PRESIDENT BRIAN W. CASEY at the formal dedication of the Ubben Quadrangle – the

area formerly known as North Quad in front of Mason Hall, Lucy Rowland and Rector Village – in recognition of Timothy H. and Sharon Williams Ubben, both Class of 1958.



Applications received for

innovative campus projects through

DEPAUW’S CLASS OF 2017 Dan Meyer, vice president for admission and financial aid

the new $10,000 Student Sustainability Fund established by DePauw Student Government.

SCIENCE HONOR Double major in computer science and biochemistry. Science Research Fellow. Information Technology Associate. And now John David “JD” Hoover, a junior, is recipient of a 2013 Goldwater Scholarship. Considered the most prestigious undergraduate science honor in the United States, the award is presented by the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program. Two other DePauw students – sophomore Stephen C. Dobbs, a geology major, and junior Jack E. Burgeson, a biochemistry major – received honorable mentions from the Goldwater Scholarship program. Seven DePauw students have received the award in the past five years.


Number of 2012 Society of Professional Journalists Region 5 Mark of Excellence Awards, including three first-place awards, received by student journalists for The DePauw and WGRE radio.

While there are still three months until the Class of 2017 officially begins their DePauw careers, much of the recruitment and financial aid activities for this class are completed. Now is a time to reflect on the close of another recruitment cycle. I gathered a few statistics to give you a glimpse into the positive aspects of the Class of 2017, and there are four main enrollment management objectives in which we benchmark our results: » Increase class size The ideal size of the University requires the consistent enrollment of a firstyear class totaling 650 students. With nearly 680 new students, this class is comfortably 10 percent larger than the previous two incoming classes. This year we received approximately 5,200 applications (up 4 percent), which allowed us to be more selective with our admission offers. As a result, the yield from admitted-to-enrolled students increased from 20.2 to 21.5 percent. » Improve academic quality After reviewing retention figures from the past few classes, the Admission Committee significantly restricted offers of admission to students with high school GPAs below 3.0. Last year we admitted 141 students with GPAs below 3.0, and 41 enrolled. This year we admitted 62 students with GPAs below 3.0, and 19 enrolled. As we move forward, the goal is to reduce this number even further. We saw continued improvement in the middle 50 percent ranges for both GPA, which increased from 3.36-3.86 to 3.44-3.95, and ACT scores, which increased from 24-29 to 25-30. » Achieve diversity targets International student enrollment stands at 10 percent again this year, and the percentage of domestic students of color totals 22 percent, an increase of 3 percent. Much of the increase was driven by a dramatic 67 percent increase in the number of diversity applications received from Illinois this year. » Increase net revenue Finally, it is always positive when there is improvement in net revenue. The Class of 2017 saw an increase in net revenue per student, and more importantly, the revenue objective for the class was exceeded. As we look forward to another recruitment cycle, I believe DePauw is well positioned to achieve continued success in its enrollment objectives. The University has made significant investments in campus facilities; we are addressing staffing needs that will strengthen two primary markets (Chicago and Indianapolis) and allow us to develop key secondary markets; the Center for Student Engagement continues to evolve; and there is renewed confidence that DePauw’s best days are ahead.

Daniel L. Meyer Vice president for admission and financial aid


A TOP-25 FINISH IN DIRECTORS’ CUP STANDINGS Led by top-10 finishes at the NCAA Championships in four sports, including the women’s basketball team’s national title and field hockey squad’s third-place showing, DePauw finished 25th in the 2012-13 Learfield Sports Directors’ Cup Division III Final Standings. It is DePauw’s best finish since 2007-08. In all, eight DePauw teams contributed by placing at their respective NCAA Championships. The Tigers recorded their eighth straight top-50 finish and 12th overall in the 18-year history of the program. It also marked DePauw’s fifth appearance in the top 25 as the Tigers finished ahead of all other North Coast Athletic Conference institutions for the second time in as many years and topped the Indiana Division III institutions for the 18th straight year. The Directors’ Cup recognizes institutions maintaining a broad-based program and achieving success in both men’s and women’s sports.


“In today’s ever-changing world, now more than ever it will take character and ability to get wherever you’re going.” ELISA VILLANUEVA BEARD ’98, co-CEO of Teach for America, in her address to graduates at the

University’s 174th commencement on May 19.

Faculty members who retired at the end of the 2012-13 academic year: Françoise Coulont-Henderson, professor of modern languages (French), who came to DePauw in 1985; Thomas S. Dickinson, professor of education studies since 2002; Linda L. Elman, associate professor of modern languages (Spanish), who joined the faculty in 1998; and Paul B. Watt, professor of religious studies and Asian studies since 1989.



Graduates who received diplomas at DePauw’s 174th commencement on May 19.

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DePauw teams finished in the top 10 of their respective NCAA Championships in 2012-13.


The NCAA Division III record number of wins by the national champion DePauw women’s basketball team.

The number of consecutive NCAA appearances for the women’s golf team.


All-NCAC citations earned by DePauw student-athletes in 2012-13.

PAIGE GOOCH NAMED CAPITAL ONE ACADEMIC ALL-AMERICA® DePauw rising senior Paige Gooch, a member of the women’s golf team, was selected to the 2013 Capital One Academic All-America® Division III Women’s At-Large Second Team. Gooch is DePauw’s first golfer to earn the distinction. Through her first five semesters, Gooch carried a 3.68 cumulative grade point average while majoring in both economics and mathematics. She also is a member of the Management Fellows Program. Gooch finished in a tie for 12th at the 2013 NCAA Division III Women’s Golf Championships as she led the Tigers to an eighth-place finish. She earned Women’s Golf Coaches Association second team all-America honors for the third straight year and was the WGCA Freshman of the Year in 2011.

HASBROOK AND ESKEW AWARD WINNERS NAMED Bridgette E. Shamleffer of the field hockey team and Katelyn R. Walker of the women’s basketball squad were selected DePauw’s top senior female student-athletes by the University’s athletics department as co-recipients of the Amy Hasbrook ’00 Award, while men’s swimmer Matthew A. Kukurugya was chosen as the Phil Eskew Jr. ’63 Award winner as the top senior male student-athlete. Presented annually to the senior student-athletes who best exemplify effort and excellence in academics, athletics, leadership, integrity, dedication to the team, campus involvement and community service, the awards are named for former DePauw studentathletes Amy E. Hasbrook ’00 and Philip N. Eskew Jr. ’63. Hasbrook was a four-year letterwinner for the women’s basketball team who lost her life in a fire in 2002. Eskew, president of DePauw’s “D” Association for more than 20 years, was a 1994 inductee into the DePauw Athletic Hall of Fame and was instrumental in its formation in 1986. Through a generous gift from Maclyn “Mac” T. Parker ’51, the 10 graduating studentathletes with the highest grade point average were recognized. They included: John R. Glerum (lacrosse), Katelyn M. Hendrickson (softball), Patrick G. Herrod (golf), Andrew S. Kahn (tennis), Matthew A. Kukurugya (swimming and diving), Kathleen M. Molloy (basketball), Nathan R. Mullins (swimming and diving), Bridgette E. Shamleffer (field hockey), Emily M. White (lacrosse) and Elizabeth J. Young (tennis).

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The number of seconds by which senior Noah Droddy broke the school record in the 10,000-meter run.

DePauw coaches earned North Coast Athletic Conference Coach of the Year honors in 2012-13.

School-record number of field hockey goals scored by senior Margaret Ellis in just three years.

The streak of consecutive dual-meet victories for the men’s swimming and diving program.


recent words

FREDERICK V. BALES ’62 Our Sheltered Lives

TROY CUMMINGS ’96 Giddy-Up, Daddy!

(ABQ Press – ISBN: 978-0-9885395-3-2)

(Random House Children’s Books – ISBN: 9780307978561)

Our Sheltered Lives relates the stories of men who temporarily inhabit a homeless shelter, the Albuquerque Opportunity Center. Aided by the staff and volunteers, some find permanent housing, some gain benefits from social services and some return to the streets. A few die there. The story of a select number of these men is told through the eyes of a volunteer at the shelter, Fred Bales, who chronicles a transitional time for his subjects, a time that proved to be meaningful for the author. To overcome stereotypical attitudes toward the homeless, the men are presented as diverse individuals within a variety of settings. The characters presented in this memoir are real, as are the events witnessed by the author. The reports of past incidents are faithfully reproduced to the extent that secondhand stories can be accurately shepherded from one source to another. Eventually, the author reflects upon the nature of universal longing for a place to call home as well as the motivation behind the act of volunteering.

Giddy-Up, Daddy! is the newest imaginative picture book from celebrated cartoonist Troy Cummings. When rootin’-tootin’ Daddy the “horse” is eyeballed by some rotten rustlers, it’s all the kids can do to keep him out of the their lasso. What follows is a quick detour through a rodeo, trip across a circus high wire and near miss in the Rockies, until the kids don Mounty gear and capture the bad guys for good. A celebratory parade at sundown leads the kids and Daddy back home. Cummings began drawing and writing as a youth, and his illustrations have appeared in newspapers and magazines, on websites, on frozen-fish-stick packages and in hospital waiting rooms. This is the third picture book for Cummings, who lives in Greencastle, Ind.


G. David Curry, SCOTT H. DECKER ’72 and David C. Pyrooz Confronting Gangs: Crime and Community, third edition (Oxford University Press – ISBN: 978-0-19-989191-7 Confronting Gangs: Crime and Community, Scott H. Decker’s 15th book, is a comprehensive review of the state of knowledge about gangs, gang members and responses to gangs. The book is based on a critical review of more than 100 sources of knowledge about the topic, including government, policy, law enforcement, NGO and others, and it is supplemented by results of interviews with more than 600 current and former gang members and at-risk youth in Cleveland; Fresno, Calif.; Los Angeles; Phoenix and St. Louis. The book examines joining and leaving a gang, gang crime, gang membership among girls and women, drug use and sales, gang members and the Internet as well as a review of gang prevention, suppression and intervention programs. Decker, who has studied gangs for 20 years, was keynote speaker at the 2011 White House Conference on Gangs. He is a frequent consultant to law enforcement, elected officials and other groups engaged in responding to gangs.

NAHYAN FANCY, associate professor of history Science and Religion in Mamluk Egypt: Ibn al-Nafis, Pulmonary Transit and Bodily Resurrection (Routledge – ISBN: 978-0-415-62200-4) The discovery of pulmonary transit of blood was a ground-breaking discovery in the history of the life sciences, and a prerequisite for William Harvey’s fully developed theory of blood circulation three centuries later. Nahyan Fancy’s book is the first attempt at understanding Ibn al-Nafis’ anatomical discovery from within the medical and theological works of the 13th century physicianjurist, and his broader social, religious and intellectual contexts. Although alNafis did not posit a theory of blood circulation, he nevertheless challenged the reigning Galenic and Avicennian physiological theories, and the thenprevailing anatomical understandings of the heart. His anatomical result is rooted in an extensive reevaluation of the reigning medical theories. Breaking new ground by showing how medicine, philosophy and theology were intertwined in the intellectual fabric of pre-modern Islamic societies, Science and Religion in Mamluk Egypt will be of interest to students and scholars of the history of science, medicine and Islamic studies.

SARAH E. GERKENSMEYER ’01 What You Are Now Enjoying

PETER W. HOBLER ’79 Courage to Find the Fire Within

WILLIAM THOMPSON ONG ’52 The Mounting Storm

(Autumn House Press – ISBN: 978-1932870800)

(Aloha Publishing – ISBN: 978-1612060545)

(Ri Publishing – ISBN: 978-0-9855583-1-4)

From Wonder Woman as an angstridden teenager to ghost twins to monster catfish to the secret relationships between polygamous wives, the stories written by Sarah Gerkensmeyer in What You Are Now Enjoying approach the familiar in unfamiliar ways, allowing us to recognize and claim the unordinary moments in our own, often ordinary, lives. Selected by Stewart O’Nan as winner of the 2012 Autumn House Press Fiction Prize, What You Are Now Enjoying is longlisted for the Frank O’Connor International Short Story Award, the largest award for a short story collection in the world. A Pushcart Prize nominee and finalist for the Katherine Anne Porter Prize in Short Fiction and Italo Calvino Prize for Fabulist Fiction, Gerkensmeyer is the 2012-13 Pen Parentis Fellow. An English writing major at DePauw, she received a M.F.A. degree in fiction from Cornell University and now teaches creative writing at State University of New York at Fredonia, where she co-directs the Mary Louise White Visiting Writers Series.

Peter Hobler is an award-winning transformational author, success coach, inspirational speaker and fitness coach. In Courage to Find the Fire Within, Hobler shares lessons, insights, epiphanies and exercises to inspire committed individuals to find their inspiration and passion, so they can realize their own potential. Thus, the subtitle for the book: Invest in Yourself to Discover Your Passion. He offers 7 Principles of Courage to provide a path to discover your passion, figure out what inspires you, find opportunity to learn and grow from life’s challenges, and to turn your potential into reality. “Peter Hobler has a passion for empowering people to move past their subconscious fears to realize their fullest potential, and a gift for bringing out their very best from within through his practical teachings,” says JT DeBolt, Mission Accomplishment expert. Hobler received the 2012 Servant Leadership Award and is a member of the Leadership Corps Group for an affiliated Internet marketing company.

William Thompson “Tom” Ong has created a trilogy of thrillers based on an investigative reporter named Kate Conway, who thrives on putting CEOs in jail. While tracking down a stolen painting in The Mounting Storm, Kate begins to suspect America’s most powerful media czar is not the Cambridge graduate and British citizen he claims to be – while falling head over heels for the man’s son.

The Deadly Buddha (Ri Publishing – ISBN: 978-09855583-2-1) In The Deadly Buddha, Kate is trapped into writing the life story of an Oscarwinning Welsh heartthrob, and she can’t avoid falling in love with the guy – despite discovering the ghastly truth about his conniving mother and her diabolical lover in their quest for The Golden Buddha of Anyang.

JOHN T. SCHLOTTERBECK, professor of history Daily Life in the Colonial South (Greenwood – ISBN: 978-0313340697) Part of the Greenwood Press Daily Life Through History Series, Daily Life in the Colonial South provides the first synthesis of daily life in the colonial South from the time of European arrival to 1770 – a period that is often overlooked or treated briefly in most surveys on the history of the South. John Schlotterbeck describes how a diverse mix of people created new patterns of living, behaving and believing across diverse and changing physical, demographic, economic and social environments by adapting inherited cultures in new settings. The book emphasizes everyday experiences of ordinary people from the Chesapeake Bay to the Lower Mississippi River, examining aspects of daily life such as work, families, possessions, food, leisure, bodies and beliefs. It presents balanced coverage of English, French, Spanish and Native American settlements, describing the lives of both men and women, and making use of quotes from historical documents. Schlotterbeck has taught history at DePauw for 35 years.

The third book in the series, The Fashionista Murders, will be released soon. SUMMER 2013 DEPAUW MAGAZINE 9

FACULTY NEWS Beth D. Benedix, associate professor of religious studies and coordinator of DePauw’s Jewish Studies Program, received the G. Bromley Oxnam Award for Service, which is named after DePauw’s 13th president (1928-36), Mona Bhan, associate professor of anthropology, and Françoise Coulont-Henderson, professor of modern languages, received this year’s Exemplary Teaching Award. Presented by the General Board of Higher Education of the United Methodist Church through a gift from 1942 DePauw graduates George and Virginia Crane, the award recognizes faculty members who exemplify excellence in teaching, civility and concern for students and colleagues, commitment to value-centered education, and service to students, the institution and the community. Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, professor of English, was a featured speaker at the 2013 University of California Riverside Eaton Science Fiction Conference. Nancy J. Davis, professor emerita of sociology, and Robert Robinson are co-winners of a gold medal in the religion category of the 2013 Independent Publisher Book Awards for their book, Claiming Society for God: Religious Movements and Social Welfare in Egypt, Italy, Israel, and the United States. Eugene Gloria, associate professor of English, is recipient of the 2013 AnisfieldWolf Book Award for poetry for My Favorite Warlord. He also received DePauw’s Edwin L. Minar Jr. Scholarship Award, which recognizes exceptional scholarly achievement by a faculty member. David T. Harvey, vice president for academic affairs and professor of chemistry and biochemistry, and Gloria C. Townsend, Tenzer Family University Professor in Instructional Technology and professor of computer science, are 2013 recipients of the Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Tucker Jr. Distinguished Career Award, which recognizes achievements of senior faculty members who have made notable contributions to DePauw through their commitments to students, teaching excellence, chosen disciplines and service. Kevin Howley, associate professor of communication and theatre, is editor of Media Interventions, published by Peter Lang. Howley and Brandon S. Butler ’11 are co-authors of an essay, “Guerrilla Newsfare: Conservative Activism, Stunt Journalism, and Media Power,” in the book. The work of Cynthia O’Dell, associate professor of art and art history, was featured at the National Famine Commemoration 2013 held in Kilrush, Ireland, from May 3-12. Smita A. Rahman, assistant professor of political science, was one of 20 faculty members nationwide chosen by the Council of Independent Colleges and Center for Hellenic Studies to participate in an Ancient Greece in the Modern Classroom seminar on The Iliad, held at the Center for Hellenic Studies in Washington, D.C.


Paul Davis and LARRY C. SPEARS ’78, editors Fortuitous Encounters: Wisdom Stories for Learning and Growth (Paulist Press – ISBN: 978-0809148059) Fortuitous encounters, those moments in people’s lives when a person, place or thing caused their lives to change in a more positive direction. In this book, Paul Davis, a Scanlon Steward/Advocate, and Larry C. Spears, author, editor and president of The Spears Center for Servant-Leadership, and other contributors focus on the meaning of those fortuitous encounters through inspiring examples. Our lives are full of what some call serendipity. A favorite teacher inspires our choice of career, or a chance encounter develops into love, marriage and family. At a time when we are most in need of a friend, one appears. We read a book, and an idea is planted in our minds. For many people, the fortuitous encounters of their lives are the parts that contain the most meaning. The more fortuitous encounters that someone has, the better the odds that the person will be successful and happy. The true stories in this book are intended to help people prepare for their fortuitous encounters.

Linda S. Schearing and VALARIE H. ZIEGLER, professor of religious studies Enticed by Eden: How Western Culture Uses, Confuses, (and Sometimes Abuses) Adam and Eve (Baylor University Press – ISBN: 978-1-60258-543-0) Although it may not have been the intent of Genesis 1-3, the biblical first couple has been used for generations to sell consumable goods and strange ideologies – both salacious and holy – to willing Western masses. Linda Schearing and Valarie Ziegler, professors of religious studies at Gonzaga University and DePauw, respectively, argue that Adam and Eve have become archetypal figures for secular and religious society alike as they are transplanted from their ancient garden to a more modern Eden, often with eyebrow-raising consequences. Finding common ground between both religious and secular recastings of Adam and Eve, the authors offer evidence of just how ubiquitous the first couple has become. From online dating services and promises of Godordained romance to the advertising and selling of games, bathroom fixtures, and even risqué bloomers, Adam and Eve are a hot commodity in modern culture. Whether they realize it or not, Americans spend a great deal of time negotiating their world with Adam and Eve, the authors say.

GROWING A CAMPUS FARM DePauw students are discovering the joy of planting, and weeding, on the new Campus Farm. As a result, fresh, homegrown vegetables and other produce are joining the menu in the University’s dining halls. Beets, corn, cucumbers, eggplant, green beans, melons, peppers, potatoes, squash and tomatoes were among the first crops planted on one acre of a seven-acre property owned by the University. It is located southwest of campus along the road leading to The Janet Prindle Institute for Ethics in the DePauw Nature Park. There also is an herb garden. “The Campus Farm will provide our students with an opportunity for hands-on experience, from which they will gain a greater appreciation for how the produce they see at the grocery store gets there,” says Carol S. Steele, associate dean of academic affairs, director of sustainability and a master gardener. “They will also have a greater understanding of what it takes to feed a community.” Food produced from the garden will be served through DePauw’s dining services, and approximately 15 percent of the food will be given to a Greencastle food pantry for distribution to community residents in need. “We are working with the new campus dining service vendor, Bon Appetit, to make certain we are growing produce they can use in their cooking,” Steele says. “Bon Appetit has a

history of working with campus farms at other universities, and we look forward to learning from them about best practices.” A group of students, faculty and staff worked for months to develop a plan for the Campus Farm. During the spring, the ground growth was burned, soil plowed and fencing installed in preparation for planting. Students and staff do all the work on the farm, including planting, watering, weeding and harvesting. Sophomores Sara V. Blanton, music and biology double major, and Thomas L. Miller, physics major and Honor Scholar, remained on campus this summer to help care for the farm. In addition to general farm work, Miller has recorded the farm’s progress and published it online at “This is a huge step for DePauw, not only as a sustainable investment but also for us as a socially conscious campus,” Miller says. “With our own homegrown food, not only can students become involved with producing food that will feed everyone on campus, but we also are better able to be involved with the community by giving some of the food to people who need it.” There is a positive effect on the environment, he says, because the dependence on renewable energy sources used in mass farming and mass transportation of food is decreased. And only organic gardening processes are used at the Campus Farm. Read more about the Campus Farm at offices/sustainability/initiatives/campus-farm.


CAN MACHINES WRITE? What narrative science will mean for you by Larry G. Anderson



A computer didn’t write this story. But it could have, and you likely wouldn’t realize that the author was a machine. The technology exists. In fact, there’s a good chance you’ve already read machine-generated stories and were unaware they were not written by a human. (Two sample stories are printed on page 18. Can you tell whether they were written by a human or computer?) Nathan D. Nichols ’05 is on the leading edge of making that happen. By applying a journalistic approach to an unprecedented and humanly unmanageable amount of data, Nichols and his fellow engineers and editors at a company called Narrative Science are harnessing computers to explain what the data means in a way we can understand: stories. Welcome to the emerging field of “narrative science,” which involves embodying in a computer what human journalists know how to do. The result is a machine that automatically generates stories that make sense to people reading them. The number of potential stories far


exceeds human time and staff available to create them. Ironically, in the process, computers are actually making the massive amounts of information more personalized for us, Nichols says. For example, Narrative Science currently generates more than a half-million stories about Little League games, complete with names of the young players and their accomplishments in the stories and headlines. Computers also can sift through complex financial data, select the important items and explain them in an understandable narrative specific to an individual’s investment situation. “The world is being rendered ever more vividly in data, and with a little programming, journalists can transform bits to beats,” says Mark Hansen, director of the David and Helen Gurley Brown Institute for Media Innovation and professor of journalism at Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. “Narrative Science takes

this creative partnership a step further. They seem to be extending the reach of the computer from story creation, from source of inspiration, straight through to presentation.” As lead architect at Narrative Science, Nichols designs software systems and works closely with the editors to improve the quality of the written product. Nichols and a colleague, Andrew Paley, developed an interface for Quill, the company’s platform, and Nichols focuses his efforts on improving its authoring capabilities. Most of the stories Narrative Science generates are in sports, where the company got its start, and in finance, which has large amounts of data readily available. Clients include the Big 10 Network and Forbes. “In sports we cover previews, recaps, in-game tweets and league-wide updates across baseball, softball, hockey, golf and soccer for teams ranging from Little League to professionals,” Nichols says.

“We write a variety of financial stories, including company-based profiles, quarterly earning recaps and immediate stories based off what’s happening in the stock market right now.”

All you have to do is read Narrative Science’s purpose is expressed well in a statement on its website: With spreadsheets you have to calculate. With visualizations you have to interpret. But with stories, all you have to do is read. Kristian J. Hammond, the company’s chief technology officer and director of the Information Lab in Northwestern University’s computer science department, explains it this way: “The reality is that businesses have gathered data for years and are struggling with how to pull out insight from that data. And once that insight is pulled out, how can it be explained to people who might not understand data analytics, data in raw form, or even data as a series of images, such as graphs and charts? “But most people can read. If you can explain what’s going on with the data, suddenly you can take a process that used to involve people going to a computer and having to understand the computer in its terms, and you turn that into a process by which the computer comes to us and articulates what is going on with the data so that we can better understand our world.” That’s what convinced Nichols to commit to help develop the company. Narrative Science grew out of a system called StatsMonkey, which wrote baseball game recaps from box-score data. Graduate students at Northwestern’s Medill School of Journalism developed StatsMonkey in a course taught by Hammond, Nichols’ graduate school adviser.

Nathan D. Nichols ’05 While Nichols was a graduate student in computer science at Northwestern, he put together a personalized news show with animated anchors and text-to-speech recorded voices. His work was similar to

and-butter of stories that Narrative Science generates now. Nichols’ work on machine-generated content influenced development of StatsMonkey. Nichols was completing a doctoral degree around the time that the StatsMonkey concept was expanded into a new company devoted to doing similar story generation not only in sports, but also across other fields, including finance, real estate, hospitality services and healthcare. “My original plan,” Nichols says from the company’s offices overlooking Lake

With spreadsheets you have to calculate. With visualizations you have to interpret. But with stories, all you have to do is read. StatsMonkey and Narrative Science in that computers automatically generated interesting and useful news content. But they were all created without numerical data – the kind of data that’s the bread-


NATHAN D. NICHOLS ’05 Lead architect, Narrative Science Major: computer science Minors: mathematics and English literature Rector Scholar Member of Honor Scholar and Science Research Fellows programs DePauw activities • Served in several positions at Delta Chi fraternity Further education • Northwestern University, M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science • Member of Information Lab in the Cognitive Systems (Artificial Intelligence) division of Northwestern’s computer science department Related experiences • Designed and taught a course in Mobile Application Design and Development at Northwestern University • Designed and taught a half-course in Web Programming for Journalists in the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern Outside interests • Performed improv through Second City Favorite DePauw professors • Doing research with David A. Berque, professor of computer science, convinced him to attend graduate school in computer science • Andrea E. Sununu, Raymond W. Pence Professor of English, was unrelenting in what she expected from his writing and thinking Favorite DePauw memories • Symposium style of Honor Scholar classes he took • Hanging out on the porch of Delta Chi fraternity


Michigan in downtown Chicago, “was to work at Narrative Science as a contractor during the summer and maintain a consulting position when I began as an associate professor at Northwestern in August. After just two weeks with Narrative Science, I realized that it was a once-in-a-lifetime possibility to be involved with a startup so interesting and important that early in its stage.” He signed on full time. The company has grown from eight employees to 45, including some in New York City.

Data designed for you Nearly everyone recognizes that the amount of information accumulated in computers today exceeds our capability to deal with it. Companies don’t have sufficient budgets or journalists to turn it into understandable stories. What better solution than to harness the same machine to search the data, select only the important items and explain it to us in terms we can understand easily? “We’re just buried in data,” says Jon Fortt ’98, technology correspondent for CNBC in San Jose, Calif. “Computers are constantly churning this stuff out: weather data, market data, sales data, surveillance data. To be useful, someone or something has to sift through all the bits of information and decide what’s actually going to be useful, what’s going to help us make better decisions. “Software that can handle language like a person will continue to be a hot area,” Fortt adds. “We’re only creating more information – what scientists call ‘unstructured data.’ The more digital text, audio and video we create, the more we’re going to need computers to explain to us what it means. Those explanations will come in the form of spoken responses, and sometimes in computergenerated stories.”

What really excites Nichols about narrative science is the extraordinary opportunity to personalize the data out there – to bring it to an individual level and make it relevant in a way not now possible. “Computers have helped some things scale up so much,” Nichols says. He cites the transmission of medical records between hospitals as an example. “Computers are great at talking with each other with data, but we’ve lost a lot of the human touch, and it doesn’t seem likely that there’s a way to get back with actual humans. We’re not going back to a time when your family doctor can sit with you for an hour to answer your questions and explain things. And even if doctors had time to talk in detail with every patient, they may not be familiar with the most recent research or treatment options.”

stories that include players’ names and actions. The personal value for players, their family members and other participants in these sporting events is reflected in the many thank-you notes received from appreciative parents and fans. Stories can be just as meaningful for people who want their financial information explained in understandable terms and that spell out just what market fluctuations and financial instruments mean for them personally. Those are already happening. Next on Nichols’ wish list at Narrative Science is to tackle the complex phenomenon of health insurance and medical/hospital billing by creating stories that clearly explain the details. “It is something that is super exciting for me and the company,” he says. “It is in our vision of democratizing a lot of that understanding.” But patients deserve an explanation that they can understand, he says. “One of the things we’re trying to do, then, is to recreate that personalized experience. We’re really excited about

it’s about how well your congressperson is representing you, it’s about how your retirement account is doing. The machine is what lets us reach this scale of personalization.”

“We’re just buried in data. To be useful, someone or something has to sift through all the bits of information and decide what’s actually going to be useful, what’s going to help us make better decisions.” – JON FORTT ’98, technology correspondent for CNBC solving the problem of how you scale humanity’s collective expertise – in healthcare, education, public policy, finance – down to the level where it’s not an academic paper, it’s not aggregate statistics; it’s a story created just for you. It’s about your health prognosis, it’s about how your child is faring in school,

The half-million Little League and other sports stories generated for a company called GameChanger illustrates the personalization possible through the power of computers. As soon as Little League game results are posted, Narrative Science can generate

From classroom to newsroom Consider how parents could benefit from stories that provide individual feedback on their student’s academic performance, or that clearly explain the meaning of the student’s test scores and other information for which the teachers, parents or both may not have time to discuss face-to-face. Narrative Science has already worked with a journalistic organization, ProPublica, to allow parents to access stories that describe programs at their schools and compare them with other schools. ProPublica, an independent, nonprofit newsroom that produces investigative journalism in the public interest, was the first online news organization to win a Pulitzer Prize – the first ever awarded to a body of work that did not appear in print. ProPublica worked with Narrative


Human or computer? Which wrote the stories below? Putnam City North falls to Stillwater 6-4 in spite of Brantley’s performance Nathan Brantley did all he could to give Putnam City North a boost, but it wasn’t enough to get past Stillwater, as Putnam City North lost 6-4 in seven innings at Santa Fe on Wednesday. It was a good day at the plate for Putnam City North’s Brantley. Brantley went 2-3, drove in one and scored one run. He singled in the second and sixth innings. Hunter Heffington had an impressive outing against Stillwater’s lineup. Heffington held Stillwater hitless over 1 2/3 innings, allowed no earned runs, walked none and struck out two. The top of the second saw Putnam City North take an early lead, 1-0. Brantley singled to ignite Putnam City North’s offense. Blake Seibert singled, bringing home Heffington. Stillwater went up for good in the third, scoring three runs on a two-run double by Joe Smith and an error. Stillwater built upon its lead with three runs in the fifth. Scott Williams started the inning with a double, plating Dan Johnson and Eric Welch. That was followed up by George Segal’s double, plating Williams. Three runs in the top of the sixth helped Putnam City North close its deficit to 6-4. An RBI single by Brantley, a groundout by Heffington, and a steal of home by Brantley triggered Putnam City North’s comeback. Chuckie Lundeen struck out to end the Putnam City North threat. Powered by Narrative Science and GameChanger. Copyright 2012. All rights reserved.


East City Senior High School East City Senior High School, part of the Community Schools of East City district, is located in East City, Ind. The school reports enrolling 860 students in grades nine through 12, and it has 63 teachers on staff. East City Senior High School is above the state average but below the district average in terms of the percentage of students eligible for free or reducedprice lunches. On average, 43 percent of students in Indiana are eligible for free or reduced-price lunch programs, whereas 52 percent of East City Senior High School students do. At the district level, 62 percent of students are eligible. ProPublica’s analysis found that all too often, states and schools provide poor students fewer educational programs like Advanced Placement, gifted and talented programs, and advanced math and science classes. Studies have linked participation in these programs with better outcomes later in life. Our analysis uses free and reduced-price lunch to estimate poverty at schools. We based our findings on the most comprehensive data set of access to advanced classes and special programs in U.S. public

schools – known as the Civil Rights Data Set – released by the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights. East City Senior High School offers 10 AP courses, and 8 percent of students participate in those classes. The school’s pass rate for AP exams is the same as the district’s, both at 23 percent. A school’s AP pass rate is determined by the number of students who both sat for AP exams and passed some or all of those exams. East City Senior High School’s enrollment rates in chemistry, physics and advanced math subject areas are 4 percent, 2 percent and 7 percent, respectively. Gifted and talented at the school has an enrollment rate of 23 percent. West City Community High School, in West City, Ind., is a lower-poverty school than East City Senior High School, with 4 percent of its students qualifying for free or reduced-price lunch. The school offers 20 AP courses, and 38 percent of students are enrolled in those classes. Generated by Narrative Science for ProPublica.

Science to update a news application called The Opportunity Gap. Using data from the U.S. Department of Education, the app allows people to explore data about access to educational opportunities such as AP courses, gifted-andtalented programs, higher mathematics, chemistry and physics. Results, however, were displayed only graphically. Scott Klein, senior editor of news applications for ProPublica, explains, “Narrative Science created narratives, which were added to every page – 52,000 of them – that allowed a reader who was confused by the graphic, or who would rather read than look at a graphic, to read a story that described the educational opportunity at that school in comparison to others in the state. His team at ProPublica builds software to do the work of journalism, Klein says, “to help us gather data, analyze and refine it, and present it. Think of it like how a photojournalist

journalists to spend more time working in areas where data is not yet flowing online.” The notion of what a news story is will shift, he adds. “News stories will actually be more related to us. That is, data about us will be integrated into them.

“Computers are actually making the massive amounts of information more personalized for us.” – Nathan D. Nichols ’05 uses a camera. We ask questions of the data, talk to sources and make the data tell a story. We wouldn’t want to replace human journalists because we are ourselves human journalists.” The vision for narrative science, both the lowercase field and uppercase company, is not to eliminate journalism, but to enhance it. “Eventually, there will be, either literally or virtually, a narrative science box in every newsroom in the world,” Hammond says. “That box will be given ongoing flows of data and write stories in their language, with their analysis and their voice. They will allow

We’ll start seeing more stories that have personal connections to our lives.” For example, remember the Little League game stories that Narrative Science already produces? Hammond wants the company to eventually write stories for every Little League game in the country – and not only in English, but also in every language so each young player’s family and friends can read it anywhere in the world.

Sounding human But can machines write? Really write, that is? It’s a paraphrase of the iconic

question first posed by the British mathematician Alan Turing more than 60 years ago in his seminal paper, “Computing Machinery and Intelligence.” The paper is generally regarded to have established Turing as the founder of computer science, and the question he asked in it was “Can machines think?” Turing decided that question could not be answered. He revised it, which led to what has been known since as the Turing test, a test of a machine’s ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human. Computers have come a long way since then. “A lot of our content is actually indistinguishable from something a human being would write under similar circumstances, and we’re actively working on ways to make them sound even more human-like,” Nichols says. “But the exciting and interesting thing for me isn’t that our system passes some kind of journalistic Turing test, but that it does it while providing genuine Continued on page 32.


THE ROAD MORE TRAVELED The remarkable increase in Fulbright recipients at DePauw By Christopher L. Wolfe


Junior students fill the front two rows of a Harrison Hall classroom, laptops opened to the same Fulbright Program website. Four senior winners, a few months removed from going through the application process themselves, sit before the hopefuls, offering guidance like worldly gurus. Up next, a faculty member who serves on one of Fulbright’s African selection committees shares how applicants are really evaluated. Ten minutes is the longest time his committee will discuss an applicant, he tells the students. You’ll need to make a good impression fast. The mood is upbeat – free pizza helps – but as submission buttons are clicked, students begin to realize what they’ve set in motion. Starting today, they are Fulbright applicants with Fulbright responsibilities. They have just committed themselves to an entirely voluntary, always rigorous and often nerve-wracking endeavor that will compete for attention with their senior coursework while appearing on no record of their time at DePauw. The next six months leading up to the October deadline will be at least as busy as any other during their college career, followed by another six months of waiting for approval or rejection – if they’re lucky enough to make it to the final round of consideration. Most will not. If all this sounds like a gamble, that’s because it is. The students have no guarantees their troubles will be rewarded with a yearlong travel grant to study, do research or teach English abroad. But they have reasons to be optimistic, too. Although the odds are seemingly stacked against them, their chances are better than most applicants face, based on recent history. DePauw’s four Fulbright


recipients in 2012 tied for 11th among bachelor’s-degree institutions and marked the sixth appearance in the national rankings in the last seven years. More importantly, many of the applicants know someone who has won. If Katie and David can do it, why can’t I?

Starting from scratch What these students don’t know, however, is that DePauw spent most of the Fulbright Program’s history effectively tied for dead last

on campus. Not surprisingly, memories of past winners were only slightly less hazy. Although Congress established the Fulbright Program following World War II and hundreds of thousands were awarded in the decades that followed, only a handful of DePauw students could be counted among the winners. It wasn’t only Fulbright that needed more attention, either. Students were missing out on many of the major awards primarily because few were being encouraged to apply.


with hundreds of other colleges and universities. The yearly winner announcements? The pizza-fueled spring registration en masse? The sense that a Fulbright grant is within a DePauw student’s grasp? All are new to DePauw. The University was able to go from a standstill to a full sprint within the span of just a few years, and not because great students suddenly started to appear in Greencastle. They’ve always been here. They just needed a little help. Until 2003, to the best of anybody’s recollection, DePauw had never had an official Fulbright Program adviser

The University tapped Professor of English Marion “Marnie” K. McInnes, then an associate dean of academic affairs, to overhaul DePauw’s scholarship advising efforts. McInnes began by working through a list of the biggestname awards in higher education and recruiting faculty members to serve as advisers for each. One was the Fulbright. Its advantages immediately stood out. Under the umbrella of its U.S. Student Program, Fulbright awards thousands of grants to American seniors and recent graduates each year, dwarfing the more prestigious, but relatively rare, Rhodes


(32), Marshall (40) or Truman (50-75) scholarships. Fulbright’s fruit hangs a bit lower, but you still need to jump to get one. Fulbright applicants also have more options: two major grant types – the Study/Research grant and the English Teaching Assistantship (ETA) grant – and more than 150 participating countries to choose from. Working with limited resources, grooming Fulbright candidates made a lot of sense. McInnes approached Associate Professor of History David N. Gellman to take the lead on DePauw’s Fulbright Program advising. Gellman is still unsure why McInnes asked for him specifically, but he agreed to help. “Marnie is a person you want to say yes to,” he explains. Gellman and McInnes spent the first year learning on the job. Their advising methods were mostly improvised, and their recruiting efforts came down to Gellman stuffing faculty mailboxes with Fulbright information sheets. What really mattered was that for the first time a concerted effort was being made. Later that year, something new happened. Duncan M. Yoon ’04, a French and English double major, received a Fulbright ETA to teach in South Korea. Yoon had spent a semester abroad in Paris and a Winter Term in Dublin for an independent project to study James Joyce’s work. Combined with his language studies, the international travel made him a perfect candidate, but he’d still had the sense that he was in uncharted territory. “I think it did seem like a bit of a long shot initially,” Yoon remembers, “but only because there hadn’t been an immediate precedent for the award.” The award was obviously great for Yoon, who went on to study at Dartmouth and later UCLA, where he is a Ph.D. candidate

in comparative literature, and it was nearly as important for his advisers. “It was huge,” Gellman says. “To have Duncan win, it was just like, ‘We can do this.’ Clearly, if we could find the right students, they could win this thing.” If Yoon’s win was the beginning of a crack in the wall separating DePauw and Fulbright, the dam burst in 2006. Three students – Christina E. Guzik ’06, Osamuede Osemwota ’06 and Stuart E. Schussler ’06 – won Study/ Research grants that year. It was a big


says Doug Cutchins, president of the National Association of Fellowships Advisers (NAFA) and director of social commitment at Grinnell College. “Because of that, we’re seeing bigger applicant pools, we’re seeing much better prepared candidates, and they’re coming from a much greater diversity of institutions, all of which I think is terrific.” Founded in 2000, NAFA’s guiding principle was that outstanding students could be found on every college campus, and all deserved access to the best quality scholarship advising possible. Up to that point, major awards were disproportionately won by students from a handful of schools. It hardly seemed fair. All it takes to get a sense of how much the fellowships landscape has changed in NAFA’s presence is a quick visit to the organization’s website. One page features a 2001 Chronicle article with the headline, “Ambitious Colleges End the Ivy Lock on Prestigious Fellowships.” Click over to the membership page, and you’ll see that today all but one of the Ivy institutions are represented in NAFA. They joined for the same reason McInnes and advisers at 300-plus other colleges and universities did: to provide better opportunities for their students. Ironically, DePauw’s rise on the Fulbright scene happened not in spite of the dramatic rise in competition for fellowships, but because of it. McInnes leaned heavily on support from her NAFA colleagues to build DePauw’s advising structure, borrowing

“Schools are taking scholarship advising much more seriously and putting a lot more resources into it.”


Doug Cutchins, president of the National Association of Fellowships Advisers (NAFA) deal for DePauw, generating publicity for the new advising efforts on and off campus. The DePauw ran a story with their pictures scattered across the globe, and the three winners happened to meet the threshold for The Chronicle of Higher Education’s Fulbright U.S. Student Top Producers list – the University’s first appearance of many to come. “At that point, it wasn’t just one random bright kid who won,” Gellman says. It was a change in expectations.

Friendly competition Year after year, keeping up with (and ahead of ) the Joneses required more and more effort. Scholarship advising had become the new vogue in higher education. DePauw, it turned out, wasn’t the only school who wanted its students to succeed on a national level. “Schools are taking scholarship advising much more seriously and putting a lot more resources into it,”

FULBRIGHT’S BILL Although his 30-year tenure is best remembered for vocal antiwar positions and spats with Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater, it was as a freshman senator that J. William Fulbright established his most enduring legacy. In late 1945, in office for less than a year, Fulbright introduced a bill to deal with the problem of America’s World War II surplus. Millions of tractors, trains, hospital beds – you name it – were no longer needed by our armed forces, but the cost of returning the items to the United States would have offset any revenue from their sale. Foreign nations recovering from years of war were desperate for the equipment, clothes and tools the United States left behind, but they were also broke and deeply in debt. With the consequences of post-World War I debt still fresh in everybody’s mind, Fulbright’s bill allowed foreign nations to barter for American war surplus with international education credits, thus keeping their own economies afloat while creating the bilateral exchange programs that Fulbright’s tutor at Oxford later called “the largest and most significant movement of scholars across the earth since the fall of Constantinople in 1453.” However, Fulbright knew that money and foreign relations were two of politics’ most stubborn sticking points. Rather than grandstanding, he sold his idea to party leadership while moving the bill along through his senate subcommittee without bringing extra attention to it. Even its title was camouflaged to be boring: “A bill to amend the Surplus Property Act of 1944 to designate the Department of State as the disposal agency for surplus property outside the United States, its Territories and Possessions, and for other purposes.” When the bill was brought to the Senate floor in April 1946, Fulbright asked for unanimous consent to waive normal procedure, approve the bill and pass it to the House for consideration. Sen. Kenneth McKellar of Tennessee, the only senator whom Fulbright knew to be openly hostile to the bill, was mysteriously absent from the Senate chamber at the time. The motion passed. The House spent even less time considering the bill, approving it on what was described as a “whoop and a holler.” By the time it reached President Truman’s desk in August, what had become known as the Fulbright Act had passed Congress without a single formal vote. McKellar later caught up to Fulbright to reprimand his freshman colleague for sneaking the bill behind his back. “Young man,” he scolded, “it’s a very dangerous thing to send our fine young girls and boys abroad. They’ll be infected with those foreign ‘-isms.’” McKellar was only half-right: Fulbright’s point was that their foreign counterparts might learn some of our -isms, too.


handouts and recruiting strategies she still puts to use. As more and more DePauw students reaped the rewards, she returned the favor in presentations at NAFA’s national and regional conferences. “The paradox is that we’re all very competitive about our students and want them to win,” McInnes says, “but one of the unspoken ground rules of NAFA is if you figure out a way of doing something better, you share it.” While it sounds counterintuitive and self-defeating, the results say otherwise. NAFA’s goal was to level the playing field, and on this even footing, DePauw has flourished. Besides, says Cutchins, if schools didn’t share their strategies, what would NAFA even talk about? “It would be easy for NAFA to devolve into something where nobody plays with each other and everybody takes their ball b and goes home,” Cutchins says, “but I think that means that NAFA wouldn’t n’tt exist.” And neither, perhaps, would quite u uite a few Fulbright recipients.

one of 20-30 seniors and recent alumni who will apply for a Fulbright through DePauw. To accommodate the growth, nearly 30 staff and faculty members help applicants hone their essays – McInnes keeps a cabinet drawer filled with past

The application, too, has changed – to a paperless system; no more horror stories of paperwork being lost in the mail, or of scrambling to obtain a letter from a Study/Research grant sponsor in Indonesia one week before the deadline. Even the people have changed. Professor of Economics and Management Humberto Barreto and Professor of Computer Science Douglas E. Harms each took a turn in Gellman’s place, and this summer McInnes handed off her Fulbright co-adviser duties to Kathleen “Kate” S. Knaul, director of global opportunities and assistant dean of academic life. The only thing that hasn’t changed is it seems that more DePauw students are applying for and winning Fulbrights each year. “I give great credit to Marnie for

Nearly 30 staff and faculty members help applicants hone their essays and conduct interview evaluations to be included with the final application.

Cultural shift Ten years after they began, DePauw’s Fulbright advising efforts would be almost unrecognizable to an early beneficiary like Yoon. As the yearly stream of grant winners increased, so did the award’s profile on campus. Students are hearing about the award d early and often, whether from alumnii recipients who visit campus every yearr to speak with prospective applicants, or in the local Starbucks, where one e er on-the-fence junior was lobbied by her insistent professor. Next fall, she’ll be



essays for reference – and conduct interview evaluations to be included with the final application. DePauw students are starting the process earlier, too. Fulbright season now begins on the very first day a student can open an application with the Fulbright Program, six months before the application due date, and often before all of the previous year’s winners have been counted. With more time to spend in preparation, the advising has become more direct, the questions more pointed. “We helped students in a general way at first, but I think we’ve realized that students need fairly honest critiques of their work early on,” McInnes says. “They need to be challenged.”

really cultivating a culture of Fulbright on this campus,” Knaul says. “That’s a nice thing to be able to say, that we’ve grown this group of faculty and staff members who are committed to having substantive conversations with students whom I think really crave that conversation. The Fulbright is a mechanism to get them in, to have some of those conversations that they need to have. And if they win, fabulous.”

Grueling process Kendall C. Quisenberry ’13 was studying for finals in the Alpha Phi basement when her phone chirped, and a new email with the subject line “Update on Your Fulbright Application” appeared. She sat staring at the screen for a few moments, not sure whether or not to open it. When she finally did, she screamed. Quisenberry’s journey to that point had been long and trying. She spen spent the tchi summer before her senior year wat watching d webinars, reading foreign news and corresponding with one of DePauw w’s DePauw’s previous winners before she settled d on applying for an ETA in Malaysia. Laos La L had been her first choice, but its all lotm allotment of four ETAs was scarily low compared comp par to nearby Malaysia’s 75. As the deadline deaadl Knaul, approached, Quisenberry and Knau ul, her assigned mentor, went over each revision reevis of the two required single-page essays esssay until just a single sentence from he her original drafts remained. remained d. She S also spent week weeks ks in preparation preparat tio for the fo

interview-by-committee which she calls the most intimidating of her life. “It took a lot of work and a lot of help from a lot of people,” she says with a small sigh. There is a good argument to be made that Fulbright matches up well with DePauw’s increasingly global, socially aware education. A Fulbright year abroad has always been a mix of academics and diplomacy, of being as capable as a student as you are a human being. The American Embassy encouraged Seth C. Elder ’08, who spent a year in Macedonia on a Study/Research Grant, to take on this broader role. “Go have coffee with Macedonians,” they told him. “Let them get to know you.” No problem, he replied. And Fulbright selection committees are always looking for evidence that an applicant is serious about a particular country or region of the world. What better way to prove that than having traveled there during one of DePauw’s Winter Terms, or better yet, a semester abroad? If more DePauw students applied for Fulbrights, more would likely win. But what about the many others who won’t? The challenge at DePauw and elsewhere is to grow the advising efforts without diluting them, and without drawing in students for the sake of bigger numbers. At Grinnell College, where NAFA’s Cutchins oversees scholarship advising, 15 percent of students applying for nationally competitive awards end up winning in a good year – and Grinnell’s rates are among the best. In other words, nearly nine of 10 applicants will come up short if their only goal was to win. “If we’re talking to the very best students, whether at Grinnell or DePauw, and telling them, ‘You need to put untold numbers of hours into creating an application for this thing that you’re almost definitely not going to

DEPAUW’S FULBRIGHT U.S. STUDENT 2013-14 WINNERS K. Kartik Amarnath » Hometown: Indianapolis » Major: biology » Study/Research Grant, Malaysia » Project: Access and Agency for Kuala Lumpur’s Blind Population Brittni E. Crofts » Hometown: Wadesville, Ind. » Double major: conflict studies and anthropology » English Teaching Assistantship, Vietnam Katlin V. Kraska » Hometown: Lexington, Ky. » Double major: biology and art history » Study/Research Grant, Indonesia » Project: Wildlife Habitat Conservation and Tourism David Tykvart » Hometown: Wheaton, Ill. » Major: political science » English Teaching Assistantship, Czech Republic Kendall C. Quisenberry » Hometown: Owensboro, Ky. » Major: English (writing) » English Teaching Assistantship, Malaysia

Continued on page 33.



THE LIFE OF NATIONAL CHAMPIONS By Sarah McAdams Few college athletes experience an undefeated season, and even fewer get to be national champions. Recent DePauw graduates Kathleen M. Molloy, Elizabeth “Ellie” A. Pearson and Katelyn “Kate” R. Walker became part of that elite group as starting players on this year’s women’s basketball team. And all three look to a future they say will be shaped by lessons learned from Coach Kris Huffman, their two-time national championship-winning coach and Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame inductee. The team’s 34-0 record snuck up on them, Pearson says. “We were so focused on the next game, we weren’t thinking about the future,” she says. “We were very much in the moment all season. As soon as we hit the locker room after winning, it was, ‘All right, who’s next?


What’s their scouting report? What do we need to do in practice this week to beat them?’ When people ask me about the season, I struggle to talk about it because I was so focused on each game, each possession and each play.” The graduates attribute the team’s success this year to the unique chemistry among team members and to their coach. Four of the five starters lived together in a duplex, which helped build that camaraderie, Pearson says. “We were living together, eating together and practicing together. What made this year especially fun was that they were not just my teammates; they were also my best friends on campus. Even out of season, we’re all so close.” Walker agrees. “You can do pretty well and get to the Final Four, and you don’t even need that chemistry as long as you have some of the components in place. The reason we were 34-0 was because of chemistry,” she says.

Walker cites her relationship with Pearson as an example. “Ellie is one of my best friends off the court, but on the court we connect well. I know where she’s going to be, and I know where to pass the ball.”

MAKING COACH PROUD While the players point to chemistry as key to their success, each credits Coach Huffman as the catalyst. “I don’t think you can pinpoint what makes her so great, but Coach Huffman has a presence about her that makes you respect her and want to play well for her,” Walker says. “I think the biggest thing that makes her excel at this program is that the amount of effort she puts into it is unreal.” Huffman also cares about each player academically and emotionally, Walker adds. That connection brings each player’s game to a whole new level. “It’s easy to give it your all every day in


practice because you know she’s giving it her all,” she says. Walker recalls a difficult transition coming in as a freshman and starting at point guard. “I not only had to learn the plays but also learn how other people play, and at the college level, everything is crazy. Coach was in my ear the whole time. Usually, that would annoy me, but

she doesn’t present information like ‘You need to do this and this.’ She says, ‘You’re doing great at this, but let’s work on this a little more.’ She presents it so well that you don’t even notice you’re getting critiqued, and you want to do better. “For example, she would say, ‘Kate, you’re so fast with the ball, so make sure you’re looking for your shot when you’re

going down the court.’ Instead of, ‘Kate, shoot the ball!’ She’s got it down to a science, and that’s why the program is continually successful. It’s not just a oneyear thing. Coach Huffman has made a program.” Huffman had a big impact on her, says Molloy, who aspires to some of the coach’s qualities. “Coach has the best work ethic and is the most humble person. She has a great way of motivating you. She creates a very good balance,” Molloy says.

LESSONS FOR THE FUTURE Molloy entered the starting lineup as a junior. She didn’t get much playing time during her first two years, and sitting on the bench taught her how hard work pays off. “ There are a lot of good players, and it’s a good program,” she says. “You have to keep trying hard. If you surround yourself with good people who have the same goals as you, then anything is possible.” “I didn’t know what it meant to work hard until I played for her,” Pearson agrees. “She demands another level that you didn’t think you could reach. She just gets it out of you. Coach aside, she is an incredible person. She has this aura about her that’s so likeable, and she’s so modest but confident at the same time. She’s a huge reason why I came to DePauw, and she’s been a huge part of my career here.” Another reason Huffman is so successful is because she focuses on the fundamentals of basketball and doesn’t get caught up with stats and rankings, media and press, Pearson adds. “It’s just one game at a time – defense, rebounding and ball pressure. She breaks down the game in a very simple manner to make it doable.” Because Huffman developed depth


within the team, players were ready when their moment came, Pearson says. “When leading scorer and all-American Alex Gasaway ’14 was injured, we all thought this could be it for us. After that initial shock, it was kind of unspoken. There wasn’t any major speech; everyone just came together.” Molloy recalls an image that highlights the season for her. “You didn’t win until the game was finally over,” she says. “Toward the end of the last game with not too much time left, Coach Huffman cracked a smile. That’s when it felt like we were just about to win the national championship.”

Pearson plans to surround herself with people like Coach Huffman and her staff. “Really dedicated and committed people motivate me, and the DePauw basketball program has set the bar,” she says. “Now

“Hard work really does pay off, and I got to see that play out.” ELLIE A. PEARSON ’13 I know what it takes to achieve the ultimate goal, and the feeling of achieving such a great goal. Just knowing how to do that will carry over into any career. Hard work really does pay off, and I got to see that play out.”

“Basketball has always been my guiding force,” Walker says. “It’s kind of scary leaving DePauw and being done with it. It’s so cliché when people say sports teach you so much, but they do. Taking the things I’ve learned, such as teamwork, is going to override everything, and respect for the people you work with is going to lead you far. And no matter what, always working hard will, hopefully, get you somewhere. If not, you know you died trying for it.”

Read about the women’s basketball national championship at www.depauw. edu/athletics/womens/basketball.


letters (cont.) HERE’S TO YOU Letters continued from page 3. each other – every fall, night after night. No one more than Jim, a shining example of generous DePauw spirit. Rural Indiana is a hard sell in southern California, where most people have never heard of DePauw. Undeterred, we’d flash big friendly DePauw smiles at the kids and parents who walked by at a safe distance, and we’d look for our chance to acquaint them with our school. There were nights when we were mobbed, hoarse from talking to so many kids and ran out of materials. There were nights when the only people we talked to were each other. No matter what, we never sat down, and we never left early – Jim’s rules. “We might miss a good one,” he’d say. This year in mid-September it crossed my mind I hadn’t gotten my annual college fair email from Jim, but I was busy with other things and forgot about it. In mid-October I felt something was missing. When I tried to contact Jim, I was stunned to learn he had passed away the week before. I imagine the whole southern California college fair community is missing Jim and mourning his loss. I know I sure am. Twenty years is a long time to do anything, and I can’t say I’ll miss doing college fairs. But I will miss reconnecting with Jim each fall. I’ll miss his smile and his zeal for DePauw and for the kids who came to talk to us about their futures. No one could have been a better cheerleader for DePauw, and no one could have been a better example of what a DePauw education means. Because of Jim’s unselfish, devoted service to his alma mater, thousands of southern Californians


know about our exceptional school. What a priceless gift he gave DePauw. Elizabeth Weidman Zuercher ’66 San Clemente, Calif. APPLAUSE FOR DAVID CRYER Dear Editor: Liked the article [“A Broadway assist for DePauw Theatre” in the winter issue]. It reminded me that he [David Cryer ’58] performed on campus when I was in school. I think he did A Little Night Music – I could easily be wrong about the play, but I remember him singing “Try to Remember.” He had a great voice, and the traveling road show did a great job with the staging opportunities available in Asbury. John A. Gibson ’68 Indianapolis MORE ABOUT INTERNATIONAL STUDY Because so many alumni responded to our request to share the meaning of their international study experiences as students and throughout their lives, we were unable to print all their letters in the winter 2013 issue due to space limitations. We are printing more letters in this issue and, if necessary, will print more in the fall issue. – Editor LESSONS LEARNED I wanted the road less traveled and found it in Japan in 1982. The net effect of my experience can be measured by the reentry into campus life. It was high density to wide open spaces; public transportation to automobiles; new sensations to familiarity; notoriety to blended in. The lessons learned develop over time and with maturity. Respect the natives, reserve judgment, America is the land of abundance, there are many ways to skin a cat, most of the world is

preoccupied with existence … We are often preoccupied with acquiring. The overseas experience sets the stage for adventure. There is a reality that this experience opened so many doors. I cannot possibly get to all the adventures, but I sure would like to try. John D. Turnbull ’83 Bloomington, Ind. DECISION MAKING IN GREECE Dr. Robert Eccles [philosophy and religion] made an announcement in one of my spring seminars that the inaugural semester of the Study in Greece program, which was to begin in September 1970, was still in need of applicants. When he mentioned that the cost of tuition, room and board, and transportation to Greece would be the same as a semester in Greencastle, I immediately decided to apply. Under Dr. Brandt Steele’s [classical studies] exceptional leadership as program director in Athens, the Greek semester was a life-changing event. There were 24 of us from Midwest colleges living in the Hotel Philippos, where the top floors looked up at the Acropolis. Occasionally, after studying a particular historical period or architectural style, the class would convene on subsequent days at some site such as the Parthenon on the Acropolis to see the actual subjects of our reading. Everywhere and everything we experienced gave us perspective on history. I remember Mary Burn, our Byzantine art professor and wife of Greek scholar A.R. Burn, our Greek history professor, talking about America’s idea of antiques. She commented that in Greece, “If it’s not B.C., we don’t call it an antique.” Everywhere we went, past and present mixed, separated, reconnected and changed us.

And change was exactly what I needed when I went to Greece. My career plan had been to enter the Methodist ministry, as my father had done. But I had recently recognized that I was a gay man, and the discovery made me seriously question the idea of becoming a minister. Still, while in Greece, I sent for an application to Yale Divinity School (where else would I go after studying under Dr. Robert King at DePauw?). The day it arrived at Hotel Philippos, my decision about my future was at hand. In A.R. Burn’s Greek history class, we were reading the historian Herodotus, and I remembered a passage that Herodotus wrote about the ancient Persians: “If an important decision is to be made, they discuss the question when they are drunk, and the following day the master of the house where the discussion was held submits their decision for reconsideration when they are sober. If they still approve it, it is adopted; if not, it is abandoned. Conversely, any decision they make when they are sober, is reconsidered afterward when they are drunk.” Since I had picked up the delightful habit of drinking Retsina while in Greece, I decided to approach my Yale decision in the manner of the Persians. So, once while sober and once while drunk (or at least pleasantly inebriated), I decided that the ministry was not the place for me. Eventually I came to Fort Wayne, where I got involved in not-for-profit work and, even better, met the love of my life, my partner of now nearly 30 years. Recently, I retired after almost 14 years as executive director of the AIDS Task Force of Northeast Indiana, following 17 years working in Fort Wayne’s vibrant arts community. Without the tremendous impact of study abroad in Greece, where all of life was new even as it was incredibly

old, I would likely have remained, probably for too long, on a career path that would not have fit the person I had discovered myself to be. Greece gave me academic insights, historic marvels, artistic wonders, friendships, perspective and at least enough wisdom to make a smart decision about my life. Gregory L. Manifold ’71 Fort Wayne, Ind. NORWAY, ANYONE? I had the most fantastic summer in 1958 when I studied at the International Summer School for English-speaking students at the University of Oslo, Norway! My roommate was from Greece, and the only other ‘U’ was from India. We had undergrads like myself, as well as older students, going to summer school in preparation for advanced study in the following year. I had been to Norway before and had aunts, uncles and cousins in the near and not-so-near area of the university. That was just an added plus for me, not a prerequisite. My parents were both born in Norway, and they met and married in the U.S.A., although neither of them intended to stay here. We made our own arrangements through someone at St. Olaf College, if I remember correctly. Anyway, it was a wonderful experience for me. I would encourage anyone to give Norway a try! Ann Ugland Troha ’59 Joliet, Ill. TIME WELL SPENT It was a difficult choice to leave campus as an exchange student in 1955, but the enticement of spending a year abroad outweighed the longing to have one more year of the DePauw experience.

I gained a much wider perspective and appreciation of other societies through the exposure to a different culture by living with a family in Oslo, Norway. Even though I grew up in the very diverse community of Gary, Ind., I did not really understand cultural differences until I experienced them firsthand as a foreigner. Not everyone I met as I traveled around Europe admired the U.S. A., and some resented Americans even more 50 years ago. It opened my eyes to supposed flaws in our culture that I hadn’t been aware of. Challenges encourage critical thinking. The result was a new sense of patriotism that I took for granted before and an acceptance of other people’s right to different opinions. A major benefit of the study-abroad experience for me was the development of independence. I had never traveled before, so planning and negotiating the rails and buses and boats – often in places where no one spoke English – taught me to be resourceful. It was an incomparable opportunity to see great works of art, listen to music by the masters and wonder at the majestic mountains in the land of the midnight sun. It whetted my appetite for a lifelong desire to explore and seek new adventures. These experiences were more beneficial than just the pleasant memories of a trip to Europe. When I returned to DePauw to finish my senior year, I had a better sense of direction as a more mature person to continue my studies in graduate school and choose a rewarding career. As an additional bonus, my two daughters also chose to spend part of their junior years abroad as an enhancement of their educational endeavors. Judie Roser Smith ’57 Dallas Letters continued on page 33.


Narrative Science continued from page 19. meaning and understanding to people.” That is, from the vast amount of data available, people need to know certain things: What will it do for me? How will health insurance premium changes affect me? How does a rezoning bill impact me? What do fluctuations in the market mean for me? “Many people are left with an

inscrutable bank statement, confusing pamphlets about high blood pressure, frustration about their child’s math grades in school. The data and expertise is there to tell these stories now and to help people understand the world around them,” Nichols says. “The problem is limited human resources; the financial adviser, doctor and teacher have too many things to do, too many other people to talk with. To me, that’s exactly where narrative science is most valuable. There is no longer a need for the adviser, doctor or teacher to explain the story and meaning in their data.” A computer can do it faster, too. While the writer of this feature story labored long over his interview notes for what


to include, a computer would determine the important data to include quickly, and this feature would have been completed much earlier. But would that story have reflected human creativity? Based on the standards Turing was working with 60 years ago, today’s computers can think, CNBC’s Fortt believes. “Turing wondered whether a human could engage in a conversation with a computer and be unsure whether

the voice belonged to a real person or not. In a lot of ways, we’re there. I mean, Watson (IBM’s famous computer) is beating people on “Jeopardy,” responding to real spoken questions,” Fortt says. “I think what’s less clear is a computer’s capacity for creativity and imagination.” The latter might still require a human being. “We’ve entered an era where communication with computers is suddenly about much more than typing and printing,” Fortt says. “If you think about it, that’s mainly where we’ve been for a long time. The way we got information into a computer was through a keyboard, and the way we got information out was to print it. Now, largely driven by smartphones and the

Internet, we’re talking to computers more. “It sure would help if they could understand us better.”

Data as language “Narrative Science’s automated representation of data as language is new and extends the creative partnership between computing and journalism in exciting ways,” Columbia University’s Evans says. “The question might not be whether computers will replace human journalists, but rather: What does journalism look like in a world in which computers have observational and, now, expressive capabilities that can augment the practice?” If you read the two sample stories printed on page 18 you learned it was written by a computer. Could you tell? More and more, the machine is coming to us. It’s the machine doing its job to serve us better, Narrative Science’s Hammond believes. One of the ways it can serve us better is to talk in the language we use. Will machines be able to think the way we think? Probably not exactly the way we think, but in similar ways, he says. “Part of our job is to make sure the computer can communicate what it knows about the world to us. By teaching it how to reason about the things it knows about, it will become smarter.” Computers will inevitably end up being much smarter than we are, Hammond says. “A computer can reason and has access to every fact that ever was, and every document that ever was, and more information about the world than we can conceive of, but it will be able to deal with it. That will be a phenomenal world.”

Read more about Narrative Science at

LETTERS continued from page 31. INTRIGUING EXPERIENCE IN VIENNA The greatest asset DePauw gave me was enabling me to spend my junior year, 1951-52, in Vienna. My life was changed and enriched forever by this experience. In spring 1951, arrangements were made for me to live with an exchange student’s family in Milan; he was to live with my ATO brothers on campus. During the summer, because of an act of Congress limiting visas to former alien (WWII) persons, I learned from our foreign student adviser, Hans Grueninger, that the deal was off. But Hans, an Austrian who had made it to the United States as WWII began, learned that – for the first time in seven years since the end of the war – American civilians could get entry permits into Austria. The exchange rate for dollars would be so favorable that I could go to Austria without being an exchange student – on my same Milan-planned budget. All this information was hard for me, a truly green and naïve kid, to digest. I scarcely knew the difference between Austria and Australia. What language did they speak? (I knew no German.) Where on the map was Vienna? I was seeking a music school degree. Why Austria? Hans piled it on: Beethoven, Schubert, Mozart, Brahms … all Austrians. Hans gave me the one contact he had in Vienna, the Austro-American Gesellschaft at Operngasse 4, A WIEN 1. They were just getting organized to welcome the very first wave of American Fulbright students – all graduates, but I got folded into their orientation by sheer good luck. I arrived by train with a single letter from the Gesellschaft in my pocket and a number to call. On blind faith, a rep met me at the station, provided temporary housing, and got me enrolled in the top music academy in the country with an

Road Traveled continued from page 25. incredible faculty of Viennese professionals who took me under their wings. Every day was magical. I eventually lived with a Viennese family located only a very short walk from my Academy’s vocal and opera department housed in the historic palace of Metternich. My twosemester tuition, which included six hours a week of one-on-one private study, came to $32 in hard American currency. I appeared in two Academy productions with my name posted among the city’s billboards. Vienna in 1951 is that city expertly depicted in the film, The Third Man. My Austrian contemporaries (many remain very close friends) remember this time as austere and forbidding, awful, but as a kid I loved all the intrigue, fooled around a bit in the black market – while finding the opportunity to sing in the American forces’ Sunday morning chapel choir. How did I get this by my parents, two devoted DePauw alums? It really wasn’t until they began getting mail from me postmarked Vienna, indicating that I was not living in Milan. Hell broke loose for a time. Again, it was Hans Grueninger who took their flack and somehow was able to reassure them I was doing just fine. What can I say? They all trusted DePauw. I’m glad they did. I hear that DePauw students still find their way for a school year in Vienna, but I’ve never been able to elicit exchange correspondence and the chance to exchange experiences. For anyone interested, my email is bruce.w.graham@ My home address is 206 Park Street, New Haven, CT 06511. Bruce Graham ’53 New Haven, Conn. NOTE: To join Actors Equity, I had to change my name from Bill Graham to Bruce Graham. I’ll always be Bill for DPU alums.

win,’ for me to wake up every morning and look at myself in the mirror and think this is a good thing to do – that I’m not just being cruel to already overworked, stressed-out undergraduates – I have to know deep in my heart that they’re going to gain from the process whether or not they win,” Cutchins says. Some schools acknowledge the value of the process by building portions of it directly into the curriculum. Next year, DePauw’s English department will offer a course on grant writing that McInnes created specifically from her experience with scholarship applications. Applying or not, being able to make a case for yourself in a single page of writing is a valuable skill to have. Students who choose to pursue a Fulbright at DePauw will be faced with some important questions. Where are you going in life? What do you care about? By the end of the process, maybe they’ll have answers. Unlike Yoon, Quisenberry’s experience builds on precedent. She knew about DePauw’s previous winners and the reputation of the advising program. Still, the congratulatory email came both literally and figuratively out of thin air. She never expected to win, right up to the moment when she did. So, why did she put herself through the research, writing and interview? Her explanation: “It was one of those processes you go through to learn from. Applying for a Fulbright seemed like a great way to learn how to write personal statements and to learn who you really are.” Music to a scholarship adviser’s ears.


Ubben Quad reflects donors’ impact on DePauw

OLD GOLD Oct. 11-12, 2013 A DePauw tradition since 1907 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11 8 p.m. Guest Artist Series Performance: Fernando Otero Judson and Joyce Green Center for the Performing Arts, Kresge Auditorium SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12 8:30 a.m. The Washington C. DePauw Society Breakfast 10 a.m. Alumni College 11 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Old Gold Tailgate Scott Lane Hamilton Memorial Park Performance by the DePauw School of Music Jazz Combo

The sun shone and crowds swelled on a fittingly glorious May day in Greencastle as the North Quad was renamed to honor two of DePauw’s greatest modern benefactors, Timothy H. and Sharon Williams Ubben ’58, ’58. The Ubben Quad is bordered to the north and south by Mason Hall and Lucy Rowland Hall, respectively, and on the east and west by Rector Village and Locust Street, respectively. Scores of students were on hand to celebrate the renaming of the residential quad in honor of the alumni couple who have done so much to make the University what it is today. In addition to a lifetime of annual giving (as DePauw President Brian W. Casey referenced, the Ubbens’ first gift of $26 was made the year they graduated), the couple have provided for DePauw through philanthropy and leadership in groundbreaking ways. In 1986 they endowed the Ubben Lecture


Series, which has effectively steered the level and direction of intellectual discourse on campus for nearly three decades. In 2000 the Ubbens endowed 15 faculty chairs, and most recently the couple announced a $20 million gift to fund scholarships for students with demonstrated financial need. In total, the Ubbens have committed more than $76 million to DePauw, while also acting in leadership roles within the alumni community. During the Ubbens’ remarks, Tim noted that the Ubben Quad is “surrounded by students. And if there was anything dominant about our investment in DePauw, it’s that we’ve endowed so many student scholarships so that kids who otherwise couldn’t come here can. So we find this space very, very appropriate.” The festivities made it clear that DePauw students feel the new name is appropriate as well.

Pregame Huddle (approx. 11:30 a.m.) Season Update and Old Gold Preview Bill Lynch, head football coach Vision for Athletics and Recreation at DePauw Stevie Baker-Watson, Theodore Katula Director of Athletics 1 p.m. DePauw Football vs. Oberlin College and Dedication of Nick Mourouzis Field Blackstock Stadium 4:30 p.m. DePauw Women’s Soccer vs. Ohio Wesleyan University Honoring the 2003 Final Four Team Boswell Field 7 p.m. DePauw Men’s Soccer vs. Ohio Wesleyan University Boswell Field Visit for up-to-date information.

An invitation to give to DePauw Why should you consider an annual gift to DePauw? Well, because your gift – no matter the amount – can transform lives. Your gift provides scholarship support and financial aid to students who are doing remarkable things while they’re at DePauw and also in their lives after DePauw. DePauw is a special place that encourages, enables and empowers students to become leaders – whether it’s on the world stage or in local communities. The intimacy of a small campus, close interaction with worldclass faculty and ability to make a difference in an increasingly complex world are all aspects that set DePauw apart. While we attended DePauw, we benefited from those who gave generously before us. Now it’s our turn. We need your help to ensure that DePauw remains as vital for future generations as it was for ours. Please join me in making an annual gift to DePauw. This is a place we love because of the power it has to transform lives – and the world – for the better. Go Tigers!

Andy Rieth ’80 National annual giving chair

New leadership team to oversee Development and Alumni Engagement

MELANIE J. NORTON Melanie J. Norton, CFRE, a former staff member at DePauw and most recently a consultant with Johnson, Grossnickle and Associates, has been named the University’s new vice president of development and alumni engagement. “I am honored to have this opportunity to help lead DePauw during such a crucial time. It is a true pleasure to return to the University. I love DePauw’s alumni and friends and wholeheartedly believe in its mission.” President Brian W. Casey said, “From her work on development campaigns to developing careful fundraising strategies, the depth of Melanie’s experience is unquestioned. She also has a clear and deep understanding of DePauw, which is particularly important as we continue to seek support for our ambitious vision for the University. I look forward to all that we can accomplish for DePauw with her leadership and

direction.” Norton has a M.B.A. from the Kelley School of Business (Indiana University) and a B.A. degree from Franklin College, where she began her development career after several years of trust and retail management banking with Fifth Third Bank of Central Indiana. Assisting Norton will be Kenneth L. Sheetz, recently named associate vice president for development. Having worked in development for over 24 years, Sheetz comes to DePauw from the Indiana Organ Procurement Organization, where he served as director of fund development. He has also worked at the University of Indianapolis, Wittenberg University and Muskingum College, as well as in other not-for-profit venues. “In addition to his depth of knowledge and track record of fundraising success,” Norton stated, “I believe Ken’s personality and ‘can do’ attitude will be a great fit for DePauw.” Also recently added to the leadership team was Steven J. Setchell ’96, associate vice president for alumni engagement. Prior to this appointment, Setchell acted as campaign director for DePauw and has spent over a decade working for the University. Considering this newest role, Setchell said, “DePauw gave me both the opportunity for a life-changing undergraduate experience and continuing relationships with great people among alumni, faculty and staff. Knowing how much I continue to gain through DePauw, it is meaningful to have this opportunity to give back, at this moment, to the University.”


Legacy of John J. Wittich, former admission director, continues through Class of 1957’s scholarship

From 1952 until 1961, Director of Admission John J. Wittich ’44 shaped the future of his alma mater one high school senior at a time. To DePauw, they were the best and brightest from places such as Wapakoneta, Ohio; Dunreith, Ind.; and Hoopeston, Ill., the Sweet Corn Capital of the World. To John, they were – and remain – “his kids.” A Rector Scholar and U.S. Marine, Wittich inherited a driven work ethic from his German immigrant parents. Hard work was also the secret to what would become his legendary memory. Back when fraternities really rushed, the members of Sigma Chi put freshman-to-be Wittich to an early test while he was still in high school. “We had to memorize all the Sigma Chi


Song” in the back seat of their green Pontiac. “When it came down to deciding who should join the DePauw family,” Wittich says, “the choice was obvious to me, and I tried hard to make the choice obvious to these special, young 18-yearolds and their parents. I saw a beaming future for them.” He left DePauw in 1961, continuing his work in higher education in New York, California and Illinois, where he served as president of MacMurray College for 12 years. Today, he lives with Leah in Champaign, Ill., just a few doors down from their daughter, Jane. When they first came together, Wittich’s classes were filled with young people craving to be recognized by the outside world. His devoted attention could have ended the moment he placed them into the capable hands of DePauw’s faculty, but as the years and members’ girlfriends who they were decades went by, Wittich never forgot going steady with,” Wittich told The their names, hometowns, girlfriends DePauw in 2009. He did not disappoint or boyfriends – later, their wives and his brothers or their sweethearts. husbands. As 50th and 55th reunions Later, when he was the one have rolled around, he continues to be their “Parents lend children their experience most-sought-after and a vicarious memory; children endow guest. The Class of 1957 their parents with a vicarious immortality.” expresses a particularly GEORGE SANTAYANA loving ownership of him, going so far as recruiting, he thought it was important inducting him into their ranks as an to demonstrate to each of his targets honorary member. Theirs was his first how important they were to him and assemblage of young men and women to DePauw. During car trips with his at DePauw, and according to them, young family, his wife, Leah Glynn his best. “The Best Damn Class John Wittich ’44, would quiz him about Wittich Ever Built” by Dwight F. prospects’ names and hometowns as Walton ’57 may forever be the only their children sang the “DePauw Fight

work of poetry dedicated to a college admission director. While most of its 19 stanzas are spent proving the thesis, it evokes Wittich and his memory early on: We came from towns near, we came from afar Some arrived by plane, but mostly by car John Wittich selected each with critical eye He knew what it took and his standards were high

Young alumni learned to give through their DePauw experience

John was impressive, he knew us by name Hello Vernon, Hello Peg, Hi Larry, Hi Jane His greetings meant much for we all knew Selected by John Wittich was really a coup The tributes did not end there. Leading up to the Class of 1957’s 55th reunion in 2012, class chair Don Hamilton ’57 asked classmates to donate to DePauw’s Annual Fund in Wittich’s name. Their contributions established a one-time scholarship, the Dr. John J. Wittich Annual Fund Scholarship, which was awarded to Thomas L. Miller ’16 of Goshen, Ind. The result was so popular among the Fifty-Sevens that they renamed their own endowed scholarship in honor of their longtime friend and mentor – a promise that the man who remembered everyone would never be forgotten. Wittich wrote in thanks, “I reflect back to the years I spent as dean of admission at DePauw University as an almost enchanted and magical span of time. It passed so quickly, but the fond memories have lasted a lifetime. And, so the love.”

Edmund B. and Rebecca Hedge Nightingale, both 2002 graduates of DePauw, met while planning Relay for Life during their sophomore year. That venue was part of a much bigger public service backdrop to their DePauw careers, which has shaped them in profound ways. “Our past philanthropic work at DePauw fuels our giving now,” Rebecca says. “Part of our DePauw experience was learning to help others.” That exposure to public service and philanthropy led the couple to be among the youngest non-GOLD alumni in The Washington C. DePauw Society. “We want other students to have the kind of DePauw experience we both shared,” Ed says. During their four years at DePauw, the couple was active and, as Rebecca puts it, had “the quintessential liberal arts experience.” Rebecca, a native of Greencastle, helped lead and reorganize the Speaking and Listening Center

(S-Center) during a crucial phase of transition, assisting students preparing for presentations, speeches and interviews. She studied in Australia for a semester and did research with Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry Jacqueline R. Roberts one summer. She topped off her DePauw career as the 2002 recipient of the Walker Cup. After college, she worked for the American Cancer Society and now raises the couple’s two young children. Ed was a Management Fellow and interned with James W. Emison III ’52. The legendary alumnus “always taught his interns the importance of giving back to DePauw,” Ed says. Ed also spent a summer in research, under the guidance of Professor of Computer Science Carl Singer ’66, and he designed his own Winter Term experience as well, backpacking through Italy and Sicily to learn about his family’s heritage. Ed earned a Ph.D. degree in computer science from University of Michigan and now works as a principal architect for the Microsoft search engine, Bing. “DePauw’s liberal arts program ensured I had a breadth of experience, which has repeatedly given me an advantage during the last decade since graduation,” Ed says. The Nightingales are happy to give generously to DePauw, knowing that through their gifts, today’s students can gain as much from DePauw as they did.


A Look at the Office of Alumni Engagement In April, DePauw announced the hiring of Melanie J. Norton as vice president for development and alumni engagement. In making this appointment, President Brian W. Casey also called for expanded alumni engagement, through enhanced programs and initiatives from the newly created Office of Alumni Engagement. To learn more, DePauw Magazine talked with the University’s associate vice president for alumni engagement, Steven J. Setchell ’96.

DEPAUW MAGAZINE: You just started as DePauw’s first associate vice president for alumni engagement. Tell us more. STEVEN J. SETCHELL: DePauw alumni are loyal to begin with, but as they sense the energy and momentum on campus, more are asking, “How can I be a part of it?” The job of our team is to welcome more alumni into the life and work of the University. DM: Is it fair to say you want to bring increased intentionality and planning to DePauw’s alumni programs? SJS: That’s right. The University needs its alumni now more than ever. Our alums are the strongest evidence of the value of a DePauw education. They’re also a great asset, and one that we’ve underutilized. We have an opportunity to mobilize alumni in ways that directly help our students and advance the mission of the University.


DM: What are the priorities? What is driving the planning process behind these new goals? SJS: President Casey and Melanie Norton have given our team some clear objectives for alumni engagement. These include helping prepare students for life and work after graduation, supporting our enrollment goals, revitalizing our campus events and regional programs, and strengthening alumni volunteerism on several fronts. But our first step in this direction was actually to leave campus. We’ve been talking with our counterparts at about 25 institutions in a benchmarking study of best practices in alumni programs. We shared initial findings with the Alumni Association Board of Directors in June, and we look forward to beginning to execute a plan with them this fall. DM: How did you choose these schools in your benchmarking?

SJS: We chose from members of the Great Lakes Colleges Association, Associated Colleges of the Midwest and other nationally prominent liberal arts colleges. We are also talking with some large, research institutions about selected alumni programs that would benefit DePauw despite obvious differences of scale and mission. DM: After looking at these other schools, how has it changed your perspective on DePauw’s programs? SJS: We knew that colleges like DePauw, particularly in this economy and higher education landscape, have a need and opportunity to focus alumni on helping students achieve successful outcomes, mainly getting good jobs and acceptance to choice graduate schools. In fact, we brought Raj Bellani, DePauw’s dean of experiential learning and career planning, along with us on some of the benchmarking visits. Despite high expectations, we were still impressed by the opportunity and need to mobilize our alumni network to help students take advantage of experiential and career planning programs. We also have a greater sense of urgency for, among other things, radically strengthening how we use information and technology to both engage alumni and measure our success. DM: How will alumni see the impact of the work that you and your team do? SJS: They will see more active and engaging digital communication and social media. They will be invited to campus and regional events offering value and an opportunity to engage in

The Alumni Association of DePauw University campus life, including through renewed traditions such as Old Gold. They will also be asked – far more directly than has been the case in the past – to get meaningfully involved in engaging our students and increasing the value of the DePauw experience. DM: So, you’re focusing on engagement that isn’t necessarily about making a gift? What should alumni expect? SJS: Yes. Making your personal best annual gift is still important. But other alumni roles are important, too. We have asked 50 young alumni, for example, to advise our first-year student mentor groups on the first full day of orientation. We’ll ask alumni to build a pipeline of internships for our students. We’ll ask all of our alumni to identify and recruit prospective students who perceive the value of our form of education. It’s worth repeating that DePauw needs its alumni now more than ever. We intend to ask a great deal of DePauw alumni, now and in the future.

With more than 30,000 members, the DePauw University Alumni Association is the official membership organization for DePauw alumni. Membership is straightforward. Any graduate or former student of the University is granted lifetime membership, joining thousands of fellow alumni known for living lives of purpose and accomplishment. The Alumni Association offers intellectual and social connection to the University, networking and career development, opportunities to participate in campus life, and a means for advocating the University’s mission. Advancing these purposes is the Alumni Association Board of Directors, a body of dedicated volunteers elected by the association to represent cities and regions across the nation. DePauw Alumni Association Board of Directors 2013-14 Brent E. St. John ’89, president St. Louis Donald M. Phelan ’79, vice president Fishers, Ind. Gilbert D. Standley ’82, secretary Indianapolis J. Allan Arnold ’89 Harlan, Ind. Stanley L. Bahler ’66 Cincinnati Charles E. Barbieri ’77 Haslett, Mich. Denzil P. Bennett II ’85 Minneapolis David V. Blackburn ’04 Baltimore Joy Rowe Blang ’92 Terrace Park, Ohio Michael E. Bogers ’01 Fishers, Ind. James A. Campbell ’72 Bloomfield Hills, Mich. Roberta Graef Carlin ’69 Louden, Tenn. Courtney Hughes Comer ’91 Middleton, Wis. Rebecca A. McConnell Cunningham ’99 Los Angeles Kelli Smith Davis ’04 Indianapolis Kenya Taray Delemore ’96 Indianapolis Denise Castillo Dell Isola ’96 Chicago

Jonathan C. Dill ’87 Cincinnati

Roger B. Nelsen ’64 Portland, Ore.

Peter M. Donahower ’70 San Mateo, Calif.

Tyler L. Perfitt ’13 Evansville, Ind.

Drew D. Dunlavy ’84 Fort Wayne, Ind.

Dennis A. Priser ’63 Kettering, Ohio

Timothy S. Feemster ’68 Dallas

Sally M. Reasoner ’11 Indianapolis

Kathlyn E. Fletcher ’92 Milwaukee

Scott R. Reynolds ’00 Bloomington, Ind.

Carol Warner Golder ’81 Winnetka, Ill.

Wandini Dixon-Fyle Riggins ’01 Carmel, Ind.

Kerrie Milligan Grimstad ’98 Chicago

Martin A. Ruiz ’98 New York City

Jennifer Hetzel Hallman ’00 Burke, Va.

Thomas R. Schuck ’72 Felicity, Ohio

John W. Hare ’62 Boston

Janet Crawford Schwartz ’75 Lexington, Ky.

Steven A. Holt ’70 Arcadia, Ind.

Daniel L. Schwarz ’83 Charlotte, N.C.

Melody Stevanovic Key ’82 Tiburon, Calif.

Freedom S. N. Smith ’01 Indianapolis

Julie Reynolds King ’77 Houston

Tyler B. Somershield ’69 Chagrin Falls, Ohio

Kathleen Galliher Locke ’85 Decatur, Ill.

James M. Tomsic ’69 Elyria, Ohio

Jeff rey E. Lortz ’65 Lake Mary, Fla.

Robert R. Torkelson ’82 Napa, Calif.

Jill Robertson McNay ’86 San Francisco

Michael J. Traylor ’88 Portland, Ore.

Logan A. Meek ’12 Tulsa, Okla.

Debra Haerr Victor ’80 St. Louis

Charles F. Meyer ’86 St. Louis

Felix P. Yau ’01 Carmel, Ind.

Ellen S. Miller ’76 Pawtucket, R.I.

Thomas S. Yeo ’70 Zionsville, Ind.

Janel Howell Miller ’69 Houston SUMMER 2013 DEPAUW MAGAZINE 39

ALUMNI REUNION WEEKEND 2013 We were delighted to welcome many of you back to campus for Alumni Reunion Weekend, June 5-9, 2013. The reunion was a celebration of not only your time on campus, but also more than 175 years of history and tradition that were honored with several special events and reunions, including: an opportunity to meet DePauw’s current athletic coaches, alumni colleges, special concert by the School of Music and former campus singing group Men of Note, University update from President Brian W. Casey and class reunion dinners. We hope you enjoy this sampling of photos from the weekend. To see more photos, go to Don’t miss the fun next year!


SIX INDUCTED INTO ATHLETIC HALL OF FAME Six former DePauw student-athletes entered the DePauw Athletic Hall of Fame on May 4, 2013 as the 27th class of inductees since the charter class entered in 1986. The induction ceremony took place at The Inn at DePauw, Social Center as part of a Celebration of DePauw Athletics. This year’s Hall of Fame inductees included: (left to right) Thomas J. Beaulieu ’92 (football), Rudy G. Skorupa ’73 (wrestling, track), Larry J. Marfise ’74 (football, track, wrestling), Brad A. Pierce ’90 (tennis), Kristin Kinney Morrison ’98 (soccer) and Colin R. Smith ’01 (track). Plaques in their honor were placed in the Hall of Fame area on the second floor of the Lilly Physical Education and Recreation Center.




William “Tom” Ong is author of the Kate Conway series of thrillers The Mounting Storm and The Deadly Buddha, now available through Amazon. His next book, The Fashionista Murders, will be coming soon. (See Recent Words, page 9.)


James K. Baker was presented the Sagamore of the Wabash award by the governor of Indiana, April 2013, for his significant contribution to life in Indiana. Jim is a former member and chair of DePauw’s Board of Trustees as well as retired chairman of Arvin Industries. Paula Simonds Zabka, before her death in 1983, published a book titled Desire the Kingdom, A Story of the Last Plantagenets, a historical novel based on the lives of Richard III and his queen, Anne Neville, during the Wars of the Roses. Paula’s husband,

CLASS NOTES The class notes section of DePauw Magazine allows DePauw alumni to keep their classmates and the University current on their careers, activities and whereabouts. Class notes printed in DePauw Magazine will also be included in the online version of the magazine. We will publish as many photos as possible, but due to space limitations and reproduction-quality requirements, we are not able to publish every photo. Photos cannot be returned. To have your photo considered for publication, it must meet these requirements: • Group photos of alumni gatherings, including weddings, will be considered. Please include everyone’s full name (first, maiden, last), year of graduation and background information on the gathering. • Digital photos submitted must be high-quality jpegs of at least 300 dpi (or a file size of 1mb or higher).

Anne of Warwick by Paula Simonds Zabka’53

Class notes can be sent to DePauw Magazine, P.O. Box 37, Greencastle, IN 46135-0037. You may also submit via the DePauw Alumni Gateway, by faxing to 765-658-4625 or emailing Please direct questions to Larry Anderson, senior editor, at 765-658-4628 or

The Crossing by Robert M. Burleigh ’57


Eleanor Geffert Shearing is founder and chief executive officer of her own record company, Jazzknight Records. She produced her first album, George Shearing at Home. Ellie said the recording was one which “George and his bass player recorded in our living room in New York just for fun.” It was released worldwide on the Internet and in record shops, April 15, 2013. Ellie’s email address is Norman E. Strasma is former executive director of Community Foundation of Kankakee River Valley in Illinois. He was honored with the foundation’s highest award, being named a Beacon for Kankakee County.


Lott H. Thomas was honored as Pillar of the Bar by Champaign (Ill.) County Bar members, May 1, 2013, for his significant contributions to the legal profession. He has practiced law with the firm of Thomas, Mamer & Haughey for 51 years.


Robert M. Burleigh is author of The Crossing, a poem-story about a swimmer who barely makes it. Robert is a writer and artist living in Chicago. He makes art under the name Burleigh Kronquist. (See photo.)


D. David Cryer was a principal cast member of the Portland Center Stage world premiere of Somewhere in Time, June 5-30, 2013. His previous performances have included Lend Me a Tenor and The Phantom of the Opera. Dr. Ferid Murad presented the 175th Anniversary Distinguished

William M. Cockrum is a member of the board of directors of Educational Housing Services, Inc., a not-for-profit organization that provides safe and convenient off-campus housing in New York City for students and interns. William is an adjunct professor at Anderson Graduate School of Management of University of California at Los Angeles.

Photo: KIWI Photography



ALUMNI REUNION WEEKEND 2013 – Members of the Classes of 1948 and prior John J. Baughman ’48; M. Constance Nagel ’48; Mary Prickett Price ’33; James “Jim” T. Little ’48


Ellen Myers Clippinger is founder, president and chief executive officer of AYS, Inc. She has been a leader in the out-ofschool time programming movement at the local, state and national level. Ellen started At-Your-School Child Services in 1980 as a non-profit, after-school activity program in a public school in Indiana. The agency now operates 33 before- and afterschool sites and five early childhood sites. Ellen received the Flame of Inspiration Award from the National AfterSchool Association, April 2013.


Evelyn Whaley LaFollette has served as class fund manager for her 30th, 35th, 40th, 45th and 50th reunions. Her daughter, Cherie LaFollette DuPuy, is a 1995 DePauw graduate, and her son, Christopher P. LaFollette, a 1998 DePauw graduate. She writes, “It is my wish that one of my granddaughters would attend DePauw and love it as much as I did. I will give it my best shot!”

Photo: KIWI Photography

request via email to”

Alumni Lecture, March 9, 2013, at DePauw. He is a professor at George Washington University’s School of Medicine and Health Sciences as well as a 1998 Nobel Prize winner.

ALUMNI REUNION WEEKEND 2013 – Members of the Class of 1953 Row 1: Madelyn Hatch Bogue; Marilyn Hatch Schmidt; Susan “Sue” Stark Bastian; Carla Andrews Heskett; Mary Dee “Dede” Stiefenhoefer Chamberlin; Mary Ann Foust Lemon. Row 2: Elizabeth “Liz” Class Payne; Robert “Bob” A. Schilling; David E. Durham; Louis “Lou” O. Carr; Donald R. Roberts; Thomas E. Driscol; David J. Morehead. Row 3: Philip “Phil” Steinberg; Duane A. Patterson; Bruce Walker; Vern T. Kraushaar; Sylvia Johnson Chambers; Granville Chambers; Donna James Smith.


Janet Graves Teeguarden is professor of mathematics at Ivy Tech Community College in Indianapolis. She was awarded both a NISOD (National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development) Excellence Award and an AMATYC (American Mathematical Association of TwoYear Colleges) Teaching Excellence Award in 2011. Janet was a member of the DePauw faculty for 20 years. She is a recent department chair, former president of InMATYC (Indiana affiliate of AMATYC), and

Photo: KIWI Photography

George Zabka ’51, and her daughter, Alisa, recently published an updated and revised digital version of the novel re-titled Anne of Warwick, The Last Plantagenet Queen. George says, “I would like to inform classmates and other friends of Paula that if they possess a digital reader, I would be pleased to send them a free copy of the revised novel from Amazon in her memory. They need only send me a

ALUMNI REUNION WEEKEND 2013 – Members of the Class of 1958 Row 1: James H. Boyd; Nancie Clark Williams; Janet Prindle Seidler; Nancy Lindquist Temple; Sharon “Shari” Moore Robinson; Marilyn “Jo” Hansen Lancaster; Mary McCorkle Sondee; Sharon Williams Ubben. Row 2: Constance “Connie” Evans Claar; Carolyn Hancock Cleland; Nancy Hadley Wilhelm; George L. Mazanec; Judith “Judy” Blang Locke; Emily “Laurie” Hooton Hamilton; Carolyn T. Jones; Timothy “Tim” H. Ubben. Row 3: Robert “Bob” D. Britigan Jr.; Thomas “Tom” A. Lancaster; Patrick M. Ewing; Theodore D. Driscol; Daniel “Reed” Scism; Walter “Wally” W. Sampson Jr.; Belinda “Kay” Nickel Watts; Albert “Al” A. Watts Jr. Row 4: Julia “Julie” Whitney Dawson; Howard N. Greenlee Jr.; Jason J. Kesler; Martha Moore Trowbridge; Gary G. Barnes; Thomas “Tom” L. Turk; Charles “Chuck” E. Ray. Row 5: Edward “Ed” L. Unterberg; Robert “Bob” G. Burney; Daniel E. Lewis Jr.


former secretary and board member of Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics. She is a frequent presenter at local, state and national conferences. Following retirement, she and her husband, Bill, will split their time between grandchildren in Alabama and their winter home in Arizona. Janet’s email address is (See photo.)

Dr. Thomas W. Orcutt is medical director of Loup Loup Ski Patrol and an active alpine patroller near Winthrop, Wash. He retired after 35 years of practice in plastic and reconstructive surgery in Nashville, Tenn., and now enjoys the outdoor life. He made many trips to countries such as Bolivia and the Philippines with Operation Smile to teach local surgeons, repair facial deformities and do burn reconstruction. Tom’s email address is


J. Allen Kerr Jr. is author of a poetic commentary titled “Sixty Stanzas for the SixtiesPavane for a Dead Decade.” The commentary is available as an e-book.


Kappa Kappa Gammas gathered in Cave Creek, Ariz., at the home of Monica Reid Zontanos for a Kappas’ Tapas evening. (See photo.)


Dr. Samuel A. Kocoshis was recipient of the 2012 AAP Murray Davidson Award. The award recognizes an outstanding clinician and educator and scientist who has made a significant

Photo: KIWI Photography

Janet Graves Teeguarden ’64

J. Dennis Marek gave the keynote address at the Memorial Day commemoration in St. Anne, Ill., May 27, 2013. Dennis is senior partner in the law firm of Ackman, Marek, Meyer, Tebo and Coghlan.

He has been adjunct professor for Kankakee Community College as well as trustee for 17 years.

ALUMNI REUNION WEEKEND 2013 – Members of the Class of 1963 50th Reunion Row 1: Roy K. Hunteman; Virginia “Ginny” Jackson Claar; Jean Berg Hardy; Luanne Davis Heckerman; Patricia “Pat” Herrell Hentze; Kathy Bloom Davis; Sarah Humbert Nevins; Barbara “Barb” A. Leline; Patricia “Pat” Dunn Williams; David “Dave” L. Williams; Carolyn Watson Kruger; Beverly “Bev” Close Forslund; Karen Koning Abu Zayd. Row 2: Martha Stutsman Oman; Elizabeth “Betsy” Graham Belden; Kathleen “Kathy” Spangler Vashaw; Mary Greenawalt Dunbar; Nancy Thieme Mast; Marcia Oonk Bennett; Dorothy “Dotty” Cox Sweet; Beverley “Bev” Barnes Scott; Gretchen Fletcher Reese; Evelyn “Ev” Whaley LaFollette; Susan Day Brattain; Jane Turk Schlansker; Rebecca “Becky” Watts Lortz; Carole Goins Thomas. Row 3: Patricia “Pat” Scott Monahan; Linda Kuonen Medlock; Nancy Doup Reed; Helen Gerber Grayson; Emily B. Morgan; Alice Yant Browning; Suzanne “Suzie” Gill Marty; Margaret “Molly” Titus Simon; Carroll Brown Stewart; Louise “Lou” Quinn Ashbaugh; Beryl Ramsay Smith; David “Dave” A. Leighty; Ralph W. Spencer. Row 4: Jerry D. McCoy; Virginia “Ginny” Cox McCoy; Jeanne M. Tibbles; Barbara “Barb” Boots Lawson; Stephanie Stanley Greer ’65; David E. Greer; John F. Throckmorton; Ann Wilkinson; Lee Livingston Arend; Barbara Owen Volkman; George B. Fromhold. Row 5: Judith “Judy” Marsh Ireson; Barbee Moriarty Benbow; Mary Price Swain; Evelyn “Evy” Stone Dawson; Elizabeth “Betty” Baldridge Drucker; Jacqueline “Jackie” Faust McDowell; Steven “Steve” V. Wilkinson; Barbara “Barb” Wells Wilkinson; Marilyn Muse Thompson; Anne Husted Burleigh; Jane Cockerill Hunt; Irene Kinzer Milliken; Sarah Marks Richards; James “Jim” P. Menighan. Row 6: Nancy Markham Ragatz; Saundra “Saunie” Lawson Taylor; Sallie Reid Tasto; Sharon “Sherry” Hornbeck King; Alanson “Al” H. Mabry; Joseph “Joe” W. Hirtzer Jr.; Michael “Mike” J. Cripe; Libby Geier; Nancy Lewis Haswell; Karen West Reiman; Julia Nisbet Wilson; Marilyn Mead Priser; Marilyn Wehrman Levine. Row 7: Nancy Phillips Darosett; Peter R. Egbert; Harold A. Deadman Jr.; William J. Mitchell; Richard L. Waldron; Morgan J. Ordman; Robert “Bob” E. Heller; Thomas D. Stewart; Richard “Dick” D. Yanney; Richard E. Parker; Bayard “Bud” H. Walters; Kathleen “Kathy” Jones Mattox. Row 8: Caroline “Cal” Musick Capoot; James “Jim” B. Nelson; William E. Shields; Robert E. Van Metre; James “Jim” R. Adams; Robert “Bob” W. Bluhm; James W. Davidson; Edwin “Ed” E. Boldrey; Stephen “Steve” M. Reim; Robert “Bob” D. McClure; F. “Bill” William McCarty; James “Al” A. Kayler. Row 9: Michael “Mike” H. Thomas; Carolyn “Carol” Bohannon Oelke; J. “Kent” Flummerfelt; Edward G. Schneider; John T. Elliff; William L. Thornton; T. “Kent” Mitchell Jr.; Jack P. Cittadine; Michael L. Roach; Charles “Chuck” A. Jarvis; Judith DuPree Hontz. Row 10: Stephen “Steve” D. Morrison; James D. Broffitt; Dan R. Blunt; Terry W. Pfeiffer; Richard “Dick” A. Andrews; David R. Sturges; Judith “Judy” Warren Heaps; P. “Jim” James Knapp; David “Dave” M. Dirks. Row 11: J. “Tom” Thomas Grayson; Philip “Phil” N. Eskew; John R. Rhode; William “Bill” W. Shilts; C. “Alan” Marsh; Donald H. Gauger; Eric L. Effmann; Dennis “Denny” A. Priser; Judy Hotz Massa.


William W. Montgomery ’72

Philip A. Byler ’73

contribution to the field of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition. Samuel is professor of pediatrics at University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and serves as medical director of Intestinal Care Center and Small Intestinal Transplantation Program at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and Medical Center.

gathered in Cave Creek, Ariz., at the home of Monica Reid Zontanos ’68 for a Kappas’ Tapas evening. (See photo.)

Seventeen Alpha Chi Omegas, Class of 1969, met at The Wigwam Resort near Phoenix, May 2013. Beginning one year after graduation and spanning all 43 years, this group has compiled and distributed an annual newsletter to each of its class members. By sharing life’s events, sorrows and joys over the years, the women have continued to strengthen, deepen and celebrate their DePauw college relationship. (See photo.)


Bruce H. Bikin left the private practice of law in 2008 and began working for the Pennsylvania Supreme Court investigating and prosecuting wayward lawyers. Prior to the move to semi-retirement, he was a litigation partner at Montgomery, McCracken, Walker & Rhoads LLP in Philadelphia. His email address is Sarah “Sally” Robinson Lister and other Kappa Kappa Gammas

James A. Yoder is senior scientist and vice president for academic programs at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute on Cape Cod, Mass. He returned to DePauw, April 12, 2013, to give a presentation titled “Studying the Ocean as Students and Professionals.”


Barbara Bayless Close is a mathematics teacher at Florida’s Palm Beach Day Academy. She is a finalist for a William T. Dwyer Award for Excellence in Education. The award recognizes teachers who rise above the ordinary in inspiring and teaching their students.

Kappa Kappa Gammas meeting in Cave Creek, Ariz. Those attending included Sarah “Sally” Robinson Lister ’70, Dale Hanscom Krone ’70, Margaret “Twinkle” Lavidge Gosselink ’70, Molly MacGreevy O’Connell ’70, Anne Beekman Kraege ’70, Monica Reid Zontanos ’68, Sally Reid Dinwiddie ’70 and Melissa C. Martin ’71.

Melissa C. Martin and other Kappa Kappa Gammas gathered in Cave Creek, Ariz., at the home of Monica Reid Zontanos ’68 for a Kappas’ Tapas evening. (See photo.)


William W. Montgomery was appointed to the ninemember Wright State University Board of Trustees by Ohio’s governor. Bill is chairman, president and chief executive officer of Celina Insurance Group. (See photo.)


Philip A. Byler was selected for inclusion in Thomson Reuters New York Metro Super Lawyers for the second consecutive year. His email address is (See photo.)

Photo: KIWI Photography

Theodore “Tim” M. Solso is a member of the board of directors of MasterCard Foundation. He is former chairman and chief operating officer of Cummins Inc. as well as former member of DePauw’s Board of Trustees.

Alpha Chi Omegas from the Class of 1969 met at The Wigwam Resort, Phoenix, May 2013. Those attending included Nancy Reynolds Fairchild, Deborah Roessing Cuerden, Linda Spreen Budelsky, Teresa Kendall Owens, Nancy Van Sickle Kent, Martha Musk Robertson, Sarah Katterhenry Dutton, Karen Pratt Peiffer, June Scott Barber, Betsy Roberts Sklenicka, Elizabeth Clark Swank, Rebecca Tatman Sipe, Gail Austin Siegers, Karen Keeler Rogers, Barbara Heisel Manning, Paula Drake Ilardo and Patricia Henderson McCombs.

ALUMNI REUNION WEEKEND 2013 – Members of the Class of 1968 Row 1: James “Jim” A. Fisher; James Campbell; Stephanie Stewart Lazzeroni; Susan H. Kosinski; Mildred “Mickey” Longden Meehan ’69; Nancy J. Flint. Row 2: David C. Harbottle; Susan Pilant Rose; Vicki Little Evanatz; Geneese Gottschalk; Anne Frankel McDermond. Row 3: B. “Tom” Thomas Boese; Bruce M. Montgomerie; Timothy “Tim” S. Feemster; Gretchen Benedek Feemster, Royal Parsons Klauk. Row 4: Jeanne Chapman Partridge; Robert H. Partridge; Larry L. Patchell; Richard T. Carlin; Robert “Bob” S. Kurtz.


ACCOMPLISHMENTS Do you have a recent achievement or accomplishment to share? Perhaps you were promoted? Or finished graduate school? Whatever your accomplishment might be, we would love to include it in the magazine. Snap a photo (high-resolution, please) and send it to us with a description. Send photos to DePauw University, DePauw Magazine, P.O. Box 37, Greencastle, IN 46135-0037. Or email

Dr. MARK R. KELLEY ’79 and a fellow researcher were awarded a multi-year, $3.2 million grant to develop and improve therapies for pancreatic cancer from National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health. Mark is Betty and Earl Herr Professor in Pediatric Oncology Research at Herman B. Wells Center for Pediatric Research at Indiana University and an Indiana University Melvin and Bren Simon Cancer Center researcher.


Mary Lou Bonnamy Mastro ’76

William F. Carroll Jr. was reelected chair of the board of directors of American Chemical Society. He is vice president at Occidental Chemical Corporation in Dallas, as well as adjunct industrial professor of chemistry at Indiana University. (See photo.)

Trauma at Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis. He is also coroner of Marion County (Ind.). He is clinical assistant professor of surgery at Indiana University School of Medicine, and member of the Medical School Admissions Committee and advisory board of Indiana Organ Procurement Organization.

Bradley L. Sexauer is vice president for strategy and market development at Saratoga Hospital in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. He is a member of the board of directors of Saratoga Bridges, a nonprofit organization that serves people with developmental disabilities. Brad is a member of DePauw’s Board of Visitors.

Photo: KIWI Photography

ALUMNI REUNION WEEKEND 2013 – Members of the Class of 1973 Row 1: Cynthia Bowen Dorell; Wendy Ferguson Wright; Andrea Sobbe; Anne Getty Kelvin; Margaret Moore Horton; Deborah J. Daniels; Nancy Eshcoff Boyer; Kristina “Kristi” Anderson Thompson; Juana “Juani” Quinones; Schuyler J. Baab; Susan L. Stick; Julie Houk Goodrich. Row 2: Kimberly Hodges Williams; Christina Brogren Scofield; Leslie Kennedy Bender; Mary Ann Cox Sadler; Susan “Susie” Vaughn; Nancy Netherland Becker; Ruth Ann Weber Johnson; Pamela “Pam” Nielsen Schilt; Cheryl “Cherie” Haines Sinkovic; John C. Korschot; Steven “Steve” L. Tyler; Barrett “Barry” L. Boehm. Row 3: Stephen K. Long; Nancy Pierobon Hensel; Rebecca “Becki” Swindler Curry; Penelope “Penni” Leitner Lisi; Marilyn Shultz Evans; Kathleen “Kathy” Heston Abbott; Kim Rose Marshall; Catharine “Katie” Penniman Penniman-Moser; Debra Alcorn Lanie; Michael S. Humphries; Paul A. Luther; Elizabeth Wagstaff LaBolt; Candace Judah Butler. Row 4: Debra E. Bunn; Gloria Routt Beswick; Gail Ritchie Henson; Mary Jane Murray Hall; Carol Frees Watkins; Janet Hooker Winningham; John W. Timothy Jr.; Bruce Ross-Shannon; Kenneth P. Swanson Jr.; Mark E. Howard; Sander “Sandy” L. Esserman. Row 5: Scott T. Hocking; Barbara Albrecht Hocking; Mark C. Mills; Steven P. Wirth; Jay Anthony; David L. Emison; David E. Hickman; Richard “Buzz” G. Horton. Row 6: Douglas “Doug” M. Long; Steven B. Vickery; Edward “Ed” B. Martin; Anne Zonsius Martin; Kathryn “Kathy” A. Miller; Steven A. Dieck; Stuart “Stu” M. Walker; Brian W. Welch; Phillip L. Stiver; Bruce F. Schilt ’74.

William F. Carroll Jr. ’73

Steven P. Wirth is vice president of Higgins Branchini Shooting Foundation in Irving, Texas, which provides grants to collegiate clay target athletes for travel and training expenses while preparing for domestic and international tournaments. Steve is vice president and senior portfolio manager with UBS Financial Services in Chesterfield, Mo.


Einar J. Olsen’s career has been in transcendental meditation and spirituality as well as sales (fine gifts and natural health). He maintains an active interest and involvement in philosophy and poetry. He and his wife, Mary Cathryn, live in Fairfield, Iowa. Einar’s email address is


Dr. Frank P. Lloyd was honored with a 2012 Lifetime Achievement Award. He is surgical oncologist and president of Center for Surgical Science and


Mary Lou Bonnamy Mastro is president of Elmhurst Memorial Healthcare in suburban Chicago. (See photo.) John M. Stephen is a partner in the labor and employment department of the law firm Porter Wright. He was nominated as a BTI Client Service All-Star for 2013 by Wellesley, Mass.-based BTI Consulting Group. He works in the Columbus and Dayton, Ohio offices. Julie K. Underwood is dean of the School of Education of University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is a nationally recognized authority on school law.


Thomas M. Anderson was reappointed by the governor of Texas to the Commission on Human Rights, which investigates statewide employment and housing discrimination. Thomas is human resources director at Houston Community College System. Paul S. Detlefs was appointed to the advisory board for Sikich LLP. Paul is founder and president of The Prestwick Group, a consulting and advisory firm focused on small and mid-sized businesses and their owners.

Lu Carole King West ’79


2014. He will provide compositional, performance and recording experiences for current students through seminars, performances and collaborative projects.

Mark A. Roesler was recipient of Indiana University’s McKinney School of Law’s Distinguished Alumni Award. Mark is chief executive officer and founder of CMG Worldwide, a marketing and management firm that represents some of the world’s most recognizable celebrities.


John W. Irwin is president of Huntington Bank’s West Michigan region. He serves on the boards of Gerald R. Ford Council, St. Cecilia Music Center and the Women’s Resource Center. Lu Carole King West is a member of Ice Miller LLP’s government enforcement, investigations and corporate compliance practice in Indianapolis. (See photo.) Michael T. Sutton is managing partner of Sutton Law & Associates. He was elected president of Northern Kentucky Bar Association for 201314. His email address is msutton@


Ian B. Davidson is a professor in the school of music at Texas State University. He is recipient of a Fulbright Award and will visit Tumaini University in Tanzania two times as a visiting scholar, one visit in May 2013 and another in January

Daniel J. Hasler is president and chief entrepreneurial officer of Purdue Research Foundation in West Lafayette, Ind.

ALUMNI REUNION WEEKEND 2013 – Members of the Class of 1978 Row 1: Lisabeth “Libby” Fortune Somerville; Sheryl Roberts Galliher; Pamela Everard Kniepkamp; Jill Thompson Ash; Mark Small. Row 2: Jarrell “Jerry” B. Hammond; Timothy B. Scharrer; Christine “Chris” Boeke; Christopher “Chris” C. Myers; Jane Brazes Funke. Row 3: Kurt E. Kingseed; Donald “Don” S. Smith; Randy Romero; Ann Kuhl Rose; David B. Rose. Row 4: Anne E. Bowker; Janet Butler Spadoni; Kathy Hungness Foster; Mary Danielson Foxwell; Steve A. Steckler; Cecilia “Ceci” Maron MaronPuntarelli. Row 5: William “Bill” B. Caskey; Joanne Horner Woerner; James “Jim” W. Davis; Salvatore “Tory” J. Puntarelli Jr.; David A. Krivoshia.


The Alpha Phi Class of 1981 held a reunion at Marco Island, Fla., March 2013. (See photo.)


Susan M. Ansel was listed among the Top 25 Women in Commercial Real Estate in Commercial Property Executive. She is president and chief executive officer of Gables Residential in Dallas, as well as member of DePauw’s Board of Visitors. David W. Greising is Midwest bureau chief at Reuters, a news service.

Photo: KIWI Photography

Rebekah Pierson Treacy was reelected to her third six-year term as judge with Marion (Ind.) Superior Court. She and her husband, Edward, celebrated their 20-year wedding anniversary, Dec. 12, 2012. (See photo.)

Photo: KIWI Photography

Rebekah Pierson Treacy ’78

ALUMNI REUNION WEEKEND 2013 – Members of the Class of 1983 Row 1: John D. Turnbull; James “Jim” M. Mullin; Gerald “Jerry” Haberkorn; Gretchen L. Rohm; David S. Ensing; Margaret “Meg” McCarty Shelly; Leslie Dunn Nutt; Anne Spolyar Sellers; Susan “Sue” Chiappe Lynch; Benjamin “Ben” P. Hohman. Row 2: Lisa A. Cripe; Daniel “Dan” L. Schwarz; G. “Doug” Douglas Stewart; G. “Rick” Richard Locke III; Edward “Ed” D. Krukowski; Susan Burney Fletcher; Laura Kelly Rhodes; Linda White Bishop. Row 3: R. “Keith” Howard; Julia “Julie” A. Pratt; Margaret “Lee” Markham; Scott W. Thiems; Brian J. Lee; William “Bill” R. Shinn; Scott “Scooter” A. Morehead; Peter “Cass” M. Casper Jr. Row 4: Todd C. Stilson; Stephanie Rychlak Stilson; Diane Chiapelas Archibald; Anne Gibbs Nostrand; Brynne Williams Shaner; Betsy Baker Laskey; Thomas “Tom” P. Laskey Jr.; Timothy A. Frey.

Bruce A. Lawrence earned a master’s degree in theology from St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary. He took a two-year sabbatical from his job at Pacific Institute for Research & Evaluation (PIRE) 2009-11 for coursework at the seminary, located in Yonkers, N.Y. After returning to PIRE full-time in August 2011, he continued working on his thesis, which he submitted in December 2012. Bruce’s email address is Kenneth A. Prine is discovery counsel for BP, America. He lives in Houston.

Alpha Phi Class of 1981 meeting at Marco Island, Fla. Those attending included Jody Tweed Gullifor, Marsha Brown Webster, Sarah Dewart Morrison, Jill Taubensee Havey, Wendy Putnam Pierce, Margaret Thomson Kelsey, Amy Miller Marschand ’82, Vicky Martin Hime and Marcie Stults Vormohr.


2012, in Kauai, Hawaii. They live in Chicago. Suzanne’s email address is (See photo.)


James F. Adorney is vice president and creative director at Phillips Design Group in Boston. Richard J. Bonaccorsi is vice president of international operations at Harrison College. Suzanne D. Strater ’84 and Bill Baykan Christine R. Shooter is a family nurse practitioner in neurology at University of North Carolina (UNC). She has lived in Chapel Hill since graduation from DePauw and loves UNC sports and spending time in the North Carolina mountains and at the beaches.


Lorraine Dunn Martin is vice president and general manager of the F-35 Lightning II program at Lockheed Martin Corporation. Suzanne D. Strater and Bill Baykan were married Dec. 29,


Bethann Cleary DuBois and Robert J. Atamian (Temple University) were married Sept. 15, 2012, in Haddonfield, N.J. Bob is corporate account manager for CDW. They live in Sewell, N.J. Bethann’s email address is bethann. Laura Clymer earned a J.D. degree from Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law, Arizona State University,

Photo: KIWI Photography

Dr. MARK W. LINGEN ’86 (right) is the first American oral pathologist to be inducted into the Royal College of Pathologists, based in London. Mark is professor of pathology at University of Chicago Medicine with clinical interests in odontogenic tumors, salivary gland tumors and oral cancer. He is editor-in-chief for Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology (Triple O) Journal. His research dealing with tumor angiogenesis and prevention of oral cancer is funded by National Institutes of Health. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology as well as a Fellow of the American and International College of Dentists. Mark has lectured in seven countries during the past year. Mark is married to Christine M. Koman ’86.

Wendi Taylor Nations is senior vice president, partner and leader of the health and wellness group in the Chicago office of Fleishman-Hillard International Communications.

ALUMNI REUNION WEEKEND 2013 – Members of the Class of 1988 25th Reunion Row 1: Melissa Kline Skavlem; Thomas S. Lewis; Tracey Bellamy Lewis; Shelley M. Hunter; Jennifer “Jenny” A. Bauer; Deborah “Debbie” Frazier Dahlgren; William “Bill” R. Dahlgren; Diane “Midi” Smyth Hansen; Megan Reese Edwards; Patrick S. Renneker. Row 2: Burton L. Hagler; Amy Herrin Borders; Lori Carothers Toman; Jane E. Trego; Timothy S. Holt; Brent A. Anderson; Julie A. Trowbridge; Sarah Guild Smith; Nan Bohlsen Dill; Heidi Schmid Ottsen; Michael L. Ottsen. Row 3: Patrick J. Del Medico; Jennifer “Jenny” Nichol Horsey; Xan Davies Pearson; Leslie M. Short; Tracy B. LaBonte; Wendy Wise Haskell; Krista Cummins Rohrscheib; Susan Elkins Goldsworthy; Elisabeth Shorney Hamilton; Mark B. Hamilton; Carlos E. Parra ’87. Row 4: James “Jim” P. Getgey; J. Duncan; Katherine Roob Fleschler; Jennifer Lodovisi Evanseck; Jane Mutchner Ferguson; Douglas M. Glowe; Michael J. Traylor; Geoffrey “Geoff ” D. Klinger; William “Bill” Lange; James “Jim” F. Hand. Row 5: Angelo J. Loumbas; Edward P. Zimmer; William A. C. Berry; Ruth Deng Watt; Reese K. Watt; Harold R. Buchholz; Kennan R. Sullivan; David C. Coquillette; Shannon Lynch Burgess; Mark A. Burgess; Christopher “Chris” M. Curtis.


May 2013. While in law school, Laura was co-editor-in-chief of Law Journal for Social Justice and led the executive board of OUTLaw, the gay-straight student alliance. She externed for EEOC, the civil division of the United States Attorney’s Office and for a U.S. Magistrate judge. Laura is planning a civil litigation practice emphasizing employment law, civil rights, privacy law and workers’ compensation/Social Security disability. Her email address is David P. Zitlow ’90

Candace Hedberg DeBarger is vice president of U.S. Debit Card Sales for MasterCard International. She was speaker for the Robert C. McDermond Center Lecture Series, April 4, 2013, at DePauw. Scott W. Rasmussen was guest speaker at DePauw’s 175th Anniversary Distinguished Alumni Lecture, Feb. 20, 2013. Scott is founder and president of Rasmussen Reports as well as political analyst, author and independent public opinion pollster.


James A. Spangler II and his wife, Janet, are founding members of Solavei, LLC, a social commerce business that pays its members for their social connections. Find out more at janetspangler. Jim’s email address is


Anna Cahill Leonard is president of the strategic communications agency Antenna Group. Devin E. Koch is vice president of international markets for ATDynamics. He is based in Zurich, Switzerland. Brett R. Vanderkolk is chief financial officer for Centra Credit Union in Columbus, Ind.


J. Allan Arnold is vice president and business banking relationship manager for Fifth Third Bank. He is a member of

DePauw’s Alumni Board of Directors. Elizabeth “Beth” Hentze Owens is co-founder and marketing strategist for BrandEra. She was speaker for the Robert C. McDermond Center Lecture Series at DePauw, Feb. 28, 2013.

Alpha Omicron Pi Class of 1991 members at Gold Country, Grass Valley, Calif., included Laura Frey Michael, Andrea Smith Ignelzi, Jennifer Danielewicz Reynes, Judith Troyer Deogracias and Emmeline Tan Chuang.

David C. Kimbell is executive vice president and chief marketing officer for U.S. Cellular. He oversees development of strategic branding and communications initiatives. Jennifer Pope Baker gave a presentation at DePauw, April 18, 2013, about “how to avoid the pitfalls that keep women from being seen as a professional in the work-place.” Jennifer is executive director of the Women’s Fund of Central Indiana. She is a member of DePauw’s Board of Visitors.


Ann Sparenberg Hand is chief executive officer of Project Frog, Inc., whose mission is to revolutionize the way buildings are created by applying technology to overcome the inefficiencies of traditional construction. Ann was listed as one of The Most Influential Women in Bay Area Business by San Francisco Business Times. David P. Zitlow was appointed United States chair of the healthcare practice at Burson-Marsteller, a leading global public relations and communications firm. He is based in Chicago. (See photo.)


Several members of the 1991 Alpha Omicron Pi class got together in Gold Country, Grass Valley, Calif., August 2012. (See photo.)

Photo: KIWI Photography

Michele Daily Bryant is partner with the law firm of Kahn, Dees, Donovan & Kahn in southern Indiana.

ALUMNI REUNION WEEKEND 2013 – Members of the Class of 1993 Row 1: Amy Symons Hughes; Michelle Adams Hawkins; Tamika Ragland Nordstrom; Michael R. Ferrari III; Thomas “Eric” Klein; John P. Marshall; Steven P. Maynard; Andre' L. Brewer. Row 2: Magen Elliott Savo ’94; Sonya Parta Traisci; Kris M. Carlson; Elizabeth “Lisa” Parker Carlson; Robert M. Wesolich; Robert M. Weaver; John E. Lancaster; Scott E. Davis; Richard G. Lancaster; Amy Cook Lancaster; Christy Steiner Sears. Row 3: Sandra M. Way; Tamara Dunbar Schoder; Deborah L. Else; Suzanne Lavelle Foley; Kathryn E. Heeke; Rebecca “Becky” Metz Mavon; Emily Smith Coolidge; Heather Whittemore Locke; Christina Knutson Honos; Lisbeth A. Lyons; Rita Wetterstroem Hyland; Emily “Mila” Ott Love. Row 4: Alyce Overton Swisher; Laura Hesher Whipple; Andrea Helm Collins; Amy B. Kwas; Jennifer Maude Carlin; Lisa Henderson Bennett; Janet L. Tennyson; Katie Rawson Yarber; Mary Kay “MK” Rivard Dore; Mindi Hale Hale-Ornstein; Leigh Woodward Fogre; Lisa Gerdes Jennings. Row 5: Jason D. Barth; Christopher S. Vowells; Tay B. Bourquein; David J. Burghard; Robert T. Grossman; Andrew “Drew” P. Coolidge; George E. Fogel; David H. Lavelle; Scott T. Schaefer. Row 6: Susan Guldin Fischer; Bradley P. Fischer; Brian J. Zalewski; David M. Sterenberg; Stuart M. Morton; Miriam E. Cleveland; Tyler J. Snouffer; Darin E. Williams; John E. Zimdars; Jason N. Hubert. Row 7: Karen Widell Fromhold; Jean Throckmorton Puyear; Cory D. Puyear; Heather Olson Peterson; Mark A. Toole; Bradley “Brad” T. Simmons; Scott C. Campbell; Stephen F. Hayes; David J. Chase. Row 8: Louise Laird Yerian; Cynthia H. Schneider; Kenneth M. Alt; Mark G. Norville; Jason G. Petrovich; Ben D. Comer; James “Scott” Jennings; Tege E. Lewis; Matthew A. Gallo. Row 9: Mary Brumbaugh Prouty; Erica E. Hayward; James “Jim” A. Rechtin; Jonathan T. Macy; Brian N. Ullem; S. “Stephen” Jeffrey Kaye. Row 10: John H. Yerian; David M. Nichols; Kevin S. Gebbia; Gregory T. Boyer; Donald “Tripp” M. Freeman; Jason R. Surber; Kevin C. Millsom; Edwin “Ed” J. Simcox Jr.

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ELISA VILLANUEVA BEARD ’98 is co-chief executive officer of Teach For America (TFA), a national teacher corps of recent college graduates who commit two years to teach and effect change in under-resourced urban and rural public schools. Elisa developed a passion for TFA as a student at DePauw. She was a 1998 corps member in Phoenix and executive director of TFA in the Rio Grande Valley. As chief operating officer for the past eight years, she has led TFA’s growth in these regions.

Christopher P. Felts is partner in the Indianapolis office of Barnes & Thornburg LLP. He was named board vice president for the Immigrant Welcome Center, an organization that serves immigrant newcomers in Indianapolis. (See photo.)

immigration law. She is a member of American Immigration Lawyers Association and serves on the Department of Labor Committee. She lectures and writes articles on business immigration topics at national and local levels.

Michael “Jud” Fisher Jr. is a member of Indiana Trust & Investment Management Company’s board of directors. Jud is president and chief operating officer of Ball Brothers Foundation.


Douglas J. and Lara (Anders) Bottoms announce the birth of their son, Jacob Douglas, March 12, 2012. Douglas’ email address is douglas.bottoms@

T. Ray IV and Victoria “Tia” (Schultz) Phillips have been married 18 years and live in Indianapolis. They have a son, Thomas, 11, and daughter, Audrey, 9. Tia teaches Pre-K at The Oaks Academy. They hope to see more Indy alumni at the Monon Bell telecast party they host at J. Kurt Mahrdt ’56’s loft on Kentucky Ave. in Indianapolis. Their email address is

Kevin S. Gebbia and his wife, Lisa, announce the birth of their daughter, Cassandra Noelle, April 18, 2013. Cassandra joins sister Juliana, 2, at their home in Davidsonville, Md.

David L. Singer was recognized by Barron’s as being among the Top Advisors in Ohio on the America’s Top 1,000 Financial Advisors list. He is a private wealth advisor with The Evelo/Singer/Sullivan Group. Gregory C. Wallis is vice president of finance at Harrison College in Indianapolis. He is responsible for the college’s finance and student financial services departments.


Anne E. Keller ’96

Photo: KIWI Photography

Christopher P. Felts ’91

James “J. P.” Hanlon was listed in the 2013 edition of The Best Lawyers in America for the area of white collar criminal defense. A former federal prosecutor, J.P. is cochairman of the white collar defense and investigations practice group of Faegre Baker Daniels, LLP. J.P. lives in Zionsville, Ind., with his wife, Molly, and three children Eleanor, Burke and Greer.

ALUMNI REUNION WEEKEND 2013 – Members of the Class of 1998 Row 1: Bryan R. Schaffrath; J. “John” Zachary Hopkins; Brandon M. Burke; Sean P. Roberts; Ian L. Stewart. Row 2: Gregory A. Hewitt; Thomas “Tom” D. Fagan; Gretchen Ferringer (friend); John L. Ferringer; Bernard C. Haskins.


M. Colin Hudson is a research analyst at Harris Associates L.P. and adviser to Oakmark Funds as well as co-manager of Oakmark Equity and Income Fund. Pamela Partenheimer Mick is a member of the immigration practice group of Clark Hill PLC Chicago. Pamela concentrates her practice in the area of corporate business-related

Stephen F. Hayes, senior writer at Weekly Standard, is author of The Connection: How al Qaeda’s Collaboration with Saddam Hussein Has Endangered America and Cheney: The Untold Story of America’s Most Powerful and Controversial Vice President. He is a regular contributor on Fox News Channel.


John R. Perkins II is an operating partner with Ampersand Capital Partners, a healthcare-focused, middle-market private equity firm.


Jonathan R. Phillips is managing director of Healthcare Growth Partners, LLC, in Elmhurst, Ill. He was the Robert C. McDermond Center Lecture Series’ speaker, April 18, 2013, at DePauw.


Anne E. Keller is senior director of business development for One Southern Indiana, the chamber of commerce and local economic development organization for Clark and Floyd counties. She also assists her mother in the management of their family farm business near Seymour, Ind., and she’s active in the Junior League of Louisville and Tri Kappa, a philanthropic organization for women in Indiana. Anne returned to her home region in early 2011, after more than 13 years in the Washington, D.C., area. She would enjoy hearing from classmates at anneekeller@ (See photo.)

Jennifer E. Vance is president and co-founder of Indianapolis-based LeadJen. She accepted the Mira Award for IT/Tech Service Excellence & Innovation on behalf of her company from TechPoint, Indiana’s statewide technology initiative.


Lynn Martin DeHoyos ’99

Kameelah Shaheed-Diallo ’99

Britton D. Rink is director of genetics and prenatal diagnosis in the Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine at The Ohio State University. He is also an assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology in the division of maternal fetal medicine and assistant professor of pediatrics in the division of molecular and human genetics.

anthology, Where Did Our Love Go: Love and Relationships in the African American Community.

Matthew C. Thayer was elected president of the board of directors for Rainbow Village, a nonprofit in the St. Louis metropolitan area that focuses solely on providing long-term, affordable, quality homes for people with developmental disabilities.


Heather Dane Magee was guest speaker, Feb. 21, 2013, for DePauw’s psychology department’s speakers series. Her topic was “From the Lab to the Real World: Factors Affecting Implementation of School-Based Behavior Change Programs.” Lori A. Hagest and Daniel O. Carney (Marquette University) were married Oct. 8, 2011. Lori is manager of annual giving at Spalding University. They live in Louisville, Ky. Her email address is lorihagest@ (See photo.)


Yong S. Choe is vice president of federal affairs and public policy for Rite Aid Corporation, a leading drugstore chain. He is responsible for developing and executing policy and strategy relating to federal and state healthcare issues. Edward M. Garnes Jr. contributed an essay to a recently published

Lynn Martin DeHoyos is director of emerging initiatives for the Alzheimer’s Association national office in Chicago. She oversees mass market fundraising events programs. (See photo.)

Andrew D. Carroll and Angela Schumacher were married Feb. 9, 2012, on Maui, Hawaii. They live in Chicago. Andy is an executive account manager for Kaiser Permanente. Angie is a massage therapist. Andy’s email address is andrewdcarroll@gmail. com. (See photo.) Lawren K. Mills was named one of the Forty Under 40 honorees by Indianapolis Business Journal. The honorees are local business and professional leaders who have achieved

success and excelled in their field before the age of 40. She is an attorney and lobbyist for Ice Miller Strategies LLC. Andrea (Pietrocarlo) and Alfredo “Freddy” Marrero ’02 announce the birth of their daughter, Georgia Caroline, Dec. 9, 2012. Georgia joins brother Augie, 3, at their home in Delafield, Wis.


Abbi Harrison Achterberg is owner and founder of Tipping Point Marketing. Abbi was listed as a Rising Star by The Indianapolis Star. Alfredo “Freddy” and Andrea (Pietrocarlo ’01) Marrero announce the birth of their daughter, Georgia Caroline, Dec. 9, 2012. Georgia joins brother Augie, 3, at their home in Delafield, Wis.

Jonathan R. Secrest is partner in the law firm of Roetzel and Andress. Jon is based in the Columbus, Ohio, office, and he focuses his practice on assisting clients with employmentrelated matters. Kameelah Shaheed-Diallo is vice president for development and community engagement for The Mind Trust, a not-for-profit organization that gives grants to education innovators seeking to start charter schools in Indianapolis. She and her husband have two daughters, Safiyah and Layla. Kameelah’s email address is kshaheed-diallo@ (See photo.)


Jamie Aussieker Boyer is partner in the St. Louis law firm of Stinson Morrison Hecker LLP. She was selected to represent the firm as a member of the 2013 class of Fellows participating in a landmark program created by the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity to identify, train and advance the next generation of leaders in the legal profession. Kristen Magnes Kaiser is interim executive director of Kappa Alpha Theta Foundation.

Lori A. Hagest ’98 and Daniel O. Carney

Andrew D. Carroll ’01 and Angela Schumacher

SARAH E. GERKENSMEYER ’01, author of What You Are Now Enjoying, won the 2012 Autumn House Press Fiction Prize and was longlisted for the Frank O’Connor International Short Story Award, the world’s largest story prize, $45,000. She is Pushcart Prize nominee and finalist for Katherine Anne Porter Prize in Short Fiction and Italo Calvino Prize for Fabulist Fiction, and she is a 201213 Pen Parentis Fellow. She teaches creative writing at State University of New York at Fredonia, where she co-directs the Mary Louise White Visiting Writers Series. You can read a description of her book in Recent Words on page 8.


Photo: KIWI Photography

ALUMNI REUNION WEEKEND 2013 – Members of the Class of 2003 Row 1: Marcus J. Hawkins; Natasha Basey Pedroza; Shelonda Moreland Darling; Katherine “Katie” Busch Condon; Melanie Tchaou Spilbeler; Melissa Reyes. Row 2: Casey Olsen Bowsher; Erin Rasler Novak; Anne Plymate Field; Shannon Fimbel Abercrombie; Emily Collinsworth Wall; Katherine “Katie” Hundley Lewis; Molly C. Michalak. Row 3: Suzanne Barnes Letang; Lydia J. Butler; Marisa Myers Bernstein; Charlie Shivers III; Jessica Tackett Shivers; Melissa S. Beswick. Row 4: Bethany Bailey Abercrombie; Jessica Schaab Egloff; Jane Becker Howard; John E. Bossnack; David A. Scott; Lauren E. Spencer; Katherine “Katee” Starkey Franson; Sarah Tarbox Ratner. Row 5: Jeffrey S. Cochran; Torrey J. Teats; Alex T. Porter; Nathan E. Hand; Nathan M. Moch; Caroline “Carrie” A. Philipchuck; Thomas A. Whittaker. Row 6: Emily Gage Alvis; Kathryn Rudolph Diekhoff; Anastasia “Stacy” S. Argoe; Jennifer “Jen” Watts Barrie; William “Will” J. Brooks; Andrew “Andy” P. McGovern.

Meredith (Mulvey) and Ryan S. Truitt ’03 announce the birth of their daughter, Teagan Elizabeth Caines, April 15, 2012. Teagan joins brother Thatcher William, 5, at their home on Hilton Head Island, S.C. Meredith earned a Senior Professional in Human Resources degree and is working to complete a Certified Employee Benefit Specialist designation through the Wharton School. She is compensation and benefits specialist at CareCore National. Ryan is a network engineer for Hargray Communications. Dr. Kristin Spellmeyer Werne and her husband, Nick, announce the birth of their daughter, Coraline Grace, March 15, 2013. Coraline joins sisters Ava Claire, 5; Tessa, 4; and Elise, 1. They live in Jasper, Ind. Kristin is a physician at Jasper Obstetrics and Gynecology. Her email address is


Jon R. Rogers and his wife, Kelli, announce the birth of their son, Brooks Harrison David, March 25, 2013. Brooks joins sister Harper and brother Colton. Jon’s email address is

Kye T. Hawkins ’06 and Ryan M. Heffernan ’06 wedding party. DePauw alumni attending the wedding included Nicole R. Pence ’06, Gregory B. Clay ’06, William S. Slama ’05, Union M. Williams ’04, Brian G. Millis ’06, Andrea Speller Kleymeyer ’06, Matthew J. Kleymeyer ’04, Ashley Sewell Odham ’06, W. Garrett O’Reilly ’06, Sara Hedrick Brandstatter ’06, Andrew E. Brandstatter ’07, Sarah Plymate Lofton ’06, G. Todd Plymate ’75, Elizabeth Myers Plymate ’76, Kevin J. Broderick ’06, Jacqueline K. Pence ’08, Blake A. Renegar ’06, Maggie C. Tresslar ’06, Brian J. Culp ’06, Brendan P. Berigan ’07, Cory W. Heck ’07, Ashley Pierce Heck ’06, C. Tory Pavlovich Thornton ’06, Rebekah Gebhard Williams ’06, Lya Kostroski Hurst ’05, Amanda C. Royalty ’06, Michael J. Heffernan ’77, Ross C. Wiethoff ’06 (best man), Elizabeth Brick Corbett ’08, Thomas S. Corbett ’07, R. Gregory Sylvester ’07 and R. Andrew Whitelaw ’07.

David M. Araiza ’07 and Carole A. Carr wedding party. DePauw alumni attending the wedding included Kaitlin E. Thomure ’08, Matthew S. Cable ’06, Benjamin T. Clement ’07, Andrew J. Hodge ’06, Matthew G. Hodge ’06, Patrick J. Bergerson ’08, Travis J. Behrens ’07, Emily S. Winders ’08, Alex P. McIntyre ’08 and Meghan E. Murphy ’07.


DyKnow LLC and RICS Software LLC, as well as co-founder of two consumer web applications: and He spends his free time with family, exercising and competing in triathlons. Todd R. Hambidge is an associate with the Nashville, Tenn., law firm of Waller Lansden Dortch & Davis, LLP, the oldest and largest law firm in Tennessee. He works in the firm’s litigation and dispute resolution practice. Cory R. and Jane (Schaadt) Johnson announce the birth of their son, Wilder Keane, March 20, 2013. They live in southern Indiana where Cory is partner and benefits consultant with JA Benefits. Cory’s email address is cjohnso5@chicagobooth. edu. Jane’s email address is Andrew E. Molnar Jr. was guest speaker, April 19, 2013, for the DePauw psychology department’s speakers series. His topic was “Conducting Pediatric Neuropsychological Research within Clinical Settings.”


Ryan S. and Meredith (Mulvey ’02) Truitt announce the birth of their daughter, Teagan Elizabeth Caines, April 15, 2012. Teagan joins brother Thatcher William, 5, at their home on Hilton Head Island, S.C. Ryan is a network engineer for Hargray Communications. Meredith earned a Senior Professional in Human Resources degree and is working to complete a Certified Employee Benefit Specialist designation through the Wharton School. She is compensation and benefits specialist at CareCore National.

Peter E. Ohs’ and his wife’s feature-length documentary film, I Send You This Place, was screened at the annual Video Art & Experimental Film Festival in New York City, Feb. 7-9, 2013. The festival introduces New York audiences to the most arresting, provocative and conceptually challenging works in time-based media today.

Julie Wood Russell is founder of Bon Appeteat, a line of printed nursing covers and matching burp cloths. Her company sells online and in baby boutique markets internationally. To view her product range visit Julie lives in Brisbane, Australia, with her husband, Craig, and son, Evan. Julie’s email address is

Meredith H. Siemens is vice president of corporate communications at South Carolina Federal Credit Union.


Jason E. Becker is chief operating officer of two Indianapolis-based companies,

Ryan D. Parris is a development operations associate with National American Civil Liberties Union in Manhattan, N.Y.


Zachary W. Adams was guest speaker, March 7, 2013, for the DePauw psychology department’s speakers series. His talk was titled “Traumatic Stress and Substance Use: Tackling the Problem of Comorbidity.” Craig A. Cunningham is financial

advisor for Wells Fargo Advisors in Charleston, Ill.

daughter, Charlotte Ruth, Nov. 15, 2012. They live in Chicago.

Brian J. Culp is senior art director at J. Walter Thompson, a global advertising agency in Atlanta. Brian’s email address is


Kye T. Hawkins and Ryan M. Heffernan were married June 2, 2012, in Columbus, Ind. (See photo.) Julia Legler Reynolds lives in Pittsburgh, Pa., where she opened The Shop in East Liberty. The shop offers a collection of everyday art, home goods and jewelry handcrafted by makers from around the country. Julia’s email address is David I. McMillin was a guest of the DePauw Performing Arts Series, April 9-11, 2013. He gave a solo performance and conducted a songwriting workshop. David is a member of the band Fort Frances.

Ashley L. Baxstrom is communications adviser to the United Nations High Level Task Force for Global Food Security Coordination Team and leads social media and media analysis for Secretary-General’s Zero Hunger Challenge. Ashley’s email address is Kareem J. Edwards, winner of the Bank of America Merrill Lynch volunteer service award in Chicago, works to advance the careers of young African-Americans by leading the Suit Dreams mentoring program. He was recently featured in Crain’s Chicago Business First Annual 20 in their 20s. In fall 2013, he will pursue a M.B.A. degree at University of Michigan.

Brittany L. Graves and Logan Mann were married Sept. 4, 2011, in Indianapolis. Brittany is pursuing a masters degree in public affairs. Logan is pursuing a M.B.A. degree. They live in central Indiana.

Blair K. Rudert is assistant director of alumni and constituent relations for Washington University School of Medicine.


Jeffrey S. Bonner and Katharine M. Dobbins ’09 were married Aug. 18, 2012, in Louisville, Ky. Jeff rey’s email address is Kate’s email address is katebonner4@gmail. com. (See photo, page 54.)

Kathryn R. (Knight) and Ryan J. Randolph ’06 announce the birth of their daughter, Charlotte Ruth, Nov. 15, 2012. They live in Chicago.

Matthew P. Kalasky is an editor and art critic. His online magazine, The Nicola Midnight St. Claire, is a combination of creative writing, podcasts and online art.

Juliana O. Odetunde, a medical student at University of Kentucky, is recipient of a Fulbright-Fogarty Fellowship. Juliana’s award will support a long-term study that assesses the effect of rapid population growth in the slum communities of Salvador, Brazil, on the development of infectious disease and other chronic health conditions in the community.

Laura E. Kelley and Christopher A. Burton ’09 had key roles in the Garfield Shakespeare Company production of The Matchmaker performed in Garfield Park Arts Center in Indianapolis, March 2013. Laura reprised the role of Dolly Levi; Chris was assistant director. Laura works for Stand for Children. Chris is an audio and visual engineer for Indianapolis-based CAB

Photo: KIWI Photography

Ryan J. and Kathryn (Knight ’07) Randolph announce the birth of their

David M. Araiza and Carole A. Carr (University of North Carolina) were married June 23, 2012, in Wilmington, N.C. (See photo.)

Elisabeth “Bess“ W. Evans gave a talk at DePauw, April 29, 2013, about her time working in the White House since graduating from DePauw. Her talk was titled “Six Years with President Obama: A Perspective.”

ALUMNI REUNION WEEKEND 2013 – Members of the Class of 2008 5th Reunion Row 1: Lauren A. Hill; Alison M. Andrews; Jacqueline “Jacquie” K. Pence; Jill E. Schneider; Katelyn P. Conrad; Deanna Shaw Shaw-Wolfe; Meredith L. Coats; Elizabeth “Lizzy” S. Ackermann; Barrett “Landon” Boehm. Row 2: Whitney Long Newton; Amanda N. Fenn; Haley A. O'Brian; David M. Worthington; Rachel K. Routh; Cathryn G. Richter; Jessica R. Holmes; Nicole W. Samsel; Laura Ann Johnson; Brian C. Smith; Matthew “Matt” J. Fair. Row 3: Amy R. McDonald; Shaylyn “Shay” P. Laws; Erin Ponto Brown; Margaux Reilly; Marjorie “Jorie” E. Weigel; Karyn A. Keenan; Cassie M. Abraham; Claire E. Johnson; Moira “Mo” K. Vahey; Ashley E. Daly; Sara A. Doody. Row 4: Tara E. Langvardt; Nicole M. O'Neill; Caitlin J. Fife; Kari Kieper Serak; Ashley Sorenson Sprengnether; Rachel E. Walsh; Elizabeth H. Steele; Sara E. McMahon; Amanda J. Gebert; Allison W. Burns; Tegan M. Gebert; Theodore “Ted” C. Tubekis. Row 5: Laura R. Suchy; Brittany N. Hellmich; Emily Flaspohler Prifogle; Amanda L. Giddings; Sarah M. Tomasic; Ashley E. Alles; Jamie Porter; Katherine “Katie” N. Birge; Andrew “Andy” J. Williams; Jeffrey “Jeff ” M. Tienes. Row 6: Katherine “Katie” L. Rames; Jessica “Jessie” A. Hemmelgarn; Leigh A. Gusky; Emily C. Wurth; Katherine “Kate” E. Dalin; Patrick N. Henry II; William “Buddy” Z. King; Marisa L. Mokodean; Christine D. Dougan; Sarah A. Baker. Row 7: Elle K. Cordes; Gretchen J. Haehl; Morgan L. Price; John D. Cross; Nicholas “Nick” T. Dascoli; Stefanie Baldauf Miller; Gwen M. Haehl; Tracy E. Laramie; Catherine A. Crossley; Maura E. Schnoebelen.


Productions and works at Northwest Radiology Network.


Annemarie C. Alonso and Ben Lauer were married September 2012 in Maple City, Mich. (See photo.)

Katharine M. Dobbins ’09 and Jeffrey S. Bonner ’08 wedding party members included Katherine Maclin Deppe ’09, Elizabeth C. Thompson ’09, Michelle E. Weber ’09, Brett A. Claxton ’08, William J. Cleary ’08, Mark W. Houston ’08, Stephen L. Horrighs ’08, Abraham J. Winkle ’08, Michael T. Sprengnether Jr. ’08 and Catherine E. Joliat ’10. Other DePauw alumni guests included Lauren Dobbins Brun ’98, Elizabeth A. Seegers ’09, Angela Metz Claxton ’08, Rebecca S. Elliott ’09, Meagan L. Brady ’09, Meredith C. Ellis ’09, Carolyn E. Mueller ’09, Clinton M. Hasenour ’07, Gerry R. Dick ’10, Laura A. Wiscomb ’09, Daniel L. Stetson ’09, Ross B. Deppe ’09, Bradlee C. Jacobs ’08, Charles E. Singer III ’08, Daniel G. Dorsey ’09, Mary E. Snyder ’10, Robert S. MacLaughlin ’09, Randall E. Heyde ’09, Kyle L. Monroe ’08, Kimberly E. Heiniger ’10, Rona J. Kim ’09, Julia Brayton Dayton ’09, Tyler D. Frounfelter ’09, Ashley Sorenson Sprengnether ’08, Joshua D. McKenney ’08, Justine M. Keller ’08, Laura R. Suchy ’08, Anna R. Scheibel ’08, Carly E. Pearson ’08, Tracy E. Laramie ’08, Anna K. Hodge ’09, Emily K. Petrus ’08, Michael R. Murphy ’08, Sarah E. Mickes ’08 and Christopher F. Roberts ’08.

Jessica N. Ash earned a Master of Science degree in physician assistant studies from Hofstra University, December 2012. She graduated with honors and received the 2012 Clinical Excellence Award in Physician Assistant Studies. Jessica is a surgical physician assistant in New York City. Her email address is jessicanash11@ Christopher A. Burton and Laura E. Kelley ’08 had key roles in the Garfield Shakespeare Company production of The Matchmaker performed in Garfield Park Arts Center in Indianapolis, March 2013. Laura reprised the role of Dolly Levi; Chris was assistant director. Laura works for Stand for Children. Chris is an audio and visual engineer for Indianapolis-based CAB Productions and works at Northwest Radiology Network. Katharine M. Dobbins and Jeffrey S. Bonner ’08 were married Aug. 18, 2012, in Louisville, Ky. Kate’s email address is Jeff rey’s email address is jsbonner11@ (See photo.)

Annemarie C. Alonso ’09 and Ben Lauer wedding party. DePauw alumni attending included Kathleen C. Moran ’09, Laura J. Anderson ’08, Krista N. Hatfield ’09, Cathryn G. Richter ’08, Haley A. O’Brian ’08, M. Kathryn Alonso ’07, Neal J. McKinney ’09 and Charlotte P. Buehler ’08.

Jaymi E. Edwards and Billy D. Guy Jr. were married Dec. 31, 2013, in Bloomington, Ind. (See photo.) Lauren C. Lefebvre and David M. Cylkowski were married March 16, 2013. (See photo.)


Braca Benizry and Robert N. Cantor (Indiana University) were married Oct. 29, 2011, in Indianapolis. Braca’s email address is (See photo.)


Jaymi E. Edwards ’09 and Billy D. Guy Jr. wedding party. DePauw alumni attending the wedding included Alexander P. Breitinger ’09, Ann Schunicht Breitinger ’09, Carolyn E. Mueller ’09, Katie E. Schmelzer ’09, Benjamin D. Armstrong ’09, Amy E. Gaughan ’09, Chelsea L. Marquand ’09, Lindsay A. Schroeder ’09, Samantha N. Cappadona ’09, Katherine A. Cosgrove ’10, Molly A. Rudnik ’10 and Marina R. Nicholson ’10.


Heidi N. Keiser is recipient of a $30,000 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program Fellowship for 2013-14. She received the fellowship based on her outstanding abilities and accomplishments and her potential to contribute to strengthening the

vitality of the United States science and engineering enterprise. Heidi is a student in industrial/organizational (business) psychology at University of Minnesota.


Matthew W. Cecil is recipient of a national Mark of Excellence Award from the Society of Professional Journalists. He received the award for work he did as a student journalist for The DePauw. Matt is a student at University of Missouri School of Law. Samuel V. Crocker had a paper published in The Horn Call, the International Horn Society’s journal, February 2013. Sam’s email address is Joan Catherine “J. C.” Pankratz finished second in the Jean Kennedy Smith Playwriting Award competition for her play, Joyless Eye. The award is given for the outstanding student-written script that explores the human experience of living with a disability.


K. Kartik Amarnath was awarded a Fulbright United States Student Scholarship to conduct research and study in Malaysia’s capital during the 2013-14 academic year. Brittni E. Crofts is recipient of an English Teaching Assistantship from Fulbright United States Student Program. She will spend the 2013-14 academic year teaching English in Vietnam. Katlin V. Kraska received a Fulbright United States Student Scholarship to conduct research and study in Indonesia during the 2013-14 academic year. Kendall C. Quisenberry was awarded a Fulbright United States English Teaching Assistantship to teach in Malaysia. David Tykvart received a Fulbright United States Student English Teaching Assistant award and will spend the 2013-14 academic year teaching English in the Czech Republic.

Lauren C. Lefebvre ’09 and David M. Cylkowski ’09 wedding party. DePauw alumni and friends attending the wedding included J. Gerald Wallace ’08, Michael Van Rensselaer ’72, Robert D. Newton Jr. (DePauw professor emeritus of philosophy), Bryan A. Edwards ’12, Marcia McKelligan (DePauw professor of applied ethics and professor of philosophy) Nicholas L. Casalbore ’08 (groomsman), Ethan E. Brauer ’14, Cole P. Rodman ’14, Benjamin L. Golden ’10, Allison K. Brinkman ’10, Elizabeth “Nicki” Hewell ’11, Victor A. DeCarlo Jr. (DePauw professor of physics and astronomy), Mohammad Usman ’12, Katherine M. Thrapp ’13, Sara K. Scully ’13, Hallie M. Moberg ’11, Matthew T. K. Brauer ’11, Elise M. Povejsil ’12, Neil A. Wright ’10, Matthew E. Calby ’09, Chloie Favinger Calby ’09, Patricia J. McShane ’07 (bridesmaid), Emily C. McGill ’08 and Jamie A. Grivas ’10. Attending but not pictured were Gloria C. Townsend (DePauw professor of computer science) and Neil T. Fitzharris ’10.

BREANA A. BUCHLER ’11, MARGARET G. MUSGRAVE ’11, ALEC C. SYNNESTVEDT ’11, SALLY M. REASONER ’11 and ABIGAIL WILSON SULLIVAN ’11 are second-year Orr Fellows. The Orr Foundation offers undergraduate students the opportunity to break into the professional world through paid positions with Indiana companies. They visited Sugarloaf Mountain in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, during an annual international trip. The travel agency responsible for the trip was Seminars International, owned by EDWARD A. and LESLEY (NELSON) RESER ’83. Braca Benizry ’10 and Robert N. Cantor wedding party. DePauw alumni attending included Trevor E. LaNouette ’10, Nicole C. Craker ’10, Elizabeth A. Cozzi ’10, Kathleen Mittendorf Pereira ’10 and Kevin N. Pereira ’10.

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DePauw Magazine marks the passing of alumni, faculty and friends of DePauw University. Obituaries in DePauw Magazine do not include memorial gifts. When reporting deaths, please provide as much information as possible: name of the deceased, class year, fraternity/sorority/ living unit, occupation and DePauw-related activities and relatives. Newspaper obituaries are very helpful. Information should be sent to Alumni Records, DePauw University, Charter House, P.O. Box 37, Greencastle, IN 461350037. You may also fax us the information at 765-658-4172 or email

IN MEMORIAM Robert H. Farber 1914-2013 Robert H. Farber ’35, who served as an administrator at DePauw for 42 years, working with five presidents and serving twice as interim leader of the college, passed away on June 19. The vice president and professor emeritus of education was 99 years old. Farber’s death came seven months after the passing of his second wife, Vera May Kierstead Farber ’36, who was also 99. His first wife, Edna, died in 1997. A Rector Scholar and member of Men’s Hall Association, Farber graduated with distinction in 1935 as a member of Blue Key. A year later, he returned to DePauw to work as an administrator, and he then spent one year as a speech teacher at a Bloomington, Ind., high school. He returned to DePauw in 1937 as secretary of admission and assistant director of the Rector Scholarship Foundation. He left the University again in 1941 to join the U.S. Army. During World War II, Farber rose from the rank of private to the rank of major, and at the end of his military career in 1946 he was classification officer with the Third Army. He served in the European Theater and earned the Bronze Star. In 1945 Farber rejoined the DePauw staff as director of veterans affairs and head of the University’s placement bureau. Two years later, he became assistant dean of students, director of the Rector Foundation and director of placement. Farber was appointed dean of the University on April 19, 1952. Following the sudden passing of DePauw President Russell J. Humbert on June 2, 1962, Farber was named chief administrative officer of DePauw. He was appointed vice president of the University on Oct. 16, 1974, and two years later was called upon to serve as DePauw’s acting president, a post he held for five months until the appointment of Richard F. Rosser. Farber retired as vice president and dean of the University in 1979. DePauw presented Farber with many honors. In 1960 he received the Rector Scholar Alumni Achievement Award. The University awarded him the Old Gold Goblet, DePauw’s highest alumni award honoring “eminence in life’s work and service to alma mater,” in October 1980. Farber also received the students’ Leather Medal for service to DePauw as well as an honorary doctoral degree.



Rowena LaFuze Bake, Jan. 23, 2013, of Winchester, Ind., at the age of 103. She was a public school teacher for 21 years. She was preceded in death by her husband and sister, Mary LaFuze MacDougal ’27.


Dale C. Christison, Feb. 2, 2013, in Decatur, Ill., at the age of 101. He was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon, retired farmer and investor as well as former parttime employee of W. T. Flora Gems. Survivors include his wife. Martin D. Phelan, March 20, 2013, of Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla., at the age of 99. He was a member of Beta Theta Pi, Rector Scholar and retired executive vice president of Eastin-Phelan Corporation. He was preceded in death by his wife, Mary Harris Phelan ’35.


James A. Work III, Jan. 22, 2013, of Goshen, Ind., at the age of 97. He worked in product development, production planning and inventory control. Survivors include his wife and daughter, Ann Work Borger ’63.


Eileen Burk Trask, April 27, 2013, in Cincinnati, at the age of 97. She was a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma, accountant and homemaker. She was preceded in death by her husband.


Charles B. Broeg, March 14, 2013, of Wichita, Kan., at the age of 96. He was a member of Men’s Hall Association, Rector Scholar, retired chemist, and president and technical director of Revere Sugar Corporation. He was preceded in death by his wife. Lee S. Cox, March 17, 2013, in Crawfordsville, Ind., at the age of 96. She was an emeritus professor of English at Ohio State University and author. She was preceded in death by a sister, Helen L. Cox ’31. Dorothy Davis Townsend, March 10, 2013, of Tampa, Fla., at the age of 97. She was a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma and homemaker. She was preceded in death by her husband.

Wendell S. Wright, Jan. 27, 2011, of Erie, Penn., at the age of 94. He was a member of Delta Chi, Rector Scholar and retired social worker. He was preceded in death by his wife.


Mary Leatherman Roberts, April 23, 2013, of Bradenton, Fla., at the age of 95. She was a homemaker and community volunteer. She was preceded in death by her husband.


Virginia Burns Boynton, Feb. 23, 2013, in Glenview, Ill., at the age of 94. She was a member of Kappa Alpha Theta, lifetime member of The Washington C. DePauw Society, realtor and community volunteer. She was preceded in death by her grandfather, Hillary A. Gobin, Class of 1870; mother, Florine Gobin Burns Birdsall, Class of 1911; her first husband, James E. Edgar ’40; and second husband. Survivors include two daughters, Barbara Boynton Connor ’71 and Patricia Boynton Frey ’65. Aimee Parry Ruge, Nov. 12, 2012, of Meridian, Idaho, at the age of 93. She was a member of Kappa Alpha Theta, homemaker and had been employed at Lowell National Bank. She was preceded in death by her husband. Survivors include her son, Richard P. Ruge ’64. Harold A. Wittcoff, March 11, 2013, of Minneapolis, at the age of 94. He was a member of Men’s Hall Association, Phi Beta Kappa, Rector Scholar, retired vice president and director of corporate research for General Mills, and an adjunct professor of chemistry at University of Minnesota and Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel. Survivors include his wife.


Margaret Minich Mettler, Feb. 24, 2013, of Arvada, Colo., at the age of 93. She was a member of Alpha Phi and homemaker. She was preceded in death by her husband. Lois Payne Gochnaur, March 30, 2013, of Tucson, Ariz., at the age of 93. She was a member of Delta Zeta, airline stewardess and homemaker. She was preceded in death by her husband.

John F. Stone, March 10, 2013, in Brunswick, Maine, at the age of 87, of coronary artery disease. He was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon and retired from the United States Navy as executive officer of Naval Air Station Brunswick, Maine. He was preceded in death by his first wife. Survivors include his wife.


Warren J. Close, Feb. 9, 2013, of Salem, Wis., at the age of 92. He was a member of Men’s Hall Association, Phi Beta Kappa, Rector Scholar and retired research director from Abbott Laboratories. He was preceded in death by his wife, Verna Beggs Close ’42. Survivors include a son, Thomas V. Close ’71, and daughter-in-law, Barbara Bayless Close ’71. Louis R. de Filippis, April 21, 2013, of Cape Cod, Mass., at the age of 91. He was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Rector Scholar and attorney. He was preceded in death by his wife.


Betty Lindsey Thompson, Dec. 23, 2012, of Western Springs, Ill., at the age of 90. She was a secretary and homemaker. Survivors include her husband. Joe W. Schilling, Feb. 1, 2013, in Mattoon, Ill., at the age of 91. He was a member of Delta Tau Delta and funeral director. Survivors include his wife. James M. Winning, May 1, 2013, of Springfield, Ill., at the age of 91. He was a member of Beta Theta Pi, Rector Scholar, former member of DePauw’s Alumni Board of Directors and attorney. He was preceded in death by his father, Montgomery S. Winning, Class of 1913; sister, Patricia Winning Dodson ’42; and son-in-law, David B. Drummond ’71. Survivors include his wife, Mary Baker Winning ’45; son, James M. Winning Jr. ’68; daughters Barbara Winning Drummond ’71 and Rebecca Winning ’74; and grandson, James D. Drummond ’96.


Joyce Dunbar Dolan, May 13, 2013, of Scottsdale, Ariz., at the age of 90. She was a member of Kappa Alpha Theta, homemaker and worked as an

office manager and for several social and charitable organizations. She was preceded in death by her husband. John C. Haried, March 3, 2013, of Naples, Fla., at the age of 91. He was a member of Phi Kappa Psi, Rector Scholar and retired business owner. Survivors include his wife, Margaret Matthews Haried ’45, and daughter, Kathryn L. Haried ’70. Virginia Heckart Henriksen Gage, July 9, 2011, in Clearwater, Fla., at the age of 89. She was a homemaker. She was preceded in death by her first and second husbands. Ruth Merchant Michaelson, Feb. 5, 2013, in Moraga, Calif., at the age of 90. She was a member of Delta Zeta, medical technologist and homemaker. She was preceded in death by her husband. Marilyn Pieper Bradford-Roth, May 2, 2012, of Ferguson, Mo., at the age of 91. She was a member of Delta Zeta and was employed as a ticket agent for the St. Louis Cardinals for more than 20 years. She was preceded in death by her husband. Janet Veenboer Banta, Jan. 9, 2012, of Grand Rapids, Mich., at the age of 88. She was a nurse and professor of nursing at Grand Valley State University. She was preceded in death by her husband.


Frances Beck Reynolds, Jan. 30, 2013, of Medford, N.J., at the age of 89. She was a member of Alpha Gamma Delta and homemaker. She was preceded in death by her husband. Patricia Porterfield Hackett, Feb. 7, 2013, of Memphis, Tenn., at the age of 89. She was a member of Alpha Phi and retired computer programmer. Elizabeth Santner Crull, Sept. 25, 2012, of Rancho Santa Fe, Calif., at the age of 89. She was a member of Delta Delta Delta and homemaker. Survivors include her husband, Howard D. Crull Jr. ’45.


Nancy Elleman CoithFibbe, July 5, 2012, of

Cincinnati, from cancer. She was a member of Kappa Alpha Theta, a homemaker and community volunteer. She was preceded in death by her first husband. Survivors include her husband, Guy A. Fibbe ’49. Kathryn Erickson Palm, Feb. 11, 2013, of Rockford, Ill., at the age of 89. She was a member of Alpha Phi and homemaker. She was preceded in death by a sister, Marilyn Erickson Palm ’48. Survivors include her husband. Doris Irvine Ritchie, Feb. 10, 2013, of Louisville, Ky., at the age of 88. She was a member of Alpha Gamma Delta and a homemaker. She was preceded in death by her husband. Survivors include a daughter, Gail Ritchie Henson ’73. Mary Petry Seiler, June 11, 2011, of Green Bay, Wis., at the age of 86. She was a member of Kappa Alpha Theta and elementary school music teacher. Kathryn Saeger Boyer, May 2, 2013, of Rogers, Ark., at the age of 88. She was a retired elementary school teacher. Survivors include her husband.


Paul M. Allen, May 2, 2013, of Santa Rosa, Calif., at the age of 88. He was professor emeritus of University of Arizona and an author of several books. Survivors include his wife. June Buchanan Gullberg, Jan. 30, 2013, of Beverly Hills, Mich., at the age of 87. She was a member of Delta Delta Delta, homemaker and community volunteer. Survivors include her husband and brother, Donald J. Buchanan ’46. Dr. John W. Gallagher, March 21, 2012, of Piqua, Ohio, at the age of 86. He was a member of Delta Tau Delta and retired anesthesiologist. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Mary Dillon Gallagher ’47. Survivors include his wife. Robert F. Heil, April 11, 2013, of Lima, Ohio, at the age of 90. He was a member of Beta Theta Pi and founder and chairman of Clearchem Corporation, an asphalt paving

company. He was preceded in death by his brother, Eugene R. Heil ’38. Survivors include his wife; sister, Nancy Heil Roess ’49; nephews Steven T. Roess ’77 and William J. Roess ’79; and niece, Jane Roess Livermore ’82. John F. Kimberling, Jan. 27, 2013, of Palm Springs, Calif., at the age of 86, from cancer. He was a member of Beta Theta Pi and attorney. Henrietta Krcilek Coolman, Feb. 26, 2013, of Middleburg, Vt., at the age of 87. She was a member of Pi Beta Phi and elementary school teacher. She was preceded in death by her husband, James R. Coolman ’48. Helen Neel Kettinger, Aug. 19, 2011, of Highland, Mich., at the age of 87. She was a homemaker. She was preceded in death by her husband.


Paul W. Dyer, Sept. 17, 2011, of Boynton Beach, Fla., at the age of 86. He was a member of Lambda Chi Alpha and retired rate engineer for the Boston Gas Company. He was preceded in death by his wife, Jean Imler Dyer ’51. Constance Gates Madsen, May 15, 2013, of Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla., at the age of 86, from liver cancer. She was a member of Pi Beta Phi and homemaker. She was preceded in death by her husband, Andrew H. Madsen Jr. ’49. Survivors include a son, Andrew H. Madsen III ’78. Carolyn Gay Jellison, March 10, 2013, of Richmond, Ind., at the age of 88. She was a member of Alpha Gamma Delta, retired executive secretary for the Art Association of Richmond and community volunteer. She was preceded in death by her husband. Margaret Phillips Donk Waters, Feb. 2, 2013, of Kirkwood, Mo., at the age of 85. She was a member of Kappa Alpha Theta and homemaker. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Edmund C. Donk ’44, and her second husband. Lynn Stang Browne, March 17, 2013, in Jupiter, Fla., at the age of 86. She was a partner and lifetime member of The Washington C. DePauw


Society. She worked as a dietician for University of Michigan Hospital. Survivors include her husband.


Robert E. Buis, April 22, 2013, of Fishers, Ind., at the age of 88. He was a member of Sigma Chi and retired as senior vice president of sales for College Life Insurance Company. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Alice Victor Buis ’49, and second wife. Morton T. Embree, Nov. 23, 2012, in St. Petersburg, Fla., at the age of 84. He was a member of Beta Theta Pi, pharmacist and drugstore manager. Patricia K. Fehl, July 10, 2012, of Cincinnati, at the age of 88. She was a member of Delta Zeta, 1994 DePauw Athletic Hall of Fame Inductee and professor emerita of physical education at West Virginia University. Theodore I. Hunsaker, June 17, 2011, of Altamonte Springs, Fla., at the age of 86. He was a member of Men’s Hall Association and retired from Trade Association in Chicago after 20 years of service. A. Ronald Macdonald, March 4, 2013, in Ajijic, Mexico, at the age of 87. He was a member of Delta Tau Delta and Phi Beta Kappa, Rector Scholar and business administrator. John W. McFarland, Jan. 28, 2013, in Greencastle, Ind., at the age of 89. He was a member of Men’s Hall Association and retired as an emeritus professor from the chemistry department at DePauw after 33 years of service. He also served as assistant dean of students, head of the chemistry department and pre-medical and pre-dental adviser. He was preceded in death by his wife, Nancy Elliott McFarland ’49. Survivors include son, Phillip E. McFarland ’77; daughters, N. Angela McFarland Green ’78 and Kathryn McFarland Witham ’70; son-in-law, Gary D. Witham ’78; grandson, Brandon D. Witham ’00; and granddaughter, Megan McFarland King ’10. Charles R. McKibbin, April 9, 2013, of Everett, Wash., at the age


of 88. He was a member of Phi Gamma Delta and retired manager of Aspegren Financial Corporation in Chicago. Survivors include his wife. T. Brooks Rice, April 12, 2013, of Cincinnati, at the age of 87. He was a member of Phi Kappa Psi and structural engineer. He was preceded in death by his first and second wives, and brothers, Reed P. Rice ’52 and Robert C. Rice ’46. Survivors include his son, Kirk E. Rice ’79, and brother, James A. Rice ’50. John A. Roberts, Feb. 1, 2013, of Cupertino, Calif., at the age of 86, from Parkinson’s disease. He was a member of Alpha Tau Omega, Rector Scholar and lead estimator for commercial insulation companies. He was preceded in death by his wife, Mary MacKenzie Roberts ’50. James A. Taylor, Feb. 28, 2013, of Toledo, Ohio, at the age of 85. He was a member of Phi Kappa Psi and sports writer for the Toledo Blade for 37 years. Survivors include his wife, Janet Westmen Taylor ’49.


James B. Bolen Jr., Dec. 1, 2012, of Walnut Creek, Calif., at the age of 86. He was a member of Sigma Nu, lifetime member of The Washington C. DePauw Society and real estate attorney. He was preceded in death by his wife. Robert B. Morse, March 19, 2013, of Anderson, Ind., at the age of 86. He was a member of Sigma Chi, Rector Scholar and retired president of Cook Block & Brick. He was preceded in death by his wife. Barbara Whalen Nevins, March 30, 2012, of Waukesha, Wis., at the age of 83. She was a member of Alpha Phi and homemaker. She was preceded in death by a sister, Phyllis Whalen Bunn ’44. Survivors include her husband. Annette C. Wortman, March 28, 2013, of Brookston, Ind., at the age of 84. She was an executive secretary at Purdue University for several years.


Betty Thralls Randall, March 4, 2013, of Columbus, Ind., at the age of 85. She was a retired public high school teacher. Survivors include her husband.

Virginia Kibbler Lullo, March 27, 2013, of Naperville, Ill., at the age of 83. She was a member of Alpha Gamma Delta and homemaker. She was preceded in death by her husband, Joseph W. Lullo ’51.

Mary Triggs Hall, March 20, 2013, of Madison, Wis., at the age of 85. She was a member of Pi Beta Phi and homemaker. She was preceded in death by her husband.

H. Lincoln Vehmeyer Jr., May 14, 2013, in Wakefield, R.I., at the age of 84. He was a member of Delta Upsilon and business owner. He was preceded in death by his wife.

Clyde H. Vadner, April 27, 2013, in Jefferson City, Mo., at the age of 84. He was a member of Sigma Nu, worked for Coca-Cola and various bottling franchises and became vice president and general manager for the Philadelphia Coca-Cola Bottling Company. He wrote a Sigma Nu newsletter to his fraternity brothers from graduation until a year before his death. He achieved his goal of visiting all of the more than 3,000 counties in the 50 states. He was preceded in death by his wife, G. Marilynn Whickcar Vadner ’48. Survivors include daughters Andrea Vadner ’79, Hilary Vadner ’80 and Christine Vadner ’74; and son, Gregory A. Vadner ’74.


William R. Crawley, May 3, 2013, in Fort Myers, Fla., at the age of 82. He was a member of Phi Gamma Delta and retired employee and officer of General Electric Company. Survivors include his wife, Nancy Gordon Crawley ’52; son, Timothy G. Crawley ’78; and brother, Joe B. Crawley ’56. Robert R. Rehder, Dec. 2, 2012, of Albuquerque, N.M., at the age of 82. He was a member of Alpha Tau Omega and helped found the Robert O. Anderson School of Management in Albuquerque, where he served as dean and professor. Survivors include his partner.

M. Avis Wilcox Van Vleet, June 2, 2012, of Saratoga Springs, N.Y., at the age of 81. She was a member of Alpha Gamma Delta and retired public school teacher. She was preceded in death by her husband.


David W. Gustin, Jan. 16, 2012, of Bellevue, Neb., at the age of 80. He was a member of Alpha Tau Omega and retired lieutenant colonel in the United States Air Force. Survivors include his wife. Paisley Harwood Cato, Feb. 27, 2013, of Dallas, at the age of 82. She was a member of Delta Gamma and homemaker. Survivors include her husband. Beyer V. Parker, Jan. 22, 2012, in Green Valley, Ariz., at the age of 81, from a stroke. He was a member of Phi Delta Theta and retired director of personnel from Ingersoll Rand. Survivors include his wife. Nancy Romack Blue, March 16, 2013, of Sumter, S.C., at the age of 81. She was a member of Alpha Chi Omega and high school teacher for more than 30 years. Survivors include her husband and brother, Joseph C. Romack ’50.


Roger W. Eichmeier, March 2, 2013, in Chandler, Ariz., at the age of 80. He was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Rector Scholar, attorney and associate judge. Survivors include his wife and sister, Margery Eichmeier Deurmier ’56. Timothy P. Garrigus, Jan. 31, 2013, of Indianapolis, at the age of 80. He was a member of Phi Kappa Psi and had a career in banking, property management and development. He was preceded in death by his mother, Mildred Parr Garrigus ’23, and a brother, David A. Garrigus ’49. Survivors include his wife, Joanne Jones Garrigus ’56, and nephews, Thomas A. Garrigus ’88 and John D. Garrigus ’83. W. Brian Hill, March 19, 2013, of Jeffersonville, Ind., at the age of 80. He was a member of Men’s Hall Association, Phi Beta Kappa, Rector

Scholar and retired professor of chemistry from Indiana University Southeast. Survivors include a brother, David B. Hill ’60. John B. Rosenow, Jan. 23, 2011, of Phoenix, at the age of 79. He was a member of Delta Upsilon and retired chief flight instructor from the United States Air Force.


Elizabeth Clunk Shelt, Feb. 12, 2013, of Paris, Ohio. She was a member of Alpha Chi Omega and retired school teacher. Survivors include her husband. Robert I. Gephart, March 16, 2013, of Sarasota, Fla., at the age of 79. He was a member of Phi Gamma Delta and banker. Survivors include his wife, Phyllis Held Gephart ’56, and brother, Gene C. Gephart ’53. Carol Halverson Jones, Nov. 16, 2012, of Roswell, Ga., at the age of 79. She was an elementary school teacher and homemaker. She was preceded in death by her husband.


James H. Taylor, Feb. 23, 2013, of Jacksonville, Fla., at the age of 78. He was a member of Delta Chi and commercial banker. Survivors include his wife.


Gary E. Henry, March 7, 2013, of Wichita Falls, Texas, at the age of 77. He was a member of Sigma Nu and selfemployed petroleum geologist. Survivors include his wife, Mary Kimmell Henry ’57. D. Harvey McClurg, Dec. 15, 2012, in Brownsville, Texas, at the age of 78. He was a member of Delta Tau Delta and worked at Batavia Bank and the Bank of Wisconsin Dells. Survivors include his wife. Nancy Mercer Kosiba, April 16, 2013, of Amana, Iowa, at the age of 78. She was a member of Delta Gamma and a French and English teacher. She was preceded in death by her father, Richard W. Mercer ’25. Survivors include her husband and sister, Brenda Mercer Cruikshank ’64. Anne Nichols Ramoneda, Feb. 22, 2013, of Culpeper, Va., at the age

of 76. She was a substance abuse counselor, mystery shopper and had worked at James Madison’s Home, Montpelier. She was preceded in death by her brother, Charles A. Nichols Jr. ’50. Survivors include her husband.


Sara McSherry Powers, Feb. 6, 2013, in Richardson, Texas, at the age of 76. She was a member of Alpha Omicron Pi and a newspaper and production editor.


Paul W. Decker Jr., Feb. 19, 2013, of Portland, Ore., at the age of 75. He was a member of Sigma Chi, awardwinning advertising producer, creative director and copywriter. Survivors include his wife. C. David Repp, April 29, 2013, of Chico, Calif., at the age of 76, from Alzheimer’s disease. He was a member of Phi Kappa Psi, photojournalist and adjunct instructor for many years in Indiana University School of Journalism. Survivors include a sister, Carolyn Repp Knapton ’49. John L. Trimpe Jr., March 7, 2013, in Vero Beach, Fla., at the age of 75. He was a member of Alpha Tau Omega, lifetime partner of The Washington C. DePauw Society, former member of the DePauw Alumni Board of Directors and retired financial consultant.


Sally Moody Ritcheson Burks, March 4, 2013, of Edmond, Okla., at the age of 75. She was a member of Phi Beta Phi and a writer and producer of television programs for patient education. Survivors include her husband. Dr. Dorthe Neidhardt Banholzer, March 31, 2013, in Berlin, Germany, at the age of 73. She was a member of Kappa Alpha Theta, Fulbright scholar, hospital physician and homemaker. Survivors include her husband. Ronald W. Pogue, Feb. 7, 2013, of Whiteland, Ind., at the age of 75. He was a member of Phi Delta Theta and retired from Central Supply in Indianapolis. Survivors include his wife.

Robert P. Russell, Sept. 30, 2011, of O’Fallon, Mo., at the age of 73. He was a member of Phi Delta Theta and manager for different leasing companies. He was preceded in death by a brother, William A. Russell ’60. Survivors include a sister, Jean Russell Buss ’57.


John W. Hatcher, March 13, 2013, of West Lafayette, Ind., at the age of 73, from multiple myeloma. He was a member of Phi Gamma Delta, Rector Scholar and professor emeritus of management at Purdue University. Survivors include his wife.

and Phi Beta Kappa, Rector Scholar and psychologist. Survivors include his wife; brother, John W. Busey ’61; nephews John W. Busey II ’90 and J. Jay Busey ’93; niece-in-law, Maribeth Steimie Busey ’88; and cousin, John S. Moffet ’73. Kenneth E. Haacke, Jan. 30, 2013, of Murphy, N.C., at the age of 71. He was a member of Alpha Tau Omega and retired chief accountant from a Chevrolet car dealership in Cocoa, Fla. Survivors include his wife. Edward H. Sawyer, Feb. 15, 2013, of Quincy, Ill., at the age of 76. He was a professor at Culver-Stockton College for more than 33 years. Survivors include his wife.

Jeanne Mahaney Eggert, May 10, 2013, of Bozeman, Mont., at the age of 74. She was a member of Alpha Gamma Delta and Phi Beta Kappa and founding director of the ASMSU Day Care Center in Bozeman. After retirement, she volunteered for the Red Cross. Survivors include her husband, Norman H. Eggert ’61, and sister, Ruth A. Mahaney ’66.

David E. Stahly, Jan. 17, 2013, in Goshen, Ind., at the age of 71. He was a public school administrator. Survivors include his wife, Karen Good Stahly ’64; son, Brian D. Stahly ’91; and daughter, Lisa Stahly DeHart ’92.



Nancy Jones Parsons, April 6, 2013, in Urbana, Ill., at the age of 73. She was a member of Alpha Omicron Pi, accountant and homemaker. Survivors include her husband, Edward H. Parsons ’61, and daughter, Anne Parsons Donovan ’87. Ronald L. Randall, Feb. 25, 2013, in Scottsdale, Ariz., at the age of 72, from an aortic aneurysm. He was a Rector Scholar, member of Phi Kappa Psi, four-year member of the basketball team and lifetime member of The Washington C. DePauw Society. He was a businessman and owner of Randall Investments. Survivors include his wife, Carole Lee Clark Randall ’61, and sons, Thomas C. Randall ’97 and Michael C. Randall ’89.


Rex M. Brenneman, Oct. 26, 2012, of Sarasota, Fla., at the age of 71. He was a member of Phi Gamma Delta, financial consultant, and owner and president of Brenneman & Company. Survivors include his wife. Joseph S. Busey, April 23, 2013, of Red Bluff, Calif., at the age of 71. He was a member of Alpha Tau Omega

Patricia Grubb Jenkins, March 3, 2013, in Champaign, Ill., at the age of 68, from a heart attack. She was a member of Delta Gamma and a rehabilitation counselor and facilities’ coordinator for the Illinois Department of Vocation Services for 32 years. Survivors include her husband, Stuart E. Jenkins ’64.


Barbara Ferrell Gaines, April 20, 2013, of Rockford, Ill., at the age of 67. She was a member of Kappa Alpha Theta and homemaker. Survivors include her husband, Richard D. Gaines ’66. W. David Longnecker, Jan. 30, 2013, of Concord, N.H., at the age of 67. He was a member of Sigma Nu and former assistant dean of students at Northwestern University, owner of Kiltons of Manchester, and school teacher, counselor and administrator. Survivors include his wife, C. Seelye Burr Longnecker ’67; brother, Donald L. Longnecker ’67; sisters Nancy Longnecker West ’65 and Linda Longnecker Thompson ’70; nephew, Scott M. Longnecker ’96; and sisterin-law, Jeralyn Mayer Longnecker ’67.



Janet Allen Gulden, March 23, 2013, of Columbus, Ind., at the age of 66. She was a member of Delta Gamma, computer programmer, had worked for Arvin Industries and was a homemaker. She was preceded in death by her husband. Elizabeth H. Wilson, April 13, 2013, of Saint Simons Island, Ga., at the age of 66. She was a member of Alpha Omicron Pi, veterinary technician specializing in avian and exotic animal nursing, parrot behavior consultant and adjunct faculty member in the veterinary department at Harcum College in Bryn Mawr, Pa. Survivors include her husband.


Margaret Porter Adams, Feb. 2, 2013, of Pleasant Prairie, Wis., at the age of 65, from complications of pulmonary hypertension. She was a member of Alpha Omicron Pi, registered nurse and homemaker. Survivors include her husband; daughters Kathlyn E. Fletcher ’92 and Wendy Fletcher Franzen ’94; and son-in-law Timothy G. Franzen ’93.


Hurley E. Goodall, Feb. 10, 2013, of Akron, Ohio, at the age of 64. He taught history and reading in Akron public schools. Survivors include his wife. Anne McConnell Barth, Jan. 21, 2013, of Zionsville, Ind., at the age of 63. She was a member of Alpha Chi Omega and taught fourth and fifth grades in Indianapolis public schools for 23 years. Survivors include her husband, Gregg A. Barth ’70.



Janet L. Wolfe-Pfaff, Dec. 29, 2010, of Indianapolis, at the age of 60. She was a member of Delta Zeta and executive assistant for the United States Army. Survivors include her husband.


Alyson Sklar Brown, May 23, 2013, of Malden, Mass., at the age of 33. She was employed at Margulies Peruzzi Architects. Survivors include her husband.

later, was house director for Kappa Kappa Gamma at DePauw.



Evelyn L. Gick, March 15, 2013, of Greencastle, Ind., at the age of 88. She was a retired member of the housekeeping staff at DePauw. She was preceded in death by her husband.

Robert V. McMahon Jr., April 19, 2013, of Hinsdale, Ill., at the age of 61. He was a member of Phi Delta Theta and partner in charge of valuation services at KPMG. Survivors include his wife and mother, Carol Borge McMahon ’50. Eric D. Sutherlin, Jan. 30, 2013, in Chicago, at the age of 61. He was a member of Men’s Hall Association and worked in investment management. He was preceded in death by his father, Robert D. Sutherlin ’48.


Catherine A. Bean, Jan. 15, 2013, of Greencastle, Ind., at the age of 64, of Alzheimer’s disease. She was an elementary school teacher and staff member of the Roy O. West Library at DePauw.


Sue C. Reel, Feb. 3, 2013, of Terre Haute, Ind., at the age of 67, from leukemia. She was a high school teacher for 32 years at Plainfield (Ind.) Community Schools. Survivors include a brother-in-law, John A. Bailey ’74.


Kyle N. Bruner, May 12, 2013, in Nassau, Bahamas, at the age of 34. He was shot while coming to the aid of a woman who was being mugged. He was a captain in the United States Coast Guard and, when on shore, worked as a therapist with autistic children.

Ann E. Burlin, Feb. 23, 2013, of Silver Spring, Md., of rheumatoid arthritis and lung cancer. She taught in the communication departments of DePauw, Stetson University, Stonehill College, The College of Wooster and Berea College. Later, she worked for Discovery Communications as a photo editor and librarian. Shanker Shetty, April 8, 2013, of Greencastle, Ind., at the age of 89. He was retired professor emeritus of economics at DePauw. Survivors include his wife.


James A. Martindale, Jan. 30, 2013, of Muncie, Ind., at the age of 91. He retired as librarian emeritus from DePauw University after 21 years of service. He was preceded in death by his wife. John L. Page, Jan. 24, 2013, of Brownsburg, Ind., at the age of 54, after a yearlong battle with leukemia. He worked at DePauw University in development services as well as more than 23 years as director of development and alumni services at Butler University. Survivors include his wife.

Sandra J. Buis, March 11, 2013, in Greencastle, Ind., at the age of 72. She worked as a baker at DePauw for 35 years. Survivors include her husband.

Darlene S. Templeman, May 8, 2013, of Greencastle, Ind., at the age of 46. She worked for DePauw in facilities management. Survivors include her husband.

Wilma J. Danberry, April 15, 2013, of Bainbridge, Ind., at the age of 81. She was secretary for the physics department at DePauw for more than 16 years. Survivors include her husband; sons David W. Danberry ’76 and Kenneth D. Danberry ’74; and daughter, Cheryl A. Danberry ’79.

Grover A. Vaughan, May 21, 2013, of Greencastle, Ind., at the age of 91. He worked for the Greencastle Police Department and Indiana State Police. He served as chief of campus security for DePauw University. He was preceded in death by his wife.

Jane A. Ferguson, Feb. 2, 2013, in Atlanta, at the age of 94. She taught elementary school for 25 years and,

our donors

ELLIE PEARSON ’13, NCAA D-III WOMEN’S BASKETBALL MVP WITH AN ASSIST BY PATRICIA FEHL ’49 After the DePauw women’s basketball team won its second NCAA Division III championship in March, senior ELLIE PEARSON was named the tournament’s Most Valuable Player. Pearson stands at the head of a long line of exceptional women athletes who have graced DePauw’s campus, including PATRICIA K. FEHL ’49. Fehl played basketball, field hockey and volleyball, and she was inducted into the DePauw Athletic Hall of Fame in 1994. Fehl received an Ed.D. degree from Indiana University and coached at University of Cincinnati. She went on to be instrumental in the development of women’s intercollegiate athletics at West Virginia University. After Fehl passed away in 2012, it was revealed that she had planned a $3.4 million bequest for DePauw University, designated for athletic and educational purposes. Fehl was a star athlete, remarkable coach and effective educator. She was also exceptionally generous and smart enough to plan ahead. DePauw’s best and brightest – students like Ellie Pearson – depend on those who came before them to sustain the University. Won’t you join Patricia Fehl? Be an MVP for future generations. Make a planned gift to DePauw.

DEPAUW UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF GIFT PLANNING Lisa Maxwell-Frieden, J.D., director of gift planning 300 E. Seminary St., P.O. Box 37, Greencastle, IN 46135-0037 Phone: 765-658-4216 Toll-free 800-446-5298

Office of Communications P.O. Box 37 • Greencastle, Indiana 46135-0037 765-658-4800 •

Graduating seniors and their families celebrated a new tradition, DePauw Under the Stars, during commencement weekend.

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