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Cholesterolisaformoffatfoundinthe bloodthatisrequiredbythebodyto functionproperly.Havingtoomuch cholesterolintheblood,ontheother hand,canraisethechanceofgetting heartdisease.HDLcholesterol, commonlyknownas“good”cholesterol, assistsintheremovalofexcess cholesterolfromthebloodstreamand transportingittotheliverforelimination. Moderatealcoholusehasbeenfoundin studiestoenhanceHDLcholesterol levels,whichcanhelpminimizetherisk ofheartdisease.
The relationship between alcohol and arrhythmias
The disruption of the electrical impulses that control the heart’s rhythm can result in an arrhythmia, which is an irregular heartbeat. Alcohol intake can make people more likely to experience arrhythmia, especially if they already have a heart problem. This is due to the fact that alcohol can disrupt the electrical impulses that the heart uses to control its rhythm, which may result in an irregular heartbeat.
According to studies, even a small amount of alcohol can raise your risk of having an arrhythmia. Heavy drinkers, especially those who binge drink, are at a higher risk. To help lower your risk of developing arrhythmias, it’s vital to minimize or completely avoid alcohol if you already have a cardiac problem or a history of arrhythmias.