Bridging the Gap Across Disciplines and Professions: Crossing Parallels by Dr Chris Stout

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Bridging the Gap Across Disciplines and Professions: Crossing Parallels

Chris E. Stout Center for Global Initiatives

I’ll discuss Ways to work across, and with, many disciplines

Methods to “stack” your work in order to amplify it Ideas and examples you can mimic and adapt to your work Note: Advice is hard, so if you are more so focused in one area, specialty, or sub-specialty, this may not be helpful to your interests.

“Processional Effect”

Psychology is a part of almost everything. It’s the connecting tread running through most all that I have done.

Richards and Gottfredson, 1984

IEEE/Engineering UN Policy Nonprofits Private Practice Research Technology Testimony Curriculum design Publishing Training Lobbying

.coms Robotics Public health Government Administration Medicine Teaching Forensics Neuropsych Podcasting Accreditation Volunteering

Coding Pharmacy formulary NGOs Startups Leadership Big Data Course design Lecturing Pediatrics Family Therapy Consulting Mentoring

Crossing disciplines (and oceans).

This is what I mean by “stacking.” It can be content, projects, travel... Here are some examples:

How Getting Started got started – Ethics and Assessment

Senator Alan Cranston – Abolition 2000 Division 9 – SPSSI

Books, Books, Books….

This is where it starts to get complicated.

A linear regression is a linear regression

In addition to books and articles

Travel stacking example


Halong Bay, Vietnam

The basic idea is that doing good work and helping others shouldn’t be so hard…

We found that folks interested in humanitarian work broke into two categories: Those wanting to start their own nonprofit/NGO, so we coach and teach how-to, and Those just wanting to do the work or a project, so we help and act as a fiscal intermediary.

LinkedIn Newsletter and Influencer Articles

​LinkedIn Influencer:

We developed a podcast that really crosses disciplines to highlight interesting people that are doing important work.

Boston Children's Hospital created HealthMap

Real-time intelligence on Infectious diseases from various data sources

Outcomes of our key project partner

“73 Cents a Life”

REcovered Medical Equipment Developing Y

(world) William Rosenblatt, MD

In summary

• Pursue “tangential” interests and opportunities – I bet they are additive and augmenting

• See where there are opportunists (#volunteer!) • Be open • Be creative • Be helpful • Respectfully bring Psychology to the table.

Think and write like a journalist, Or a scientist, Or an essayist.

If you are a psychologist, I believe, you have a responsibility to share what you have learned, be it via writing, speaking, and/or teaching.

Wanna know what I think is even cooler…?

Just over a month later, John Landy Aus shaved almost two seconds off Bannister’s time. And you know what?

Over the course of the following few years, 19 others ran sub-4 minute miles. 19..!

Why do you think it took so long?

My theory is limiting beliefs Sometimes from others, Sometimes from ourselves, Sometimes it co-occurs with…

Avoiding future-forward regrets

Advice is hard.

There is no fixed set of rules, no set path, that you have to follow.


For Having Me



Great Things…!


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