Full Mouth Reconstruction with Combination of Fixed Prosthodontics and Implant Retained Prosthesis: Synergy of Aesthetics and Biomechanics Mark Lin, BSc, DDS, MSc (Prosthodontics), FRCD(C); Goth Siu, BHSc, DMD, MS, Cert. Prostho., FRCD(C), FACP
he following article will illustrate a comprehensive full mouth reconstruction therapy with treatment objectives for Aesthetics and Biomechanics. Our patient (N.B.) presented to the office with the pre-existing dental treatment done from another country as illustrated in photos 1 and 2. After the initial consultation, our patient wished for fixed implants and prosthodontics to restore and replace her natural dentition. Comprehensive diagnostic records were gathered in order to formulate the
oralhealth NOVEMBER 2016
treatment plan with options (Table #1). Based on the diagnostic records gathered, a list of diagnosis was made and summarized in Table #2. Case presentation was conducted reviewing several treatment options with risks, benefits and alternatives of each treatment plan. Full mouth diagnostic wax set up was completed with alterations from pre-existing mounted models. Alterations for aesthetics, tooth proportions, gingival displays, vertical dimension of occlusion, shade and biomechanical support confirmed. Pre-surgical implant
provisionals fabricated accordingly in preparation for immediate implant provisionalization at time of implant placement. Phase 1 treatment involved full maxillary arch extractions of compromised dentition with immediate molar implant placement in upper molar 16 site, five additional anterior implants and lateral window sinus grafting to upper left posterior region. After confirmation of initial primary stability of all six maxillary anterior implants with an Osstell Implant Stability Quotient of greater than 60, immediate screw