Full Mouth Rehabilitation with Dental Implants and Fixed Dental Prostheses Goth Siu, BHSc, DMD, MS, Cert. Prostho., FRCD(C)
dvances in dental implant research, design and their clinical application have greatly changed dental care. Improved protocols in implant therapy over the last several decades have made implant supported restorations biologically and mechanically predictable.1-5 However, there is still a role for conventional tooth supported fixed dental prostheses.6 Full arch implant-supported restorations are increasingly popular, but many patients
Smile photo of the patient at initial presentation.
are not psychologically ready for the extractions and alveolectomy that is often required. The following case presentation demonstrates the combined use of dental implants and tooth supported fixed dental prostheses to restore the patient’s esthetics and function. The patient presented with the chief complaint of poor esthetics and difficulty in mastication. The patient reported having hypertension and hyperlipidemia, which was treated and controlled by the patient’s physician. The patient smoked one pack a day but quit nine years ago. Many years of
oralhealth NOV. 2015
Frontal view at maximum intercuspation at initial presentation.
infrequent dental visits had resulted in a loss of many posterior teeth. The loss of posterior support, compounded with caries, periodontal disease, attrition and fracture, led to the loss of vertical dimension, extrusions, malpositions and a compromised plane of occlusion. Alginate impressions were taking to fabricate diagnostics casts after a comprehensive extraoral and intraoral exam. After determination of the etiology and diagnosis of the patient’s condition, CR records were taken at an increased vertical dimension of 1 mm. Casts were mounted and a diagnostic
Maxillary occlusal view at initial presentation.