1 minute read

Current Initiatives – D&I Update

Reflect RAP:

It’s been a fantastic quarter for the RAP Working Group! We had a successful Reflect RAP launch across our offices and have been busy working through our RAP’s key deliverables. To recap, some of the key initiatives we implemented in the last quarter were:

• Celebrating and acknowledging key cultural dates such as National Reconciliation Week & NAIDOC Week.

• Educating teams and implementing an Acknowledgement of Country protocol across any key events hosted by Drake. You can find our Acknowledgement of Country resources on Drake Insight!

• Researching best practice and policies around race relations & anti-discrimination. These recommendations have been taken into consideration when updating our new Bullying, Harassment, & Discrimination Policy.

• Creating a list of key stakeholders that Drake can engage with on our reconciliation journey, which has included a range of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander employment service providers.

D&I page now available on Drake Insight!

We have created a dedicated D&I page on Drake Insight which provides our team with resources and updates on our Reflect RAP as well as other D&I initiatives!

Explore more today!

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