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Marketing Update


Social media performance:

Our social media presence continues to grow each quarter, extending our reach to both candidates and clients. These platforms play a crucial role in promoting our brands and are currently thriving.

With short-form content (such as videos under 60 seconds) now being a significant factor in user engagement in 2023, it will remain a central focus of our content strategy going forward.

LinkedIn Increased by 4.8% -18,909 total followers Facebook increased by 5.1% - 8,077 total followers.

Instagram increased by 18.7% - 1,004 followers. TikTok increased by 47.8% - 520 followers.

SEO growth:

A few months back we set a target for multiple keywords to rank on the first page of Google. We are seeing the success of this target, as several queries now display Drake International on page 1 or 2.

Some examples of these search queries include “luxury retail jobs,” “warehousing jobs,” “manufacturing staff recruitment,” “retail job agency,” “customer service recruitment agency,” and more. As time progresses, our target keywords will continue to rise in rankings, driving more traffic to our website.

Drake home page rebuild:

Australia has led the way in creating a new home page design that’s better suited to today’s audience. This redesigned page will now incorporate our sub-brands, testimonials, branch locations, and more, ensuring that users have easy access to our services. The primary objective is to enhance user engagement and overall website performance as we enter the next quarter.

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