Are You Ready for Your Own Network Marketing Business Blog? /mlmmarketinggems/blog/are-you-ready-f or-your-own-network-marketingbusiness-blog Are You Ready f or Your Own Network Marketing Business Blog? If you are intent on blazing the path to a successf ul career in MLM, one of the most important tools used by leaders in the industry is a f ully optimized network marketing business blog. It’s an essential lif e line communicator between the new or established marketer and the world at large. T he Secret to Success in Today’s MLM world Seasoned MLMers have long taught the home party, hotel room and 3 way call team and sales building approaches that f or some meant success, but f or many meant little more than a let down. T his is common af ter the initial euphoria of joining a new program wears of f , the warm leads dried up, and the electric bill remains unpaid at home. I recall giving my f irst hotel room presentation in 1978. I don’t remember the company, only that a f riend asked me to do it as a f avor… he was just too nervous to talk to a group. T he f unny thing is that he was an excellent writer and would have loved the idea of staying at home and penning a f ew thoughts on a network marketing business blog He was, just shy in public. With the advent of the internet, some jumped in and built their own website and waited f or the avalanche of leads. Others had a better way, the network marketing company GAVE T HEM A WEBSIT E ! but not a network marketing business blog..T hat would be way too complex and expensive to give away. T he result ? T heir websites will never be seen. T he one they built..well, there is just too much competition f rom prof essionally built sites owned by the f olks at the top of the f eeding pole. And a static HT ML website, especially one that is a company replicated site, will never get traction in the search engines against a network marketing business blog .. NEVER. T his is because the search engines index and rank any original content when the site is f irst lauched, perhaps by the company itself . Nothing new here when you get your version, so the search engines essentially ignore the site. So…many experience f rustration… especially if they were not natural salespeople, born schmoozers, web designers, search engine optimization specialists or prof essional marketers…. and sadly, all the bills f requently remained unpaid. T here is an answer… a network marketing business blog What you need is a network marketing business blog that the search engines will love and index. It must be an authority site, highly ranked, one that is updated regularly with original content, and has massive backlinks with prof essional techs and web designers looking over every f eature.
If you can get your mitts on a network marketing business blog like this, it can be golden f or you. T he potential to attract new leads, make more sales and f inally build a viable home based business in the network marketing industry would be at hand. And guess what? It is available‌right now, at the proven and highly successf ul Empower Network. Check out the f ree video at MLM Marketing Gems to get all the f acts. T hen you can make an inf ormed decision if the Empower Network is f or you