How to Generate New Leads for Multi Level Marketing /mlmmarketinggems/blog/how-to-generate-new-leads-f or-multi-level-marketing
How to Generate New Leads for Multi Level Marketing Whether new or experienced in MLM, the question of how to generate new leads for multi level marketing is ever present. T he purpose of this piece is not to analyze common methods such as co-registration, buying leads, making videos, Facebook, or any other workable approach f or the tech savvy or deep pockets marketer. Rather we’ll spend a f ew minutes revealing how to generate new leads f or multi-level marketing using a simple, newbie f riendly, proven and productive way. You can actually start today and produce leads on a continuous and targeted basis that are higher quality than most any method imaginable. If you don’t have a big budget and want an easy, do it yourself , method to generate new leads, this may be just what you are looking f or, For more years than I care to remember, I participated in and evaluated, lead generation programs across a variety of venues in my role as a marketing consultant, I discovered that the very best leads were the ones that you generated yourself . Better than leads that you purchased which may have been sold to up to 6 or more other MLMers. And better than leads which are untargeted to your purpose as the lead was not looking f or what I had to of f er . Better, indeed ! T he question is : How to Generate New Leads for Multi-Level Marketing by generating leasds yourself T here are 2 ways to do this that are historically tested, proven and ef f ective. Traditional Lead Generation Approach #1 - Prospects receive a personal invitation to a hotel or home opportunity meeting. A variation of this is an invite to a phone call with you and perhaps a 3 way call with an upline sponsor. T he point here is not what and where but the method of how to generate new leads for multi -level marketing. Many place classif ied ads in local newspapers, magazines, online sites
Many place classif ied ads in local newspapers, magazines, online sites such as Craigslist, Backpage and others…even Pennysaver, in the hope of eliciting a response that produces a live prospect or lead at a meeting or call that may produce a signup. For those who are not tech whizzes the prospect of how to generate new leads f or multi-level marketing using the internet may seem intimidating. T he mere thought of setting up a site, making f riends on Facebook, uploading this and that, trying to learn SEO and stay out of the grasp of Panda and other assorted, wild animal named Google updates, is migraine producing and rarely productive. But there is a way to become a powerf ul leader and even a teacher that others will f ollow, to learn how to generate new leads for multi-level marketing.
This is Ho w to G e ne rate Ne w Le ad s fo r Multi Le ve l Marke ting
T hat simple method #2 is to Generate Leads f or MLM by Blogging Posting content that provides inf ormation about your MLM or multilevel marketing program that is visible in search engine results is POWERFUL and EFFECT IVE. Why? .. it’s simple.. when you properly target your content on a highly ranked authority site, f olks that are searching f or exactly what you are discussing WILL FIND YOU. Discuss your MLM, describe the benef its, the products, the compensation plan the wonderf ul people who f ounded the company, the ethics of the way they do business…these are all topics that a potential new member of your downline would naturally be looking f or. T he Question is .. How Can You Get Your Blog Posts on an Authority Site to kickstart your ef f orts learning:
How to Generate New Leads f or Multi Level Marketing? T he hard way to get started would be to buy a domain name and setup a blog on WordPress. But f irst you would need to learn how to handle the technical aspects. Oh yes, you’ll need hosting and access to the hosting server to install the WordPress theme…then make any modif ications to the design to make the site your own. You’ll probably want to hire a graphic designer to make a header. T hen you’ll need to decide which plugins you will need to install to the WordPress platf orm. Next you’ll set about looking f or others who will provide a link or backlinks to your site. You need LOT S OF BACKLINKS. All this in an attempt to get the site indexed and in a respectable search engine position. If you are not a techie, you may want hire someone like I do to set up the blog, handle the backlink building, design work and other technical tasks. T his can be expensive…f rom several hundred to thousands of dollars, depending on who you hire and their level of expertise. T hankf ully, there is another way… and that is the point of our piece today on how to generate new leads for multi level marketing. T housands of people f rom all walks of lif e have taken advantage of the viral blogging , highly ranked authority
site that is known as T he Empower Network. In f act, according the f ounder it is: one of the top 450 most traf f icked websites in the WORLD (per o/ ). With that kind of clout to back you up, f or less than the price of a couple of movie tickets, you can start blogging to generate leads today. T here is no setup per se, no tech stuf f , it has massive backlinks in place and prof essional designs that have been tested and proven… and it’s all waiting f or you to make it your own. Once you do you’ll be able to talk to your target audience, and worry no longer about how to generate new leads for multi level marketing. Targeted prospects (leads) will be coming to you and you’ll be able to build your primary MLM business. BT W, if you choose, you can show your new recruits how to do exactly the same thing. Not only will you be growing your business but as an af f iliate, you may start earning money right away, taking away one of the biggest challenges to most new MLMers…how long bef ore I start making money? T he choice is yours.. you can use the services as a customer or be a customer and an af f iliate . It can happen sooner than you may have ever imagined… take a minute and see what can be accomplished with T he Empower Network and you’ll soon be laughing about the days when you worried about how to generate new leads f or multi level marketing.