Associate Director Oncology/Radiation Oncology MaxSuperSpecialtyHospital,Saket,NewDelhi Cancer.netSource:
Proton Therapy?
Protontherapy,alsocalledprotonbeam therapy,isatypeofradiationtherapy.It usesprotonsratherthanx-raystotreat cancer. Aprotonisapositivelychargedparticle. Athighenergy,protonscandestroy cancercells.Doctorsmayuseproton therapyalone.Theymayalsocombineit withx-rayradiationtherapy,surgery, chemotherapy,and/orimmunotherapy.
A machine called a synchrotron or cyclotron speeds up protons. The high speed of the protons creates high energy. This energy makes the protons travel to the desired depth in the body. The protons then give the targeted radiation dose in the tumor.
People usually receive proton therapy in an outpatient setting. This means they do not need to have treatment in the hospital. The number of treatment sessions depends on the type and stage of the cancer.
Proton therapy requires planning. Before treatment, you will have a specialized computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. During this scan, you will be in the exact same position as during treatment.
People receive proton therapy in a special treatment room. For each treatment, a member of the health care team will place the person into the device on the treatment table in the room.
In general, a proton radiation treatment lasts about 15 to 30 minutes, starting from the time you enter the treatment room. The time will depend on the part of the body being treated and the number of treatments. It will also depend on how easily the team can see the tumor site with x-rays or CT scans during the positioning process.
Lung cancer cancer
Central nervous system cancers, including chordoma, chondrosarcoma, & malignant meningioma
Head and neck cancers, including nasal cavity & paranasal sinus cancer and some nasopharyngeal cancers
Prostate cancer
Eye cancer, including uveal melanoma or choroidal melanoma
Spinal & pelvic sarcomas, which are cancers that occur in the softtissue & bone brain tumors
It may cause fewer and less severe side effects such as low blood counts, fatigue, and nausea during and after treatment.
Compared with x-ray radiation therapy, proton therapy has several benefits:
Usually, up to 60% less radiation can be delivered to the healthy tissues around the tumor. This lowers the risk of radiation damage to these tissues. It may allow for a higher radiation dose to the tumor. This increases the chances that all of the tumor cells targeted by the proton therapy will be destroyed.
There may be a higher risk of not giving a large enough dose when compared with x-rays in moving organs, such as the lung.
Proton therapy has been useful in treating certain cancers. But advanced x-ray treatments for other cancers have seen excellent results with a low risk of major side effects. For these tumors, clinical trials are needed to find out whether proton therapy is better than x-rays. This is important because of the higher cost of proton therapy.
Several ongoing clinical trials are comparing x-ray treatments to proton treatments. A clinical trial is a research study that involves people. These 2 treatments are being studied for several reasons:
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Is Proton Therapy a Magic o Proton Beam Therapy is not any magic. it doesn’t guarantee cure. It is not beneficial for It’s treatment cost is exorbitantly high. is very limited as if now know whether proton beam can be beneficial for or not. if ur case merits proton therapy or not. treatment
all cancers.
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Howyou Book Appointment? Consultationforcancersupportand treatment. @drdodulmondal Associate Director Oncology/Radiation Oncology Max Super Specialty Hospital, Saket, New Delhi oncologistdrdodulmondal.com +91-88601 02093 dodulmondal@gmail.com BookAppointment