Guru Nanak - A Prophet with a Scientific Attitude

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GURU NANAK – A PROPHET WITH A SCIENTIFIC ATTITUDE Dr. Devinder Pal Singh Center for Understanding Sikhism, Mississauga, ON, Canada

Scientific attitude – What is It? It is a way of looking at things :  with a spirit of critical and creative inquiry.  in their entirety and their objectivity.  willing to accept only carefully and objectively verified facts. It involves  the process of logical reasoning.  the ability to think objectively, logically and analytically.  the capacity that rids an individual of all kinds of prejudice.

Characteristics – (i) Curiosity or Inquisitiveness - the desire to learn. Objectivity- means gathering true observations and not hearsay. Free from personal prejudices or biases. Open-mindedness - ability to accept new ideas and information; adaptable and flexible. Perseverance -ability to continue work in spite of obstacles. Skepticism- questioning the validity and authenticity of something considered factual. Humility- being free from arrogance and false pride.

Characteristics – (ii) Knowledgeability : wisdom as evidenced by the possession of knowledge. Creativity: the use of the imagination or original ideas. Risk-taking: someone who risks loss or injury in the hope of gain. Intellectual honesty: honesty in the acquisition, analysis, and transmission of ideas. Ability to accept failure - Failing in one’s work means finding a new way to resolve a problem.


Scientific attitude leads us to truth.

Search for Truth (Spirit of critical and creative inquiry)

ੴ ਸਤਤ ਨਨਮਮ ਕਰਤਨ ਪਮਰਖਮ ਤਨਰਭਉ ਤਨਰਵਵਰਮ ਅਕਨਲ ਮਮਰਤਤ ਅਜਮਨਨ ਸਵਭਭ ਗਮਰ ਪਪਸਨਤਦ ॥ There is one God, Eternal Truth is its name; Creator, Fearless, at enmity with none, Timeless is His Image, Not begotten, Self-Existent, Enlightener, Gracious.(Mehl 1, p 1) ਭਇਆ ਤਦਵਨਨਨ ਸਨਹ ਕਨ ਨਨਨਕਮ ਬਉਰਨਨਨ ॥ ਹਉ ਹਤਰ ਤਬਨਮ ਅਵਰਮ ਨ ਜਨਨਨ ॥ Simpleton Nanak hath become mad upon the world, and knoweth none other than God. (Mehl 1, p 991) *Bein Nadi, 4 Udasis, naam-marg

Open-mindedness, Humility and Creativity

At Multan ď‚— There is always a place for holiness and goodness ď‚—

Knowledgeability and Creativity Triloki, 7 Akash-7 Patal, or 18000 worlds, 100,000 heavenly worlds. ਪਨਤਨਲਨ ਪਨਤਨਲ ਲਖ ਆਗਨਸਨ ਆਗਨਸ ॥ ਓੜਕ ਓੜਕ ਭਨਤਲ ਥਕਕ ਵਕਦ ਕਹਤਨ ਇਕ ਵਨਤ ॥ ਸਹਸ ਅਠਨਰਹ ਕਹਤਨ ਕਤਕਬਨ ਅਸਮਲਮ ਇਕਮ ਧਨਤਮ ॥ ਲਕ ਖਨ ਹਹਇ ਤ ਤਲਖਨਐ ਲਕ ਖਵ ਹਹਇ ਤਵਣਨਸਮ ॥ There are numerous nether worlds, and hundreds thousands of heavenly worlds. The Vedas say you can keep on searching, until you get tired. The Semitic scriptures say that there are 18,000 worlds, but in reality, there is only One Truth. If a count is feasible, then one can try to write it, but in reality it is countless. (Mehl 1, p 5) ਕਕਤਕ ਇਭਦ ਚਭਦ ਸਮਰ ਕਕਤਕ ਕਕਤਕ ਮਭਡਲ ਦਕਸ ॥ Countless Indras, moons and suns, Countless Solar systems and worlds. (Mehl 1, p 7)

Keen Observer

ਦਮ ਨਨਆ ਸਨਗਰਮ ਦਮ ਤਰਮ ਕਹਨਐ ਤਕਉ ਕਤਰ ਪਨਈਐ ਪਨਰਹ॥ The world-ocean is treacherous and impassable; how can one cross over? (Mehl 1, Sidh Gosht, p 938) ਜਵਸ ਕ ਜਲ ਮਤਹ ਕਮਲਮ ਤਨਰਨਲਮਮ ਮਮਰ ਗਨਈ ਨਵ ਸਨਣਕ ॥ ਸਮਰ ਤਤ ਸਬਤਦ ਭਵ ਸਨਗਰਮ ਤਰਨਐ ਨਨਨਕ ਨਨਮਮ ਵਖਨਣਕ ॥ As a lotus flower in the water remains dry, as also a waterfowl in the stream, So, with one's consciousness focused on the Word (Sabd), one crosses over the terrifying world-ocean, said Nanak.(Mehl 1, Sidh Gosht, p 938)

Advocating Universal Egalitarianism ਸਭਮ ਕਹ ਊਚਨ ਆਖਨਐ ਨਨਚਮ ਨ ਦਨਸਵ ਕਹਇ ॥ ਇਕਨਵ ਭਨਭਡਕ ਸਨਤਜਐ ਇਕਮ ਚਨਨਣਮ ਤਤਹਮ ਲਹ ਇ ॥ Call every one high, none is low, The only potter (One Lord) had fashioned all alike. And his light pervades all creation.(Mehl 1, p 62) *langar, pangat, sangat

Myth Refuted In 1507, Solar Eclipse, Kurukshetra Rahu-Ketu Myth refuted ਚਭਦਮ ਸਮਰਜਮ ਦਮ ਇ ਦਨਪਕ ਰਨਖਕ ਸਤਸ ਘਤਰ ਸਮਰਮ ਸਮਨਇਦਨ ॥ The Lord placed the two lamps, the sun and the moon; the sun merges in the house of the moon. (Mehl 1, p 1033) ਜਮਤਠ ਨ ਚਭਦ ਸਮਰਜ ਕਨ ਭਕਦਨ ॥ Impurity does not come from the phases of the sun and the moon.(Mehl 1, p 1240)

Exposing Taboos and Shams Kurukshetra, Solar Eclipse, Cooking Food (meat) ਗਗਡਨ ਮਨਤਰ ਹਹਮ ਜਗ ਕਨਏ ਦਕਵਤਤਆ ਕਨ ਬਨਣਕ ॥ ਮਨਸਮ ਛਹਤਡ ਬਵਤਸ ਨਕਮ ਪਕੜਤਹ ਰਨਤਨ ਮਨਣਸ ਖਨਣਕ ॥ It was the custom of gods to kill the rhinoceros, roast them and feast upon them. They who forswear flesh, and hold their noses when sitting near it, devour men at night. (Mehl 1, p 1289) ਮਨਸਮ ਪਮਰਨਣਨ ਮਨਸਮ ਕਤਕਬਨ ਚਹਮ ਜਮਤਗ ਮਨਸਮ ਕਮਨਣਨ ॥ ਜਤਜ ਕਨਤਜ ਵਨਆਤਹ ਸਮਹਨਵਵ ਓਥਵ ਮਨਸਮ ਸਮਨਣਨ ॥ Flesh is allowed in the Puranas, Flesh is allowed in the books of the Muslims; flesh hath been used in the four ages. Flesh adorneth sacrifice and marriage functions; flesh hath always been associated with them. (Mehl 1, p 1290) ਮਨਸਮ ਮਨਸਮ ਕਤਰ ਮਮਰਖਮ ਝਗੜਕ ਤਗਆਨਮ ਤਧਆਨਮ ਨਹਨ ਜਨਣਵ ॥ ਕਉਣਮ ਮਨਸਮ ਕਉਣਮ ਸਨਗਮ ਕਹਨਵਵ ਤਕਸਮ ਮਤਹ ਪਨਪ ਸਮਨਣਕ ॥ Fools wrangle about flesh, but they know nothing about meditation and spiritual wisdom. They know not what is flesh, or what is vegetable or in what sin consisteth. (Mehl 1, p 1289)

Debunking - Futile Rituals

Haridwar Visit

Confronting - Vain Practices

At Puri ਆਭਟ ਸਕਤਨ ਨਨਕਮ ਪਕੜਤਹ ਸਮਝਤਕ ਤਤਤਨ ਲਹ ਅ ॥ ਮਗਰ ਪਨਛਵ ਕਛਮ ਨ ਸਮਝਵ ਏਹਮ ਪਦਮਮ ਅਲਹ ਅ ॥ You close off your nostrils with your fingers, and claim to see the three worlds. But you cannot even see what is behind you. It is a thing of wonder. (Mehl 1, p. 662-63)

Censuring – Dogmas ਦਇਆ ਕਪਨਹ ਸਭਤ ਹਖ ਮ ਸਮਤਮ ਜਤਮ ਗਭਢ ਨ ਸਤਮ ਵਟਮ ॥ ਏਹਮ ਜਨਕ ਊ ਜਨਅ ਕਨ ਹਈ ਤ ਪਨਡਕ ਘਤਮ ॥ ਨਨ ਏਹਮ ਤਮ ਟਵ ਨ ਮਲਮ ਲਗਵ ਨਨ ਏਹਮ ਜਲਵ ਨ ਜਨਇ ॥ Out of the cotton of compassion, Spin the thread of contentment, Tie the knot of continence, Give it the twist of virtues; Make such a sacred thread, O Pandit, for your innerself. Such a thread will not break, Nor get soiled, be burnt or be lost. (Mehl 1, p 471)

Challenging Superstitious Customs ਜਕ ਕਤਰ ਸਮਤਕਮ ਮਭਨਨਐ ਸਭ ਤਵ ਸਮਤਕਮ ਹਹਇ ॥ ਗਹਹਕ ਅਤਵ ਲਕੜਨ ਅਭਦਤਰ ਕਨੜਨ ਹਹਇ ॥ ਜਕਤਕ ਦਨਣਕ ਅਭਨ ਕਕ ਜਨਆ ਬਨਝਮ ਨ ਕਹਇ ॥ ਪਤਹਲਨ ਪਨਣਨ ਜਨਉ ਹਵ ਤਜਤਮ ਹਤਰਆ ਸਭਮ ਕਹਇ ॥ ਸਮਤਕਮ ਤਕਉ ਕਤਰ ਰਖਨਐ ਸਮਤਕਮ ਪਵਵ ਰਸਹਇ ॥ ਨਨਨਕ ਸਮਤਕਮ ਏਵ ਨ ਉਤਰਵ ਤਗਆਨਮ ਉਤਨਰਕ ਧਹਇ ॥

If we admit the idea of impurity by birth or death, impurity will be found in everything. There are worms in dung and wood; there is no grain of corn without life. Water is the primary element of life, by which everything is made fresh and green. How can we keep away this impurity? It will enter into our kitchens. Nanak, we cannot remove impurity in this way; it can be washed away by true knowledge. (Mehl 1, p 472)

Denouncing Stereotypes ਭਭਤਡ ਜਭਮਨਐ ਭਭਤਡ ਤਨਭਮਨਐ ਭਭਤਡ ਮਭਗਣਮ ਵਨਆਹਮ ॥ ਭਭਡਹਮ ਹਹਵਵ ਦਹਸਤਨ ਭਭਡਹਮ ਚਲਵ ਰਨਹਮ ॥ ਭਭਡਮ ਮਮਆ ਭਭਡਮ ਭਨਲਨਐ ਭਭਤਡ ਹਹਵਵ ਬਭਧਨਨਮ ॥ ਸਹ ਤਕਉ ਮਭਦਨ ਆਖਨਐ ਤਜਤਮ ਜਭਮਤਹ ਰਨਜਨਨ ॥ ਭਭਡਹਮ ਹਨ ਭਭਡਮ ਊਪਜਵ ਭਭਡਵ ਬਨਝਮ ਨ ਕਹਇ ॥ ਨਨਨਕ ਭਭਡਵ ਬਨਹਰਨ ਏਕਹ ਸਚਨ ਸਹਇ ॥

It is by woman, the condemned one, that we are conceived, and from her that we are born; it is with her that we are betrothed and married. It is woman we befriend and she who keeps the race going. When one woman dies, another is sought for; and it is with her that we get established in the society. Why should we call her evil from whom great men are born? It is also from the woman that woman are born; there is nobody who is not born of woman. Nanak, only the one true God is independent of woman’ (Mehl 1, p. 473).

Objectivity, Risk-taking, Intellectual honesty

Sheikh Sajjan nee Sajjan Thug (Talumbha, in Multan District of Pakistan). ਉਜਲਮ ਕਵਹ ਨ ਤਚਲਕਣਨ ਘਹਤ ਟਮ ਕਨਲੜਨ ਮਸਮ ॥ ਧਹਤ ਤਆ ਜਮਤ ਠ ਨ ਉਤਰਵ ਜਕ ਸਉ ਧਹਵ ਨ ਤਤਸਮ ॥੧ ॥ ਸਜਣ ਸਕਈ ਨਨਤਲ ਮਵ ਚਲਤਦਆ ਨਨਤਲ ਚਲਭਤ ਨਨਨ ॥ ਤਜਥਵ ਲਕ ਖਨ ਮਭਗ ਨਐ ਤਤਥਵ ਖੜਕ ਤਦਸਭਤ ਨ ॥੧ ॥ ਰਹਨਉ ॥ Bronze is bright and shiny, but when it is rubbed, its blackness appears. Washing it, its impurity is not removed, even if it is washed a hundred times. They alone are my friends, who travel along with me; and in that place, where the accounts are called for, they appear standing with me. ||Pause|| ਬਗਨ ਬਗਕ ਕਪੜਕ ਤਨਰਥ ਮਭਤਝ ਵਸਭਤਨਨਨ ॥ ਘਮਤਟ ਘਮਤਟ ਜਨਆ ਖਨਵਣਕ ਬਗਕ ਨਨ ਕਹਨਅਤਨਨਨ ॥ The herons in their white feathers dwell in the sacred shrines of pilgrimage. They tear apart and eat the living beings, and so they are not called white. ਚਨਕਰਨਆ ਚਭਤਗਆਈਆ ਅਵਰ ਤਸਆਣਪ ਤਕਤਮ ॥ ਨਨਨਕ ਨਨਮਮ ਸਮਨਤਲ ਤਮ ਭ ਬਧਨ ਛਮ ਟਤਹ ਤਜਤਮ ॥ What good does it do to serve, and be good, and be clever? O Nanak, contemplate the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and you shall be released from bondage. (Mehl 1, p 729)

Conclusion Guru Nanak’s life is full of such examples, which confirm his critical thought, intellectual attitude and revolt against despotic authority. Thus Guru Nanak exhibited a scientific spirit in his spiritual life as well as in his dealings with the world.

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