Developing Cultural Agility In Students, Staff & Faculty Program Guide 2019-2020 ▪ Advising and Teaching with Cultural Empathy ▪ Tea ming with Cultura l A gility ▪ Interna tio na l Student S ucces s ▪ Des ign Cons ulting for Community Inclus ion a nd Belonging
CONTENTS Welcome …………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………..……3 Our Mission ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4 Priority Strategies for 2019-20………………………………………………………………………………………..5
Our Programs Advising and Teaching with Cultural Empathy Cultural Agility Training for Advisors……..……………………………………………………9 Life Journey Sharing – Dialogue Skills that Build Trust ………………………………10 Faculty Teaching International Students – Making a Pedagogical Shift……..11 Teaming with Cultural Agility Building Cross-Cultural Team Collaboration………………………………………………13 Building Team Trust with Life Journey Storytelling.…………………………………..14
International Student Success Workshops for International Students………………………………………………………16 Networking Books and Videos………………………………………………………………..…19 Video Tutorial Library ……………………………………………………………………………….20 One-on-One Online Coaching ……………………………………………………………………21 Program Development for Inclusion and Belonging………………………………………………………23 Questions and Inquiries ……………………………………………………………………………………………….24
Welcome to our 2019–2020 Guide
For all of us who support international students, we know firsthand, how much more anxious international students feel being in the United States. What is clear is that international students need more support than ever to feel secure and a sense of inclusion and belonging. Most importantly, they need support and training so they can effectively participate in their new environment. At Dreambridge Partners our goal is to open all of your students’ minds through education and help them to be their best selves and global citizens. More broadly, we aim to create inclusive communities where staff and faculty build their capacity for cultural agility. Students from Asia, Latin America and the Middle East dominate university International student populations. Their performance and satisfaction are critical to university programs and their success. We’ve found cultural difference to be the leading cause of student performance and campus integration challenges. Career mobility and success is the number one reason students come to the United States so their inability to make progress and achieve success is a leading cause of student dissatisfaction. As international student numbers increase, stress is evident among International students, domestic students, staff, and faculty alike. Our aim is to improve performance and satisfaction for all constituencies of the university. Our diverse teaching modalities and design consulting on international student programming have been proven to be highly effective and impactful across many U.S. campuses. We look forward to partnering with you towards advancing your students’ Best Self and your school community’s Cultural and Interconnected Agility.
OUR MISSION & APPROACH Our Mission Catalyze leaders of all backgrounds to own the genius of their Best Self and help universities and workplaces build an ecosystem that allows all individuals to feel a true sense of Belonging and thus, thrive.
Our Approach Achieving our mission is about helping individuals know themselves deeply, so they can consciously collaborate with others in empathy and mutuality, especially with others who are visibly different from them.
InterConnected Agility™
Best Self
BELONGING – Belonging, created through trusted and meaningful human connection, is a fundamental human need (Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs). However with the pervasiveness of social media (transactional -- engenders loneliness), one’s ability to experience authentic belonging in communities must be be consciously created. Belonging is critical, not only to effectiveness at school and work, but to one’s mental health and overall wellness. 4
BEST SELF – Americans are expected to change jobs 10-15 times and have 5-7 careers. As market needs and job roles change rapidly, students must know their passions and core assets to effectively target jobs, communicate transferable skills and perform well, in order to have a satisfying and sustainable career.
CULTURE - As students work in diverse workplaces (global, gender, race and other identities) they must have awareness of Self and Others in order to quickly assess and effectively operate in different cultural norms while also effectively collaborating with people who are different from them. Recruiters continually site soft skills as the leading skill they seek among business school graduates.
PRIORITY STRATEGIES TO APPLY IN 2019-20 At Dreambridge Partners, we know that universities are under increasing pressure to maintain student satisfaction and show return on investment for their students. This is an increasingly difficult challenge with respect to international students because of their cultural challenges and lofty expectations.
We pride ourselves on getting to know each school we work with and to understand their students and particular campus culture. With our Design Consulting approach, we customize programs that are targeted and holistic, and most importantly produce demonstrable results. As we head into the new academic year, there are four key areas we encourage you to consider. •
Advising and Teaching with Cultural Empathy • International students rank Career Services and International Student Services offices as some of the most important departments on campus. Understanding the international student perspective and their cultural norms is key to increased levels of engagement and satisfaction.
Teaming with Cultural Agility • Understanding cultural preferences and how individual preferences impact and affect team dynamics is key to success academically and professionally. This programming helps all students build awareness, improve interpersonal communications and ultimately their impact.
International Student Success • International students need help transitioning from home culture to American university life to career. Our systematic coaching program to support international students achieve career goals is a step-by-step deep dive into mastering a US job search that is fraught with additional challenges and hurdles.
Design Consulting for Community Inclusion and Belonging • A sense of isolation and aloneness is not unusual for international students. These students yearn to belong to their school community but many lack knowledge and cross-cultural skills. Universities that understand the unique needs and expectations of international students can improve student satisfaction, retention, and success.
The depth and breadth of our work is significant. We have extensive experience creating supportive programs that increase student engagement and satisfaction as well as impacting career outcomes. We work closely with our university clients to design and deliver purposeful solutions that align with their organizational goals.
Introducing Our New Team Members James Morrison Vice President of Academic Institutions and Student Programs Dreambridge Partners is thrilled to welcome James to our team! James is a Senior Global Education Executive with almost 20 years of experience in program innovation and management with an outstanding track-record of building programs from the ground up. James formerly served as Consul of Ireland to New England and previously worked for EF Education First, holding a number of senior roles including Director of Career Services for Hult International Business School. Under his management, James managed career services across the global campus network in Boston, London, Dubai, Shanghai and San Francisco. Most recently James worked with Shorelight Education where he created and managed a career development and training program exclusively for international students. In three years, his program expansion went from six to seventeen partnerships. "I love the world of international education. Working in a role that enables me to support students directly or the people who support them is such a privilege. When you see students at the end of the journey and the transformation they have undergone, it leaves me with a wonderful sense of satisfaction and positivity to know that we can, and do, help these young men and women, become more globally minded citizens. I look forward to working with you all".
Our Team of University Coaches Our team has expanded to include experienced and proven coaches who have extensive experience working with international students in career and student support. We’re here to support University Clients during crunch-times when high-volume coaching is needed for international students. This typically occurs during Pre-Arrival, Job Search Pitch Development and Interview Prep when individual one-on-one coaching is critical. Our online coaches are experienced and empathetic experts who know how to quickly pinpoint a student’s blocking issue while develop trusting relationships with them to offer targeted support and demonstrable results.
Our Programs
Advising and Teaching with Cultural Empathy
It was such a tremendous session. I wish it was longer‌ I am so appreciative for this session before I enter my new role as an advisor. One of the most useful sessions I've been to‌ amazing speaker. I look forward to more workshops with Judy. I really appreciated her advice on how to support students in advising those are lessons that will be helpful for all students, not just international students.
CULTURAL AGILITY TRAINING FOR ADVISING EFFECTIVENESS Coaching International students requires advisors to perceive, respond, and coach differently than when coaching American students. International students are different in their interpersonal engagement styles and communication norms. Their difference stems from cultural norms that can very greatly from that of Americans. It’s shown that advisors who understand “why” international students act the way they do are more effective in adapting their coaching style to fit the needs of international students, resulting in students who trust more, engage more deeply, and succeed more.
What is Covered • Comparisons of cultural preferences between the US and countries with the highest number of international students in the US. • How cultural preferences affect advising approaches and protocols • How cultural agility impacts student utilization and trust of advisors • How an advisor’s coaching style needs to shift to build international students’ trust and rapport, a quid-pro-quo for coaching effectiveness • Introduction of Cultural Coaching 5-Steps for Coaching Session Effectiveness • Experiential role play (as time allows)
Format ✲ 3 Hours — mix of lecture, discussion and role play ✲ Audience size – maximum 75
FEE $6,850 + travel, lodging & meals
LIFE JOURNEY STORY SHARING – DIALOGUE SKILLS THAT BUILD COACHING TRUST Sharing stories about our life journeys builds bridges with international students, who seek to build relationships before engaging in the transactional aspects of advising. The practice of story sharing develops empathy and vulnerability, critical dialogue skills for effective advising. Story sharing develops advising skills such as Empathetic Listening, Non-Verbal Perception and Reflective Silence. International students tend to open up to advisors/coaches when they feel safe and truly seen and heard. Given many international students defer to hierarchy, and want to avoid losing face, being straightforward in advising sessions can be very challenging for them. An advisor’s capacity to build trust by reading non-verbal cues or by understanding implicit communications are vital for effective advising.
What is Covered • Experience the powerful effects of Sharing our Personal Journeys/Stories • Group exercise in Sharing Personal Journeys/Stories • Experiential skill building: Empathetic Listening, Non-Verbal Perception, and Reflective Silence • Strategies to apply these skills to student coaching/advising
Format ✲ 3 Hours — mix of lecture, discussion and role play ✲ Audience size – maximum 24 persons
FEE $6,850 + travel, lodging & meals
FACULTY TEACHING INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS – MAKING A PEDAGOGICAL SHIFT As international students account for an increasingly large population in graduate programs across the US, faculty members are noting the dramatic shifts in classroom dynamics. This is particularly true in programs where international students from Asia dominate the student population. Faculty note decreased class participation and increased intra-team challenges between international and American students. Indeed, a faculty member’s ability to adapt pedagogy to various cultural learning styles results in improved teaching effectiveness and student engagement.
What is Covered • How students’ cultural values and norms affect their learning, engagement and expectations of the learning experience • Strategies to address cultural and demographic shifts in classrooms/learning teams • Discussion of international students’ home cultures and how that affects classroom behaviors • Practical Strategies to address high frequency challenges experienced by faculty members
Format ✲ 2 Hours — mix of lecture, discussion and role play ✲ Audience size – maximum 24 persons
FEE $6,850 + travel, lodging & meals
Teaming with Cultural Agility
Challenged me to reflect. Helped me understand why other cultures differ from my own. Great content! Opening up and sharing in the small groups created an immediate environment of trust and connectedness.
– Washington University, St. Louis, Olin Business School
– Washington University, St. Louis, Olin Business School I found talking to international students in a group very helpful, it was important to get to know their cultural expectations before beginning to work with [them]. – University of Pittsburg, Katz School of Business
BUILDING CROSS-CULTURAL TEAM COLLABORATION With the cultural diversity of student populations, understanding cultural preferences and knowing how to code-switch can positively affect team communications, decision-making, and belonging for members of the Learning Team. Cultural norms (defined as behaviors stemming from the history and values of the people of a geography) affect critical team factors such as decision-making, conflict communications/management, and inclusion. Cross-cultural education helps all students build selfawareness, improve team communications and trust.
What is Covered • Understanding cross-global cultural preferences and how that affects team collaboration • Assessment to identify one’s cultural preferences • Through case studies, experientially learn the effects of culture on team dynamics, communications and collaboration
Format ✲ 3 Hours — mix of lecture, discussion and role play ✲ Audience size – maximum 75 persons
FEE $6,850 + travel, lodging & meals
“STORIES OF US” - BUILDING TEAM TRUST WITH LIFE JOURNEY STORYTELLING One of the factors that builds trust in teams is learning about each other’s personal journey and history. The unmasking of the “resume self” to reveal pivotal life moments allows each member to be a more authentic version of self. Such intimate knowledge of each other builds one’s accountability to team members. Moreover, many international students come from relational cultures where building interpersonal trust is the starting point to team effectiveness.
What is Covered • Facilitated sharing of life stories in small groups/learning teams • Translates story-sharing to building relational trust in teams • Building emotional intelligence (empathy, self-awareness) for others • Strengthen team members’ authenticity and responsibility for each other
Format ✲ 3 Hours — mix of lecture, discussion and role play ✲ Audience size – maximum 75 persons
FEE $6,850 + travel, lodging & meals
International Student Success
It was the perfect beginning of the career development and coaching process. – Southern Methodist University, Cox School of Business [I am going to] speak out more and interact more with everyone‌ -Boston University Questrom School of Business [I learned to] be more critical of my story and make it more impactful and unique for a recruiter.
- Rochester University, Simon Business School
BUILDING BLOCKS FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENT JOB SEARCH SUCCESS Our step-by-step “Building Block” programs utilize precise cultural decoding to develop critical skills for International student market readiness.
“BUILDING BLOCKS” WORKSHOPS FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS International students need an explicit road map to develop communication and social skills vital for their confidence and success. Each workshop topic corresponds to a “Building Blocks” Student Readiness Phase as illustrated on page 16.
Adapting to U.S. Culture For international students, the key to acculturation success is understanding critical American values of individualism and personal expression – values that can differ widely from other world cultures. This session explains how these values show up in academic, social and job search realms in the United States and addresses what students need to do to succeed, including interactive role playing. (Phase – Understanding Norms)
Personal StorySelling with Small Talk Telling personal stories in public is not a norm in many cultures, but is a “must have” social and professional skill in the U.S. This workshop helps students learn and practice the fundamentals of American small talk: developing personal stories, keeping a conversation going, entering and leaving conversations. (Phase – Developing Stories)
Career StorySelling StorySelling is about developing the most compelling stories and knowing how to convey them most effectively in the setting of networking and interviewing. Applying American marketing concepts of customer needs and key selling points, this workshop helps students build a unique and relevant “core story” for their job search, debunking the myth that superior grades are the pathway to U.S. jobs. (Phase – Developing Stories)
The 5 Questions You Must Master for Interviews and Networking Students build on their core career story (their pitch) to create compelling and authentic “Proof Stories” essential for job search conversations. This workshop unpacks the critical factors to successfully answer the “5 key questions” including the intent of interviewers, a templated framework for response and live practice with feedback. (Phase – Practice Interactions) 17
“BUILDING BLOCKS” WORKSHOPS FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS - continued Navigating Large Event Networking Career fairs, on-campus company visits and speaker forums are International students’ first introduction to American job search networking. It can be daunting. Most cultures do not network like Americans. Key elements of group networking will be addressed, such as conducting pre-event research, having clear goals for events, learning how to start, engaging and leaving group conversations and following up with contacts after the event. (Phase – Practice Interactions)
One-on-One Networking The most impactful networking occurs one-on-one. For International students, however, promoting oneself to individuals in positions of authority is simply not done. Many have never even conversed with senior-level individuals. This session focuses on how to: Make contact, navigate the 4 phases of a networking conversation, engage socially, showcase qualifications and interest, ask strategic questions during the conversation, and follow up after the meeting. One-on-one networking is, without a doubt, the most difficult and challenging job search skill for International students to develop and master. (Phase – Practice Interactions)
Teaching Options
One Day On-Campus Visit Up to 2 workshops (1.5 – 3 hours each).
Daily rate $6,850
“Building Blocks Series” – Multiple On-Campus Visits This approach delivers an “integrated continuum” of cultural learning that has proven highly effective for students.
2 days: $13,000 3 days: $16,500
*Fee does not include travel, lodging, and meals
NETWORKING BOOK AND VIDEOS Networking is a difficult skill to master, especially for non-Americans. Equipped with the context, frameworks and live practice, International students gain the tools to network with confidence.
Networking Readiness – Building Confidence and Storytelling Skills In the U.S., 70% of jobs come from networking. Networking is a critical skill to develop if students are serious about finding a job in the U.S. The cultural aspects of networking present a unique challenge for International students, particularly those whose cultures frown upon self-promotion. Therefore, students need to possess a firm grasp of the “what” and “why” of networking before they can perfect the “how”.
Judy’s How to Network Like an American book
Judy’s book is a comprehensive, yet simple, step-by-step guide that provides a deeper understanding of networking, including sample emails, networking conversations, cultural do’s and don’ts. Here’s what one student had to say: “The biggest difference between Judy’s book from others is telling you what you should write.. what you should say… I revised my pitch… I put my story into invitation emails… I made phone calls… I got an interview… I realized how useful networking is! – Olivia Fu
Networking Readiness Bundle: Book and Video Learning Package The complete set of networking tools: • Bulk book purchases (100+ copies).** • Complimentary videos included Our 13 networking videos walk students through the entire networking process, from cultural concepts to implementation. 19
Fee For 100 books: $2,000 **Orders of 100 or more books receive a 20% discount
VIDEO TUTORIAL LIBRARY An at-your-fingertips “how-to” reference that addresses critical cultural nuances that affect success.
Basic Foundational Topics Our Dreambridge Learning website features these videos for free to anyone who wishes to view, share, teach, or advise with them! Go to to access them – right on the home page. The videos are grouped by topic: • •
U.S. Culture Academics in the U.S
• •
Small Talk Job Search Success
Premium / Fee-Based Topic: Networking Networking is one of the most critical skills to master for job search success. Our videos address vital phases of the networking process. These videos, 13 in all, comprise the bulk of our Networking Video Series. The series is available as part of the Networking Readiness Bundle (see page 19).
I have sat through several of Judy Shen-Filerman’s presentations at various career conferences, and her video presentations mirror her in-person delivery In every respect: insightful, empathetic, informative and inspiring. Goizueta Business School, Emory University
I think those [videos] are really good. They help me not only understand several aspects of American life, but also increase my confidence. Y. Cui, Student
ONE-ON-ONE ONLINE COACHING We recognize that students optimize service supports at certain times in a school calendar when demand often exceeds supply. Providing students with the individualized feedback at these peak times gives them the coaching needed to overcome their current challenges. Our qualified coaches understand international students and help address their needs immediately. More importantly, they help your students understand how every university experience and external opportunity supports their overall development. Additional coaching for international students supports: • • •
Peak volume times when students need help to successfully participate in university events Student engagement and retention; evidence of support and care drives student satisfaction Personal development and career development for students to help them build Relationships, Skills, Experiences and Brand
We offer a personalized service to all our clients and work to create a strategic and customized program to suit your budget.
Suggested Situations for Engaging Our Online Coaches • Pre-Arrival Welcome and Preparation
• Pitch development and feedback that require individual attention • Students who are struggling / under stress and need special attention • Just-in-time coach staffing for high crunch time including on campus networking and recruiting events and external professional association career fairs and conferences.
Engagement Formats
✲ Hourly
✲ Program Engagement
Customized package
Program Development for Inclusion and Belonging
INTERNATIONAL STUDENT PROGRAM DESIGN American universities have a unique opportunity to help International students have a positive, memorable, once-in-a-lifetime experience that engenders long-term ties with the university. As the cultural breadth of the student population grows, this is also causing greater differences in preferences and norms that affect teamwork, relationships and effectiveness. Learning teams can no longer “assume� a default modus operandi. Instead team norms need to be negotiated, so that all team members believe their values, thinking, and behaviors are respected and recognized. Such an outcome requires a new level of understanding about cultural preferences and norms (international), as well as categories of social identity (American). Our Inclusion and Belonging frameworks allow students to develop new cognitive strategies and emotional empathy in order to operate more efficiently in their Learning Teams. We know that the #1 reason international students come to the United States is to advance their career opportunities. We work with universities to create programming that supports the individual needs of their students while also delivering at scale. Our student program design reflects that individuality, helps students develop and activate a career plan.
International Student Program Design Our consulting service helps universities address multiple aspects of an International student’s experience. We provide: 1. Assessment of your current programs 2. A framework for effective International student support
3. Strategies, such as programming and training, to address critical needs A strategic design supports international student retention and engagement with university life so they leave their university experience as successful graduates, with confidence and satisfaction, and as engaged alumnae.
FEE Fee varies depending on engagement breadth, depth, and duration
QUESTIONS AND INQUIRIES For more information, please contact: James Morrison Vice President Academic Institutions and Student Programs Office: 617-395-9232 x103 Cell: 617-308-4241 Email:
Our programs can be adapted and customized to fit your goals and audience
We look forward to partnering with you.