DBP Spring 2018 Student Program Guide

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International Student Success & Building Belonging Across Difference S PR IN G 2018

Welcome to the Spring Guide for Students Cultural awareness and fluency are critical for effective job search and career growth. Cross-cultural agility, across nationalities, races, religions or genders is a critical skill for everyone in the academic community and for students who aspire to be global leaders.

Three Competencies to Develop


1. TACTICAL NETWORKING STRATEGIES FOR STUDENTS — Networking has always been important. Today it’s vital. International students

How to Network Like an American

need to “do the ask” in the Spring, but how? In this program guide, I offer multiple approaches for schools to build this important skill (A Networking Toolbox and Turnkey Advisor-led Program).


Judy Shen-Filerman Harvard MBA, Career Expert

UNCONSCIOUS BIAS Judging others is baked into all human beings. Judging others without consciousness and personal responsibility, however, can create misunderstanding, conflict and division, that are avoidable. Students can learn how Implicit/Unconscious Bias resides in all of us, how it affects our interpersonal effectiveness and leadership potential.

3. DIALOGUE – A TOOL FOR DEVELOPING MUTUALITY ACROSS DIFFERENCE Difference tends to repel people. That’s a reality. Being with people who are different from us stirs up feelings of unfamiliarity and discomfort, causing us to remain separate. Dialogue, a facilitated conversation that aims to build mutual understanding through non-judgmental curiosity is vital for connection and community. We all need to do a better job listening to each other.


Photos on cover ©Adobe Stock


How to Network Like an American

International students consistently seek specific guidance -- how to make contact, what to write, how to follow up. I designed my book & videos to address students’ anxieties and build confidence that enables action Judy Shen-Filerm an Harvard MBA,

Career Expert


THE BOOK: How to Network Like an American My book is comprehensive, yet simple. It breaks down key steps, advises on cultural do’s and don’t’s and provides writing and conversation samples. Students have given heartwarming, positive feedback about its practicality and ease-to-implement. The biggest difference between Judy's book from others is telling you what you should write...what you should say...I revised my pitch...I put my story into invitation emails...I made phone calls...I got an interview...I realized how useful networking is! – OLIVIA FU


20% off

*Bulk Volume Discount on book purchases (100+ copies) VIDEO SERIES on Networking These videos decode cultural expectations in the networking process, from storyselling, attention-getting emails, to conversation how’s and follow-up. (To view complete list of topics, go to http://www.dreambridgepartners.com/how-to-network-like-an-american/ )


NETWORKING TOOLBOX Buy the complete set of networking tools: With a bulk volume book order (100+ copies), the Networking Video Series is added free of charge, to create a networking toolbox.

FREE (videos)

*Subscription through 6/30/2018


TURNKEY NETWORKING CURRICULUM FOR ADVISORS 6-WEEK ADVISOR-LED SMALL GROUP PROGRAM This turnkey program makes it easy for advisors to implement networking skill building for students - Weekly learning objectives - Reading and Video Assignments - Student Exercises Designed to help students build confidence through small group learning and personal attention.





Do You Have a Persuasive Story?

Refine your career story based on your industry and position


Do You Have the Right Contacts?

Find contacts – where to look and what to look for


Are You Reaching Out Appropriately?

Learn appropriate protocol to make contact with potential contacts


Making a Personal Connection When You Meet/Talk

Learn how to engage contacts socially and professionally at the start of the conversation


How to Keep the Conversation Engaging

Learn how to navigate conversations and sell yourself


Maintaining the Relationship and Doing the ‘Ask’

Learn how to stay in touch and ask for a position when the time is right

Ready-Set-Go Curriculum 1) Weekly Lesson & Objectives 2) Reading & Video Assignments 3) Student Exercises

Curriculum Elements ✲ Fee covers access to lesson plans and online videos through June 2018 ✲ 50 Books Included. Additional books discounted 20% ($20/book) 4



BUILD CROSS-CULTURAL LEADERSHIP BY UNDERSTANDING UNCONSCIOUS BIAS Judging others is baked into all human beings. Judging others without consciousness and personal responsibility, however, can create misunderstanding, conflict and division that are avoidable. Your students engage in a world filled with difference, whether across race, gender, religion or nationality. To be effective leaders, students need to know they exercise unconscious assumptions about others that can be unproductive, limiting their potential. With awareness and curiosity, students can build mutuality and engagement, toward shared effectiveness.

Overview As student populations get ever more diverse and global, differences in norms and expectations are to be expected. Student social grouping, effective discussion and dialogue are influenced by their judgment of others and their openness to engage with people who are different. Exploring our natural tendency to judge others is at the root of Implicit/Unconscious Bias Training. This workshop starts with establishing the reality that we all have Implicit Bias and encourages each of us to become more aware and conscious of our preferences so we can choose to engage with others more empathetically and effectively.

What is Covered • Defining Implicit/Unconscious Bias and its applicabilty across race, gender, religion, nationalities • Addressing Implicit/Unconscious Bias and its impact on individuals and the community • How students can build awareness of their judgement and employ practical strategies for engagement • Discussion and dialogue using case studies, personal experiences, inquiry process

Format ✲ 3 Hours — mix of lecture, discussion and role play ✲ Additional $60/person for individual cultural preference assessment


FEE $6,500 + travel, lodging & meals

DIALOGUE – A TOOL TO BUILD STUDENT COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT & INCLUSION Student leaders on campus have among the greatest influence in the community. Student leaders can build their connection to clubs and students with whom they’re unfamiliar. Campus inclusion and belonging requires students to take the lead to engage in meaningful conversations, across differences. Student leaders, who have high community impact, is a core population to start the process of Dialogue and Understanding.

Overview Student populations are ever more diverse and global. However, they’re not connecting. My research shows students (like all adults) will “stay with their own” unless facilitated to connect. This 1-2 day Dialogue Program catalyzes students to understand each other and converse in a meaningful way, connecting them beyond the “resume self.” Participating students have noted a much closer kinship to their classmates after this experience, even for those who already had known a student before the dialogue group.

What is Covered Understanding • Why Dialogue and Understanding are Key to a Connected & Engaged Community • The Dialogue Process – understanding key elements in Conversing-to-Connect

Doing Dialogue • Personal Journey Storytelling – breaking down walls, finding commonality & compassion • Dialogue - small group practice on hot topics that resonate with students


✲ 1 Day (5 Hours) — Lecture and Small Group Exercises ✲ 2 Days (10 Hours) — Lecture and Small Group Exercises


FEE Excludes travel/lodging, meals

$6,500 $10,000

QUESTIONS & INQUIRIES For more information, please contact us: Phone: 617-395-9232 x101 Email: ting@dreambridgepartners.com Our programs can be adapted & customized to fit your goals and audience

We look forward to partnering with you.


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