published by
VOLUME 1 October 5, 2008
During th Bible School. mine, I’m gon young life, an the years my you have had out that true disciplines. light.
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Seek ďŹ rst the dominion of God and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33
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g to Vacation in go to d ar rw fo ed ok lo child, I always he summer when I was a was “This little light of es rit vo fa y m of ne O . ng I loved the songs we sa enting the light of my es pr re , gh hi er ng fi y m hold nna let it shine.” I would a let it shine!” Over nn go I’m o! N ? el sh der a bu nd sing out, “Hide it un an I realized. Maybe th e or m el sh bu at th r unde light somehow ended up life for me to figure of le gg ru st e th n ke ta It has by a few spiritual d the same experience. ed riz te ac ar ch e lif al tu a rich spiri le your spiritual nd e happiness is found in ki re to t le ok bo is th sources in I invite you to use the re
Start today to PRAY in your life od G of e ic vo l al sm ill st e Reflect and listen for th PREPARE ose and meaning rp pu d un fo ve ha rs he n how ot rship and study to lear for their lives PARTICIPATE needs of others e th e rv se to ch hi w in Find a ministry PROMISE ve regularly to gi to e is om pr d an t an ething you w hat they need. w termine to give up som ve ha ill w rs he ot at al of Hope so th he work of the Cathedr u will also be yo , 8 0 0 2 , 9 r be em ov romise before N ughout 2009. ro th e ending us your Faith P id ov pr to le ab inistry we will be s predict how much m or in an offering plate. l ai m e th in e is m ro P h your completed Fait a little frightening to be n ca it y nt ai rt ce un economic a god of fear, selfis time of political and e rv se t no do e w , ut B mitments. radical inclusion. allenging spiritual com d an n io ss pa m co , pe is one of ho nd exclusion. Our God Blessings,
Rev. Dr. Jo Hudson Rector & Senior Pastor
Have you ever felt that you have lost your way in life? We spend so much our lives being busy. So busy feathering our own nests, focusing on our own self-interests, entertaining ourselves, looking for Mr. or Ms. Right and hurrying through rush-hour traffic that we loose focus on what is really important in life. Hardly ever do we spend time in quiet reflection, thinking about the direction of our lives, considering what God’s dreams for us might be. Is there any wonder that we feel we have lost our purpose in life?
BUY: Beginning Prayer by John Killinger BUY: A Guide to Prayer for Ministers and Other Servants by Ruben Job
Try this. Schedule a few minutes each day to sit quietly. Spend time in reflection on your life. Pray for God to use you and this church to heal the world. Then, listen for the still small voice of God whispering in your ear. COMMITMENT Beginning today I will pray each day for God to use me and this church to be a shining beacon of hope for a world in desperate need. RESOURCES If you haven’t received your prayer card yet, send us an email with your mailing address and we’d be glad to mail you one. Or, perhaps you need some help on how to pray. Click on the books featured on this page to purchase these resources.
STUDY Lesson #1: Unpopular Truth STUDY Lesson #2: Act of Worship STUDY Lesson #3: Generous Women STUDY Lesson #4: Wealth Wisdom WATCH Sermon: Week 1 WATCH Sermon: Week 2 WATCH Sermon: Week 3 WATCH Sermon: Week 4 BUY: Practising Faith by Dorothy Bass
It’s amazing that some believe they can have a rich spiritual life without the preparation and inspiration received by being a part of a spiritual community. We would never be so foolish to think we could be physically strong without exercise. Prepare yourself to be used by God and be open to new truths. Spend a little time worshipping and studying to rekindle the light of your spirit. COMMITMENT Beginning today I will worship at least once each week and study in order to discern God’s plan for my life. RESOURCES You will want to return to this page regularly to study each of the four lessons, and attend the online worship services linked to this page. You might also find the book, Practicing Our Faith, helpful to you in your faith journey.
IGNITES YOUR PURPOSE Nothing helps us gain perspective on our own problems like helping someone else deal with theirs. And, nothing inspires us more than helping to create inspiration in someone else. The Cathedral of Hope offers a multitude of opportunities to allow you to use your talents in service of others. Whether supporting the local church operation, helping the most vulnerable in our community, or working on national or international projects you will ďŹ nd this to be the most rewarding work of your life. COMMITMENT Beginning today I will seek to serve others by volunteering in a ministry of the Cathedral of Hope. RESOURCES Follow the links to read about the many opportunities for service available at the Cathedral of Hope. Click the link below to email us and let us know of your interest in a speciďŹ c ministry.
The Cathedral of Hope reaches beyond the city of Dallas through our Miracles in Missions program. Here are ways you may help to make a profound difference to those in need. Biloxi Mission Trip Guadalajara Mexico
Honduras Reynosa Mission Trip
Each year the Cathedral of Hope gives away more than $1 million worth of direct ďŹ nancial aid and service to the community. Every day we provide opportunities to work in volunteer service for our partner organizations, adopted schools and charitable events. If you are looking for ways to connect with other people and tie you volunteer work to our core values, join us for an upcoming Community Outreach project. Health Fair Tutoring Crayola Crusade Literacy Instruction for Texas Holiday Benevolence Great Annual Yard Sale
Loaves and Fishes People Helping People Black Outreach Ministry Breakfast at CoH iCare Team Prison Ministry
You can make a difference at the Cathedral of Hope. We believe that we are called to do more than just sit on the sidelines of life, that God compels us to be active disciples of Christ by living our values of compassion, inclusion, liberation and hope.
HERE ARE WAYS YOU CAN SERVE THE LOCAL CHURCH Administrative Support After Hours Emergency Response Team Bereavement Ministry Bookstore Buildings & Grounds Care Children & Families Ministries Daily Life Needs Ministry Hospital Visitation Team
Hospitality Ministry Internet Ministry Music Ministry New Member Ministry OfďŹ ce Angels Prayer Ministry Television Ministry Youth Ministry Worship
It’s hard for most of us to believe that one small light can dispel the darkness in a world that is so desperate for illumination. We think, “How could my gift make much difference to the masses of people that are hungry, homeless and living without hope? How can my small gift possibly help the millions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people around the world still suffering because of whom they are and whom they love? How can the gift
a let it shine! Let it Shine! Let it Shine! of a notebook, a desk or a book possibly make much difference to a child?” Relatively few have the courage to light their small candle in the wind of a world desperate for love, compassion and hope, but when we dare to do it together the light brightens the world for thousands. For 38 years the Cathedral of Hope has stood as a beacon of light for the hurting and the hopeless. The small faithful gifts of a few have sustained the work of this church so that the broad, healing reach of the Cathedral of Hope has embraced the world. Your gifts can make a world of difference; your candle, added to those of fellow pilgrims, creates a brilliant light.
members of your Cathedral of Hope family. Together, we can heal the world. COMMITMENT Beginning today, I am willing to sacrifice something that I want in order to give my fair share to the ministries of the Cathedral of Hope so that others may have what they need. RESOURCES Read the following pages to review how your contributions to these three funds will be used. Click Make Your Faith Promise Now to complete and submit your faith promise today.
It is our prayer that, in 2009, you will consider adding your gifts—your light—to those of other
The General Operating Fund provides the primary source of funding for all the ministries of the church and is typically the area where there is the greatest need for contributions. The General Fund supports: •200 local worship services every year, serving 70,000 local and 12,000 on-line worshipers. This includes a world-class music ministry, guest speakers and performers, sanctuary paraments, clergy vestments, sacrament supplies, worship bulletins and clergy compensation. •Our children and youth programs, spiritual growth and Christian Education classes, our prayer ministry, hospital visitation and prison ministry, feeding the hungry and homeless, benevolence, and all the work we do in the community each year. •The church’s evangelism outreach to a world-wide community through television, Internet and mail. This communication infrastructure reaches literally hundreds of thousands around the world every month with a message of compassion and hope. Your contribution to the General Fund in 2009 will help ensure the light of this church continues to dispel darkness throughout the world.
The gifts promised to this fund will be used to support the building projects of the Cathedral of Hope along with campus improvements, building maintenance and other capital improvement projects. These gifts do not replace any commitments you may have made to the Interfaith Peace Chapel. We hope those who, for any reason, were unable to complete their Interfaith Peace Chapel commitment will continue to contribute to this fund during 2009. Gifts to the Interfaith Peace Chapel have been and will continue to be invested in safe, interest-bearing accounts until the world economy stabilizes to the point we can begin construction. Every dollar we raise reduces by $1.50 the amount of interest we will have to pay. Won’t you help us complete the important work of building the Interfaith Peace Chapel as well as ensuring our current building and property adequately facilitate worship and the work we do in the community by contributing to this fund in 2009?
Hope for Peace & Justice, a separate 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization birthed by the Cathedral of Hope, is a relentless champion for progressive faith and values. Seeking justice for the marginalized and advocating for peace are deeply rooted in the historical traditions of all faiths. These values seem to have been forgotten by the conservative religious machine of today’s world. Hope for Peace & Justice is changing that. Through education and inspiration, H4PJ equips and empowers progressive people of faith to be confident and articulate about their values. Over the past year H4PJ has: •Sent more than one million emails to constituents and those in positions of power advocating for a different approach to peace and justice. •Conducted seminars educating people of faith to be Peace Practitioners for their families and communities. •Inspired thousands with events such as the Voices of Peace concert, which honored poet, author and peacemaker Dr. Maya Angelou. •Marched for the civil rights of immigrants and for a living wage for sanitation workers. Your faithful contribution to this fund will help create a culture of peace in our world, ensure civil rights for all, and counter the toxic effects of religious fundamentalism. Join H4PJ today by being a regular contributor to this fund.
P.O. BOX 35466 • DALLAS, TX 75235 214-351-1901 •