Jane Neroni
An active painter and teacher for the past 20 years, Jane has taught numerous drawing and painting workshops and classes in Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Vermont. She was the director of the Natural Science Illustration program at Rhode Island School of Design, CE and in 2002 she inaugurated the Drawing and Painting Certificate program for that school. In 2005, Jane was honored with RISD’s “Teacher of Excellence” award. Since moving to Vermont, Jane has been teaching at the University of Vermont and painting the Vermont landscape, the cityscapes of Burlington and the farmers’ markets that seem to spring up everywhere during the summer months.
“Jane was enthusiastic and well prepared. She can see a problem that a student is having very quickly and can correct it.” “Jane is very patient and willing to work with each student individually to help her progress. She was able to break down the process into manageable steps.”
to register go to www.dreamhousecountryinn.com or call 802-453-2805
VERMONT SKETCHBOOK The Traveling Artist on Location 2 SESSIONS
Friday, June 27th - Sunday, June 29th & Friday, September 19th - Sunday, September 21st
Have you ever tried to keep a sketchbook or journal while you were traveling and been overwhelmed? Join us for a stimulating weekend of learning, looking and drawing some of the most beautiful landscapes in New England. This workshop will teach you how to use drawing, color, and writing to record your observations and feelings as you explore expansive valleys, barns, farm life and historic houses. Creating a journal/sketchbook is solely for your own pleasure, and does not require that you be an accomplished artist. We’ll engage your intellect, while building on your strengths, intuition and all of your senses as we explore and record our experiences. Return home with new skills and techniques that you will use every time you travel.
PAINTING THE VERMONT LANDSCAPE Tuesday, August 19th - Friday, August 22nd
Join us for a stimulating weekend of looking, learning and painting in one of the most beautiful and interesting landscapes in Vermont. A different location each day will keep the eye fresh and challenged. The focus of the workshop will be on finding the right values, making color mixing fun and accessible and learning to simplify and organize visual information to create dynamic compositions. By using the pochade format (A pochade is a small painting, usually completed in one session) the workshop will help students loosen up outdoors and focus on their “intention” and what is in front of them. The class paints on location with Jane teaching through lecture and demonstration each morning. Individual instruction is given the rest of the day.
to re
egister go to www.dreamhousecountryinn.com or call 802-453-2805
$425.00-for single occupancy $325.00-for double occupancy $180.00-for nonparticipating room DAY STUDENT
382 Hewitt Road Bristol, Vermont 05443 802-453-2805
Rates include 2 days of instructio Dessert Reception on Friday nig and snacks for all participants. F students, rates also include 2 nig with private bath & 2 full breakf
on and critique, ght, 2 lunches For our resident ghts in B&B fasts.
RATES FOR Painting The Vermont Landscape RESIDENT STUDENT
$600.00-for single occupancy $450.00-for double occupancy $250.00-for non-particpating roomate DAY STUDENT
$225.00 Rates include 3 days of instruction and critique, Dessert Reception on Friday night, 3 lunches and snacks for all participants. For our resident students, rates also include 3 nights in B&B with private bath & 3 full breakfasts.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Resident students will stay at Dreamhouse Country Inn or at our sister inn nearby. All sessions will take place at Dreamhouse Country Inn. The dessert reception, lunches and snacks will also be at Dreamhouse. A $300.00 deposit is required from all resident students. Day students are required to deposit $75.00. Recommended supply list will be emailed along with your reservation conďŹ rmation. Cancellations can be made up to 30 days prior to class time without penalty. After that, we will try to re-book your reservation. If we can’t re-book your reservation, you will be issued a voucher to be used toward future classes at Dreamhouse Country Inn. A minimum of 6 students is required for each class. If we do not get 6 students, all your deposit money will be refunded.
TO REGISTER GO TO www.dreamhousecountryinn.com or call: 802-453-2805 Dreamhouse Country Inn 382 Hewitt Road Bristol, Vermont 05443