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The Day Came to Stay

To May-May and her brand new sister, Bernadette, with love from Aunt Sue

One fine day, Mommy and Daddy and May-May went to the zoo.

First they went to see the monkeys in the Monkey House.

“Can I bring one of these monkeys home with me, Mommy, so I can play with them up in my room? asked May-May. “I don’t think you would like that,” Mommy said, “they would make a big mess and make your room smell like banana peels.” May-May wrinkled her nose and said, “Ewwww!”

Then they went to see the giraffes. “How about a giraffe,” May-May asked, “We could keep it in the backyard.” “Oh no,” laughed Daddy, “How would we ever get a giraffe home?” May-May wondered if a giraffe could fit in a big yellow taxi.

They went to see the birds next and May-May saw a great big parrot perched on a branch. It was yellow and blue and red. “Look,” said May-May, pointing at the parrot, “he is soooo pretty!”

“PRETTY BIRD, PRETTY BIRD,” screeched the parrot. “Yikes,” Mommy said, laughing, “I think it’s time to go home.”

Back home, May-May went and sat by her window. She wished there was someone she could play with on such a fine day.

Suddenly, she heard a funny sound.... It came from up here!

No, it came from down there!

Suddenly a little fuzzy bug landed on her windowsill. It was yellow and black and it had big dark eyes. “Who are you?” asked May-May. “I am Miss Bumble,” said the little creature, “but you can call me Bea.”

May-May gently touched her delicate wings and said, “Little Bea, can you play with me today?”

Bea buzzed around and around in a happy dance. “I can play with you today and every day,” she said.

And that is just what they did. May-May and Bea played together every day.

Bea showed May-May all her favorite flowers...

and May-May took Bea to the beach...

Even a rainy day couldn’t stop them from having fun.

And on very fine days, everybody went to the zoo.

The End.

Let’s Bee Friends Publishing* 2015

*©Dreamhouse Creative

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