Dream Freedom June 2012

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Dream June 2012

Freedom Comes at a Cost



John 8:36 So if the son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

Editor in Chief Steven C. Semones II Publisher Dream Magazine Associate Editors Art Director / Design Steven C. Semones II Assistant Graphic Designer

The heart of the Dream June 2012 Vol. 2, No. 2

Editorial Writers Steven C. Semones II Kathy Penney Sarah Cox Chris Maxwell Khuram Bashir Lee Grady Bobby Hagar Donnie Lord





By: Steven Semones II

Examines what Freedom really is, what it means, and how freedom comes at a cost. The truth about how one choice can forever change your life and give you the only true freedom!


The Veteran I met on 9/11 By: Kathy Penney

A true story of one divine appointment with a soldier on 9/11 that forever changed two peoples lives. Examine the importance of being ready for Divine Appointments.



Cover Story:


Graduation From Fear By: Chris Maxwell

A inside look to college students completing college, so excited, but still not knowing what is next. The unknown, the economy, student loans, but keys to finding freedom when others are loosing hope.


Khuram Bashir Go and Do Dream Central Get Connected


Relational Discipleship By: Lee Grady


Dream Dream Unite Not This Year 2012 Info

29 I Have A Dream A word from the heart of the editor.

Freedom By: Steven Craig Semones II

reedom is something that is taken for granted, and a word that is interpreted many different ways. One thing that sticks out in my mind is that, “Freedom isn’t really free, but it comes at a cost”. There has never been anything in this world that is free that at one time it didn’t take someone willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to be able to come to a place where others can have freedom to do what many never thought could have been done, enjoyed, or achieved. From the beginning of time people have been fighting for freedom, but the sad thing is we find ourselves back in the same state of bondage because we contaminate what was once pure with something that has unfruitful agendas, only looking at individual benefit, loop holes, and or a gray area. I for one have never been a person that wants something that doesn't belong to me, something I am not willing to work for or do my part to obtain. But there is something that I have learned that can give you freedom but never once have I had to earn it, but if I accepted it; was mine to have. I am a hard worker, and stopping sometimes is hard for me to do. As I am growing in the freedom I have gained by accepting Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and savior it has opened my eyes in ways I never have seen before. As I started my journey with Christ, growing in the word, really striving


to be a wise soul winner, to be the best disciple I could be, as I started to get a hunger for a deeper relationship with Christ, and wanting others to experience the same freedom freely given to me.

“Freedom isn’t really free, but it comes at a cost.”

I have days that are challenging, rough, rocky, but still together and unbroken. Because I have freedom in the one that spoke this world into being, has control of everything just by speaking to it. The same one that says in the word that he has given us a spirit of comfort and empowerment. He has always been there and in all things he is working it out for my good. My only desire is being in his will and walking in his ways.. Things I once thought was important a busy agenda, the amount of money I had,



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Achieving great things so others could see that what I knew God had put in my heart was true, that I constantly had to have some one to be in a relationship with to feel attractive or feel like I was someone, and that I wanted to be known as a cool guy everyone liked and wanted to be around.

So many are fighting so many different battles, and they are really lost in the middle of all the chaos. What I am about to say is for you. I was watching a movie the other day about a young man that had life and everything he was going after as many say, “in the palm of his hand.” He fainted in the locker room after a game and he was just about to go into the NFL draft. I found freedom was living life each day as it He was rushed to the hospital to find he was my last. To leave nothing unsaid, and had cancer that was pushing up against his heart and they couldn’t remove it but that I love and help anyone that comes in the best chances was chemotherapy. my path, and that I always care more about He goes from knowing exactly what he them and what is best for them instead of wants, to life talking a altering shift, where how it could or couldn’t benefit me because football wasn’t a option, he lost friends, his loving is releasing. To believe in others family was falling apart, he was loosing his Dreams as I wish sometimes others would identity, and all he wanted was a chance have believed in mine, and to help to do my to live his life. So many people where telling him what he should do, and trying to part to protect their anointing. I gave my relationships totally to God and fell in love with keep him from living because they where trying to protect him. him, the only true person that I need. He sent me a wonderful gift, and a precious anHe started getting better regaining his gel to call my wife to believe in, love, and alstrength, finally got a job, was mending reways be that relentless lover of Christ to lationships, and out of nowhere he felt pain in his arm. He was upset, wasted no time help do my part as the spiritual head of the relationship to love her like Jesus loved and to go back to his doctor to see what was wrong. The cancer made its way to his gave his life for the church. To invest, love, brain and was pushing against a area that and encourage every brother and sister that controls his motor skills. He had a choice to I come in contact with so they don’t burn make either to fight the rest of his small out, quit, give up, because God does have a time in the hospital or to live life. He choose purpose for them and for you. to live life and cancer was not going to have a hold on him. He found his true I could care less about my busy agenda be- meaning, started helping others, started loving and wasn’t about what he could get cause one thing I have realized is being but what he could give and leave behind. busy isn’t the problem but being effective is. He found freedom when he gave it all to Freedom is not found in money, big houses, God and he choose to live like we should cars, things, self worth, attributes, gifting, talall live. Like we are dying because we all ents, but it is found in when you find the one are just another breath closer to eternity. who created you and made you and when Freedom is when you know who holds you know who you are in Christ. your eternity and holds your tomorrow and is your true reason for living. I have found the best freedom in life and the Jesus Christ is why I have freedom, never a situation I have faced has he let me only true freedom many spend all there life trying to find but never find it. I thank God for down, maybe didn’t understand at the time but everything I faced I have freedom bemen and women of our nation that have cause I am not alone to face the storm, but given their life or where willing because they I have my protector, Jesus Christ., He can knew it was an honor to give their life so that be your freedom today and all you have to others could be free in Christ! I give honor to do is surrender your life and ask him in to you today for your sacrifice and for you to be your personal Lord and Savior. Now that’s true freedom! Love you! Dream! lay it all down for me. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 DREAM / March 2012


back to the busy shop. When I got there the line was gone and I ordered and started to talk to the young lady working there. She was very friendly and I asked her if she went to Church around this area. I told her I was a Christian and she excitedly told me her Mom was a Christian. Her Mom had been praying since last November for a Church that she could feel free to really worship the Lord. I asked Michelle if I could call her Mom and she gave me her phone number.

The veteran I met on 9/11 By: Kathy Penney

I called her Mom the next day and we spoke like we had known each other forever. Marcia was very excited to come to Church with me but needed to ask for a Sunday off. She worked at one of the local hotels and it was not easy to take off a Sunday during the summer in Myrtle Beach. She was able to come with me the next Sunday and all her co-workers wondered how in the world she was able to get the day off! I knew of course because this was all part of God’s Divine Appointment He had for me. I picked Marcia up and we went to Church together. She loved the service so much and as we drove home we talked over the amazing way we had met. She told me had been praying for almost a year for God to bring DIVINE APPOINTMENTS she someone into her life to share with her the Church that ARE “YOU” READY FOR THEM? she should attend. Marcia couldn’t believe God used her daughter to bring the message. I told her it was CHAPTER 12 Myrtle Beach is awesome in the summer. One of my fa- good for her daughter to see how God works. vorite things to do was go to the Sunday night Christian concerts on the boardwalk. My son, Adriana and I would I pulled into her parking lot just as a young man got off meet half way and drive together. I love spending time his bike and went into the other apartment beside hers. with my son Joey who use to be a heroin addict and now Marcia told me that he was her neighbor and he had just lost his job and was very depressed and always walked is following Jesus. around with his head down low. Immediately I said to We were sitting in our beach chairs waiting for the group her “I need to talk to him. Marcia, you pray.” I walked to start playing when I felt like I wanted some popcorn. I up to his door, knocked and prayed he would listen to don’t mean the type you make in the microwave at home. what I had to say. I wanted the gourmet popcorn you could only buy at the gift shops at the beach. Joey said he would go for me but I love walking along the beach watching everyone on vacation smiling and happy so I told him I would go. The search began from one store front to another. I must have looked into fifteen different kinds of restaurants and gift shops but none of them carried popcorn! I decided the next best thing to wet my appetite was ice cream. I knew the concert was about to start so I looked for the closest ice cream shop. I found one but I didn’t want to wait in the line that had formed so I kept walking to the next one. I went in and I didn’t like the flavors so I decided to walk

The door opened and out came a young man who turned out to be twenty seven years old. I immediately thought of my son Joey at twenty seven years of age, depressed with no hope. I told him I had met Marcia his neighbor the week before and invited her to Church. I asked him if he went to Church. He told me as a young boy his parents took him every Sunday but he stopped going as he grew older. I looked up at the hat he was wearing and saw that it was a Iraq veteran’s hat. I asked Bryan if he has served in the armed forces and he told me he went to Iraq twice


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for a total of eighteen months. I was so privileged to be speaking to a veteran on September 11th that I almost cried! I had been watching the television for the last couple of days which was showing all that had happened ten years before on September 11, 2001. I had a new appreciation for firemen, police, doctors, nurses and soldiers of war who risk their lives to protect us.

noon and I knew Bryan probably didn’t have much to eat in his apartment. I asked him if he would like for me to go and buy him some lunch. Of course he told me that it wasn’t necessary. I asked him why he went back to Iraq for a second time. He told me because it was his choice. Well Bryan, I said, it is my choice to go and buy you lunch! He smiled at that answer and couldn’t think of a comeback. I drove away to buy him the bigBryan told me he had just lost his job and in two weeks gest burger, fries and drink I could find. What a priviwould be homeless. He had a three year old son who lives lege God had just dropped in my path! I felt like I just with him for half of each week and he knew he couldn’t won the lottery! take him into a homeless shelter. I could see the hopelessness on his face and hear it in his voice. I didn’t know We sat outside his apartment for the next two hours and how long he would speak to me so I asked him the ques- Bryan told me some of the trials he had gone through in tion that was asked to me twenty four years ago. “Have his life. He explained how a lot of veterans come home you ever asked Jesus Christ to come into your heart?” He to no job, no home, no understanding of what they went told me his parents made him do that when he was a boy through while fighting for this United States. He told but as an adult he hadn’t thought much about it. I told me about Bill who lives across the street from him. Bill Bryan that without Jesus his life would never change and is in his eighties and is a WWII veteran. Bill just keeps he could start having a peace through his trials. This is to himself and Bryan is probably one of the only people the time the enemy is usually screaming in my head to who will stop and help him with his heavy cart of papers ease off of the person I am witnessing to. “You don’t that he pulls up the stairs to his apartment. The elderly want to embarrass him or you can come back another day have so much wisdom and wonderful stories they want and continue this conversation. You don’t want to scare to share if only someone took the time to listen. My him away now do you?” satan would be whispering in my Mom is 101 and she loves repeating the same old stories ear. I know that wherever you read satan’s name it is al- of her life. The elderly need to be validated. Bryan told ways capitalized but I can’t give him even that little con- me that the only thing Bill has ever asked for is a WWII sideration. Each time I do spell check it picks out his hat so that people would know an important part of who name and says I should be putting a capital letter ‘S’. So he is. I told Bryan that I will hunt around for that hat please don’t start contacting me about this because I know and when I find it he can give it to him. Bryan looked I am not grammatically correct. at me and asked me why I would spend my time looking for a hat for a man I never met. I told him that Bill was I sent up my ‘help prayer’ of Jesus help me, Jesus help God’s child and He loves him and still notices him. me, Jesus help me! Every time I do that my mind clears of all the fearful things I am imagining. “Bryan, you can I always like to find a way to have someone relate with ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart and life right now me to draw a connection with us. I figured that he had and start feeling a peace beyond all understand- post traumatic stress disorder because of the war and I ing.” (Philippians 4:4-9) “I can lead you in a prayer where suffered with that for many years because of my attack you ask forgiveness for all your sins and ask the Lord to by the stranger. I asked him if he suffered from PSTD help you in these circumstances. Would you like to do and he said he mostly had nightmares. I told him some that?” Bryan looked at me with vacant eyes and said the information my therapist had found about how to get out word I love to hear, “yes”. of a panic attack. One thing I am learning which was kind of hard for me at first is that you need to be a lisI took Bryan’s hand and he prayed to God whom he be- tener. There is an old saying, “people don’t care about lieved didn’t see the pain he had been in over his twenty how much you know until they know how much you seven years on this earth. During my leading him in this care.” I use to hose people down with my testimony and prayer I said something I have never said before. “God never give them a chance to tell me about themselves. please let him feel something” I know that fellowship is so important when it comes to letting someone know you “There was one thing you said in the prayer that really care about them and it was about one o’clock in the after hit me. God, please let him feel something. I don’t feel _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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anything.” Bryan said softly. I told him how God will start healing him of the pain and hurts of his past and feelings will start to come back and hopefully they will be good feelings. He told me he only had two and a half weeks in his apartment left unless he could find a job and get the rent in time. I explained how he could tell all of that to the Lord and He would help him in some way. God is always on time even if it comes down to the final minute. I was able to share with him about my own life as a single parent. I remember taking my children to different food pantries around town including the one at my Church. It was very humbling at first but God does provide for his children. Boston, Massachusetts gets very cold in the winter and there were times when I had no money for oil to heat my home. I am crying as I write this, remembering putting blankets around Kerri and Joey and the three of us huddling in front of the electric oven as I turned it on and opening the door to try to get a little warmth. God was there and always provided us a way to get through to the next day. That was also the year I found out I had breast cancer, couldn’t work for a year after having three operations and no health insurance. God still provided. As I told him about some of my trials he started to relax and realize that I may know a little about how he was feeling. I told him about the scripture my son Joey kept in his heart. (Jeremiah 29:11-15) I told him that the Bible was a living Word and that God doesn’t lie. I went to my car and took out a new Bible a friend had given me when she saw how my Bible was falling apart. I presented it to Bryan with this inscription in the front. ‘To Bryan on September 11, 2011, the day Jesus came knocking at your door.’ I picked up Bryan and his son for Wednesday night small group which my Church offers each week. The following Sunday I picked him and his son up and brought them to church. Bryan told me that this was the first time he had ever taken his son to Church. He still didn’t understand why I was giving him so much of my attention. I use to just lead people to the Lord and thought my work was done. Now I know how important it is to continue a relationship and show them Jesus through you. A new Christian doesn’t really know how much the Lord loves them and how He will direct them on a new path of righteousness. I remember how welcome Bryan felt as fellow believers came over to him, hugged him and wished him well. I asked him if he would like to go up to the altar and leave his burdens there for Jesus to pick up and carry. I

remember his kneeling at the altar and men coming over to pray and talk to him about how the Lord will help him. The thing I remember most about that day was when I dropped him and his son Dillon off at their apartment. He looked back down through the car window to say one last thing to me. “Kathy, I do feel something. I feel hope.” Last week I picked up another new lady who came to visit our Church and she told me she was looking for a book to help her use her computer better. I was just about to pass the Myrtle Beach Flea Market when the Lord spoke to me and said “turn into the flea market!” I quickly turned left into the market and figured God had her book in there at a lower price than a regular book store. Well, I went to the book counters there and no one carried that particular book. All of the sudden I looked up at one of the book sellers and saw he was wearing a veteran’s cap. I asked him if he had any WWII veteran’s caps. He told me to go down to the other part of the market and ask someone there. I did just as he said and found Bill’s WWII hat!!!! I was so excited that I went directly to Bryan’s house to give it to him. He couldn’t believe I went out of my way to find Bill this hat. He wanted to wait so I could give it to Bill but I wanted Bryan to have that joy. Bill was so overjoyed to receive that hat and wears it everywhere he goes. God sees the little things that people need and He will help you to find them! Over the last couple of weeks, Bryan has seen how God will take care of him and his son. One night he called me very excited. “Kathy, I found a scripture just for me! The Bible says: Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” He went to the Veteran’s assistance program later that week and the man in charge handed him a check for the full amount of his rent! He told him this was a thank you for serving our country. Bryan is now inviting his friends to church and I’m sure they are seeing a difference in him. That is what it is all about isn’t it? Who will be Jesus to the world? A few weeks later Bryan told me some very upsetting news about His son’s Mother. She was going through a terrible trial. It looked like she was going to be going to prison for something foolish she did a few months earlier. I asked Bryan to please try to get her to call me.


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He told her I wanted to have lunch with her but she couldn’t understand why a stranger would want to talk to her. Bryan said “Well, I was a stranger and she came knocking on my door!” Bryan gave me her number and I repeatedly called her and left messages. I told her I would love to take her and her son to lunch and talk for awhile. Finally after a week of these messages she picked up the phone! She asked me why I would want to meet with her. I told her I have been through many trials as a single parent and I believed I could give her some hope.

Jesus. How amazing it is that Bryan’s son now has a Godly Mom and Dad!!! Marcia, Bryan, his son Dillon and Dillon’s Mom were changed forever through Jesus Christ’s Divine Appointment for them. On the tenth anniversary of September 11th, Jesus came knocking on a veteran’s door.

Deuteronomy 10:17-19 For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality and accepts no bribes. He defends the cause of the fatherless and the We met at a restaurant where her son could play in the widow, and loves the stranger, giving him food and inside playground. The first thing she told me was that clothing. And you are to love those who are strangers she didn’t believe in God. Instead of arguing with her I asked her why she didn’t believe in Him. She told me her THE SOLDIER close friend growing up was molested by their priest and he has never recovered. I told her I understand why she is Just a young man whose life had begun so angry but I told her I had some wonderful news for her. Trading his toys to carrying a gun I shared my testimony. Do you realize that one of the greatest tools we have to overcome the enemy is our testimony? During this time I could see the tears well up I Serving his country in far away lands her eyes. I told her how much the Lord loves her and how Coming home to no job and family despecial she is in His eyes. I explained that He could remands place her fear with His peace even in prison. The time came when she needed to go. I asked Jesus for His help. The U.S. had changed, its economy down Outside in the parking lot beside my car she prayed with Filling out resumes from town to town me and asked Jesus to come into her life. Two days later she went into prison for nine months. She asked if she could go to church inside the prison but because she is a Nightmares lead to more sleepless nights new prisoner she was told no. God has sent in a woman Thinking of enemies and artillery fights chaplain twice a week to mentor her. I am praying that when she serves her time and is able to leave, her son will Does his family and friends know the have a Godly Mother. DIVINE APPOINTMENT: Christian concert > looking for popcorn > not finding any so settled for ice cream > didn’t have the flavor I liked at first ice cream stand so went to another stand and started a conversation with the woman working there > asked if she went to a Church nearby > she told me her Mom was looking for a Church for almost a year > called her Mom, Marcia, and picked her up for Church > dropped her off just as her neighbor Bryan was walking in his door > she told me he was depressed > my heart had compassion for him, prayed and knocked on his door > he opened the door and God spoke to him through me > Bryan’s faith grew as he read the Bible I gave him and attended church and Bible study with me every week > He told me about his son’s mother feeling hopeless > I contacted her and we met > I shared the Gospel and she now has a personal relationship with

dangers he faced? Soldiers he knew in the ground they were placed Not seeing the honor and praise he deserved By people who live in the country he served But God saw this soldier to let him know His love for him He soon would show There were many angels rejoicing in Heaven Jesus knocked on his door on 9-11


8 DREAM / March 2012


ave you ever felt truly alone? Sometimes, during a time of crisis, it is hard to realize that God is always close to us and will never leave us. My husband, Jeff Cox, and I are the founders of Esther’s Call Prayer Ministry. We are a non-profit organization based in McAlester, Oklahoma, established in 2012. In 2009, my husband and I set out on a faith journey. In April 2009, Jeff was coming to the end of faithfully serving five years on active-duty with the United States Air Force. Over a year before it was time for Jeff to separate from the military, we began praying about our upcoming decision. As we prayed, we felt God’s Spirit leading us to separate from the military life that we enjoyed. On the day when Jeff was due to separate or re-enlist, I was praying on the floor of my bedroom early in the morning. I heard the Lord say clearly to me, “You are going to get out of the military (life) and go to Colorado, but Jeff will not have a job when you go.” In response to the Lord, I said, “If I have heard you correctly, tell my husband the same words as you told me, and I will gladly go.” That day, I visited Jeff at work and before he even said “Hello,” he impatiently stated, “We are going to Colorado and getting out of the military, and I am not going to have a job.” We accepted this assignment of the Lord as His will, and moved our family to Colorado to temporarily stay with family. Through a course of events, we ended up looking for a home, but the only home we could afford was a two-bedroom duplex apartment (approx. 800 sqft.) for our family of five. In this home, we struggled every month to keep the heat turned on, food on the table, and to


have well-fitting clothes for our children. We depended greatly on the Lord’s faithful provision, and witnessed many miracles, including loaves of bread that never turned moldy or dry, money arriving in the mail at the last moment before losing our home, and even my son being miraculously healed from an accidental burn on his arm one night. We had no health insurance, and despite great efforts, could not secure employment for either of us. We lived several months with zero income. During this time, people brought us food, clothing and money. We felt God’s love through the actions of people, but there remained a deep sense of loneliness in our time of greatest need. We always knew the Lord was with us, but we lacked a human touch of comfort, someone to walk beside us and believe God to do the impossible when our faith was failing. I kept remembering how God is faithful, even when we are faithless. We began to realize the power, necessity and comfort of people praying for us. Prayer became our lifeline, connecting us to God and allowing us to feel the concern of others for us, as we all prayed together through our circumstances, believing God for the impossible each and every day. He also began to connect us with others who were facing impossible and hopeless circumstances, even worse than our own. He took our focus off ourselves and began to open our heart to minister God’s love, even in the midst of our own pain. In March 2011, God gave Jeff the opportunity to return to the United States Air Force. We moved from our two-bedroom apartment to a spacious four-bedroom home, with a lush backyard – lakeside. God began to prosper us materially again, but we realized what we learned about prayer had changed us forever. God created a desire in us to help others, and pray for them through their times of greatest need. We began to realize the necessity for people to be able to receive prayer and encouragement 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I began answering calls throughout the day and night from people who just wanted to pray with me, and I would pray the Word of God over their lives knowing God would hear and answer the cries of His children. As the calls became more numerous, God spoke to my heart and said, “It’s time to do this as full-time ministry,” and Jeff agreed.

You Are Not Alone


9 DREAM / March 2012


Esther’s Call Prayer Ministry was founded on April 24, 2012 in the State of Oklahoma, and in just one month, we have been able to pray with people from countries all around the world via phone, email, Facebook, and Skype – completely free of charge, 24 hours a day! After creating a page on Facebook for our ministry, we have been seeing 50+ people a day contact our ministry. We are able to share the gospel with people around the world in the click of a button! We are growing very quickly, with three volunteers who have come forward as prayer ministers, willing to give of time, talent and treasure to further our vision of reaching the whole world with the love of God and the power of prayer. Our motto for the ministry is “You Are Never Alone!” As we pray with people in the United States, Botswana, Pakistan, Malaysia and many other countries, we are seeing people set free from the bondage of Satan. People lives are being restored, healing is taking place, and the hopeless and destitute are receiving hope and encourage to believe that nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37). God is always there and will never leave you, nor forsake you (Deut. 31:8), but we are also here if you need a friend to walk through darkness with you. We believe that the BEST IS YET TO COME! Our mission statement states that our ministry exists “to provide equal opportunities for all people to receive encouragement through prayer, wisdom for living and be inspired to overcome challenges in life and find a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ, edifying the church through speaking engagements and traveling ministry. If you would like to partner with us in our mission to bring hope to the hopeless, and to teach the power and necessity of prayer, please contact us with your prayer pledge, financial contribution, or would like Sarah to speak at your church or event, please contact us at: Esther’s Call Prayer Ministry 22 Ordnance Way McAlester, OK 74501 918-424-7161 Pray4me@estherscallprayerministry.org www.estherscallprayerministry.org Facebook: Esther’s Call Prayer Ministry Skype: estherscallprayerministry In His Love, Sarah Cox Founder, President

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10 DREAM / March 2012


Graduation From Fear By: Chris Maxwell

we be realistic and optimistic? How can we notice our fears instead of denying them? How can we choose to not let those fears control our decisions?

I often think of the biblical story of David defeating Goliath. Or of Noah building an ark. Or of Daniel, of Moses, of Jesus. Or of us. Now. In our present situations, can’t the God of David and Noah be the God of us? I suggest we face reality and not live in denial. I also suggest we add this to the latest news: the wonder of our Maker. Include facts about His peace when we read reports of war. Embrace epic glory among the financial woes and the political arguments. Amid the true stories of our present world, we believe there is a Presence among us. We believe greater is that Presence than anything the news stories could announce and anything the fans could applaud. We believe nothing is too big for a graduate to face. David could tell us about not letting fear delay his defeat of Goliath. Moses could be honest about his conversation with God, his reluctance to enter a ast week I waved goodbye to a group of college stunew season, and doubt controlling a nation – but he dents as they graduated. Their facial expressions recould also tell us about water moving, food arriving, vealed their excitement. After years of classes, asand a nation marching. Simon Peter could confess to signments, and exams, they were finished. After years of questions, uncertainty, and doubts, they were crossing over. us about his aggressive tendency and his fearful deniAfter years of adversity, conflict, and growth, they were en- als – but he could also tell us about water becoming a sidewalk and persecution not intimidating him at all. tering new land. The smiles and laughter and hugs exposed Fear can, if we let it, control our every move. their joy of completion, of achievement, of victory. Fear can, when unnoticed or denied or ignored, reWhen the graduating students crossed the stage duce our ability to obey God. wearing their robes and carrying their diplomas, what else So, how do we deal with our fears and move did they feel? Was there more going on other than joy? As they marched from the stage of classroom security, down the from the Peter of Denial to the Peter of Revival? Notice your fears. Do not deny their exissteps of formal script, back to the seats of assigned order, do tence. Talk through the process with a friend who can they wonder about a future of unfamiliar territory? listen, ask tough questions, challenge you, and love Yes. you through the journey. Journal – writing down your They feel pleasure in the moments but they also own Psalms. Some people think such honesty is negacarry the luggage of fear. In a world of financial and vocational insecurity, what’s next for them? What’s next for us? tive confession. It isn’t. It is biblical therapy of noticing what is there instead of denying its existence. The day before the college students graduated, I heard of Then, begin comparing the things you fear to three adults losing their jobs because of business cut-backs. the God you serve. He is bigger. He is wiser. He is The day after graduation a friend explained to me his situapresent. He is true. He is just. He can defeat any giant tion – his job, family and emotions are all burning from the you see or any giant you imagine. We should notice heat of fear. Two days after graduation I watched a news our fears, but we must move forward and see them report about the election, the economy, and health care. I turned to a ball game instead of letting bad news be the only from the right perspective. Compare what we fear to God. news I watched. Next, begin to praise the God of Victory. What should we do about these realities? How can



11 DREAM / March 2012


Don’t wait until it’s over before you being to sing to Him. Begin before Goliath falls. Begin before the lions snooze. Begin before the jail cells open. This process is like walking into a new stage of life. Don’t you hear your name called? Stand. Walk. Receive the diploma of peace. You are free!

Chris Maxwell Author, Speaker, Pastor


Go and Do By: Khuram Bashir I am pretty sure you have read this passage many times but I want your attention on the spiritual and practical lessons which the Holy Spirit has helped me to draw out from this Passage. The Parable of the Good Samaritan, Luke 10:25-37, NIV Before we explore the passage taken from the book of Luke, we need to understand the meaning of the Word “Parable”. The word "parable" comes from the Greek “παραβολή” (parabolē), meaning "comparison, illustration, analogy".- Wikipedia The meaning of the parable is the earthly story with the heavenly meanings. The Poor Rich man: This is a heavenly story explained by Jesus Christ in an earthly context. An expert of law stood up to test Jesus for the sake of eternal Life. When I think about this young man, who was very close to Jesus Christ and came to talk him, but unfortunately he could not obtain the eternal life. It is much the same in the modern age; many people, The problem is that they THINK that are living according to the will of Jesus Christ, yet are not. They think they have faith, but they do not. There is only "one faith" (Eph 4:5), and it is the faith that is "obtained" (2 Pet 1:1). Also, we do not know if they are seeking eternal life – that is what is not known. Jesus said every who seeks finds (Matt 7:7-8). If they do not obtain eternal life, the real reason is that they

“Seek with all your heart”

did NOT seek it. They did not seek with “all” of their “heart” (Jeremiah 29:13). How can someone be so close to Jesus Christ, but not gain eternal life? Consider the writing in the Book of Mathew: Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ 23Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ Mathew 7:22-23 There are some very important lessons to be learned from this parable which will lead you to heaven:

1. Consider your ways. This is the most important lesson in the parable.: consider your ways, consider your conduct. One must understand and recognize our path in life, the nature of it, and our conduct on it. From this parable, it is noteworthy to consider that this certain man, who had been stripped and robbed by


12 DREAM / March 2012


quest. But you must understand that prayers cannot give you salvation. For salvation, you have to come to Lord Jesus Christ. Let’s look in the parable: The first man who came and saw him injured and half dead laid was a priest. It is shocking that a priest passed him by and did not perform his spiritual duty. It may have been because he was afraid to touch him, and render him“And Joshua adjured them at that time, saying, Cursed be self unholy. However, he could have and should have the man before the LORD, that riseth up and buildeth this done more than what he did. city Jericho: he shall lay the foundation thereof in his In the 21st century, millions of souls are injured and left firstborn, and in his youngest son shall he set up the gates half dead; stripped, robbed, and destroyed by the devil. of it” —Joshua 6:26 They look for help from priests, but they do not fulfill their spiritual duty. thieves, was travelling from Jerusalem to Jericho. It is so noteworthy, because the meaning of Jerusalem is “the City of Peace”. It stands to reason, that in this blessed and peaceful land,, our Savior,, the Prince of Peace, was born here. Jericho, on the other hand, was a cursed city; Joshua has cursed this city 6:26

My message to these priests is to open your eyes to the needs of your flock. Come out from your comfort zones and go to help the people.

The literal path from Jerusalem to Jericho, and the spiritual path from a place of peace to a place of condemnation illustrate this most valuable lesson. Similarly, in our day, thousands are walking towards a city of curses and wickedness. They do not know that they will suffer for it. Many of them are already suffering, but don’t realize it. When our direction points towards the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, we will inherit eternal joy, and we will have fellowship with him in heaven. When our direction points away from him, our path leads towards the devil and damnation. John 10:10; the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. So, if you want to go to heaven, the first thing you must do is “consider your ways.”

The second person who came and saw him was a Levite. A Levite is comparable to a deacon or deaconess in the church. Their responsibility is to work in the temple. Look closely, as both men of a religious order did not help the injured, and passed him by. Heed this: pastors, preachers and priests can talk about salvation, but they cannot give you salvation. You must work on your own salvation yourself. It is an active process, not a passive process.. In order to gain salvation, you must repent and accepts Jesus Christ as your personal savior: Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. John 2:38

3. Walk with Jesus Christ:

In the parable, the Samaritan appeared and helped him. He took care of him and brought him to an inn. He asked the innkeeper to take care of him. He paid part of the bill and promised to pay the rest on his return. Consider this: when we are injured and left for dead, Jesus came into the world and died for ourselves so we may live and have abundant life. So, Jesus said if a person loved Him and kept His commandments He and His Father would "come unto him" (John 14:23). Paul prayed for the Ephesians believers that God would strengthen them by His Spirit in the inner man so that Christ COULD "dwell in their 2. Work on your own salvation This is another important lesson which from this parable: hearts" (Eph 3:16-17). Use expressions like "come" to Jesus (Matt 11:28; John 6:35, 37). you must work towards your own salvation. Prayers can heal you or can give you whatever you reFind you neighbor. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

13 DREAM / March 2012


I don’t understand what part of the word “GO” people don’t understand. In the verse 37, Jesus says clearly, Go and do likewise. And In the Great commission is very Clear GO, Mathew 28:29 But, people don’t want to come out from their comfort zones. That is why Jesus said, The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. Luke 10:2 NKJV Few are who feels that they should go and they are going and reaching the lost and taking care of them.

Most of the time we live our life and we don’t care about the others how the people are living and what they are in need. If you just Google Africa and Asia likewise third world countries, you will find out people are starving dying with hunger. People are living sinful life and nobody care for them. Christianity is not a religion; it is relationship with Jesus Christ. It is a practical walk in life. If we will not go and help people, God will choose someone but we will be rejected. The Bible says clearly about it, Isaiah 58: 6-9 NKJV “Is this not the fast that I have chosen: To loose the bonds of wickedness, To undo the heavy burdens, To let the oppressed go free, And that you break every yoke? 7 Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, And that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out; When you see the naked, that you cover him, And not hide yourself from your own flesh? 8 Then your light shall break forth like the morning, Your healing shall spring forth speedily, And your righteousness shall go before you; The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. 9 Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; You shall cry, and He will say, ‘Here I am.’

If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love. John 15:10 NKJV Conclusion: In summary, People don’t realize what they have and they remain beggars in their whole life. The rich guy had encounter with Jesus but he could not have Jesus. Don’t lose the opportunity to have Jesus. Salvation is in your hand, believe and receive Christ and Walk with him and Go into the nations and preach the Good News.

4. Go and Do _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

14 DREAM / March 2012


Dream Dedicates this magazine to all the Fallen Heroes of the Faith

2 Chronicles 7:14 King James Version (KJV)


If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

15 DREAM / March 2012


www.facebook.com/dreamcentrallive Our Mission is to help connect the body of Christ Through businesses, churches, ministries, etc‌ If you are looking for a place to connect with Other ministries, to help grow in a deeper walk with Christ, and you would like a place to help find your calling, you want to be apart of a ministry organization that is about serving, disciplining, and being the hands and feet of Christ we would love to see you at Dream Central or at a Tuesday night Dream Launch night!


16 DREAM / March 2012


Why Relational Discipleship Has Become My Priority By: Lee Grady I didn’t accept the offer. Instead I gave the man a second option. “Let me spend three days with a small group of pastors,” I said. “Let me encourage them, and then they can go out and preach at the big meetings. They will do a much better job than I could.” I’m not against mass evangelism. I’m not criticizing people who organize big meetings. But I’m learning that the best way to impact a large number of people is to focus on a few.

I’d rather invest in a few emerging leaders than preach to crowds of thousands. Here’s why. Once when I was traveling in India a pastor made a tempting proposal. “If you come to our city, we will stage a big evangelistic campaign and invite thousands,” he said. “You can preach to all of them.” This man assumed I would be intrigued. After all, I could take photos of the big crowds and use them to brag later about how many people made decisions for Christ.

“Jesus did not mass-produce legions of followers. He handcarved a few—and they became the pillars of the early church.”

This was Jesus’ method of ministry. Most of his conversations in the Gospels were with His small group of handpicked disciples. Even when He did mass meetings, He used them to instruct the people He was mentoring. For 3.5 years He invested in His closest followers in a deeply personal way—not as an instructor but as a friend. Jesus did not mass-produce legions of followers. He hand-carved a few—and they became the pillars of the early church. Jesus calls us to do ministry His way—by making disciples. Yet in today’s performancebased culture, we think bigger is better. We put all our money and time into splashy events while ignoring relationships. We want the sensational, not the simple. We crave big meetings, bigger platforms, noisy sermons, hypedup altar calls and instant results. It may look spectacular on opening night, but the show fades fast. This shallowness is killing us. Christianity in so many parts of the world is a mile wide and an inch deep because we think faith is best transmitted to people by preachers standing behind pulpits. Preaching is certainly


17 DREAM / March 2012


important, but without personal discipleship leaders aren't formed and Christians don’t develop true character. If this vital relational aspect is overlooked, our faith becomes programmed, superficial and horribly fake.

4. Instruct. Jesus didn't lecture his disciples; He

artfully wove His teaching into the events of daily life—a storm, the death of a friend or an encounter with a needy beggar. His teaching flowed out of His relationship with His companions. Discipleship does not have to happen in a classroom I’ve changed my priorities as I have grasped this setting. It can happen at a doughnut shop, during truth. I’m not as interested in flashy conferences a bike ride or in a car. Expect “teaching moments” or huge crowds as I am in making an indelible to flow naturally when you are spending time mark on people who can then disciple others. with those you are mentoring. And as the Lord has shifted my paradigm, I have become more intentional about making disciple- 5. Intercede. Paul told Timothy that he conship a part of my daily life. I’ve done this by fol- stantly remembered him in his prayers “night and lowing what I call the Five “I’s” of Discipleship: day” (2 Tim. 1:3). The most effective discipleship occurs when the discipler invests time in prayer 1. Identify. Jesus prayed carefully before se- for those he or she is mentoring. After some of lecting those who would travel with Him.Paul my young disciples gave me an iPad last year, I selected people like Timothy, Silas, Aquilla and decided to return the favor by using it to help me Priscilla to be his ministry companions. Who are pray for them. I now have a “visual prayer list” you called to disciple? God connects people in with photos of the people I intercede for regularly. discipleship relationships. Floyd McClung, a former leader of Youth With a 2. Invest. Don’t look at discipleship as a pro- Mission who now lives in South Africa, says he gram. It must flow out of love and genuine wishes he had spent more of his time making disfriendship. It is a precious investment of your ciples when he was younger. He recently wrote: time into a younger Christian. Paul told the Thes- “I've been blessed to do many things: books, consalonians: “We were well-pleased to impart to ferences, television, etc. But you not only the gospel of God but also our own that’s nothing compared to pouring into others lives, because you had become very dear to and seeing them go for it.” us” (1 Thess. 2:8, NASB). Leaders all around the world are coming to this same conclusion. They recognize that today’s famen is by taking them with me on ministry trips. therless generation is looking for more than the I would have fewer hassles if I traveled alone, hottest music, the coolest stage lighting or the but my privacy is not that precious. In the last hippest techno-pastor. They just want authentic couple of years I’ve invited emerging leaders role models who will spend time with them. such as Jason, Steven, Vitaly, Khuram, Donnie, J. Lee Grady is the former editor of Charisma and the Felipe, Lyndle and Ryan to accompany me to various events. Investing in a disciple, to me, has director of The Mordecai Project. You can follow him on become more exciting than preaching to a multi- Twitter at leegrady. From Charisma Magazine Charismamag.com. tude! Used by permission

3. Include. One of the ways I disciple young


18 DREAM / March 2012


Imagine Heaven (What Freedom Means To Me) By: Bobby Hager

Oh what song would I sing? Running through the peaceful valleys No more Troubles, I’d see clear Bowing down, He’d take my fears On green grass my feet would lay Standing on holy ground, I would kneel to pray Oh what stories He’d tell me The expression on my face With His beauty I would see Nothing but grace Oh how beautiful my wardrobe would be Draped in white, and whiter than snow I would sing with the angels And all praise would show As tears of joy run down my face Walking through the peaceful valleys Remembering the sea Where my sins lay As I wait on this Heavenly place I imagine Heaven, its loving grace.


19 DREAM / March 2012


By: Steven Semones II he second Dream Unite was a great evening. We met for our second time at Sandy Beach Resort in Myrtle Beach, SC and had 15 different ministries and about 25 people present to represent their ministries. They shared their heart, connected, and really loved on one another. It was an amazing night and I am already looking forward to the next one coming up Tuesday Aug 28th at 7pm located back again at Sandy Beach Resort in their conference room. We have another full list of ministries that will be present with us. We hope many more will come to check out what Dream Unite is all about as well as connect with other ministries and we hope to one day soon hear your heart, and our desire is to see walls be broken and what your purpose is to be fulfilled. It will take all of us working together as the body and not against one another. Come and connect and we look forward to seeing you at the next Dream unite.


Line up from last Unite Night May 29th

Gustavo Guerrero & Band Zohet (Worship) Common Ground - Jarrett Wallace & Dell Gaillard Card Man Inc- Matthew Brooks www.boc-music.com - Well Ced

Many More!!! Unite Night @ Sandy Beach Resort Tuesday Aug 28th @ 7pm 201 Ocean Blvd Myrtle Beach, SC 29577-4083


20 DREAM / March 2012


Stuart Royall- 180 Degrees Kyle &Karen Mitchell – Sea Palms The Sea Palms Summer Outreach is located in the Heart of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina! We are seeking to lead the lost and to help make this world a better place to live. We want to glorify God through various mission opportunities for children and youth. While doing these ministries we desire to... Provide an environment that fosters Godly relationships and spiritual renewal Guide and challenge youth through discipleship by offering a summer missionary on staff Lead people to salvation or recommitment to the Lord Jesus Christ Develop leaders to affect their world at home and abroad.

Wayne Powell – South Carolina Teen Challenge To assist individuals to become mentally sound; emotionally balanced; socially adjusted; physically well and spiritually alive.

Kathy Penney – Kathy Penney Ministries Kathy’s ministry focus is on evangelism, post abortion bible studies, speaker, and author. She is looking for open doors to start speaking at churches, outreach events, and anywhere the door is opened.

Pat Stiles- Surfside United Methodist Church Staff Pastor at SUMC and the burden of her heart is for people to have a vital relationship with Christ!

Cindy Hunt- Missions

Lead Pastor 180-Degrees, a Christian church, was birthed from a passion to establish a church in which effective discipleship could be realized. Stuart Royall, Lead Pastor of 180-Degrees, received practical ministry experience while leading Fellowship of Christian Athletes as a campus minister at the University of Richmond and pastoring inner city youth in Richmond's East End.

Jeff Szirmae- 180 Degrees He is a part of the praise band: Driven and has a vision for a summer blvd ministry.

Chris Tullis- First PHC Conway Assistant pastor of First PHC Conway Chris’s heart for ministry is Outreach, evangelism, tent revivals, Hispanic Ministry, jail ministry, and connecting the kingdom.

Chris Schafehen- Uncommon For students that are followers of Christ to see themselves first and foremost as members of the Body of Christ and for this new found identity, through the work of the Holy Spirit, to inspire and rejuvenate students to BE the body of Christ through their churches, through their youth groups, through the examples of their lives.

Sybil Lee- Fidelis Foundation Our Mission is to facilitate permanent emotional healing for children in crisis due to trauma, neglect or abuse, through creative equine assisted learning. We mentor both equine and personal skills, helping them to develop the ability to make and set goals, and helping them make life-long positive changes.

What is the heart of Dream Unite?

Has a heart for Missions, and missionaries. She wants to see souls come into the kingdom of God and lives changed for the better.

James& Breanna Cook- Life Line Outreach

We believe in what God has called you for, and remember the only person that can ever keep you from that is you!


21 DREAM / March 2012


In your ministry right know…

Do you ever feel the burden of feeling you have to do everything by yourself?

Do you have passion that is burning deep within you or have you been close to burn out? Do you spend more time focusing on many things that you can’t really focus on the one thing that you were

called to do?

Do you have a hard time trusting others, and building relationships?

Do you feel like you are the only one that cares and nobody understands how you feel?

You try to reach out, help, serve, but sometimes you don’t feel you have anywhere to turn for encouragement, love, support, and sometimes just a trustful ear to listen? Dream Unite is to help connect you with other passionate ministries just like yours, to help join arms in your missions that God has called you for. To help you be more effective, revive you ministry to be fun and full of passionate men and women that want to make disciples. Find brothers and sisters that are there to serve, help come beside you, team up with you, and together there is nothing we can’t achieve with God. Your burnout turns into peace, and your focus gets clearer. You become more defined, you have a support staff, full of ministries that love, encourage, pray for one another, serve one another, and only one motive to make disciples. A place to meet other ministries with hearts just like you, ministries where it isn’t trying to compare

how they are better but always thinking together how we can be more effective and better to fulfill the call God has put deep inside of us all. We are a part of one body and we are not in competition. We all have a piece of the Grande puzzle that God has created but only found by each wonderful piece of the body. Our Dream is to not to be another event to put into your schedule, but to help you in all different areas of ministry. Be something that challenges, gives good info, and helps you build some of the greatest relationships that you have ever known. I want to see the body totally unite for nothing other but to see the fathers will to be done, but the only way that can happen is with your help. I am reaching, but are you willing to grab it back and let’s hold on through all the years as we grow together in Christ and do everything we can to reach generation to generation!

“One thing that I have learned is being busy is never the problem, but the problem is being effective. “

There are only so many hours in a week, and days in a year. We are none granted tomorrow, but how can we be more effective?


And knowing their thoughts Jesus said to them, "Any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste; and any city or house divided against itself will not stand. (NASB Matthew 12:25)

Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, "Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand. (NLV Matthew 12:25)


22 DREAM / March 2012



Dreammaga@gmail.com Steven Craig Semones II Also be praying for another Dream Unite that is being birthed in Charleston, South Carolina we are teaming up with Karvelis Flowers to extend our mission to connect the body of Christ!

Not This Year By: Donnie Lord On November 5, 2011 Dream held its first annual fundraiser to support Not This Year. It was a huge success as we accomplished our goal and were able to touch the lives of ONE HUNDRED women throughout the Grand Strand in homes for battered women. Held at The X Sports Complex in Myrtle Beach contestants paid an entry fee and then battled each other in one on one tournaments of Madden ’12 on the Xbox 360 console. The two winners squared off one week later in the inaugural Dream Bowl to be called Dream Bowl Champion and take home the now coveted Dream Bowl Tro-

All games were played on professional gaming tournament consoles and monitors provided by East Coast Xtreme Gaming and recorded to be later displayed on the internet with help from Gamers Armada including the Dream Bowl in its entirety with colorful commentary by Brent Densford from ECX and Chris Gardiner from Gamers Armada. The success of this fundraiser would not have been possible without the help of the local business sponsors who donated various items and services for prizes. The following were sponsors and their prizes were Advance Auto Parts and the Dominator Award given to the first person to make their opponent forfeit, the Logans Roadhouse Something Meatier Award for rushing over 100 yards, and the Affordable Garage Quarter Finals where all contestants who made it to the quarter finals received free services from Affordable Garage. With this past year behind us our focus is now on to next year. November 3, 2012 will be the Madden ’13 Tournament and the Dream Bowl 2013 one week following. We ask for you help in any way possible. For some it’s a donation of time or money, for others it will be services as prizes, and others will help by participating in the tournament. Thank you for your time and for carefully considering how you might be involved.

843-467-4869 www.thewep.com


23 DREAM / March 2012


Ministry is Fun no matter If it’s Serving or Loving!

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24 DREAM / March 2012 www.Launchageneration.com

Featured Dream Music Artists Well Ced

is just a common guy from a little town called Georgetown, SC. His birth name is Cedric Lorenzo White and he was born on March 24, 1986. His family became a part of the church when he was approximately 8 years old. Through the process of time, he developed the most important thing a person could develop, a relationship with Jesus Christ. At a young age, he was baptized in Jesus name and received the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:38), and continues the process of dying out to himself, daily. His journey through life brought him many doubts. Especially during his years at a liberal arts university that ended up shaking his faith. This new disbelief led him on a study of the essence of God which in turn brought him undeniable and unwavering faith in Jesus Christ. He developed a burden for the youth and began to work with youth ministries more closely. During this time, he discovered that the MAJORITY of young people (even in the church) listen to Hip Hop music. He has been on a quest, ever since, to change this youth killing detriment. This is the birth of Well CED music.



-(Dell Gaillard) is a young man who has a passion for ministry. Whether through hip hop music, preaching or teaching the word of God. His heart is to convey the truth of God on a level that everyone can understand. Was raised in the church and because of that, he got started in ministry early. Began rapping for the Lord at age 16 and was very zealous for God but lacking a lot of knowledge. Basing his salvation on works instead of faith in Christ, and struggled a lot in his faith. This led to struggling with identity crisis. Wanting to be cool and holy at the same time sometimes caused him to compromise his faith in Jesus. At the age of 18 he learned about true faith in Christ Jesus. Went to bible college in 2006 and matched up his knowledge of God with his zeal for God. Now in his mid 20's he is the youth minister at his local church (CAYABF). He is a father and a husband who is dedicated to serving his family, church, and community. His continuous message to the youth at his church is "you can be immature physically but be mature spiritually." Now that God has reinvigorated his passion for hip hop ministry, he is focused on one task in these last days; to be a trailblazer for Jesus Christ! Vizion started rapping for Christ with the South Carolina holy hip hop group, the Cruzaiders. With the Cruzaiders he performed on the same stage with other holy hip hop artists such as: The Crossmovement, Da Truth, and Irocc. As well as contemporary Christian artists like: Big Daddy Weave, NewSong, Overflow, and Aaron Shust. With the Cruzaiders, Vizion contributed to two released group projects: "No Better Life" (2004) and "Free" (2006). Vizion has just released his long anticipated solo album “Love and Marriage� which is currently available on I tunes, CD Baby and is coming soon to Amazon. and Rhapsody. http://www.reverbnation.com/vizionakathetrailblaza

Nicole White

- is a 26 year old minister of music from the Charleston, SC area. She now lives in Myrtle Beach, SC with her husband, Cedric White (W.e.l.l. CED) and two children, Micah and Abrielle. Nicole is currently the Music Director at the Pentecostals of Georgetown under the pastorialship of Pastor Donel White. Her Influences are the Winans, CeCe Winans, Joann Rosario, Virtue, Natalie Grant, Neal Mellix, Nathan Mellix and above all JESUS CHRIST. The New album is scheduled to be released in the Winter of 2011. This album will include a mixture of gospel/Christian music styles such as jazz, gospel, contemporary Christian and praise and worship, just to name a few. The songs on the upcoming album were all influenced by Nicole's personal testimonies and battles, the testimonies of others and, of course, the goodness of JESUS CHRIST!

http://www.nicmusic.com/ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

25 DREAM / March 2012


Featured Dream Ministries Go Ministries

is a non-profit organization, based out of Conway, SC, whose purpose is to produce an interactive worship experience for communities in which families know that they must seek God first. These worship experiences, called Kid’s Crusades, include dramatic performances, story-telling, puppets, a live band, and other high-energy fun! These productions have been produced in many forms and areas, including the Dominican Republic and England. They can be as elaborate or as conservative as desired. These events, beneficial to communities and churches alike, can be used as a special church event, children’s ministry during special church events, community outreaches, and Vacation Bible schools.

Book Go at your church today! Website: http://gothewebsite.blogspot.com/


is Uncommon Life is a nonprofit organization providing men-

toring programs and events for middle and high school youth in the greater Myrtle Beach area. The program will form partnerships with local churches, schools and outreach organizations. Uncommon Life's goal is to encourage a commitment to young people that will promote Christ driven pro-social friendships, strong interpersonal skills, and reassert a sense of hope in their future. Only through personal relationships with the Holy Spirit can a sense of individual responsibility be reestablished that will give youth the commitment to follow through on a path to adulthood with a sense of pride and accomplishment for God. This summer we will be gathering middle school + high school students every Thursday 6:30-8:30pm New Location 3820 Holmestown Rd Myrtle Beach, SC 29588 For an uncommon evening.. Where Vibrant Relationships Happen


Common Ground

is people from all walks of life coming together to enjoy worshipping Jesus Christ through music, the arts, and fellowship. We value genuine Christian community and understand the need for “comprehensive Christianity” Which offers an example of how it looks to walk in a relationship with Christ outside the 4 walls of the sanctuary. Thus, we hope to provide a place to engage and invite younger believers to enjoy Christ in a new way. Location: 1221 HWY 501 BUSINESS (across the street from Red Hill Motel) Conway, SC 29526

Affiliation: Come As You Are Bible Fellowship Email: commonground@cayabf.org Phone: 843-503-1711 or 843-267-5103 Website: http://Cayabf.org _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

26 DREAM / March 2012 www.Launchageneration.com

The Mordecai Project is a Christian ministry founded by J. Lee Grady, a journalist, ordained minister and author of the groundbreaking book 10 Lies the

Church Tells Women. The purpose of this ministry is to (1) confront the global oppression of women; (2) empower women to discover their God-given spiritual gifts and ministries; and (3) equip Christian men, including church leaders, to recognize, value, protect and train the women in their lives. This mission is accomplished through books, preaching, mentoring, leadership conferences, ministerial retreats and television programs in various languages. Lee is confronting all forms of abuse including domestic violence, female infanticide, denial of education to girls, forced prostitution and sex trafficking, female genital mutilation, mistreatment of widows and honor killings. He also calls for the full participation of trained women in church leadership, and he challenges the global church to reject unbiblical religious traditions that encourage gender discrimination. _____________________________________________________________

Our mission statement is summarized in this way: EMPOWERING WOMEN * CONFRONTING ABUSE * TRANSFORMING NATIONS

www.themordecaiproject.org “Both books are a must read they speak to your soul, into your life and right from the humble heart of Lee Grady!� -Steven C Semones II _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

27 DREAM / March 2012


Featured Dream Businesses www.maximizedliving.com

NTM Music and Production Neal Melix Engineer/Producer http://www.ntmprod.com/ From our home in the Charleston, SC area, NTM music and productions is a project studio based environment dedicated to the production of Christian music projects in all stages of development. Unlike a typical recording studio environment (where you come in with complete song arrangements, well rehearsed and ready to track), here you can develop your project from concept to polished music production. In addition we also offer services such as: song writing, arranging, demo recording, remixing, and wave editing. NTM music & productions collaborates with a network of qualified and talented Christian musicians, singers and engineers to provide the resources needed to compliment your project. To the independent client we offer services from simple editing to complete music productions. Should an artist be signed to the NTM label, the production can then be independently marketed and distributed. As a gospel singer and electronics technician trained in the communications field, gospel music has been my passion and hobby for many years. Now retired, I devote more of my time and energy to audio and the gospel music I love. We seek anointed, talented, inspired and dedicated Christian artists to be affiliated with our record label that we may fulfill our vision for the glory of God. "Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins." James 5.20 Our project studio provides forty-eight tracks of pristine world-class audio in a Pro Tools format. We also provide midi recording, with state of the art virtual instruments and great audio plug-ins for processing and editing digital audio and midi. Some of the names include Digidesign, Sony, IK Multimedia, E-MU, Autria, Propellorhead, Celemony, Bomb Factory, and fxpansion to name a few. At the heart of our studio is a Sweetwater Creation station with two bootable drives and removable data storage drives. Drive #1 runs Pro Tools and Digidesign hardware, drive #2 controls the thirty-two in thirty-two out Tascam interface card of the Tascam DM-3200 digital mixing console, (which also provides automation and remote control for Pro Tools and a host of other music software). Our Lucid master clock syncs all digital audio thru the ART voice channel, digital console and computer audio interfaces. We also have a Sony DAT and monitor system by Adam, KRK, AKG and PreSonus. We have condenser microphones by audio-technica, CAD and more. The professional power center is by Monster Power. We have synth action and piano action keyboard controllers and our computers are packed with the tools you need to get the job done. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

28 DREAM / March 2012 www.Launchageneration.com

I hope you where inspired and challenged in the first issue of Dream Magazine. I am twenty-six years old and I have grown up in Myrtle Beach, SC all of my life. I have a Dream to see people that have lost hope to find hope, that have lost their desire to dream to dream, and for broken hearts to be mended. Life is about choices and outcomes to our choices. I don’t care what someone has told you, what they have said you can’t achieve, but I believe that you can do whatever is deep down in your heart. It will take hard work, some sweat, and tears. Nothing worth achieving is easy, but if you are willing to put the time into achieving it I believe you will do it. I have thought many times even if you never achieve the dream that was put inside of your heart, you die knowing that you never gave up on what was put inside of you. Nothing or no one can ever stop you from reaching your dreams, but only you. We all have things in our lives, we all have felt heartbreak, dealt with loss, had some highs and some lows, but we still must persevere as long as air is in our lungs. Life is short and that is reason enough to ask yourself the question what are you waiting for? As you look around this world you see nothing but negativity and people that are tired of just going through a robot kind of life. We have no choice than to dream because what else do we have without that in our hearts and minds. We not only must dream but we have to believe that it will and can be done!

I HAVE A DREAM... In Dream magazine you find powerful stories of people that have dreams whether it is in there personal life, there ministries, and there businesses. I love to hear the heart of a person and there dreams because you find there passion that seems to flow out of their innermost being. I am a minister that wants to cause people to dream, to find there purpose in life, to lead with encouragement, and to share the freedom I have found in Christ which is the one that will not allow me to drop this dream to be a catalyst of change that is inspired in dreams and is followed by action . I know we live in a world that is tired of hearing words so I want to lead, dream, encourage, and live it with my life. I once read a young boys quote he wrote before he died that simply said , “you don’t know what you would live for unless you know what you would die for. I would die for you.” I live my life and give it so that you can also find the peace and freedom that I know because I know you are worth it! I have a dream that my words will not go void but be something that impacts this world my lifetime and beyond!

Acts 2:17; Proverbs 29:18; 2 Chronicles 7:14 Ecclesiastes 5:3

- Dream Magazine Editor in Chief


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