Top 9 trending off page SEO techniques of 2017 Obviously, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the techniques utilized to get better traffic to a website by acquiring a high-rank position in the Search Engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo etc. The field of SEO is evolving and developing every now and then. People should be updated always in order to be good at SEO techniques. New trends and techniques come up in SEO every year. Hence, SEO executives should be aware of trending off page SEO techniques if they really want to flourish in their job. Without a doubt, appropriate On-page and Off-page work will present a better positioning to your website in the Search Engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo etc. The top your pages can rank on Google, Bing and Yahoo, the more traffic your site is expected to find. There are in fact some effective ways to increase your page rankings on search engines by means of off page SEO techniques. Off page optimization comprises all the techniques that can be completed off the pages to acquire more traffic. Following are the top 9 trending off page SEO techniques of 2017: 1. Social Bookmarking One of the most important off page SEO techniques is Social Bookmarking. Social Bookmarking is a widely used SEO tactic to get quality Back links. It is certain that Back links are links from outside sites to your website. Social bookmarking sites are one of the most excellent areas to promote your website. You can find plenty of Social Bookmarking websites and when you share content on these sites, you can gain high traffic to your web page. 2. Create Social Media Profiles Another vital off page SEO technique to improve the traffic of your website is creating social media profiles. Try to improve your social media presence since it is very useful to get quality traffic to your website. 3. Article Submission Obviously, article submission is a very significant off page SEO techniques that can be utilized to bring your website to the top in search engine results. You should focus on writing quality contents or articles and submit them to popular article directory sites which can with no doubt help you to drive traffic to your website. Make sure that it is important to incorporate your SEO strategy through quality article submission. Article submission is established tactic for link building and you can come across many article directory sites over the web. Submitting articles to them will be very handy. The search engine optimization companies should concentrate on this activity much as it is more effective in SEO. 4. Questions and Answers Don’t ignore the importance of participating in Questions and Answers sites because it is one of the dominant approaches for link building and Off-Page SEO. Make sure to keenly involve yourself in answering questions on sites like Yahoo Answers. You can place a link to your website in Questions and Answers sites which lead people to find your website very easily and it is also an effective method to boost your link reputation.
5. Video Submission Video Marketing is another handy important off page SEO techniques that you can utilize while promoting your website on the web. High quality, unique content featuring visual media aspects like video are happening to be the best performing resources for the top-ranked web pages. Video submission is one of the best ways to get quality back links for the reason that all video submission websites have higher PR. 6. Image Submission Just like video submission, Image Submission is considered as an important off page SEO technique. If you are capable of sharing good images on your site, people will be capable of seeing them and make remarks on them. Most of the people may follow your site by way of your quality images. Make sure that your image has a proper title, description and tags before submitting it. 7. Directory Submission Obviously, a lot of SEO experts give less importance to the Directory Submission at the moment but Directory Submission can play a huge role to promote your website to the top in search engine results. It is observable that Directory Submission is an effective off page SEO technique that aids you to build quality back links. Try to select a helpful directory and go for a right category. Directory Submission may take your time but it will deliver good results at the end. 8. Forum Submission Forum Submission is another notable off page SEO technique that you should give importance to when promoting your website on the web. You should concentrate on finding forums online that are associated to your sites and join in that community. You have to constantly reply to threads, answer people’s questions and present your suggestions. You can include a link to your site when making use of forums and it leads search engines to top your site steadily. 9. Blog Commenting Ignoring the significance of blog commenting will be a poor choice when you promote your website online. Blog commenting is an effective link building technique that works really well for you. You should keep away from the common method of blog commenting and focus on making quality comments. These are the some of the quality off page SEO activities among many other in the digital marketing service. Focusing on these SEO off-page activities will result in bringing good traffic to your website as it will top the search result for your website in Google.