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The Voice of Our Leader WELCOME TO THE 2022 TEXAS NORTHEAST FIRST HOLY CONVOCATION! Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ! We want to thank our heavenly Father for the opportunity granted to us to congregate in our beautiful jurisdictional headquarters, Saintsville Church of God in Christ, for the 2022 Holy Convocation. We always look forward to Women’s Day and what the women of the Lord have in store for equipping, empowering, and encouraging us to live out the principles of God’s Word in our daily lives. We serve such an awesome and magnificent God! We thank the Lord for each of our Spirit-led speakers who will impart wisdom and knowledge in helping us understand the magnitude of this great gift of the Holy Ghost that is set apart for believers who ask for, anticipate, and embrace power for Kingdom living. Tonight, we are so blessed to have all the way from Los Angeles, California, our General Supervisor, Mother Barbara McCoo Lewis, of the Church of God in Christ International Department of Women. She will impart the Word of God in addition to conducting the licensing and installation ceremony for our new Evangelist Missionaries and District Missionaries. We are doubly excited about our new Supervisor Designate, Mother Paula J. Thompson, whom the Lord has appointed for this season. She is not only anointed but brings a wealth of knowledge, and organizational experience for strategically building the Jurisdictional Department of Women and increasing the spiritual acumen of each woman who can reciprocate this strength in their district and local churches. To that end, our 2022 Holy Convocation theme is: “PERSEVERING IN OUR FAITH & EXPECTING A SUPERNATURAL MOVE OF GOD ” II Kings 4:8-37 Let us continue to persevere in our most holy faith in an effort to keep an open line of communication with God DAILY so we can experience authentic deliverance, miraculous healing, and celebrate with those who God will set free ALL because they/we have experienced a SUPERNATURAL move of God! Your presence is an indication that you are committed to this objective in your faith – not just for yourself, but for your home, your church, your community, and in all souls, you are blessed to impact for life-change. So, come praying, believing, and expecting an overflow of the anointing of God which will lift burdens & destroy yokes in the matchless POWER of God! You will be so glad you did! Your Servant in Christ,
Bishop James E. Hornsby Bishop James E. Hornsby, Prelate Texas Northeast First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Church of God in Christ, Inc.
ORDER OF WORSHIP (*) Where indicated, the congregation will stand.
Presiding .............................................................................................. First Lady Lessie Beard, Wife of Administrative Assistant Invocation.................................................................................................................................. District Missionary DeLisa Reed Scripture Reading ........................................................................................................... District Missionary Michele Thomas Praise and Worship .................................................................................................. Jurisdictional Praise and Worship Team Welcome............................................................................................................................ District Missionary Glenda Goodson Greetings ............................................................................................ Missionary Paula J. Thompson, Supervisor-Designate Voice of the First Lady......................................................................................... Lady Janis L. Hornsby, Texas Northeast First Ministry of Music .........................................................................................Texas Northeast First Jurisdiction Mass Choir Ministry of Giving ................................................................................................................ Jurisdictional Finance Committee Observations........................................................................................ Supt. Charles Faultry, Jurisdictional Executive Secretary Episcopal Presentation ........................................................................................ Administrative Assistant Charles R. Beard Introduction of Speaker ................................................................................. Bishop James E. Hornsby, Jurisdictional Prelate Sermonic Selection .......................................................................................Texas Northeast First Jurisdiction Mass Choir THE WORD OF GOD .................................................................................................. MOTHER BARBARA MCCOO LEWIS General Supervisor, Seventh in Succession Church Of God In Christ, International Department of Women Los Angeles, California Altar Appeal Installation/Ceremony ................................................... Bestowal of License and District/Jurisdictional Appointments Closing Remarks Benediction
THE LICENSING CEREMONY FOR EVANGELIST MISSIONARIES THE DEAN: “Supervisor Lewis” “I present these candidates to you. They have confessed a Call of God on their life. They have been recommended by their Pastor and have completed the requirements as set forth and executed in the Jurisdictional School of Licensing for Missionaries.” LICENSEE CANDIDATES DEBRA COWAN MARIE WILLIAMS LAFREDA DAVIS SHUNSEE WILSON TINA MASSENGILL YOLANDA WOODS Words of Exhortation ...................................................................................................................... The General Supervisor THE INQUIRY OF THE GENERAL SUPERVISOR: As a Candidate for the Evangelist Missionary License, you have confessed being saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost. Women of God, you have come to this hour of the Ecclesiastical Consecration. Being aware of the occasion and challenge to service that it presents, will you in reverence to God, answer the questions we now ask you? Answer: I will. Will you endeavor to live an exemplary life of holiness as a licensed missionary in the Church of God in Christ? Answer: I will by the help of God. Will you through firm biblical teaching present the Word of God for the perfecting of the saints; edification of the
church and for the glorification of God? Answer: I will do so, the Lord being my helper. Will you diligently perform all the duties required of a missionary as outlined in the guidelines of the International Church of God in Christ and as assigned to you by your Jurisdictional Supervisor/Jurisdictional Bishop, District Missionary/District Superintendent as well as your Pastor and officers of your Local Church? Answer: I will by the help of God. Will you pledge your continued loyalty, financial support, and faithful attendance in your Home Jurisdiction, TEXAS NORTHEAST FIRST ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION and do you also pledge to fulfill, to the best of your ability, the required financial obligations as set forth by the National Church of God in Christ for Evangelist Missionaries? Answer: I will by the help of God. THE RECITING OF THE MISSIONARY PLEDGE OF THE CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST I believe in the doctrine of this, the Church of God in Christ, as it is interpreted by our Founder, Bishop Charles Harrison Mason, and perpetuated by the ministers of said church to be the Doctrine of the Bible. As a MISSIONARY, I pledge my loyalty to this church and its doctrine, pledging to teach it faithfully and no other as long as I hold its licenses. I further pledge my loyalty to the leadership of this church, always holding them in honor and esteem. I also pledge my obedience and service to the best of my ability, according to the dictation of the Scriptures.
THE PROCLAMATION BY THE JURISDICTIONAL SUPERVISOR By the authority vested in me as the General Supervisor of the Church of God in Christ and on behalf of Texas Northeast First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and with the endorsement of our Jurisdictional Prelate, Bishop James E. Hornsby, I do hereby license you as an EVANGELIST MISSIONARY of the Church Of God In Christ. THE CAPPING OF THE EVANGELIST MISSIONARIES THE PRAYER (AND OIL ANOINTING) OF CONSECRATION AND COVERING Bishop James E. Hornsby, Prelate PRESENTATION OF EVANGELIST MISSIONARY LICENSES THE GENERAL SUPERVISOR: BISHOP HORNSBY, I present to you, these Evangelist Missionaries, women of God, recommended by their Pastors. They have completed the requirements of this Jurisdiction and the International Department of Women School of Licensing of the Church of God in Christ, Inc. We are honored and Godly proud to present them to you and this congregation. REMARKS/EXHORTATIONS Bishop James E. Hornsby, Prelate
SERVICE OF INSTALLATION FOR THE DISTRICT MISSIONARY THE STATEMENT OF PURPOSE “For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that you might be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.” Colossians 1:9 THE CHARGE THE GENERAL SUPERVISOR: You have been chosen of God and selected by your District Superintendent, who has expressed confidence in you, in your character and devotion to Christ and to the Church. I, Supervisor Barbara McCoo Lewis, hereby receive you to manage, lead, oversee, assist, encourage, and motivate the women of your District. As General Supervisor of the Department of Women and on behalf of Texas Northeast First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, I assign you the following duties: To act in accordance with the directive given to you by the Jurisdictional Bishop, the Jurisdictional Supervisor of Women, and the District Superintendent. To be a soul winner with an evangelistic thrust. To organize the Auxiliaries, Bands, Units, and Initiatives implemented in the Jurisdictional Department of Women and as outlined in the International Handbook of the Department of Women of the Church of God in Christ. To visit the District Churches (especially the newly organized and smaller churches) at least twice each year. To be willing to offer your assistance through prayer meetings, teaching and training the women in establishing and building the women’s work.
To make sure the women in your District are aware of all Jurisdictional Department of Women services, activities, and events. To assist the Superintendent and the Jurisdictional Supervisor with the collection of Jurisdictional and National assessments and reports. To be a voice of influence and support for all District services and programs, the Jurisdictional Department of Women, and Jurisdictional programs at large. To encourage the women to be registered delegates to the State Women’s Convention and the International Women’s Convention. To display a spirit of unity, loyalty, and dedication to the Church of God in Christ on all levels. To remain faithful and accountable as a member of your local church.
THE EXAMINATION THE GENERAL SUPERVISOR: Will you endeavor to live an exemplary life of holiness as a District Missionary of the Church of God in Christ? Answer: I will by the help of God. Will you declare before God and these witnesses assembled here, to serve your office well, wholeheartedly, and with the help of those with whom you work, and by the will of God, try to do your best? Answer: I will by the help of God. Will you diligently perform all the duties required of you as directed by the laws of the Church or as may be assigned to you by yours truly, the General Supervisor, the Jurisdictional Supervisor, the Jurisdictional Bishop, and your District Superintendent? Answer: I will, the Lord being my Helper. THE INQUIRY: Do you, the members of the respective DISTRICTS of this Jurisdiction, Texas Northeast First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of the Church of God in Christ, accept your DISTRICT MISSIONARY DESIGNATE as your duly appointed District Missionary? Will you promise to allow her to be herself and not compare her with other? Will you pray for, respect, encourage, and cooperate with her as she follows Christ? If so, signify the same by saying WE WILL. THE PRAYER OF CONSECRATION Bishop James E. Hornsby, Prelate THE DECLARATION BY THE GENERAL SUPERVISOR By the power given to me, General Supervisor, Mother Barbara McCoo Lewis and by our Jurisdictional Prelate, Bishop James E. Hornsby, I hereby resent these women wo will serve as duly selected and appointed District Missionaries of their Designated Districts of Texas Northeast First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and the International Department of Women of the Church of God in Christ. THE APPOINTMENT
ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Bishop James E. Hornsby, Jurisdictional Prelate Name
Supt. Charles R. Beard Supt. Alton Davis, Sr. Supt. Roy L. Smith Supt. Joe Turner Supt. Charles Faultry Supt. Chet Stevenson Supt. Denelra Dorsett Supt. Gabriel Kelley Supt. Jesse Carter II Supt. C. V. Simpkins, Jr. Supt. Andrew Jackson, Jr. Elder James Mark Harry Elder E. André Adams Elder Johnathan Wilson Pastor John Malone Supt. Alvin Grissom, Sr. Missionary Jackie Grissom Pastor Chauncey King Elder Dallas Rice Dr. Verdell Marsh District Missionary Glenda Goodson District Missionary DeLisa F. Reed Elder Marlon Bush
Administrative Assistant/Dean of Ordination Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant Jurisdictional Treasurer/ Special Assistant Executive Jurisdictional Secretary Jurisdictional Financial Secretary Chairman of Finance/Executive Board Sunday School Superintendent/Executive Board Registrar, Texas Northeast First Academy of Ministerial Education Executive Board Member President, Auxiliaries In Ministry/Executive Board Jurisdictional Youth Department President Evangelist Department President/Executive Board Missions Department President/Executive Board Jurisdictional Usher Board President Director of Urban Initiatives Governmental Compliance Director/Finance Department Jurisdictional Chief Adjutant/National Overseer Jurisdictional Building Construction Advisor Jurisdictional Health & Wellness Jurisdictional Historian Administrative Secretary – Office of the Bishop Public Relations & Marketing Director
Missionary Regina Starks Missionary Subritte Stevenson Missionary Cathy Collins Green District Missionary Cynthia Guyton District Missionary Talitha Davis Missionary Sharon L. Williams
Chief of Security & Special Operations Adjutant Sister Trainer Elect Lady, Evangelism Department Field Representative, Sunday School Department Chairlady, Youth Department Elect Lady, Missions Department
DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENTS AND DISTRICTS Bible Way Cathedral C. H. Mason Central Texas Corsicana Dallas Mid-Cities Denton Eastside Galilee Greater Fort Worth Greenville North Hillsboro
TBD Supt. C. V. Simpkins, Jr. Supt. Leonard Willis Supt. Jesse Carter Supt. Joseph Johnson, Sr. Supt. Denelra Dorsett Supt. Clarence Harden Supt. Mark Clemons (Designee) Supt. Roy L. Smith Supt. Chet Stevenson (Designee) Supt. Anthony McCrary Supt. E. W. Whitfield
Holy Tabernacle J. Neaul Haynes Mexia West New Horizon North Dallas Northpark Pleasant Grove Progressive Saintsville Stop Six Texas Northeast Tarrant W. E. Roberts Memorial
Supt. Rudolph Jackson Supt. Joseph Collier Supt. Ozell Hall Supt. Lee Stern Supt. Victor A. Dupree Supt. Charles Faultry Supt. Joe Turner Supt. Alton Davis Supt. Alvin Grissom, Sr. Supt. Charles R. Beard Supt. Andrew Jackson, Jr. Supt. Tommy Taylor
Missionary Paula Thompson Missionary Janis Hornsby Missionary Barbara Fields Missionary Lorye Carter Reed Missionary Patty Blane Missionary Ethel Baptist Missionary Glenda Goodson Missionary Cynthia Guyton Missionary DeLisa Reed Missionary Regina Starks Missionary Michele Thomas Missionary Sharon Williams Missionary Kiesha Sims Missionary LaNell Hardy Missionary Trecia King
Jurisdictional Supervisor-Designate Jurisdictional First Lady Assistant Jurisdictional Supervisor Assistant Jurisdictional Supervisor Executive Board Executive Board Executive Board Executive Board Executive Board Executive Board Executive Board Chairperson of Finance Financial Secretary Executive Secretary Secretary, Executive Board
Assignment to Follow Missionary DeLisa F. Reed Missionary Gwen Horn Missionary Ethel Baptist Missionary Michele Thomas *Missionary Lanell Hardy (Designee) Assignment to Follow
Bibleway Cathedral C. H. Mason Corsicana Dallas Mid-Cities Denton East Side
Missionary Barbara Fields *Missionary Melanie Angton (Designee) *Missionary Cynthia Guyton (Designee) Missionary Carol Daniel Assignment to Follow Missionary Barbara McCullough Missionary Mary Robinson
Galilee Greater Ft. Worth Greenville North Hillsboro New Horizon Holy Tabernacle J. Neaul Haynes
Missionary Bobbie Weekly Missionary Glenda Goodson Missionary Claudene Collins Missionary Addie R. Wilson Missionary Monica Warren
Mexia West North Dallas Northpark Pleasant Grove Progressive
Missionary Maxine Kyle Missionary Talitha C. Davis Missionary Lorye Carter-Reed Missionary Paula Thompson Missionary Sheila Holland
Saintsville Stop Six Central Texas Texas Northeast Tarrant W. E. Roberts Memorial