Yboy 10 how to sell on your blog

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How To SELL on Your Blog – Differentiating Marketing from Advertising from Sales Source: http://yourbrainonyou.com/how-can-i-sell-on-my-blog/ By Drew Doggett

grandfather… You might think you’re fishing… but you’re really not. You may THINK you’re selling, but if you’re not making sales, then you’re not doing the right things to produce those sales. So let’s look at the basic core principles of how to produce a sale, but first we’ll differentiate marketing from advertising from sales, because each is a different skill and each is its own endeavor.

This is a review of, response to and expansion of this video by Robert Kim of sparkah.com:

This should answer why you aren’t getting any sales even though people are visiting your site.

How to Design a Social Media Marketing Campaign that Actually Sells?

But I’ll give you hint first: the key to sales is in following through. Examples below.

I’ve applied the principles and the excellent content of this video to increasing and closing sales on your blog.

Maybe you’re tweeting regularly and consistently… tweeting is advertising.


Or maybe you’re content marketing… writing articles and producing something valuable to say so people will pay attention to you… this is marketing. Let’s break it down…

MARKETING… is about stats… it’s a bachelor of science degree in colleges… it’s about numbers, data, statistics. So you’re not actually marketing if you don’t know who your visitors are, what your bounce rate is, what your click through rate is, what your ROI is. Some folks are asking, “Why aren’t we seeing any SALES, instead of just click-throughs?” Answer: Because you’re not selling! Most of us can’t afford what the big companies can on advertising… things like spending money on collecting our data. So we need to take a different approach to increasing sales than shelling out money on target audience research, which we’ll explain below.

*** Side note: one of the reasons that I advocate blogging as your main business strategy is because the ROI is HUGE… when you rank top in Google for your terms, you have a constant stream of visitors and buyers coming to you for free. So you keep 95%+ of the money you make. *** Money is a number…

Why aren’t we producing sales through social media?

Every fruit starts from a seed. You gotta start with a seed…

Robert give us a great example that he learned from his

So if you want money, you have to start with other

numbers. You have to know every number, every point of contact; you have to know: • every impression

+ The 7 Most… + Wow, Your Love Life… (incomplete headline…)

• click throughs

Here are some others:

• number of seconds on your site


• number of bounces • the best time people come to your website • and the worst time to send a message… Do you know what time during the week you’ll get the best response? It’s about 8:15 AM Monday morning. Not 9 AM (they’re in a meeting), not afternoon (they’re in a food coma), not the end of week (they’re planning their weekend). Sunday afternoon (around 2) is the time to SELL, after they come back from shopping, etc. They’ll buy what they didn’t get while shopping. You’ll get the most sales from about 4:30 to 7 PM. But you gotta adapt to their favorite TV show times.


End of the month is a great day… after they receive their paycheck but before they pay their rent and bills.

If you’re just tweeting/advertising your deals, you’re doing it wrong!


Comparison: say you’re a salesman/woman and you approach a potential customer. You hand the person your contract and you say, “Is everything to your liking?”

is about getting a message out in a way that’s the most compelling. Knowing how to make your message impact in a way that gets the largest response. Tweeting is advertising, such as tweeting deals or coupons or something else valuable. Any sort of social promotion is advertising. Do you know the 5 most effective/interesting/highest CTR headlines or messages? + How To… This is possibly the most effective type of headline. If the person is interested in the topic, he/she will click through to it! So make sure you’re targeting the audience (http://yourbrainonyou.com/target-audiencebuyer-keyword-phrases/) that wants to read your stuff. + _ Steps to … building a social media marketing campaign that gets you sales + The Truth About…

The customer reads it over and says, “Yep, I like what I see here. Let’s do this. I want to buy from you.” And you, the salesman, say, “Great, here’s a pen. Bye.” And you walk away. See what’s wrong with that? Instead… a good salesman would say something along the lines of, “Come on into my office. I’m going to check with my supervisor and see if I can sweeten this deal. I know you’re already going to buy from me, but I want to make sure that you brag to your buddies about doing business with me/us. I want you to be above and beyond satisfied.” Then you hand him the pen, point to the dotted on which he’s to sign and you look at him, creating an uneasy silence… until he signs.

That’s a good follow-through in sales. ABC, baby.

complimented you, served you, ran around for you and walked with you all the way back to the cash register AFTER you were satisfied.

Always Be Closing.

Then she rang you up. That’s at the point of purchase.

So if you’re tweeting, “Hey come buy this, big discount!”, etc. but then you look at your stats, say in Google Analytics, you’ll see that they’re not filling out the form, they’re not becoming a lead, they’re not adding to cart.

If you’re doing this, you walk the person from the shelf (in our case our information blog, where we truthfully, faithfully, answer all their questions) to the cash register. You’ve served the customer. She’s satisfied.

It’s because you’re not following through! So, how do you do it? Example: You ask the person, “Is this to your satisfaction? What we’ve been tweeting about and messaging about all day long… Does that look good? OK, come on over to the website, click the Add To Cart button, and I’ll be waiting on the other side for you. Once I see your name come through in my email, I’m going to immediately give you a 15% discount… or I’m gonna throw in an extra bottle… or give you something free.” Don’t give them this free thing or this discount hoping that it will bring them over the fence. Get them over the fence first, and then say you’ll give them the free gift or the discount. Follow through. That’s what makes good sales. This is doable in social media and on your blog! Two scenarios in which to think about selling… Perhaps you’ve already had a physical business, or you’ve worked in retail. You know how you did this, right? You worked with the customer, you walked with her through her shopping, picking out things for her to try, complimenting, etc. Assisting. You served your customer. All the way up to the point where she’s ready to buy. You’ve made sure all of her questions have been answered. If you’ve never owned a business or done business like this, think about when you go clothes shopping. The cashier/salesperson who was there to serve you, who helped you find the clothes or items you were seeking, attended to you. She talked to you,

You ring the customer up. And you hand her the receipt. In the retail world, there is NO WAY you would say, “Hey, you like it? Great. Go ahead and check out. Someone’s going to be at the register to take your credit card.” No way. You’d stay with her. All the way up to the end.

Selling for Network Marketers on Your Blog… Now, if you’re in the business of network marketing, like me, this will be a little different. What you want to offer your customer is your service. Using a blog, you can be with your customer through the questions phase all the way to the sales phase and the follow through. That’s the point of an authority blog: to answer ALL questions your target customer has while she’s looking for answers to or information about the product(s) you represent/sell. How do you know what she’s seeking? She types it into Google. And Google records that query. For a more complete breakdown of this, check out Finding Your Target Audience (http://yourbrainonyou.com/targetaudience-buyer-keyword-phrases/). How do you follow-through with sales on your blog when you’re not there? Trust. People will spend time on your blog and as long as you’re talking in your voice, like you’d talk with a friend over a beer or coffee, while thoroughly answering the questions they’re asking, they’re going to trust you and like you. Put a call to action at the end of each post — and even

throughout the article — specifically telling them what to do next, such as work with you, or contact you. Want to work with me? We get personal. I don’t just bundle up videos and a bunch of instructions. I personally sit down with you to create your business blueprint. Click here. (http://yourbrainonyou.com/launching-yourbusiness/) List your benefits. Someone joining you in your company… have something you’ll show them or teach them. Or if you’re on my team, bring them onto our team, with all the benefits YOU enjoy. Because we specialize in enlightening and empowering people to a better, simpler, easier, sexier, far more profitable way of doing business. As another example, if you’re on my team, I show you how to be an expert in getting your business/blog on the front page of Google. You can then share your expertise with them. Front page of Google = traffic = leads = sales = money = freedom Main points are, in order to sell on your blog: • Use a call to action at the end of every post. • Focus on content, value. (Want me to focus on your content and value instead? I will. Click here (http://yourbrainonyou.com/services/).) Be thorough. If you do this, you’ll naturally build trust. Though it’s not required, if you put yourself on video, you’ll build even more trust. Questions? Comments. Leave ‘em below! Visit Robert on Twitter (http://twitter.com/journik)… … on on G+ (https://plus.google.com/u/0/107921798082679467710/ posts)… … or at his website/blog: sparkah.com Intentionally Selling and Over-Delivering’s the Name of

This Game, Drew Doggett

PS – Click here to work with me personally and directly, so I can help you sell better on your blog. (http://yourbrainonyou.com/partner/)

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