Empower Network vs College — Formal Education vs. Self-Education — Making a Living vs. a Fortune Source: http://yourbrainonyou.com/empower-network-vs-college/ By Drew Doggett
Empower Network vs College… an in-depth Pro and Con comparison. Your degree. It’s supposed to be a guarantee of a job. But you know it doesn’t work like that nowadays. Because of this, when we go into college we are literally risking tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of dollars and years of time. But we don’t see it that way, generally. We tend to see it as an investment in our growth and our future.
Your degree certainly qualifies you for at least one job. Typically several. But do you have that job? Are you satisfied with that job? Do you want to do that for the rest of your life? I am a fan of college, at least for the experience of it. And the critical thinking. And the discipline you learn. But I’d rather major in myself. In self-ownership. So, as someone who’s done that, let’s discuss what kind of life you can live…
Can you major in Being Yourself in college? Can you earn a degree in Uniqueness in regular college and get paid like a doctor for it? Does college teach you how to make CEO money by telling your story, by focusing on your personal development? Can you major in Personal Development? Does college offer a degree program in Being the Best You Possible? Do we ever get to be paid simply for the skill of being 100% ourselves? Well, wouldn’t it be great if we COULD? Wouldn’t it be great if YOU were paid to self-educate and write about it? How would you like to get paid to be yourself? How would you like to major in yourself, in your development? OK, maybe I’m taking it too far (not really; plenty of people get paid for being themselves online)… … but if I tone it down even a little bit: what if you learned how to blog and get paid for it? Your voice, your words.
Like a career in writing. Only you get to self-educate, personally develop… and by sharing your story, your uniqueness, your honesty… you gain a readership. You gain a small (or large) following; a tribe. And what do you blog about? What you’re passionate about and/or what you’re good at. Simple as that. Me? I’m passionate about spirituality, about writing, about justice, about empowering people to seize absolute and total control of their lives. So that’s what I blog about.
An integral part of blogging is being yourself, letting yourself shine; speaking your voice, your perspectives. You need to provide value and quality, sure, but how much more satisfying is it to provide value about the things you’re passionate about or that you know about rather than just providing stuffy, hard to read information, that’s equally hard to write and that everybody else is doing anyway?? Put yet another way, what if you knew how to get traffic, leads and sales to any business, any time, all the time? Well, get ready to hang it on your wall… … your degree of badass-ness, that is. … Your virtual degree in online marketing, entrepreneurship and YOU-ness bundled into one, like an easy-peasy triple major. And it only took you a few months to get it. But in college it takes a lot of work to get that bad boy, right? And your degree is not only a symbol that you busted your ass to get it done… that you had what it takes to stick with it… but it’s a promise of a better life. What I want to tell you about an alternative to college that… … a) has the potential and ability to make you CEO-level money … b) at the highest level (which you don’t have to pay up front) costs 16% of an average four-year in-state college education and 3% of a full four-year Ivy League education … c) still takes hard work and dedication just as if you were going to college
… d) only takes a fraction of the time college does (we’re talkin’ months to see a six-figure income) (disclaimer (http://yourbrainonyou.com/income-disclaimer/)) (I know, hard to believe… see my “Kill Get Rich Slow” article) … e) sets you up for a life of freedom without rules or limits (everything you build builds on itself. It’s a permanent structure, like constructing a skyscraper… the more you build, the stronger and firmer it gets until eventually you don’t have to do anything to it… it just automatically provides service and brings in money… no more reporting to the office) … f) I will personally tutor you in I know, there are lots of alternatives to college. This is just one of them. This is the one I chose after spending several thousands of dollars on my online marketing education. See more of what qualifies me to make this judgement here. This alternative to college is called Empower Network (http://yourbrainonyou.com/empower-network/). There’s a lot of hype surrounding it. Mostly because it’s a one-of-a-kind company and can, legitimately, be the vehicle you realize your dreams with. But you have to work it. You have to put in effort like you would at college. You have to direct your life and your energy at it. I’m here to help you do that. Also keep in mind that just as college isn’t for everybody, neither will Empower Network be for everybody.
Comparing Costs In the following comparisons, I’ll leave out housing costs. We’ll just focus on tuition, fees and books. The below figures do not take into account regularly rising school costs. Average Two-Year In-State college YEARLY tuition cost: $3,264 Average Two-Year In-State college TOTAL (tuition only): $6,528 Average Four-Year In-State college YEARLY tuition cost: $8,893 Average Four-Year In-State college TOTAL (tuition only): $35,572 Average Four-Year Out-of-State college YEARLY tuition cost: $22,203 Average Four-Year Out-of-State college TOTAL (tuition only): $88,812 “Many students spend more than four years earning a bachelor’s degree. Average time to degree is longer in public than in private nonprofit institutions.” — Source: http://trends.collegeboard.org/college-pricing/figures-tables/average-published-undergraduate-chargessector-2013-14 Average Ivy League college YEARLY tuition and fees cost: $44,851 Average Ivy League college total (tuition and fees only): $179,405 — Source: http://blog.collegetuitioncompare.com/2012/09/2012-ivy-league-tuition-comparison.html And let’s not forget about the additional costs in time and money for those people who spend two, four, or more years to earn higher degrees.
Lowest cost to join Empower Network: $25/mo Empower Network All-In cost for non-affiliates: $5,622 + $125/mo … thus the total YEARLY Empower Network cost after purchasing the courses (Non-Affiliate): $1500 Empower Network All-In cost for affiliates: $5,641.95 + $144.95/mo Total yearly Empower Network cost after that (Affiliate): $1,739 Of course, in your first year we hope to get you making plenty of money, so these yearly costs will be coming out of your profits (rather than, say, loans). They’ll be a drop in the bucket. Not only that, but you don’t have to go All-In right away. Just $1000 one time will get you a world-class, Ivy League level online marketing education. That’s the $15k Formula product. The $15k Formula alone will take you to expert status before you can say “spiral notebooks.” But, even at the $25 level, the training is out of this world. There’s talk about charging much more for the Fast Start Training at that level. And how do we get you into profits quickly… within days or weeks, rather than months or years? Well, that’s what Empower Network teaches you. That’s what I teach you and work with you personally on. In a word: blogging (http://yourbrainonyou.com/category/blogging/)… Ranking on Page Motha’-Flippin’ One of Google for your money keywords in your niche. Yes, I’ll help you choose your niche, too, no matter what level you come in at. See this post for details (http://yourbrainonyou.com/launching-your-business/) and this post for a mountain of ideas, how-to and inspiration (http://yourbrainonyou.com/target-audience-buyer-keyword-phrases/). If you’ll be selling Empower’s products (http://yourbrainonyou.com/empower-network/#Products), then you’ll want to maximize your earning potential and go All-In as quickly as possible. Here’s how the compensation plan works (http://yourbrainonyou.com/empower-network/#Comp-Plan). If you’re just interested in the Empower education and my tutelage, then going All-In gets you all kinds of attention and help from me, like tweaking your copy for you, free SEO (http://yourbrainonyou.com/services/) for front page rankings, dinner and drinks, long walks on the beach if it’ll help your business, etc. ;-) Your All In = Super Special Treatment from Drew
From Empower to My Own Power I used the Empower Network Viral Blogging Platform for a while and then I decided to build my own blog to differentiate myself from all the other Empower cheerleaders and blogs (which you can only minimally customize). I wanted to stand out. I like to be less cookie-cutter, more “purple cow.” Here are my additional yearly business costs for running my own blog. Yearly business costs to run your blogging business: $323.52
This includes… Aweber auto email service: $19/mo Website hosting: $7.96/mo Additional optional costs… Premium themes… and the two best on the market are… Genesis + Prose: $84.95 one time. Thesis: $197, $164, $87 (three different packages to choose from) one time And the best free theme I’ve found is Iconic One (http://themonic.com?ap_id=drewdoggett)
There are no guarantees in life at all, ever, BUT… Turns out the risk of starting your own online business is FAR less than the risk of attending college, unless you’re specializing in something that requires higher degrees. But we don’t measure it that way. It’s clear, though, that you’re spending far less money for your self-development, self-ownership education. Either way you go, college or Empower Network, it’s an investment in yourself. Take me (http://yourbrainonyou.com/about/), for instance. I got my Associate’s, then went to University, then dropped out. Then I started an online business, didn’t give up, kept pushing, kept learning, and I’m on my way to making more money than I ever would have working in any math or engineering field. Why is the risk less? Less time invested. You can see results much much faster with your own business than with college. Less money spent on your education.
Can you imagine if people asked for their money back from colleges if they drop out? If you think about it, college is also hyped up. Maybe a different kind of hype, and maybe a more serious, subtle hype… but still, one that makes many of us believe that we NEED to go to college or our life is incomplete. Most of us are effected by this hype early in life, or later, when our lives seem to be missing something and we feel we need to move up in life or into something more fulfilling and closer to the soul. College is culturally touted as the way to achieve your dreams. It’s the accepted way. There’s also that pressure that says we should go to college. That’s kind of the way we’re supposed to do things.
So if there’s no other way for you to achieve your dreams… if what you’re doing just isn’t working or isn’t satisfying… you can always go (back) to college to get more educated so you can, a few years later, start down that career path that MIGHT be right for you and that MIGHT have an opening for you. But we’re seeing what’s happening, right now, in our economic world. Loads of people with degrees don’t have jobs. Are you one of them?
Remember: YOU are the master of your fate: YOU are the captain of your soul. Here’s a quick analogy… Say the economy is the oceans of our world, and the career we’re in — our business — is our ship (of which WE are the captain). Then the set of the sails is our skills, our education, our training. That’s how we navigate the ship. Well, in today’s world, the economy has run our ships aground, or sunk them. Or huge storms pound us around. For many of us, the sails don’t work! We’re adrift. We have no control. College, despite its promises, is failing to help many people steer their ships through the world. But college is not the only way to follow your dreams. It’s not the only door or the only avenue. Here’s the thing… we can either set our sails better — a lot better — or put badass motors on our boats. Hey, I love college. If I had my way, I’d stay in college and learning everything I could. I love the discipline it gives you, if you’re paying attention… you know, showing up, doing your work daily. Thinking critically is one of the most important skills a person can learn. And there’s also the skill you develop in college of how to study; how to do the boring, repetitious work to succeed in the class — to get the A. That’s real life. In the real world — the one that Nature governs — we humans have to do hours upon hours of
repetitious work to become masters of our fields (http://yourbrainonyou.com/how-to-be-brilliant-creative/). I like college. It’s a great experience. But it’s not the only way to achieve your dreams. Nor is it the only way to “higher education.” Higher education, to me, starts from within. It’s the passion and drive you have to learn and do the things you’re interested in. Nor is a college education doing many people any good, unless you’re majoring in law, medicine, pharmacy, engineering, or the few other fields that are more specialized. A degree from a college doesn’t guarantee you a successful life, or a job that you’ll love for the next 40 years, or a paycheck that keeps pace with increasing inflation. What’s the only thing that CAN guarantee you a successful life? YOU. That’s what my blog (http://yourbrainonyou.com/) is about. That’s what I’m about. Empowering you to: a) get the skills you need to be self sufficient for the rest of your life b) believe in yourself… raise your competence, your self esteem, your confidence, your faith. Namely those two things. And that’s what Empower Network has done for me and countless others… truly empowered our lives in these areas. Despite the hype (http://yourbrainonyou.com/hate-the-hype-love-empower/).
Work Your Butt Off in College… If you can work your butt off in college to get that degree — a fine achievement — I know for a fact that you can work your butt off in Empower. Except you won’t get a degree from us. You’ll get self ownership. You’ll get traffic, clients, customers and sales to your business. You’ll get money (income disclaimer). You’ll get SKILLS. And these are skills that will pay you multiple times what you could earn as a doctor or a lawyer or a CEO… and in a fraction of the time. Tell me, would the ability to unleash your voice be of great value to you? How valuable is that to you, as a person? The ability to confidently speak/communicate your ideas to anyone… to confidently advance in the direction of
your dreams? How about the ability to get as many clients, leads, and sales, and as much traffic to your business as you need, for the rest of your life… no matter how many businesses you start or what industry you’re in or what you’re doing… Knowing how to get people’s attention. Knowing how to communicate. Knowing how to sell. This is Empower Network. You won’t have to work for anyone again. These skills don’t go away. They only grow stronger.
Does It Get Any Sweeter? How about, on top of skills, you also have friends in high places, with powerful positive thought-habits, and high incomes who encourage your self development and who believe in you. And who teach you. You’ve heard that your income is the average of your five closest friends? Start hanging out with rich people. That’s what Empower is. Just being around someone of power is uplifting isn’t it? It’s inspiring. There’s an energy to them that’s just… higher. And if you hang around that higher energy regularly, you’re going to “get it” too. You’ll start behaving and projecting constant, good, rich ju-ju and mojo just the same. Empower Network is like a self-directed college course. With the added benefits of being able to associate with people of higher class. Read that again. And since you’re HERE, you have the added benefit of working with ME, personally. I’ll be your tutor, your guide. I’ll help you develop your business. That’s what I do. I’m not a robot and I’m not a guru who’s too busy to help you out. I’m reachable. Unlike other gurus in this field, I tailor your business model to fit you. Because one size doesn’t always fit all. And I understand that. You can read a bunch of information on how to build a business or how to build a blog, and the information can be good. But I’ve found people’s success rates go way up when they have a personal touch, personal guidance, with concrete steps to take.
Click here to see exactly what we’ll do together (http://yourbrainonyou.com/launching-your-business/) if you decide to work with me. But entrepreneurship is not for everyone. It’s tough and it takes discipline, work and — at first — hustle. (Hey, kinda like college!) In my experience, not everyone quite has it in them to succeed in his/her own business. And this is mostly a mindset problem, not a skills problem. Skills can be learned. That’s what the education is about. Mindset can also be learned. You’ve got to think right, so I do this for you (http://yourbrainonyou.com/read/), free of charge. Not everyone has it in them to succeed, but I’m sick of seeing people fail. I’m devoted to helping you succeed. And I BELIEVE that we all have it within us to “self own,” to bring our own kind of value to this world, give our gift and truly be unique.
But some of us are so deeply rooted in the old order of business and politics. These are revolutionary times. Strange times. And if you can embrace change instead of the old way of doing things, you have power that even heads of state and business don’t have. Because they refuse to change with the times. They — like so many — are rooted in their beliefs despite the reality to the contrary. So if home business / entrepreneurship isn’t for everyone, yet I believe that we all have it within us — like a gift from God — to self-own and, yea, to own a business… what is that bridge that can take you from thought to accomplishment, from necessity to productivity? It’s discipline. Discipline is the key to exceptional living. You must have the discipline to go through the Empower Network products. Like you had the discipline to go through college, whatever your reasons were.
And you have to have the discipline to take action on and implement what you learn from them and from me, immediately, without waiting. Learn, Do, Teach. That’s the formula for success in this business. Learn the thing by going through the education. Do the thing you just learned. Teach the thing you just did to other people by putting it on your blog. The quicker you do this process, the quicker you’ll be financially free. Be a hustler. Hustle. Self-imposed deadlines are important, just like deadlines in college are. The faster you do it, the better you learn, the better you build the habit/discipline. Remember, you’re not getting graded A through F. There are no deadlines for turning in your work. It’s on you. A “passing” grade means money coming in; front page Google listings for your blog; consistent quality blogging. A “failing” grade means no money, no front page Google, no blog posts. Failing means you’re not DOING the work. When we launch your business together, we’ll tailor your business plan specifically for you. I’ll help you determine who your target audience is and what your keywords are. Actually, if all this sounds great to you and you don’t want to do any work but still want the benefits of your own business, I can also do that for you. I’ll set up your blog for you. I’ll write your posts for you. I’ll rank you in Google. Then you don’t even have to worry about discipline. Of course, you’ll have to pay me to do all that for you. :-) Which is still cheaper than attending college! So hey, there’s a solution no matter which way you want to go about it. And, always remember that it’s YOUR life. What YOU choose is sacred and holy and no one else can make the choice you can. It’s your unique divine right to live the life you want. And that’s priceless. Do what’s right for YOU, the pure, being, easeful you. Want to see if this is right for you? Watch this free video where I break down the entire process of how blogging works (http://yourbrainonyou.com/squeeze/en-college-pdf). It’s so cool and mind-opening it’s re-donk-you-lous.
Or let’s get to work now here (http://yourbrainonyou.com/partner/). Hit me up in the comments (on my blog) if you need anything. Empower Network AND College Lover (believe it or not), Drew Doggett