Yboy 03 setting your dream income

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The Most Effective Way to Set Your Dream Income Source: http://yourbrainonyou.com/your-dream-income/ By Drew Doggett

Before you do anything in your business you need to decide how much money you want to make. What is your dream income? Yep, this is step number one.

goal in soccer). Just a slight mental tweak that I’m experimenting with. Seems to be working. Outcomes are like the “reaction” in the famous and true equation “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” After setting your income vision, your actions of scientifically and efficiently building your MLM business online determine your outcome vision. Your actions — and the Universe’s actions (http://yourbrainonyou.com/read/), when you decidedly, faithfully, state your explicit desired outcome — produce your outcome. And it’s easier to do those actions when you have a vision… a vision that you can not only see, but feel, smell, taste and hear. You’ll see what I mean in a minute as I’ll write out my entire vision for you to imitate. Your brain is a God-like instrument. It creates. It’s a reality creating machine. You know this. Plus your brain has been yours since birth! You’ve always had the power to create your reality.

When you have this vision mapped out, everything you do for your MLM business will be easier and smoother. Ev-er-y-thing. It’s the first most empowering thing you can do for yourself and your business.

And you always will. If you dig this sort of thing: we are created in God’s image. Each of us has the power to create his/her own reality.

You’re effectively telling the Universe/Supreme/Inner Self what you want and you’re planting yourself there.

Setting your dream income vision, like you’re about to do below, is the most precise and sound way to set your dream income that I’ve ever found.

Think of it as less of a goal and more of a desired outcome.

To me, it’s pure gold. And if you do it — which I strongly urge you to do… you’ll also find it’s pure gold.

Personally, I prefer to think in terms of outcomes rather than goals because goals can be missed (like a missed

Acres of diamonds, baby. Right there in your noggin, your imagination.

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