Empowering Students Through Storytelling | Dr Fazal Mahmood
Written by Lori Gracey No activity empowers a student more than storytelling. And when storytelling is collaborative and shared with the world, it becomes even more enabling.
With all of the discussion lately about fake news and how divided we seem to be as a people, it can be easy to start feeling negative and depressed. And that negativity can flow over into our students. After all, they are hearing the same stress and confusion from their parents, the news media, and most of the adults around them. The good news is that we can teach students how to combat such bad feelings through the simple use of storytelling, one of the most significant ways for someone to feel like he/she matters. And storytelling becomes even more powerful and affirming when it’s done together. With that in mind, I’d like to introduce you to a new digital storytelling tool: Sutori.