Healthy Horizons Fall 2011

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FALL 2010




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Healthy Horizons Conference & AGM Saturday, November 6 2010 2:00pm – 6:00pm General Information Saturday, November 6, 2010 is the date of the next Healthy Horizons Annual General Meeting and Conference. New Members Welcome!! The conference is hosted at the:

Zion Lutheran Church 323 4 AVE S Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Conference Registration: This is an important meeting to help determine the future of the Healthy Horizons organization. We need a good showing of the membership for voting purposes. Please come out and attend! For More Information and to Register for Dinner: Lorraine Marten at (306) 729-4364. Violet Kaspar at (306) 255-2812.

Agenda Saturday, November 6 2010 1:30pm - 2:00pm 2:00pm - 3:30pm 3:30om - 5:00om 5:00pm - 7:00pm 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Registration/Welcome Movie - ”Forbidden Cures” Annual General Meeting and Elections Scholarship Bursary Awards Dinner Break Dr. Heather Fox DNM “Stem Cell Treatment - the Future is Now! “

Association HEALTHY HORIZONS STUDENT BURSARY The Healthy Horizons Association of Saskatchewan will offer a Bursary to members interested in or practicing Natural Medicine. All applications will be considered according to the Helsinki Accord providing the therapies benefit and do the patient no harm. More than one Bursary may be offered each year. It will not necessarily cover one’s tuition or expenses but will encourage and assist in Education of Natural Medicine and Therapies, detoxification, restoring natural body function, enzyme and vitamin therapy, homeopathy, herbology and others. A committee of the Healthy Horizons Senate will receive and process the applications, making recommendations of the qualified prospects to the Board for the Awards. New bursary applications will be received beginning: SEPTEMBER 1, 2009 until March 31, 2010. For applications apply to: Healthy Horizons Association Bursary Committee 890 Kingsmere Blvd.,

MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM JOIN OUR HEALTHY SOCIETY NAME: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO: PM#40014243 ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ P.O. BOX 444, REGINA, SK S4P 3A2 CITY: _______________________________________ PROV: _____________ POSTAL CODE: ___________________ PHONE: (______) _______________ E-MAIL: __________________________________________________________

The following are annual membership rates - you may pay for as many years as you wish Individual Membership and Subscription $20.00 Enclosed ___________ Business Membership and Subscription $30.00 Enclosed ___________ Patron Membership and Subscription $300.00 or More ___________ Donations ($10.00 or more will receive a tax deductible receipt) ___________ (Patrons are lifetime members) New ____ Renewal ____ Date: ____________ Please send cheque or money order (no cash please) to: HEALTHY HORIZONS, 890 Kingsmere Blvd.,



FALL 2010

For Your Information MEMBERSHIPS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS Annual Membership Fees $12 Includes a subscription to the Journal


Payments for new memberships, renewals,

address changes or corrections should be President: Grant Griffith Vice President: Sr. Theresa Feist sent to: Healthy Horizons Secretary: Lorraine Martin 890 Kingsmere Blvd. Treasurer: Violet Kasper Saskatoon, SK S7J 4J7 (Membership Application Form on back page) Members at Large: Mike Kasper, Norman Buker, Is your membership/subscription due? Evelyn Clavelle Please check the expiry date on the back

JOURNAL Article Submissions Articles on health and nutrition, complementary health, self-help topics and issues. Letters from readers and/or other pertinent items for publication in the Journal are welcome. Submit articles for publishing to: Email: Please be sure a name and phone number accompanies your email message.

DEADLINES Healthy Horizons is published quarterly. Deadlines for ALL material including ad changes and ad cancellations are: page of this Issue. Your expiry date will be on your mailing label. Please Renew if your The Healthy Horizons Journal seeks to membership/subscription is due. We would inform its readers on matters of health and be happy to receive your payment. nutrition and to provide commentary, DEADLINE FOR WINTER ISSUE news and exchange of ideas on all aspects GENERAL INQUIRIES December 1, 2010 Contact Healthy Horizons Association at: of health. Through conferences, public meetings, seminars and this paper, Healthy Phone: (306) 352-6259 or (800) 332-6259 Horizons hopes to encourage individuals to Email: realize their well being is their own respon- Please be sure a name and phone number sibility, to investigate all methods of heal- accompanies your email messages. ing and to be aware of the hazards of chemicals in our foods including irradiation of food. For optimum health there must be a mental, physical and spiritual balance. B/W 360.00 Healthy Horizons is a registered, non- FULL PAGE COLOUR 540.00 profit, volunteer, educational organization. The work of Healthy Horizons is only pos1/2 PAGE B/W 230.00 sible because of memberships and donaCOLOUR 295.00 ADVERTISING POLICY tions. Healthy Horizons does not accept respon- 1/4 PAGE For Colour Please Add $75.00 . 1. All new ads must be pre-paid before sibility for the ideas and opinions ex- • WIDE (7 1/8” wide X 2 1/4” high) ….… 125.00 they can be published in the Journal. pressed in this journal. • REGULAR (3.5” wide X 4 11/16” high) 125.00 2. No advertising shall be accepted from Healthy Horizons reserves the right to • HIGH (2 1/4” wide X 7 1/8” high) …..... 125.00 any accounts outstanding over 60 days. refuse any advertising. Articles and advertisements in this journal are not intended 1/6 PAGE For Colour Please Add $75.00 3. Non Members add 20% to ad cost. as medical advice for serious health disor- • WIDE (4 3/4” wide X 2 1/4” high) …...…95.00 4. Postal regulations and editorial judgders which should be attended by your • HIGH (2 1/4” wide X 4 11/16” high) ..… 95.00 ment will be used in choosing advertisephysician. Readers should consult with ments. their health-care professional before at- BUSINESS CARD tempting therapeutic use of any products. • WIDE (3 1/2” wide X 2 1/4” high)…...… 35.00 5. Healthy Horizons assumes no responsibility for any product advertised in the The opinions discussed are not necessarily • HIGH 2 1/4” wide X 3 1/2” high) …..… 35.00 paper. We have no facilities for research those of Healthy Horizons. Different viewPRICES QUOTED INCLUDE GST testing. points may be expressed in future publica1/6 1/6 WIDE 6. Those that advertise and contribute tions. 1/4 WIDE HIG material are responsible and liable for Healthy Horizons is published four times a H making sure their claims and statements year: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter The are accurate. 1/4 journal is printed at Community Publishing, BUSINESS CARD 1/4 HIGH 339 Main St., Melville, SK S0A 2P0. Mem7. Charges will apply for art work. HIGH WIDE ↓ REG bership includes a subscription to this jour← nal.




FALL 2010

Fall 2010 WHAT’S INSIDE This Issue… Healthy Horizons AGM Announcement………….1 President’s Message ………………………......….6 Vitamin C and Stem Cells …………………...….10 The Raw Food Debate ….………………...……12 Healing with Meditation……. …….....................17 The Hope Foundation of Alberta..………...…….24 Scenar - Russian Technology………...….………26 Grieving and Abortion ..………………...………29 Robyn’s Story Cancer Treatment and Hope... .............................33 The Deadly Neurotoxin Nearly Everyone Uses Today……………………....…...37 Soups, Stocks & Stews . . . From Scratch!!..........44 Practitioners Directory……………………...…...48 Stem Cell Treatment The Future is Now!……………...…………..…..49

"Once you choose Hope, Anything is Possible.” -

Author Unknown.

Writers Wanted Prairie and nation-wide writers, holistic practitioners and providers, First nations, environmentalists, organic producers, are invited to submit articles on natural health and self-help topics and issues. Send articles by email to: HEALTHY HORIZONS 5 FALL 2010

A Word from the President Recently in the news there has been a lot of coverage of a story about a teenage girl who faked cancer and asked for donations and received donations for her non-existing fatal disease. This scam was wrong and she should not have solicited money from well intentioned friends and strangers who were made to feel sorry for her. As I was listening to this coverage in the news, I had to ask myself if the Cancer Society and other organizations who fundraise are really much different. Grant Griffith

There has also been a lot in the news about a cure for MS. Many people have gone to other countries such as Poland, Italy and India to have a procedure done which widens the arteries in the neck region. These people have come back with glowing reports about their experience and how much better they are. John Gormely from Talk Radio has interviewed some of the people and they couldn’t be happier. You would think that the MS Society would be happy about the progress of this new treatment, but they are not. As you might expect, the MS Society is down playing the news. They are advising people not to go abroad for this treatment. They say it needs to be studied first. That’s code for “give us time to bury this news so we can go on collecting money for research, we don’t want a cure, our source of income will dry up. A hundred years ago the first airplane—a wooden contraption—flew a few hundred yards. Today it is possible to fly around the world. A hundred years ago the first telephone call was made. Today, a hundred years later we have a sophisticated network of fibre optics and communications are immediate with no barriers. You will be shocked to know that a cure for Polio was discovered in 1949 By a Dr. Klenner. He cured sixty out of sixty polio patients and tried to publish his findings but the medical establishment refused to have anything to do with the cure, probably because the cure was high dose vitamin C administered by IV. There is a book called Curing the Incurable by Thomas E. Levy, MD, and he documents 1200 scientific studies on how vitamin C given in high doses can cure almost any disease that is caused by a virus. You will never hear of these cures from any family physician because Pharmaceutical interests make sure of it. I believe what we really need to do is stop funding Societies and Foundations. The drug companies started these societies to strengthen their cause and deception. Every time you donate or run for the cause you are being used by these multi billionaires who are 17 times richer than the oil companies. In my opinion, they have no intention of finding a cure for anything. When you apply common sense reasoning and you follow the money, research supports a huge industry with very little benefit to the average person in terms of wellness and health. And you have to question if the money going to these societies does any more to ‘help’ than the money donated to the scamming young woman in the news did. How did the drug companies get so powerful? In 1902 a statement was issued by the government in the US that within 10 years, knowledge of disease had reached a pinnacle and that very soon your doctor would be able to cure you of almost anything in a couple of days. What happened, over a century later we are sicker than ever! Only the diseases that are spread from person to person have been eliminated. Not one chronic disease has been declared cured. In fact we have more chronic diseases now than we did a hundred years ago. The first recorded death from a heart attack was in 1912. More recently Alzheimer's has become epidemic. In the Sixties, Alzheimer's was rare. HEALTHY HORIZONS


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Part of the answer as to how the Drug companies became so powerful is due to John D. Rockefeller. In 1910 he commissioned a high School Principal by the name of Flexner to do a report on the medical establishment. After the report, he was able to enforce policy medical colleges follow his guidelines which were; only patented drugs could be used to treat disease. Natural cures were banned, he heavily funded the colleges who followed his recommended curriculum. Many medical colleges were forced to close because they refused to follow the patented drug law. To this day in the US, it is the law that only a drug can cure a disease. This is wrong because we know that only your immune system can really cure you of an illness. We also know that your immune system cannot make you well unless you give it the tools that it needs. Supplements, herbs and nutritious food are the building blocks to better health, not drugs. Ken Adachi writes in his article called Forbidden Cures “ The report Flexner submitted to The Carnegie Foundation was titled "Medical Education in the United States and Canada". Page 22 of the report said: "the privileges of the medical school can no longer be open to casual strollers from the highway. It is necessary to install a doorkeeper who will, by critical scrutiny, ascertain the fitness of the applicant, a necessity suggested, in the first place, but consideration for the candidate, whose time and talents will serve him better in some other vocation, if he be unfit for this, and in the second, by consideration for a public entitled to protection from those whom the very boldness of modern medical strategy equips with instruments that, tremendously effective for good when rightly used, are all the more terrible for harm if ignorantly or incompetently employed. All too often, politicians are prepared to enact laws that rob citizens of yet another constitutional freedom under the banner of "public protection". Needless to say, congress swallowed the recommendations of this report hook, line, and sinker. It was decided that the American Medical Association (AMA), would be the "doorkeeper". The AMA was now empowered to certify or de-certify any medical school in the country on the grounds of whether that school met the AMA's standards of "approved" medicine. The AMA came into existence in 1847. It is a private organization of allopathic physicians which serves the interests of its members, especially when it comes to influencing favourable legislation. It functions in every sense of the word as a union, although its members wear white collars instead of blue. Giving the AMA the power over the certification of medical schools is the equivalent of giving the Teamsters Union the exclusive right to decide on the laws of interstate commerce and transportation. Is it any wonder that the total number of medical schools in the United States went from 160 in 1906 (before the Flexner Report) to 85 in 1920 and further down to 69 schools in 1944? A little like putting the fox in charge of the hen house, no? Not surprisingly, Flexner 'found' that any discipline that didn't use drugs to help cure the patient was tantamount to quackery and charlatanism. Medical schools that offered courses in bioelectric Medicine, Homeopathy or Eastern Medicine, for example, were told to either drop these courses from their curriculum or lose their accreditation and underwriting support. A few schools resisted for a time, but eventually most schools cooperated (or were closed down). A similar scenario was played out in Canada. It was attempted in England against Homeopathy, but it failed due to the personal intervention of the Royal Family who had received much relief and healing at the hands of Homeopathic healers in the 19th century. By the way, the AMA was found guilty of conspiracy against chiropractors in 1987 by a federal judge and fined a couple of million dollars. Here in America, a relentless campaign of misinformation, fraud, deception, and suppression of alternative therapies and healers has been in place for the better part of this century in order to keep highly effective alternative therapies from reaching any significant plateau of public awareness. Control is exerted through "news items" and propaganda from proHEALTHY HORIZONS


FALL 2010

Message from the President cont’d establishment organizations like The American Medical Association, The American Cancer Society, The Diabetes Foundation, etc.; local medical boards; and government agencies like the FDA, The National Institute of Health (NIH), and The National Cancer Institute (NCI), The National Academy of Science, etc. with the full cooperation of main-stream media of course . Over the past decades, hundreds of caring, concerned, and conscientious alternative healers have been jailed and abused like common criminals for the "crime" of curing people of life-threatening diseases in an "unapproved" manner by heavy-handed government agents who swoop down on clinics with drawn guns, black jackets, and Gestapo manners. All the while, these same agents and agencies posture them selves before TV cameras and the public under the ludicrous pretence of being servants of the people and protectors of the common good.” Natural Healing The patient's immune system and the immune system alone is responsible for healing and recovery from ill health. The use of drugs and vaccines represents an assault on the immune system. In some cases, the use of a particular drug might be a wise choice to speed healing and recovery for the patient, but the use of natural, orthomolecular therapies and substances (substances normally found in Nature) that can more effectively address the cause of the disease should be considered first because natural substances work in harmony with Nature. They aid and stimulate the body to truly cure itself, without the terrible burden of drug side-effects. The human body is predisposed to heal itself and to exist as a healthy, thriving organism. We inhibit that process by ingesting unhealthy foods, fouling our inner environment with toxins, and relying upon poisonous substances to treat disease conditions. Cancer Cure or Hype – You decide At this point I want to tell you about a cancer cure that I witnessed firsthand and also about a cure for Parkinson’s Disease that my wife was involved in. In March of this year, my wife and I flew down to Ecuador to attend the World Summit on Neural Therapy. One of the presenters was Dr. Tullio Simoncini of Italy. He started his presentation by shouting “Oncology is a lie, all oncology is a lie”, he then told the audience about his discovery of how he was able to cure almost all cancer with Sodium bi-Carbonate. His theory is that cancer is a fungus that colonize the inside of a tumour. Whether or not his theory is correct doesn’t matter, what does matter is that his numbers speak for themselves. No doctor or medical clinic in the world has a higher cure rate than Dr. Simoncini. When he approached the Italian Government to look at his incredible success rate with well documented research, they instead laid charges against him because he wasn’t following cancer protocols set out by the Italian government. Dr. Simoncini was given a three month jail sentence because he was curing people instead of poisoning them with chemo. I will come back to this story-but first I have to fill in what happened next in Ecuador. My wife and I were the only Canadians attending the World Summit, and we were welcomed by some very important people from Ecuador. We were handpicked by one of the organizers to attend a very private dinner. The dinner was held in an estate room of the most luxurious hotel in the city of Quito which is the capital of Ecuador. After dinner a presentation on stem cell therapy was made by Dr. Al Mitrani an American from New York City. We watched in amazement about how stem cells from one’s own body were being used to cure a variety of diseases. Anyone who is not familiar with the country of Ecuador may think of it as a third world country with not much going for it, but this is not the case. Ecuador is special in that the government doesn’t discourage alternative health, in fact it embraces it.



FALL 2010

Message from the President cont’d My wife and I flew back to Canada and it wasn’t long before she returned to Ecuador with cancer patients. She was able to see a huge variety of patients treated successfully with autologous stem cell treatment. These patients included autistic children, diabetics, a woman in kidney failure and more. She assisted in the treatment of a man with Parkinson’s Disease who had been in a wheelchair for more than six years and who was actually able to walk and run after his treatment. Her third trip involved travel with a patient who was a fifty some year old woman with advanced brain cancer. She had been on chemo and was given a death sentence when she was told there was nothing more her oncologist could do for her. Dr. Simoncini flew over from Italy to administer the Sodium bi-carbonate intravenously and to supervise her care. First she was given the stem cell treatment to boost her immune system which was so low from the chemo. Then large doses of the bi-carbonate were given and she was able to slowly make progress in her recovery. After three weeks she was well enough to go home where her treatment continued. Once she was home she had an MIR which confirmed that the tumour had shrunk by two thirds. The Radiologist even stated in the MRI report that the treatment was working. I am sure the Radiologist probably didn’t know that the treatment wasn’t chemo and had he known, he may not have been so enthusiastic, but his report never the less proved that sodium bi-carbonate does work and on a very difficult cancer. Only one problem, the story does not have a happy ending, the woman did die but only because all treatment was withdrawn before the tumour was completely gone. Here is what I observed, A woman with brain cancer with a prognosis of only two months to live. A woman who couldn’t talk, except maybe one or two words. A woman on heavy pain medication for severe headaches. A woman who never smiled and couldn’t look after herself. A woman who was suffering and depressed. Here is what I observed after the treatment in Ecuador. A woman who could now talk in short sentences, and occasionally smile. My wife and I even went out to a restaurant with her. She was able to order her own food. She was able to go off pain medication, because the tumour had shrunk so much that her headaches stopped. A woman on the road to recovery. So why was the treatment stopped when it was working so well? Read the article in this magazine called Robyn’s Story for more insight into this tragic story. This is a sad end to a story that had so much hope. However, the story does illustrate that the most virulent cancer can be cured and donating to the Cancer Society only lines the pockets of the wealthiest people in the world. This issue of Healthy Horizons is about Hope. Please take the time to read about Robyn’s Story, read about the Hope Foundation of Alberta and don’t overlook the important work discussed in the article called Rachel’s Vineyard. And never give up hope for a cure when you take matters into your own hands and with the help of health care practitioners like Dr. Tullio Simoncini who fight vigorously for the truth and for the best care of their patients. HEALTHY HORIZONS


FALL 2010

Vitamin C is key to Creating Stem Cells By Dr. Heather Fox DNM PhD A dramatic new study has found that the normal behavior of these adult stem cells depends in large part on vitamin C. Human embryonic stem cells are essentially generic cells. They are among the most fundamental unspecialized living cells and serve as "parent" cells for what will eventually become an entire body. In a developing fetus, small numbers of stem cells divide and result in the development of trillions of cells, including those that form the heart, lungs, brain, and other organs. Scientists have laboured over exactly how embryonic stem cells start to differentiate and form those many different types of cells. It is now clear that vitamin C is essential for that process. In an earlier study, Richard T. Lee, MD, and his colleagues at the Harvard Medical School, tested 880 chemical compounds for their effect on embryonic stem cells derived from mice. The stem cells were pretreated so that they would emit a green color if they grew into heart muscle cells. Of all 880 compounds, which are approved for use in people, only one promoted activity in the stem cells, and that was vitamin C. Dr. Lee and his colleagues treated embryonic stem cells with vitamin C for 12 days. During this time, large numbers of the stem cells began transforming into heart muscle cells called myocytes. The cells even began to beat rhythmically, as normal heart cells do. In addition, vitamin C prompted the expression, or activation, of several cardiac genes, which would have further directed the behavior of the heart cells. To rule out an antioxidant effect, Lee and his colleagues tested vitamin E and other antioxidants on the stem cells. Again, only vitamin C prompted stem cells to differentiate into heart cells. The study's findings are significant for a number HEALTHY HORIZONS

of reasons. According to Lee, treating embryonic stem cells with vitamin C could facilitate the largescale production of heart cells, which someday might be administered to treat heart failure. The findings are significant, also, because vitamin C is well-known as a cell-protecting antioxidant. However, research has shown that vitamin C has many nonantioxidant properties, such as being an enzymatic cofactor in the body's production of collagen, a key protein in tissue New findings from researchers show that vitamin C enhances the process of reprogramming adult stem cells into embryonic stems cells, or pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). The finding has important implications for regenerative medicine, and was a surprise to researchers who say past efforts geared to reprogramming adult stem cells into embryonic stem cells that have a wider array of applications for treating diseases have been inefficient. "The low efficiency of the reprogramming process has hampered progress with this technology and is indicative of how little we understand it. Further, this process is most challenging in human cells, raising a significant barrier for producing iPSCs and serious concerns about the quality of the cells that are generated," explains senior study author Dr. Duanqing Pei from the South China Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine at the Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences. According to the National Institutes of health resource for stem cell research, “Human embryonic and adult stem cells each have advantages and disadvantages regarding potential use for cell-based regenerative therapies. One major difference between adult and embryonic stem cells is their different abilities in the number and type of differentiated cell types they can become. Embryonic stem cells can become all cell types of the body because


FALL 2010

they are pluripotent. Adult stem cells are thought to be limited to differentiating into different cell types of their tissue of origin.� The scientists discovered that vitamin C has the ability to change gene expression, accelerating the process of transforming adult stem cells into embryonic stem cells. The researchers say other antioxidants however did not show the same results as did vitamin C, touted for its anti-aging ability and for fending off colds. The ability of vitamin C to turn adult stem cells into embryonic stem cells is thought to be related to reactive oxygen species (ROS). The researchers believe that high levels of ROS may interfere with the reprogramming of adult stem cells into embryonic stem cells, leading them to explore antioxidants. "Our results highlight a simple way to improve iPSC generation and provide additional insight into the mechanistic basis of reprogramming," says Dr. Pei. "It is also of interest that a vitamin with long-suspected anti-aging effects has such a potent influence on reprogramming, which can be considered a reversal of the aging process at the cellular level. It is likely that our work may stimulate further research in this area as well." Vitamin C was found to have a “potent� effect on mouse and human adult stem cells, reprogramming adult stem cells to embryonic stem cells. The new findings that vitamin C can boost the production of embryonic stem cells from adult stem cells offers a source of cells for use in regenerative medicine that could be used in the treatment of a variety of human diseases. The vitamin boosts the reprogramming of adult cells to give them the properties of embryonic stem cells. Many experts believe iPSCs are the future of stem cell medicine, since they behave in a similar way to embryonic stem cells and are also capable of developing into a wide range of tissues.

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FALL 2010

The Raw Food Debate By Hayley Stobbs RNCP zyme-rich vegetables, fruit, fresh juices, nuts, seeds, dehydrated foods, probiotic-friendly ferments, and sprouts (legumes, grains, nuts & seeds). There’s nothing better than the taste of sweet waA smaller proportion of raw foodies may include termelon on a hot summer’s day, and the cooling satisfaction of cucumbers to beat the heat. Not only raw animal foods into their diet, such as raw eggs, fish, meat, and unpasteurized dairy products. do fresh fruits and vegetables contain optimal amounts of vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and enzymes, they contain vital energetic nourish- Raw foods are not cooked or processed, however can be warmed or dehydrated at temperatures less ment from the sun, rain, and soil. than 115F. The belief is that foods that are heated However, as the cool weather sets in, the physiological processes of the body acclimate to the natu- lose a significant amount of nutrients, protein, and enzymes, and beral preference for cause of this loss are cooked food over considered to be less raw. This being said, healthy. the majority of people are eager to dust Those that promote a off their crocks, raw food lifestyle stockpots, and bakeclaim that following ware in anticipation such can promote of simmering soups, acid-alkaline balance hearty roasts, baking, within the body, and convenient leftweight loss, energy overs to come. gain, cancer and heart Still, there are a good disease prevention, portion of those who insulin balance, emphasize the cureamong other health all manifestations of following a raw food diet year-long, believing that benefits. not only ‘fresh is best’ but that a diet that excludes preparation diversity and that includes ‘only fresh, Who would benefit most by consuming a raw is best’. A vegan or raw food diet may be beneficial food diet? to some, although a diet that focuses on the consumption of only raw foods may not be for another. Typically for those who: - Live in a warm climate where most produce can be grown throughout all seasons. What is a raw food diet? - Experience great health and high energy levels. A raw food diet, also known as raw foodism or rawism, focuses on the preparation and consump- - Have regular bowel movements. - Are following a cleansing or detoxification plan. tion of nutrient-dense vegan or vegetarian plant - Delight in the taste of fresh, cool, uncooked foods that are often organic, including fresh, enThe Raw Food Debate



FALL 2010

foods. - Generally feel warm most of the time. - Do not mind extra food preparation time. Raw food precautions: - Raw and undercooked fish can lead to human infestation of parasitic worms. - Unsoaked and uncooked beans and legumes contain naturally occurring toxins and enzyme inhibitors. - Raw eggs contain a biotin (vitamin B7) inhibitor, and may cause salmonella food poisoning. - Raw meat and dairy products may contain harmful bacteria that is associated with foodborne illness. - Raw cruciferous vegetables, cassava, sweet potato, canola oil, pinenuts, mustard, millet, peaches, strawberries, soybeans, and peanuts contain goitrogen compounds which may suppress thyroid functioning. - Raw parsnips contain furanocoumarin. - Fermented foods may bother those with known microbial imbalances within the digestive tract. - Nuts and seeds can aggravate those with food sensitivities or allergies, and can be hard on the liver and digestive system when eaten in excess. - Those with hypoglycemia or known blood sugar imbalances may find that a raw food diet is too high in carbohydrates. - A raw vegan diet may be related to vitamin B12, calcium, vitamin D, iron, zinc, protein and calorie deficiency, along with amenorrhea, and low bone density in some individuals. Fresh is best. But does this mean that a diet that incorporates only fresh foods is a balanced one? Why Cook Your Food? - Cooked foods are easier to digest and to chew, as cooking breaks down difficult to digest-starches, naturally occurring toxins, trypsin enzyme inhibitors, and phytic acid. - Lightly steaming your veggies decreases goitrogen activity in cruciferous vegetables, oxalic acid found in dark greens, and slightly decreases inflammatory compounds that are present in nightshade vegetables. HEALTHY HORIZONS

- The warm temperature of cooked food is suitable for those who live in cool climates or for those who generally feel cool most of the time. - Increases availability of nutrients for assimilation. Lightly steaming vegetables increases carotenoid content (betacarotene, alpha carotene, beta cryptoxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, lycopene) and the phytochemical sulphur, within certain veggies. - Enhances flavour and tenderizes food. - Produces warmth within the body. - Preserves food safety. What about those enzymes? Cooked food molecules contain less enzymes, however the body secretes naturally occurring enzymes with the action of chewing your food and the production of saliva. Other natural ways to improve digestive enzyme secretion include the ingestion of a tsp of apple cider vinegar a few minutes before a meal, Swedish Bitters, aloe vera juice, lemon or lime juice in warm water, or liquid chlorophyll. Avoid overcooking! George Mateljan of The George Mateljan Foundation for the World’s Healthiest Foods reports that there is a maximum of 5% nutrient loss if vegetables are not overcooked. It is also good to keep in mind that covering your pot ensures optimal energy efficiency of your stove. High temperature, boiling, and overcooking while the pot or saucepan is uncovered depletes enzymes, and water soluble B vitamins, vitamin C, E, and other phytonutrients such as flavonoids (anthocyanins, catechins, flavones, flavonols, flavonones, etc.) and lutein. What is the best way to preserve nutrients during cooking? To avoid nutrient-leaching of vegetables: Light-flesh veggies: Do not soak vegetables in wash water. Lightly steam in minimal amount of water. For a minimal amount of time. For thick fleshed vegetables: Roast root vegetables at 400F for 30-40minutes.


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OR add to soup or stew pot 10 – 20 minutes before adding Steam veggies in minimal water, tea, or veg broth. *Chicken broth, Braggs (soy seasoning), tamari, miso, and dried herbs and spices can enhance flavour of vegetables. Acidic substances such as lemon or salt may reduce color vibrancy, therefore it is best to add these substances afterward. How to lightly steam: a) Bring 1-2 inches of water, tea, or broth to boil in a steamer, small sauce pan or pot. Add washed and chopped vegetables. b) Place thick-flesh, sturdy vegetables (onions, celery, beets, pepper, etc.) on bottom of steamer or pan with a cover for 7-10 minutes. c) In the last 3-5 minutes of cooking add light weight vegetables such as leafy greens, green beans, broccoli, asparagus, and caulifllower. d) After steaming, drizzle a teaspoon of unrefined plant oil onto your veggies. This increases the body’s absorption of fat soluble vitamins and carotenoid phytochemicals. *Alternatively, veggies can be cooked as incorporated into grains and soups, or light-density vegetables can be added to a grain or bean pot in the last few minutes of cooking. *Save water for steaming later in the day, or drink the nutrient rich elixir! Discard water from oxalate containing veggies such as spinach, beet greens, and chard.

tains harmful free radicals. Trans-fats: Liquid polyunsaturated plant oils that are pumped with extra hydrogen molecules at extremely high temperatures produce trans- fats or hydrogenated oils. These are most often found in solidified fats such as margarine, lard, and most junk or convenience foods. These types of fats are linked to overall ill health and obesity. But what about non-hydrogenated margarine? Margarine is still a processed and heated product that contains a complex number of omega-6 rich fatty acids, such as corn, cottonseed, palm, and soy, that are linked to prostaglandin production and resulting inflammation.

PAHs and HCAs: The grilling and broiling of meat and poultry may become cancer promoting if heated at too high temPlant Oil and Heat: During processing (and high heat cooking) plant peratures. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons oils are stripped of healthy phytochemicals such as (PAHs), and heterocyclic amines (HCAs) may be produced in charred and smoked foods. If you grill carotenoids, polyphenol antioxidants, oleuropein, foods, it is best to marinate meats in antioxidant as well as the fatty acid oleic acid and vitamin E. If frying or using oil for eggs or pancakes, use rich lemon juice, herbs, and spices beforehand. only high-smoke point oils to avoid rancidity and damage of fatty acids, such as ghee (clarified but- Nitrates: Nitrates are most commonly found in luncheon ter), grapeseed oil, or extra virgin coconut oil. *Burnt oil and butter is toxic to the body as it con- meats, smoked, salted, pickled foods, and preserved Be Heat Aware.



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vegetables. Nitrates are linked to colon cancer and other health-degenerating diseases. *Sugar, refined salt and oil, dyes, gluten, and chemicals are often added to cured and preserved foods.

Chop, Grate, Soak, Sprout, Poach, Bake, Stew, Simmer, and Lightly Steam foods! The next time you go to the supermarket or go to load up your plate, keep in mind that the selection of deep green and colourful fresh fruits and vegetables are your most nutrient-dense, healthpromoting choices. Accept that there isn’t a best Acrylamide: This carcinogenic compound is formed in high way of preparation for all, but that an overall carbohydrate, sugar, or starch foods during process- healthy diet is one that incorporates plant foods into every meal. ing and heating for long periods of time. Most foods high in acrylamide include processed, storebought, and fast-food items such as boxed cereals, While at home, try to incorporate fresh and raw produce into your meals depending on the changing French fries and processed potatoes, cocoa and chocolate, crackers, cookies, coffee and instant cof- seasons, preference, and your current health state. fee, olives, soup/dip mix, and roasted nuts and nut Listen to your body after eating and honour what it butters. thrives upon – whether fresh, cooked, or both. Be aware that optimal nourishment depends on a Are frozen and canned items healthy choices? flow of moderation, balance, and adequacy – both Frozen: Choose organic vegetables and fruits that aren’t in the kitchen, and in life! available in season, such as berries during winter time. Often the organic frozen version is overall a Hayley is a graduated Registered Nutritional Conbetter choice than conventional produce that looks sultant Practitioner (RNCP), and is a registered and feels old (mouldy or wilted). member of the international Organization of Nutritional Consultants (IONC). Hayley has a certificate in food safety and continues independent and Canned: Canned fish, tomatoes, artichoke hearts, unyearly holistic educational requirements. She looks sweetened pumpkin, sulphite and sugar-free orforward to educating and sharing with others! ganic coconut milk, and organic canned beans are NOURISH Nutritional Consulting all healthy and convenient choices. *The carotenoid betacarotene (pro-vitamin A) in- Hayley Stobbs, RNCP creases in canned pumpkin and lycopene increases in canned tomatoes. This does not necessarily mean that it is a better choice, but that it is still a good choice. Choose unsweetened and low sodium (or sea salt added) canned items. 2260 Lorne St. Aseptic containers: Regina, Sask. Buying broths and soups that come in aseptic Canada, S4P 2P4 containers may be a better choice since the contents are flash-heated to preserve nutrients and ensure sanitation, rather than heated at high temperatures for a long period of time as in canning. Also, canned vegetable broths often contain unnecessary additives such as MSG, wheat, and sugar. A good company to watch out for is Imagine soups and broths. HEALTHY HORIZONS


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Healing with Meditation A Collection of Evidence Research has shown that Meditation can contribute to an individual's psychological and physiological well-being. This is accomplished as Meditation brings the brainwave pattern into an alpha state, which is a level of consciousness that promotes the healing state. As discussed in the section "How Meditation Work?", there is scientific evidence that Meditation can reduce blood pressure and relieve pain and stress. When used in combination with biofeedback, Meditation enhances the effectiveness of biofeedback. Patricia Norris, Ph.D., Director of the Biofeedback and Psychophysiology Clinic at the Menninger Foundation, reports: "In our practice at Menninger we use meditative techniques to enhance immune functioning in cancer, AIDS, and autoimmune patients. We also use meditation in conjunction with neuro-feedback to normalize brain rhythms and chemistry in alcohol and drug addiction, as well as other addictive conditions. Almost all of our patients use meditative techniques in learning self-regulation for disorders such as anxiety and hypertension, and for stress management. We consider meditation a recommended practice for anyone seeking high-level wellness." In addition to the growing body of research literature on meditation, physicians, psychotherapists, and other professionals are increasingly adding meditative techniques to their practice. Over six thousand physicians have begun the practice of Transcendental Meditation and regularly recommend the TM technique to their patients. Dean Ornish, M.D has demonstrated that heart disease can be reversed with a comprehensive program that includes meditations. Many physicians consider meditation a key element of an integrated health program.

Health Conditions That Are Benefited By Meditation Drug Addiction The Transcendental Meditation technique has proven to be a successful coping strategy in helping to deal with drug addiction," a useful tool in psycho-neuro-immunology (PNI) by helping to control the immune system, and an effective manager of stress and pain. Prolonging Life Expectancy A strong link has also been established between the practice of TM and longevity. Only two factors have been scientifically determined to actually extend life: caloric restriction and lowering of the body's core temperature. Meditation has been shown to lower core body temperature. Stress Control Most of the people who get on meditation do so because of its beneficial effects on stress. Stress refers to any or all the various pressures experienced in life. These can stem from work, family, illness, or environment and can contribute to such conditions as anxiety, hypertension, and heart disease. How an individual sees things and how he or she handles them makes a big difference in terms of how much stress he or she experiences. Research has shown that hormones and other biochemical compounds in the blood indicative of stress tend to decrease during TM practice. These changes also stabilize over time, so that a person is actually less stressed biochemically during daily activity. This reduction of stress translates directly into a reduction of anxiety and tension. Literally dozens of studies have shown this. Pain Management: (Continued on page 18)



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Healing with Meditation

with much less discomfort and pain. There is reason to expect a 10 percent chance of quite remarkable slowing of the rate of growth of the tumor, and a 50 percent chance of greatly improved quality of life."

(Continued from page 17)

Chronic pain can systematically erode the quality of life. Although great strides are being made in traditional medicine to treat recurring pain, treatment is rarely as simple as prescribing medication or surgery. Anxiety decreases the threshold for pain and pain causes anxiety. The result is a vicious cycle. Compared with people who feel relaxed, those under stress experience pain more intensely and become even more stressed, which aggravates their pain. Meditation breaks this cycle. Childbirth preparation classes routinely teach pregnant women deep breathing exercises to minimize the pain and anxiety of labor. Few call it breath meditation, but that's what it is. Meditative techniques are also a key element in the Arthritis self-help Course at Stanford University. More than 100,000 people with arthritis have taken the 12-hour course and learned meditationstyle relaxation exercises as part of a comprehensive self-care program. Graduates report a 15 to 20 percent reduction in pain. In one study overseen by Dr. Kabat-Zinn, 72 percent of the patients with chronic pain conditions achieved at least a 33 percent reduction after participating in an eight-week period of mindful meditation, while 61 -percent of the pain patients achieved at least a 50 percent reduction. Additionally, these people perceived their bodies as being 30 percent less problematic, suggesting an overall improvement in self-esteem and positive views regarding their bodies. Meditation may not eliminate pain, but it helps people cope more effectively.

Heart disease. Meditation is a key component of Ornish therapy, the only treatment scientifically proven to reverse heart disease. High blood pressure. As soon as Dr. Benson learned that TM reliably reduced blood pressure in meditators, he taught the relaxation response to 36 people with moderately elevated blood pressure. After several weeks of practice, their average blood pressure declined significantly, reducing their risk of stroke and heart attack. Infertility Couples dealing with infertility may become depressed, anxious and angry. To help them cope, Alice D. Domar, Ph.D., a psychologist at the Mind/Body Medical Institute, taught the relaxation response to one group of infertile couples. Compared with a similar group of infertile couples who did not learn deep relaxation, the meditators experienced less distress-and were more likely to get pregnant. Psoriasis: This disease causes scaly red patches on the skin. A pilot study at Dr. Kabat-Zinn's clinic suggests that compared with the skin patches of people with psoriasis who receive only standard medical therapy, the skin patches of those who also meditate clear up more quickly.

Cancer and Other Chronic Illness Meditation and other approaches to deep relaxation help center people so they can figure out how they'd like to handle the illness and proceed with life. Dr. Ainslie Meares, an Australian psychiatrist who uses meditation with cancer patients, studied seventy-three patients who had attended at least twenty -sessions of intensive meditation, and wrote: "Nearly all such patients can expect significant reduction of anxiety and depression, together HEALTHY HORIZONS

Respiratory crises Asthma, emphysema and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) all restrict breathing and raise fears of suffocation, which in turn makes breathing even more difficult. Studies at Dr. Kabat -Zinn's clinic show that when people with these (Continued on page 19) 18

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respiratory conditions learn breath meditation, they Biological Benefits In the past 20 years there have been more than have fewer respiratory crises. 25,000 research papers and books published on the Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), Tension Head- subject of the the biological and psychological benefits of meditation. We are beginning to deaches Meditation can ease physical complaints such as velop a medical art of meditation. The subject of meditation benefits with respect premenstrual syndrome (PMS), tension headaches to major disease conditions, such as cancer, cardioand other common health problems. Meditation gives people a psychological buffer vascular disease, and HIV-AIDS are extensively presented in the Calm Healing book. Here our foso that life's hectic pace doesn't knock them out. Practicing meditation is like taking a vacation once cus will be primarily on two subjects: or twice a day. When you nurture yourself, you ac- 1. How anxiety and stress disturb hormonal balance and how meditation restores hormonal balance and crue tremendous spin-off benefits. For example, when you are under high stress, it strengthens the immune system; 2. How meditation is an important pain managecan worsen symptoms of PMS because stress can ment medicine. cause the muscle tension associated with PMS Our era has been characterized as an age of complaints such as fatigue, soreness and aching. anxiety. Extensive research has shown that many On the other hand, when you meditate regularly, biological and psychological problems are directly you dramatically reduce your body's response to stress, and that can ease the discomfort associated caused by long-term anxiety and stress. Anxiety with PMS. The results may not be apparent for sev- causes an overproduction of the hormones adrenaline and cortisol, suppressing important biological eral months. You will probably need to meditate functions in order to shift energy into muscle sysregularly for several months before your body retems for a “fight or flight� reaction. Anxiety and sponds positively. stress, with accompanying hormonal imbalance, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Ulcers, and Insomnia have been proven to be primary factors in the Meditation can also improve irritable bowel syn- weakening of health and the cause of various immune-deficiency diseases.The widespread chemical drome, ulcers, and insomnia, among other stresstreatment of anxiety has resulted in additional biorelated conditions. Eighty percent of the people logical and psychological problems. But, as clinical who use meditation to relieve insomnia are sucresearch has shown for more than 30 years, if anxicessful. ety is the problem, meditation is the answer. Meditation can help prevent or treat stressSelf-calming meditation is observed to directly related complaints such as anxiety, headaches and reduce adrenaline and cortisol secretion, restoring bone, muscle and joint problems. Meditation also hormonal balance in general and normalizing improvides an inner sense of clarity and calm, and mune system function. In addition meditation prothat, in itself, may help ward off certain illnesses. duces elevated levels of the major hormones melatonin and DHEA, and endorphins, powerful painFibromyalgia According to one study, meditation may relieve relieving, pleasure-causing agents secreted by the nervous system. the discomfort of fibromyalgia, a condition that causes fatigue and intensely painful "trigger points." When 77 men and women with fibromyal- Melatonin gia followed a ten-week stress-reduction program The fact that meditation produces elevated levels of using meditation, all reported that their symptoms melatonin, the hormone secreted by the pineal improved. And half described their improvements gland located at the center of the brain, was first disclosed by research conducted at UMMC (Kabatas "moderate to marked." Zinn, 1995). The pineal gland has drawn the attenHEALTHY HORIZONS


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tion of human insight for a long time. In the 17th century, Rene Descartes, in his famous Treatise of Man, called the pineal gland the seat of the human psyche, the principal location of self-awareness. In sacred literature more than 2,500 years old, the Vedas of India described the pineal gland in the context of the energy body: “The [pineal] gland was portrayed as one of the seven chakras, or centers of vital energy, which are arranged along the central axis of the body. The pineal gland was thought to be the supreme or crown chakra…the ultimate center of spiritual force”. While these insights are inspiring concerns for people interested in meditation, the current worldwide interest in melatonin, evident in the presence of hundreds of research papers and books on the subject, is focused on its biological benefits, particularly concerning tis remarkable effects on the human immune system. Melatonin many be the most potent and versatile antioxidant. It directly stimulates interleukin-2 activity that in turn stimulates the increase of all the various cells of the immune system, in a pervasive optimization of immune function, and directly restores and increases T-helper cell production in bone marrow. As a result, it has been used as a therapeutic agent in cancer and AIDS therapy. Melatonin is known to have a calming effect, bringing contentment and improved mood. In stress -inducing times, which tend to cause detrimental imbalances, melatonin is renowned as a sleep aid. Especially when produced naturally to elevated levels, itmakes normal sleep and rest possible even in challenging situations. Together with DHEA, serotonin, and endorphines, raised levels of melatonin is an important reasonwhy meditationbrings healthy calming balance.

Like melatonin, DHEA has a variety of healthincreasing benefits. It is an immunity enhancement agent that has been proven to be beneficial in the prevention and treatment of cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, lupus and other disorders. DHEA stimulates the production of monocytes (T-cells and B-cells), potent immunity bio-chemicals that cause the production of other immune system agents. T-cells (white blood cells produced in the bone marrow) produce two powerful immune system agents—interleukin-2 and gamma-interferon— intelligent defense agents that help maintain health. DHEA is good for the bones, muscles, blood pressure, vision and hearing. It is the substance from which the male and female hormones are developed. It's probably the essential reason that kindney chi is an important concern in Chinese medicine.DHEA contributes to vitality and youthfulness.It's a mood elevator that makes people feel and look better. It enhances brain biochemistry and growth. Anxiety and stress lower normal DHEA levels in the bloodstream, while meditation elevates DHEA levels.

Endorphins Meditation is also known to increase levels of endorphins, a set of peptides secreted throughout the nervous system that have very strong painrelieving and pleasure-inducing effects, similar to morphine. Of these powerful chemicals Deepak Chopra writes: “Thus the brain [and nervous system in general] produces narcotics up to 200 times stronger than anything you can buy…with the added boon that our own pain-killers are non-addictive. Morphine and endorphins both block pain by filling a certain receptor on the neuron and preventing other chemicals that carry the message of pain from coming in, without which there can be no sensation of pain, no matter how much physical provocation is preDHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) sent” [Chopra, 1990, p.62]. DHEA, produced in the adrenal glands, just These three vital biological substances stimulate above the kidneys, is the most plentiful human hormone and is essential for health. Like melatonin, it immune system strength and personal feelings of well-being. They are good for disease prevention, tends to diminishin the body as people age. Inrecovery, and maintaining health. creased levels of life-enhancing DHEA in older meditation practitioners was one of the first biological benefits of meditation to be observed. Meditation and Pain Management HEALTHY HORIZONS


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With the mindfulness meditation method used at the University of Massuchusetts Medical Center, more than 20,000 people have learned to distinguish between mind and awareness. As they learn to expose mind to awareness, they learn to see how the mind dwells on anxiety and fear and burns up energy, limiting ability and reserves. With mindfulness meditation they learn that they’re capable of staying in the present moment, even while experiencing high levels of pain, and they save energy. They see that their mind likes to make a big deal about the pain, creating the experience of suffering. They see that for healthy reasons they can stay in open awareness and avoid mind’s creation of suffering. People practicing mindfulness meditation see that they can develop fearlessness and gain energy by distinguishing between pain sensations and what the mind is doing with them. They avoid letting their mind agonize and waste energy. They see that they have a choice to prevent distress and build courage and inner strength in the process. They learn that staying with present-moment pain naturally releases endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, which then increase the ability to stay present. And people find freedom in awareness.The more one is present with the sensation, the higher the endorphin levels and the greater the freedom from fear.

CHOLESTEROL Neurologist Gary Kaplan, M.D., Ph.D. New York University School of Medicine faculty. “Reduces components of metabolic syndrome”

HEALTH-CARE COSTS NEUROLOGIST Kulreet Chaudhary, M.D. Medical Director of Wellspring Neurology at Scripps Memorial Hospital. “REDUCES THE NEED FOR MEDICAL CARE”

CARDIOLOGIST César Molina, M.D., F.A.C.C. Yale University School of Medicine-trained. “I RECOMMEND WITHOUT RESERVATION”


MENTAL HEALTH PSYCHIATRIST James Krag, M.D. President of the Psychiatric Society of Virginia. “MORE BALANCED, STABLE MOOD”


ADHD CLINICAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGIST in Private Practice, William Stixrud, Ph.D. Children’s National Medical Center Adjunct Faculty. “INNOCULATES AGAINST ANXIETY”


STRESS COGNITIVE LEARNING RESEARCHER Sarina Grosswald, Ed.D. Nationally known medical education consultant. “EFFECTIVE AND SAFE”



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literally controlling us. Each of us is the victim of memory. That’s how the Ayurvedic masters diagnosed it thousands of years ago. DEEPAK CHOPRA Behind the screen of our internal dialogue, there is something entirely different: the silence of a Benefits of Meditation by Deepak Chopra “Physical impurities in cells have their equiva- mind that is not imprisoned by the past. That is the silence we want to bring into our awareness lents in the mind: fear, anger, greed, compulsivethrough meditation. Why is this important? Beness, doubt, and other negative emotions. cause silence is the birthplace of happiness. Silence Operating at the quantum level, they can be as is where we get out bursts of inspiration, our tender damaging to us as any chemical toxin. The mind feelings of compassion and empathy, our sense of body connection turns negative attitudes into love. These are all delicate emotions and the chachemical toxins, the so-called “stress hormones” otic roar of the internal dialogue easily drowns that have been linked to many different diseases. Ayurveda lumps all negative tendencies together as them out. But when you discover the silence in “mental ama” which needs to be cleansed from the your mind, you no longer have to pay attention to all those random images that trigger worry, anger, mind. It is not possible to purify the mind by thinking and pain. about it. An angry mind cannot conquer its own anger; fear cannot quench fear. Instead, a technique How to Meditate: When you are ready to begin, sit quietly holding is required that goes beyond the domain where fear, your hands lightly at your side or in your lap. Now, anger, and all other forms of mental ama hold with your eyes closed, start to breathe lightly and sway. This technique is meditation. If properly taught and used, meditation allows a person to be- easily. Let your attention easily follow your breathing. Feel your breath entering your nostrils and come unstuck from the ama in his thoughts and flowing down into your lungs. Don’t inhale deeply emotions. In our Center we prescribe Primordial Sound Meditation, or PSM as a simple, natural way or hold your breath, just breathe normally. When you exhale, let your attention follow the air up out of accomplishing this goal. of the lungs and softly through the nostrils. As a young physician in the 1970’s, I was atNothing is forced here. The breath is moving tracted to meditation for two reasons, one personal, the other professional. The personal reason was the easily and gently; your attention is following it promise of inner growth, of reaching an expanded softly as it leaves swaying in the treetops. As your state of mental and spiritual development. The pro- breathing relaxes, make it a little lighter. Again, fessional reason was the large body of research on don’t force this, but when you feel that your breathmeditation that established that this meditation was ing wants to get a bit shallower and lighter, just let it happen. If you start to feel short of breath, don’t “real”, that is, it produced tangible benefits. Meditation is not forcing you mind to be quiet; worry. This means that you need a little more air and that deep stresses are coming out. Or you might it’s finding the quiet that is already there. In fact, when you examine the background static of worry, also be forcing your breathing to be lighter than it wants to be. Return to whatever rate of breathing resentment, wishful thinking, fantasy, unfulfilled hopes, and vague dreams in your head, it becomes your body feels comfortable with. When you are comfortable with this effortless clear that the internal dialogue going on inside is process, you can add the mantra “so hum” to the HEALTHY HORIZONS


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procedure, silently thinking the word “so” on each inhalation and “hum” on each exhalation. Continue this exercise for two or five minutes, just closing your eyes and focusing your mind on easy, natural breathing and silently repeating “so hum” with each cycle of your breath. What is happening with this exercise? You probably noticed that just by paying attention to your breathing you sank deeper and deeper into relaxation, and as you did so, your mind naturally became quieter. Did you sense that? If so, you probably experienced a few glimpses of complete silence, which you aren’t likely to have noticed, because I didn’t ask you to be on the lookout. If you had looked for silence it wouldn’t have appeared. Yet I imagine there were stretches where you lost track of time, which is a good indication that you were getting very near to the goal. Most people experience much fainter thoughts than usual, which is another good sign.

As you gain experience with meditation, you’ll begin to feel the reappearance of youthful energy and vitality that is being released form a deeper level of the nervous system. This is a very profound change and the real fountain of youth. Although mediation has been wrapped in an aura of mysticism for many centuries, at its heart lies this extremely practical and unmystical process of quieting the mind. It is the surreal way to open a channel of healing.” With psychiatric and pain management drugs costing over a hundred billion dollars a year, for health as well as financial reasons we need to turn to the great resource we have in meditation science. We need to advance the use of meditation as a medical art

N A T U R A L O IL S ?



N O R T H E R N N U T R A C E U T IC A L S I N C . R Y LEE G R EE N S p a l d in g S a s k a tc h e w a n C a n a d a 306 872 4820 E m a i l n o r th e r n n u tr a @ s a sk t e l.n e t

C O M IN G S O O N w w w .r y le e g r e e n .c a HEALTHY HORIZONS


FALL 2010

The Hope Foundation of Alberta The Hope Foundation of Alberta was established as a charitable non-profit organization in May, 1992. This effectively joined the strengths of the University of Alberta and the community in an effort to understand and enhance hope in individuals, families and institutions through practical and scholarly activities. An official opening on October 5, 1993 launched the activities which at that time, were to include counselling, education and scholarly inquiry. The Foundation leased an old home in the Garneau area from the University of Alberta and is still housed there today. The Foundation’s research, service and teaching structure were established by Dr. Ronna Jevne, a professor (now Professor Emeritus) in the Department of Educational Psychology. Dr. Jevne is an internationally recognized health psychologist and counsellor educator with a passion for the practical application of hope theories and strategies. Dr. Jevne inspired Jack Chesney, Shirley Graham and many other volunteers to form the Foundation which would encourage the study of hope and the integration of knowledge and practice. The first task at hand was to establish an identity for hope; to be convinced that descriptions and understandings about coping, self efficacy, resiliency, courage, caring, optimism, trust, or even love could not fully enlighten the experience of hope. A year of reading across four disciplines convinced us that hope indeed has its own identity, its own structure. The beginning of an outpouring of contemporary professional writings confirmed that others shared that belief. It was, however, far from a clear concept. Attempts at operational definitions continue. The work of the past thirteen years is well respected because it has created a pool of expertise in applying hope theory, and a capacity to ameliorate a broad range of situations where increased hope and decreased hopelessness can make a difference. Since its inception, the Hope Foundation of Alberta HEALTHY HORIZONS

has collaborated with the University of Alberta in offering programs and conducting research. Mission Statement The mission of the Hope Foundation is to increase understanding of the role of hope in human life, so that people can be intentional in using hope to enhance quality of life, particularly in relation to health, learning and community. Principles for Action • Hope is important to individuals learning how to handle difficult life experiences and to those supporting such learning. • Hope involves all aspects of the human condition, whether physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or social. • Hope is most effective when combining the best from the professional and academic world and the community at large. • Hope is best promoted when service and research are partners. • Hope will benefit from collaborative opportunities that further develop, rather than duplicate, the work of existing organizations. Vision Statement • To be an international advocate for the study and practice of hope through research, teaching and service. What Is Hope-Focused Counselling? • A style of listening and asking questions which helps make hope visible and keep it in view • Counselling by professionally trained counselors with an added hope element • An approach that recognizes the efforts people have already made and looks for ideas they haven't yettried • A set of strategies developed from the academic study of hope


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Who Benefits from Hope-Focused Counselling? • Those who want to focus on hope because they have hope • Those who want to focus on hope because their hope is low • People who lack hope report low energy, a feeling of being alone, a sense that anything they do will be futile, and a hesitancy to try • People who have hope tell us that the intentional emphasis on hope helps centre them, to remind them that they have hope, and to focus their energy. Why "Hope?" Whether viewed as a human need, a biological life force, a mental perspective, or an external pull to transcend self, hope is capable of changing individual lives. It enables individuals to envision a future in which they are willing to participate. Without hope, the professional is impotent to influence learning, adjustment, or recovery. Hope is therefore unquestionably a distinctive and important phenomenon worthy of theoretical, empirical, and experiential investigation.

copied on site (at a cost of 10 cents per page). To borrow materials from the Jack Chesney Resource Centre, simply fill out a Borrower Information form, then complete a Loan Record Sheet. (Both are available at the Centre's entrance, or from Reception). We also have a suggested reading list available for those who are just beginning their search of hope literature. Hope house is open weekdays from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, but it's a good idea to call ahead, especially if you're unfamiliar with how to use the Centre. If you bring a car, ask us at the front desk for a parking pass. Hope House is a short walk from the U of A transit (bus and LRT) station, and is accessible for people with mobility challenges.

Volunteer Opportunities Volunteer. It's one of our favorite words at Hope House. Much of the work we are doing and the services we are offering in the community would not be possible without the generous support of people who volunteer! We have many ways you can join us, so why not volunteer some of your time and talents to enable us to do more sharing of hope in the community. The Jack Chesney Hope Resource Centre We have a major need for people to serve on comThe Jack Chesney Resource Centre brings together a collection of over 300 books and 2400 articles related to mittees to operate our special events. There are many hope. It crosses many disciplines, including education, jobs involved in making each of these activites successful. And they are a vital part of our operating funds— psychology, medicine, nursing, and theology. All Renearly one quarter of all our revenue is raised by these source Centre materials are listed in our bibliographic computer program and can be looked up through author, events. Whether you have lots of time or only a few hours, we would love to hear from you. title, or keyword subject listings. Many of the articles and books have been reviewed and summarized for To learn more about specific needs, please contact: added convenience. The Resource Centre also has reference materials The Hope Foundation of Alberta related to the work of the Hope Foundation, including the complete collection of Images of Hope photographs, 11032 89 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta and theses and doctoral dissertations. T6G 0Z6 The Resource Centre also has reference materials related to the work of the Hope Foundation, including the complete collection of Images of Hope photographs, Email: Website: and theses and doctoral dissertations. The Jack Chesney Resource Centre provides a broad Phone: (780) 492-1222 Fax: (780) 492-9813 range of references useful for everyone from a general inquirer to a graduate student. From easy-to-read personal stories in the first person, to quantitative/ qualitative clinical studies for the student or professional, the library has something for everyone. Come on in and give it a try! The books in the Resource Centre are available on loan for a period of one month. Articles can be photoHEALTHY HORIZONS


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SCENAR Russian Medical Technology By Page Bergersen and Grant Griffith Simply stated, you cannot put a doctor and a pharmacy up in a space station. Nor can you send up a rocket or a shuttle and pick up a sick astronaut and return him to earth any old time. So the Russians put together a team of scientists and doctors to solve this dilemma. Their solution to the problem was the Scenar. This is the story of how it all came about and how the readers of Healthy Horizons can experience the healing potential of this incredible device. Page Bergersen is a Scenar Specialist living and practicing in Las Vegas, NV. She runs a very busy practice specializing in injuries sustained by professional athletes. I recently completed the Scenar Technician training program in Charlotte, NC this last July and she provided me with the following helpful information which I want to share with the readers of Healthy Horizons.

Capable of dealing with acute as well as chronic issues They developed the method of treatment, SCENAR, which is an energy efficient, multiapplicable, portable and non-invasive device. They were the first to achieve repeatable therapeutic treatment using electrical signals to stimulate the immune system. The device was kept as a highly classified military secret until the 1990’s after Perestroika (the establishment of Gorbachev's policies of economic, political and social restructuring and the •

Scenar is an acronym for Self-Controlled Energo Neuro Adaptive Regulation Development of SCENAR Scenar was originally developed for the Russian space program. In the late 1970’s the Russian Space Program established a special division to research and provide a resolution for this dilemma. The group was under the direction of electronics experts Alexander Karasev and Alexander Nechushkin as well as medical doctor and neurologist Alexander Revenko. The device needed to be: • Small and light enough to meet the size and weight restrictions of space flight • Battery operated • Be able to operate in the vacuum of space • Ability to resituate life HEALTHY HORIZONS

breakup of the Soviet Union into its constituent republics). At that time the inventors received patents for the device and it was made available to western countries. The SCENAR received approval of the USSR Medical Council (Russia's FDA) in 1986 and is widely used in Russian Hos(Continued on page 27) 26

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restoration is eventually achieved.

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pitals. In Russia the Scenar is an important device used by ambulance personnel. Most doctors in Russia are also trained in the use of this device.

Conditions treated with SCENAR around the world. SCENAR can be used on most types of disease or injury and can be used to assist with supporting the body with the following conditions: •Acute and chronic pain such as back/neck pain, sciatic pain, chest pains and migraines •Gastrointestinal conditions including abdominal pain, Acid indigestion, indigestion, gas, diarrhea, constipation •Autoimmnune diseases including lupus •Respiratory conditions such as asthma, influenza, congestion, bronchitis, laryngitis •Genito-urinary conditions such as bladder infection, cystitis, prostate and period pain

How SCENAR works Adaptation and degeneration are your body's best strategy for survival. However, to truly recover your brain must be reconnected to the forgotten area/problem while providing the necessary resources to begin structural and functional repair. This is where the SCENAR enters the picture. The SCENAR uses real time biofeedback, stimulating your own healing ability while continuously monitoring your body's response to its signals and modifies each successive signal to achieve homeostasis. There is a constant dialogue between the device, skin and the brain. The device sends out a series of signals through the skin and measures the response. The body can get accustomed to a stable pathological state, which may have been caused by injury, disease or toxicity. The SCENAR catalyses the process of producing regulatory peptides, by stimulation of C-fibres for the body to use where and as necessary. The Cfibres, which comprise 85% of all nerves in the body, react most readily to the electronic stimulation of the SCENAR, and are responsible for the production of neuro peptides and other regulatory peptides. It is these neuro peptides that in turn reestablish the body's natural physiological state and are responsible for the healing process. As these peptides last up to several hours, the healing process will continue long after the session is over. The large quantity of neuro peptides and Cfibres in the Central Nervous System (CNS) can also result in regulating other areas and aiding with chemical imbalances, assisting with sleeplessness and behaviour problems. By stimulating the nervous system it is able to teach your body to restore itself. It helps to determine the specific locations needing energetic intervention and then can provide a healing energy pattern to these areas. By eliminating repetitive patterns that your CNS has become accustomed to as well as reconnecting your brain to the problem area, homeostasis and HEALTHY HORIZONS


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Circulatory/heart conditions such as hypertension and hypotension •Skin conditions and ailments including eczema, shingles, dermatitis, age spots, burns, bunions, bedsores, chapped hands, cuts, scratches, ingrown hair/toenails, and insect stings or bites, age spots and lines •Athletic and other injuries including athletes foot, muscle cramps, spasms and strains, bursitis •Eye and ear injuries or infections including conjunctivitis, ear aches/infections •Chronic fatigue syndrome, fatigue, dizziness, low energy

the therapy has been used as a treatment method in more than 50,000 different conditions. A large body of research confirms that SCENAR has proven effective. It is this high success rate which makes SCENAR the therapy of choice for more than 10,000 practitioners in its country of origin, Russia, along with some 500 in the United Kingdom. Use of this ground breaking therapy is now growing rapidly in Australia. Grant Griffith Certified Scenar Technician Available by Appointment Ph. 306-522-2407 3500 13th Ave. Regina, SK

Results & Research The results produced through use of SCENAR therapy have indeed been remarkable. Presently HEALTHY HORIZONS


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Grieving After Abortion Healing in Rachel’s Vineyard word of mouth only, the retreats began to spread across the country because of the retreat's dramatic effectiveness, from 18 retreats in 1999 and growing to 35 retreats in 2000. In 2003, Rachel’s Vineyard became a ministry of Priests for Life and its board was structured accordingly. Currently, Rachel's Vineyard has grown to 600 retreats annually, held in 47 states and 17 countries, with many new sites in development. Theresa Karminski Burke, Ph.D., has lectured and trained professionals nationally on the subject of Post Abortion Healing. Rachel's Vineyard Ministries offers an annual Leadership Training Conference specifically designed for those who currently use the Rachel's Vineyard program. She also trains retreat teams in the method and process. The Rachel's Vineyard healing models are used by mental health professionals, post abortion ministries, crisis pregnancy centers, pastoral care and faith based outreach programs. A Rachel's Vineyard weekend is a chance to get away from all the daily pressures of work and family and focus on this painful time in your life through a supportive and non-judgmental process. The time away provides an opportunity to deeply enter the grieving process and identify all the ways your abortion may have affected you. Rachel's Vineyard has a number of powerful exercises which allow the soul to speak its grief and sorrow. The exercises help to connect participants to their inner voice, to each other, and to the love and compassion of God. The retreat exercises help participants to accept forgiveness for themselves and others. There is also an opportunity to re-connect with the children that have been aborted on a spiritual level, to give them honour and dignity through many special and creative spiritual exercises as well as in a memorial service. The weekend is a lot of work, but those who are willing to journey through their grief will experience the power of resurrection in their own lives. They will find meaning in what has happened and allow God to transform

What is Rachel's Vineyard? Rachel's Vineyard weekends for healing after abortion are offered throughout the year in locations across the United States and Canada, with additional sites in Portugal, Australia and New Zealand. We also offer a 13-week support group model for Rachel's Vineyard. Rachel’s Vineyard is a ministry of Priests for Life The program is an opportunity to examine your abortion experience, identify the ways that the loss has impacted you in the past and present, and helps to acknowledge any unresolved feelings that many individuals struggle with after abortion. Because of the emotional numbness and secrecy that often surrounds an abortion experience, conflicting emotions both during and after the event may remain unresolved. These buried feelings can surface later and may be symptoms of post abortion trauma. Married couples, mothers, fathers, grandparents and siblings of aborted children, as well as persons who have been involved in the abortion industry have come to Rachel's Vineyard in search of peace and inner healing. The weekend is a lot of work but yields a fruitful harvest for all who are willing to labor there. To learn more, please read about our weekend retreats. Also, please see comments from people who have attended the weekends, as well as our explanation of the name "Rachel's Vineyard." Theresa Karminski Burke, Ph. D., started one of the first therapeutic support groups for post-aborted women in 1986 after founding The Center for Post Abortion Healing. In 1994, Rachel's Vineyard: A Psychological and Spiritual Journey for Post Abortion Healing was first published. It was a unique support group model for counselors, offering a very concrete, emotional experience for women who were grieving the loss of their aborted children. In 1995, Theresa adapted and expanded the curriculum into a format for weekend retreats. Soon individuals seeking healing began to travel from other states to experience this very effective healing process. Without a budget, office or advertising, Rachel's Vineyard became a grassroots national outreach. By HEALTHY HORIZONS

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the experience into something that gives hope, liberation retreat coordinator. and peace. Rachel's Vineyard belongs to those who intuitively Who runs each weekend? Each weekend is composed of a group of people who sense that life is a precious seed which has been given have been trained in the Rachel's Vineyard process. They include a team consisting of a professional counGrief and Abortion Cont’d selor, women and men who have also experienced abortion, loving and non-judgmental lay volunteers, and a to us for cultivation. We acknowledge the loss of that representative of God -- a minister or priest. irreplaceable life and the grief that comes from relinThese individuals volunteer their time freely, because quishing one so intimately connected to us. they understand the importance of healing and recovery Rachel's Vineyard is meant to help those who are surrounding the pain of abortion. They are competent trying to fit the very normal epiphany of grief into a world that would rather have them feel numb and blind, and caring individuals who will respect where you are in the grief process and help you move into a deeper level so as to maintain a safe distance from the truth. Its purpose is to allow the process of birthing self and of healing. Each exercise in an invitation to explore your feelfaith to proceed, rather than to be squashed by rhetoric, ings and emotions. Nothing will be forced on you at any denial and avoidance. It provides a safe, loving and nonjudgmental environment to search the fabric of our lives, time. The process is respectful of different faith traditions and cultural heritage. You are invited to share with the innermost depths of the soul, an opportunity to be the group, but you can also process this experience prisupported through bereavement and grief and a lighted vately within the silence of your own heart. There will path to discover forgiveness and reconciliation. be no effort to proselytize or convert you to Christianity, Mourning and grieving are necessary milestones but simply an invitation to dialogue with your creator which must be passed so that our lives can continue. When this process is complete there is re-birth and res- through a very personal and intimate process urrection. There is new life within our spirit which gives us hope in the future. There is an opportunity to explore How many people will be there? Rachel's Vineyard weekend retreats typically have our lives, and appreciate our human fragility. around 12-15 participants on each weekend. At some sites the size may be smaller or larger, depending on the How much do the weekends cost? The price varies between each individual site depend- facility. The group maintains a small and intimate size to allow each participant time for sharing and processing ing on the place where the retreat is held. Most of the weekends are offered for an average of $130.00 for the the exercises together. There is also a team of approxientire weekend. This price includes your room, all your mately 6 helpers and retreat team members who help facilitate the actual weekend, conduct the exercises, meals, and all retreat materials. Most all the Rachel's serve delicious meals and attend to any special needs Vineyard sites have financial assistance or they can you may have. work out a monthly payment plan so that money is not an obstacle for your participation. Some sites are able to Why do this in a group? offer those in financial need a complete scholarship. We see abortion as a trauma. Traumatic events are You need to e-mail or phone the Rachel's Vineyard often aggravated by the need to keep it a carefully contact at the site you wish to register to find out speguarded secret whereby the toxic and shameful feelings cific details regarding the weekend you would like to have no voice. Healing for victims of trauma can be acattend complished by establishing safety, reconstructing the trauma story, and restoring the connection between surHow long are the weekends? vivors and the community. A group context is very caMost of the Rachel's Vineyard weekends begin on Friday evening and run until Sunday late afternoon early thartic because others who "have been there" can provide validation of symptoms and a supportive, healing evening. You are invited to come and spend the entire element to the process. weekend, have all your meals with us, and in most This does not negate the value of individual counselplaces, you will have a private room for sleeping, alling and support, however, an experience of group procthough some places may have a shared room. You can ask specific questions regarding each site from the local ess, particularly when family support can be introduced, HEALTHY HORIZONS


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often provides a deeper more complete level of healing. of a small community of others who compassionately You may read about the experiences of others who have affirm the loss and respect the grief, to grieve one's losses to their fullness. laboured in Rachel's Vineyard. The importance of social support to the grief process reflects an important aspect of our human nature: Can men go on a Rachel's Vineyard retreat? Yes. After abortion, men often struggle with a sense Though we are individuals, we are inescapably social beings. The lack of social support will degrade or deof powerlessness, of feeling they failed to protect both stroy our well-being. Conversely, the experience of somother and child-perhaps abandoning the mother, or threatening to leave her if she did not abort. Others have cial support, in even a single relationship, can been prevented from stopping an abortion they did not strengthen our well-being. For most of us, it is only when we have the support want. This can lead to a deep anger and resentment that needs to finds a voice, and be healed. Other men never of others who will not judge or condemn us that we feel safe from social rejection. This support makes it easier acknowledged the humanity of their unborn, told the mother "its your decision (a form of abandonment) and for us to confront and explore the deepest part of our can later struggle with deep grief, regret and loss as they souls. With it, one learns how to accept forgiveness come to terms more honestly with their role in the abor- from God and one's aborted child. With it, one learns how to extend forgiveness to oneself and others. And tion experience. Men who are involved with abortion with it, one discovers how the most difficult soulneed to find healing of the wounds abortion leaves on breaking experiences imaginable can be used as the the male heart and soul. Many men have attended the Rachel's Vineyard weekend and have found deep emo- foundation for building a richer, deeper, and more meaningful existence. tional and spiritual healing. Men are most welcome to Safety and confidentiality are essential when one attend the Rachel's Vineyard retreat. begins to explore post abortion healing. However if the Should I consider inviting my spouse or support per- healing process encourages only private counsel, not involving spouses, or family in the process, this may son to go with me on the weekend? actually reinforce the isolation that one experienced We have seen many married couples attend the weekend together. Some whose spouses participated in when they initially went away in secret to "deal with the problem." the abortion, and others who were not involved with a So counselling itself can be surrounded with the previous abortion, but who come as a support person. The results have been exceptionally positive and all re- same anxiety as going away in secret to have an abortion, because you are still going away alone to deal with port an increase in communication and intimacy after the weekend. There have also been individuals who de- the aftermath. Consequently, the secret is still intact and so is the shame and guilt surrounding it. cide to come with one or both of their parents, specifiAs long as one has the lingering doubt that if my cally if the parent forced their daughter to have an abortion or if the decision was made based on fears or disap- parents, my spouse, my sister, etc., know about my abortion they would reject me, judge me, condemn me, proval. Naturally, the damage to family relationships can be or hurt me, one is not free to trust or experience the opened for healing in Rachel's Vineyard The weekend is blessed intimacy of being known, unconditionally aca unique opportunity to address this pain and reconcile cepted, and loved. Frequently, we can only feel loved to the experience with each other. So we gently encourage the extent that others know us and accept us. Perhaps you to consider this option, but will always respect your someone close to you might need to learn more about abortion trauma and some of the ways that this experiunique circumstances if you decide this is not what is ence can impact a woman. Forbidden Grief is a good best for you. There will always be opportunities in the resource for education on this subject. future to take this step if you are searching for additional healing and reconciliation. During the Rachel's Vineyard weekend, we encoun- What are the benefits to inviting a support person? As your are working to reconnect to past memories ter healing through seeking re-connection, integration, and wholeness. Such healing can only happen when the and feelings, you can also reach out to the terminated or isolation and secrecy are dismantled, and one's story is damaged relationships in your family. The memorial service is a beautiful vehicle to help facilitate this reconrevealed to others who do not seek to judge and condemn. Only then is it finally possible, with the support ciliation. If you choose to share this event with a family HEALTHY HORIZONS


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member, spouse, or someone who cares deeply about you, your guest will be affirmed for their support. Our staff is present to model and instruct how they can best be supportive. The experience of grief is bonding. Sharing grief naturally leads to intimacy, as you will surely experience on a Rachel's Vineyard weekend. This releases the negative effects of the secret trauma, the shame, guilt and isolation. Trust is restored when one opens this wound in a safe environment and receives the loving compassion of fellow weekend participants. Of course, its up to you to decide what you would like to do regarding inviting a family member or support person. Any choice you make regarding this will be respected. Here is a comment from a mother who was invited by her daughter: “I witnessed miracles last weekend. Our daughter invited us for the memorial service on her Rachel's Vineyard weekend. It was a profound experience: women and men given the opportunity to grieve openly, to name that grief and those children, and to share the joy that comes with the realization that you are not alone in your grief. I feel so much closer to my daughter now - and feel honoured that she trusted us enough to be present to her in this pain. Weekends, such as the one are were privileged to witness, give us back the essential part of healing. Thank you all. At this time it was also a miracle to see the church function as it should as a loving sheltering structure enhancing relationships with God, rather that and institution often hindering them. Peace.” The Rachel's Vineyard weekend is very respectful of the unique needs and situations of all participants. For most people it is only after they are well into the weekend that they feel the desire to invite a loved one to the memorial service. The comfort of a close family member can be an important event in the healing of isolation and feelings of abandonment which frequently accompany an abortion experience. Sharing grief and the healing and hope that follows, can bond us in a deeper way with those we love.

all the Rachel's Vineyard sites offer ongoing opportunities to address other concerns you may want to explore following the weekend. For example, if you have a history of sexual abuse, may decide that they want to begin working on those issues; or if you struggle with alcoholism or an eating disorder, there will be referrals given at the weekend to help you continue in your healing journey. There will be other events and meetings for those who want to stay connected to Rachel's Vineyard. We invite all our past alumni to subscribe to a monthly eletter that you can receive for the first year after your retreat called Oaktrees. It is written for and by those who have been on the weekend and is a wonderful resource for aftercare. Some women and men might feel called to get involved in other ways by helping on a future retreat team or other involvement with Rachel's Vineyard on a local or national level. If you wish to attend a retreat in Saskatchewan please contact:

Is Rachel's Vineyard confidential? Yes. When you sign up for a retreat, your name will not be given to any other individual or group for any circumstance. If you choose to be listed on a contact list for the other members of your weekend group, that is your decision. You can inquire about this program by e-mail or telephone and you can specify how you would like to receive any information. You might also choose to attend a Rachel's Vineyard weekend that is in a different location from where you live to assure complete anonymity. If you have any questions for us, please see our confidential e-mail page and talk to one of our Rachel's Vineyard email buddies. What happens after the Rachel's Vineyard weekend? After your weekend you will have met some wonderful people who may become your very best friends. Most sites offer a reunion for those who wish to participate and nearly HEALTHY HORIZONS

Bonnie Cameron 306-445-3158 Retreat Dates: Start Date End Date 10/15/2010 10/17/2010

Private, confidential support in a group atmosphere. “Healing After Abortion” 8 weeks classes - Tuesday evenings. September 21—November 9 7:30—9:00 pm Registration required. For Information contact us at:


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Robyn’s Story Cancer Treatment and Hope By Dr. Heather Fox DNM This is a difficult story to tell. It’s a story of great hope and great despair at the same time. But it’s a story that must be told. Several months ago I was contacted by a family desperate to find some way to save a woman’s life. That woman was Robyn. She had been diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumour only a few short months ago and despite surgery and chemotherapy her tumour was only temporarily suppressed. In May of 2010, Robyn and her family were told there was nothing more to do. She was hospitalized in the small hospital close to her home and began to receive Palliative Care. When we met in my office three weeks after the bad news, the family had many questions. Robyn sat quietly and listened—mostly expressionless. Her speech had deteriorated badly over the past two months or so. It was a struggle to find even one or two words and mostly she had just stopped trying. She was weak and frail, was living on cans of liquid disguised as food through a tube surgically placed in the bottom of her stomach. The pressure in her head was intense and she was in extreme pain. I explained to the family that it was indeed very late in Robyn’s treatment journey and that there was considerable damage caused by the chemotherapy. The soft look in her eyes though, made my decision to find whatever I could to help bring some comfort to the situation a simple one. Because there is always hope. We began an extensive effort to access all current medical records, including recent MRI images on DVD and forwarded these to a medical team out of the country. I had come to know and trust these men during other trips to Ecuador and believed I would get the best opinions as to whether there was anything they could offer my patient. Part of the treatment would be an autologous (from self) stem cell treatment using Robyn’s own blood. Part of the treatment would include intravenous sodium bicarbonate under the direct care and supervision of an Italian oncologist. It would all cost money. However, the cost of cancer treatment has risen dramatically in the recent past. Recently a survey was conducted by Researchers using data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End-Results (SEER) Medicare database to examine the costs of initial cancer treatments in breast, colorectal, lung and prostate cancer patients over the age of 65. These treatments included surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and other hospitalization. Over the ten-year period studied, the average cost of breast cancer treatment increased $4,189 to $20,964. The average cost of treating prostate cancer increased $5,435 to $41,134, while the average cost of lung cancer treatment went up $7,139 to $39,891. The researchers attributed the increasing cost to an increase in the use of chemotherapy. The introduction of newer, more expensive drugs recently may be the reason. The reimbursement offered by the insurance companies also be one of the reason. This enables people to afford costly chemotherapy treatments. We Canadians may not always see the cost of chemotherapy directly impact our bank accounts the way Americans have, but rest assured that money comes from our public coffers and our tax base if nothing else. And of course there are the other, human costs of treatment such as the cost of losing one vital, contributing member of a household. Robyn’s tumour was advancing quickly and had more than doubled in the past two months. Upon review of her information, the medical team agreed to move forward. The oncologist would fly to the clinic in South America to meet us there. The treatment would begin with stem cell therapy. My first question of course was whether the chemo had damaged Robyn’s own stem cells to the point that they were not useful. Hematopoietic stem cells from blood do not get damaged however, unlike platelets. The family agreed to move forward. It would be a long trip with a full day of flying to get there. We left on a Sunday morning with Robyn, her husband and her daughter-in-law. We all hoped the travel wouldn’t totally exhaust her. HEALTHY HORIZONS


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Three days after arrival, all assessments were complete and the doctors were prepared to begin treatment. Robyn’s electrolyte balance was critical. Her kidney function was impaired. She could not talk or eat. She had severe edema (water) on the brain to the extent that her brain was being pushed off center. Her heart was enlarged. Treatment would have to be handled with extreme care and after receiving her stem cell treatment she was moved to Intensive Care at a private hospital for monitoring and treatment of her symptomatic complications. The Italian oncologist—Dr. Tullio Simoncini—considered all of the risks involved and decided that she must be stabilized prior to further treatment. It was however, a matter of critical timing. For every day that treatment of the tumour was delayed, was a day more for it to grow and encroach on her brain. The team of ICU doctors, along with Dr. Simoncini agreed to begin the sodium bicarbonate intravenously in only half doses as they ordered repeat CT Scans and MRI’s to monitor the water on the brain and all other lab tests necessary. Within 2 days of receiving the stem cell treatment, Robyn began to show remarkable improvement. Her edema was reduced, her metabolic balance was good, and she knew where she was. The stem cell treatment was on Wednesday. By Saturday Robyn was out of ICU and sitting at the dinner table with her family attempting to eat and drink. She was able to smile and even tried to speak. Robyn stayed at the private clinic for another two weeks in order to continue with daily treatment according to Dr. Simoncini’s protocol. Initially, her head pain was intense but as the edema resolved, the pain dissipated. At the same time, Robyn ’s speech began to improve and for the first time in many months she began to draw and paint in a notebook her daughter-in-law bought her. She smiled and began to work toward her own recovery. She was now walking several times a day up and down the hallway of the clinic. Miraculously, the damage done to her stomach initially by her chemo therapy requiring her to have a feeding tube showed improvement. Robyn was now eating regular meals. Two weeks into her treatment the team agreed to remove her feed tube surgically. With one final repeat MRI prior to discharge for the care of the team in Ecuador and to coming home, we all held our breath waiting for the results. Now three weeks into her treatment , the tumour had most definitely not grown and had perhaps reduced in size. Now it was a matter of coming home to continue the prescribed treatment. With hope that the doctors here would support her condition, Robyn and her family made the flight home. The next couple of weeks here at home were difficult. Despite many phone calls to her doctors, to doctors I had hoped would respond to the patient’s needs, coordinating care proved to be virtually impossible. Robyn needed to have regular blood work. She needed a repeat MRI to monitor her tumour and the progression of her treatment. She needed special IV support due to the frail condition of her veins from previous treatment. Nobody wanted to step in to help but we didn’t dare stop her treatment. In the meantime, Robyn was now eating with an enthusiastic appetite. She was walking several times a day and enjoying summer in Regina’s local parks. She went shopping with her daughters. She had her hair cut at a beauty salon and took an interest in her appearance. She shared insights into her own health and her hopes for the future. She decided she enjoyed living in the city and made it clear to her family she did not want to go ‘home’ when her treatment was over. And sadly, she was also beginning to have memories of childhood sexual abuse that were difficult for her to deal with. She talked with hope. Finally, when none of the doctors I corresponded with agreed to see Robyn to help with her current needs, the family and I agreed that the only alternative was to take her to emergency at a local hospital and to request the proper lab tests, and MRI and for an order for a PIC (Permanent Intravenous Catheter) line to be inserted. However, the emergency on-call doctor referred only to the Health Region file on the patient and based on the prognosis in May, which was when the health region last had Robyn in their care, the doctor announced to both Robyn and her family that she was ‘actively dying’. The family was asked to sign a Do Not Resuscitate order. When they questioned how that could be, the family was told that the doctor ‘sees it all the time’ and that’s what ‘actively dying’ looks like. Robyn was admitted that day to Palliative Care. She was catheterized despite no history of incontinence, and HEALTHY HORIZONS


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placed on morphine despite having reported no pain for weeks, and told she was dying. She curled into herself and closed her eyes and withdrew from her life. She ‘decided’ she didn’t want to fight any longer. She believed there was no hope and as the morphine engulfed her, she was too tired to fight any more and accepted the fate the doctors had given her. At this moment, not one doctor would take my calls or was interested in knowing specifically what ‘alternative’ treatment she had received. They simply assumed it had been ineffective and that the end was near. The family however, persisted in requesting an MRI. They wanted to KNOW if the money they had spent had been for nothing. The next day, an MRI was ordered. The report stated unequivocally that the tumour was now 70% smaller than it had been only 5 weeks earlier and the radiologist concluded there had been a ‘satisfactory response to treatment’. Still , Robyn was in Palliative Care. Still she would no longer open her eyes. She was told she was dying and she watched the people around her in a frightened panic. She was tired of fighting. Robyn died in an extended care facility in less than a month. She had stopped fighting, stopped eating and eventually her body stopped functioning completely. She was kept ‘comfortable’. I don’t know if I will ever understand how this was able to happen. When the cancer is taken out of the equation—and based on her last MRI report and the overall improvement she had demonstrated prior to her admission to hospital I believe the cancer MUST be taken out of the equation—the reason Robyn was allowed to die is because she ‘chose’ to stop fighting. I believe if any other person who was not ‘actively dying’ of a serious illness ‘chose’ to stop fighting and withdraw from all life sustaining measures we would call that suicide. I would hope any other person would be referred to a psychiatrist—especially if there were issues of childhood sexual assault coming to the surface at that time. Hope can be a frail thing when any human being is facing a difficult challenge. Can a person be robbed of hope? Do people have the right to hope even in the face of certain ‘realities’? In an article titled “What About False Hope? “ by Dr. Ronna Jevne, she says... “Inevitably the terms denial, wishful thinking and unrealistic surface in discussions about hope. There are those who insist the future can be known and anything short of concurring with predictable doom is denial. The other extreme is adamant that the future has not yet unfolded and can include unlikely possibilities. Persons with the former perspective become frustrated with those who are unrealistic while those who hold the latter view feel hurt or angry at being asked to prematurely give up. ..... What if hoping is not predicting that such and such will happen nor claiming that such and such must happen? What if it is entirely outside the sphere of rights and certainties? What if hope is an orientation of the heart? What if hope is saying “yes” to life, no matter what the odds? What if hoping is our way of living with large doses of uncertainty? Hoping may not be denial of reality but rather, a choice to assess life from a particular orientation. “Coating reality with hope does not mean living in a world of unreality”. Similarly, accepting a disability (or death) does not mean banishing hope. The fact the someone hopes where we would not means that his or her reality is different from ours. A poor prognosis may be only one fact in a person’s reality. How then can we hope when there are poor odds and not end up despairing? I meet people who clearly understand their conditions. They are under no illusions. They are however quite prepared to go on with life, to leave no stone unturned. “It’s not like they were hiding anything from me. But I had to go with the hope. I had to go with the possibility, the positives.” In other cases, people seem able to ‘park’ the fear. “Yes, I know the statistics are not good on this. My child is not going to live to be 85, in all likelihood. That’s okay, I’ll park that for the present and I’ll get on with living for the present moment.” Hope may be about the future, but hoping seems to be about today. As one person suggested, you have got to learn to EXPECT NOTHING AND HOPE FOR EVERYTHING. This debate is far from resolved. To make the discussion even more complex, let’s add another question—What about false despair?” I am sharing this story as a tribute to Robyn and to say a sad goodbye. But this is also a tribute to hope. My hope is that her story will give others encouragement to fight for the right to always hope. To protect the confidentiality of the family, Robyn’s name has been changed. HEALTHY HORIZONS


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FALL 2010

The Deadly Neurotoxin Nearly EVERYONE Uses Daily By Dr. Joseph Mercola D.O. tame consumed. A 12 ounce can of diet soda contains 180 mg of aspartame, and aspartame users ingest an average of 200 mg per day. However, it can be quite difficult to calculate just how much you're really ingesting, especially if you consume several types of aspartamecontaining foods and beverages. Dosing can vary wildly from product to product. For example, the amount of aspartame will vary from brand to brand, and from flavour to flavour. Some can contain close to twice the amount of aspartame as others, and some contain a combination of aspartame

Aspartame Consumption By 1984, three years after its initial approval for use in tabletop sweeteners and dry food, US consumption of aspartame had already reached 6.9 million pounds per year. This number doubled the following year, and continued to climb well into the 90's. According to statistics published by Forbes Magazine[i] based on Tate & Lyle estimates, aspartame had conquered 55 percent of the artificial sweetener market in 2003. One of the driving factors behind aspartame's market success is the fact that since it is now off patent protection, it's far less expensive than other artificial sweeteners like sucralose (Splenda). Today, the statistics on the aspartame market are being kept so close to the vest, it has proven to be virtually impossible to find current data on usage, unless you're willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars for a market analysis reports and I felt there were better uses for the money than to purchase the answer to that question.. However, a 2009 FoodNavigator article[ii]cites the current global market for aspartame as being less than 37.5 million pounds and worth $637 million. According to [iii], diet soda accounts for 70 percent of the asparHEALTHY HORIZONS

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and other artificial sweeteners. Interestingly, aspartame consumption now seems to have stalled, and there is some indication it may even be on the decline. Perhaps sufficient numbers of people are finally waking up to the unsavoury truth about this chemical sweetener. It is my intention to educate you about the truth of this harmful and toxic ingredient and drive sales down even further. I have no ulterior motives other than to warn you so that you can protect your and your family's health, and I sell no competing products. The only alternative sweetener I recommend is natural stevia, especially the flavoured ones which avoid many of the aftertaste objections some people have about using stevia. It is interesting to note that the powerful food industry has made it illegal to sell natural stevia as a sweetener. If I recommended to use stevia as a sweetener and sold it, the government would immediately file criminal charges and confiscate our product. On December 17, 2008, the FDA did grant GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) status to rebaudioside , which is one component of the whole stevia plant, and this specific purified component of stevia may be used as a food additive and sold as an alternative sweetener. Examples of include Truvia and Purevia. The jury is still out, however, on whether consuming this one component of stevia is as safe as consuming extract from the whole plant, as all the synergistic, protective factors have been removed in these refined products. Thankfully there is a loophole that allows vendors to sell extract of whole stevia as a dietary supplement. Since virtually everyone knows it is a sweetener it doesn't have to say it on the label, so you can still bypass this industry initiated censorship. Ajinomoto, one of the leading aspartame manufacturers in the world next to NutraSweet, actually rebranded aspartame to AminoSweet[iv] last year, in order to dissociate itself from the negative associations of aspartame. It also wanted to "remind the industry that aspartame tastes just like sugar, and that it's made from amino acids – the building blocks of protein that are abundant in our diet," – as opposed to a concocHEALTHY HORIZONS

tion of chemicals never before consumed by man, some ingredients of which are more toxic than others. They will probably deceive some consumers with this newer, more sweetly innocent name that does not bear the same controversial past as the word "aspartame." But I sincerely doubt they'll fool anyone even remotely aware of its dangers. Aspartame can already be found in some 6,000 food products and beverages, and the list is about to get even longer, I'm sure, as Ajinomoto announced a global R&D alliance agreement with Kellogg Company[v] earlier this month. Researchers Continue to Contest 'the Most Contested' FDA Approval in History Concerned scientists and researchers fought and were successful in keeping aspartame out of the food supply for over ten years, ever since it was first considered as a potential food additive, and many of those still alive continue to speak out against it today. If we fail to learn from history we are doomed to repeat the mistake we made. Many readers have long forgotten what the 60-Minutes' correspondent Mike Wallace stated in his 1996 report on aspartame – available to view in this 2009 article – that the approval of aspartame was "the most contested in FDA history." And for good reason. At the time, independent studies had found it caused brain cancer in lab animals, and the studies submitted by G.D. Searle to the FDA for the approval were quickly suspected of being sloppy at best... In that 60-Minutes video, former Senator Howard Metzenbaum states: "According to the FDA themselves, Searle, when making their presentation to the FDA, had willfully misrepresented the facts, and withheld some of the facts that they knew would possibly jeopardize the approval." Metzenbaum's staff investigated the aspartame approval process. He goes on to explain that: "FDA officials were so upset they sent the file to the US Attorney's office in Chicago for the purposes of presenting it to the grand jury as to whether or not there should be indictments.


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But it wasn't presented. It was delayed." Samuel Skinner, the US attorney who led the grand jury probe ended up withdrawing from the case when he entered into job discussions with Searle's Chicago law firm, Sidley & Austin – a job he later accepted. Subsequently, the investigation stalled until the statute of limitation ran out, at which point the investigation against Searle was dropped. For more details on the story of how aspartame made it through the FDA approval process despite warning signs of potential health hazards and alleged scientific fraud, please watch the 60-Minutes report, as Wallace does a nice job of summarizing an otherwise long story. There are a number of well-written books on the market that detail the twists and turns of this part of history. This Harvard law summary of the legal wrangling[vi] that took place is also a worthwhile read. Those who claim that aspartame watch-dogs are somehow engaged in conspiracy theories, perhaps do not understand the word "conspiracy," the simplest definition of which is: "a secret agreement between two or more people to perform an unlawful act." In the case of aspartame, it sure does look as though it was a conspiracy -- by G.D. Searle & Co., to get a tremendously profitable product to market, no matter what the potential cost in terms of human health. The FDA itself suspected Searle had unlawfully produced "evidence" to support its claims of safety, and FDA officials were sufficiently disturbed by what they received to launch its first-ever criminal investigation . A section in the Harvard Law School summary on the history of aspartame states: "Another study that engendered severe criticism from the Department of Health Education and Welfare was the 46- week toxicity study performed on the hamster. Although the data appears to be faulty and incomplete, Searle argues that any falsehood in the study is not material to the appraisal of the safety of aspartame." How's that for assurance? "…In addition to criticizing the study as a HEALTHY HORIZONS

whole, the Department alleges that Searle violated Title 18, Section 1001 by falsifying data. The report alleges that the testing ran into problems and instead of correcting them, Searle covered the problem up." FDA toxicologist, M. Jacqueline Verrett, Ph.D., discussed what she knew about some of these concerns in her testimony before Congress on November 3, 1987 (S.hrg;100-567). Verrett's individual testimony is reprinted here, in which she states: "From 1957-1977 I was employed as a Biochemist/Toxicologist in what is now designated the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition of the Food and Drug Administration. … In the early l970's, I examined the animal studies submitted by G. D. Searle and Co. on aspartame prior to the initial approval by FDA in l974... these studies raised numerous questions in a number of areas that needed to be resolved before approval of aspartame for any food additive use. In 1977 I served as a member of an FDA team… charged with examining three studies… to determine if they were 'authentic'. I wish to emphasize at this point that we were specifically instructed not to be concerned with, or comment upon, the overall validity of the study, this was to be done in a subsequent review carried out at the Bureau level. It is apparent that that review, on a point by point basis, discarded or ignored the problems and deficiencies outlined in this Team report, and concluded that, even in toto, these problems were insufficient to render the study invalid. It also appears that the serious departures from acceptable toxicological protocols that were noted in the reevaluation of these studies were also discounted." Verrett goes on to point out a number of the "deficiencies and improper procedures encountered" by her investigative team, which included but were not limited to: • Animals were not permanently tagged to avoid mix-ups • Tumors were removed and the animals returned to the study • Animals were recorded as dead, but subsequent records, after varying periods of time, indicated the same animal was still alive (almost certain


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evidence of mix-ups) Many animal tissues were decomposed before any postmortem examinations were performed "Almost any single one of these aberrations would suffice to negate a study designed to assess the safety of a food additive," Verrett said, "and most certainly a combination of many such improper practices would, since the results are bound to be compromised. It is unthinkable that any reputable toxicologist, giving a completely objective evaluation of data resulting from such a study, could conclude anything other than that the study was uninterpretable and worthless,and should be repeated. This is especially important for an additive such as aspartame, which is equally vital since DKP is a major breakdown product of aspartame in liquid media. Not only is aspartame being used in the absence of basic toxicity information, but there is also no data to assess the toxicity of the interactions of DKP with the excess phenylalanine generated, with any other metabolite of aspartame, and its interactions with other additives, drugs, or other chemicals which may be present simultaneously in persons exposed to high levels of DKP in presweetened liquids such as diet drinks." Many critics are using the lack of toxicity data as proof that aspartame is safe, when in fact aspartame appears to have been approved WITHOUT such data – which in my opinion is just another sign of aspartame's inherent LACK of empirical safety record… Which brings us to a crucial point. If you do not know this fact, you may never be able to extract the truth, because the 200+ studies that form the basis of aspartame's multiple FDA approvals DO exist. Those studies were published, and are quite easy to find as they're cited by every single conventional health agency and every single aspartame peddler across the world. No one is trying to refute the fact that they exist. However, they were ALL funded by the aspartame industry. And guess what happens when you remove corporate interest and influence from the equation… All Industry-Funded Studies Give Aspartame Clean •


Bill of Health, While Majority of Independent Research Find Indications of Hazards A 1996 review of 165 studies[vii] [viii] believed to be relevant to human safety, by Dr. Ralph G. Walton, a professor of Clinical Psychiatry, showed a remarkable discrepancy between study results and their source of funding. Of the 165 studies, 74 had industry related funding (such as Searle, Nutrasweet®, Ajinomoto, and the International Life Sciences Institute Nutrition Foundation), and 91 were independently funded. Of those: • 100 percent of the industry funded studies supported aspartame's safety, while • 92 percent of the independently funded studies identified at least one potential health concern However, Dr. Walton also pointed out that of the seven remaining non-industry funded studies, which supported aspartame's safety, six were done by the FDA, and the seventh was a literature review of mostly industry sponsored research. Considering the long-standing revolving door between various industries (especially Monsanto, which acquired G.D. Searle in 1985) and the FDA, it's questionable as to whether an FDA study can be considered truly "independent," even though they were counted as independent in Walton's review. If you give that concern any merit, you'd more or less be looking at 100% of industry related studies claiming aspartame to be safe, and 100% of independent studies flagging some sort of health concern. If this doesn't make you raise an eyebrow, then no need to read any further. You've slipped comfortably into the all-accepting fold of corporate self -interests, created by massively successful propaganda and public relations efforts, backed by powerful political lobbying. Only you can decide whether or not you find this discrepancy to be acceptable evidence of rigorous scientific inquiry. If it makes you question the validity of aspartame's "100% safe" designation, then read on… Your Brain on Aspartame In the Sweet Misery video above, Dr. Russell Blaylock, a recently retired board-certified neuro-


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surgeon and author of the book Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, says that because aspartame is "a poison that affects protein synthesis; affects how the synapses operate in the brain, and affects DNA, it can affect numerous organs. So you can get many different symptoms that seem unconnected." However, "when looking at the list of symptoms submitted to the FDA, most of them are neurological," Dr. Blaylock says. He's referring to a Department of Health and Human Services report that categorizes 10,000 adverse reaction reports logged by the FDA (Department of Health and Human Services Quarterly Report on Adverse Reactions Associated with Aspartame Ingestion, DHHS, Washington, DC, October 1, 1986), published here in a 24-page primer on aspartame by Donald Harkins[ix], the former editor and publisher of the Idaho Observer. Two years prior to that, a CDC MMWR dated November 2, 1984[x], discusses several hundred adverse reaction reports received, and at that time, the majority -- 67 percent – of complainants also reported neurological/behavioral symptoms. Some of the most commonly reported neurological symptoms include: • Headaches • Changes in behavior or mood • "Fuzzy" thinking • Seizures • Depression[xi] A 1987 study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives[xii] states: "If only 1% of the 100,000,000 Americans thought to consume aspartame ever exceed the sweetener's ADI, and if only 1% of this group happen coincidentally to have an underlying disease that makes their brains vulnerable to the effects of an aspartame-induced rise in brain phenylalanine levels, then the number of people who might manifest adverse brain reactions attributable to aspartame would still be about 10,000, a number on the same order as the number of neutrally related consumer complaints already registered with the FDA and other federal agencies." [Note: the ADI for aspartame is 50 mg/kg of body weight in the US. ADI in Europe and Canada is 40 HEALTHY HORIZONS

mg/kg of body weight. ] Published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2008[xiii], a South African study offers further information on the potential workings of aspartame on your brain: "Phenylalanine plays an important role in neurotransmitter regulation, whereas aspartic acid is also thought to play a role as an excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. Glutamate, asparagines and glutamine are formed from their precursor, aspartic acid. Methanol, which forms 10 % of the broken down product, is converted in your body to formate, which can either be excreted or can give rise to formaldehyde, diketopiperazine (a carcinogen) and a number of other highly toxic derivatives. Previously, it has been reported that consumption of aspartame could cause neurological and behavioral disturbances in sensitive individuals. Headaches, insomnia and seizures are also some of the neurological effects that have been encountered, and these may be accredited to changes in regional brain concentrations of catecholamines, which include norepinephrine, epinephrine and dopamine. The aim of this study was to discuss the direct and indirect cellular effects of aspartame on the brain, and we propose that excessive aspartame ingestion might be involved in the pathogenesis of certain mental disorders (DSM-IV-TR 2000) and also in compromised learning and emotional functioning." There has been loads of conflicting "science" regarding the metabolism of methanol. The emerging evidence suggests that it may be a toxic poison that is one of the leading contributing factors for MS, and that some of the research is subsidized by the producers of methanol to make it appear less harmful. I hope to an interview in the near future with an expert to review and clarify these details. Aspartame and Headaches The Sweet Misery documentary also includes Dr. H.J. Roberts M.D., a board-certified internist and author of Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epi-


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demic, who does a fine job of explaining, in layman's terms, what aspartame is made of, and how patients have, and can, test their vulnerability to this chemical using cessation and rechallenge. (I will also offer further suggestions on how to do this at the end of this article.) This type of anecdotal evidence, which critics love to dismiss as silly nonsense, can nonetheless be invaluable to the individual in question, as you can clearly discover whether there's a direct cause and effect on your body from consuming aspartame. Dr. H.J. Roberts is one of several expert investigators on aspartame and has testified before congress on the topic of aspartame safety. In a document titled, Professional Opinion of H.J. Roberts, M.D., F.A.C.P., F.C.C.P., Concerning Headaches Caused by the Use of Products Containing Aspartame, he states that: "People who suffer aspartame-induced headache are likely to encounter denial of this condition by physicians, the FDA and manufacturers. This situation is largely influenced by "negative scientific studies" sponsored by corporate interests. I have repeatedly challenged the nature of such studies, especially when the aspartame was administered as capsules or freshly-prepared cool solutions rather than "real world" products, namely soft drinks and other products sold in markets that undergo changes on exposure to high temperature or with storage of more than one or two months." One study commonly cited by industry to refute the claim that aspartame causes headaches is the 1987 NEJM study[xiv] which concluded that "aspartame is no more likely to produce headache than placebo." However, this study, again, has financial ties to Monsanto (owner of G.D. Searle), and the aspartame was given in capsule form, for one day‌ There are a number of studies that point to concerns related to aspartame's detrimental impact on neurological function. On the website you will find a link to a page on my site where I've created a list of studies, sorted by the health concern they pertain HEALTHY HORIZONS

to, and headaches is just one of many potential concerns. That page is evolving, and I will continue to add to it as I find more relevant studies. In my follow-up article, I will foray into a couple of the other health problems associated with aspartame. Taking the Precautionary Principle into Account Any good scientist, and any skeptic worth their own weight, would follow the evidence to its logical conclusion, no matter where it leads. Unfortunately, we have overwhelming evidence showing that it's nearly impossible to be impartial when your paycheck is on the line. Any corporation that pays you to investigate their product wants you to produce favorable results, and we know that powerful corporations can make these desires well understood by those who work for them. Likewise, any good doctor or health professional would adhere to the Hippocratic Oath that says, "First, do no harm." Yet here we have a chemical sweetener being added to some 6,000 food products, which, due to its sheer prevalence and fervent backing by the conventional medical industry and health agencies, has the potential to harm a vulnerable section of the population. You're told it is perfectly safe. (Unless you have a genetic disease called phenylketonuria (PKU), which prevents you from digesting the amino acid phenylalanine. An estimated 1 out of every 15,000 people are born with PKU. This is why aspartame containing products bear a warning label stating the product contains phenylalanine.) But do you know whether or not you have phenylketonuria, or are part of any other "generally vulnerable" group of people? Wouldn't you want to know if you might be at risk? And if you knew you were vulnerable to its toxic effects, would you still consume high amounts of aspartame? If you were not, but you knew that a family member or friend was part of that vulnerable subgroup, would you warn them? These are simple questions that tend to get completely lost in the pro- versus anti-aspartame de-


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bate. Do you think it's acceptable to willfully sacrifice those who are more vulnerable by issuing no warnings whatsoever? And worse -- pulling the wool over their eyes and saying aspartame has no related health hazards whatsoever, even at very high amounts? I think not. Consider the 1986 review of 231 adverse reactions to aspartame[xv], which found "no clear symptom complex that suggests a widespread public health hazard associated with aspartame use." Yet in the following sentence, the researchers admit that: "…in some case reports… the symptoms may be attributable to aspartame in commonlyconsumed amounts. The systematic application of pre-defined review criteria, such as those described here, to monitor consumer complaints related to food additives will help identify products that warrant more focused clinical studies." Staunch aspartame promoters pay no attention to that part – the part that states a certain number of individuals may indeed suffer health consequences, even from commonly-consumed amounts. They also pay no attention to the fact that this review occurred a mere three years after the US became saturated with aspartame-containing beverages. Today we have thousands upon thousands of adverse reaction reports, anecdotal reports, and physician's case histories… These people are indeed being sacrificed, without remorse whatsoever, by those hiding behind supremely biased, profit-driven, industry-funded research. The conventional medical establishment and our health agencies are frightfully resistant to the possibility that aspartame may have anything to do with health problems – after all, aspartame is FDA approved and has been "safely used" for years! I have one word for you – Vioxx. Just one of a multitude of FDA-approved products that -- lo and behold – killed tens of thousands of people while the establishment reiterated the industry-funded "scientific evidence" that was the basis for its widespread use. HEALTHY HORIZONS

Are Your Health Problems Related to Aspartame Consumption? You might not realize you're having a reaction to aspartame. In fact, most people don't make the connection, and a tremendous amount of time and money is spent by aspartame "reactors" (people sensitive to the chemical), trying to find out why they are sick. To determine if you're a reactor, take the following steps: Eliminate all artificial sweeteners from your diet two weeks. (Note: If you typically consume aspartame in caffeinated drinks, you'll want to gradually reduce your intake in order to avoid caffeine withdrawal symptoms.) After two weeks of being artificial sweetenerfree, reintroduce aspartame in a significant quantity (about three servings daily) and avoid other artificial sweeteners during this period. Do this for one to three days and notice how you feel, especially as compared to when you were consuming no artificial sweeteners. If you don't notice a difference in how you feel after re-introducing aspartame, it's a safe bet you're able to tolerate aspartame acutely, meaning your body doesn't have an immediate, adverse response. However, this doesn't mean your health won't be damaged in the long run by this chemical and its breakdown products. I'm not trying to deny anyone the pleasure of life that is generated from consuming sweets. However, to promote aspartame to the population at large, without warning that a certain percentage of people may suffer terribly from its consumption is a reckless, irresponsible ethical breech, and clearly contributes to much unnecessary suffering in exchange for hundreds of millions of dollars of profit.. In the end it's up to you to decide what you want to put into your body. Just make it an educated decision. For more information on the dangers of aspartame, visit


FALL 2010

Soups, Stocks & Stews . . . From Scratch!! By Hayley Stobbs RNCP My first ever experience of soup making was in kindergarten. The experience was magical and inviting. Each unique ingredient added something special to the unity of the whole. I remember being amazed by the onion, superficially it made my eyes tear although I felt happy inside. Although I would refuse to eat anything with onions, I decided that onion in soup was okay. Soup said ‘things are not always as they seem’...As I soon found out, those beautiful dandelion flowers I so graciously gave to my mother after school were weeds. But that was okay too, because even weeds are beautiful. My soup making skills have since developed and I can say that my favourite thing to create in the kitchen, is soup. Always evolving, adapting, and flowing, soup is a recipe for healthy relationships. All of my senses become nourished as my hands work with my soul to enliven my kitchen’s vibrancy and fellow guests with a tasteful mosaic of earth-giving ingredients. I have creative and intuitive control over what colour I desire, the aroma, texture, and taste. Not only are soups delicious, sharing, and perfect for those cold days, but they are pleasing to all body systems in that they are warming, grounding, earthy, and detoxifying. I HEALTHY HORIZONS

have never made a pot of soup without delighting in a new learning experience - thank you soup! Preparing soups & stews may feel intimidating at first, but you will discover after your first (or second!) go you will be able to fully appreciate the experience as a rewarding and creative process that is a delight to share with others. The creation of soups, sauces, and stews usually starts with a ‘base’ or stock. A stock is a flavourful liquid that is created with a ‘mirepoix’ of vegetables, a ‘bouquet garni’ of herbs (typically thyme, bay leaf, parsley, garlic, cloves, peppercorn), water, and other enhancers that are going to give the desired soup most of its flavour. Miripoix: A basic flavouring preparation for meats, poultry, and fish, consisting of a ratio of 2: onion, 1: celery & carrots. You know that your final product is done when you have reached a desired taste, texture, temperature, and appearance. Cooking times are varied and diverse. Stock can be fully or partially saved for freezing, used to cook grains, or can be immediately transferred into a saucepan, frypan, or crockpot for soup, sauce, and stew making. Miripoix vegetables can be incorporated into the soup or strained off if the desired product does not include vegetable chunks. Variations: Alternatively, part of the water requirement can be swapped with tomato juice/canned tomatoes, almond milk, coconut milk, tea, or half and half. To thicken a soup, a thickener derived from the whisking-in of a ‘slurry’ of buckwheat flour can be added. *A marination or glaze is essentially a reduced (cooked-down) sauce with added flavours. *Clear stock usually freezes better than a flourthickened stock. 44

FALL 2010

*Freeze in yogurt containers, thick heavy-duty plastic bags, or ice cube trays. *To thaw soup, take container out a day early and defrost in fridge. When reheating, make sure to stir thoroughly while heating.

- 3 tbsp tamari or Bragg’s Aminos (optional) - Dash of white, black,or red pepper *Experiment with adding apple cider vinegar, extra lemon juice, or balsamic vinegar for added ‘zing’. 4) Stir thoroughly.

Let’s get started . . . Guidelines:


#1 BASIC STOCK RECIPE 1) Add the following mirepoix to a large stockpot, in addition to any vegetable trimmings you may keep throughout the week: Chop: - 4 large carrots, or 2c. chopped *if you are making a white soup, omit - 1 small bunch of celery with leaves, 5 large stalks, or 2c. chopped - 3 medium onions (finely diced to release flavour), about 3-4c. - 1/2c. dulse + 1 strip kombu (optional) - 4-6 garlic cloves. 2) Add one tbsp butter to a pot at medium-low heat and let the miripoix of veggies sweat for 10 minutes, covered, while stirring every couple of minutes. 3) Flavour the liquid and simmer your vegetables: - Add 2c. water, cover and bring to a boil. When the water starts to boil, lower to a simmer (a light boil), at about medium-low heat. Let simmer for a few minutes, turn to low heat, then add: 1 bay leaf, 1 tbsp: thyme, basil, oregano, along with any other herbs you desire, 2 tbsp: parsley, cilantro *If you have fresh herbs, add them last. *Add a little bit of turmeric for a ‘chicken stock’ glow, and chilli powder for a red glow. *A bit of cumin and coriander will give the soup more of a ‘meaty’ taste. In addition to: - 5 tbsp sea salt - 8 drops of stevia, OR 2 tbsp honey OR 3 tbsp palm sugar - Optional 1/2c. pure apple juice - 3tbsp – 1/4c. organic lemon or lime juice HEALTHY HORIZONS

Add 10 - 12 cups of water or fill with water until it is about two inches above the veggies & optional trimmings. Simmer with the lid on for about 30 minutes. Let cool then strain into containers. Take stock out of the freezer to thaw as necessary. Frozen stock will last for about six months in the freezer and seven days in the refrigerator. SOUP: To make a soup out of the bubbling broth (in this case you would be avoiding the addition of vegetable trimmings), add 12 cups of water and continue to add desired food items from the list below. Simmer for about 30 - 45 minutes. Taste and adjust as needed. Soup will keep refrigerated for about four days. Freeze a few portions for quick meals. *PUREE SOUP: The density of a pureed soup has a creative advantage since its sauce-like texture can be incorporated into any dish. To make a pureed soup, cooked vegetables, herbs, and sea salt may be the only ingredients needed. For a creamy soup add coconut milk, nuts, or a bit of cheese. A pureed or creamy soup can be incorporated into any meal as a dressing, sauce, or dip. Use a hand immersion blender or transfer into a food processor and whirl away! *Spoon out kombu and bay leaf at the end of cooking time if desired. *If you are making pureed soup, cut the seasoning and water requirements in half, add desired vegetable (i.e., carrot, ginger) then simmer until tender. Add to food processor and blend until smooth consistency is reached. Alternatively, an immersion (hand-held) blender can be used for a chunkier soup. STEWS: Add chosen food items to crockpot then cover with


FALL 2010

just enough stock to cover ¾ or all of the mixture depending on desired consistency. Pour over a slurry mixture to thicken. Stir, cover, then set your crockpot or transfer to the oven. When ready, taste and adjust as needed. Stew will keep refrigerated for about four days. Freeze a few portions for quick meals. To Thicken STEWS SAUCES & GRAVIES: To increase density of soups and stews use less stock, or add more grains, legumes, and vegetables to increase volume. OR Thicken your soup, sauce, gravy, or stew by making a slurry: 1) In a measuring cup whisk together about 1/2c. buckwheat flour and double the amount of water or hot stock. 1/2c. is used for 12c. stock portion, use your best judgement for smaller portions. *Mix 1.5 tbsp buckwheat with 3 tbsp water to thicken 1 c. of liquid to a medium-thick consistency. 2) Bring soup, stock for sauce, stew, or fat drippings and stock to a boil, then with a large whisk (wire whip), whisk in the slurry mixture. Simmer for about ten minutes (five minutes for sauce), stirring occasionally, until the slurry reaches its full thickening power and until the starchy taste is cooked out. *Continue to add more roux or slurry until desired consistency is reached. *If you are making a SAUCE or gravy, add an optional ½ to one Harvest Sun bouillon cube during cooking. The Ultimate Easy Healthy Stock: - Transfer an abundance of finely chopped carrots, onions, celery, and garlic to a large pot. - Add double the water. - Add dulse seaweed and one strip of kombu sea vegetable per two c. vegetables. - Add any of these herbs: parsley, thyme, basil, oregano, chilli, dill, etc. - Simmer for approximately 30 minutes. - Add a generous amount of sea salt. - Add desired soup ingredients! HEALTHY HORIZONS

Key Ingredients to Consider for Soup Making: Starchy and non-starchy vegetables, cooked legumes, cooked whole grains, fresh herbs, and cooked: Organic or naturally raised animal protein, seafood, and organic eggs: Vegetables: Choose from a variety of 3 – 5 vegetables, cut into desired size. Non-starchy vegetables: Spinach, collard greens, kale, Swiss chard, bokchoy, curly endive, endive, daikon and red radish, asparagus, avocado (garnish), bell peppers, eggplant, tomato, okra, burdock (gobo), fennel, cauliflower, broccoli, broccoli rape, green & purple cabbage, brussel sprouts, red/ green /white onion, celery, leeks, zucchini. Cooked Root & starchy vegetables: Acorn/ butternut/spaghetti squash, Jerusalem artichoke, carrots, sweet potato, beets, red potato, rutabaga, turnip, taro, corn, peas. *Add near the beginning if not already cooked since these usually take a long time to cook. Whole grains, beans, and lentils: Cook grains and beans separately and add later on. If it is added early in the making they may produce a cloudylooking stock. Whole grains; Brown basmati and jasmine rice, wild rice, quinoa, amaranth, teff, buckwheat. 46

FALL 2010

Legumes; Split & whole mung beans, Saskatchewan lentils, azuki, black beans, chickpeas, etc. Sea vegetables; Kombu, dulse, wakame, nori, arame, etc. Cooked fish; Diefenbaker Lake trout, salmon, snapper, halibut, pickerel, pike, bass, sole, tilapia, etc. Naturally raised animal cuts, cooked; Chicken, turkey, duck, goose, Cornish hen, quail, pheasant, bison, lamb, venison, moose, beef, etc. Catering to food sensitivities, allergies, and special diets: 1) Place additional saucepans or pots on extra burners to separate allergenic food from the main pot. 2) When the soup is ready, add the food source to the right bowl, mixing thoroughly, when ready to serve. 3) If you desire to use soup bouillon for extra flavor such as ‘Harvest Sun’ (found at health food stores) this can be simmered on the side in a small saucepan. Add a few tablespoons to each bowlful of soup when ready to serve. Ideally, soup bouillon is not needed since a good soup is tasted and adjusted with stock ingredients and herb enhancers as needed. Since this is a creative process, adjustments will be made depending on your preference or desired outcome. Make sure to write down the recipe as you go, writing in your own alterations and comments, so that you will be able to recreate the masterpiece that everyone loves! Hayley is a graduated Registered Nutritional Consultant Practitioner (RNCP), and is a registered member of the international Organization of Nutritional Consultants (IONC). Hayley has a certificate in food safety and continues independent and yearly holistic educational requirements. She looks forward to educating and sharing with others! NOURISH Nutritional Consulting Hayley Stobbs, RNCP 2260 Lorne St. Regina, Sask. Canada, S4P 2P4



FALL 2010

CLASSIFIED ADS FOR MEMBERS Practitioner Listings and Ads to sell or buy items are available to members only. Ads are $15.00. For more information email, phone/fax Regina: (306) 352-6259, Saskatoon: (306) 477-1351, Toll Free: (800) 332-6259.

Dr. Heather Fox

Dr. Ranvir Pahwa


Acupuncturist and Homeopath AYURVEDA PRACTITIONER The Science of Life and Health from India. Constitution (Dosha), Diet, Nutrition. 1130, 8th St. E. Saskatoon Ph. 306-664-3873

Doctor of Natural Medicine, Clinical Ayurvedic Practitioner Health education specialist with 30 years of practitioner experience. Dr. Fox is available by appointment. Areas of special interest include Ayurveda, Hormone Balance, Chelation, Orthomolcular Medicine, Auto-Immune Disease . Ph. 306-522-2407.

Sonya Duffee


Full Circle Birth Collective. Serving families since 1998. Providing continuous physical and emotional support throughout pregnancy, childbirth and the post partum period. CAPPA Canada Doula Training Workshops. Support Services available. Include blessingways, belly casting and birth preparation classes. Call 565-2338 or Email

Heather Ireland RMT Remedial Massage AYURVEDIC Marma Point Therapy Ph. 306-522-2407



Western Medical Thermography Regina’s permanent medical thermography clinic. Breast thermography, upper, lower and full body imaging. TAS and Thermascan approved facility. Ph. 306-522-2407

Michele Kralkay, RHN, RNCP is a health consultant, lecturer, and author of A Cookbook for Naturally Good Health. She runs a successful practice in Saskatoon and conducts “satellite” clinics in other areas. In addition to using natural foods, Michele uses a well-rounded approach when guiding her clients to optimal health. Michele is also educated and certified in Theta Healing, Quantum Touch, Electro Dermal Screening and Homotoxicology. Thought Field Therapy, Dowsing, Sports Nutrition. Call 306-477-4480.


FALL 2010

Stem Cell Therapy Today! By Dr. Al Mitrani and Dr. Heather Fox DNM Adult Stem Cell Therapy is Available Now Outside the US and blood. and Canada. • Our clinic offers patients, doctors and scientists the opportunity to connect to licensed doctors who use adult Treatment With Your Own Stem Cells stem cells as part of their clinical practice outside of the Adult stem cells can be harvested from many areas of the United States and Canada. Because stem cell therapy is body, including the bone marrow, fat and peripheral blood. not the standard of care, the following important discloOnce the cells have been harvested, they are 'awakened' and sures are made: replaced back into the patient. Contamination and damage to • The science of treatment with adult stem cells is in its natural cell function will not occur as we are using your own infancy.

Stem cell therapy for patients with the following conditions: · ·

Autoimmune Diseases Cerebral Palsy

· ·

Diabetes Type 2 Osteoarthritis


Rheumatoid Arthritis


Spinal Injury


And more...

Heart Failure


Critical Limb Ischemia


Multiple Sclerosis


Degenerative Joint Disease


Parkinson's Disease


Diabetes Type 1



cells. The possibility of rejection and severe post treatment • complications increases significantly if the stem cells used in treatment come from a different donor. These complications include Graft vs Host disease. Since the stem cells come from the patient (autologous stem cells) there is no possibility for • rejection. Adult Stem Cells • Our doctors advocate the use of autologous stem cells as they have no ethical or moral issues and pose no possibility for rejection since they come from the patient. According to various studies, stem cells isolated from a patient (i.e. from the • bone marrow or fat) have the ability to become different cell types (i.e. nerve cells, liver cells, heart cells and cartilage cells). Studies have also shown that these are capable of rec• ognizing and repairing damaged tissue. Our doctors only advocate the use of stem cells derived from • the non-controversial sources: bone marrow, muscle, skin, fat HEALTHY HORIZONS



The treatments described on this website are not approved by the US FDA or by Health Canada and are not considered to be standard of care for any condition or disease. There could be significant and unknown risks associated with adult stem cell treatments, as long-term studies have not been performed. For most diseases no prospective, randomized clinical trials of adult stem cells have been performed, therefore no guarantee of safety or effectiveness is made or implied. Treatments by licensed doctors will only be performed after the patient understands and agrees to informed consent. The results of testimonials of people who appear on this website who have undergone stem cell treatment are not necessarily typical. If you are accepted for treatment by a doctor, the treatment will not be performed in the USA or Canada. FALL 2010

cian will go over any potential side effects with you.

What is stem cell therapy? Stem cell therapy is the use of adult stem cells to treat certain diseases. The stem cells are derived from the patient's own blood, bone marrow and/or fat. In general terms, stem cells are progenitor cells that lead to the creation of new cells. They are regenerative in their function; they are regenerative cells.

How long does it take to get an appointment? The doctor will review the patient's medical records. It will then take 2 to 3 days to review the records and get back to the patient, to go over treatment options. Then the patient is scheduled for the next earliest available appointment. The process of scheduling takes 2 to 3 weeks, from the time of the initial contact to the date of the first appointment.

What conditions are being treated by stem cell therapy? We arrange for treatment for patients with conditions for which traditional treatment offers less than optimal options. Those conditions include Autism, Autoimmune Diseases, Cerebral Palsy, Critical Limb Ischemia, Degenerative Joint Disease, Diabetes Types I and II, Heart Failure, Multiple Sclerosis, Osteoarthritis, Parkinson's Disease, Certain Cancers, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Spinal Injury.

What about the ethical issues involved with stem cell therapy? According to several religious denominations, adult stem cells are not encumbered by any ethical or moral dilemmas. Those ethical issues which apply to fetal and embryonic stem cells do not apply to adult stem cells. Both the Catholic Church and the Southern Baptist Church have issued papers which actually encourage research and the use of adult stem cells in the treatment of human disease, as an ethically acceptable alternative to the use of the ethically challenged fetal and embryonic stem cells.

How many treatments are given? Typically, one treatment is given. If more are needed, the doctors will address your needs at your first appointment. Treatments are given over a period of 5 days to 12 days, depending on the patient's condition and the doctor's recommendation for the particular individual. Are any nutritional supplements or medication taken along with stem cell treatment? Your treating physician may prescribe specific nutritional What can you expect when you arrive at for treatment? Of course even prior to your departure for our clinic in Euca- supplements that may enhance the potential benefits of the stem cell therapy. Such prescriptions will be made on an indidor you will have been thoroughly assessed and many previdual basis, depending on each patient's particular evalualiminary tests are ordered from home often with the help of tion. clinic staff here and your own family doctor or specialist. Upon arriving, you'll be physically examined by the doctor, who will also review your medical records once again. Your Does drinking or smoking effect therapy? Alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking can both be detdoctor may order additional testing, such as blood tests or rimental to new progenitor stem cells. It is highly advisable radiological testing. Either the following day or two days later, at a local private clinic stem cells will be harvested from that people do not smoke or drink during their treatment. your blood, bone marrow, or fat. Your stem cells will be administered to you by your doctor either by vein or artery deHow does one apply to become a patient? pending on you condition and his medical decision. You will You may contact us directly at: be monitored by your medical team for 2 to 24 hours after the Dr. Heather Fox infusion. Cathedral Natural Health 3500 13th Ave. Regina, SK S4T 1P9 Call 1-866-332-1077 or local 306-522-2407.

How long does a patient need to be at the clinic? Between 5 to 21 days, depending upon the condition of the individual patient. Can other treatments be taken at the same time? Typically, a doctor will review what other treatments and medication the patient is already taking. Any further medical decision about what should be included or deleted from the patient's regimen during the stem cell treatment will therefore be made on an individual basis. However, there are not any known contraindications for other therapies during stem cell treatment.

Information Sessions will also be held at:

Are there any known side effects to the therapy? Doctors who have treated patients have not reported any side effects other than pain at the injection site. There could be other theoretical side effects from your treatment. Your physiHEALTHY HORIZONS

Tues. Sept. 28 7PM, Swift Current The Holiday Inn Sat. October 2 7PM, Estevan Perfect Inn Tues. October 5 7PM, Regina The Ramada Inn Thurs. October 14 7PM, North Battleford Library Tues. October 19 7PM, Prince Albert The Holiday Inn Tues. Oct. 26 7PM, Moose Jaw Temple Garden Spa Sat. Nov. 6 7PM, Saskatoon Zion Lutheran Church Tues. Nov. 9 7PM, Moosomin Country Squire Inn


FALL 2010

La Mirage Spa and Clinic - Cotacachi, Ecuador One of the most splendid escapes—anywhere in the world. A healing haven.

Above Abundant Fruits—mostly organic found at local markets. Below One of the local boys—an adult peacock in residence at La Mirage Spa and Clinic strolls freely in the gardens and displays his splendour.

J.W. Marriot Quito, Ecuador World Summit Neural Therapy Convention

J.W. Marriot Quito, Ecuador room, Temperatures are comfortable year round. Ecuador

Holiday Inn Express Quito, Ecuador

A Room with a View Holiday Inn Express Quito, Ecuador

A warm file glows in the fireplace of each La Mirage Spa and Clinic Cotacachi,

Some of the magnificent wildlife. Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

Not Available in Canada — Medical Travel Necessary

Stem Cell Treatment Use your own Adult Stem Cells PEDIATRIC DISEASES  Autism  Seizures  ADD/ADHD OPTHALMIC DISEASES  Maculopathy  Diabetic Retinopathy  Optic Nerve Atrophy

NEURO DEGENERATIVE  Multiple Sclerosis  Parkinson’s Disease  Alzheimer's METABOLIC DISEASES  Diabetes Mellitus  Cardiac Insufficiency  Hepatic Insufficiency  Renal Insufficiency

IMMUNOLOGICAL DISEASES  Rheumatoid Arthritis  Systemic Lupus  Fibromyalgia  Asthma  Psoriatic Arthritis  Cancer

Call 1-866-332-1077 or local 306-522-2407. Information Sessions in your Community with Dr. Heather Fox DNM Tues. Sept. 28 Sat. Oct. 2 Tues. Oct. 5 Thurs. Oct, 14


Swift Current Holiday Inn Estevan Perfect Inn Regina The Ramada Inn North Battleford Library


Tues. Oct. 19 Tues. Oct. 26 Sat. Nov. 6 Tues. Nov. 9

7PM Prince Albert The Holiday Inn 7PM Moose Jaw Temple Garden Spa 7PM Saskatoon Zion Lutheran Church 7PM Moosomin Country Squire Inn


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