Healthy Horizons Fall 2011

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| FALL 2011|

Near Bird’s Point on Round Lake


Healthy Horizons Magazine

Spring 2011



LIQUID VITAMIN D3 Available at reputable health stores Calibrated dropper for accurate dosing Essential for proper bone growth and maintenance Supports the immune system 2

Healthy Horizons Magazine

FALL 2011

For Your Information MEMBERSHIPS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS Annual Membership Fees $20 Includes a subscription to the Journal

BOARD OF DIRECTORS President: Grant Griffith Vice President: Sr. Theresa Feist Secretary: Helen Hill Treasurer: Violet Kasper Members at Large: Mike Kasper, Norman Buker, Evelyn Clavelle The Healthy Horizons Journal seeks to inform its readers on matters of health and nutrition and to provide commentary, news and exchange of ideas on all aspects of health. Through conferences, public meetings, seminars and this paper, Healthy Horizons hopes to encourage individuals to realize their well being is their own responsibility, to investigate all methods of healing and to be aware of the hazards of chemicals in our foods including irradiation of food. For optimum health there must be a mental, physical and spiritual balance. Healthy Horizons is a registered, non‐ profit, volunteer, educational organization. The work of Healthy Horizons is only possible because of memberships and donations. Healthy Horizons does not accept responsibility for the ideas and opinions expressed in this journal. Healthy Horizons reserves the right to refuse any advertising. Articles and advertisements in this journal are not intended as medical advice for serious health disorders which should be attended by your physician. Readers should consult with their health‐care professional before at‐ tempting therapeutic use of any products. The opinions discussed are not necessarily those of Healthy Horizons. Different view‐ points may be expressed in future publica‐ tions. Healthy Horizons is published four times a year: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter The journal is printed at PRINT WEST, Regina, sk. Membership includes a subscription to this journal.

Payments for new memberships, renewals, address changes or corrections should be sent to: Healthy Horizons 890 Kingsmere Blvd. Saskatoon, SK S7J 4J7 Is your membership/subscription due? Please check the expiry date on the back page of this Issue. Your expiry date will be on your mailing label. Please Renew if your membership/subscription is due. We would be happy to receive your payment.


JOURNAL Article Submissions Articles on health and nutrition, complementary health, self-help topics and issues. Letters from readers and/or other pertinent items for publication in the Journal are welcome. Submit articles for publishing to: Email: Please be sure a name and phone number accompanies your email message. DEADLINES Healthy Horizons is published quarterly. Deadlines for ALL material including ad changes and ad cancellations are:

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December 15, 2011



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Healthy Horizons Magazine



This article is geared towards people who want to try out the Paleo diet and who just want to quickly know what they should and shouldn’t do. No background science here or lengthy explanations, only 15 easy rules to follow to kick start your Paleo journey. It’s up to you to decide to what extent you want to follow those rules, but if you follow them 100% you can be assured that you are eating the best food for your body and greatly investing in your long term health and well-being.


Healthy Horizons presents a day of presentations with some of the best information to help you prevent illness and stay healthy. Keynote speakers from across Canada will join us at the Wascana Rehab Centre …

Burzynski the movie - cancer is dangerous business 6


Burzynski, the Movie is the story of a medical doctor and Ph.D biochemist named Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski who won the largest, and possibly the most convoluted and intriguing legal battle against the Food and Drug Administration in American history.


FALL 2011


If you follow what the government and food industry tells you like a broken record, you probably still believe that soy at least as some health benefits and that it’s a good idea to consume at least some. After all, what could be bad about the innocent soy milk or tasteless tofu?


The Depo Provera Story

A few months ago on June 17, 2011, the mother of Terry Fox died. Betty Fox died from complications of diabetes and arthritis. Her funeral was attended by dignitaries including former Vancouver 2010 Olympic Committee CEO John Furlong and British Columbia Premier Christy Clark, among others. So many turned out for the funeral that the city opened the civic recreation centre to the public, where the memorial was broadcasted live. Her death made headlines across North America….


Excerpt from the New Book “A BODY OF EVIDENCE” Depo Provera is a long acting synthetic progestin drug with worrisome science behind it. It was approved in Canada for treatment of ovarian cysts and endometriosis. Although it was not approved in Canada for use as a contraceptive, in truth there was nothing to prevent it from being prescribed and administered and in fact, Depo Provera had been used to sterilize institutionalized women who were intellectually impaired, or in jail in Canada before this.


Healthy Horizons Magazine


bread, pastries or breakfast cereals, but rather the small and flavorful additions that we know of as condiments. I’m talking here of the most popular mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, pickled cucumber relish, horseradish, barbecue sauce and Worcestershire sauce. After all, condiments like mustard and tomato based sauces like ketchup have been around for a long time, back when traditional food was all that was available. Traditionally prepared relish and horseradish, for their part, are probably even healthier additions because they are naturally fermented, thus are a good source of probiotics.



FALL 2011


Natural News reports that studies reveal levels of BPA are massively higher in humans than previously indicated, causing concern for what has been downplayed by the packaging industry as a false alarm….



A study recently conducted by Simon Fraser Uni-

versity in British Columbia in conjunction with researchers at Harvard University and the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Centre. The study which began in 1003 examined the effects of exposure to bisphenol-A, a chemical found in many plastic products.

Food can easily become an habit and before you know it, you get bored by what you eat or you get out of ideas as to what to prepare to please your family or friends. Oftentimes, it’s not about having loads of recipes to use at all times, but simply about diversifying your food choices. Some people will argue that being on the Paleo diet is very restrictive and doesn’t allow enough food to be satisfying for the taste buds. I think it’s practically the opposite that can happen, especially if you’re devoted to try new things out and experiment a bit. ….

THERMAL INFRARED MOLD INSPECTIONS 40 According to a 1994 Harvard University study of 10,000 homes across the USA and Canada, roughly 50% had some type of mold present a statistic that should stun many homeowners who take it for granted their homes are free from infestation simply because they cannot see or smell that a problem exists. Nevertheless, mold can be present even when not visible. And once a mold problem does exist, it is difficult to control and get rid of; requiring professional intervention for complete and safe removal.

SPIRULINA - POWERHOUS OF NUTRIENTS 27 Scientists worldwide continue their research about this Super Vegetable, how good it is, and how it can help lessen the diseases that plague our families in today’s fast-paced lifestyle with the over-processed, quick and easy diet that we all are so familiar with.

RECIPES - Homemade Paleolithic condiments 33 Oftentimes the things we miss the most from our previous diets are not so much the


Healthy Horizons Magazine

FALL 2011


KEYNOTE SPEAKER DR. JERRY BOHEIMER Burzynski The Movie - Cancer Is Serious Business 7:30 - 9:30 Full Length Feature Film

Now a retired Chiropractor, Dr. Bohemier practiced in Winnipeg for 30 years. He now researches and formulates nutritional products to help us reverse disease processes. He lectures throughout Canada on Health issues which are central to our well-being. Is Cholesterol Really The Cause Of Heart Disease? You May Be Surprised! It is a common assumption that cholesterol causes heart attacks and strokes. Yet studies, such as one published in the American Heart Journal (Jan 2009), have shown that in 75% of all heart attack patients cholesterol levels were actually normal! In fact, studies show that people with low cholesterol levels, particularly the elderly, can just as likely form arterial plaque and suffer heart attacks.. Attend this seminar to find out what your heart really desires! 4

Healthy Horizons Magazine

FALL 2011

HEALTH CONFERENCE AGENDA Exhibitor Setup - 11 - 12 noon - Exhibitor Tables Available for Lease Registration: 1 - 1:30 PM $30 with Healthy Horizons Membership or Renewal (Membership $20) $15 for General Admission Keynote Speaker 1:30 - 3:00 Dr. Jerry Boheimer Break 3 - 3:30 Exhibitor Stage and Presentations 3:30 - 5:00 Dinner Break 5 - 6:00 Meals available at Wascana Cafeteria Healthy Horizons AGM 6 - 7:00 Movie Burzynski The Movie - Cancer Is Serious Business 7:30 - 9:30 Full Length Feature Film

Open to the Public - Everyone Welcome Exhibitors interested in participating some tables are still available for lease - cost is $75. Please call 306-502-2072 for information about table availability and to make arrangements.

Registration for the Conference is at the door. Wascana Rehabilitation Centre - Auditorium 2180 - 23rd Avenue Regina, SK 5

Healthy Horizons Magazine

FALL 2011

Burzynski The Movie Cancer Is Serious Business Provided by Dr. Joseph Mercola from Mercola Online

antineoplastons. Here, I will follow up with a review of his recently released documentary, Burzynski, The Movie. It's an absolute jaw-dropper... For anyone who has ever been affected by cancer, either directly or indirectly, the facts presented in this film will hit you like a rude slap in the face. You will learn that not only did the US Federal government spend 14 years actively suppressing a cancer treatment that had a FAR greater success rate than any other treatment available, they also spent well over $60 million of US taxpayer dollars trying to put the inventor of the treatment in jail in order to steal his patents and either suppress or cash in on his discovery. This film is an absolute MUST-SEE, as the summary I'm about to present below simply cannot do it justice. It's available for purchase at, where you can view the first half-hour for free. The site also contains a large number of video clips, as well as a full transcript of the entire film, along with links to all the documentation presented. What's so Special about Dr. Burzynski's Treatment? The story begins back in the early 1970's when Dr. Burzynski discovered that people with cancer lacked a certain peptide, while those who were cancer free had a plentiful supply of it. This finding eventually led him to create a medical treatment referred to as antineoplastons. The drug contains

Burzynski, the Movie is the story of a medical doctor and Ph.D biochemist named Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski who won the largest, and possibly the most convoluted and intriguing legal battle against the Food and Drug Administration in American history. In the 1970’s, Dr. Burzynski made a remarkable discovery that threatened to change the face of cancer treatment forever. His non-toxic gene-targeted cancer medicine could have helped save millions of lives over the last two decades had his discovery not been criminally suppressed by the US government, as his therapy, called “antineoplastons,” have been shown to effectively help cure some of the most “incurable” forms of terminal cancer. This documentary takes you through the treacherous 14-year journey Dr. Burzynski and his patients have had to endure in order to finally obtain FDA-approved clinical trials of antineoplastons. His story is yet another testament that fact can be far stranger than fiction, as the film exposes the powerful, unscrupulous forces that work to maintain the status quo of the medical- and pharmaceutical industry at any cost—including the lives of millions of people. Dr. Mercola's Comments: Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski was born in the early 1940's in Poland, and was trained as both a biochemist and a physician. He's spent the last 35 years developing and successfully treating cancer patients suffering with some of the most lethal forms of cancer at his clinic in Houston, Texas. I recently interviewed Dr. Burzynski about his cancer treatment—a gene-targeted approach using non-toxic peptides and amino acids, known as 6

Healthy Horizons Magazine

a mixture of peptides and derivatives of amino acids. These were known to act as molecular switches, but as genome research blossomed and science progressed, Dr. Burzynski discovered they also work as genetic switches, and that is why antineoplastons work so well. They're actually able to turn on cancer suppressing genes, while simultaneously turning oncogenes (cancer genes) off. As explained in the film: "Our bodies contain two categories of genes that allow cancer to flourish: oncogenes, and tumor suppressor genes. When

FALL 2011

outcome conventional treatment can offer is to slow down the growth of the tumor. Using antineoplastons, however, Dr. Burzynski has been able to successfully cure many of these

otherwise hopeless cases, such as Jessica Ressel. She was 11 years old when she was diagnosed with brainstem glioma—an incurable brain tumor. After learning that she would die no matter what toxic drugs and radiation treatments she underwent, the family decided to not put her through it. When they found Dr. Burzynski, they literally had nothing to lose... Twelve months later—after having initially been told she had but a few months to live, and given no chance of survival at all—MRI's confirmed she was cancer-free. Her brain tumor was completely resolved. Today, Jessica is a healthy 24-year old woman, pregnant with her second child. When comparing FDA-supervised studies of treatments for lethal childhood brainstem gliomas, antineoplastons again comes out as a clear winner. Even more interesting, while some of Dr. Burzynski's patients did eventually die after the fiveyear mark, most who did NOT undergo chemotherapy prior to getting antineoplastons have gone on to live normal, healthy lives—yet another indication that in many cases, the conventional treatments are more lethal than the disease itself.

someone has cancer, they have a higher level of oncogenes switched on, with a higher level tumor suppressor genes switched off. The goal is to tell the body to both switch back on the tumor suppressor genes, and turn off as many oncogenes as possible." While other gene targeting cancer drugs now exist, they're only capable of targeting a small number of specific cancer genes. Antineoplastons, on the other hand, targets a wide spectrum of cancer genes—about 100 of them at once. In a very simplistic way, antineoplastons are to cancer what a broadspectrum antibiotic is to infectious disease. Tackling Childhood Brain Tumors Dr. Burzynski was so confident in his antineoplastons that he even accepted the most difficult and "hopeless" cases, such as childhood brain tumors. Conventional medicine has little or nothing to offer in these cases, and the side effects can be as horrific as the disease itself, if not more. Furthermore, the best

Side Effects of Chemotherapy Drugs Here's just a sampling of the side effects of three conventional chemotherapy drugs: 7

Healthy Horizons Magazine

•Doxorubicin (nick-name: Red Death)—leukemia, heart failure, infertility, mouth sores •Etoposide—leukemia, nerve damage, inability to fight infections •Cisplatin—kidney damage, hearing damage, nerve damage, infertility Another chemo drug, Mitotane, which is derived from DDT, is also used for pediatric patients even though no studies have ever been performed to ascertain its safety or effectiveness in children. Dr. Burzynski's Troubles Begins... The legal battle Dr. Burzynski found himself embroiled in over his invention is convoluted to say the least. There are many bizarre twists and turns, and I strongly urge you to watch the documentary to fully appreciate what happened. I'm sure that whenever someone donates their hard-earned money or participates in a pink-ribbon walkathon, they believe they're doing a good thing. They believe they're helping fund vital cancer research that will hopefully, some day, find a cure for cancer. Little do they know that much of this money goes toward perpetuating the status quo of cancer treatment, namely highly toxic drugs and expensive machines—the same old paradigm centered around profit. As of 2010, the National Cancer Institute's annual budget is $5.2 billion. Dr. Burzynski cannot get a single dime of it. All of his research into antineoplastons over the past 35 years has been self-funded. Think about that for a moment. Not one dime has been funneled toward developing one of the most promising cancer therapies to emerge in the past three decades... Are you still convinced they have your best interest at heart, and are diligently working to "find a cure for cancer"?

You can see this full length feature movie at the Health Conference on Saturday November 20 at 7:30 pm. Please see the Conference information at the front of this publication for full information.


FALL 2011

Healthy Horizons Magazine

FALL 2011

MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT BY GRANT GRIFFITH The cancer society wasn’t raising enough money for the drug companies, so they came up with a new strategy “let’s make important body parts that are subject to cancer a separate disease, starting with the sex organs. So now we have breast cancer ovarian cancer and prostate cancer to donate to. Slogans like, “Run for the Cure.” The number of corporations who are cashing in on disease is nauseating, just say no, and tell them that you object to them jumping on the band wagon, tell them you believe they are part of a large hoax. It is interesting to me that of the top 200 chronic diseases there is no cure for any of them. Do you really think that disease is just too complex for scientists to deal with or is there another reason? According to Kevin Trudeau who used to be a drug company insider the answer is simple. A cured patient is a lost customer, so the drug companies design drugs to alleviate the symptoms. A perfect example is osteoarthritis. They don’t care what the cause of arthritic pain is, in fact they don’t even want to know, they just want you to take expensive pain killers for the rest of your life. Here is the shocking truth about one such drug. Vioxx, an arthritis pain reliever, is known to have killed 60,000 people and injured another 100,000. The FDA stood by and let it happen, Merck, the manufacturer in this case, voluntarily removed it from the market even though they knew before they brought it to the market that lives would be lost due to stroke and heart attacks. Not one of Merck’s company officials went to jail; it’s just business as usual with no consequences. Readers of this column already know and understand that what I am saying is true, but for readers who don’t believe such a hoax is possible, let me explain how the drug companies get away with it. First you have the American Medical Association (AMA) in the US, who also have a vested interest in making windfall profits from uncured diseases. If cancer and heart disease the top two killers were eliminated, thousands of jobs would be lost. Hospital closures would be considerable. So it wouldn’t be in the best interest of the AMA to say, let’s find a cure. So why doesn’t the Government do something about it? In the states the drug companies have two

A few months ago on June 17, 2011, the mother of Terry Fox died. Betty Fox died from complications of diabetes and arthritis. Her funeral was attended by dignitaries including former Vancouver 2010 Olympic Committee CEO John Furlong and British Columbia Premier Christy Clark, among others. So many turned out for the funeral that the city opened the civic recreation centre to the public, where the memorial was broadcasted live. Her death made headlines across North America. In the media Betty was praised for raising millions of dollars for cancer research through the Terry Fox Foundation. What is appalling to me is, not one reporter bothered to ask the question, “What good did it do?” Another question is; where did all that research money go? It went to the richest people in the world, the drug companies, the very people who don’t want a cure for cancer because it would interfere with drug profits. The drug companies make one third of a trillion dollars per year worldwide on chemotherapy drugs and they are just fine with the status quo. They will do anything to protect that money and the lives of people with cancer mean nothing to them. So sending them money for cancer research regardless of the amount, in my opinion is futile. How far into the future will it be before a cure is found? I am not a psychic but I can predict with absolute certainty that in one hundred years from now the people will still be asked to raise money for cancer research as well as every other chronic disease. When will people realize this is just a big pharmaceutical hoax? President Richard Nixon donated billions of tax dollars to cancer research, with no results. He wanted to make the cure for cancer his legacy and become known as the president who was instrumental for finding the cure. With all the power he had and the advisers he had available, he did not know about the dark forces that make a cure impossible. 9

Healthy Horizons Magazine

lobbyists for every congressman. They contribute large sums of money for the elections of people who are supportive of their cause. They also run large propaganda machines to inform their leaders that drugs are good and natural health is just a bunch of quackery. This same propaganda machine is forced on the Medical Schools as well as the media. The large networks receive 70% of their advertizing budget from the drug companies, so there is not much will on the part of the media to expose the massive hoax we call medicine. It is interesting to note that one of Canada’s former Prime Ministers secretly visited a doctor known for his natural approach to medicine. The PM was there because he had a health problem and he sought out this doctor because he apparently trusted alternative medicine. The doctor is surprised that he has the most powerful politician in Canada in his office, and decides to take advantage of the situation. He pushes the PM to do anything he can to make alternative medicine more mainstream. The PM shakes his head and says no, I cannot do that. Why says the doctor? Because you cannot go against the establishment says the PM. The medical establishment has one powerful ally and that is the FDA. Originally the FDA was set up to protect people from unsafe drugs. That has pretty much turned into a three sixty. The FDA has become the protector of drug company profits and not the protector of people. The actions of the FDA have become so outrageous, that it has people shaking their heads. Headlines in many Health Magazines have zeroed in on yet another FDA mindboggling announcement. FDA Claims Walnuts Are Illegal Drugs According to Bill Faloon editor of Life Extension Magazine, they have published 57 articles on the health benefits of walnuts. Here is a list of benefits that scientists have made known. Walnuts contain loads of vitamins, phenolic acids, tannins and flavonoids as well as omega-3 fatty acids. This array of compounds

Diamond Foods Inc. is a distributor of packaged walnuts. They listed some of the scientific data concerning walnuts on their web site. Then last year the FDA determined that walnuts sold by Diamond Foods

FALL 2011

cannot be legally recognized as safe and effective” for the medical conditions referenced by Diamond Foods. According to the FDA, these walnuts were classified as “drugs” and the “unauthorized health claims” cause them to become “misbranded,” thus subjecting them to government “seizure or injunction.” Diamond Foods had no choice but to remove the health benefits from the web site and once again the FDA has censored a company from telling you about good healthy choices. However it doesn’t stop there. The FDA actually allows “Potato Chips to be advertised as “Heart Healthy” Frito-Lay is owned by PepsiCo Inc., makers of Pepsi Cola. Products such as Lays Potato chips, Doritos Tostitos, Cheetos and Fritos are all part of the $12 billion a year sales these products generate. When you hear the word junk food what do you think of? I always think of potato chips. That is the first thing that comes to mind when I hear that phrase. Well if you read what Frido-Lay says on their website you might think differently, here is what it says: “Frito-Lay® snacks start with real farm-grown ingredients. You might be surprised at how much good stuff goes into your favourite snack. Good stuff like potatoes, which naturally contain vitamin C and essential minerals. Or corn, one of the world’s most popular grains, packed with thiamine, vitamin B6, and phosphorous—all necessary for healthy bones, teeth, nerves and muscles. “And it’s not just the obvious ingredients. Our all-natural sunflower, corn and soybean oils contain good polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, which help lower total and LDL ‘bad’ cholesterol and maintain HDL ‘good’ cholesterol levels, which can support a healthy heart. Even salt, when eaten in moderation as part of a balanced diet, is essential for the body.” Wow! Based on what Frito-Lay® is allowed to state, it sounds like we should be living on these snacks. Who would want to ingest walnuts, pomegranate, or green tea (which the FDA is attacking) when these fat calorie-laden, mostly-fried carbohydrates are so widely available?

According to the Frito Lay® website, Lays® potato chips are “heart healthy” because the level of saturated fat was reduced and replaced with sunflower oil. Which raises the question, how much of the corn and soybeans used are GMO or genetically modified? In fact, tests show GMO foods cause cancer in rats. Fatally omitted from the Frito-Lay® website is the fact that sunflower oil supplies lots of omega-6 fats, but no omega-3s. The American diet already


Healthy Horizons Magazine

contains too many omega-6 fats and woefully inadequate omega-3s. Excess omega-6 fats in the diet in the absence of adequate omega-3s produce devastating effects, including the production of pro-inflammatory compounds that contribute to virtually every age-related disease, including atherosclerosis. For the FDA to allow Frito-Lay® to pretend there are heart benefits to ingesting their unhealthy snack products, while censoring the ability of walnut companies to make scientifically substantiated claims, is tantamount to treason against the health of the public. What the FDA wants you to do is to consume unhealthy foods. They prefer consumers only learn about mass-marketed garbage foods that shorten life span by increasing degenerative disease risk. Eating Walnuts Cuts Heart Disease Risk Ingesting nuts used to be considered unhealthy because of their high fat content. This misconception has changed over the past 18 years as human studies have revealed sharply reduced incidence of heart disease in those who consume walnuts. Unlike some nuts, walnuts provide a unique blend of polyunsaturated fatty acids (including omega-3s), along with nutrients like gamma-tocopherol (vitamin E) that have demonstrated heart health benefits. The March 4, 1993, issue of the New England Journal of Medicine published the first clinical study showing significant reductions in dangerous LDL and improvement in the lipoprotein profile in response to

moderate consumption of walnuts. Later studies revealed that walnuts improve endothelial function in ways that are independent of cholesterol reduction.

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One study published by the American Heart Association journal Circulation on April 6, 2004, showed a 64% improvement in a measurement of endothelial function when walnuts were substituted for other fats in a Mediterranean diet. The underlying cause of atherosclerosis is progressive endothelial dysfunction. Walnuts contain a variety of nutrients including arginine, polyphenols, and omega-3s that support the inner arterial lining and guard against abnormal platelet aggregation. These favourable biological effects explain why walnut consumption confers protection against coronary artery disease.

The US National Library of Medicine database contains no fewer than 35 peer-reviewed published papers supporting a claim that ingesting walnuts improves vascular health and may reduce heart attack risk. FDA Disregards the Science The federal agency responsible for protecting the health of the public views this differently. Instead, the FDA’s language resembles that of an outof-control police state where tyranny reins over rationality. Now let’s take another look at the potato chip. Acrylamides When carbohydrate foods are cooked at high temperature (as occurs when potatoes are fried in sunflower oil to make potato chips), a toxic compound called acrylamide is formed. According to the National Cancer Institute, “acrylamide is considered to be a mutagen and a probable human carcinogen, based mainly on studies in laboratory animals. In response to these kinds of concerns, the FDA funded a massive study to ascertain the acrylamide content of various foods. The FDA found that potato chips and other fried carbohydrate foods were especially high in acrylamides. The FDA, however, has not stopped companies selling high acrylamide–containing fried carbohydrates from promoting these foods as “healthy.” Pharmaceutical Companies Benefit From FDA’s misdeeds As the aging population develops coronary atherosclerosis, pharmaceutical companies stand to reap tens of billions of dollars each year in profits. An obstacle standing in their way is scientific evidence showing that a healthy diet can prevent heart disease from developing in many people. It is thus in the economic interests of pharmaceutical giants that the FDA forcibly censor the ability of companies making heart healthy foods to inform the public of the underlying science. The fewer consumers who know the facts about walnuts, pomegranate,


Healthy Horizons Magazine

cherries and green tea, the greater the demand will be for expensive cardiac drugs, stents, and coronary bypass procedures. Once again, the FDA overtly functions to enrich Big Pharma, while the public shoulders the financial burden of today’s health care cost crisis. In this particular case, however, processed food companies also stand to profit from the FDA’s attacks on healthy foods as competition from walnut growers is stifled. FDA/FTC wants to keep you Ignorant The FDA and FTC (Federal Trade Commission) are proposing new regulations that will stifle the ability of natural food companies to disseminate scientific research findings. Just because we live in Canada doesn’t mean that our government won’t co-operate with the USA. In some cases Health Canada is even more restrictive than the US government. Example- DHEA is sold on the shelves of any WalMart in the states but it is totally outlawed in Canada. If anyone still thinks that federal agencies like the FDA protect the public, this proclamation that healthy foods are illegal drugs exposes the government’s sordid charade. Why you must never donate money to charities who give it to the Drug Companies I have purposely written this story about the injustice of the FDA against the walnut growers to show you what a corrupt government department like the FDA is all about. If you think that this is just one small example of an agency making a mistake think again. It has attacked General Mills the makers of Cheerio’s for advertizing that oat bran lowers cholesterol. It has also attacked the company POM maker of pomegranate juice for promoting the cancer fighting properties of the juice. It has gone after green tea producing companies even the Cherry Growers have been harassed and targeted. Once you look behind the scenes of big pharma, you start to see the big picture which is simply this, you must be in charge of your own health, and to not be aware of what’s going on could kill you. In fact statistics show that the number one killer is death by medicine. It’s true, in the states alone; more than 800,000 people a year are killed accidently by organized medicine. Cancer and heart disease each kill about 700,000 people. So why is there no foundation or society for the prevention of death by medicine? In North America, ten to twelve thousand people die each year from the use of illegal drugs such as cocaine, heroin, ecstasy etc. There are all kinds of ad-

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diction centres and treatment facilities plus prevention programs in the schools to lessen the numbers of these deaths. When it comes to all the deaths caused by pharmaceutical drugs, which is tenfold, no one says anything. I started this article by talking about the Terry Fox Marathon of Hope. These were well intentioned people, good people with a mission. All the people who participate and donate to the Terry Fox run are good intentioned people as are the people who raise money for all charities. However, there are a lot of very greedy organizations standing in the way for the cure for all diseases. When you donate money to these organizations, they want more. Giving them more guarantees you will never get what you want, which is a cure. Does the M.S. Society have a Problem? Recently the Saskatchewan Government has announced that they are moving ahead with plans to do trials on the liberation treatment for M.S. patients. Many sufferers of M.S. have gone to countries overseas to have this procedure done, and report absolutely amazing results. The procedure involves the widening of the arteries in the patient’s neck which really is not that complicated. In fact a similar procedure called angioplasty has been performed on heart patients for years. However, here is the conundrum, the M.S. society has announced that they won’t stand in the way of the trials but regardless of the results they won’t allow this new liberation treatment to be called a cure. WHAT? It doesn’t matter how successful the liberation treatment is, the M.S. Society will never lie down and die. They will continue to canvass and raise money for their phony research. They will try to fool the public into believing that a real cure is just around the corner. They just need more money to carry on! Sadly, this deception is protected by Health Canada. It is in fact a law in the United States of America – a law medicine in Canada is also modeled after, that regardless of the treatment and results for any disease it cannot be called a cure. According to the FDA, vitamin C is not a cure for scurvy because only a drug can cure a disease. I guess you could say that food is not a cure for starvation because the results aren’t sustainable, that is; once you stop eating the starvation comes back. The vast majority of people have a good side and feel the need to help other people If you are the type of person who wants to help in some small way, look for charities that don’t


Healthy Horizons Magazine

involve giving money to the drug companies. At one time people donated money to their church and were involved in community charities that benefited less fortunate people on a local level. There is a saying that real charity begins at home. Ethical Efforts you Can Support At Home School Lunch Programs - A 1982 study entitled Malnutrition and Behaviour, by researcher Merrill Read, indicated, "the hungry child is apathetic, disinterested and irritable when confronted with difficult tasks." More recently, a study on nutrition and cognitive development from Tufts University's Centre on Hunger indicated that even before under nutrition is severe, its results are readily detectable; inadequate food intake limits the ability of children to learn about the world around them. Anecdotal evidence from teachers in the schools we serve indicates that in-class behavior, attention span, as well as attendance have improved dramatically in some cases, when our hot lunch program was brought into the school. Children who would otherwise go hungry throughout the school day are now being fed across Canada in Provinces where school lunch programs have been implemented and these programs are largely funding and volunteer dependent. Vitamin Angel Program - NOW Donates 4 Million Vitamin A Capsules to Vitamin Angels NOW Foods donated 4 million vitamin A capsules to the Vitamin Angel Alliance. NOW’s donation was made to support Vitamin Angels’ Operation 20/20, a program dedicated to eradicating childhood blindness and Vitamin A Deficiency (VAD) by the year 2020. In 2008, to mark the company’s 40th anniversary, NOW announced a commitment to donate 40 million supplements to the work of Vitamin Angels over the next decade. This donation is part of that commitment. Each 200,000 IU capsule provides enough vitamin A to prevent VAD, one of the leading causes of childhood blindness. Vitamin A is critical for healthy vision, bone growth and normal bodily development, and plays a key role in the development of a child's immune system. “Our commitment to the work of Vitamin Angels is a natural extension of our mission to empower people to lead healthier lives, said NOW’s president, Al Powers. He continued, “Vitamin Angels’ Operation 20/20 is making a difference in the lives of countless people impacted by war, poverty, and disease. We are honored to be working with Vitamin Angels on this important project, and we are blessed

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to be able to provide the products that will help make this important goal happen.” Vitamin Angels is a non-profit organization that provides vital nutrition in the form of supplements to developing countries, communities, and individuals in need. Food Banks – Recently, the Canadian Press reported that Food banks across the country are always happy to receive donations, but now more than ever, they're aiming to stock their shelves and food hampers with nutritious food. And in some cases, they're being careful about how they hand out junk food, if they do at all. At the Saskatoon Food Bank and Learning Centre, executive director Paul Merriman says donors might be asked to contribute whole-wheat bread or whole-grain pasta to better take care of the nutritional needs of clients. "Do we throw out junk food? A lot of the times, yes," he said. "Chips, pop, candy bars, pastries. We've been asked by the community leaders and certainly myself and the board are pushing that, you know what, it's not necessarily going to solve a problem if we give out junk food." Keep A Breast Foundation - The Keep A Breast Foundation™ is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. whose mission is to help eradicate breast cancer by exposing young people to methods of prevention, early detection and support. Through art events, educational programs and fundraising efforts, we seek to increase breast cancer awareness among young people so they are better equipped to make choices and develop habits that will benefit their long-term health and well-being Healthy Horizons – a not for profit community based natural and alternative health organization, Healthy Horizons has existed in Saskatchewan for more than 40 years. A group of dedicated volunteers works diligently to bring forward the most current information available to support the consumer in making effective choices on behalf of their own health. These are a small sample of important efforts by organizations and community groups desperately in need of money and volunteer support. Prevention of disease is always the most important first step. And as one of our older members John Bryde reminds us, what is important ultimately is Education – not Medication.


Healthy Horizons Magazine

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The Paleolithic Diet Basics By Sébastien Noël Nutrition, fitness and healthy lifestyle enthusiast This article is geared towards people who want to try out the Paleo diet and who just want to quickly know what they should and shouldn’t do. No background science here or lengthy explanations, only 15 easy rules to follow to kick start your Paleo journey. It’s up to you to decide to what extent you want to follow those rules, but if you follow them 100% you can be assured that you are eating the best food for your body and greatly investing in your long term health and well-being. The 15 rules of the Paleo diet 1. The Paleo diet should be high in fat, moderate in animal protein and low to moderate in carbohydrates. Calorie counting is not encouraged, neither is portion control. 2. Eat unlimited amounts of saturated fats like coconut oil and butter or clarified butter. Beef tallow, lard and duck fat are also good, but only if they come from healthy and well-treated animals. Beef or lamb tallow is a better choice than lamb or duck fat. Olive, avocado and macadamia oil are also good fats to use in salads and to drizzle over food, but not for cooking. 3. Eat generous amounts of animal protein. This includes red meat, poultry, pork, eggs, organs (liver, kidney, heart…), wild caught fish and shellfish. Don’t be scared to eat the fatty cuts and all meals with proteins should contain fat as well. Learn to cook with bones in the form of stocks and broths. 4. Eat good amounts of fresh or frozen vegetables either cooked or raw and served with fat. Starchy vegetables like sweet potatoes and yams are also great as a source of non-toxic carbohydrates. 5. Eat low to moderate amounts of fruits and nuts. Try to eat mostly fruits low in sugar and high in antioxidants like berries as well as nuts high in omega-3, low in omega-6 and low in total polyunsaturated fat like macadamia nuts. Consider cutting off fruits and nuts altogether if you have an autoimmune disease, digestive problem or are trying to lose weight faster. 6. Preferably choose pasture-raised and grass-fed meat coming from a local, environmentally conscious

farms. If not possible, choose lean cuts of meat and supplement your fat with coconut oil, butter or clarified butter. Also preferably choose organic, local and/or seasonal fruits and vegetables. 7. Cut out all cereal grains and legumes from your diet. This includes, but is not limited to, wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn, brown rice, soy, peanuts, kidney beans, pinto beans, navy beans and black eyed peas. 8. Cut out all vegetable, hydrogenated and partly-hydrogenated oils including, but not limited to, margarines, soybean oil, corn oil, crisco, peanut oil, canola oil, safflower oil and sunflower oil. Olive oil and avocado oil are fine, but don’t cook with them, use them in salad dressings and to drizzle over prepared food. 9. Eliminate sugar, soft drinks, all packaged products and juices (including fruit juices). As a rule of thumb, if it’s in a box, don’t eat it. At the grocery store, visit only the meat, fish and produce sections. 10. Eliminate dairy products other than butter and maybe heavy cream. You don’t need dairy, but if you can’t live without, consider raw, full-fat and/or fermented dairy. 11. Eat when you’re hungry and don’t stress if you skip a meal or even two. You don’t have to eat three square meals a day, do what feels most natural. 12. Eliminate to most sources of external stress in your life as possible and sleep the most you can. Try to wakeup without an alarm and to go to bed when it’s dark. 13. Don’t over-exercise, keep your training sessions short and intense and do them only a few times per week. Take some extra time off if you feel tired. Consider short and intense sprinting sessions instead of very long cardio sessions. 14. Consider supplementing with vitamin D and probiotics. Levels of magnesium, iodine and vitamin K2 should also be optimized. Iodine can be obtained from seaweeds. You probably don’t need a multivitamin or other supplements. 15. Play in the sun, have fun, laugh, smile, relax, discover, travel, learn and enjoy life like a daring adventure! 14

Healthy Horizons Magazine

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The Dangers of Soy By Sébastien Noël Nutrition, fitness and healthy lifestyle enthusiast If you follow what the government and food industry tells you like a broken record, you probably still believe that soy at least as some health benefits and that it’s a good idea to consume at least some. After all, what could be bad about the innocent soy milk or tasteless tofu? Everything is wrong about it and we’ve been fed a bunch of lies. You have to consider the fact that all that you think you know about soy is the result of careful marketing over years and years that worked so well that everybody is now convinced that it’s a super-food that could feed the world and save the environment. If you head over to your local health food store, you’ll find that almost every packaged product are soy based. Most other products there are grain based, which renders those stores a place where vegetarians go to ruin their health, but this is a whole other story. Of course, the main reason why you should avoid soy are the same reasons why you should stay away from other grains and legumes. Lectins will mess with your leptin sensitivity (hunger and energy expenditure signals), making your brain think he’s hungry even when your body as more than enough calories. Leptin resistance could lead to insulin resistance, which could lead to a host of problems also known as the metabolic syndrome. Levels of phytates in soy are also very high. Phytates bind to minerals like zinc, calcium, iron and magnesium and make them unavailable for you. You might already know about those properties of grains and legumes, but here are facts that make soy a particularly bad source of calories. First though, lets debunk a common myth. Asians and their soy consumption You know that Asians consume large quantities of soy regularly, right? Well that’s just wrong! This is what the industry wants us to believe because it’s a common fact that Asians generally live longer and healthier than Americans. The industry then only had to point to us the consumption of soy products of Asians for us to believe in the health benefits of it.

If you ask an Asian family you know, chances are you’ll realise that they don’t eat that much soy. This is another of those ideas that where implanted in the general consciousness that we take for a fact without questioning its origin. Asians traditionally eat small amounts of soy and most of it is in a fermented form like nato, miso or tempeh. When you properly ferment beans and grains, they usually lose a lot of their lectin and phytate content. When they don’t have a fermented form of soy, they usually have it with fish broth in soups, which is very high in minerals and somewhat counter acts the effects of soy. It’s funny to learn that a lot of those other cultures seem to instinctively know how to prepare certain foods to minimize their downsides (soaking, sprouting, fermenting,…) It’s also revealing to learn that Asian people generally don’t eat brown rice and prefer the most refined white rice. Again, the rice looses most of its toxic effects when refined. Of course, eating high quantities of rice is still eating a high proportion of carbohydrates, but then again, it’s not from fructose, the worst kind of sugar.

Goitrogenic effects of soy Soy contains high levels of goitrogens. Goitrogens are compounds that inhibit the thyroid’s ability to utilize iodine correctly which could lead to hypothyroid problems. Thyroid problems are so prevalent today, especially for women, that it’s now as if it’s normal to have thyroid problems.


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When you have an underperforming thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), your whole metabolism slows down. You feel cold all the time, you have low energy and you catch just about any virus that floats around because of a weakened immune system. Be aware though that when it comes to goitrogens, soy is not the only offender. Cruciferous vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts) have these effects too. Cooking those vegetables will eliminate most of these effects, which is not the case with soy. Of course most vegetables contain toxins of some kind so it’s always a good idea to eat a good variety instead of always eating the same vegetables. Protease inhibitors in soy As if lectins and phytates where not enough, soy also has protease inhibitors, also called trypsin inhibitors. These toxins block the action of enzymes that have the responsibility of digesting certain proteins, but it can also lead to a host of other problems. Soy and estrogen This is a big problem. Soy contains plant estrogens in the form of isoflavones which effectively raises your estrogen levels and therefore lowers your testosterone levels. Those hormones are in competition so more of one means less of the other. Messing up your estrogen levels has devastating effects for men, women as well as children and newborns. Men Improper balance of testosterone to estrogen in men can lead to a lower libido, fat accumulation around the waist and loss of energy, stamina and virility and even man boobs (gynecomastia). Women Having abnormally high levels of estrogen doesn’t mean you’ll be more of a woman. It could disrupt your periods, fertility and put you at risk for breast cancer. Newborns What we feed our newborn child is always a first concern of course. Nowadays however, some formula preparations contain soy in large quantities. A baby needs to have his hormones in the proper ratio to develop normally and a baby boy needs a lot of testosterone to form is sexual traits. Too much estrogen at this stage can cause failure to thrive, underdeveloped testicles and problems when puberty comes like gynecomastia, lack of facial hair and emasculation. It is said that the amount of estrogen producing soy in some formula preparations could be the equivalent of consuming 5 birth control pills per day.

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Soy is destroying the planet Some vegetarians argue that eating meat destroys the planet and that replacing meat protein by soy is a good alternative. Absolute nonsense. Those who believe in that have absolutely no clue about the way the industrialized system works. Soy crops are probably the most destructive of all the monocrops. They rob the soil from nutrients without giving back, they’re one of the pesticide laden crops and they are now almost all genetically modified. The major part of it goes to feed livestock, who get sick eating it. Some factory produced cuts of meat are now injected with extra soy. This is yet another reason to stay clear from factory-farmed animals: save yourself and the environment from soy.

Monsanto, the largest soy producer now sues every farmer who gets their soy cross-pollinated by Monsanto’s patented GMO crops. Cross-pollination used to be the way plants reproduced, now it’s illegal! It should actually be the opposite where the farmers sue Monsanto for infecting their crops, but of course Monsanto is now too big to be vulnerable. They have a very strong political power because of the lobbying they do. Conclusion I hope this article gave you reasons compelling enough to stay away from this inferior source of food and that you’ll choose vegetables and fruits instead, which are a far superior source of nutrition


Healthy Horizons Magazine

FALL 2011

The Depo Provera Story Excerpt from the New Book “A Body of Evidence” By Dr. Heather Fox Depo Provera is a long acting synthetic progestin drug with worrisome science behind it. It was approved in Canada for treatment of ovarian cysts and endometriosis. Although it was not approved in Canada for use as a contraceptive, in truth there was nothing to prevent it from being prescribed and administered and in fact, Depo Provera had been used to sterilize institutionalized women who were intellectually impaired, or in jail in Canada before this. Depo-Provera, is in fact an injectable synthetic steroid drug. One injection of Depo-Provera in some cases may prevent ovulation. In other cases, there may be ovulation and fertilization, but the drug's effect on the uterine lining causes an abortion. The effects of one injection can last three months and longer.

Depo-Provera is believed to work in several ways. It inhibits ovulation by suppressing production of certain hormones by the pituitary gland. In addition, it thickens the cervical mucous and causes thinning of the endometrial lining, both of which further reduce chances of an egg's fertilization and implantation. The Canadian Coalition of Depo Provera issued the following statement about risk and side effects: “Most women using Depo-Provera experience menstrual irregularities such as irregular bleeding or spotting, and for some, heavy bleeding. Amenorrhea (an absence of periods) commonly develops any time during the first year. This may make early detection of pregnancy difficult, while other women may worry unnecessarily that they might be pregnant. Fetal development may be affected by exposure to Depo-Provera. Menstrual irregularities may also mask the onset of menopause. Weight gain affects most women, averaging about 2.3 kg (5 lbs) in the first year and varying after that; some women gain significantly more. The reasons are unclear, but it may be that by suppressing estrogen, there is a higher ratio of androgenic (male) hormones, muscle growth and increased appetite. Other side effects may include: acne, breast tenderness, headaches, nervousness, depression and loss of libido. The delay in return to fertility averages 3-6 months, but may be up to 18 months or more for a small number of women. Symptoms may persist 6-8 months or longer after the drug is discontinued. Anyone with blood-clotting problems, unexplained vaginal bleeding or other conditions should discuss these with their health care provider before considering Depo-Provera or other methods. Depo-Provera does not protect against STDs or HIV.”


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Upjohn, the original manufacturer of Depo Provera in partnership with the National Cancer Institute did its own study and findings suggested that Cervical cancer was found to be increased as high as 9-fold in the first human studies recorded. In the years that followed the refusal of the US FDA to approve the drug as a contraceptive, subsequent testing and use of Depo Provera was focused almost exclusively on women in developing countries and poor women in the US, as well as the mentally challenged. An example of this would be the shameful Grady Memorial Family Planning Clinic Study conducted by Upjohn for 11 years in Atlanta, Georgia in 1967. Most of the 13,000 women who participated in the study were receiving public assistance, most were black women. Investigators found that data collection was questionable, informed consent forms as well as protocol instructions were not present even the women who had signed consent forms had done so without being informed about possible side effects. There was apparently no screening of women who had medical conditions that would put them at risk if they took the drug. In fact, several of the women in the study had already died; some of cancer, but some for other reasons, such as suicide due to depression. Over half the 1300 women in the study never had follow up data collected. While testing of the drug as a contraceptive continued, in 1970 the FDA revoked approval of Depo-Provera as a treatment for endometriosis and miscarriage, due to lack of substantial evidence of effectiveness for treating those indications. In the case of miscarriages, according to FDA findings, approval was also revoked on the grounds of a "possible association between pre-natal hormonal treatment in mothers and congenital heart defects in offspring." Questionable potential human rights violations have been documented in numerous countries around the world concerning the distribution of Depo Provera. However, in 1992, the World Health Organization (WHO) presented a review of Depo Provera use in four developing countries to the US FDA. The National Women's Health Network and other women's organizations testified at the hearing that the WHO Speaking in comparative terms regarding ani- was not objective, as the WHO had already pariticimal studies of carcinogenicity for drugs, a member of pated in the distribution of Depo-Provera in developthe FDA's Bureau of Drugs testified at an agency De- ing countries. po hearing, "...Animal data for this drug is more worFinally, Depo Provera was approved for use in risome than any other drug we know of that is to be US on the basis of the WHO review of previously given to well people." submitted evidence from countries such as Thailand, evidence which the FDA had deemed insufficient and A long and controversial history preceded the approval of Depo-Provera in both Canada and by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The original manufacturer, Upjohn, applied repeatedly for approval but the FDA repeatedly denied. Essentially, there were three primary health related objections to the use of Depo Provera as a contraceptive for women. Two significant studies involved animal testing for carcinogenicity. In the now infamous Beagle Study, Depo-Provera caused breast cancer tumours in dogs. Critics of the study claimed that dogs are more sensitive to artificial progesterone, and that the doses were too high to compare to humans. Depo-Provera also caused endometrial cancer in rhesus monkeys—2 of 12 monkeys tested, the first ever recorded cases of endometrial cancer in rhesus monkeys. The monkey and beagle studies were begun in 1968.


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too poorly designed for assessment of cancer risk at a prior hearing. In November 1985, after a Food and Drug Administration public inquiry panel denied approval of Depo-Provera for contraceptive use in the U.S., citing concerns about long-term safety, the Globe and Mail Newspaper reported that the drug was about to be approved in Canada. An Upjohn spokesperson was quoted saying that Depo-Provera would not be opposed here like in the U.S. “We do things in a more private way in Canada... Here it is a matter between us and Health and Welfare.” Approval in Canada would have been strategic for the company at a time of U.S. refusal and as a possible site of export allowing Upjohn to profit on the development of a drug they had been unable to market in the US. In 1991 Canadian women’s groups and various health associations petitioned their government to keep the drug out of the country. They wrote, “We urge the government to stand by their decision of 1988, and to remain committed to protecting the health and safety of Canadian women.” Aware of the side effects of Depo-Provera, advocates of women’s health were especially concerned about the fact that the shot was “currently being prescribed to teenagers, the physically and mentally disabled, immigrant, Native and Inuit women without their informed consent.” Depo-Provera was approved for use as a contraceptive by Health Canada in April, 1997. Subsequent to the initial health studies that prevented FDA approval of Depo Provera, a Canadian group of Depo Provera users have filed a $700 million classaction lawsuit against the current manufacturer - Pfizer – due to the development of osteoporosis, a disease that can deplete bone mass, leaving bones thin, brittle and easily breakable. Pfizer argued that it had met its obligation to disclose and discuss the risks of DepoProvera with the Canadian medical community. However, while it has long been known that Depo-Provera causes bone loss, it has recently been discovered that the osteoporotic effects of the injection grow worse the longer Depo-Provera is administered, may remain long after the injections are stopped, and may be irreversible. For these reasons, on November 17, 2004 the United States Food and Drug Administration and Pfizer agreed to put a black box warning on Depo-Provera's label. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) advises that the use of Depo-Provera should not be restricted.

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It is unclear whether the bone density loss associated with Depo-Provera use is reversible, and if so, how completely. Pfizer and the FDA recommend that DepoProvera not be used for longer than 2 years, unless there is no viable alternative method of contraception, due to concerns over bone loss. In 1970 the problems with Depo Provera and the attempts by Upjohn to push forward with expanding the mandate for prescribing was well known in the medical community. In 1970 I was a young girl who was 15 years of age under the care of a doctor who had no special training in gynecology. But, he had an idea. Knowing the dosage administered to rhesus monkeys Dr. Joel Jeffries calculated what he felt was an appropriate dosage of Depo Provera on a pound for pound ratio. I was administered 250 mg. of Depo Provera by injection once a week for 16 weeks. The manufacturer’s dosage protocol prescribed today to prevent a woman from ovulating, menstruating and conceiving states the recommended dose is 150 mg of DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection every 3 months (13 weeks) administered by deep intra-muscular injection. I weighed 123 pounds when the treatment started. When I received the last injection 16 weeks later, I weighed 197 pounds. This was just the beginning. What followed, was cervical cancer, massive weight gain up to 350 pounds, a pituitary tumour…, and more. Dr. Heather Fox PhD DNM is a doctor of natural medicine with more than 30 years of experience. Founder and Past President of the Saskatchewan Association of Doctors of Natural Medicine, Dr. Fox is a member of the Canadian Science Writers Association and author of several books on Natural Medicine including ‘Heart Health with Natural Medicine,’ ‘Pain Relief with Natural Medicine’ , ‘The Healing Way of Beauty’ and ‘The Organic Planet Cookbook.’ Her newest book - ‘A Body of Evidence’ is a journey into her own personal autobiographical health story and a historical view of natural medicine advancement in Canada.


Healthy Horizons Magazine

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BPA Deceptions By Helen Hill Natural News reports that studies reveal levels of BPA are massively higher in humans than previously indicated, causing concern for what has been downplayed by the packaging industry as a false alarm. BPA, or Bisphenol-A, leaching from plastic packaging and linings of canned foods, causes cancerous tumors and developmental disorders, including learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, and deformations of sexual organs, especially in newborns. The CDC estimates that 90% of people in the U.S. are chronically exposed to BPA at over 3000 times the daily level that the FDA reports. The FDA standards ignored more than 100 credible research experiments and studies other than their own. BPA is a chemical compound used in the production of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins. BPA has been in use for over 50 years, and is often used to make plastics hard and shatter-resistant. It's also used to coat metal items like the inside of food cans, bottle caps and canned drinks. You can find BPA in plastic baby bottles, sports equipment, compact discs, water bottles, medical equipment, dental sealants, eyeglass lenses, electronic devices, paints, and countless other consumer products. Even cash register receipts can be coated with BPA. Health Effects of BPA BPA has come under scrutiny in recent years for its possible connection to birth defects and reproductive problems. Studies have shown that BPA mimics the hormone estrogen, and it might be linked to problems like lower sperm counts, hormonal changes, enlarged prostate glands, brain and behavioral abnormalities, early onset of puberty, obesity and a host of other health problems. (It shares many of these problems with another plastic additive, phthalates.) People can be exposed to BPA through many sources, though food and drink account for most exposures. The recycling symbol "7" indicates a polycarbonate plastic containing BPA. Metal cans, however, will usually not indicate whether they contain a BPA lining or not. If you're concerned about exposure to BPA, follow these simple suggestions from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences: Don’t microwave polycarbonate plastic food containers. (Look for the recycling symbol #7 on the bottom.) Reduce your use of canned foods.

Opt for glass, porcelain or stainless steel containers, particularly for hot food or liquids. Much of the latest research and testing of chemicals in foods is being conducted by the very companies that sell them, or by independent labs hired and well paid to conclude that there is "insufficient evidence of levels harmful to humans." The BPA label is either on the side or bottom of bottles in black or clear numbers, usually inside of the recycling sign formed by circular arrows. The number 2 means your food is contaminated by aluminum and polyethylene plastic, and the number 7 means there is BPA in your polycarbonate container. To make things worse, if the bottles or cans have been sitting on the shelf at the grocery for months, the toxic levels of BPA are higher, and since there's no "born-on date," like beer might have, there's no telling the age of the container. Also, if the plastic gets heated up, like in a car, more toxins are released into the drink. Plus, canned goods are sterilized at up to 265% Fahrenheit, so the level of BPA released in those foods is horrendous. Metal cans have no warning or indicator about BPA. The remedy is to simply buy glass only and not have to worry about BPA, but then don't forget to check for sodium benzoate, BHA, BHT, EDTA, and the other preservatives. BPA was originally developed in the 1930's as a synthetic version of the female hormone estrogen. BPA is an endocrine disrupter, meaning it is a chemical that interferes with the hormone system in animals, including humans. Are we wondering why kids are more hyperactive these days and the doctors suggest prescribing ADHD pharmaceuticals? BPA mimics estrogenic activity and enhances mesolimbic dopamine activity, which results in hyperactivity and attention deficits. The USA orders 8 billion pounds per year of BPA, one of the highest volume chemicals produced by mankind, having adverse effects in mammals and invertebrates all over the world. Canned goods sell particularly well in times of recession and financial stress. In February of 2009, the United States saw an 11.5% rise in canned food


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sales alone. The highest concentrations recorded are in chicken soup, infant formula and ravioli. It's also in your dental fillings. The EPA has not evaluated BPA for possible carcinogenic activity, and food packaging executives and lobbyists are still planning to use a pregnant woman in their advertising in order to reassure Americans that BPA is safe for children. Remember, an advertisement's slogan is often a cover up for the product's greatest weakness.

Six Tips to Treat Colds and Flu the 'Natural' Way Vitamin C and Vitamin D - Vitamin C is still the old standby for a cold and success seems to be dosage dependant. Usually a minimum of 3-5000mg of vitamin C taken throughout the day is a starting recommendation but some people take 1000mg every two hours while they are awake. Vitamin C is taken to ‘bowel tolerance’. Dr. Mercola recommends high doses of Vitamin D at the very first onset of a cold or the flu. His protocol suggests 1000IU of Vitamin D per pound of body weight per day, for three days. Remember, when you expose skin to the sunlight during the summer, about ten thousand IU’s of Vitamin D is generated on your skin. Blow Your Nose Often -- and the Right Way - It's important to blow your nose regularly when you have a cold rather than sniffling mucus back into your head. But when you blow hard, pressure can cause an earache. The best way to blow your nose: Press a finger over one nostril while you blow gently to clear the other. Wash your hands after blowing your nose. Stay Rested - Resting when you first come down with a cold or the flu helps your body direct its energy toward the immune battle. This battle taxes the body. So give it a little help by lying down under a blanket. Take long, restful naps and listen to what your body tells you it needs. Gargle and Soothe - Gargling can moisten a sore throat and bring temporary relief. Try a teaspoon of salt dissolved in warm water, four times daily. To reduce the tickle in your throat, try an astringent gargle -- such as tea that contains tannin -- to tighten the membranes. Or use a thick, viscous gargle made with manuka honey, fresh squeezed lemon juice and even add a little cayenne pepper. Steep one tablespoon of raspberry leaves or lemon juice in two cups of hot water; mix with one teaspoon of honey. Let the mixture cool to room temperature before gargling. Honey should never be given to children less than 1 year old and should be raw and unpasteurized. Direct heat destroys many of the healing properties of honey and even makes it toxic. Don’t forget your Oil of Oregano as a not too tasty, but very effective cold remedy. Drink Hot Liquids - Hot liquids relieve nasal congestion, help prevent dehydration, and can soothe the uncomfortably inflamed membranes that line your nose and throat. Chicken soup made from scratch really does help. Take a Steamy Shower - Steamy showers moisturize your nasal passages and relax you. If you're dizzy from the flu, run a steamy shower while you sit on a chair nearby and take a sponge bath but you should be sure to have a showerhead with a filter, or a total water filtration system for your home to remove things such as chlorine. The last thing you need to be breathing into your lungs is chlorine. If this isn’t possible, consider heating a pot of filtered water on your stove top, add a few leaves of fresh eucalyptus. Remove from the stove and make a tent with an old towel and hold your head over the steam at a safe distance and inhale. Steam for at least 15 minutes, 3-4 times a day.


Healthy Horizons Magazine

FALL 2011

Paleolithic Diet Food List By Sébastien Noël Nutrition, fitness and healthy lifestyle enthusiast Food can easily become an habit and before you know it, you get bored by what you eat or you get out of ideas as to what to prepare to please your family or friends. Oftentimes, it’s not about having loads of recipes to use at all times, but simply about diversifying your food choices. Some people will argue that being on the Paleo diet is very restrictive and doesn’t allow enough food to be satisfying for the taste buds. I think it’s practically the opposite that can happen, especially if you’re devoted to try new things out and experiment a bit. Lets not forget that most people who argue that there is too much food groups that are not permitted on the Paleo diet are the ones who eat a diet based heavily on grains and oftentimes their meal plan doesn’t offer that much diversity. I’ve compiled a paleo diet food list of the most popular and readily available foods that are paleo diet friendly and I think it might prove to be much useful to consult before doing your grocery for ideas of what to buy to change things up a bit. For me personally, I don’t like the idea of always eating pork, beef or chicken and only one type of fat like coconut oil. Those foods are certainly good for you, but can lose their appeal if you eat too much of them. I try to eat a diversity of foods and choose cuts of meat I wouldn’t choose normally, even though I oftentimes have no idea how to prepare them. This is, in my opinion, what puts the fun back in eating and makes us more conscious of where our food comes from and what it does for us. This is the reason why this paleo diet food list includes meats, vegetables or fruits that are less popular, but still easy to get at a fair price.

Game meat Deer, pheasant, bear, moose, woodcock, elk, duck, rabbit, reindeer, wild turkey …

Poultry Chicken, turkey, duck, quail, goose, … Fish Salmon, tuna, trout, bass, halibut, sole, haddock, turbot, walleye, tilapia, cod, flatfish, grouper, mackerel, anchovy, herring, … Shellfish Crab, lobster, shrimps, scallops, clams, oysters, mussels, … Fats

The Paleo Diet Food List Meat Beef, pork, lamb, veal, rabbit, goat, sheep, horse, bison, wild boar, … 22

Avocados, avocado oil, olive oil, coconut oil, butter, clarified butter (ghee), lard, tallow, duck fat, veal fat, lamb fat, fatty fishes (sardines, mackerel, salmon), nut butters, nut oils

Healthy Horizons Magazine

FALL 2011

(walnut, macadamia), coconut flesh, coconut milk, … Nuts and seeds Eggs Chicken eggs, duck eggs, goose eggs, quail eggs, … Vegetables Celery, tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, leeks, kohlrabi, green onions, eggplants, cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus, cucumber, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, artichokes, okra, avocados, … Green leafy vegetables Lettuce, spinach, collard greens, kale, beet top, mustard greens, dandelion, swiss chard, watercress, turnip greens, seaweeds, endive, arugula (rocket), bok choy, rapini, chicory, radicchio… Root vegetables Pistachios, Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, sesame Carrots, beets, turnips, parsnips, rutabaga, sweet pota- seeds, pumpkin seeds (pepitas), pecans, walnuts, pine toes, radish, jerusalem artichokes, yams, cassava, … nuts, macadamia nuts, chestnuts, cashews, almonds, hazelnuts Winter squash Butternut squash, spaghetti squash, acorn squash, Mushrooms pumpkin, buttercup squash, … Button mushroom, portabello, oyster mushroom, shiitake, chanterelle, crimini, porcini, morel… Summer squash Fresh and dried herbs Parsley, thyme, lavender, mint, basil, rosemary, chives, tarragon, oregano, sage, dill, bay leaves, coriander, … Spices and other natural flavor enhancers Ginger, garlic, onions, black pepper, hot peppers, star anise, fennel seeds, mustard seeds, cayenne pepper, cumin, turmeric, cinnamon, nutmeg, paprika, vanilla, cloves, chilies, …

Paleo fats Zucchini, yellow summer squash, yellow crookneck squash, … Fruits Bananas, apples, oranges, berries (strawberry, cranberry, cranberry, blueberry, blackberry), grapefruit, pears, peaches, nectarines, plums, pomegranates, pineapple, papaya, grapes, cantaloupe, cherries, apricot, water melon, honeydew melon, kiwi, lemon, lime, lychee, mango, tangerine, coconut, figs, dates, passion fruit, persimmon, …

You’ve probably learned by now that good fats don’t make you fat and that saturated fats are in the good fat category. In fact, fats make you happy, and for some of us, Paleo dieters, it’s our main source of energy. Our body is well designed to run primarily on fat as a source of energy and when it does, it produces ketones bodies, which is perfectly healthy. We might however, over time, forget about the selection of good fats available to us and cook with the same stuff over and over again. Not that this is a problem, but sometimes a little diversity goes a long way to make our meals more enjoyable. 23

Healthy Horizons Magazine

FALL 2011

rated, delicious and full of CLA when it comes from an organic grass-fed animal. CLA (Conjugated linoleic acids) is believed to have strong anti-cancer properties. See my article on the many virtues of butter to learn more about it as well as other advantages of consuming butter or ghee. For people who are sensitive to dairy or who just want to be on the safe side, choose ghee over dairy. Ghee, or clarified butter, should not cause any problem because all milk constituents have been removed. You can make it yourself by slowly melting butter in a pan until you see the white parts fall to the bottom and then straining it in a cheese cloth to keep only the pure fat. Choose your butter coming from organic grass-fed pasture raised animals. Your local butcher should have some. Refer to my article on how to clarify butter to get a more detailed explanation on how to do it. If you don’t want to go over the trouble of making it yourself or if good quality butter is too hard to find, here are two sources of great Ghee that you can order online: Purity farms and Pure Indian Foods. Both brands offer high quality ghee coming from pastured and grass-fed cows.

First of all, you should really eliminate any vegetable oil high in polyunsaturated fatty acids and Omega-6, they’re the ones that will end up killing you! Example of those include corn oil, peanut oil, soybean oil and grape seed oil. Now to the goodies, here is a list with some great information on your favorites: Coconut oil

This is a favorite in the Paleo world. In fact, all the products of the coconut become like a cult for a lot of people following a paleo diet, mainly because the list of benefits is so extensive. Coconut oil is 92% saturated fat which makes it really stable under heat and solid at room temperature. If you buy the virgin coconut oil, it well leave a great yet subtle coconut taste and smell to your dishes. The taste is something I like in almost any situation except maybe for eggs, where I prefer cooking with lard or butter. Its main fatty acid content comes from Lauric acid (47% to be more precise). Lauric acid is a rare fatty acid that is a medium chain fatty-acid, which is supposed to be the easiest fatty acid to digest. Lauric acid also has natural antimicrobial and antifungal properties. Butter and Ghee Butter is wonderful on anything and it adds a certain nutty taste that is just addictive. Even though it’s not strictly Paleo since caveman didn’t consume dairy products, when you remove the milk constituents (the lactose and the casein are the main problem causing constituents), you get a fat that is highly satu-

Animal fats (Beef, duck, pork,…) They are the essence of the reason we eat Paleo in the first place. Caveman ate animals, lots of them, for energy, therefore got lots of fat from animal sources. Of course, those animals were healthy and living in nature eating what they are supposed to. This is important because when toxins accumulate in a body, it goes in the fat. You wouldn’t want to eat that, now would you? Most animal fats are highly saturated so are heat stable to cook at high temperatures, solid at room temperature and don’t need to be refrigerated. What’s fun is that since they’re not very popular because of


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their reputation, they’re pretty cheap, even the ones coming from well treated animals. Just go to your butcher and ask for duck fat, pork lard or beef tallow. Your butcher might not have those fats rendered and ready for you to cook. You’ll have to work a bit to use them, but you’ll see it’s nothing hard. Buy leaf lard or suet (beef), both can be bought pretty cheaply normally. There are two methods to render animal fats, wet and dry. I’ll briefly explain the dry method. You chop off any vein, meat or blood of your piece of fat, then you chop it all off in very small chunks. Next, you put the fat chunks either in a crock pot or in a heavy bottomed dutch oven. You put your crock pot to low or fire to very low if using a dutch oven. Now you let it go for a great while, your kitchen will take a distinctive smell. Once all the white fat chunks have become brown and dry, you can strain off the pure fat and let it cool. Be careful, it will be very very hot at this point. Once cooled, it will be white and hard at room temperature. You’re ready to cook with real animal fat! Olive oil Yes, it’s a vegetable oil, but its content is mostly monounsaturated, a fat source which is safe and healthy. Don’t cook with it, it will burn and oxidize quite easily. Use it in dressings or put on top of

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your already cooked meals. As you probably know, a good extra-virgin olive oil offers lots of great health benefits. Fresh oils in dark bottles that haven’t been on the shelf for a long time are the best. Keep in a dark and cool place for it not to oxidize too fast. You can store it in the fridge if not using promptly. It will become cloudy in the refrigerator, but will return to normal once back at room temperature. Avocados and avocado oil Avocado is a fruit, one of the only fatty fruits. It contains loads of vitamin E, B vitamins, potassium and fiber. Its fat content is mostly monounsaturated, so it’s a good choice. It’s not that heat stable though, so don’t cook at high temperature with it. Use avocado oil for your salad dressings mainly. Whole avocados are delicious with salads, chicken or as guacamole with lemon juice and tomatoes. This is about it for the preferred Paleo diet fats. Of course there are other sources of fat you can consume like eggs, nuts and nut butters. I would be careful with nuts and nut butters though because most nuts are very high in Omega-6, which could trigger inflammation and other digestive problems. Try it out, and go with what makes you feel good.


Healthy Horizons Magazine

FALL 2011

Spirulina - Powerhouse of Nutrients By Helen Hill Scientists worldwide continue their research about this Super Vegetable, how good it is, and how it can help lessen the diseases that plague our families in today’s fast-paced lifestyle with the overprocessed, quick and easy diet that we all are so familiar with. Spirulina is one of the most concentrated natural sources of nutrition known, containing all the essential amino acids, rich in chlorophyll, beta-carotene and its cofactors, and other natural phytochemicals. The United Nations World Food Conference in 1974 called Spirulina the 'best food for the future'. Spirulina is the only green food rich in GLA essential fatty acid, which stimulates growth in some animals making skin and hair shiny, soft yet more durable. GLA also acts as an anti-inflammatory, sometimes alleviating symptoms of arthritic conditions. Spirulina acts as a functional food, feeding beneficial intestinal flora, especially Lactobacillus and Bifidus. Maintaining a healthy population of these bacteria in the intestine reduces potential problems from opportunistic pathogens like E. coli and Candida albicans. Recognizing the potential of Spirulina in the sustainable development agenda, several Members of the United Nations formed an organization named the Intergovernmental Institution for the use of Micro-algae Spirulina Against Malnutrition (IIMSAM), aspiring to build a consensus with the UN Member States, international community and other stakeholders to make Spirulina a key driver to eradicate malnutrition, achieve food security, and bridge the health divide throughout the world. Spirulina is a microscopic blue-green alga in the shape of a spiral coil, living both in sea and fresh water. Spirulina is the common name for human and animal food produced primarily from two species of cyanobacteria: Arthrospira platensis, and Arthrospira maxima. Referred to as 'algae' because they are aquatic organisms capable of photosynthesis, cy-

anobacteria are not related to any of the various eukaryotic algae. Arthrospira, cultivated around the world, used as a human dietary supplement as well as a whole food, is available in tablet, flake, and powder form. It is also used as a feed supplement in the aquaculture, aquarium, and poultry industries.

History of Spirolina Spirulina was a popular food source for the Aztecs and other Mesoamericans until the 16th century; its harvesting from Lake Texcoco and sale as cakes is described by one of Cortes’ soldiers. The first large-scale Spirulina production plant, run by Sosa Texcoco, was established in the early 1970s. In his 1961 short story, The Voice of the Dolphins, Leo Szilard postulated the development of algaebased food supplements, called “Amruss”. Spirulina may have an even longer history in Chad, (Africa) as far back as the 9th century Kanem Empire. It is still in daily use today, dried into cakes called dihé, which are used to make broths for meals, and sold in markets. In 1997 a survey was conducted among the Kanembu who harvest Arthrospira (Spirulina) from Lake Kossorom in the Prefecture of Lac (Chad). Information on the amount of Arthrospira harvested and the preparation and use of dihé was obtained by interviewing the women who daily gather around the lake for the harvesting. Dihé is obtained by filtering and sun drying the algal biomass on the sandy shores of the lake. The semi-dried dihé is then cut into small squares and taken to the villages, where the drying is completed on mats in the sun. Dihé is mainly used to


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prepare la souce, a kind of fish or meat and vegetable broth. Part of the harvest is sold to local consumers or to wholesalers, who trade the product in the markets of Massakori, Massaquet and N'Djamena. The local trading value of the dihĂŠ annually harvested from Lake Kossorom (about 40 t) amounts to more than $100,000USD, representing an important contribution to the economy of the area. Biology Arthrospira are free-floating filamentous cyanobacteria characterized by cylindrical, multicellular trichomes in an open left-hand helix. They occur naturally in tropical and subtropical lakes with high pH and high concentrations of carbonate and bicarbonate. Arthrospira platensis occurs in Africa, Asia and South America, whereas Arthrospira maxima is confined to Central America. The maxima and platensis species were once classified in the genus Spirulina. There is now agreement that they are in fact Arthrospira; however, the term Spirulina remains in use for historical reasons Cultivation Most cultivated Spirulina is produced in openchannel raceway ponds, with paddle-wheels used to agitate the water. The largest commercial producers of Spirulina are located in the United States, Thailand, India, Taiwan, China, Pakistan, Burma, (aka Myanmar) and Chile. Nutrients and other chemicals Protein Spirulina contains an unusually high amount of protein, between 60% to 70% by dry weight, depending upon the source. It is a complete protein, containing all essential amino acids, with reduced amounts of methionine, cysteine, and lysine when compared to the proteins of meat, eggs, and milk. It is, however, superior to typical plant protein, such as that from legumes. Essential fatty acids Spirulina is rich in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), and also provides alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), linoleic acid (LA), stearidonic acid (SDA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahaenoic acid (DHA), and arachidonic acid (AA). Vitamins Spirulina contains vitamin B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (nicotinamide), B6 (pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid), vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin A, and vitamin E. Minerals

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Spirulina is a rich source of potassium, and also contains calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, sodium, and zinc. Photosynthetic pigments Spirulina contains many pigments, including chlorophyll-a, xanthophyll, beta-carotene, echinenone, myxoxanthophyll, zeaxanthin, canthaxanthin, diathxanthin, 3’-hydroxyechinenone, betacryptoxanthin, and oscillaxanthin, plus the phycobiliproteins c-phycocyanin and allophycocyanin. Evidence of health and healing effects In vitro research Spirulina extract inhibits HIV replication in human T-cells, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), and Langerhans cells. An in vitro study in 2008 concluded that Spirulina may possess iron chelating properties. Human neuroblastoma cells were treated with a toxic amount of iron, and then treated with Spirulina. When treated, the iron-induced oxidative stress was reduced. Animal research Spirulina helps prevent heart damage caused by chemotherapy using Doxorubicin, without interfering with its anti-tumor activity. Spirulina reduces the severity of strokes and improves recovery of movement after a stroke; reverses age-related declines in memory and learning; and prevents and treats hay fever. A study with diabetic rats concluded that Spirulina maxima was effective in correcting the abnormal carbohydrate and lipid metabolisms caused by excess fructose within the body.

Human Research Spirulina has been found to increase weight gain and correct anemia in both HIV-infected and HIV-negative undernourished children because of its excellent nutritional quality. Spirulina is effective for


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the clinical improvement of melanosis and keratosis due to chronic arsenic poisoning. A study in 2005 found that Spirulina protects against hay fever. A more recent double-blind, placebo-controlled study in 2008 concerning 150 allergic rhinitis patients found that Spirulina platensis significantly reduced the secretion of pro-inflammatory interleukin-4 by 32%, and the patients experienced symptomatic relief. Furthermore, Spirulina was found to reduce the inflammation involved in arthritis in geriatric patients by stimulating the secretion of interleukin-2, which helps in regulating the inflammatory response. A 2007 study found that 36 volunteers taking 4.5 grams of Spirulina per day, over a six week period, exhibited significant changes in cholesterol and blood pressure: lowered total cholesterol; increased HDL Cholesterol; lowered triglycerides; and lowered systolic and diastolic blood pressure. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled intervention study involving geriatric patients determined that Spirulina helped to significantly reduce the LDL to HDL ratio after four months of supplementation. A 2007 study concluded that Spirulina improved the antioxidant potential of many geriatric patients who were administered it for 16 weeks. The plasma of these patients showed a measured increased level of total antioxidant status. A double-blind, placebocontrolled study in 2006 found that Spirulina supplementation decreased the amount of creatine kinase (an indicator of muscular breakdown) in individuals after exercise. Furthermore, the experimental group's time to exhaustion during all out treadmill exercise increased by 52 seconds. These effects were thought to be due to Spirulina's antioxidant potential. Advocates Spirulina has been proposed by both NASA (CELSS) and the European Space Agency (MELISSA) as one of the primary foods to be cultivated during long-term space missions. Pure Organic Source of Phytonutrients, B-vitamins and GLA. Spirulina, a freshwater algae provides more concentrated nutrition than any other whole food. This floating miniature plant is full of Phytonutrients (Carotenoids, Chlorophyll, Phycocyanin) which are powerful life enhancing compounds.

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Hawaiian Spirulina draws nourishment from the world’s cleanest, deepest ocean. Oceanographers state this water has been below the surface since Old Testament times. Deep water from the Pacific makes a very slow migration which starts at the poles. This deep water stays in a distinct layer, traveling like a slowly moving river toward the tropics. Spirulina Nutrient Comparison Spirulina has: 300% more calcium than whole milk making it good for bones, safeguarding against osteoporosis, and for the healthy growth of children. 2300% more iron than spinach, making it good for blood, by helping to prevent anemia 3900% more Beta Carotene than carrots, making it good for eyes, a strong antioxidant, and immunity. 375% more protein than tofu, a building block for muscle tissue, necessary in a healthy diet Spirulina is also exceptionally rich in: Vitamin B12: the highest concentration of vitamin B12 of all natural food products. It is also rich in other B vitamins, such as B1, B2, B3 and B6. Beta-carotene: the most concentrated, natural source of beta-carotene, present here in four different molecular forms, and of other carotenoids like zeahanthin and beta-cryptoxanthin. No other whole food provides comparable concentration of these powerful antioxidants. Amino Acids: contains all essential amino acids that the body cannot produce by itself. Proteins: the best natural source of protein (60%). Human body assimilates 95% of the protein present in Spirulina, compared to only 20% absorption from meat. Minerals: is an excellent source of iron (56 times higher concentration than in spinach or steak). Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA): the richest whole food with GLA, a natural anti-inflammatory compound. Natural source phenylalanine, a substance that is required by the thyroid gland for production of thyroxin which stimulates metabolic rate. Benefits of Spirulina A POWERFUL NATURAL DETOXIFIER a cleansing effect that works first on the digestive system and then on the blood and the entire body will follow in a few months of continuous use. 28

Healthy Horizons Magazine

HELPFUL TO PEOPLE WITH ARTHRITIS - It contains GAMMA LINOLENIC ACID, an essential fatty acid that has demonstrated to be of help in the relief of arthritis... GLA also helps in lowering blood pressure and blood cholesterol. It eases other condition such as eczema, pre menstrual pain and other skin conditions. HELPS PEOPLE WITH ANEMIA - contains high level of IRON AND VITAMIN B12. The diet prescribed for anemic condition requires the intake of high calorie, high vitamin and high protein foods, as well as sufficient supply of iron and other blood building materials. STRENGTHENS THE LIVER - is an ideal supply of VEGETABLE PROTEIN and vitamins, it can be recommended as supplementary means of protecting the liver. HELPS PEOPLE WITH STOMACH DISORDERS - The medicine usually prescribed for people with such condition contains CHLOROPHYLL, as it has the effect of curing the inflammation in the stomach walls. Spirulina contains large amount of chlorophyll. MAINTAINS OUR BODYS PH LEVEL - All diseases start, live and thrive in an acidic environment and do not live well in an alkaline environment. Spirulina is cultured in alkaline water, therefore, when we take Spirulina our body becomes more alkaline. HELPS IN FIGHTING CANCER - Scientific studies world wide have shown the incredible anti cancer property of Spirulina due to its high BETA-CAROTENE content. Numerous studies have shown that people whose diets are high in betacarotene have a lower incidence of various cancers (Ziegler 1989). Smokers, who are especially vulnerable, should maintain their beta-carotene levels. Low beta-carotene levels in the blood of smokers have been connected with the later appearance of lung cancer (Stahelin et al 1991). Researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine have shown that beta-carotene exerts a protective effect against the development and progression of cervical cancer (Palan et al 1992). Beta-carotene may also help to protect the skin against the damaging effects of sunlight and help to prevent skin cancers (Kornhauser et al 1986). In the early 1980’s a landmark study by the US National

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Science Foundation entitled Diet, Nutrition and Cancer, concluded on the basis of epidemiological evidence that diets rich in beta carotene were correlated with a reduction in the incidence of cancer. In fact, over 200 studies of dietary consumption of beta-carotene indicated a reduction of a range of cancers. Ziegler, R.G. (1989). INCREASES ENERGY LEVEL - is an extremely high energy food. It contains all the B vitamins, which in themselves are synonymous with high energy. POWERFUL ANTIOXIDANT - The PHYCOCYANIN pigments of these algae have demonstrated antioxidant activity by scavenging peroxide radicals. Nutritional Content of Spirulina Grams of protein per 100 grams of food: 57.47 Percentage protein (of total Calories): 79.0 Amino Acid Percentage Tryptophan 1.62 2.31 Threonine 5.17 1.91 Isoleucine 5.58 2.23 Leucine 8.61 1.57 Lysine 5.26 1.03 Valine 6.11 1.91 Arginine 7.22 4.01 Methionine+Cystine 3.15 Phenylalanine+Tyrosine 9.33


1.26 1.98

Percentage: Amino acid amount divided by total protein amount. Score: Amino acid percentage divided by ideal value for this amino acid Superoxide Dismutase Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) is an enzyme that repairs cells and reduces the damage done to them by superoxide, the most common free radical in the body. SOD is found in both the dermis and the epidermis, and is key to the production of healthy fibroblasts (skin-building cells). Studies have shown that SOD acts as both an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory in the body, neutralizing the free radicals that can lead to wrinkles and precancerous cell changes. Researchers are currently studying the potential of superoxide dismutase as an anti-aging treatment, since it is now known that SOD levels drop while free radical levels increase as we age. Superoxide Dismutase helps the body use zinc, copper, and manganese. There are two types of SOD: copper/zinc (Cu/Zn) SOD and manganese (Mn) SOD. Each type of SOD plays a different role in


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keeping cells healthy. Cu/Zn SOD protects the cells’ cytoplasm, and Mn SOD protects their mitochondria from free radical damage. Abnormalities in the copper- and zinc-dependent superoxide dismutase gene may contribute to the development of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), or Lou Gehrig’s disease, in some people. ALS is a fatal disease that causes deterioration of motor nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. It has been theorized that low levels of superoxide dismutase in those with ALS leaves nerve cells unprotected from the free radicals that can kill them, so researchers have been studying the effect of vitamin E and other antioxidant supplements on the progression of this disease. It was hoped that regular doses of antioxidants could make up for the lack of SOD and help neutralize free radicals. Initial studies were promising, and indicated that vitamin E supplementation could potentially slow the progression of ALS, with some researchers claiming that the risk of death from ALS was as much as 62 percent lower in regular vitamin E users compared to nonusers. Superoxide Dismutase has also been used to treat arthritis, prostate problems, corneal ulcers, burn injuries, inflammatory diseases, inflammatory bowel disease, and long-term damage from exposure to smoke and radiation, and to prevent side effects of cancer drugs. In its topical form, it may help to reduce facial wrinkles, scar tissue, heal wounds and burns, lighten dark or hyperpigmentation, and protect against harmful UV rays. SOD is also found in barley grass, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, wheatgrass, and most green plants. The body needs plenty of vitamin C and copper to make this natural antioxidant, so be sure to get enough of these substances in your diet as well. SOD is also available by injection, sublingual oral supplements, enteric-coated pills, and topical creams. However, this substance must be absorbed in the small intestines, so it is important to choose oral supplements that are either enteric coated or sublingual in order to bypass the stomach acid that destroys SOD before it can be absorbed by the body. There has been much discussion about the human body’s ability to assimilate SOD from the diet. Superoxide dismutase is a potent free radical eliminator produced by the human body; however, due to increased levels of free radicals in modern life (due to a number of factors), most scientists feel that the human body’s production of SOD would serve as the

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perfect dietary antioxidant supplement; however, this fragile enzyme has not proven sturdy enough to withstand severe deterioration by stomach acids prior to assimilation. Fortunately, only a portion of the Spirulina tablets are digested in the stomach, while a substantial amount of the tablets are then digested in the intestines. It appears evident then, that by taking Spirulina in tablet form, the SOD in the part of the tablets digested in the intestines should be assimilated by the human body. Considerations and Potential Dangers Spirulina contains phenylalanine, which should be avoided by people who have the metabolic disorder phenylketonuria, where the body cannot metabolize this amino acid, and it builds up in the brain, causing damage. Because Spirulina is a dietary supplement, the United States Food and Drug Administration does not regulate the production and quality of the product. Although rare, cyanobacteria like Spirulina may contain toxins called microcystins, which accumulate in the liver and can potentially cause cancer or other liver diseases. Currently, no standard exists to regulate the safety of Spirulina. Nutritious or poisonous? The cyanobacterium Spirulina, has long been valued as a food source; it is high in protein, and can be cultivated in ponds quite easily. In tropical countries, it is a very important part of the diet, was eaten regularly by the Aztecs; and is served in several Oriental dishes. In the US, the popularity of Spirulina is primarily as a "health food", being sold in stores as a dried powder or in tablet form. Many other species of cyanobacteria produce populations that are toxic to humans and animals. Bluegreen pond scums have been linked to the poisoning of cattle and dogs, and occasionally people. It is not recommended that wild populations be gathered and eaten without some knowledge of the organisms involved. Spirulina Side Effects Spirulina is a microscopic blue-green algae that grows in alkaline water, both in the sea and fresh water. It is cultivated worldwide and is often found in health supplements. The benefits of Spirulina include providing a complete source of protein and amino acids as well as over 100 nutrients. Some have described it as a “superfood” and the most complete food source available. However, there are a number of Spirulina side effects you need to be aware of if


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you want to get the health benefits from this vitamin rich source. Spirulina dosage recommendations The vast majority of Spirulina side effects can be avoided by simply taking the correct dose. The dose of Spirulina you take will depend on the form in which you take it. When Spirulina is combined with other natural health ingredients such as barley and chlorella, you will quite often find doses of around 500mg of Spirulina per tablet. Pure Spirulina capsules usually contain anything from 250mg to 5g and a spoonful of powdered Spirulina is enough to give 35g for the whole day. Spirulina is a completely safe and natural food source and as such, there is no risk of overdosing on it. In theory, taking too much of it will have no effect as your body will excrete it through urine, but taking too much is simply a waste of your money and should be avoided. Most common Spirulina side effects A few people have reported minor symptoms after taking Spirulina. This is due to how your body reacts to it and is not actually a result of Spirulina itself. Usually as with most new foods introduced into your diet, your body will detoxify and a balance will occur. Below are a number of the most common Spirulina side effects, symptoms or reactions you might experience when consuming Spirulina supplements. Fever and restlessness. Because Spirulina is a complete protein source which makes up over 70% of the algae, the protein combines with other nutrients in the substance to stimulate metabolism in your body. This releases heat and can lead to a fever. Blackish green waste material. Spirulina can also cleanse your colon and removes accumulated residues. If the waste material excreted is green in color, this is usually just a result of the green coloring found on the supplement tablets or capsules and is nothing to worry about. Gas and stomach aches. Spirulina can cause your digestive system to create excess intestinal gases which leads to wind and stomach aches. Dizziness, nausea and thirst. Because Spirulina absorbs a lot of water, this can cause side effects such as these. To combat this, aim to consume more water, at least half a liter, to prevent your body reserves from becoming depleted.

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Itching skin, rashes and breakouts. Another symptom of Spirulinas colon cleansing ability is that as the toxins are removed, they cause problems on the skin surface, leading to breakouts, rashes, redness and mild itching. When taking the recommended dose, there are no dangers to your health. Spirulina side effects can sometimes occur if you consume more than 50g per day. As with most dietary supplements, a vitamin or mineral excess can have negative effects. This is why it always makes sense to look for a quality health supplement that provides the right dose for optimum health. Due to the high nucleic acid content that then increases uric acid levels, other Spirulina side effects can include kidney problems such as kidney stones and possibly impaired liver function. However, if you stick to the recommended dose of no more than 5g a day, it is highly unlikely that you will experience any side effects.


Healthy Horizons Magazine

FALL 2011

RECIPES HOMEMADE PALEO CONDIMENTS By Sébastien Noël Nutrition, fitness and healthy lifestyle enthusiast Oftentimes the things we miss the most from our previous diets are not so much the bread, pastries or breakfast cereals, but rather the small and flavorful additions that we know of as condiments. I’m talking here of the most popular mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, pickled cucumber relish, horseradish, barbecue sauce and Worcestershire sauce. After all, condiments like mustard and tomato based sauces like ketchup have been around for a long time, back when traditional food was all that was available. Traditionally prepared relish and horseradish, for their part, are probably even healthier additions because they are naturally fermented, thus are a good source of probiotics. Of course, one of the learned pleasures of the Paleo diet is to appreciate food on its own, without a gazillion sugary flavors, but healthy condiments can still bring about the appreciated tangy and spicy tastes to your meals, without much, if any, drawbacks. Of course, tomatoes are still a member of the nightshade family and mustard is made out of a seed and those two things can still bring about problems for those with a damaged gut or autoimmune disease, but they should not be a problem otherwise. The recipes included here are all sugar-free and grain-free of course. The other possible drawback is that preparing those condiments will require much more time and planning than simply going out and buying a bottle at the grocery store. On the bright side, once you’ll get a grasp of the basic recipes, it can become a routine and you’ll know you’re eating great, healthy and wholesome food. You can also decide to prepare bigger batches of some of the condiments so you don’t end up making new batches over and over again. You’re also invited to play around and to try out new ways to enjoy those condiments. Mixing

mayonnaise with ketchup or mustard, for example, creates a whole new and tasty sauce. Mustard and ketchup are great with grassfed bison or beef, especially in the case of a paleo burger, served without the bun. Mustard is also a great addition to your vinaigrettes and salad dressings and goes hand in hand with cold slices of pork roast. Try ketchup on your eggs, either if they are in the form of an omelet, scrambled or fried to your liking and you’ll probably never go back. Enjoy BBQ sauce on almost any kind of meat you happen to eat. BBQ sauce, mustard, ketchup and Worcestershire sauce are also often used during the cooking process. Pork ribs cooked with BBQ sauce, meatloaf cooked with ketchup and pork tenderloin cooked with mustard are three classic examples.

Homemade Paleo Condiment Recipes There are many cookbooks and web sites with really good recipes and even menu plans for the Paleo diet. This issue will focus on condiments to enhance any meal you prepare according to your own preferences.

Ketchup Simple ketchup This is a simple and quick ketchup recipe for the times when you want to prepare the condiment, but are in a rush or don’t have all the ingredients to prepare the more elaborate ketchup recipe presented below. This one is also very easy to prepare. The typical recipe calls for some sugar, but a sugar-free version tastes just as good and a little bit more tangy. This recipe yields 1.5 cups. Ingredients 1 can (6 ounces) tomato paste; 2 tbsp vinegar or lemon juice; 1/4 tsp dry mustard; 1/3 cup water; 1/4 tsp cinnamon; 1/4 tsp salt; 1 pinch ground cloves;


Healthy Horizons Magazine

1 pinch ground allspice; 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper, optional; Preparation Simply combine all the ingredients in a bowl and whisk well to combine. Refrigerate overnight to let the flavors develop and enjoy!

FALL 2011

Chopped fresh piece of ginger, about the size of a thumb; 2 cloves garlic, roughly chopped; 1/2 red chili, seeded and chopped finely; Large bunch of fresh basil, picked leaves and chopped stalks; 1 tbsp coriander seeds; 2 cloves garlic; 1 tsp freshly ground black pepper; Extra virgin olive oil; 3/4 cup + 2 tbsp red wine, balsamic or apple cider vinegar; Sea salt to taste; Preparation Place the onion, fennel and celery in a large saucepan with some olive oil, the ginger, garlic, chopped chili, basil stalks, coriander seeds and garlic cloves and season with salt and the 1 tsp black pepper. Over a low heat, cook for about 12 minutes, until the vegetables have softened, stir occasionally. Add 1 1/2 cups water and the tomatoes. Let simmer gently until the liquid is reduced by half. Add the basil leaves, pour the sauce in a blender or food processor and process until very smooth. Strain the sauce through a sieve into a new or cleaned saucepan and add the vinegar. Simmer again until it reaches the desired ketchup consistency. Adjust the seasoning to taste. Cool in the refrigerator and enjoy. This ketchup recipe can be bottled in sterilized jars and kept for up to 6 months in a cool dark place.

Rich and deep-flavored ketchup This is more like a traditional homemade ketchup that we would have seen on kitchen tables a couple of decades ago. It requires a lot of ingredients, but the taste is well worth the trouble. This recipe yields about 2 cups, but don’t be scared to prepare a larger batch, because I’ve got a feeling that it’s going to be popular in your kitchen. Ingredients 1 pound fresh plum tomatoes + 1 pound canned plum tomatoes or 2 pounds fresh plum tomatoes, chopped; 1 large onion, chopped; 1/2 fennel bulb, chopped; 1 celery stick, cut in cubes;

Mustard There are many ways to prepare mustard, but the basis is most of the time either mustard powder or mustard seeds. The popular French mustard with the seeds still in is usually called whole-grain mustard, 33

Healthy Horizons Magazine

even though it’s not a grain, but a seed. The easiest mustard to prepare is a basic mustard made with mustard powder and water. Other mustards, like Dijon and whole-grain mustard, will take more preparation time as the seeds have to soak and the mustard should sit for a few days for the flavors to develop. The seeds are often soaked in white wine for an even deeper flavor. Prepared mustard will last for about a month and can be kept out of the refrigerator, but refrigeration stops the heat from developing further. A good idea is to refrigerate your mustard when the desired heat is achieved. Homemade mustards won’t be as bright yellow as a store bought mustard, but a bit of added turmeric will do the trick to obtain the same bright color. Preferably choose glass jars to prepare and store your mustard.

FALL 2011

1/4 white wine vinegar; 1/2 tsp sea salt; Preparation Soak the mustard seeds in the white wine or water overnight. Place the seeds and soaking liquid in a blender or food processor with the mustard powder, vinegar and sea salt. Process to a paste consistency. Put in a glass jar, cover and refrigerate for about 4 days before serving.

Simple mustard This is a very basic mustard recipe that can be prepared on demand when you feel like having some mustard. It only takes 1 part water to 1 part mustard powder and you’ll get a nice and hot mustard. Let it stand a for bit and the heat will reduce. You can play around with the seasoning and use different herbs and spices to create different versions. Vinegars or lemon juice will also add a pleasant tanginess. Ingredients 1/2 cup mustard powder; 1/2 cup water; Sea salt to taste; Preparation Combine the mustard powder and water in a bowl and mix well. Optionally, add a bit of chopped fresh parsley or basil, lemon or lime zest and a tablespoon or two of your favorite vinegar. Let the mustard stand for about 15 minutes before enjoying.

Whole-grain mustard Feel free to play around with this recipe by adding any of your favorite fresh herb. Sun dried tomatoes and fresh basil are excellent additions. Ingredients 1/4 cup yellow mustard seeds; 1/4 cup brown mustard seeds; 1 cup white wine or water; 4 tsp mustard powder;

Lacto-fermented cucumber relish A relish is usually a preparation of fermented fruits or vegetables used as a condiment. All kinds of relishes can be prepared, but the cucumber relish is probably the most well known. Origination from Sweden, it’s traditionally called Bostongurka, or Boston cucumber. Most store bought relishes use vinegar for pickling, but this traditional recipe uses lacto-fermentation to create the acidic taste and probiotic value of that food. Bubbies is a popular brand available in most health food stores that sales the real unpasteurized cucumber relish. The most popular additional flavors used in cucumber relish are dill, garlic and mustard seeds. The following recipe uses fresh dill. You can use a vegetable starter culture like those available at Cultures for health to ensure success of the lacto-fermentation, but I find that simply using sea salt yields great results. Ingredients 4 large cucumbers, chopped finely; 2 tbsp fresh dill or 2 tsp dried; 2 tbsp sea salt; Preparation 34

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In a bowl, mix the chopped cucumbers, dill and sea salt. In a quart sized glass jar equipped with a lid, pack the cucumber mixture tightly with a wooden spoon or your fist, making sure to extract the most water out of the mixture. You want the water to cover the mixture for the fermentation process to happen and to prevent mold from forming. Add some filtered water if needed. Make sure that there is at least 1 inch of room between the liquid and the top of the jar as the mixture will expand during the fermentation time. Cover the glass jar tightly with the lid and leave in a warm place for 2 to 5 days. You can taste the relish during the fermentation process to know if it’s ready of not. When ready, transfer to the refrigerator and enjoy.

FALL 2011

flavor as the traditionally prepared and fermented horseradish, it’s still great. Ingredients 1 cup peeled and minced horseradish root; 3/4 cup white wine vinegar; 1/4 tsp sea salt; Preparation Process all the ingredients in a blender or food processor to a paste. Enjoy right away or store in the refrigerator.

Beet horseradish

Horseradish Horseradish is the name of a root vegetable of the brassica family used to prepare a horseradish condiment often simply called horseradish or prepared horseradish. It has a quite pungent and hot taste and goes well with roasted red meat or mixed in some mayonnaise. Today most prepared horseradish is made with vinegar, but the traditionally prepared horseradish is lactofermented like sauerkraut. This makes for a very healthy probiotic condiment that will last for months in the refrigerator. You might find it difficult to find fresh horseradish roots, but most well-stocked or ethnic grocery stores will have them, especially when in season.

This is a nice twist on the basic horseradish and you’ll often see the beet horseradish variation in stores, featuring a bright red color. Ingredients 3/4 lb horseradish root, minced; 1 cup finely chopped beets; 3/4 cup apple cider vinegar; 1/2 tsp sea salt; Preparation Process all the ingredients in a blender or food processor to a paste. Enjoy right away or store in the refrigerator.

Traditionally fermented horseradish

Simple horseradish This is the simplest of recipes and it’s quick to prepare. While it won’t feature the same deep and fuzzy

This is the recipe for the real traditional horseradish. This one requires between 3 and 7 days of fermentation, but it’s a nice experiment to try with the little ones and it will give you a wonderful and pungent probiotic condiment. You will also need a vegetable starter culture of some kind for the fermentation process to happen. Most health food stores will carry them, but you can also get a starter online at Cultures for Health. Caldwell and Body Ecology are good brands. These starters contain specific strains of bacteria that are especially suited for vegetable fermenta35

Healthy Horizons Magazine

tion. You’ll be able to use them for all your vegetable fermentation needs. Fresh whey can also be used as the starter. This recipe yields 1 cup horseradish. Ingredients 1 cup peeled and finely chopped horseradish root; 1 packet vegetable culture starter; 2 tbsp to 1/4 cup water; 1 1/2 tsp sea salt; Preparation In a food processor, combine the horseradish root, starter culture, sea salt and pulse to blend the ingredients. Add about 3 tbsp water and process again for about three minutes until the preparation takes the consistency of a paste. Add more water if necessary. Place the horseradish paste in a small glass jar and add water on top to fill the jar. Cover loosely with the lid and let stand in a warm place for between 3 and 7 days. When ready, store in the refrigerator and enjoy!

FALL 2011

of your weekly ritual to prepare some of the weekly paleo food on a given day and to prepare some of the condiments at the same time. This sauce has a nice smoky flavor, thanks to the smoked paprika, and will go well with your barbecued meat or simply as a side condiment with beef, pork or chicken. Unlike most barbecue sauces you’ll find, this one doesn’t use any sugar. Ingredients 1 onion, minced; 1 clove garlic, minced; 1 can (6 oz) tomato paste; 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar; 1/2 cup water; 1/4 cup homemade ketchup; 3 tbsp homemade mustard; 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce; 1 pinch ground cloves; 1 pinch cinnamon; Smoked paprika to taste; Hot sauce to taste, optional (check the ingredients and chose a high-quality sauce); Preparation In a large frying pan, with a bit of cooking fat, brown the onion for about 4 minutes. Add the garlic and cook for another minute. Add all the other ingredients and simmer for 30 minutes. Taste the sauce and adjust with more smoked paprika, vinegar or hot sauce to the desired taste. Cool and store in the refrigerator.

Worcestershire sauce This sauce is traditionally a fermented sauce using anchovies, but the traditional recipe also calls for molasses and some hard to find ingredients. This simpler recipe contains perfectly healthy ingredients, apart from the bit of soy sauce used, which shouldn’t be a problem in such a small quantity. Ingredients 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar; 2 tbsp water; 2 tbsp soy sauce; Barbecue sauce 1/4 tsp ground ginger; This BBQ sauce will require even more involvement 1/4 tsp mustard powder; than most of the other condiments because it calls for 1/4 tsp onion powder; homemade mustard, ketchup and Worcestershire 1/4 tsp garlic powder; sauce. I think the best way to tackle it is to prepare 1/8 tsp cinnamon; BBQ sauce only when you already have those other 1/8 tsp freshly ground black pepper; condiments handy or if you decide to make a batch of Preparation all of those condiments all at once. It can become part 36

Healthy Horizons Magazine

FALL 2011

Combine all the ingredients in a saucepan and slowly bring to a bowl while stirring frequently. Let simmer for about a minute for the flavors to develop. Cool and store in the refrigerator.

Coconut Paleo Mayonnaise (yields about 1 and 1/4 cups) 2 egg yolks 1 tsp mustard (this is optional) 3 tsp lemon juice 1/2 cup olive oil 1/2 cup coconut oil Baconnaise variation 1 cup liquid bacon fat (you can of course use rendered lard, it’s the same thing) in place of the olive and coconut oils Technique Put the yolks in a bowl (blender, food processor) with the mustard, if using and 1 tsp lemon juice and mix those ingredients together; Start whisking vigorously (blender or food processor on low) while dripping the oil very slowly, even drop by drop in the beginning. You’re creating an emulsion and if you put too much oil at once, it will separate and will be very hard to save. Whisk non-stop and use a towel under the bowl to help stabilize it; As you add more oil, the emulsion will form and the mayonnaise will start to thicken and you can pour the oil faster at this point; When all the oil is incorporated and the mayonnaise is thick, add the rest of the lemon juice and taste your creation. You can season to taste with salt and pepper; Enjoy without guilt and put the store in the refrigerator! And here you go, it’s that simple. Of course I encourage you to play with it and to come up with new variations. Happy Paleo mayonnaise making!


Healthy Horizons Magazine

FALL 2011

Girls at Special Risk from Bisphenol-A By Dr. Heather Fox A study recently conducted by Simon Fraser University in British Columbia in conjunction with researchers at Harvard University and the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Centre. The study which began in 1003 examined the effects of exposure to bisphenol-A, a chemical found in many plastic products. The findings of the study which was published in a recent medical journal Pediatrics, revealed that girls at the age of three who were exposed to high levels of bisphenol-A while in their mother’s wombs exhibit greater levels of anxiety, hyperactivity as well as symptoms of depression than girls who were exposed to lower levels.

ficient," said Lanphear. "This is just the second study to show this link so it may not be clinically relevant yet, but it does raise a red flag that we may need to reduce exposures during pregnancy." The results of the study are consistent with previous experiments with lab rats that found a link between prenatal bisphenol A exposure and increased aggression and anxiety in the animals. The study also shows comparative bisphenol A exposure among boys does not appear to have any impact on their behaviour when they are three. The researchers have yet to figure out the reasons for this, but think it could be linked to the plastic's impact on hormones such as estrogen.

In prior scientific experiments, bisphenol A has been shown to mimic estrogen, the primary female sex hormone. Bisphenol A is found in many commonly used consumer products, including reusable water bottles, toys and The study involved the testing of 400 women who were in for many years - baby bottles. It also is found in epoxy restheir 16th week of pregnancy for exposure levels to bisphe- ins used in protective linings on the inside of metal-based food and beverage cans. According to a Statistics Canada nol-A. The children born to these women were subsequently followed in stages and examined for symptoms of survey last year, more than 90 per cent of Canadians were found to have the substance in their body. behavioural changes. The first findings of the study were published in 2009 when the children were two years old. The girls with higher exposure levels were more aggressive and hyperactive than the girls who had lower exposure levels. Researchers believe the fact that there continued to be differences in the two exposure groups by the age of three indicated that the prenatal exposure is not temporary and may be long lasting.

Bisphenol-A (BPA) is mainly found in polycarbonate plastic, which is labeled with the number 7; in plastic food wrap, and in the resins that coat the inside of metal cans for food. It is so prevalent in today's products that it is even in refrigerator shelving, water bottles, plastic food storage containers, water pipes and flooring.

BPA is an endocrine disrupter that mimics the hormone estrogen. Studies have shown harmful biological effects on animals using low-doses of the chemical and harmful efThe study's first results, published in 2009, showed that two-year-old girls with higher prenatal bisphenol A expo- fects on humans have been observed outside of studies. sure exhibited more aggressive and hyperactive behaviours Hormone disrupting effects have been shown to occur at than children who experienced lower exposure when they levels of application as low as 2-5 pars per billion and many canned foods are within and over this range. With were in the womb. such a low level of toxicity, it's easy to see how even a mi"We'll know better when the children are tested again at nuscule rate of bisphenol-A (BPA) leakage from plastics age five and eight, but these new set of results suggest that disturbs many people. The damaging effects of the chemithere is some persistence of behavioural issues," said Lan- cal include impairment and unnatural changes to sex orphear. gans and their functions, increased tumor formation, hyperactivity, neurotoxin effects, and signs of early puberChildren who had exposure to bisphenol – A in early ty have been observed. childhood also had some behavior changes according to the study, but the impact did not seem to be as significant Last year, Canada b when high exposure to the chemical occurred during the ecame the first country in the world to declare plastics prenatal period. "Canada has banned bisphenol A in baby made with the substance to be toxic. bottles and other baby products, but that might not be suf38

Healthy Horizons Magazine

FALL 2011

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Healthy Horizons Magazine

FALL 2011

Thermal Infrared Mold Inspection Home Inspections With Camera Find What is Not Visible to the Eye By Thermal Vantage over time and can range from neurological damage to the risk of cancer from exposure to certain toxins in the air and water. Smoking, of course, hastens the ill effects.

According to a 1994 Harvard University study of 10,000 homes across the USA and Canada, roughly 50% had some type of mold present - a statistic that should stun many homeowners who take it for granted their homes are free from infestation simply because they cannot see or smell that a problem exists. Nevertheless, mold can be present even when not visible. And once a mold problem does exist, it is difficult to control and get rid of; requiring professional intervention for complete and safe removal.

Acute reactions (the opposite of chronic) occur shortly after exposure to high levels of contaminants. They may be just as severe, but they are easier to detect and signal that something is not agreeing with you. You may develop a rash or headache, for example, soon after being exposed to a heavily contaminated home. Some people react more quickly to contaminants than others do. People who wear contact lenses, for example, often are bothered by environmental toxins in the air before anyone else is. Allergic people and those with respiratory problems are often among the first to notice irritating symptoms.

Toxic moulds such as Penicillium, Stachybotrys, Fusarium, Aspergillus, and Black Mould can cause indoor air quality problems leading to allergies and sickness. Many times these problems are a result of airborne mould spores and mycotoxins. Toxic mould and black mould have become a huge problem for homeowners and insurance companies. Medical problems caused by mould and other environmental hazards in the home are far-reaching. They range from respiratory ailments - stuffy nose, itchy throat, wheezing, shortness of breath - to more unusual complaints of ear infection, asthma, and bronchitis. Such subtle symptoms as fatigue, headaches, inattentiveness, and dermatitis are possible reactions to an unhealthy environment. If you're a young adult who does not smoke, drink alcohol, or take drugs, and if you eat nutritionally, get enough sunlight, and exercise daily, the toxins at home may not affect you. But if you are a little child, a pregnant woman, or over 60, or spend more than 12 hours a day at home, or are immune compromised in any way, a few toxins in the home can change your life. People suffering from bronchitis, allergies, or heart problems are affected, too. A constant diet of environmental toxins puts physical stress on the human body. Add to this the emotional stress of hassles on the job, constant noise, and bad relationships, and you've got a human being who is ripe for ill health. Such a condition stretches the limits of human adaptability. The most dangerous are chronic delayed reactions. These result from almost daily exposure building up

A controversial branch of medicine has evolved to treat those people who are acutely sensitive to environmental toxins. Called Clinical Ecology, this branch of medicine treats people with allergies and more severe ailments as symptoms of poisoning. Though Clinical Ecologists have few friends, acceptance in the scientific community is growing. Arguing in its defense, Al Levin, a prominent San Francisco physician, told Science magazine (December 19, 1986) that Clinical Ecology is only in the early stages 40

Healthy Horizons Magazine

of development, as radiation research was in the 1940s. "It took 15 to 20 years for people to realize that ionizing radiation was linked to a higher incidence of cancer." In time, Levin says; his field will be respected.

FALL 2011

and infrared diagnostics it is now possible to do what was once impossible.

Technology has provided a tool that can be used by investigators, remediators and consultants to detect and help eliminate mold infestations. The technological tool is called Infrared Thermography (IRT). It is a One theory about hypersensitivity is that the toxins technique that produces an that irritate hypersensitives are poisonous to everyone image of invisible (to the - but most people never know it. It is possible that human eye) infrared light low levels of certain chemicals are harmful to everyone, and the chemically hypersensitive individual emitted by objects due to the heat, or lack thereof, in simply shows damage more readily - like canaries in a coal mine, they're the first to show the ill effects of the object called its “thera poisoned environment. There is growing evidence mal condition.” Today’s that the levels of chemicals we used to think are safe sophisticated cameras can are really not. Many scientists agree that for chemiactually measure the temcals that may cause cancer or other chronic diseases, peratures of any object or there is no level of exposure so small that there is no surface in the image and danger of developing the disease. The lower the conproduce color images that centration of chemicals, the lower the risk. make interpretation of thermal patterns easier for Infrared Thermography the analyst. An image produced by an infrared camera is called a thermogram. About 50% of mold cases initially go unnoticed because they are hidden behind something (such as a To understand IRT as a tool it is necessary to underwall). Any Home Inspector will identify and report stand how it works. Thermal or infrared energy is any visible molds. The problem is… they normally light that is not visible to humans because of its cannot see the mold that has damaged the wall behind wavelength is too long to be detected by the human the dishwasher, or destroyed the floor under the bath- eye. Thermal or infrared energy (IR) is the part of the tub. With the latest technology in mold detection, the electromagnetic spectrum that we perceive as heat. use of a thermal camera enables us to see many of Unlike visible light, in the infrared world, everything those molds that used to remain hidden. This new with a temperature above absolute zero emits heat. technology is called “Infrared Thermography”,but Even very cold objects, like ice cubes, emit infrared. is often known as Infrared Thermal Imaging. For The higher the object’s temperature, the greater the example, if the previous owner had a water leak beIR radiation emitted. Infrared allows people to see hind a wall… fixed the leak and then replaced the what their eyes normally cannot. damaged drywall with new stuff, nobody would ever IRT cameras produce images of invisible infrared know the difference. But what if his leaking pipe started a mold culture in the framing structures of the or“heat”radiation. The IRT camera can provide precise non-contact temperature measurement capabiliwall itself? The mold actually changes the thermal ties. The existence of moisture (normally cooler than transferrence capacity of the wood. With Infrared Thermography technology, we are often able to iden- normal construction materials) can be used to detect conditions that promote mold growth. Mold related tify mold growths that before now, would have reproblems can be detected before the mold is visible to mained unnoticed. the eye or detectable by the nose. IRT cameras are extremely cost-effective, valuable diagnostic tools in Infrared Thermography Facts construction related problems of water intrusion and Moisture behind walls, over ceilings, and under floors mold growth. is often impossible to detect until the problem is exBut finding a problem with an infrared camera is not cessive and visible to the naked eye. The investigaa solution. It is only the start of an investigation that tion of not yet visible mold in structures is often will help the property owner or developer to stop a difficult to detect, however with modern technology problem before it becomes serious. 41

Healthy Horizons Magazine

FALL 2011

make the attic a favorite hiding place for house mold, and flooded or damp basements are especially inviting. In fact the desired “comfort zone” for a home is also the perfect environment for the development of mold. It can attach itself to numerous objects inside a room. Including walls, baseboards, framing members, clothing, drapes, carpeting and padding, books, newsThe time saved using infrared, and the larger areas papers, and ceiling tiles. covered rapidly by an IR camera, can save time and money by providing a faster, more efficient and more Humid-prone rooms of the house such as bathrooms – especially those without proper ventilation – often reliable surdevelop black vey. An IR mold. Look becamera can hind and under detect moisshowers, tubs, ture located toilets, tiles, and behind interior walls. Mold walls under spore growth the right concan develop, ditions. The containing altemperature lergens; affectdifference creing other areas ated by the of the home, presence of and creating moisture on even more of a the inside surhealth hazard. face of a wall The use of a thermal imaging camera can provide valuable information during moisture assessments, remediation oversight, energy audits, roof and electrical system inspections and water damage investigations. Temperature difference caused by evaporation, radiation, thermal bridging, infiltration/exfiltration, and other sources must all be carefully evaluated.

appears differently than the surrounding area.

What About Using a Mold Test Kit?

Detecting While some mold within a homeowners structure is not are comfortable always easy using a home because many mold test kit or common “breeding grounds” are not easily viewable or accessible. This includes wall cavities, crawl spac- black mold test kit to determine if there is a problem, es, beneath wallpaper, paneling, and carpet; inside others prefer more reliable resources. Factors such as heating, air conditioning, opened windows, etc. can heating and cooling equipment, and air ducts. drastically alter the outcome of home tests. Telltale signs include a musty, earthy smell, or visual stains. Rust on plumbing beneath sinks, on fixtures, A mold spore reading of 0-900 is considered low; up and behind washing machines, refrigerators, freezers, to 2,500 – moderate, 25,000 high, and anything over and ice makers can either mean a water condensation 25,000 very high. or leakage problem. Either could indicate a preexisting The risks and danger of black mold cannot be over mold mildew problem, or one in the making. emphasized. This type of mold is more than a health Mold can develop wherever there are plumbing prob- hazard mold; it can be life-threatening. The wise holems and septic sewage breaks. Neglected leaky roofs meowner will not investigate for hidden mold them42

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FALL 2011

selves. They will hire trained professionals using state-of-the-art equipment to pinpoint problems not readily seen.

Dark Spot on Ceiling Consistent with Moisture as ‘seen’ with Thermal Infrared Camera Mold Illness; the Danger of Black Mold Although any type of mold and mildew can be hazardous to a person’s health, one common culprit is Stachybotrys – also known as “toxic black mold.” Symptoms of exposure to mold include abdominal, bladder, spleen, and kidney pain, asthma, cancer, skin diseases and rashes, emotional mood swings, dementia, eye and vision problems, hair loss, heart attack, nausea, seizures, and vomiting. It's important to note that mold is not the only contaminant affecting indoor air quality and causing sick building syndrome. As Health Canada states, carbon monoxide and radon are also implicated. However, mold is clearly one of the factors. If you or family members are suffering from any of the following symptoms, please have your home investigated for indoor pollutants including mold, carbon monoxide and radon. Sick building syndrome symptoms may include: Burning and watering eyes and nose Burning in trachea Cancer Chronic fatigue Fibromyalgia (muscle cramps and joint pain) Dizziness Dry, itchy skin Exhaustion after normal activity Headaches Heart Palpitations Hoarseness, cough, sore throat Inability to concentrate Itchy granulomous pimples Miscarriages & pregnancy problems Nausea Nosebleeds Sensitivity to odors Serious edema (swelling of legs, trunk, ankles) 43

Healthy Horizons Magazine

FALL 2011

Shortness of breath upon mild exertion (e.g. walking) Tremors Wellness When Away From Building In fact, indoor air levels of pollutants may be 2 to 5 times (or even more) greater than levels found outdoors. It is estimated that most people spend as much as 90% of their time indoors. It should not be surprising, then, that indoor air pollution has been ranked among the top five environmental risks to public health by EPA’s Science Advisory Board (SAB). But residents of households with high indoor pollution levels are not the only persons who suffer; employees of businesses with hidden mold and mildew problems are at risk, as well.

should have air samples taken from more than one location. Follow instructions carefully if you opt for a do-it-yourself kit, or consider contacting a local building inspector trained in mold air testing. You MUST test the air itself and not simply to a tape type test where you are collecting samples of mold from surfaces only. Remember, mold may not be on a visible surface and you could end up with a very expensive ‘false negative’ test result. Step Three: Do not start cleaning the house yourself without KNOWING what mold types you are dealing with. This means waiting for test results before you begin. There are times when this MUST be a job handled by professionals with special equipment. Bleach is fine for what you can see with the human eye but be careful to wear protective equipment while performing even simple clean-up. This includes face masks and gloves at the very least and good ventilation is critical. Step Four: If your infrared inspection reveals indications of moisture requiring building repair, consult a qualified contractor who is once again, familiar with mold problems and any special considerations. Replacing drywall for instance, will not ‘fix’ the problem if the moisture and mold has already infiltrated wooden structure. Sealing a leaking roof will not ‘fix’ the problem if moisture has seaped down walls or infiltrated other materials. Mold is a serious problem and investigation should be prompt and thorough. This means looking beyond what the human eye can see and thermal imaging is the best way to proceed without destructive means of investigation.

How to Get Rid of Black Mold Mold and mildew removal should only be done by a trained mold inspector, black mold removal professional, or licensed mold mildew remediation service provider. However, there are steps a homeowner can take to control mildew and reduce mold growth in an effort to help protect their home and family. While there is no quick home remedy or simple answer to the question “how to get rid of mold,” effective measures can be taken for mold mildew control. These include: Containing the mold problem so that it doesn’t spread Killing the mold Dead mold removal Protection – removing the source of the problem Prevention – against future infestation; such as moisture There are many methods for cleaning mold easily found on the internet and other sources. The first thing to do however, is establish if you are at risk. Step One: Consider an infrared inspection of your home if you have ANY concerns you may have a mold problem. Step Two: If your inspection indicates signs that mold may be present, consider a home air sample test. The home

Thermal Vantage uses a digital infrared thermographic camera to produce images for energy audit and assessment. Infrared thermography is a cost -effective approach for assessing defects not normally seen by the naked eye. Infrared thermography can see problems and issues invisible to other inspection methods. Thermal Vantage was formed by a group of professionals - family members, with several years of experience in diverse aspects of commercial and residential real estate, engineering, renovation and construction backgrounds. The diverse applications and effect of Infrared thermal imaging technology in the field of energy, conservation and efficiency is a service which offers great benefit for every person and every business who pays a utility bill. For more information or to book your appointment please call: Thermal Vantage 1168 Albert Street Regina, SK S4R 2R1 Ph. 306-502-2072 Email Web:


Green Solutions and Lower Costs Exterior: We will examine the roof for any possible damage that has occurred due to the elements We will survey all sides of the house, checking all windows and door ways for any possible ventilation issues and survey for any missing or uneven insulation applications Interior: We will survey every room of the interior searching for any water damage mold growth We will conduct a survey of all windows and doorways looking for possible ventilation problems We will conduct a search for missing or unevenly applied insulation We will check the fuse box to ensure there are no circuit overloads Ask About Our Fall Special!

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