Healthy Horizons Magazine - Spring 2012

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Healthy Horizons Magazine

Saskatchewan’s Consumer Health Organization Your Best Source of Information in Natural Health and Natural Medicine Your Healthy Horizons Publication is still available in conventional print and available for delivery to your door with membership!

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Spring/Summer 2012


BOARD OF DIRECTORS President: Grant Griffith Vice President: Helen Hill Secretary: Evelyn Clavelle Treasurer: Violet Kasper Members at Large: Sr. Theresa Feist, Norman Buker

Annual Membership Fees $20 Includes a subscription to the Journal and access to our online services.

Contact Healthy Horizons Association at: Phone: (306) 352-6259 or (800) 332-6259 Email: Please be sure a name and phone number accompanies your email messages.

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Payments for new memberships, renewals, address changes or corrections can be sent by mail to Healthy Horizons 890 Kingsmere Blvd. Saskatoon, SK S7J 4J7 Is your membership/subscription due? Please check the expiry date on the back page of this Issue. Your expiry date will be on your mailing label. Please Renew if your membership/subscription is due. We would be happy to receive your payment.

Article Submissions Articles on health and nutrition, complementary health, self-help topics and issues. Letters from readers and/or other pertinent items for publication in the Magazine are welcome. Submit articles for publishing to: Email: Please be sure a name and phone number accompanies your email message. Deadlines Healthy Horizons is published quarterly. Deadlines for ALL material including ad changes and ad cancellations are:

Editor in Chief: Dr. Heather Fox The Healthy Horizons Magazine seeks to inform its readers on matters of health and nutrition and to provide commentary, news and exchange of ideas on all aspects of health. Through conferences, public meetings, seminars and this magazine, Healthy Horizons hopes to encourage individuals to realize their well being is their own responsibility, to investigate all methods of healing and to be aware of the hazards of chemicals in our foods including irradiation of food. For optimum health there must be a mental, physical and spiritual balance. Healthy Horizons is a registered, nonprofit, volunteer, educational organization. The work of Healthy Horizons is only memberships, possible because of advertising and donations. Healthy Horizons does not accept responsibility for the ideas and opinions expressed in this magazine. Healthy Horizons reserves the right to refuse any advertising. Articles and advertisements in this publication are not intended as medical advice for serious health disorders which should be attended by your physician. Readers should consult with their health-care professional before attempting therapeutic use of any products. The opinions discussed are not necessarily those of Healthy Horizons. Different viewpoints may be expressed in future publications. Healthy Horizons is published four times a year: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter The journal is printed at Estevan Publising, Estevan, SK. Membership includes a subscription to this magazine as well as access to our online services at CANADA POST CONTRACT NO. 530905



September 1, 2012

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CALL FOR WRITTEN SUBMISSIONS Healthy Horizons welcomes your submissions for print in our magazine. Student journalists, enthusiastic writers, even Letters to the Editors. Let us HEAR FROM YOU!!


Healthy Horizons 2012 Annual General Meeting will be held Sunday, October 28 at the Wascana Rehab Centre - Auditorium.

This year we will welcome nominations of names of contributors to Healthy Horizons Association who have provided service to the association and the community in the Healthy Horizons Magazine

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Editor’s Commentary - Everything New!


President’s Message - Do Multi Vitamins Help?


Optimal Sleep Rhythms The Canadian Biotechnology Action Network

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Breastfeeding - Starting Out Right


Wool and Chronic Sleep Problems


Alzheimer’s Disease Caused by Tylenol?


The Toxin So Dangerous It's Causing Catastrophic Birth Defects


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Family Membership and Subscription $25.00 Business Membership and Subscription $50.00 Patron Membership and Subscription $100.00 or More Donations ($10.00 or more will receive a tax deductible receipt) Total Paid

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Payments for new memberships, renewals, address changes or corrections should be sent to: Healthy Horizons Box 444, Regina, SK S4P 3A2

Memberships can now be paid for and renewed online!

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Spring/Summer 2012

Editor’s Commentary First, let me introduce myself. My name is Heather Fox and I have been a Doctor of Natural Medicine for about 30 years. Although I am no longer in private practice my passion for health education is still very active in my role as Editor of Healthy Horizons Magazine. I am a member of the Canadian Science Writer’s Association, the Editor’s Association of Canada and the Canadian Society of Magazine Editors. I have written extensively for an assortment of natural health publications in Canada and have published two books on Natural Medicine as well as a cookbook. My hopes for the future of our Association and specifically for this magazine include the assurance that we will make steady progress in our efforts to bring the best and most current information in the fields of natural health and alternative medicine so that you can make informed and confident choices for your own good health. Healthy Horizons is now digital. Members can now read each issue online and access member services as they develop. Watch for our discussion forums and get interactive with us! We’re on Facebook now too so be sure to stop in and ‘Like’ us. Renew your membership online - and if you’re interested in advertising with us you can send us your ad copy by email and pay for the ad all from the website. We are still encouraging writers who would like to contribute to each issue to contact us with any submissions they would like to contribute. Your efforts are important to us. If you’re a prospective ad client and you would like to discuss becoming a featured business please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss this. We know you work hard to serve the natural health community. Let us help you get the word out. This year Healthy Horizons will be broadening out scope. We will be in attendance at the Magazines Canada annual conference - Magnet 2012. This allows us to network and develop our message so we can do the best job possible. Our new format allows us to print on a more biodegradable form of paper in a more cost efficient manner. We welcome your feedback on this new look. Plan to attend the Annual General Meeting on October 28 and give us your feedback then too. And don’t forget to send us any names you would like to nominate as Honorary Members for recognition at the 2012 AGM. This issue conveys important information every Canadian should be aware of about the status of GMO (genetically modified organisms) foods, regulation in Canada and the health concerns that are being largely ignored. I spoke with Lucy Sharrat, Coordinator of the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network. Lucy has been involved in the No GMO cause for 15 years and brings a strong and informed commitment to resisting the acceptance of genetically modified foods in Canada. Lucy expressed concerns about what she says amount to two fundamental problems with the approval process of GM foods in Canada. The first is that there is centred around the fact that the science upon which regulatory decisions are made is private and corporate and does not have to be shared openly. The science presented to the Canadian government has not been peer reviewed and is not ‘good’ science if it cannot be examined independently. The public is not involved in any discussion about whether the review process of this ‘secret corporate science’ is acceptable and adequately addresses the question of safety and risk. The public doesn’t know what questions are being asked of the providers of this private science, or how they are being answered. The second fundamental problem Ms. Sharrat discussed was the lack of labelling, although she is careful to point out that even if a label identified GM products and presumably gave the consumer the right to make informed decisions about what they consume – without post market monitoring and trace ability of the products there can be no statement of safety implied simply in the fact that a product is labelled. With so many questions about the process of genetic modification and the changes to organisms that takes place when genes are ‘scrambled’ the question of safety cannot be addressed until it is carefully examined. What do we know about the potential health risks associated with GMO foods? Dr. Joseph Mercola presents new and astonishing information about precisely this question in his article in this issue, and at the very least there are great unknowns. At this moment, our Canadian regulatory body does not look at that system. There is in fact no detailed methodology that corporations must follow for the use of this ‘new’ science. In fact, there are concerns that the Canadian government is moving away from regulation of GM foods. For instance, out current Minister of Agriculture has expressed an interest in establishing a ‘low level presence’ with respect to accepting imports of foods from other countries that are contaminated by GMO foods that are not approved in Canada. This policy would allow Canada to accept an undetermined level of contamination based on the judgement or assumption that the other country’s regulatory systems are adequate and we will allow these products in whether they are specifically approved in Canada or not. Why would we entertain this proposal? Because Canada is a country who exports GM contamination. So we are apparently going to adopt a ‘good for the goose – good for the gander’ position. Healthy Horizons welcome you to the pages of our publication to learn more about this and other subjects of interest. We look forward to any Letters to the Editor you send to us as well as hearing your thoughts and good ideas for the future.

Hoping Health is on Your Horizon

Heather Fox Editor in Chief Healthy Horizons Magazine

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Healthy Horizons needs YOUR HELP! Healthy Horizons Association is a Non-Profit Corporation with a history in Saskatchewan that tracks back around 40 years. Healthy Horizons is devoted to keeping you well informed of the best and most current information in Natural Health and Alternative Medicine - but we need your help. Our production costs, and costs of operation are high. Here's the breakdown. Part Time Marketing Rep - $11,250.00 Editorial and Production Costs - $28000.00 Website Maintenance - $2400.00

Total Annual Operating Costs – $41,650.00 While Membership Fees and the Sale of Advertising helps to cover part of this cost, there is still a great deal of money we have to bring in to keep our publication going. So we need your help! Here are some projects and ideas you can help with. Please contact us for more details. All Donations over $100 will be issued tax receipts. 1. The Healthy Horizons Silent Auction - Healthy Horizons will auction off donations of a wonderful assortment at the Fall Annual General Meeting on October 28, 2012 to be held at the Wascana Rehab Centre in Regina, SK. Participants will have the opportunity to bid on everything from handcrafts and original works of art made by local Artists and Artisans, services offered by professionals, giftware, books, and more. Donate items for the Auction - place a reserve bid if you like. All donations will go to the Healthy Horizons Association. 2. Membership Building - For every 3 membership renewals you bring us for yourself and your friends, we will give you 3 tickets toward the Door Prize to be given away at the Fall Annual General Meeting on October 28, 2012 to be held at the Wascana Rehab Centre in Regina, SK. That's one free ticket for you and for each of the other people whose memberships you help with renewing. 3. Sponsorship - With each sponsorship donation of $500 or more we will feature a description of your business and/or the services you provide in an upcoming Healthy Horizons Magazine. This is an exciting way to get the word out and to support the efforts of Healthy Horizons at the same time. 4. Private Donation - we always value and appreciate simple cash donations. Do you have a great fundraising idea? Let us know!

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Spring/Summer 2012

President’s Message By Grant Griffith You may remember hearing on the news a while back that multi-vitamins don’t do any good. This was according to some European studies. There were no details released as to brand or dosages or even what vitamins were included in the multi-vitamins that were taken. Once again it was just a blanket statement that suggests that vitamin use is pointless. Advertising still gives us the message that drugs are good and vitamins are bad. However, in this case the studies only confirm what many of us in the alternative health movement already knew. One a day multi-vitamins are of little value. According to the European studies, two large groups were selected years ago; one group took a multi everyday but was forbidden to take anything but just that one pill, while the other group was told not to take any vitamins. At the end of the study the two groups were compared and they found no difference between the two groups. Both groups as they aged had the same number of diseases etc. The one a day pill did not prevent health problems in the group that took them. WHY NOT IS THE QUESTION?

The Answer is both Simple and Complex The simple answer is that the dosage is too small to have any therapeutic value. Too explain this I went out and bought a generic brand multi vitamin similar to the one advertised on TV that is best for silver haired or elderly people. Here is the list of vitamins and minerals that it contains with the amount of each ingredient plus normal or average requirement and therapeutic requirement. The problem with cheap multi-vitamins is that many of the ingredients are only listed to give you the impression you are getting the extra nutrition that you need. Clearly the one-a-day multi falls so far short of daily requirements that it really may be nearly useless. The newer ‘vitamin water’ beverages on the shelves today are even more of a mockery of legitimate vitamin supplementation. When I read the label on the multi that I purchased from the grocery store, I was shocked when I read the non-medical ingredients. Things like “partially hydrogenated soybean oil” which is trans-fat, or how about polyethylene glycol better known as “anti-freeze” are listed on the label. Another shocker was aluminium, but maybe the worst of all was sodium laurel sulphate, a well known cancer causing agent that is in laundry soap as well as some shampoos. It also contained 3 questionable dyes, and I don’t know about you but I sure don’t want to “ingest polyvinyl alcohol” in my vitamins, just another of the 32 non-medical ingredients listed. Another reason cheap vitamins don’t work is because they usually have a thick coating that can’t be broken down by the stomach, so they pass right through the digestive system and straight down the toilet. There are even reports of septic tank pumping companies claiming they see lots of pills in especially old people’s septic tanks. Elderly people have less stomach acid, and so their vitamins can pass through them relatively easy without ever being broken down and any vitamins or minerals they carry are never used by the body. The European studies that concluded that multi-vitamins didn’t improve people’s health were flawed in many ways, i.e., they didn’t consider the importance of omega 3 which is not found in a multi. Also not found in a multi are the more than 60 trace minerals – the deficiency of which Linus Pauling’s research showed can lead to a multitude of diseases. (Linus Pauling was the two time Nobel Prize winner for science and chemistry) These trace minerals are often not found in the food supply either because of modern farming practises and depleted mineral levels in our soil. So what can you do to improve your health and make your body resistant to disease? First, if you are going to take a multi vitamin, make sure it is of a high quality, purchased from a health food store. For instance, the NOW Brand features a liquid multi which eliminates the problem of proper digestion since all of the nutrients are readily available without breaking down a hard coating. Remember a pill that passes right through you is definitely not going to improve your health. Health Food Store brands generally don’t have ingredients that your body can’t assimilate, such as elemental calcium, instead they use the more expensive forms such as calcium citrate or calcium bis-glycinate – but always read the label carefully . Health Food store brands also don’t use poisonous fillers, remember the brand that I bought from the grocery store had 32 non-vitamin and mineral ingredients; some were known cancer causing carcinogens. Whole Food Supplements Another good idea when it comes to getting all the nutrients you can from a supplement is to choose whole food supplements. What I mean by that is simply this, alfalfa is considered to be the King of Herbs. The ancient Egyptians noticed that their horses and camels became stronger and faster when they were fed alfalfa. They didn’t know why, so they named it after God or in their language Allah. We now know that the root of the plant goes down very deep and is able to supply the leaves with an abundance of trace minerals. Trace minerals build strong bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments all necessary building blocks that made the horses and camels stronger. Humans can take alfalfa in the form of supplements and reap the same benefits. It is a well documented fact that alfalfa when taken with vitamin C and glucosamine can help to heal osteo-arthritis. Another whole food supplement is Spirulina. Spirulina is a simple one-celled microscopic blue-green algae that is found in many freshwater environments, including ponds, lakes, and rivers. Spirulina is often deemed the most nutritionally complete of all food supplements, containing a rich supply of many important nutrients, including protein, complex carbohydrates, iron, and vitamins A, K, and B complex. It also has a high supply of carotenoids such as beta carHealthy Horizons Magazine

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Spring/Summer 2012

(Continued from page 6) otene and yellow xanthophylls which have antioxidant properties. It is also rich in chlorophyll, fatty and nucleic acids, and lipids. Thus, Spirulina has countless uses as a supplement for maintaining good health and for preventing diseases. Once again because Spirulina is completely natural it is easy to digest and its wholesome goodness is easily assimilated by the body. Bovine Colostrum is the early milk produced by cows during the first several days after the calf's birth. This "early" milk has a nutrient profile and immunological composition substantially different from "mature" milk as it helps the newborn develop in its first week of life. The purpose of colostrum is to provide the calf with antibodies and nutrition that will aid in the fortification of the immune system. Bovine colostrum contains many beneficial substances. The most important of these substances are: Immunoglobins, Lactoferin, Proline-Rich Polypeptide, Cytokines and Vitamins (57). Human colostrums does the same for human babies and this is one of the reasons breastfeeding is so vital. The Benefits of Bovine Colostrum in Short Many people benefit from taking bovine colostrum as an everyday immune system supporter. Therefore it has healing powers over a wide array of diseases and conditions. Colostrum contains growth factors that support the anti-ageing process in anybody who takes it. It also supports wound healing, cartilage and nerve regeneration. The liquid once it is milked from the cow is processed by low heat and is turned into a powder which is then either put in capsules or is sold in containers in the powder form. The highest grade of colostrum is taken from the first milking up to six hours after the calf is born. Bovine colostrum is very similar to human colostrums in its immune support benefits and is therefore beneficial to humans. The research information on Colostrum is enormous and the benefits are staggering. Here is a partial list of what it can do for you. Research References and Educational Information Glycoproteins, in bovine colostrum, inhibit the attachment of the Helicobactor Pylori bacteria that cause stomach ulcers. Colostrum contains significant amounts of Interlukin-10 (a strong inflammation inhibitory agent), found significant in reducing inflammation in arthritic joints and injury areas. Dr. Olle Hernell, At the University of Ulmea, Sweden; Science Immunoglobulin in colostrum has been used to successfully treat: Thrombocytopenia, Anemia, Neutropenia, Myasthenia Gravis, Guillain Barre Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Systemic Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Bulluos Pamphigoid, Kawasaki’s Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Crohn’s disease, among others. Dr. Dwyer; New England Journal of Medicine Colostrum has a virus antibody that acts against viral invaders. A wide range of antiviral factors were acknowledged to be present in colostrum. This research was done at the US Government’s Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. E.L. Palmer, et. al.; Journal of Medical Virology Colostrum contains Non Specific Inhibitors that inhibit a wide range of respiratory illness, notably Influenza viruses. Colostrum is specifically cited for its unique effectiveness against potentially deadly outbreaks of Asian Flu viruses that emerge from animal/human mutations. Drs. Shortridge,; Journal of Tropical Pediatrics Studies with human volunteers found that the preservation of the biological activity of IgG (Immunoglobulin), in the digestive secretions of adults receiving bovine colostrum orally, indicates passive enteral (intestinal) immunization for the prevention and treatment of acute intestinal diseases. Dr. L.B. Khazenson; Microbial & Epidemial Immunobiology Researchers reported that colostrum stimulates maturation of B Lymphocytes (type of white blood cell) and primes them for producHealthy Horizons Magazine

tion of antibodies, enhances growth and differentiation of white blood cells. Similar activity in cow and human colostrum can also activate Macrophages. Dr. M. Julius, McGill University, Montreal: Science News PRP (Proline-rich Polypeptide , in bovine colostrum, has the same ability to regulate activity of the immune system as hormones of the Thymus gland. It activates an underactive immune system, helping it move into action against disease-causing organisms. PRP also suppresses an overactive immune system, such as is often seen in the autoimmune diseases. PRP is highly anti-inflammatory and also appears to act on T-cell precursors to produce helper T-cells and suppresser T-cells. Drs. Staroscik, et. al., Molecular Immunology PRP was found not to be species specific (transferable for human use). Turns white blood cells into functionally active T cells. Results were shown in treatment of auto-immune disorders and cancer. An important Immune modulator stimulates an underactive immune system and tones down an overactive one. Drs. Janusz & Lisowski; Archives of Immunology Bovine Colostrum contains TgF-B which has an important suppressive effect on cytoxic substances (anti-inflammatory). Inhibits cell growth of human Osteosarcoma (cancer) cells (75% inhibition). Mediator of fibrosis and angiogenesis (healing of heart muscle and blood vessels), ( Roberts et al., 1986), accelerates wound healing (Sporn et al.., 1983) and bone formation (Centrella et al., 1987). Drs. Tokuyama and Tokuyama; Cancer Research Inst. Kanazawa Univ. Japan Only Retinoic acids, found in colostrum, conferred protection and reduced colonization of the Herpes Virus. Although not a cure, Retinoic acids effectively reduce the Herpes Virus to levels (1/100 to 1/10,000 viruses remained active after treatment) where the body’s immune system could fight off an outbreak. Drs. Charles Isaacs, et. al.; Experimental Biology; Science IGF-1, found in colostrum, stimulates bone and muscle growth and nerve regeneration. Also found: topical administration to wounds resulted in more effective healing. Drs. Skottner, Arrhenius-Nyberg, Kanje and Fryklund, Acta. Paediatric Scandinavia, Sweden High age is associated with reduced levels of growth hormones: GH and IgF-1. Induction of GH and IgF-1 increase body weight through muscle growth of aged subjects. Drs. Ullman, Sommerland & Skottner, Dept. of Pathology and Pharmacology, Univ. of Gothenburg, Sahlgren Hospital & HabiVitrum AB, Stockholm, Sweden

The failure of chronic wounds to heal is a major medical problem. Drs. suggest that an important role for growth factors is to promote wound healing. Accelerated healing is possible for treatment with trauma and surgical wounds. Drs. Bhora, et. al.; Journal. Surg. Res Clinical studies show that IgE (Immunoglobulin), found in bovine colostrum, may be responsible for regulating allergic response. Drs. Tortora, Funke & Cast; Microbiology Immunoglobulins (found in colostrum) are able to neutralize the most harmful bacteria, viruses, and yeasts. Dr. Per Brandtzaeg; Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Reducing viral levels in the body and stimulating natural immune capabilities holds the most promise in helping our immune systems contain the HIV virus. Drs. Nowa and McMichael; Scientific American Colostrum contains Retinoic Acid which helps fight Herpes Virus. Also contains Glycoprotein (kappa casein) that protects against the bacteria that cause stomach ulcers. Dr. Raloff, Science News Properties of Bovine Colostrum IMMUNE FACTORS: Medical and clinical studies show immune factors in colostrum fight Viruses, Bacteria, Yeast, Fungus, Allergens and Toxins. IMMUNOGLOBULINS: Have been shown to provide a superior defense in both treatment and prevention of viral infections, bacterial infections, allergies, fungus and yeast. High quality Colostrum must be certified to contain a minimum of 18% immunoglobulins. ANTIBODIES: Colostrum has been shown to contain specific antibodies to more than 19 specific disease-causing pathogens including; E. coli, salmonella, candida, streptococcus, staphylococcus, h. pylori, cryptosporidium and rotavirus. PRP (Proline-rich Polypeptide): Shown to help regulate the thymus gland (bodies’ central command for the immune system). PRP can both stimulate a weakened immune system and/or balance an overactive immune system, as in the case of many autoimmune diseases. LACTOFERRIN: An iron-binding protein with antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties. Lactoferrin has been implicated in the treatment of such diseases as cancer, HIV, herpes, chronic fatigue, candida albicans and other infections. LACTALBUMINS: Research indicates tremendous possibilities that Lactalbumins can be highly effective against numerous forms of cancer and viruses. Lactalbumin has also been shown in (Continued on page 8) Page 7

Spring/Summer 2012

(Continued from page 7) vulnerable subjects to raise brain serotonin activity, reduce cortisol concentration, and improve mood under stress. CYTOKINE’S: INTERLUKIN 1 & 6, INTERFERON Y AND LYMPHOKINES: Chemicals that are involved in cell-to-cell communication, antiviral and anti-tumor activity and regulation and intensity of immune responses. Cytokines help increase T-cell activity and stimulate production of immunoglobulins. One cytokine, interleukin-10, is a potent anti-inflammatory agent that has been shown to have a profound effect on pain relief. Interleukins have shown particular promise in fighting cancer. Insulin-like Growth Factor I and II: (IGF-I & IGFII) IGF I & II are the most abundant growth factors in colostrum. They affect how the body uses fat, protein and sugar. IGF-I is one of the only substances known to stimulate the repair and growth of DNA and RNA, making it one of the most powerful anti-aging substances. IGF-I has been clinically proven to help increase lean muscle mass and may help regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels. TRANSORMING GROWTH FACTORS A & B: (TGF A & B) TGF stimulates the proliferation of cells in connective tissue and assists in the formation of bone and cartilage. It is also showing promise as a therapeutic agent in bone and wound healing. TGF can help repair tissue and may support the development of growth of the lining of the gut. PLATELET-DERIVED GROWTH FACTOR: (PDGF) PDGF has been shown to help with cell division in connective tissue, smooth muscle, and fibroblasts. It may also assist in neuron survival and regeneration. VITAMINS AND MINERALS: Colostrum is not a supplement... it is the whole food for the newborn... its combination of vitamins and minerals are naturally occurring and in perfect combination. Center for Nutritional Research 1996-2001 This last statement, “colostrum is a whole food”, I think says it all. The combination of vitamins and minerals are naturally occurring and in perfect combination. Compare that to the synthetically produced multi vitamin with the 32 none

Healthy Horizons Magazine

medical ingredients and I think you will understand why the European studies failed to improve people’s health. Targeting Disease with the Right Supplements Instead of a multi-vitamin with really no direction or purpose it would be much more effective to target your disease with the right supplements along with an appropriate therapeutic dose. Here is an example if you have a heart condition. Research has shown that many of people who have died of a heart attack are deficient in Co-enzyme Q10. Research has also shown that supplementing with CoQ10 strengthens the heart muscle and can reverse heart disease to a great extent. There are two kinds of CoQ10 supplements, the cheaper ubiquinone and the more beneficial ubiquinol. Ubiquinol is absorbed by the body much easier and is therefore the preferred form. Anyone who is taking a statin drug or cholesterol lowering drug should always supplement with Ubiquinol because statin drugs deplete CoQ10 and put the patient at risk of a heart attack. Another supplement for your heart is fish oil. Fish oil or Krill oil is the best source of Omega 3 for your heart. (I don’t recommend flax oil) In addition, grape seed extract has incredible heart benefits. It has been documented that red wine is good for the heart and studies have shown that resveratrol is the active ingredient in the wine which is responsible. However, some contradictory evidence has shown it could be the grape seed extract and not the resveratrol which is the major benefactor in red wine, although it may be both. What is in Grape Seed Extract? What you may not know is that grape seed extract contains a vast array of health-giving ingredients, such as protein, lipids, carbohydrates and polyphenols (which come mainly in the form of flavonoids, also known as bioflavonoids). The term flavonoid is used for a class of plant chemicals known for their activity as highly potent antioxidants, and therefore for their capability in protecting the body against oxidative and free radical damage. It’s not really surprising when you consider the scientific studies: they show that the antioxidant power of polyphenols is 20 times more powerful than vitamin E, and 50 times greater than vitamin C.

Some people call these polyphenols “nature’s biological response modifiers” because of their ability to help the body fight viruses, allergens, and carcinogens. That means that among their many talents, they exhibit anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anticancerous and anti-microbial activity. Procyanadin: The anti aging vitamin? One particular type of phenol found in grape seed is called procyanidin. As well as the disease prevention mentioned above, procyanidins are thought to protect the body from premature ageing. Scientists think they do this by increasing vitamin C levels in the cells and scavenging for toxins so the organs can get rid of them. Summary In my example of targeting disease, I list three supplements that have tremendous benefits for your heart. They are CoQ10, Fish Oil and Grape Seed Extract. Not one of these supplements are included in the grocery store multi-vitamin list. If they were, they would have to be reduced to such a small dosage as not to do any good anyway. Obviously, there are a lot more heart healthy supplements than the three I listed but I don’t have the time or the space to list them all. You will no doubt continue to see and hear reports on the national news about vitamins not doing any good. Positive studies seldom get reported or if they do, it is slanted with the reporter asking the public to be cautious until ‘more research’ can be done. Don’t get discouraged, these reports are always negative towards natural health for a reason. TV networks get an estimated 70% of their revenue from the ads for drugs while advertising dollars for vitamins are nowhere near that in comparison. You are bound to hear more positive sounding ads for drugs than you will ever hear about supplements. Recently it was reported that Suntan lotion doesn’t prevent skin cancer it causes it. This was a whole segment on a newscast two days ago. The reporter ended the segment by saying more research needs to be done and until then don’t stop using sun blocker. This is absolute insanity; maybe what he really meant was although suntan lotion causes cancer, don’t stop using it because the profits of the suntan industry could be hurt or that an ad campaign bought and paid for may be impacted by negative press. In any case, use your own common sense. Read labels. Judge for yourselves.

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Spring/Summer 2012

Optimal Sleep Rhythms By Dr. Heather Fox

In our busy lives today, chronic sleep disorders and sleep deprivation are common. The daily life cycle known as the circadian rhyth , includes periods of sleep and wakefulness. This biological clock, and helps regulate and balance different bodily functions. Even though human beings are naturally programmed for daytime wakefulness and sleep at night, a large proportion of the adult population (and increasingly children) suffer from difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep, or early awakening. Insomnia that occurs most nights and lasts a month or more is considered chronic insomnia. In pre-industrial and agricultural societies, people did their work according to the sun. However, industrialized societies have most people spending most of their time indoors, with a very limited exposure to natural light. Electric light is generally fine when it comes to vision but outside of what we can see, artificial lighting does not support our other body functions the way natural light does. For example, Insomnia related to shift work has become an significant health problem and recent studies have found that only a very few night workers feel they have restful and restorative daytime sleep. Like food and water, sleep is not something we can go without. A healthy amount of sleep is crucial for a vibrant and productive lifestyle. But how much sleep do you really need? While there is no fast rule that says all people need equal amounts of sleep, and needs can change based on age and circumstance, the National Sleep Foundation in the US has published the following guideline.

Insomnia is a Risk Factor for Disease Despite how common chronic sleep disorders are today, many people are still unaware of the potentially serious health effects related to inadequate amounts of sleep. Running on empty when it comes to sleep, can be a serious problem. ·

Emerging scientific evidence has linked inadequate sleep or sleeping at odd hours with increased risk of major illnesses such as:


Increased risk of motor vehicle accidents


Increase in body mass index – a greater likelihood of obesity due to an increased appetite caused by sleep deprivation


Increased risk of diabetes and heart problems


Increased risk for psychiatric conditions including depression and substance abuse


Decreased ability to pay attention, react to signals or remember new information


Increase in heart disease

Sleep influences a whole orchestra with activity from the nervous, hormonal, and immune systems function. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation in healthy subjects results in numerous adverse physiological changes, including effects on lipid and glucose metabolism, endocrine function, sympathetic/parasympathetic

How Much Sleep Do You Really Need? Age Newborns (0-2 months) Infants (2 to 11 months) Toddlers (1 to 3 years) Preschoolers (3 - 5 years) School age children (5 - 10 years)

Sleep Needs 12-18 hours 14 to 15 hours 12 to 14 hours 11 to 13 hours 10 to 11 hours

Teens (10-17) Adults

8.5 to 9.25 hours 7 to 9 hours

With so many people today suffering from chronic insomnia, prescriptions for pharmaceutical sleep aids are at an alltime high. Unfortunately, these drugs can lead to dependence and sometimes produce adverse side effects. One of the main side effects is an even greater difficulty achieving restful sleep without medication than before.

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nervous system balance, and blood pressure. Chronic insomnia has been associated with increased risk of coronary events and development of chronic conditions such as obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. Sleep insufficiency also results in elevation of evening cortisol levels (cortisol being a ‘stress’ hormone produced by the adrenal glands), impairment of glucose (blood

sugar) control, and increased inflammation. Scientific research has also documented an association between sleep deprivation and metabolic disturbances and impaired insulin action. Chronic insomnia may be a part of the connection between stress and metabolic syndrome, and may contribute to premature aging and early mortality. Sleeping disorders related to shift work convey significant risk for the development of cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases. Sleep deprivation has been linked with elevated high-sensitivity Creactive protein, a marker of inflammation that is correlated with cardiovascular disease risk. Sleep duration may be an important regulator of body weight and metabolism. We also know from research that adults who sleep less than seven hours a night have a significantly higher risk of obesity. Speculation is that inadequate sleep may produce an imbalance of the hormones that regulate appetite such as leptin. Melatonin, a hormone normally produced at night by the pineal gland, may have potential with significant cancer-preventive effects against different cancerous tumours. It is possible that a low melatonin level caused by nighttime exposure to light or by simple sleep insufficiency increases the tendency toward tumour development. Decreased melatonin levels may increase breast cancer risk through several mechanisms, including increasing the release of estrogen by the ovaries. Several studies have found that insufficient, disruptive, or arrhythmic sleep can increase risk for breast and colon cancers, heart disease, and diabetes. This may occur because sleep disorders affect production of the most important hormones and proteins that play roles in these diseases. Insufficient sleep can affect the frequency and amount of hormonal secretions, which can lead to distortions in cortisol, melatonin, growth hormone, and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) rhythms. Both light and melatonin have physiological and behavioural effects on the body. Melatonin can reduce core body temperature and induce sleepiness. Light at night can increase body temperature, alertness, and performance.. Chronic sleep disruption or insufficiency is also associated with significant increases in accidents, social disruption, and psychiatric disturbances. In addition, some scientists believe that lack of sleep could be a key factor in illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome, migraine, and fibromyalgia. (Continued on page 10) Page 9

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What are the Causes of Insomnia?

attention by clinicians because poor sleep quality can be an early sign of cognitive decline.

Insomnia is usually associated with various physical and psychological disorders, treatments, and environmental conditions. Certain physical illnesses can be a cause of chronic insomnia. Disorders of the heart (congestive heart failure), lungs (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, emphysema), and digestive system (peptic ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux, heartburn) can interfere with restful sleep. Medical conditions such as allergies, arthritis, cancer, fibromyalgia, enlargement of the prostate gland, hot flashes, Alzheimer’s

Several disorders that have a psychological or psychiatric basis can also contribute to insomnia. Depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and schizophrenia may cause insomnia. More than 90% of depressed patients experience insomnia. Chronic stress and unhealthy lifestyle factors (lack of exercise, irregular eating habits, poor sleeping habits, excessive caffeine consumption, smoking, and drinking alcohol) may trigger insomnia. Ten to fifteen percent of chronic insomnia

disease, Parkinson’s disease, hyperthyroidism, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, and leg cramps are very common and important causes of insomnia, particularly in older people.

cases may result from substance abuse, especially of alcohol, cocaine, and sedatives. While alcohol may initially promote sleep, it has been associated with fragmented sleep and wakefulness a few hours later.

Abnormal levels of certain hormones have been observed in people suffering from chronic insomnia. Some studies have reported high levels of the stress hormone cortisol and low levels of melatonin in patients with chronic insomnia. Moreover, normal aging is associated with altered secretion of growth hormone, a hormone associated with deep sleep. Low levels of estrogen can cause hot flashes, which may interrupt normal sleep. One study reported that experimentally-induced sleep loss in young adults resulted in hormonal changes similar to those that occur spontaneously in the course of aging. Sleep quality in older adults should receive particular Healthy Horizons Magazine

Most alarming was the conclusion of a large study of more than 8,000 adolescents who had behaviourally induced sleep insufficiency (BISS). Researchers concluded that BISS was found to be associated with increased suicidality. Weekend oversleep was associated with suicidality independently of depression, daytime sleepiness, snoring, and insomnia. The study findings suggest that chronic sleep restriction among adolescents may increase suicidal risk. Medications such as antidepressants, drugs used to treat asthma and high blood pressure, corticosteroids, diuretics,

histamine blockers, and respiratory stimulants can cause insomnia. A number of studies have reported that shift work may disrupt the body’s circadian rhythm and lead to chronic insomnia. Environmental factors and excessive computer work have also been associated with insomnia. We have already discussed how light can hamper the pineal gland and its ability to create melatonin. Most people have a host of electronic devices in their bedrooms these days with everything ranging from simple electric clocks with digital displays, to more sophisticated sound and electronic systems for night time television from the comfort of the

bedroom. This constant ‘buzz’ of electromagnetic fields can have a very disruptive effect on melatonin and serotonin levels as well as other effects. Sleep apnea can lead to symptoms including insomnia, snoring, headache and drowsiness. Causes of and treatment for sleep apnea vary widely from person to person; in some cases, dietary adjustments can be beneficial. Obesity is a leading factor in the development and treatment of sleep apnea. Individuals who are overweight are at a significantly elevated risk for obstructive sleep apnea; more than 50 percent of the people with the condition are overweight, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. Therefore, eating a healthy diet and staying physically active is particularly important if you have sleep apnea. It may not cure the (Continued on page 11) Page 10

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(Continued from page 10) condition, but it could help minimize the symptom.

How Can you Manage Insomnia? Effective management of insomnia must take into account the reason the insomnia exists in the first place. For example, if the reason for insomnia is hot flashes, the first step must be a blood test of hormone levels. Restoration of youthful levels of basic hormones will be a second step. If the reason for insomnia is shift work and poor sleep during the daytime, extra steps to be sure the sleep environment is made to simulate night time conditions as closely as possible are critical. If you have experienced insomnia for any length of time over a month it may be a good first place to start by assessing your hormone levels (including pregnenolone, cortisol, DHEA, total estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and TSH and Vitamin D3). By working with your health care provider to replace or at least support deficient hormones you can help restore balance whether the imbalance is the cause or the result of poor sleep. Melatonin is the hormone that regulates the body’s biological clock. As people age, their bodies produce less melatonin, which can lead to difficulty sleeping. It is interesting to note that the production of serotonin – forerunner of melatonin – is helped along by bright daytime fullspectrum sunlight. It helps to produce vitamin D, one of the hormones produced in the skin and necessary in serotonin production. Many people take supplemental melatonin at bedtime to help them fall asleep. The recommended dose of melatonin ranges from 0.3 to 6 mg, depending on individual needs about 30 minutes before bedtime. Sometimes lower doses work better than higher doses and should always be tried first at the lower dosage for at least 3 nights before increasing. B vitamins, Calcium is directly related to our cycles of sleep. In one study, published in the European Neurology Journal, researchers found that calcium levels in the body are higher during some of the deepest levels of sleep, such as the rapid eye movement (REM) phase. The study concluded that disturbances in sleep, especially the absence of REM deep sleep or disturbed REM sleep, are related to a calcium deficiency. Restoration to the normal course of sleep was achieved following the normalization of the blood calcium level. William Sears, M.D. writes: "Calcium helps the brain use the amino acid tryptophan to manufacture the sleep-inducing substance melatonin. This explains why dairy products, which contain both tryptophan and calcium, are one of the top sleep-inducing foods."

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Inositol is a relative of the vitamin B complex family. inositol is closely linked with choline, attributing to its similar ability to positively affect nerve transmissions — acting as a mild "antianxiety" agent. Perhaps inositol's greatest role in our bodies, though, is its ability to help with the formation and integrity of cell membranes within our tissues, including skin and hair. Just as important is its key functioning as an emulsifier (exporter) of fats from the liver, which helps redistribute the fat throughout the body to be used more efficiently as fuel, which, in a way, helps detoxify the liver. It encourages sounder sleep and relaxes nervous tension. It has been used for various problems besides insomnia, including depression, anxiety, Alzheimer's, diabetic neuropathy, obsessive compulsive disorder and even obesity. Doses are in the region of 5001500mg in the case of temporary or full blown insomnia, 1-2g for moderate anxiety and more for other conditions. Start with a 500mg dose and see how you react before taking any more Omega-3 fatty acids can be helpful for insomnia related to mood disorders. Generally for mood disorders 4 capsules at 100mg taken throughout the day is recommended. A good quality of cold water fish or krill oil is important. Magnesium The mineral magnesium is known to promote relaxation, and may be helpful for individuals with insomnia A magnesium sleep deficiency causes people to wake up frequently during the night. Other health concerns due to a magnesium deficiency are; constipation, anxiety, irritability, pain, and may even be related to night terrors. Researchers have found that magnesium takes part in the transmission of hormones (such as insulin, thyroid, estrogen, testosterone, DHEA, etc.), neurotransmitters (such as dopamine, catecholamines, serotonin, GABA, etc.), and minerals and mineral electrolytes. Chamomile tea is popular for managing mild insomnia. Chamomile should be avoided by people who use anticoagulants. Chamomile may cause delayed gastric absorption, which could alter the absorption of concomitantly administered drugs. Chamomile has been associated with rare allergic reactions that can trigger bronchial constriction or skin reactions. Chamomile should be avoided by people with allergies to ragweed, aster, chrysanthemums, or mugwort pollen.

deeper sleep cycles. Valerian contains the amino acid GABA, which could directly cause sedation. GABA acts as a neurotransmitter involved in regulation of relaxation, anxiety, and sleep. Valerian is also known to interact with GABA already active in the brain. Valerian prompts the release of GABA and inhibits enzymes involved in GABA’s breakdown, thus further increasing levels of this “relaxation neurotransmitter”. Most published studies have found valerian effective for the treatment of insomnia when root extract equivalent to 300 to 600 mg is taken 30 minutes to two hours before intended bedtime. GABA (gamma-amino butyric acid) is an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system, helping neurons stay selective about the signals to which they respond and helping produce a state of relaxation. Taken at bedtime, supplemental GABA may assist some people in the initiation of sleep and produce a deeper and more beneficial sleep. Dietary GABA may also help maintain healthy blood pressure in those already within normal range. 350 to 700 mg before bedtime (taken sublingually) is generally recommended. L-tryptophan is an amino acid that serves as a precursor for the neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin has been implicated in the regulation of sleep, depression, anxiety, appetite, sexual behaviour, and body temperature .. In recent years, researchers have studied L-tryptophan’s ability to help insomniacs. One study found that tryptophan depletion contributed to insomnia. The researchers gave 15 insomniacs an amino acid drink that depleted tryptophan, then studied the participants’ sleep patterns. They found that sleep was significantly disrupted after tryptophan levels were lowered. Another study comparing “protein-source” tryptophan, or tryptophan that comes from a protein, with pharmaceutical-grade tryptophan, which does not include protein, found they were equally effective in treating insomnia. Previously, it was thought that protein-source tryptophan would be less effective because protein contains amino acids that interfere with tryptophan’s transport into the brain.

Essential oils of lavender, lemon balm, and clary sage have calming effects that may promote relaxation and sleep. Best applied to the pillow just before bed.

***NOTE*** Health Canada restricts the sale of L-tryptophan so that the sale of 5HTP – a tryptophan precursor is generally recommended as a substitute. This writer however, feels there may be some benefit to taking 5HTP but that more research needs to take place before making claims. Some people order L-tryptophan over the internet from reputable companies for their own personal use and not for re-sale which appears to be legal. Check before you decide to order so you make your own best choice.

Valerian, an herb frequently used for severe insomnia, appears to be as effective as some prescription medications for treating insomnia. Acting as a sedative, it makes falling asleep easier and allows the body to go into

Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L) is often paired with valerian. A recently published study of a combination of valerian and lemon balm for the treatment of restlessness and disordered sleep in children (Continued on page 12)

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found “a distinct and convincing reduction in severity . . . for all symptoms in the investigators’ and parents’ ratings”. About 81 percent of patients with sleep disorders experienced improvement of their symptoms after taking the study preparation. Lemon balm appears to work by reducing anxiety. A recent double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, balanced crossover experiment showed that a 600-mg dose of lemon balm improved the negative mood effects of a standardized procedure designed to induce stress under laboratory conditions. Participants taking lemon balm had “significantly increased self-ratings of calmness,” noted the researchers. “In addition, a significant increase in the speed of mathematical processing, with no reduction in accuracy, was observed after ingestion of the 300mg dose”. Ayurvedic Night Milk – bring half a cup of water with a generous pinch of fresh nutmeg to a boil. Remove from heat. Add half a cup of whole milk or light cream and sweeten only as necessary. Drink half an hour before bed. Rich in tryptophan! Diet – There are many reasons to make dietary changes for healthy living. The Paleo Diet may be best suited to helping you get over your hurdle of insomnia. Paleo diet food consists of a very similar diet to that of paleolithic man which fundamentally means fruit and vegetables, nuts and berries, meat, fish and eggs. The Paleo diet is an approach to meeting nutritional needs no matter who you are. With the emphasis on fresh

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fruit and vegetables and lean meat the body processes the foodstuff at a steady pace thereby maintaining a stable blood sugar level as well as keeping your appetite controlled and your body running on what it needs. Here are a few practical suggestions to help improve your sleep: ·



Avoid stimulating drugs, caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol late in the day. If you use medications that may be stimulating, take them long before bedtime. Try not to take naps during the day. However, if you do need to nap make it a short ‘power nap’ – no more than 20 minutes. Keep your room temperature at no higher than 20 degrees. Even as low as 16 degrees may be best.


Move electrical devices including clocks to at least 3 feet away from your bed.


Don’t watch tv or read in bed. If you need to get up and reading helps you to relax, go into another room to do so. Then go back to bed.


Maintain a daily sleep pattern. Go to bed and get up at the same time. Your body will adjust to this rhythm.


Be sure to remove all sources of light from your bedroom. Turn alarm clocks away of better yet lay them face down or use a non electric clock that you have to wind each night. Seal up windows

with heavy blinds and curtains. Make your room as totally dark as possible. ·

Avoid eating a large meal in the evening.


Exercise regularly, but try not to exercise close to bedtime.


Reduce stress levels by listening to relaxation tapes, taking warm baths, and meditating.


Avoid any activity that you find stimulating for at least 2 hours prior to bedtime.


When you wake in the morning – don’t hit that snooze button. Get up, have a shower, eat a good breakfast. Take a walk in the sunshine.

Achieving restful sleep is critically important to maintaining health and protecting yourself against disease. A successful program for achieving adequate amounts of healthy, restful sleep involves treating any underlying health conditions, optimizing hormone balance, incorporating healthy lifestyle habits, and utilizing herbs and nutrients that promote relaxation. Sweet Dreams…

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The Canadian Biotechnology Action Network Take Action These are the current strategic actions we ask you to take with us. Thank you!

GMO – perhaps no other acronym incites the ire of organic producers more. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are relentlessly troublesome for organic producers and yet they remain a domineering feature of agribusiness conglomerates. As agriculture becomes increasingly immersed in globalized trade, these conglomerates gain more and more control over the global food system despite their implementation of genetically modified inputs into food production. Indeed over the years GMOs have become a force to be reckoned with. From the contamination of Saskatchewan canola fields to the impending introduction of genetically modified alfalfa, GMOs threaten traditional agriculture and the biodiversity of the land. For centuries, organic farms have controlled the erosion of biodiversity, limiting the negative effects of climate change. Maintaining seed varieties as well as natural (contamination-free) production conditions is essential not only to organic farmers but to the integrity of the global food system as a whole. GE Crops and Foods (On the Market) It has been 16 years since genetically engineered crops and foods were first introduced into Canada. Only 4 GE crops are currently grown in Canada: 1.canola 2.corn 4.sugar beet (white sugar beet for sugar processing) These crops end up on the shelves as processed food ingredients and are also used as biofuel and animal feed. These crops are engineered to be either insect resistant or herbicide tolerant, and many now carry both traits. We could also be importing a small amount of: 5. GE papaya (from Hawaii) 6. GE squash (some varieties of yellow crookneck squash) 7. GE cottonseed oil 8. milk products made with the use of Bovine Growth Hormone Though the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Health Canada have approved over 50 varieties of 12 GE crops and foods under their category of "Plants with Novel Traits" and "Novel Foods", not all of these are products of genetic engineering. Furthermore, many GE crop varieties that are approved are not on the market in Canada, or anywhere else in the world, such as GE potatoes and tomatoes. See the below lists for the exact breakdown of what genetically engineered seeds farmers in Canada are planting and what GE foods are on our grocery store shelves. GE Crops Globally 2012: GM crops (predominately corn, soy, and cotton - herbicide tolerant and/or insect resistant) are still confined to a handful of countries with highly industrialized, export-oriented agricultural sectors. One country alone - the U.S. - plants 43% of the global GM crop area. 77% of the world's GM crops are planted in the U.S.(43%), Brazil (19%) and Argentina (15%). India (GM cotton) and Canada (GM canola, corn, soy and sugarbeet) both plant 6% of the global acres of GM. GE Crops in Europe 2011: The only GE crop currently cultivated in the EU is Monsanto's insect resistant (Bt) corn (MON810). In 2010, GE corn was produced in the Czech Republic, Spain, Portugal, Romania, and Slovakia on a cultivation surface of about 82 000 hectares equaling a 13% decrease compared to 2009. Austria, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary and Luxembourg have all banned the use and sale of the MON 810 GE corn due to concerns about its long term effects.

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Stop GM Alfalfa We can stop GM alfalfa in Canada! It’s not yet legal to sell GM alfalfa seeds in Canada. Send your letter to the Agriculture Minister instantly! You can also share and post the new YouTube video on GM alfalfa! Stop the Canadian Government from Legalizing Contamination from Unapproved GM Foods: "Low Level Presence" Send your letter to the Minister of Health instantly! February/March 2012: The Canadian Government is proposing a new policy to allow contamination of our food supply with genetically engineered foods that have not been approved for safe eating in Canada. The Canadian government wants to allow a percent, 0.1% or higher, of our food to be contaminated with genetically modified (GM) foods that have not been approved by Health Canada for safe human consumption. The GM foods will have been approved for safety in at least one other country but not yet evaluated as safe by our own regulators. The federal government calls this “Low Level Presence” or LLP and argues that this “low level” of contamination from unapproved GM foods is not harmful. Stop GM Animals: GM Salmon and "Enviropig™" The University of Guelph is shutting down active research on the GM pig! The University needs to withdraw its application for approval to Health Canada. Health Canada and Environment Canada could be reviewing a request to approve a GM Atlantic salmon right now! But they refuse to tell us whether they are or not! There has never been a democratic debate about the introduction of GM animals into our food system and yet public funds are spent reviewing the safety of GM animals for approval whenever a company or university makes a request! Write instantly to the Minister of Environment to stop GM salmon Write to the Minister of Health Follow the News and Action Subscribe to the CBAN News and Action Listserve for the latest information and for action alerts "Like" us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Support CBAN Donate today! Your financial contribution is tax-deductible. Thank you for your support. Post a CBAN web banner on your website to help more people learn about the campaigns. Or post any our campaign graphics. Volunteer your time. Contact us if you are interested in helping out. Thank you for your action! You can contact Lucy Sharratt, Coordinator. Address: Suite 206, 180 Metcalfe Street Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K2P 1P5 Phone: 613.241.2267 ext. 25 Fax: 613.241.2506 email:

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Children’s Sleep Patterns Related to Behaviour A Northwestern University study of 500 preschoolers found that those who slept less than 10 hours in a 24-hour period (including daytime naps) were 25% more likely to misbehave. They were consistently at greatest risk for "acting out" behavioural problems, such as aggression and oppositional or noncompliant behaviour. Research shows that sleep disturbances in children are not only associated with medical problems (allergies, ear infections, hearing problems), but also with psychiatric and social issues. Children who were aggressive, anxious, or depressed had more trouble falling and staying asleep. Although sleep problems usually decline as children get older, these early patterns are the best indicator of future sleep troubles. Healthy Horizons Magazine

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Breastfeeding Starting Out Right By Jack Newman, MD, FRCPC

Breastfeeding is the natural and normal way of feeding infants and young children, and human milk is the milk made specifically for human infants. Starting out right helps to ensure breastfeeding is a pleasant experience for both you and your baby. Breastfeeding should be easy and trouble free for most mothers. The vast majority of mothers are perfectly capable of breastfeeding their babies exclusively for about six months. In fact, most mothers should be able to produce more than enough milk. Unfortunately, outdated hospital policies and routines based on bottle feeding still predominate in too many health care institutions and make breastfeeding difficult, even impossible, for too many mothers and babies. Too frequently also, these mothers blame themselves. For breastfeeding to be well and properly established, getting off to the best start from the first days can make all the difference in the world. Of course, even with a terrible start, many mothers and babies manage. And yes, many mothers just put the baby to the breast and it works just fine. The basis of breastfeeding is getting the baby to latch on well. A baby who latches on well gets milk well. A baby who latches on poorly has more difficulty getting milk, especially if the milk supply is not abundant. The milk supply is not abundant in the first days after birth; this is normal, as nature intended, but if the baby’s latch is not good, the baby has difficulty getting the milk. It is for this reason that so many mothers “don’t have enough colostrum”. The mothers almost always do have enough colostrum but the baby is not getting what is there. Babies don’t need much milk in the first few days, but they need some. Even if the mother’s milk production is plentiful, trying to breastfeed a baby with a poor latch is similar to giving a baby a bottle with a nipple hole that is too small—the bottle is full of milk, but the baby will not get much or will get it very slowly—so the baby sucking at the breast may spend long periods on the breast or return to the breast frequently or not Healthy Horizons Magazine

be happy at the breast, all of which may convince the mother she doesn’t have enough milk, which is most often not true. When a baby is latching on poorly, he may also cause the mother nipple pain. And if, at the same time, he does not get milk well, he will usually stay on the breast for long periods, thus aggravating the pain. Too often the mothers are told the baby’s latch is perfect, but it’s easy to say that the baby is latched on well even if he isn’t. Mothers are also getting confusing and contradictory messages about breastfeeding from books, magazines, the internet, family and health professionals. Many health professionals actually have had very little training on how to prevent breastfeeding problems or how to treat them should they arise. Here are a few ways breastfeeding can be made easier: •The baby should be skin-to-skin with the mother and have access to the breast immediately after birth. The vast majority of newborns can be skinto-skin with the mother and have access to the breast within minutes of birth. Indeed, research has shown that, given the chance, many babies only minutes old will crawl up to the breast from the mother’s abdomen, latch on, and start breastfeeding all by themselves. This process may take only a few minutes or take up to an hour or longer, but the mother and babyshould be given this time (at least the first hour or two) together to start learning about each other. Babies who “self-attach” run into far fewer breastfeeding problems. This process does not take any effort on the mother’s part, and the excuse that it cannot be done because the mother is tired after labour is nonsense, pure and simple. • The baby should be kept skin to skin with mother as much as possible immediately after birth and for as much as possible in the first few weeks of life. Incidentally, studies have also shown that skin-to-skin contact between mothers and babies keeps the baby as warm as an incubator (see paragraph on skin-to-skin contact, below, and the information sheet The Importance of Skin-to-Skin Contact). It is true

that many babies do not latch on and breastfeed during this time but generally, this is not a problem, and there is no harm in waiting for the baby to start breastfeeding. The skin to skin contact is good and very important for the baby and the mother even if the baby does not latch on. • Skin-to-skin contact helps the baby adapt to his new environment: the baby’s breathing and heart rate are more normal, the oxygen in his blood is higher, his temperature is more stable and his blood sugar higher. Furthermore, there is some good evidence that the more babies are kept skin-to-skin in the first few days and weeks of life (not just during the feedings) the better their brain development will be. As well, it is now thought that the baby’s brain develops in certain ways only due to this skinto-skin contact, and this important growth happens mostly in the first 3-8 weeks of life. • A proper latch is crucial to success. This is the key to successful breastfeeding. Unfortunately, too many mothers are being “helped” by people who don’t know what a proper latch is. If you are being told your twoday old baby’s latch is good despite your having very sore nipples, be sceptical and ask for help from someone else. Before you leave the hospital, you should be shown that your baby is latched on properly and that he is actually getting milk from the breast and that you know how to know he is getting milk from the breast (open mouth wide—pause—close mouth type of suck). See also the videos on how to latch a baby on. There are also video clips of babies younger than 48 hours who are breastfeeding not just sucking. If you and the baby are leaving hospital not knowing this, get experienced help quickly (see also the information sheet When Latching). Note: Mothers are often told that if the breastfeeding is painful, the latch is not good (usually true), so that the mother should take the baby off and latch him on again and again and again... This is not a good idea. Instead of delatching and relatching, fix the latch that you have as best you can by pushing the baby’s bottom into your body (Continued on page 16) Page 15

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(Continued from page 15) with your forearm. The baby’s head is tipped back so the nose is in ‘sniffing position’. If necessary, you might try gently pulling down the baby’s chin so he has more of the breast in his mouth. If that doesn’t help, do not take the baby off the breast and relatch him several times, because usually, the pain diminishes anyway. The latch can be fixed on the other side or at the next feeding. Taking the baby off the breast and latching him on again and again only multiplies the pain and the damage and the mother’s and baby’s frustration. • The mother and baby should room in together. There is absolutely no medical reason for healthy mothers and babies to be separated from each other, even for short periods, even after caesarean section. Health facilities that have routine separations of mothers and babies after birth are not doing right by the mothers and babies. Studies showing that rooming-in 24 hours a day results in better breastfeeding success, less frustrated babies and happier mothers date back to the 1930’s. Too often, irrelevant excuses are given why baby should be separated from the mother. One example is that the baby passed meconium before birth. A baby who passes meconium and is fine a few minutes after birth will be fine and does not need to be in an incubator for several hours’ “observation”. • Separation of mother and baby so the mother can rest. There is no evidence that mothers who are separated from their babies are better rested. On the contrary, the mothers are better rested and less stressed when they are with their babies. Mothers and babies learn how to sleep in the same rhythm. Thus, when the baby starts waking for a feed, the mother is also starting to wake up naturally. This is not as tiring for the mother as being awakened from deep sleep, as she often is if the baby is elsewhere when he wakes up. If the mother is shown how to feed the baby while both are lying down side by side, the mother is better rested. • The baby’s feeding cues. The baby shows long before he starts crying that he is ready to feed. His breathing may change, for example. Or he may start to stretch. The mother, often being in light sleep in sync with her baby, will wake up, her milk will start to flow and the calm baby will usually go to the breast contentedly. A baby who has been crying for some time before being tried on the breast may refuse to take the breast even if he is ravenous. Mothers and babies should be encouraged to sleep side by side in hospital. This is a great way for mothers to rest while the baby breastfeeds. Breastfeeding should be relaxing, not tiring. • Bathing. There is no reason the baby needs to be bathed immediately after birth and bathing can be delayed for several hours. Immediately after birth, the baby can be dried off but it is not a good idea to wash or wipe off the creamy layer on the baby’s skin (vernix) that has been shown to protect his delicate skin. It is best to wait at least until the

Healthy Horizons Magazine

mother and baby have had a chance to get breastfeeding well started, with baby coming to the breast and latching easily. Furthermore, diapering a baby before a feed is not advised as it often causes the baby to become upset. Mothers are sometimes told diapering will help the baby to wake up. It is not necessary to wake the baby for feedings. If the baby is skin-to-skin with the mother, the baby will wake when ready and search for the breast. A baby who is feeding well will let the mother know when he is ready for the next feed. Feeding by the clock makes no sense. • Artificial nipples should not be given to the baby. There seems to be some controversy about whether “nipple confusion” exists. Thus, in the first few days, when the mother is normally producing only a little milk (as nature intended), and the baby gets a bottle (as nature intended?) from which he gets rapid flow, the baby will tend to prefer the rapid flow method. Babies like fast flow. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure that one out and the baby will very quickly. By the way, it is not the baby who is confused. Nipple confusion includes a range of problems, including the baby not taking the breast as well as he could and thus not getting milk well and/or the mother getting sore nipples. Just because a baby will “take both” does not mean that the bottle is not having a negative effect. Since there are now alternatives available if the baby needs to be supplemented (see the information sheets Lactation Aid, and Finger and Cup Feeding) why use an artificial nipple? Using a lactation aid, finger feeding or cup feeding to supplement when the baby does not need a supplement is only marginally better than using a bottle to supplement. • No restriction on length or frequency of breastfeedings. A baby who drinks well will not be on the breast for hours at a time (see the video clips of very young babies getting milk very well). Thus, if the baby is on the breast for very long periods of time, it is usually because he is not latching on well and not getting the milk that is available. Get help to fix the baby’s latch, and use compression to get the baby more milk (see the information sheet Breast Compression). Breast Compression works very well in the first few days to get the colostrum flowing well. This, not a pacifier, not a bottle, not taking the baby to the nursery or nurses’ station, will help. Babies often feed frequently in the first few days of life—this is normal and temporary. In fact, babies tend to feed frequently during the first few days especially in the evening or night-time. This is normal and helps to establish the milk supply and facilitate mother’s uterus returning to normal. Latching a baby well, compressions, and maintaining skin to skin contact between mother and baby helps this transitional period to go smoothly. • Supplements of water, sugar water, or formula are rarely needed. Most supplements could be avoided by getting the baby to take the breast properly and thus get the milk that is available. If

you are being told you need to supplement without someone having observed you breastfeeding, ask for someone to help who knows what they are doing. There are rare indications for supplementation, but often supplements are suggested for “convenience” or due to outdated hospital policies. If supplements are required, they should be given by lactation aid at the breast (see the information sheet Lactation Aid), not cup, finger feeding, syringe or bottle. The best supplement is your own colostrum. It can be mixed with 5% sugar water to give more volume if you are not able to express much at first. It is difficult to express much at first because even though there is usually enough for the baby, expressing is not always easy when there is not a lot of milk, as is expected in the first few days. Formula is hardly ever necessary in the first few days. (See our GamePlan for Protecting and Supporting Breastfeeding in the First 24 hours of Life and Beyond, which can be ordered at • Free formula samples and formula company literature are not gifts. There is only one purpose for these “gifts” and that is to get you to use formula. It is very effective and it is unethical marketing. If you get any from any health professional, you should be wondering about his/her knowledge of breastfeeding and his/her commitment to breastfeeding. “But I need formula because the baby is not getting enough!” Maybe, but, more likely, you weren’t given good help and the baby is simply not getting the milk that is available. Even if you need formula, nobody should be suggesting a particular brand and giving you free samples. Get good help. Formula samples are not help. Under some circumstances, it may be impossible to start breastfeeding early. However, most “medical reasons” (maternal medication, for example) are not true reasons for stopping or delaying breastfeeding, and you are getting misinformation. See the information sheets Medication and Breastfeeding and also Illness and Breastfeeding. Get good help. Premature babies (see the information sheet Premature Baby and Breastfeeding) can start breastfeeding much, much earlier than 34 weeks of age that seems to be the rule in many health facilities. Studies are now quite definite that it is less stressful for a premature baby to breastfeed than to bottle feed. Unfortunately, too many health professionals dealing with premature babies do not seem to be aware of this (see the information sheet Premature Baby and Breastfeeding). Not latching/Not breastfeeding? If for some reason baby is not taking the breast, then start expressing your colostrum by hand (often much more effective than using even a hospital grade pump) should be started within 6 hours or so after birth, or as soon as it becomes apparent baby will not be feeding at the breast.

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Wool and Chronic Sleep Problems Information Provided By Natura

If you suffer from fibromyalgia or rheumatoid arthritis you know how long – and pain-filled – a night can be. And when your pain medication takes too long to kick in – or worse, stops working – a night can last forever. Wool bedding can help you reclaim that healing, rejuvenating sleep your body craves. A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (Apr 2009) found that fibromyalgia suffers who slept on wool bedding reported a significant reduction in pain. It’s not a scientific breakthrough and it’s not high-tech. But it works. Relief from aches, pains & wounds Remember how comforting it was to lie on a bed of leaves or an air mattress in the lake? Wool does the same thing for your body. A wool-filled mattress (or mattress topper) is made up of thousands of tiny, crimped fibers that resemble and behave like tiny sponges. When you lie down, they absorb pressure and respond by gently cushioning your body. Wool is composed primarily of keratin, a protein that is present in our own skin and hair. If you have health concerns in which you develop open wounds as a symptom, wool is the ideal fabric to sleep on as it works in harmony with our bodies. This means it is safe if trapped in sores as the wool fibers will detach harmlessly from your skin along with the scab. Eliminate moisture Do you know that you lose up to a pint of moisture a night in your bed, just through breathing and natural perspiration? Synthetic fibers absorb less than 3% of that moisture, trapping most of it between you and your sheets – which make it feel like you’re lying on the uncomfortable side of your rain slicker. Wool absorbs 35% of its weight in moisture before it feels damp. And because wool fibers are constantly in motion, moving moisture from your skin to the environment, your bedding not only feels dry, it is. You know moisture can feel like a hammer to your joints when you suffer from arthritis. Switching to wool bedding can significantly reduce pain so you enjoy uninterrupted sleep. Temperature and heart-rate regulating If you’ve ever over-heated or suffered through a hot flash, you know how temperature and heart rate can affect your health. Because wool constantly moves moisture away from your skin, your body can relax and regulate its own temperature. That air conditioning system in your bedding reduces stress on your heart and metabolic system, letting you sink into a deeper, healing sleep. Hypoallergenic and mildew resistant When you remove moisture from the equation, you remove a host of bacteria and allergens as well. Dust mites and other nasty things that live in mattresses need both darkness and moisture to thrive. Eliminating allergens is like giving your body a fast-pass to the rejuvenating and healing power of REM sleep. Isn’t it time you started feeling better, just by getting a better night’s sleep?

Healthy Horizons Magazine

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Alzheimer’s Disease Caused by Tylenol? By Walter Last At first glance it sounds far out to link Alzheimer's disease (AD) to an apparently harmless over-the-counter analgesic (pain reliever) and antipyretic (fever reducer). Tylenol, is called acetaminophen in the U.S. and Canada, and often sold under the brand name Tylenol. In Australasia, Africa, Asia, Europe and Central America Panadol is the most widely available brand. As opposed to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen, which reduce pain and inflammation mainly by local action, Tylenol has recently been shown to work mainly by affecting the brain where it blocks the reuptake of analgesic cannabis chemicals or endocannabinoids. This only reduces pain without improving inflammation. It also gives us an indication as to why Tylenol is more likely to be associated with a degenerative brain disease than NSAIDs with their mainly local mode of action and antiinflammatory properties. That Tylenol is far from harmless can be seen from its tendency to cause kidney and liver damage. According to a recent study 'over use' of acetaminophen is the most common cause of acute liver failure in the United States. Tylenol has a very narrow therapeutic index. The Therapeutic Index of a drug is the ratio of the toxic to the therapeutic dose. Therefore it is easy to overdose with Tylenol, and most liver damage resulted from unintentional overdoses, although intentional overdosing (suicides) is also common. The maximum recommended daily intake is 4 grams but this amount already tends to cause liver damage, and since 2009 the FDA is contemplating to reduce the recommended maximum dose. Tylenol overdose results in more calls to poison control centers in the US than overdose of any other pharmacological substance. Tylenol is especially toxic to the liver if taken together with alcohol and then can easily be fatal. If taken during pregnancy Tylenol can cause infertility in boys. Untreated, overdose can lead to liver failure and death within days. The antidote for Tylenol overdose is acetylcysteine, (also called Nacetylcysteine or NAC). It is a precursor for the antioxidant glutathione which helps the body to prevent liver damage. Tylenol is also lethal to cats and snakes. (1) However, until the 1970's phenacetin was the preferred analgesic; it was converted in the body to Tylenol as its active ingredient. In the 1940s, there was a sharp increase in gastric ulcers in young women in Australia, especially in Queensland and New South Wales, followed in the 1960s by an epidemic of kidney failure. At that time it was also recognised that these events were related and were induced by analgesics, in particular by the addictive consumption of Bex® Powder. Originally Bex contained aspirin, phenacetin, and caffeine but in 1976 phenacetin was replaced with Tylenol. It was addictively used by women of all ages—especially housewives, who were encouraged to have "a cup of tea, a Bex and a good lie down"—It was also the mood-altering drug of choice for young women (2). The Alzheimer's Connection Originally, since the 1880's, phenacetin, an aniline derivative, was widely used as an analgesic. The consumption of phenacetin and other analgesics increased steeply after World War II. In 1971 the first paper was published that linked high use of phenacetin with the development of Alzheimer's disease (3). Autopsies were performed on a series of individuals who died of kidney disease caused by high intake of analgesics (analgesic nephropathy). Senile plaques were found in six individuals aged from 52 to 67 years who had lifetime high intakes of phenacitin, while no plaques were seen in two subjects aged 68 and 72 years who had consumed Healthy Horizons Magazine

similar amounts of aspirin over their lifetimes, but no phenacetin. These findings do not only apply to phenacetin itself, but also to its active metabolite Tylenol which eventually replaced phenacetin because of its lower kidney toxicity. The Abstract of this paper reads: "Psychometric and psychiatric studies on eight patients who had abused compound analgesics containing phenacetin showed that four had definite evidence and two possible evidence of organic dementia. Neuropathological studies on nine other analgesic abusers disclosed a surprisingly high incidence of the histological features of Alzheimer's disease. It is suggested that gross abuse of phenacetin may overwhelm the antioxidant protection of the body, leading to premature deposition of lipofuscin, and accelerated neuronal ageing." This study was not followed up by other researchers or health agencies. But some time later a 'strange' incident happened to Robert Jones that made him dig more deeply into the possible link between Tylenol and AD. Robert Jones (PhD) worked mainly as a British cancer researcher who fell out with the establishment when he published his protocol for the treatment of cancer with promethazine, an antihistamine also known as Phenergan. (4) Twenty years ago he took Tylenol for about 10 days to alleviate pain while painting his house. Two weeks later he noticed short and long-term memory problems. Gradually these improved again but ten years later the same sequence repeated itself. That pricked his curiosity and he started looking into a possible connection between Tylenol and AD. The result of his research was an article in Medical Hypothesis in 2001. (5) This did not make much of an impact, and so he recently wrote another article: Does placing the histories of certain analgesics and Fischer-Alzheimer's disease (F-AD) in relative alignment reveal connected pharmacological risk factors? But this time the paper was not even accepted by a medical journal. (6) The Timelines of AD and Tylenol The term Alzheimer's disease was coined in 1910 for an unusual form of early-onset dementia. It had been independently recognised in 1901 by Oskar Fischer in Prague and then by Alois Alzheimer in

Frankfurt. Fischer's first patient died in 1903; Alzheimer's in 1906. The cortex of each patient showed rare plaque-like lesions. Both published their findings in 1907. Despite intensive search, only 12 instances of plaques in dementia patients had been found before 1907. Over the next 5 years 115 new cases were discovered, Fischer described 56 of these. Compare the timing of these events leading to the recognition and definition of AD to the introduction and use of phenacetin. Both phenacetin and Tylenol were first tried on patients in 1887. At that time phenacetin became the preferred drug, and its sales established Bayer as a leading pharmaceutical company. Originally very high doses were recommended by some doctors. Use of phenacetin spread internationally on a large scale as a result of the 1889-90 Asiatic influenza pandemic. At the same time also its kidney toxicity became apparent. By comparing the two timelines we see that the introduction and widespread use of phenacetin preceded the sudden appearance and explosive spread of AD by one or two decades. Also these early AD victims typically displayed the kidney damage characteristic of phenacetin overuse. Another indication of a possible causal connection is the statistical fact that presently Tylenol use and AD incidence are almost twice as high in women than in men. Originally phenacetin and later Tylenol were mainly used and produced in industrialised countries and that is where AD initially flourished. But in more recent years (2008) production has stopped in Europe and is now mainly based in China and India which presently also have the highest projected growth rates of AD. The estimated annual world production of Tylenol is about 145,000 tonnes. That is an awful amount of tablets to swallow, and at the maximum dose of 4 g/day sufficient to control chronic pain of about 100 million people. It also shows us where the incidence rates of AD may be heading; in 2010, about 35 million cases of AD exist world-wide. So far, indications are that a high intake of Tylenol for extended periods is required to lead to the development of AD. With 51% the use of Tylenol in dementia patients was found to be higher than Page 18

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(Continued from page 18) with 21% in nondemented controls. In some more recent studies aspirin and other NSAIDs had a moderately protective effect on the development of AD, but Tylenol use of more than 2 years increased the risk by about 50%. However, these were short-term studies and it was not specified if Tylenol use was occasional and light, or chronic and heavy. (6) Contributing Factors We may assume that the risk of developing AD is a function of several factors, including the lifetime intake of Tylenol, the ability of the liver to detoxify the substance, and the kidneys to excrete the residues. Therefore someone with liver or kidney damage, or burdened with the ingestion of other drugs, or exposed to mercury, can be expected to develop AD at much lower doses than someone who is reasonably healthy and does not normally use any other drugs. There are three metabolic pathways in which the liver can detoxify Tylenol, and one of these pathways can produce a toxic metabolite which may accumulate with high intakes and certain genetic and metabolic conditions. Therefore it is clear that the accumulated dose of Tylenol that may trigger AD can be expected to vary widely between individuals. Furthermore, there is no reason to believe that Tylenol may be the only drug or environmental chemical that can cause AD-type brain damage. Not only individual drugs and chemicals but their combinations may cause or contribute to AD. We do not know anything about this, so far no one has investigated. One telling example is the 'accidental' finding that small amounts of the common herbicide paraquat and the fungicide maneb are apparently harmless when fed to animals individually but when given together to rats and mice, even at very low rates, they produced the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. These chemicals are widely used in farming and may remain present as crop residues. The leader of the research team said: "No one has looked at the effects of studying together some of these compounds that, taken by themselves, have little effect. This has enormous implications," and "it's a huge problem to start thinking about a nearly infinite array of mixtures of chemicals, instead of the risk that a single chemical might pose". (7) Perhaps residues of paraquat and maneb also cause or contribute to the development of AD? Who is responsible for finding out and allowing only safe combinations of drugs and chemicals into our food chain? Obviously the safe way to minimise our chances of developing AD is to minimise our exposure to all drugs and questionable chemicals! Even occasionally taking relatively harmless drugs to treat insomnia and anxiety has recently been shown to increase mortality risk by 36%, and widely used NSAIDs increase the risk of a stroke by up to 86% while also increasing the overall death rate (8). We have government health agencies that are supposed to ensure the safety of drugs. So far, after over one hundred years of medical use, no proper safety checks have been made for phenacetin or Tylenol, especially in regard to the possibility of causing or contributing to AD. For that matter no proper safety checks have been done for other drugs either. Drug companies are just required to do some short-term studies with single drugs and often on healthy individuals. From this the medical system deduces in an act of magical thinking that such drugs are then safe when used in the long-term or for a life-time, Healthy Horizons Magazine

and/or if used by individuals with weak liver or kidney functions, and/or with impaired metabolic or detoxifying abilities, and/or when used in combination with various other drugs and chemicals. In a few cases drugs may be curtailed or withdrawn after a few decades when a sufficient number of patients have needlessly died, but overall no one knows how much morbidity or mortality is caused by long-term drug use in varying combinations for different conditions. One class of drugs that does frequently cause deterioration or loss of memory are the statin drugs prescribed to lower cholesterol levels. Dr Graveline, a NASA astronaut, flight surgeon and family doctor wrote that he suddenly had a temporary complete loss of memory after six weeks of using Lipitor. He collected statements from others who had been similarly affected. It has been proposed that high or elevated cholesterol levels protect the brain from deterioration. (9) Other frequently claimed causes or contributors to the development of AD are lack of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, specifically DHA; mercury from dental amalgam, seafood and vaccinations, and aluminium from cookware, baking foil, processed foods, baked goods, baking powder, brewed drinks, drinking water, some antacids, and anti-perspirants. Other factors are mentioned as being lead, mobile/cell phones, solvents, fungi and parasites, sugar, chlorinated water, inhalant anaesthetics, and excitotoxins (e.g. MSG). A good

overview of these factors with some references is at Alzheimer's Disease: On Suggested Causes and Cures. (10) Bernard Windham (Biostatistician) collected hundreds of scientific references on the toxic effects of mercury and also aluminium as a cause of AD and other neurological and autoimmune conditions. Accordingly, a major factor in the neurotoxicity of mercury are decreased levels of glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismustase which lead to increased lipid peroxidation in the brain. Even a few micrograms of mercury can severely disturb cellular functions. Mercury also accumulates in the mitochondria and interferes with their vital functions, especially by inhibiting cytochrome C enzymes and reducing energy supply to the brain. (11) In regard to mercury and aluminium in vaccines we can read: "A study of people who received flu shots regularly found that if an individual had five consecutive flu shots between 1970 and 1980 (the years studied) his/her chances of getting Alzheimer's Disease is ten times higher than if they had one or no shots". (12) The Niacinamide Cure A study of mice with induced AD restored their full memory after treatment for four months with the human dose equivalent of 2000 to 3000 milligrams of niacinamide, also called nicotinamide or vitamin B3. Niacin or nicotinic acid belongs to this group as well but it tends to induce flushing, and some

may be reluctant to take it, although it is the recommended form to lower cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. "Cognitively, they (the mice) were cured," commented the leading researcher. "The vitamin completely prevented cognitive decline associated with the disease, bringing them back to the level they’d be at if they didn’t have the pathology." In addition, niacinamide also improved the memory of mice without AD. Presently there are several human trials with niacinamide in progress. (13) It is no real surprise that vitamin B3 is beneficial because it works also in many other conditions, such as improving or normalising schizophrenia, senile conditions, arthritis, hyperactivity or behavioural and learning difficulties of children, cholesterol problems, cancer, dermatitis, juvenile diabetes, fatigue and lack of energy (14). The reason why a single vitamin can help with all of these problems is its key role as a coenzyme in oxidative cellular energy production. If certain areas of the brain or the body are congested with metabolic waste products or for other reasons have reduced blood supply, then energy production in that part of the body is reduced. The brain needs 20% of our total energy to function properly and therefore is especially sensitive to lack of energy. An indication of the degree of biological aging is the amount of lactic acid accumulating in the brain. This is especially pronounced with degenerative brain diseases such as AD and Parkinson's disease (15). Lactic acid is formed when the oxidative energy production in the mitochondria, the powerhouses inside cells, declines. In AD niacinamide-dependent enzymes have been shown to be deficient (16). Getting more niacinamide into congested brain cells helps to rev up energy production and lets these cells function more normally. There may be an additional reason related specifically to Tylenol in its function as an antipyretic. This means Tylenol lowers the body temperature, and it may do this by lowering the temperature in a specific part of the brain by reducing the energy metabolism in that area. Niacinamide has the opposite effect - someone who does not produce enough body heat, and easily feels cold with cold hands and feet, can often improve or overcome this problem by taking high-dose niacinamide supplements. However, even if niacinamide works as well in humans as it does in mice, it is not likely to be a permanent solution. In most of the mentioned conditions high doses need to be continued indefinitely or until the primary blockage in energy production has been removed. This is similar to supplying medium chain triglycerides (MCT) as from coconut oil. Dr Mary Newport ( and demonstrated that ketoacids formed from MCT can be used by the brain as an alternative fuel in AD. Other Useful Measures Niacinamide works best when also supplying other vitamins of the B group at lower doses, such as taking a B complex with most meals. In addition, vitamin B12 is especially useful. In AD studies B12 has commonly been tested together with folic acid and vitamin B6. These B vitamins control levels of the amino acid homocysteine in the blood. Homocysteine is formed during the conversion of the amino acid methionine into the functional amino acid cysteine. When these vitamins are deficient high levels of homocysteine (Continued on page 20) Page 19

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(Continued from page 19) accumulate which are associated with an increased risk of AD. Supplementing these vitamins can halve the rate of brain shrinkage in elderly people with mild memory problems. Those with the slowest rate of shrinkage had better cognitive test scores. (17) However, vitamin B12 is poorly absorbed. especially by the elderly. If one does not want to get regular injections of B12 one can chew a tablet and keep it under the tongue for as long as possible, or dissolve it in a small amount of warm water to make a paste and rub it into the nostrils for absorption. If done daily only a small amount needs to be used. Better than folic acid from tablets is folate from green leaves or their juices. Other beneficial vitamins and minerals are high amounts of vitamin C, D (sunshine) and (natural) vitamin E, magnesium, zinc, iodine and selenium. Lecithin, gingko biloba and turmeric are beneficial for brain and liver, while caffeine stimulates brain activity. A recent supplement to the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease showed that the consumption of moderate amounts of caffeine slowed the cognitive decline associated with aging as well as the incidence of AD (18). Acetyl-L-Carnitine or ALCAR (try 1 - 2 g/day) increases energy production by delivering fatty acids into mitochondria and improves their health by helping to dispose of fatty wastes. It also increases production of the important neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Before Alzheimer's patients experience memory loss, the brain's neurons have already suffered harm for many years due to their mitochondria being congested with protein and fat residues (19). The omega-3 fatty acid DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is the most abundant fatty acid in the brain. People with liver damage (as from Tylenol) have lost the ability to synthesise it from the more

Healthy Horizons Magazine

common alpha linolenic acid. Therefore supplementing with DHA tends to be beneficial but it needs to be given together with protective vitamin E as oxidised DHA may damage the brain. Other studies show that a low dosage of a certain cannabinoid, a component in marijuana, reversed memory loss in older rats. These old rats performed better in memory tests, and had less brain cell death. It has also been found that people who regularly smoked marijuana in the 1960s and 1970s rarely develop Alzheimer’s disease. Earlier research (2006) showed that THC, marijuana’s active ingredient, can slow the formation of "Alzheimer plaques" in the brain better than any commercial drugs. THC also blocks clumps of protein that inhibit memory and cognition in AD patients. (20) These beneficial effects of cannabinoids may be significant as Tylenol has been shown to work by blocking our internal cannabinoids in the brain. Methylene blue is a synthetic chemical that is widely used in laboratories as an oxidationreduction or redox indicator. Its solutions are blue in an oxidizing liquid, but become colourless in a reducing environment. In a surprise discovery it has been found to protect the mitochondria and improve memory in AD ( 01335.htm). To improve blood supply to the brain it is beneficial frequently to lie for extended periods with the head lower than the heart such as on a slant board or by raising the foot end of the bed with bricks. The Real Cure Medical research clearly shows that a major factor in the development of AD are large amounts of abnormal proteins deposited in neurons and other brain areas. In addition there are also oxidised lipid wastes and toxic metals. It is clear that these more

or less toxic waste accumulations will greatly limit nutrient supply, waste removal, and energy production in the affected areas of the brain. While mainstream medicine will continue to search for new and better drugs and technologies, for natural medicine this is a standard problem with a time-honoured solution. Essentially all chronic degenerative diseases present us with the same picture of accumulated metabolic and toxic waste products that obstruct normal cell and organ functions. The main difference between the multitude of diseases is the organ or part of the body that is most affected and the way in which body functions are impaired. The process by which cells degrade and recycle material into amino acids that can be reused is called autophagy. It is an essential component of cellular survival and defence against invading organisms. Even mainstream researchers realise that waste removal is the potential cure and that calorie restriction encourages autophagy but it is more profitable to look for a drug or technological solution to accomplish this (21). If the affected cells could break down the obstructing plaques that would greatly increase the chances of recovery from AD. A researcher explained: "Although we do not yet completely understand how these diseases develop, we do know that the proteins clump together and form a plaque build-up in affected patients' neurons. If we can direct the cell's own ability to break down waste products against the plaques, we could keep them from forming and potentially intercept the development of these and other diseases," (22). Furthermore, most chronic and autoimmune diseases are associated with the presence of pleomorphic or cell-wall deficient microbes in the affected tissues, and there is some indication that this is also the case with AD. For instance by experimentally using a (Continued on page 21)

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drug that is approved for immune deficiency and autoimmune disorders researchers achieved much better results than with any drug approved and used for treating AD (23). This shows the potential benefit of treating AD like an autoimmune disease. For a more detailed explanation see my article How to Overcome Chronic and Autoimmune Diseases (24). While cleansing is difficult even for determined individuals who want to improve their health, it is even more so for AD patients and their carers. Nevertheless, it is the only game in town, and some carers or even individuals with early symptoms may want to try. So here is a basic outline of a holistic program. Step 1: Avoid or minimise the factors that have been mentioned as causing or contributing to the condition, e.g. any mercury amalgam fillings still present should be removed, preferably by an holistic dentist. Gradually reduce any drugs to the absolute minimum, food should be as free of chemical additives or residues as possible. Step 2: Gradually introduce vitamins, minerals and other remedies mentioned as being beneficial, especially remedies and methods that improve liver functions and blood circulation to the brain. Try 500 mg of niacinamide with each meal, possibly double the dose. If niacinamide therapy is reasonably successful, that will make the whole program so much easier to follow. Step 3: Monitor the acidity of the urine and try to keep it close to pH 7. If it is mostly too acid then give more alkalising agents, including sodium bicarbonate (not close to meals) and potassium citrate. If the body seems to be too alkaline, pH above 7, and skin insensitive to irritants such as insect stings, then give more ascorbic acid, and hydrochloric acid supplements with meals. Step 4: Gradually adopt a High Quality Diet (25). Step 5: Use oral chelation to remove mercury and aluminium. Sulphur compounds are needed to detoxify the liver. If these are not well tolerated, add a molybdenum supplement. One of the strongest chelators is alpha lipoic acid (also called thioctic acid), best combined with milk thistle extract. Chlorella (cell broken powder) prevents re-absorption of expelled metals from the intestines. Also helpful are MSM, Nacetylcysteine, alpha-tocopherol, and ascorbic acid. You may also add other mercury chelators obtained from the Internet or use the Klinghardt Neurotoxin Elimination Protocol (26). Step 6: To reduce or eliminate microbial problems try a mild form of the Ultimate Cleanse (27) with special focus on using lactic acid fermented foods, especially fermented vegetables such as genuine sauerkraut. Step 7: A series of cleanses on fresh raw food is needed to remove the toxic and metabolic waste products from the brain. This is the most difficult part and needs to be done gently with only gradually increasing intensity. When under-eating the body starts to process, digest and eliminate its waste products but only if it has enough vitality which can best be supplied with fresh juices of wheat grass and barley grass as well as sprouted seeds (mung beans, lentils). In addition proteindigesting enzymes are helpful, e.g. bromelain and papain (28). Outlook Ideally governments would encourage and support the establishment of sanatoriums and health farms for the holistic therapy of patients with AD and other chronic diseases. But sadly government health agencies are firmly wedded to drug medicine and have a long track record of suppressing natural medicine. Examples of this are the persecution of holistic cancer therapists (29) and the malicious destruction of Pan Pharmaceuticals in Australia (30). Therefore, it is clear that any attempt at setting up community healing ventures needs to start from the grassroots level and proceed very carefully. A model for this exists in the movement started by Ann Wigmore in the 1960's that led to the establishment of Hippocrates Health Centers. There visitors could detoxify and heal on a raw food Healthy Horizons Magazine

program based on fresh wheat grass juice and sprouted seeds. This movement included city centers as well as health farms. It would be great if this movement or something similar could be revived and made to spread worldwide. REFERENCES (1) - on this page you find references for the mentioned statements (2) (3) 71925761 (4) (5) _1.pdf (6) nol-azheimer.pdf with references for the mentioned statements (7) (8) hp and ull (9) and (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) 2083646.htm (16) (17) 2213050.htm (18) 517111937.htm (19) (20) (21) 214144956.htm (22) 525140952.htm (23) 413170705.htm (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) http:/ (29) (30)

Berry Best Health Tips Blackberries have the highest concentration of antioxidants of any food. Strawberries have more Vitamin C than oranges.

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Spring/Summer 2012

The Toxin So Dangerous It's Causing Catastrophic Birth Defects By Dr. Joseph Mercola Roundup Ready soy is now being cultivated on a massive scale across the globe, along with the exponentially increasing use of the herbicide Roundup. Monsanto's "Roundup Ready" soy beans are genetically modified to survive otherwise lethal doses of glyphosate, the active ingredient in the company's herbicide Roundup. It's a win-win for Monsanto. But it's a loss for just about everyone else. One of the countries most affected by genetically engineered soy is Argentina, whose population is being sickened by massive spraying of herbicides across the country's Pampas (the country's "fertile plain"). Argentina's Pampas used to be dotted with dairy and vegetable farms, but now, largescale soybean monoculture blankets most of their cultivated land, making them especially susceptible to the damaging effects of genetically engineered soy. The impact can be better appreciated by considering the following statistics: •Soy is the main income source for landowners and the state—soybeans are considered a "gold mine" by Argentinians; soy exports generate 16,000 million dollars a year •The area cultivated with soy has reached 19 million hectares, representing 56 percent of Argentina's cultivated landi •98 percent of Argentina's soybean production is genetically modified.ii •190 million liters of glyphosate (the active agent in Roundup) are sprayed in Argentina annually, which is leading to not only illness among the population but to widespread deforestation, as trees are among the victims these herbicides leave in their wake of destruction. Soya burgers are a staple of today's Argentinian diet. Argentinian children were consuming so much genetically engineered soy that they began developing breasts from the estrogenic effects, before authorities stepped in with warnings. Studies also strongly suggest that the glyphosate that these crops are doused with can cause cancer and birth deformities; both of which are occurring at increasing rates in areas where spraying is done. Sterility and miscarriages are also increasing. Experts warn that in 10 to 15 years, rates of cancer, infertility and endocrine dysfunction could reach catastrophic levels in Argentina. But few people are listening. "It's Food for Today, Hunger and Cancer for Tomorrow" The immediate symptoms are always the same for Argentinian bystanders in the spray zone: dizziness, allergic reactions and itching, mouth swelling, and general malaise that's similar to the feeling of coming down with the flu. People are warned to stay inside when spraying is underway, but they report getting sick in spite of this confinement. When those affected visit their physicians, they're told it's "all in their heads." Authorities also turn a deaf ear—as does the government when it's presented with scientific evidence of the dangerous effects of Monsanto's products for their people and environment. Healthy Horizons Magazine

Fortunately, increasing numbers of scientists are now starting to speak out. For example, the engineers' school in Santiago del Estero announced that chemicals are causing 100 babies to be born with deformities every year. One of the most influential studies was conducted by one of Argentina's leading scientists, Andres Carrasco, who works in Argentina's Ministry of Science. Andrés Carrasco Attacked for Exposing the Truth Embryonic specialist Andres Carrasco decided to investigate the health effects of glyphosate for himself after hearing so many reports by desperate peasant and indigenous communities who were suffering from exposure to toxic herbicides. According to Dr. Carrasco, his studies show glyphosate exposure can cause defects in the brain, intestines, and hearts of amphibian fetuses, and these results can be applied to humans. Moreover, the amount of Roundup used on genetically engineered soy fields was as much as 1,500 times greater than that which created the defects. According to an article in Grain, the biotech industry "mounted an unprecedented attack on Carrasco, ridiculing his research and even issuing personal threats." In addition, four men arrived unannounced at his laboratory and were extremely aggressive, attempting to interrogate Carrasco and obtain details of his study. "It was a violent, disproportionate, dirty reaction," he said. "I hadn't even discovered anything new, only confirmed conclusions that others had reached." The conclusions to which Carrasco is referring are those from independent researchers who have found strong evidence glyphosate causes the following: · Endocrine disruption · DNA damage · Developmental toxicity · Neurotoxicity · Reproductive toxicity · Cancer Carrasco's and others' work point to the fact that the public, in Argentina and elsewhere, is being subject to a massive biological experiment involving the effects of genetic manipulation of the food supply. Genetically engineered food products have NEVER been tested for safety—so the long-term effects are largely unknown. The warnings science has provided demand a thorough investigation into just how much glyphosate human beings and animals can safely ingest. At present, no such investigation has taken place, and most regulatory agencies choose instead to rely in industry studies claiming glyphosate is safe. Roundup has been shown to be lethal to amphibians. Are we next? Where is the tipping point for the human race? How much more can we tolerate in the adulteration of our food supply? Why We MUST Insist on Labeling of Genetically Engineered Foods Labeling may be the only way to stop the proliferation of genetically engineered foods in the U.S., but simple petitions will likely fail. We strongly support state initiatives, such as California's ballot initiative to

require labeling for genetically engineered foods sold in their state. Many don't fully appreciate the strategy of seeking to have genetically engineered foods labeled in California. The belief is that large food companies would refuse to have dual labeling; one for California and another for the rest of the country. It would be very expensive, not to mention a logistical nightmare. To avoid the dual labeling, many would likely opt to not use genetically engineered ingredients in their product, especially if the new label would be the equivalent of a skull and crossbones. This is why we are so committed to this initiative, as victory here will likely eliminate most genetically engineered foods from the US. Powerful confirmation of this belief occurred in early 2012 when both Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo Inc. chose to alter one of their soda ingredients as a result of California's labeling requirements for carcinogensiii : "Coca-Cola Co. and PepsiCo Inc. are changing the way they make the caramel coloring used in their sodas as a result of a California law that mandates drinks containing a certain level of carcinogens bear a cancer warning label. The companies said the changes will be expanded nationally to streamline their manufacturing processes. They've already been made for drinks sold in California." This is a PERFECT example of the national impact a California labeling law can, and no doubt WILL, have. While California is the only state requiring the label to state that the product contains the offending ingredient, these companies are switching their formula for the entire US market, rather than have two different labels. According to USA Today: "A representative for Coca-Cola, Diana Garza Ciarlante, said the company directed its caramel suppliers to modify their manufacturing processes to reduce the levels of the chemical 4-methylimidazole, which can be formed during the cooking process and as a result may be found in trace amounts in many foods. "While we believe that there is no public health risk that justifies any such change, we did ask our caramel suppliers to take this step so that our products would not be subject to the requirement of a scientifically unfounded warning," Garza-Giarlante said in an email." Learn More about Genetically Engineered Foods Due to lack of labeling, many Americans are still unfamiliar with what genetically engineered foods are. We have a plan to change that, and I urge you to participate and to continue learning more about genetically engineered foods and helping your friends and family do the same. To start, please print out and use the Non-GMO Shopping Guide, created by the Institute for Responsible Technology. Share it with your friends and family, and post it to your social networks. You can also download a free iPhone application, available in the iTunes store. You can find it by searching for ShopNoGMO in the applications. Your BEST strategy, however, is to simply buy USDA 100% Organic products whenever possible, (as these do not permit genetically engineered (Continued on page 23) Page 22

Spring/Summer 2012

(Continued from page 22) ingredients) or buy whole fresh produce and meat from local farmers. The majority of the genetically modified organisms (GMOs) you're exposed to are via processed foods, so by cooking from scratch with whole foods, you can be sure you're not inadvertently consuming something laced with altered ingredients. When you do purchase processed food, avoid products containing anything related to corn or soy that are not 100 percent organic, as any foods containing these two non-organic ingredients are virtually guaranteed to contain genetically engineered ingredients, as well as toxic herbicide residues. To learn more about genetically engineered foods, I highly recommend the following films and lectures: · Hidden Dangers in Kid's Meals · Your Milk on Drugs - Just Say No! · Everything You Have to Know About Dangerous Genetically Modified Foods Important Action Item: Support the Money Bomb Against Monsanto! In 2007, then-Presidential candidate Obama promised to "immediately" require labeling of genetically engineered foods if elected. We're still waiting... Unfortunately, President Obama's administration has supported and even fast tracked genetically engineered foods despite his campaign promise. Biotech has impressive power and influence; we're going to need to be well coordinated and funded to stand up to them. A coalition of consumer, public health and environmental organizations, food companies, and individuals has already submitted the California Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Activ to the State Attorney General--800,000 signatures are required to get the Act on this year's ballot. Thousands of volunteers have done an outstanding job collecting signatures. But needless to say, it's going to be an enormous battle, as the biotech industry will outspend us by 100 to 1, if not more, for their propaganda. The campaign needs funds.

I urge you to participate in the Money Bomb Against Monsanto, which was launched on May 1. By May 26, a broad coalition of food-, farming-, health groups, and organic food manufacturers, will attempt to raise one million dollars (i.e. “The Money Bomb”). Donations can be made online, via regular snail mail, and over the phone. All donations will support the California Ballot Initiative and other state GMO-labeling campaigns. To sweeten the deal further, a group of “Right to Know” public interest organizations and organic companies have pledged to match the first million dollars raised in this nationwide “Drop the Money Bomb on Monsanto Campaign.” So please, click here, and help us raise two million dollars to win this historic campaign! You can donate online, by phone, or by dropping a check in the mail. The initiative also needs more volunteers, because that's how we're going to win this battle. The biotech industry may outdo us in funding ability, but we as consumers still outnumber them. Pamm Larry, the California grandmother who started this initiative, is correct when she says we need to reach every single California community—large and small. I urge you to get involved and help in any way you can. Be assured that what happens in California will affect the remainder of the U.S. states, so please support this important state initiative, even if you do not live there! •If you live in California and want to get involved, please contact Pamm Larry will go through all volunteer requests to put you into a position that is suitable for you, based on your stated interests and location •No matter where you live, please help spread the word in your personal networks, on Facebook, and Twitter. For help with the messaging, please see's "Spread the Word!" page •Whether you live in California or not, please donate money to this historic effort through the Organic Consumers Fund

•Talk to organic producers, retailers, and stores and ask them to actively support the California Ballot. It may be the only chance we have to label genetically engineered foods. Businesses may contact campaign manager Gary Ruskin at •Distribute WIDELY the Non-GMO Shopping Guide to help you identify and avoid foods with genetically engineered ingredients. Look for products (including organic products) that feature the Non-GMO Project Verified Seal to be sure that at-risk ingredients have been tested for genetically modified organisms (GMO) content. You can also download the free iPhone application that is available in the iTunes store. You can find it by searching for ShopNoGMO in the applications. •For timely updates, please join the Organic Consumers Association on Facebook, or follow them on Twitter. •Look for in-depth coverage of the issue at the Institute for Responsible Technology, subscribe to Spilling the Beans, and check out their Facebook or Twitter.

*** Editor’s Note: Please see next page for local information about the Saskatchewan Organic Directorate **** Reprinted with Permission

Napping-Study Why do cats nap? Because they can. But so can you. Simply taking a nap may be one of the best things you can do to correct poor mental performance, especially after a stressful night of disrupted sleep, such as from sleep apnea or snoring . Naps can help make up for nighttime loss.

Healthy Horizons Magazine

In a study of Japanese men, a mid-afternoon nap had positive effects upon the maintenance of their daytime vigilance level. The 20-minute nap improved performance level and their selfconfidence.16

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