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Plant Sale
from Signpost June 2021
by drjvale
Car Boot Sale East End Lane, Little Somerford
Sunday 11 July
Sellers: 8 am. Cars £10/Vans £15. Public admitted from 9.30 am. Cars £1. Sellers must book places in advance on: LittleSomerford_PCC@outlook.com Proceeds to Little Somerford church.
Great Somerford Community Shelf –Plant Sale
As reported in previous editions of Signpost, the Community Shelf is raising money for local causes. Our latest event was a plant sale held on 8 May at the Volunteer Inn by kind permission of Riana and Adrian Freak. After anxiously watching the forecast during the week, which was predicting an absolute deluge with winds to match, it started looking a little less awful by Friday and it was decided to carry on regardless. Fortunately the weather gods were kind and we only got a little wet while setting up and once the sale was in full swing there were no further showers.
Having asked for donations we were overwhelmed with the number of plants that came in with plenty of choice for all from a magnificent banana plant through to trays of butternut squash and cavolo nero, tomatoes of every variety (with some whoppers from Jeremy Davies) to houseplants and flowering plants for the garden.
We started off with a brisk trade, which kept going most of the morning and it was a great opportunity for people to get together, suitably distanced, and have a chat. Many people stayed to socialise having brought their new specimens. Feedback is that people thoroughly enjoyed themselves and could have stayed all day!
The event raised an incredible £770 thanks to the wonderful generosity of those who donated and bought plants as well as random garden paraphernalia. Sarah Law’s lovely flower-shaped shortbread biscuits were all snapped up very quickly too. The money is being divided equally between the school in Great Somerford and Plum Unlimited, which raises money for pancreatic cancer research.
Huge thanks to the team who sorted and stacked the plants, provided awnings, tables, wheelbarrows, sold the plants, took the money, moved furniture and generally supported the event as well as supplying coffee and biscuits. They included Jonathan and Deborah Loader, Sarah Law, Janice Botterill, Sally McPherson, Emma Turtle, Anna Kent, Riana Freak and Mark Everard. But above all thank you to everyone who kindly donated and bought the plants. It wouldn’t have happened without your extraordinary support and generosity.
Our next venture will be a jumble/table top/ ebay type sale at the Volunteer on 26 June – see the poster elsewhere in this edition. To reserve your pitch, or find out more, please contact Deborah Loader on parsloepantry@gmail.com or 01249 729743. We will be putting out more details on the Great and Little Somerford Facebook pages too. Thanks again Jake