2 minute read
The Peasant
Fourways “Village store of the year 2020” remains open for business, supported by his team in the shop and volunteer deliverers to supply all your needs. Newspapers, fresh fruit and veg, fresh and frozen meat, chocolate treats, snacks, ice-cream, bread, alcohol, milk and tinned food are available as well as cards, stationery, and cleaning products to name but a few. If not in stock we’ll do our best to get it for you. Post Office also open ONLY 4 PEOPLE in the shop at a time Deliveries (minimum £30) can be arranged.
Please call on 01249 721272 to discuss any order.
The Peasant’s in Top Gear
If it were left to nature, ninety percent of us would have succumbed to Covid 19 by now and the ten percent left would have to start again. Medical science has shown that that is not a possibility and so we will have to put up with the threat of Covid 19 for a long, long time. It is difficult to plan for the future now. Farmers are resilient and will adapt to new demands whatever they are, whether it will no longer be the holy grail of five tonnes of wheat per acre or faster growing chickens . In twenty years’ time those of us who are still about will look upon this as a godsend and a step in the right direction. For the last thirty five years we have sprayed, fertilised and contaminated in the name of progress when it has actually been far from it in a longer term view. A return to traditional styles of farming could be beneficial. That’s enough of that for the minute and I’ll now talk about pollution of a different sort: I have now got a van which I can be driven about in by anyone over twenty five with a driving licence. So I shall be able to get about and annoy people - as long as someone will drive me. If I could get a tilting desk – like an old school one (but without the schoolmaster) to write on it would be easier as I can’t write left-handed on surfaces which are flat. I shall be glad to have a desk without a teacher who throws board rubbers and dictionaries at you as we used to have at Rodbourne School. We used to throw the dictionaries back and keep the chalk when he wasn’t looking. It’s a wonder that I learnt anything and especially considering I was given a mark of 3 out of 120 for history. I know that something important must have happened in 1385 because the history books went from 4000BC to AD1385 and AD 1386 to when the last reprint was that we were using which was in 1900 and me being of a tidy mind I would have it finish at 1400 or 1500 to make a nice tidy cut off time. May I thank everybody who has done so much towards getting the van organised and as I have said I am now only a ‘phone call away. Ben Barton
Publisher’s note As you see Ben is very upbeat about his new wheels. Signpost can supply his ‘phone number to anyone who wishes to take him for a ride. It is a smart Renault Kangoo and has a ramp at the back for the electric wheel chair and straps to keep it steady once aboard. Thank you for the response to the search for a home visiting physio. Ben is receiving help from that contact.