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Flower Club
community in recent years with constant roadworks that have appeared, often without any notice or warning and disrupting traffic sometimes for weeks on end. The extracts are provided with the permission of Alun Griffiths (Contractors) Ltd.
9th October 2020 – Traffic Management Update
There has been a one week delay in the installation of the temporary traffic lights on the Hullavington Road as below. These will now be installed on Wednesday 14 October. The reason, duration and plan remains the same.
October 2020
We shall be setting up a set of 2-way temporary traffic lights on the Hullavington Road where our new road links onto the existing one.…………
At this location we are carrying out the remaining earthworks to formation alongside the existing carriageway. We will then install 2 no. 225mm drainage pipes where the existing ditch runs, ……….. At either end of these drainage pipes where they join back into the ditch there will be brick-built headwalls. …………..
The timings of the temporary lights will be set up in such a way as to minimise any disruption to traffic flows and will be regularly monitored to assess if any amendments are required.
Since our last newsletter in August we have continued to build up the new road, ………. excavating trenches for cables, watermains and drainage swales and then backfilling where necessary. Swales are natural or man-made linear depressions (or ditches), usually grass covered, with shallow-sloping sides. With any new road it is important that there is appropriate drainage ………..with attenuation features such as ponds (swales) or tanks. In each case surge water from heavy rain is captured and released slowly into the drainage system to prevent overflowing. ………..
During October, we shall be working on street lighting infrastructure and preparing for power feeds through columns, boxes, ducting and cabling. …………..The base and binder course of the new road will be laid late October.
The above is a very shortened version of the original report but, for those who would like to read the full detailed report and wish to see further information, this can be obtained at https:// community.alungriffiths.co.uk/a429-hullavingtonaccess-road/traffic-updates/
North Wiltshire Villages Flower Club
Sadly the Flower Club has been unable to meet in person since February, and made the decision over the summer that all future events planned for 2020 would have to be cancelled. The recent resurgence of the virus and increase in restrictions has reinforced this as the right decision.
Nevertheless, behind the scenes work has continued on planning future events for 2021 and beyond, the committee has ‘met’, and several newsletters have been sent out to keep in touch with members. Our AGM was successfully held in September via Zoom and was followed by video demonstrations by one of our members which featured non foam designs using seasonal flowers, berries and foliage.
We still hope to actively re-start the Club from January 2021 since a full programme of events for next year has already been arranged, incorporating several originally planned for this year. However we are conscious that the recent tightening of restrictions may well prevent this happening so soon and could result in further cancellations of planned events. The good news however is that the club remains in a very strong position financially and continues to have an active committee, so we will weather this storm. As soon as external factors allow us to re-start, we will.
The programme planned for 2021 is very varied and includes a good mix of workshops, demonstrations, social events and visits. Meetings would normally take place at Crudwell Village Hall, SN16 9HB, on the third Wednesday of the month, 7 pm for 7.30 pm (with some exceptions for social events/visits as outlined in our programme). We are a friendly and enthusiastic group with members from throughout the area. Visitors and potential new members are guaranteed a warm welcome at our regular meetings. We really look forward to welcoming back both our current members and any guests as soon as we can, hopefully at the meeting currently planned for Wednesday 20 January 2021 (regulations permitting).
In the meantime stay safe and well. If you’d like to get in touch we can be contacted by email –nwvflowerclub@gmail.com
L I T T L E S O M E R F O R D P A R I S H C O U N C I L Vacancy Join our local team and become a Parish Councillor…. Li�le Somerford Parish Council has a vacancy for a Parish Councillor. The Parish Council is made up of 7 voluntary councillors, who meet 7 �mes a year to discuss and act on issues of importance to the local community. The Parish Council sets and monitors how a propor�on of local taxes are spent in the Parish, make comment on planning applica�ons in the Parish and consider projects to help maintain, improve or enhance the local area. No special qualifica�on is required to be a Councillor; indeed, it is important that all sorts of people serve as councillors to give good representa�on of the community. for more details please contact Pauline Cameron on email: pauline_cameron@hotmail.co.uk tel: 01249 720910