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Great Somerford Parish Council
The Parish Council on 7 October was attended by 7 of the 9 Councillors plus Wiltshire Councillor Toby Sturgis and three members of the public. The meeting majored on two focus topics as detailed below.
Covid 19 Support Group & Coronavirus
The 21 Street Champions are willing to continue their work over the winter and a WhatsApp group has been set up for them to facilitate more rapid communications. The Group also promoted the Telephone Network Scheme provided by the Silver Line Scheme: https://www.thesilverline.org.uk/.
Play Area Winkins Lane
Cllr Griffiths could no longer recommend the purchase of a sunken trampoline as problems of flooding and rubbish dumping had occurred with similar installations in other villages. She had consulted with a number of parents and the Parish Council agreed to change the procurement “pick-up sticks style climbing frame and sunken trampoline” to “pick-up sticks style climbing frame and picnic table & benches set”. The moonscape will be retained and the spinning bowl relocated to make way for the climbing frame. Tenders are being sent out midOctober to suppliers who responded positively to the Expressions of Interest request. The Parish Council will award the tender at its January meeting. The aim is for the installation to be completed by early May 2021.
As usual there were many Planning matters to consider. The Parish Council supported the following applications. • 20/07630/TCA 4 Glebelands - 3 metre reduction to blue atlas cedar (t1) and fell 1 cypress. • 20/07786/TCA Park House - 30% crown reduction to chestnut, 3 metre height reduction to silver birch, removal of damaged limb to walnut and reduce branches to give 1 metre clearance from outbuilding and reduce lateral branches by up to 3 metres and crown raise to 2.5 metres over neighbour's land. • 20/08194/TCA Somerleaze House - 30% crown reduction to oak (T1) and willow (T2), fell birch (T3) and dead acer (T4). • 20/08223/TCA Longacre – Fell dead black walnut tree. and had no objection to • 20/08054/FUL The Old Stables, Startley - rear two storey extension to private dwelling house and rebuilding of garage/shed with office over. Councillors also supported the two applications below but with provisos: • 20/07644/FUL Land at West Street Farm change of use of land & 2 no. agricultural buildings for the purposes of self-storage. *
Severe concerns were expressed about the access off Shipton Lane which is very narrow and barely a single track road given the anticipated increase in volume of traffic. Councillors would prefer the existing splay on the West Street entrance to be widened to improve visibility. It was agreed to support this application in principle but subject to the concerns above and to a planning condition limiting the self storage units to domestic use only. • 20/07694/FUL Clove House, Startley - Proposed demolition of existing conservatory and erecting a single storey rear extension to the dwelling. Proposed detached outbuilding/annexe.
The works to the conservatory and rear extension were supported but the Parish Council objected to the Annex as it was outside the Development Boundary and no new stand-alone build is permitted in Startley. Cllr Gravel* and Cllr Griffiths~ declared an interest in these applications and took no part in the decision. Wiltshire Council determinations were noted for • 20/05859/TCA Parsloe, Hollow Street - crown raise cherry trees to 4 metres from ground level (G1); remove lower 2 limbs from cherry tree (T1); 3 metre reduction to horse chestnut (T2); 3 metre reduction to cherry tree (T3). No objection. • 20/05867/FUL Stow House - construction of 40m x 20m outdoor horse riding arena. Approved with conditions. • 20/06025/TCA The Beeches, Top Street – Fell 1 Mulberry tree. No objection. • 20/06247/FUL Church Farmhouse, Park Lane replacement garage and garden store. Approved with conditions.
Cllr Hourigan has responded, on behalf of Great Somerford Parish Council to the questions in the Government’s White Paper on “Planning for the Future”. It is requested that more weight be given to Neighbourhood Plans.
Other topics covered at the meeting were:
Broadfield Housing Development
It is understood that the Free Gardens Trustees have met with the developer to agree that the northern boundary of the development site should incorporate the hedge and ditch. Community Room The Parish Council will be putting up a NHS QR Code on the Community Room door and window. Fourways Stores has won the Best Village Shop category in Wiltshire’s Best Village competition 2020. Well done to Rohit and colleagues.
Highway & Footpath Matters
• West Street verge / footpath: The ditch has now been piped and shingle laid. Membrane will be put in and the ditch will then be back-filled to bring it level with the verge. Stonehouse Partnership has agreed to roll the new surface. • Theft of the post box in Startley: Cllr Mansfield continues to pursue the Royal Mail to replace the stolen post box but so far to no avail.
The Parish Council supported a Highways Improvement Request raised by Mr Atkinson seeking the imposition of a 30mph speed limit on the Seagry Road between Honeyacre Farm and Broadfield Farm.
• Cllr Binstead’s annual Footpath report identified some work needed to stiles. The full report is included as an appendix to the minutes.
Money matters
The Parish Council has received £5,279, being the first of three CIL (Community Interest Levy) monies.
Next Meetings Wednesdays @ 7.30 pm
The next scheduled meetings are 4 November, 13 January, 3 February & 3 March. Zoom logins will be provided on the agenda on the noticeboard.
Little Somerford Parish Council
The Parish Council met via Zoom on 6 October. The Parish Council have a vacancy for a Parish Councillor; if you are interested in serving your village in this way, please contact the Clerk, Rachel Nuttall, clerk@littlesomerfordparishcouncil.gov.uk or 01249 720978
Planning Matters
The Parish Council considered an application for Russell House 20/07144/FUL, erection of 2 replacement dwellings; and objected as the application is contrary to Policy H4 ii) c. ("the replacement is to be of a similar size and scale to the existing dwelling within the same curtilage"). The Council accepted that there may be some increase in size, but that nearly doubling the footprint is contrary to the policy.
It was noted that Wiltshire Council has approved • 20/04018/FUL – Meadow Cottage, replacement of front windows and render. • 20/06325/TCA – Rainbow Cottage – fell 1 Silver birch
The Council approved the Finance Report and noted the receipts and payments and bank balances. The Finance Regulations were reviewed and updated to allow for on-line banking.
Cllr Webb gave the annual report. The Cemetery is in good order, there is a small amount of burrowing, but this is not having an adverse effect. The grass is cut regularly, and tree work was completed following last year’s review. The work undertaken by Little Somerford PCC to some of the graves was commended. There has been one burial in 2020.
Since March 2020, the Parish Council has been required to report weekly on Cemetery capacity to Wiltshire Council. 1. Number of graves spaces remaining = 100 2. Number of burials in the last 7 days (the 7 days prior to the day you give the information) = 0 3. Number of burials booked in the next 7 days (please any include burials occurring on the day you are giving the information) = 0 4. Can the grave digging resource cope with current demand? (Y/N) = Y
Street Signs
The Parish Council would like to thank Brian Birken-Hewitt and Andrew Sharpe for the repairs to the finger signposts.
Cllr Frayling gave the annual report on street signs. Signs on The Street outside the play park and the Old School will be reported to Wiltshire Council for replacement, plus the No Through sign in Meadow Lane.
It was noted that an unauthorised 30 Speed restriction sign and been put up on The Street opposite the entrance to Somerford Barn. This will be removed. Residents are reminded that it is unlawful to erect speed restriction signs on public roads and should contact Wiltshire Council with any concerns.
Cllr Webb gave the annual report on allotments. All are in good order and there is one allotment available; residents should contact the Clerk, if they would like to rent an allotment. Repairs are needed to one of the water tanks.
The Paddock has been let for a further year to a resident of Little Somerford. The Council noted that some tree works may be required, and work is required to replace the drainage pipe at the entrance to the Paddock.
Litter Pick
Thank you to everyone who helped with the Litter Pick in September; a Litter Pick has been arranged for Sunday 22 November, 10 am, Millennium Green, all welcome.
Wildlife Friendly Village
The Parish Council is considering Little Somerford becoming a Wildlife Friendly Village. This may include developing the unused area of the allotments and areas of the Millennium Green as Wildlife Friendly, using bug houses, bat boxes and wildflower meadows. The Parish Council would like to encourage community involvement in this project, if you would like to be involved, or have any ideas, please contact the Clerk. Speeding in the Village The clerk had received an email from a resident concerned with speeding traffic, particularly in The Street, outside the Village Hall. This issue had been discussed in the past but at present the Parish Council are not able to take any further action. Little Somerford has a Speedwatch Team, who do a fantastic job, recording speeding traffic through the village. Everyone is reminded to observe the speed limits through our villages, as this problem is not particular to Little Somerford. Footpaths & Rights of Way Cllr Minshell reported that landowners have been very co-operative in fixing stiles, dealing with electric fence obstructions, and additional signage. The Parish Council agreed to investigate repairing the raised footpath between Little and Great Somerford and will seek grants for this. Play Park The park has recently had its annual RoSPA