
17 minute read
The Four Hemispheres
Image: Hemispheres - Earth Facts for Kids
Contributor: Leighanne Simmons Sample NearPod Lesson
In this unit, second grade students will be learning the locations and characteristics of the four hemispheres, the equator, the prime meridian, the North and South poles, and the seven continents. Students may have difficulty with the idea that the prime meridian and equator are “invisible” lines when seen in person and not on a map. Students will learn the concepts in this unit by visuals (maps), virtual fieldtrips to the North and South poles, videos that describe and show pictures of each location, labeling and coloring a world map, and by a song and dance to help remember where each is located. Students will be placed into 7 groups and each group will choose one of the seven continents. One continent will be assigned to each group, so that each continent is covered. Each group will research their continent and they will create a fun and informative presentation to share with the class. Each group will be allowed to use their chrome books to research videos, pictures, and information and they will be allowed to create their presentation how they wish. They will be allowed the options to create a poster, a 3D model of their continent, a skit, etc. These activities will aid the students in being able to locate and describe the characteristics of each. Knowing the location of each hemisphere, the poles, the equator, and the prime meridian will assist students in understanding the world map. Students will be able to build on their knowledge of how the areas near the different poles and the equator are affected by the sun and how the weather is different in each place.
The ability to identify and locate the four hemispheres, the equator, the prime meridian, the North and South Poles, and the seven continents is a learning expectation that is found in the Tennessee State Standards for Geography.
2.12 Identify and locate the four hemispheres (i.e., Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western), equator, prime meridian, North and South Poles, and the seven continents.
Media Share Resources
Artic vs. Antarctic
The Artic vs. Antarctic is a Youtube video that goes in depth to explain the differences between the North and South Poles. The video explains the characteristics and the life on both the North and South Poles. Videos are a great way to engage students and grasp their attention. This video in particular is very colorful and utilizes both academic language and terms that 2nd graders can understand.
Seaman, Camille (2013, August 19). The Artic vs. The Antarctic. Ted Ed. Retrieved from Youtube on September 13, 2021 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5VRoGTF60s

Technology Standard 1c: Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
Technology Standard 6c: Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.
Ducksters is a website with several games in several subjects. Specifically for Geography, the website offers games about the continents, the countries within each continent, the oceans, rivers, etc. Geography Hangman is just one of many geography games. It allows students to play a fun game of hangman while also learning about the continents. Students can build on prior knowledge with this game.
Ducksters. (2021). Geography Hangman - Word Game. Ducksters. Retrieved September 13, 2021, from https://www.ducksters.com/games/geography_hangman_game.php
Technology Standard 1c: Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
Technology Standard 3c: Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.
IXL is a website that offers educational games for students ages kindergarten through 12th grade. The website offers 9 different geography games for second graders. Students will simply go to the website and click on “Second Grade”. They will then click the tab that says “social studies” and click “see all 56 skills”. Geography is category A, so they will select number 5 under Geography, “Select oceans and continents”. The game will ask students to select a certain continent or ocean on a map of the world. For example, it will say “Select Australia on the map” and students will select one of the continents and submit their answer. The website will tell them if they got the correct answer or not and they earn tokens by answering with the right continent or ocean.
IXL: Select oceans and continents: 2nd grade social studies. IXL Learning. (n.d.). Retrieved September 11, 2021, from https://www.ixl.com/social-studies/grade-2/select-oceans-and-continents.
Technology Standard 1c: Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
Technology Standard 2c: Students demonstrate an understanding of and respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.
Maps and Globes
Adventure Academy is an interactive app for children ages 8 and up. Adventure Academy was created by the creators of ABC Mouse. This app offers many collections of educational games, books, learning challenges, and more designed to help students strengthen their elementary skills in reading, math, science and social studies.
Age of Learning, Inc. (2007). Adventure Academy. [iTunes App, Cost: Free] Retrieved on September 13, 2021 from Adventure Academy
Technology Standard 2b: Students engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices.
Technology Standard 7a: Students use digital tools to connect with learners to connect with learners from a variety of backgrounds and cultures, engaging with them in ways that broaden mutual understanding and learning.
Seasons and Hemispheres
The Seasons and Hemispheres video is a fun and colorful way to enhance students education about the four hemispheres, the four seasons, the equator, and the prime meridian. The video explains how the equator separates the earth into the Northern and Southern hemispheres; and how the prime meridian separates the earth into the Eastern and Western hemispheres. The video also discusses the different seasons that occur in each hemisphere when the earth is in a certain position.
Happy Learning English (2019, February 19). The Seasons and Hemispheres | LEARNING WITH SARAH | Educational videos for Kids. Retrieved on September 13, 2021 from https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHgs8dcmB4M

Technology Standard 1c: Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
Technology Standard 6c: Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.
World Geography
Orboot Earth AR is an interactive app for children ages 6-8. The way the app works is to scan the Orboot Globe with the Orboot app to access exploration of countries and cultures in 3D with detailed information and interactive quizzes and activities. The app works to expand knowledge about the world, build linguistic abilities, develop cognitive skills, inspire imagination and creativity, and to encourage selflearning. This app allows students to explore the world and build on their prior knowledge.
Mobilizar Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Orboot Earth AR. [Google Play App, Cost: Free but offers in app purchaces.] Retrieved on September 13, 2021, from Orboot Earth AR by PlayShifu - Apps on Google Play
Technology Standard 1c: Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
Technology Standard 2b: Students engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices.
Written Product Review
Orboot Earth AR is a GREAT tool for educators to utilize in their 2nd grade classroom! This interactive app creates a 3D learning experience for young learners with the use of a Globe and any smart device! Learners will simply scan anywhere on the globe with their smart device and the app will offer many interactive quizzes and activities for that location! This app promotes self-learning and creativity! It gets 5 stars from me!

Question Answer Level of Difficulty (1:easiest -5:most difficult)
1. True or False: The equator divides the Northern and Southern hemispheres 2. Which continent lies in all 4 hemispheres? TRUE
3. What does the red line on this map represent? The Equator
4. What is the imaginary line that divides the Earth into the Eastern and Western Hemispheres? The Prime Meridian
5. What is a Globe?
6. How many continents are there? 7. At which Pole do Penguins live? 8. At which Pole do Polar Bears live? 9. True or False: The North Pole is colder than the South Pole 10. Which would you like to visit? A tool used as a model of the earth
South North FALSE 7
(Poll) 5
2 3 3 3
ASSURE Lesson Plan Template North Pole Habitat
Name: Leighanne Simmons Subject Area(s): Social Studies
(Geography) Duration of Lesson: One Hour-Hour and a Half Grade Level: 2nd Grade
The school’s demographics include: 55% White, 21% Black, 17% Hispanic, Two or More Races 5%, Asian or Pacific Islander <1%. About 51% of the students at Howard Elementary are from low-income families. About 47% of the students are female and 53% of the students are male. Students at Howard Elementary this year are making average academic progress. Howard Elementary School is in Gallatin, TN. The school is placed on the main road, Long Hollow Pike. The school is by Gallatin Recycling and Creekview Church of Christ. Howard Elementary is a Title 1 school. My classroom is transitioning into the co-teaching model of instruction. The school teaches with a scripted curriculum for ELA (Wit and Wisdom), phonics (Fundations), and math (Bridges and Number Corner). My classroom does follow a pacing guide to help ensure every lesson is taught in the assigned time frame. My mentor teacher expects that I create a learning environment where each child is included and is presented with the opportunity to speak on their knowledge. She also expects me to incorporate the appropriate standards into my lessons. Overall, my mentor teacher wants me to try my best and learn from each lesson I teach. I serve in a 2nd grade classroom. This lesson with range from 30 minutes to 40 minutes. There are 24 students in the class, including 13 boys and 11 girls. There are 2 students who have IEPs and 2 ELs.
2.12 Identify and locate the four hemispheres (i.e., Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western), equator, prime meridian, North and South Poles, and the seven continents.
(For this lesson, we will be focusing on the North Pole)
Technology (ISTE Standard)
1.3a Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.
Behavioral Objective:
Given access to a virtual fieldtrip to the North Pole, the learners will research and design their own North Pole Habitat in order to demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics and life on the North Pole, as well as, utilizing research strategies to create their own North Pole habitats. Students will be conducting their own research by exploring a virtual field trip to the North Pole. Students will be taking their own notes and writing them in their Social Studies journals. Students will be given a blank piece of white paper to design their habitat on. Finally, students will create their North Pole habitats using the materials provided for them.
Language Objective:
Students will be able to conduct their own research using their Chromebooks to identify the location and characteristics of the North Pole.
Students will be able to describe what they have explored during the virtual fieldtrip to the North Pole in their Social Studies notebooks.
Students will be able to use content-specific terms to retell what they have researched and written in their Social Studies notebooks.
When researching the North Pole, I want students to write their notes clearly in their Social Studies notebooks to describe what they see on the virtual field trip. Students will need to conduct additional research to determine the names of the animals they see while exploring the virtual field trip to the North Pole. Students will be asked to identify the following in their notebooks while conducting their research:
-Where is the North Pole located?
-What is the weather like at the North Pole?
-What animals live at the North Pole?
-What do these animals eat?
-Do any humans live at the North Pole?
-Can humans visit the North Pole?
-How is the North Pole different from where we live in Tennessee?
Students will be given the following sentence frames to help them organize their research:
“The North Pole is located...”
“The weather at the North Pole can be defined as...”
“There are many animals who call the North Pole their home. Some of these animals include...”
“Polar Bears usually eat...”
“The North Pole is different from Tennessee because...”
Once students have had adequate time to conduct their research, I will ask for volunteers to share what they have learned from conducting their research.
• What materials will the YOU (teacher-centered) need in order to teach this lesson?
Teacher Materials:
•Smart Board to display how to get to the virtual field trip and how to use Google to conduct research on the location and the characteristics of the North Pole. (digital)
•Laptop to connect to the Smart Board to display how to get to the virtual field trip and to conduct research (digital)
•What materials will your students (student-centered) need?
•Social Studies notebooks to write their notes from their research. (non-digital)
•Pencils. (non-digital)
•Chromebooks to explore the virtual fieldtrip to the North Pole and conduct research. (digital)
•Blank white paper to design their North Pole habitat. (non-digital)
•The following materials to create their North Pole habitat: (non-digital)
-Glue sticks and Elmers glue
-Assorted colored Construction paper
-Cardboard shoe box
-Googly eyes
-Assorted colored beads
-Assorted colored yarn
-Cotton balls
-Magazines of all types
An example of what a 2nd grade student might build is presented below:
Smith, C (Sept. 2019) Arctic Biome [Photograph]. Retrieved from Biome Project | Mrs. Smith's 5th Grade (pasco.k12.fl.us).
Require learner participation •What preparations are required for the MEDIA AND MATERIAL?
oAll Chromebooks need to be fully charged prior to this lesson.
oThe teacher needs to ensure the Smart Board is working properly for the beginning of this lesson.
oThe teacher needs to ensure their laptop is charged and ready to be used.
oThe teacher needs to ensure the school wi-fi is working prior to this lesson.
oThe teacher needs to ensure that the link to get to the virtual field trip is working the day prior to the lesson.
oThe teacher will need to research which websites the students will be allowed to use when conducting their own research.
•What preparations are required for the CLASSROOM?
oThe light needs to be turned on.
oThe soothing music needs to be prepared to play during quiet research time.
oThe Chromebook cart needs to be in the classroom and ready to go.
•Explain how you will prepare the LEARNER for the instructional experience, prior to using the technology.
oI will have a discussion with the class about the importance of conducting research to enhance knowledge and learning; the importance of using appropriate and school approved academic sites; the importance of taking care of your Chromebook; etc. I will then show students how to access the virtual field trip, as well as, the websites they will be conducting their research with. Specify steps to learning that students will follow. List in chronological/numerical order.
a.Students will listen to the beginning discussion about what we will be doing in this lesson.
b.Students will watch the smart board attentively while the teacher is showing them how to access utilize their resources.
c.Students will work quietly and effectively when exploring and conducting their research on the North Pole.
d.Students will volunteer to share what they researched with the class.
e.Students will design their habitats on the white paper neatly and effectively.
f.Students will be respectful and share all materials provided for creating their habitats.
g.Students will work quietly and effectively while creating their habitats.
Formative Assessment (Process):
• How will you know that the students are learning/working towards your goals?
• I will be walking around the room to view each student’s notes from their research on the North Pole. I will be looking for correct spelling, correct capitalization and punctuation, and complete sentences. I will also be looking to see if they have answered each of the questions asked of them (these are posted on the board for them to refer back to) and if they have answered them in an adequate and accurate manner.
• How will students demonstrate their understanding?
• Students will be writing down what they find while researching the North Pole in their Social Studies notebooks.
•In what ways will you monitor student learning during the lesson and how might this guide your instruction?
Since this is more of a student-centered lesson, I will monitor student learning by asking students individually to retell what they have researched.
•What specific actions do you expect to observe?
I expect to see students keeping their notes and research organized by using the sentence frames provided.
•How will you record what you see and hear?
I will have a checklist and a sheet where I can take notes on each student’s research and ability to write using accurate spelling and grammar.
•What criteria will you use to judge whether your students are/are not meeting the goals of the lesson?
If students are struggling to research the questions posed to them, I will assist them individually on how to conduct their research appropriately.
•What feedback will you provide? How will your feedback support students in meeting the goals of the lesson?
I will congratulate students on their ability to conduct research accurately and effectively to enhance their learning and knowledge of the subject.
• Describe the ways in which you will use these assessments to inform your teaching decisions during the lesson.
• If I notice there are several students who are struggling with this assignment, I will do my best to assist them whether that be individually or in a small group.
Summative Assessment (Product):
• What evidence of student learning will you collect and in what ways will the evidence document student achievement?
• I will be collecting each students’ research, as well as their designs and final product.
This will allow me to view which students can conduct research and use correct spelling and grammar. This will also allow me to view each student's creativity and detail of their knowledge they gained by conducting their research.
• In what ways will the evidence document student achievement?
• It will show whether or not students can research a topic, write about that topic, and design and conduct a project with that information.
• Does your assessment allow all students to show what they know or have learned?
Spelling Does not represent efforts to utilize word wall and Chromebook during research as resources for correct spelling. Represents some effort to utilize word wall and Chromebook during research as resources for correct spelling.
Capitalization Does not represent any use of capitalization rules. Represents some use of capitalization rules. Represents a good effort to utilize word wall and Chromebook during research as resources for correct spelling. Utilizes word wall and Chromebook during research as resources to represent correct spelling in all areas of notes.
Represents a good amount of capitalization rules. Represents mastery of capitalization rules.
Grammar Does not represent any use of correct grammar. Represents some use of correct grammar.
Questions Does not make an effort to answer the posed research questions. Represents some effort to answer the posed research questions. Represents a good amount of correct grammar. Represents mastery of utilizing correct grammar.
Represents a good effort to answer the posed research questions. Represents mastery of answering all research questions posed.
Design Does not represent effort to form a design for project. Represents some effort to form a design for project. Represents a good effort to form a design for project. Represents great effort to form a design for project.
Details Does not represent any knowledge of the subject matter in details for project. Represents some knowledge of the subject matter in details for project. Represents an appropriate amount of knowledge of the subject matter in details for project. Represents a great amount of knowledge of the subject matter in details for project.