5201 research sections

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BBI5201 DrRD


Purpose statement Advances the overall direction / focus for the study  In the section: Statement of the problem  Single statement  Sentence: The purpose of the study is ..  QUAN / QUAL  P. 139 – Sample scripts 

BBI5201 DrRD


Example EFFECTIVE CLINICAL TEACHING AMONGST NURSE TEACHERS IN TERENGGANU NURSING COLLEGES Problem Statement The quality of nursing care has been debated since at least the 1980s. An extensive literature and research reports describe a variety of interventions and methods to improve the quality of care (Kristina & Marita, 2001). These include polish the education system, particularly the clinical practice. Lee (1996) said that although clinical education has been acknowledged as being the 'heart' of all nursing education programs, but the role of the clinical nurse teachers in relation to the clinical learning experience of the student nurse is still an area of longstanding confusion. This unresolved problem has led to the lack of a concerted effort in the provision of educational input in the clinical area and the quality of patient care is indirectly being affected. BBI5201 DrRD


To cater the changing need, unqualified and unprepared clinical nurse teachers had been appointed to teach in the clinical area and this will influence the outcome of learning activity in the clinical area (Lee et al 2002). Therefore, to ensure the learning in clinical area is at the maximum patch the effectives of clinical nurse teacher much be carefully consider. Further more since the beginning of the nursing education there has been a perceived discrepancy between what is taught to student nurses in the classroom and what is practiced in the clinical area. This condition will make the clinical teaching become more difficult and more complicated because as what had been claimed by Aston, Mallik, Day and Fraser (2000) in their study explored the role of teacher/lecturer in practice found that despite overt commitment the lecturers were also unprepared, unsupported and unmonitored.

BBI5201 DrRD


Students and clinical nurse teachers had very different experiences and expressed a strong need for a better organized approach which would provide them with consistent and sustained support in the clinical setting by effective clinical nurse teacher. The Australian Nurse Education National Report (Reid, 1994), reported new graduates lacked competence when undertaking clinical work and their perceived lack of competence led to under-valuation of undergraduate nursing programs and claims that despite having satisfied registration requirements, graduates were not adequately prepared for clinical practice.

BBI5201 DrRD


According to three heads of Malaysian Nursing schools, this phenomenon is evidenced greatly among their students. Therefore, the role of clinical nurse teachers must be negotiated seriously between teachers, clinical nurses and students, in order to find the best way to meet the needs of all parties concerned (Mark and Brain 2006). As what had been reported by Mei Kuen (1997) clinical teaching behavior is a critical determinant for quality clinical learning experiences of student nurses. It is believed that a better understanding of the perceptions of clinical teaching behaviors between student nurses and clinical nurse teachers will enhance clinical teaching. Therefore, there is a must in exploring the effectiveness of clinical nurse teacher.

BBI5201 DrRD


With the current nursing shortage and the increased number of students need experiences, the nurses without formal supervisory training and/or without extensive clinical experience will be assigned as clinical nurse teacher Then this could lead to clinically incompetent students graduating from the program and caring our sick out there. Therefore, if the quality of clinical education is to be maintained, clinical nurse teachers must be as effective as perceived by the clinical students. Acknowledgement: DROT

BBI5201 DrRD


Research questions  Narrows

the purpose statement  Important to get them right in beginning a research project  Specific questions  Develop before identifying the methods of study  QUAN / QUAL BBI5201 DrRD


QUAN Research questions Steps: 1. Pose a question 2. Begin with ‘how’, ‘what’ or ‘why’ 3. Specify the independent, dependent, mediating or control variables 4. Use the word ‘describe’, ‘compare’, ‘relate’ to indicate action/connection among variables 5. Indicate the participants and research site for the study BBI5201 DrRD


Samples of QUAN RQs  Descriptive

questions p. 140  Relationship questions p. 140  Comparison questions p. 141

BBI5201 DrRD


QUAL PS & RQs  Differences

between QUAN and QUAL p. 144  Central phenomena = PS + RQs  Emerging processes in QUAL research  Sample scripts of PS p. 147-148  Sample scripts of RQ p. 148-151 BBI5201 DrRD


Research questions When formulating RQS, ask yourself:  What will I have learned if I answer this RQ?  What will the language- teaching field have gained when I have answered this RQ?  Researchable  Lead to improved understanding 

BBI5201 DrRD


Hypotheses Statements in QUAN research instead of RQ  Investigator makes a prediction about the outcome of a relationship among attributes / characteristics  Base them on results from past research & literature  A section after LR  Pp. 141-143 

BBI5201 DrRD


Research objective Statement of intent used in QUAN research  Specifies goals the investigator plans to achieve in a study  Major & minor objectives  Found in the Statement of the problem section, the last sentence, after LR section  Sentence: The objectives of this study are .. 

BBI5201 DrRD


Assignment 3   1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 

Refer to 2 journal articles published within 2011-2015 from UPM library homepage Prepare a table, Row headers: Database Author(s) Year Objective of the study / RQs / hypotheses Problem statement References – APA style BBI5201 DrRD


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