3433 Course outline

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: MATERIALS DESIGN AND PRODUCTION (Penyediaan dan Penghasilan 1. Theories of language learning Bahan Pembelajaran) - Behaviourist theories : 3433 -BBICognitive theories - Functional theories : -3 (2+1) Socio-cultural theories

Jam Pembelajaran Bersemuka

:2. Principles 127 of materials preparation Language competence Learning styles and strategies : -TIADA Frameworks of material evaluation Design features of multimedia and online Students are able to: materials : 1. conduct learner needs and curricular analysis, (C4)




3. Learner needs and training requirements 4 apply learning theories and instructional models in designing -2. Learner needs analysis learning materials (A4) - Training requirements - Specification of learning objectives develop and learning in print form and digital media (P5) -3. Content skillsmaterials specifications 4. assessissues the effectiveness of learning 4. Copyright and intellectual propertymaterials rights (CS, LL) 2 - Print material : coursematerial covers the process of materials design and production for -ThisDigital the learning of English, theories and models underpinning - Procuring copyrighted material development of learning materials, the practical aspects of materials production, and the assessment of learning materials. It involves 5. Writing digital interactive learning materials 4 hands-on designing and development of learning materials in print - Interactive instructional models form and digital media. - Learning tasks and design features - Techniques and procedures (Kursus ini merangkumi proses penyediaan dan penghasilan bahan untuk pembelajaran Bahasa Inggeris, teori dan model berhubung 6. Writing/adapting print-based learning materials 4 dengan pembangunan bahan pembelajaran, dan aspek praktikal - Print materials and the language learning syllabus dalam penghasilan dan penilaian bahan pembelajaran. Kursus ini - Table of skill specifications melibatkan penyediaan dan pembangunan bahan pembelajaran dalam - Text types bentuk cetak dan media digital.) - Techniques and procedures


7. Quality assurance 4 - Content - Language - Navigation - Copyright and intellectual property rights 8. Critique of learning materials - Evaluation of materials outcomes - The learning experiences - Evidence of learning - Measurable/non-measurable outcomes Jumlah TUTORIAL

: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Theories of language learning Learner needs and curricular requirements Principles of materials selection and adaptation Copyright issues and intellectual property rights Writing digital interactive learning materials Writing print-based learning materials


28 Jam Pembelajaran Bersemuka 1 2 1 1 3 3

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3433 Course outline by Ramiza Darmi - Issuu