European Secrets
European Secrets
Publisher & Author: Dr. Sharon Stills
Copyright © 2021 Dr Sharon Stills All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator, ” at the address below
7904 E Chaparral Rd Ste A110-442 Scottsdale Arizona 85250-7367
European Secrets to heal Your Liver & Gallbladder contains general medical information The medical information is not advice and should not be treated as such Medical Assistance You must not rely on the information in this book as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you have any specific questions about any medical matter, you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention You should never delay seeking medical advice disregard medical advice or discontinue medical treatment because of information in this book
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. ”
― Hippocrates
Many years ago, before I went to Naturopathic Medical School, I spent a lot of my time working as a receptionist It was a small firm just outside New York Each morning I would commute through tons of traffic, clock in, and get ready to get stuff done.
With a limited team, everyone had their part to play The sales team made the calls and landed the deals, billing made sure we had the money coming in and going out to keep our clients and vendors happy, our techs hit the streets and got the work done for our clients and management made sure we stayed on point
I was no exception I had a role to play in the business and without my support, things would fall apart
I was the “gopher” , the gatekeeper, and the sorter
Now I know that you are here to learn about your liver and you are wondering why I’ m telling you about my past job but the reason I bring this up is because your liver has many of these same functions in the business that is YOUR BODY!!
Think about it The receptionist acts as a gatekeeper to ensure unnecessary solicitations, junk mail and calls are filtered out (viruses, mold, toxins, parasites) to ensure that only vital communications get into the department that needs them to fulfill their role (phase 1 detoxification) Communications are reviewed and sorted to ensure deliverability (phase 2 detoxification) Receptionists are in charge of producing communications to ensure each department gets what they need to operate effectively, delivering this information through memos, emails and calls (hormones).
The liver does the same sort of triage for our bodies
So what happens when you hack the emails, dump a truckload of paperwork on the desk, pour some water on the computer and then ask why they haven’t got the work done
Seems cruel, right? Yet, we often, unknowingly, do the exact same thing to our liver Before we get into the secrets - I want to share this with you Let’ s take a look at how we are contributing to stressing out our livers and the whole darn office!
Some of the ways we damage our liver include:
These are often found in fast foods processed and pre-packaged ready-made foods and margarine ALL BIG NO-NOs for me and hopefully now for you too!!
Your liver cannot safely tolerate any amount of trans fats as they cause an increase in blood sugar and fat to deposit on the liver. Over time regular intake of trans fats causes too much fat in the liver cells The liver cells begin to swell causing liver tissue to harden and scar
Let’ s talk Oils
Eating Industrial Seed Oils
Canola, Corn, Cottonseed, Soy, Sunflower, Safflower, Rapeseed and Rice Bran I know these sound healthy but trust me they are NOT! They are the industry's way of disposing of agricultural waste and do nothing but lead to inflammation in your body and of course your liver
Healthy Oils you do NOT need to be afraid of consuming...
When we consume alcohol, the liver diverts its energy to convert alcohol into a less toxic substance but leaves the liver vulnerable to not adequately doing its other critical functions Think of my receptionist analogy! If not doing their job effectively, the alcohol you ingest can be converted to formaldehyde
Yep the same stuff in products such as glues permanent press fabrics paints lacquers, and other toxic products
Alcohol you ingested can be converted to formaldehyde...
Sugar directly damages the liver Sugar is as toxic as alcohol and can be even more addictive than cocaine Trust me - I know this firsthand ;)
Sugar can be even more addictive than cocaine
Too much table-salt consumption increases blood pressure in your liver s main artery eventually leading to chronic liver disease Himalayan Salt is another story as it provides a complete array of minerals that your body can utilize
Many drugs are metabolized by the liver. These drugs can surpass a safe threshold of liver tolerance and can cause significant liver damage:
Acetaminophen, Paracetamol, Narcotics, Sleeping Meds, Ritalin, Amphetamine, Nicotine, and too many more to keep listing here. Now I'm not telling you to stop your meds or trying to make you feel bad if you are dependent upon them Pain is no joke and
sometimes we gotta do what we gotta do just to get some relief However if you find yourself dependent on some of these pharmaceuticals I invite you to find a Naturopathic Physician who can help you safely wean off and use more natural methods to handle your pain
Taking Certain Supplements and Vitamins
Just because it is natural” doesn’t mean it’ s safe! Consult with your physician for possible interactions and don’t just feed into the hype you read online With over 20+ years of clinical experience, I’ll tell you, the most harmful drug/supplement you take is the one you don't discuss with your Naturopathic Physician!
Just because it is “natural” doesn’t mean it’s safe!
Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate! Water helps flush waste out of the body This prevents toxins from building up and hurting the liver Proper hydration makes the blood thinner, and hence easier for the liver to filter the blood and remove toxins.
And let us not forget the teeth Now I know you probably never thought your teeth had anything to do with your liver. I know I didn t until I started studying over in Europe and learned about the interconnection of our mouth to our entire body As a matter of fact over there the dentist and the physician are part of the same clinic and you see the dentist first so all your teeth issues can be cleared up because it is not possible to heal the body if there are issues in the mouth
Hydration prevents toxins from building up and hurting the liver
Did you know that chronic pain in your canine teeth can be a sign of inflammation of the liver or the gallbladder? That’ s because the canine teeth are connected to your liver/gallbladder meridian Every tooth in your mouth is an actual living organ and has an impact on specific organs just like the organs can have an impact on that tooth
You have to open that mouth to drink the water and hydrate your body The place where the digestive tract begins But there is so much more to our teeth/oral health than just what society trains us to think; get your teeth cleaned once a year, see if you have any cavities and get a root canal if your tooth dies Which let’ s just say right here right now is absurd A tooth is a living organ and when it dies it needs to be removed from the body not retained as a root canal which causes all sorts of disruptions to the energetic flow, lymphatic flow, blood flow and severely undermines your immune system So let’ s discuss your teeth! Now I know you probably never thought your teeth had anything to do with your liver I know I didn’t until I started studying over in Europe and learned about the interconnection of our mouth to our entire body As a matter of fact over there the dentist and the physician are part of the same clinic; under the same roof and you see the dentist first so all your teeth issues can be cleared up because it is not possible to heal the body if there are issues that are unresolved in the mouth
Did you know that chronic pain in your canine teeth can be a sign of inflammation of the liver or the gallbladder???? That s because the canine teeth are connected to your liver/gallbladder meridian Every tooth in your mouth is an actual living organ and has an impact on specific organs just like vice versa the organs can have an impact on that tooth Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Does it really matter - let’ s be kind to both?
Yes, I am a physician teaching you about liver and gallbladder health telling you that you need to have an amazing Biological Dentist on your team That is how important your mouth is to your overall health. A proper evaluation needs to be completed by a qualified dentist using a Cone Beam ct scan as well as a CRT scan by a qualified physician Ultimately your mouth will be free of toxic fillings and contain porcelain ceramic ones where needed Your mouth will have zero titanium implants and if an implant is needed it will be with a clean safe system made of Zirconia (beware that not all zirconia implants are made equal) There will be no metals to create galvanic shock and your gums will be clean and healthy Home pro-tip -a water waterpik with the right isopathic remedies can be a game changer for your gums! Any scars will be addressed with neural therapy (procaine injections) and Root Canaled teeth will no longer be an option
BTW a little bit of basic details about your liver:
This workhorse doesn't get the respect it deserves Weighing in at roughly three pounds, the liver is reddish-brown in color and feels rubbery to the touch Normally you can't feel the liver, because it's protected by the rib cage
The liver has two large sections called the right and the left lobes
The gallbladder sits under the liver, along with parts of the pancreas and intestines. The liver and these organs work together to digest, absorb, and process food
The liver is one of the largest solid organs (the skin is first) and is essential for our survival This organ performs over 500 processes including removal of toxins from the body’ s blood supply, maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, regulating blood clotting, and hundreds of other vital functions.
Let’ s take a look ;) at your eyes and their connection to your liver and gallbladder
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) the liver energy opens up into the eyes
Let me tell you a patient story to illustrate this for you
Early on in my practice over 15 years ago I had a patient come to see me who was complaining of dry eyes The easy thing to do would have been to give her some of my magical Mucokehl Isopathic Eye Drops from Germany but that is what lazy doctoring consists of; treating a symptom with a medication - even if it’ s a natural one
Not me - I look at symptoms as sacRED messengers telling us that something is out of balance So yes, I gave her the eye drops (because I’ m not a fan of suffering) but I also started thinking about all the other reasons that could be causative of her dry eyes It could have been anything from dehydration to lack of sleep, hormonal imbalances to excess screen time toxins in eye makeup to excess exposure to pollution and heavy metals. And of course, it could be a liver issue because we now know that the liver energy opens up into the eyes via the energetic pathways So if the liver chi (energy) is off then the eyes can have dysfunction
It’ s funny we can ’t always actually see what is wrong especially when it is affecting our eyes Pun intended Some of the most toxic issues that affect us are unseen -such as negative thoughts and EMF exposure
So what did I do for this patient as a thorough and curious physician? I explored all options even though her dry eyes were relieved by the drops I still knew we had to get to the root cause. I focused on getting her hydrated handling her EMF etiquette balancing all her hormones and doing diagnostics on her liver And it’ s a good thing I did
The two diagnostics I want to talk about here are important for you to know about for yourself and your loved ones and are not very common
It is very common to run liver enzymes in patients. I’ m pretty sure all of you if not the majority of you have at one point in your life had blood run and that included your liver enzymes It’ s the very basics that most physicians run Now, if you are found to have elevated liver enzymes in your blood work that means the inflammation has progressed beyond mild; that your liver cells are rupturing and spilling enzymes into your bloodstream The three main enzymes that are typically checked are SGOT/AST, SGPT/ALT and Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) Her levels of these three markers were actually not alarming so if I wasn ’t thorough I could have declared her liver as healthy But I’ m actually thinking of changing my middle name to thorough ;)
The marker I checked and what I want all of you to ask your own personal physician to run was her Serum Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) levels in her blood
In medical school they teach us that GGT is only useful to rule out if someone is an alcoholic and if your patient is trustworthy and says they don’t drink then there is no need to run it To me, that is ridiculous because there are so many other reasons for GGT being elevated and if I had never tested it I would have totally missed her diagnosis of Primary Biliary Cirrhosis.
GGT is actually a more sensitive and specific indicator of liver dysfunction than serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) as well as GPT and ALT It is often increased when there is too much alcohol being consumed and it is also increased in all common forms of liver/biliary dysfunction and is generally increased above SGPT/ALT and SGOT/AST with biliary tree problems (gallbladder, common bile duct and pancreas), obstructive disease and as I mentioned before alcoholism Other less common causes for an increased GGT include excessive free radical activity, primary biliary cirrhosis (which is what my patient had) brucellosis hepatitis mono several types of cancer bacterial and viral infection parasites diabetes, congestive heart failure, chronic ischemic heart disease, acute myocardial infarct, essential hypertension, influenza, rheumatoid arthritis, dermatomyositis, asthma, myocarditis, and acute and chronic liver dysfunction
Primary biliary cirrhosis is a serious auto-immune condition that you may not know you have and that can be missed for years by your physician I, too, would have never ended up diagnosing it if I hadn’t been led to this serious liver/gb condition through her eyes!!!
The second diagnostic tool that I want you all to know about is Computerized Regulation Thermometry.
Often we need to see things happening before they have made their way to the bloodwork and that is why I use Computerized Regulation Thermometry (CRT) CRT is an amazing tool for analyzing how the body is regulating itself Regulation is an expression of the Autonomic Nervous System We cannot heal if the body is stuck in Sympathetic Overdrive. We cannot heal if the body does not know how to respond to stress and adapt to the various insults it is exposed to on a daily basis So How does the CRT work???
By using a handheld device I sample approximately 120 dynamically-changing skin temperatures before and after a cool-air stress These points are specifically correlated with all the major organs of the body via the neurological reflexes of organs and tissues through the Spinal Reflex Arc of the ANS This is non-invasive, with no radiation exposure and is the only reproducible and reliable way I know of to measure the health of the lymphatic system, the regulation of your oral microbiome and of course the regulation of all your vital organs. Patterns seen are corroborated with laboratory and imaging diagnostics and backed by robust data accumulated over the last 40 years For women this is the most effective tool to look at breast health and liver health is intimately related to the potential development of cancer and this tool can see it This is very different from infrared cameras which many of you may be familiar with but which is actually quite controversial in its medical applications and does not compare to the information found in this test
Take-Home Message
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), there is a cycle of qi around the clock Each organ has a correlation with certain time frames. You are most likely familiar with the terms diurnal and nocturnal Nocturnal means at night -think of animals such as the bat which is only active at night And the diurnal portion of this cycle has to do with the day But in TCM each two-hour segment of this cycle is related to a specific organ and its flow of qi For example, the time of the lungs is between 3:00-5:00 a.m. This is why many monks wake at 4:00 a m to meditate because the lung energy is at its highest during this point If you have asthma and you have difficulty breathing during this time frame then it is due to weakened lung qi And the liver qi period is from 1:00-3:00 a m Do you find yourself waking up at the same time each night??? I find many of my patients over the years always talk about waking up and staring at the clock during this exact time from Not only does this mean there is an issue with your sleep but it means there is an issue with your liver energy that must be addressed
Back to the liver. During the hours of 1:00-3:00 a.m. the qi will move inward as it helps to restore and replenish the body Remember the liver has so many functions and also helps to cleanse the blood and facilitate the flow of qi and blood throughout the whole body Liver Qi Stagnation can manifest in many ways such as abdominal distention, menstrual irregularities, joint pain, and anger/depression. Following the liver time, the next 12 hours are more focused on assimilation, digestion and elimination of food through organs such as the colon, stomach and spleen The mid-afternoon slows down as it begins to prepare for the regeneration that will occur while you sleep There is also the fact that at the opposite of 1:00-3:00 a.m. during the 1:00-3:00 p.m. hours when the small intestine is the most active that the liver energy will be at it’ s lowest
During a 24-hour period, your energy or Qi (pronounced “chee”) moves through the organ systems in two-hour intervals Qi draws inward to help restore the body between the hours of 1:00 a m and 3:00 a m The liver cleanses the blood and performs other functions such as getting the blood ready to travel outward into the rest of the body Over the next 12 hours, Qi cycles through the organs that assimilate, digest and eliminate food through the body or our diurnal organs By mid-afternoon, the body begins to slow down again in preparation for the nocturnal phase. The nocturnal phase is all about restoring and maintaining So when one organ system is at its peak, its counterpart, on the opposite side of the clock is at its lowest point
3 a.m. to 5 a.m. is Lung time
5 a m to 7 a m is Large Intestine time
7 a m to 9 a m is Stomach time
9 a m to 11 a m is Spleen time
11 a m to 1 a m is Heart time
1 p.m. to 3 p.m. is Small Intestine time
3 p m to 5 p m is Urinary Bladder time
5 p m to 7 p m is Kidney time
7 p m to 9 p m is Pericardium time
9 p m to 11 p m is Triple Burner time
11 p.m. to 1 a.m. is Gall Bladder time
1 a m to 3 a m is Liver time
This chart can be one of the most important and easy to follow tools to track your symptoms and see what organ system is related to your issues allowing you to get to the root cause of your dis-ease
For example, in a perfect world, a great time to support your liver when it is at its lowest would be during 1-3pm with castor oil packs. Of course do the best you can at a time that fits best with your lifestyle
Here are the instructions I hand out to patients directly in my practice
Instructions for use:
Heat the castor oil on the stove in a pan Get it as hot as possible but DO NOT BURN YOURSELF
While the castor oil is heating up, prepare the slightly larger parchment paper (material listed above #3) Set aside Remove the castor oil from the stove
Submerge the flannel cloth into the castor oil It should be wet but not dripping
Materials needed:
1 Castor oil- cold pressed is preferred over refined
2 Flannel cloth-wool is preferred over cotton unless unavailable or allergy exists
3 Parchment Paper
4. Hot water bottle or low EMF heating pad
5 Bath towel - place underneath you to prevent staining couch
6 Old clothes you don t care to stain
The saturated cloth will be placed directly on the skin on the area of the body Dr. Stills has recommended Be sure to cover the treated area entirely with the flannel cloth
Place the parchment paper on top Then place a low EMF heating pad or hot water bottle over the top of the parchment paper - if using the heating pad use a high setting but not so high as to cause burning. The heat will promote absorption of the oil and soothe the intestines This is generally left in place for approximately one hour You can read, watch tv, li t t i dit t t Pl b th t l d th t id t i i th
Note: the heat should not be used if an internal abscess or appendicitis is suspected Always check with YOUR physician before starting anything new :) Afterwards the skin can be cleaned with a solution containing 2 teaspoons of baking soda in one quart of water Or you can just let it soak in if you don’t mind being sticky The flannel itself may be used repeatedly and can be stored in a plastic bag or container between uses Replace every 4-6 weeks.
It is best if the packs are used on a cyclical basis with rest periods in between For example, 4 nights on 3 nights off If this is not possible then do the best you can do to apply the treatment as often as possible. Dr. Stills recommends you apply the treatment: 4 nights a week just as it was channeled originally by Edgar Cayce
*Frequency of use is underlined
Another important at-home tool you can incorporate is starting your day between 5:007:00 a m with a filtered glass of warm water with lemon to encourage cleansing and a bowel movement Such a simple thing you can do all on your own that when done consistently will have profound healing actions on your body
Nutritional benefits of lemon water:
A glass (150ml) of lemon water with the juice of 1 lemon provides approximately:
4Kcal / 16KJ 0 1g Protein 0.8g Carbohydrate 65mg Potassium 18mg Vitamin C
In studying these areas of medicine for years, I have learned how an out of whack liver may be expressed in individuals from an emotional standpoint Take a look inside and see if any of these relate to you:
Intense personality stuck in anger
Trouble making plans or going with
the flow if plans change
Deep sense of hopelessness
Tendency towards drug & alcohol abuse
Very competitive
Easily irritated
Self directed anger (which can provoke auto-immune disease)
Do any of these resonate? Do you feel stuck? Unable to find balance or often drift into anger, depression, emotional dysregulation?
You are not alone. In taking a holistic look at why our body operates, away from the narrow lens of conventional medicine we can begin to see how these elements are related
You are not stuck in a feeling of hopelessness due to a lack of Prozac!
And when we bring the liver into balance, you will manifest these experiences:
Action orientated
Excelling in planning and organization
Ability to guards the body from outside
insults aka stronger immune system
Capacity for perspective and ability
to handle criticism
A sense of direction in life
Able to break unwanted habits
Feeling and performing at your best
We must look not only at sluggish digestion skin issues headache etc to discover our liver is out of balance; we must explore our feelings, thoughts and emotions
As Socrates claimed "An Unexamined Life is Not Worth Living" - that's a bit harsh, but inner work is key in outer health
I’d like to leave you with perhaps one of the most important things in health Focusing on nourishment Of course fresh, organic, greens are one of the most beneficial things you can eat to support your liver But nourishment is so much more than what we eat So I invite you to pause and inquire within on how you receive nourishment in the following areas:
Hi, I’ m Dr Stills and I’ m grateful you are here exploring what you can do to have a healthier liver Perhaps you are struggling currently with a dis-ease process that has turned you into a seeker Perhaps you have overcome a dis-ease and just want to make sure you continue to stay on the path towards health Perhaps you are feeling healthy and strong and understand the power of prevention and just want to learn as much as you can, as often as
you can, to continue to perform at your optimal state By the time you are finished with this ebook, I know that you will have learned more about your liver than you knew before and will also be able to institute some of the at home tips to start loving your liver right away
I am a Naturopathic Medical Doctor who helps women to pause and evaluate life so they can live the second act of their story stronger healthier and sexier while aging backwards Using my 20+ years of experience and extensive training and background in European Biological Medicine, anti-aging therapies, and Bio-identical Hormone Replacement, I have successfully helped thousands of women transition gently through the different stages of their lives with all natural methods. I am passionate about spreading the word about RED– the philosophy I developed for you to Reinvent your Health, Explore your Spirit and Discover YOUR Sexy so that you, too, can create and live the life you desire and deserve! I founded and ran one of the largest and most successful naturopathic clinics in the country for a decade and am the host of The Science Of Self Healing podcast I am an expert physician for the Women’ s Health Network and I educate other physicians as the Co-Lead North American lecturer for the Paracelsus Academy in Switzerland Patients work with me in a variety of ways: through telemedicine consults and my life-changing retreats for individuals or small groups in healing and rejuvenating locations around the world Some of my patients will even fly out to see me or fly me in just to get the chance to work, one on one