New and updated second edition
Copyright ©2019 by
Dr. Véronique Desaulniers
All Rights Reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in retrieval systems, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded or otherwise without written permission from the author.
The information presented in this book is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for proper diagnosis and treatment by a licensed professional. If you have any questions about whether the information and advice presented in this book is suitable for you, please check with your trusted physician or healthcare provider. It is your responsibility to discern what information provided is useful for your health and to use this guide in appropriate and commonsense ways.
The publisher and author disclaim any liabilities for any loss of proSit or commercial or personal damages resulting from the use of the information contained in this book.
Cambria font used with permission from Microsoft.
The 7 Essentials System® 3
Section I: The Beginning 11 .................................................. Cancer Cannot Grow In A Healthy Body 16 .......................................
Section II: Why Do I Have Breast Cancer? 19 ...................
The 7 Cancer Triggers 27 ........................................................................
Trigger #1- SAD Food 27 ..........................................................................
Trigger #2 – Environmental Toxicity 32 ............................................
Trigger #3 – Physical and Hormonal Stress 35 ................................
Trigger #4 – Emotional Wounds 37 .....................................................
Trigger #5 – Dental Toxicities 38 .........................................................
Trigger #6 – InXlammation and Poor Methylation 39 ....................
Trigger #7 – Needles & Knives, Lotions & Potions 43 .................... SECTION III: 60
Essential #3: Balance Your Energy 135 .............................
Essential #4: Heal Your Emotional Wounds 155 ............
Essential #5: Embrace Biological Dentistry 180 ............
Essential #6: Repair Your Body with Therapeutic Plants 193 ...................................................................................
Foreword 8
Dedication and Inspiration 10
The 7 Essentials System® 60 ................................................ The Top 7 Foods To Avoid 64 .................................................................. The Top 7 Foods to Enjoy 83
................................................................... Essential #2: Reduce Your Toxic Exposure 105 ..............
The procedure can be done in an outpatient setting with local anesthesia. The study examined 86 patients at 19 centers across the country. They found that cryo-ablation had a 92 percent success rate for destroying targeted cancers. It also had a 100 percent success rate at getting within one centimeter of the targeted tumor. A report of the clinical trial was published in the Annals of Surgical Oncology. https:// www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27221361 246
The 7 Essentials System® 5
............................ Essential #7: Adopt Very Early Detection 261 ................ Closing Thoughts The End is Simply the Beginning .... 282 Index 286 .................................................................................... About the Author 306 ............................................................. One Last Thing: 307 ..................................................................................
Read This FIRST!
am not a medical doctor, dentist, oncologist, or breast specialist nor do I present myself as one. I am a woman who personally experienced breast cancer. I stared breast cancer in the face and conquered it….twice.
I am a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic with over 40 years of experience in the wellness industry. My passion is empowering women about an evidence-based way of supporting and healing their body.
Evidence-based Natural Medicine has been scientiSically validated for years. I encourage you to take the time to review the hyperlinks and references that I have cited. Many of the links will take you to the United States Library of Medicine, www.pubmed.gov. This is a service of the National Institutes of Health and is paid for by your tax dollars.
In the search bar for www.pubmed.gov you can type in “breast cancer” and the name of a natural substance and see hundreds of studies validating the effect of that substance on breast cancer. For example, type in “selenium and breast cancer” and about 490 studies pop up, proving the positive effect that selenium has on breast cancer patients and how selenium reduces breast cancer metastasis. Study after study validates the power of natural medicine.
“I like the fact that this information is backed by research.” D. O.
I did not use traditional diagnostic tests to “conSirm” that I had breast cancer. I chose not to have my breasts radiated and compressed. Nor did I want to have a biopsy that could potentially spread the cancer. I was not interested in a “label” or a “stage.” To me, cancer was cancer, and I had to get to the CAUSE of what allowed it to develop in the Sirst place.
The information presented in this book has not been approved by the FDA, AMA, or any federal or state agency. The contents of this book may be considered controversial by the traditional medical community.
The methods that I chose to detect and reverse the breast cancer may seem unorthodox to some. And the protocols I used and describe in this book are not for everyone. But the end results speak for themselves.
This book is for educational purposes only and is not intended, nor should it be used, as a substitute for professional medical advice. If you wish to embark on a healing program, you should work under the supervision of a licensed, qualiSied healthcare practitioner who has had success in your area of concern. Your physician should be aware of all your medical conditions as well as any medications and nutritional supplements you are taking. Search for a doctor who will support you with your goals of prevention or healing. Anyone who embarks on a healing journey involving any dietary or lifestyle changes accepts full responsibility for their decision.
Breast Cancer Conqueror, LLC as well as Dr. Véronique Desaulniers are not responsible for any decisions you make as a result of reading the information in this book. Neither the author, editor, nor publisher will be responsible for damages arising out of or in connection with the use of this book.
The 7 Essentials System® 7
Sadly, in our world, some kinds of cancer are portrayed as “scarier” than others. Breast cancer deSinitely gets this stigma, because it affects the lives of children and families.
Because of her personal experience with breast cancer, it is the mission of our dear friend and colleague Dr. V, to empower women and change this dynamic. Her goal is for women to “never fear breast cancer again.” As fellow parents, authors and health educators, that is a banner we can deSinitely get behind!
We Sirst met Dr V at a Healing Strong conference in 2013. We knew right away that Dr. V was a “kindred spirit.” It was a great connection from the start -- and we have worked together on projects to empower our mutual audiences ever since.
Dr. V has appeared on our stage at every TTAC LIVE conference we have had. She has written dozens of blogs on our website and has also appeared in many videos and vlogs, where she explains in straightforward language what is really going on when it comes to breast cancer.
And this straight-forward yet caring approach to the often “scary” subject of breast cancer is how she has been able to help so many through The 7 Essentials System®. It is also why I am so honored to contribute these few words in support of the second edition of Beat Breast Cancer Naturally: You Can Heal Your Life With The 7 Essentials System.
There have been so many advances in science and evidence-based natural medicine in the last Sive years. We have all learned and grown so much, which is why we are so excited about this second edition. Her experience shines through in every page of the new edition, with references to the very latest research about breast cancer and the latest information about natural modalities.
The Sirst edition of Heal Breast Cancer Naturally: 7 Essential Steps to Beating Breast Cancer was a #1 best-seller on Amazon and I know that this one will be as well. Here is why: individuals like yourself search out books like Dr V’s because you want, and deserve, answers. You want to understand the dis-ease of cancer so you can make informed decisions that are right for you. Then, these choices are not based on fear and
propaganda, but are based on science and conSidence that your body has an amazing ability to heal.
And this is exactly what Dr V has done in this second edition. It is also what she has done for so many years with her coaching, teaching, speaking, and mentoring through The 7 Essentials System® and her website, BreastCancerConqueror.com. This system, fully explained in the book, is now reaching women globally in over 41 countries.
Dr. V’s work, her mission and her books don’t just save lives. They help women (and men) heal from cancer from the inside out in order to live more vibrant, healthy and happy lives.
We can’t say enough about the value of Dr. V’s programs and the brandnew second edition of Beat Breast Cancer Naturally: You Can Heal Your Life With The 7 Essentials System. It is part of our must-read bookshelf at home, and we hope it sits on that same shelf in your home as well!
In health and love, Ty and Charlene Bollinger Founders of The Truth About Cancer
The 7 Essentials System® 9
To Lucille and Achilles, who were the best parents they could possibly be. Life was not easy for you. Ironically, your pain and sorrow became the inspiration to live my life to the fullest.
Dad, “le Père,” I wish I understood cancer back then like I do now. You slipped away so quickly because of the pancreatic cancer. But before you did, you told me you loved me. Thank you. Mum, “la Mère,” you allowed me to teach you about healing breast cancer naturally. That was a very proud moment for me. I wish I could have healed your heart, both literally and Siguratively. I am thankful that I was able to hold your hand all night before you slipped away so quietly the next morning.
To my children, Janique, Chantale, and Justin “Jahret,” the joys of my life. From the moment I held you in my arms after your home births, I knew there was an unbreakable bond that sealed our lives forever. You love me with such heart and depth, and you love each other just the same. I am truly a blessed woman to have experienced the joys of motherhood with you.
To my husband Brian, my “Muzz,” who has been my sounding board, my rock and my best friend. With all my heart, I believed I would eventually Sind you, and I did. You have loved me like no other and have stood by me like no other. You reminded me how beautiful life really is, and you taught me to laugh once again. Je t’aime de tout mon coeur!
Vibrant health is not a destination...it is a journey.
If you look back on your life, there are usually some pretty deSining moments that make you go, “AHA!” These moments change the course of your life and lead you down a totally different path from the one you may have originally planned for your future.
My childhood was not the easiest. I remember feeling very alone and depressed even as a young child. The stress of alcoholic parents, sexual abuse from a convicted pedophile neighbor, and emotional neglect were all part of my childhood. As a little girl I felt sadness, stress, fear, and loneliness. I was never allowed to be a carefree, fun-loving child since I was always worried about my parents and taking care of them. I have forgiven my parents since I know they did the best they knew how with the information they had. They themselves were wounded children so they had weak parenting and nurturing skills.
When I was 16, I started experimenting with herbal teas, healthier food and exercise. On a physical level, my life was improving and I was feeling better. But I had not broken free from the dysfunctional patterns and learned behaviors of alcoholism and depression. I went through some very traumatic, life-changing events as a young adult and found myself feeling very dark and depressed. By the age of 21, I had already been married and divorced.
I chose to leave my French Canadian home and explore a new life. So, in March of 1977, I started chiropractic school at Life College in Marietta, Georgia. My life would never be the same. My eyes were opened to the power of the body's capacity to heal.
In 1980, I opened my doors as a licensed chiropractor, excited about bringing this message of health and hope to as many people as possible. I had the privilege of touching the lives of thousands of people. As my patients improved their diets and supplemented with speciSic herbs and vitamins, I was witnessing amazing results with all kinds of my own health issues. My practice was thriving, and I was healing.
The 7 Essentials System® 11
Then in 1983, I experienced another life-changing event. My father, Achilles, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He was given no hope, no encouragement, and sent home to die, which he did in six weeks. I will never forget my feelings of hopelessness and frustration.
I thought, “Surely there is something that can be done to heal cancer.” I knew some of my patients had done it and so could my father.
I began to research…
Life before the internet meant we had to go to the library, read books, and get on the phone to make connections with people.
As I dug deeper, I read accounts of speciSic herbs and protocols that reversed cancers of all types.
I got on the phone and talked to alternative doctors who were seeing amazing results with their cancer patients. Unfortunately for my father, it was too late.
That experience opened the “cancer door” for me. It gave me a better understanding of how and why so many of my aunts and uncles had died of cancer. I studied hard and became certiSied in bio-energetic testing, homeopathy, and herbal medicines. I was now understanding health and healing on a whole new level.
Fast-forward 10 years: my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had a lumpectomy and so much radiation that her breast was red hot and hard as a brick until the day she died. She did not want to do chemo, so she came to visit her daughter, Dr. V., to try a more natural and gentler approach to healing.
I was so proud of my mom and how she religiously took her drops and herbs. She never had an issue with cancer again.
Then came another deSining moment…
One morning in April of 2004, I was in the shower getting ready for another fulSilling day at the ofSice when I noticed a hard marble-like lump in my left breast. I kept feeling it from every angle telling myself it was nothing. But the burning in the pit of my stomach and in my chest told me otherwise.
I consulted with an M.D. friend of mine, whom I will call Dr. Dan. He was having tremendous success with cancer patients without the use of toxic therapies. He used bio-energetic testing to conSirm it was breast cancer. Bio-energetic testing is a non-invasive, computer system that measures the energy Slow through acupuncture meridians. It identiSies energetic imbalances that may cause health issues and disease.
By now, I had been in practice for 24 years and witnessed the unpleasant effects of traditional cancer treatments. If the body was strong enough it could on occasion survive the treatments but not without chronic and life-changing side effects.
On the Slip side, I had also witnessed how supportive, natural therapies strengthened the body's immune system and weakened cancer cells. So, there was no question or second guessing what my path would be. I had full conSidence in my body's ability to heal.
I have to admit that at Sirst I really didn't believe this lump was cancer. I was pretty much in denial. After all, how could Dr. V develop breast cancer? I ate organic before organic was in style. I had home births and breast fed all three of my children for 18 months each. I exercised regularly, and I was under chiropractic care. I had a regular regime of supplements and herbs including wheatgrass.
I kept asking questions and praying so I could understand what I was going to learn from this. What was this going to teach me?
For the next two years, I followed a somewhat regimented program of clean, healthy, organic living. I took a barrage of immune boosting supplements, homeopathic remedies, and herbal botanicals. Life was full and busy and my personal experience seemed to attract more and more women looking for alternative methods to heal their bodies.
About a year later in 2005 I had another deSining moment…
I discovered thermography and had my Sirst thermogram. It revealed a big hot spot in my left breast indicating inSlammation and angiogenesis - the formation of new blood vessels feeding a tumor.
Unfortunately, things were not progressing the way I expected. It was obvious there was some serious angiogenesis. The inSlamed area had grown in size.
After several consultations with doctors and diving into more research, I realized that I was missing some huge pieces of the puzzle. I was iodine deSicient and my thyroid needed support, which would directly affect my breast tissue and my ability to heal. I also discovered the term cavitation. I had an infection in my jaw as a result of an extraction that I had as a young child. Interestingly, that cavitation sat on the left breast meridian (more on that later).
Electro-pollution was another AHA! moment for me. I discovered that I am very electro-sensitive, and it had an impact on my immune system. Lastly, there was the emotional component. I was in a very unhappy marriage and was not managing my day-to-day stress at all.
The 7 Essentials System® 13
As I began sharing my story and experience with other women, they would often ask me, "If you were so healthy and doing all the right things, why did you STILL get cancer?"
It’s an excellent question. And it’s a question I asked myself a gazillion times. But you know the saying, “Ask and you shall receive?” I became the student and opened my heart and mind, and the answers started coming. They are still coming to this day.
Over the years, I discovered many truths about the causes of cancer and they formed the basis for The 7 Essentials System®.
And I thought I had beaten cancer for good. But 9 years later I learned something else. Breast cancer is a chronic dis-ease that must be managed for life.
In 2015, three years into my role as a breast cancer health coach, I began to notice some familiar patterns. I had pain in my left breast. I was tired and was struggling with sleep. My latest thermogram showed new patterns of inSlammation and blood Slow very similar to my images from 2005. My heart sank when I saw those images. They were conSirming what my gut was already telling me.
By now, blood tests called “liquid biopsies” were available. These tests could detect the presence of cancer hormones as well as proteins that cancer cells secrete. The Enox 2 protein test was positive for breast cancer. Circulating tumor cells were present and genetic testing indicated that cancer-causing genes were turned on.
The medical doctor I was seeing felt a distinct lump in my left breast in close proximity to where the Sirst cancer had appeared in 2004.
Cancer was knocking on my door once again. But now the shame, the guilt, the shock was enormous. Here I was teaching women to reverse cancer, yet I was facing it again. Was The 7 Essentials System® a joke? Was I a fraud who was being delusional about her work?
How could I face women that were depending on me to support them? How could I tell my team that I was also dealing with breast cancer once again? Would they lose trust and faith in me? How could I face my children?
Those were some very dark times for me. They were times of self-doubt, fear and anger.
I had to muster up the courage to face this new reality and prove to myself and to others, that healing cancer is possible. I had to go back to the drawing board and understand what had brought me to this point
once again. Afterall, I was now happily married to the man of my dreams and we were living in a beautiful calming space in the north Georgia mountains. Life was good…. Or was it?
I assembled a team of brilliant doctors and therapists and went to work.
One morning, I was feeling especially sick and nauseous as well as sad and despondent. I felt like a failure. After my coffee enema, I had an uncontrollable urge to cry. I lay on the bathroom Sloor, questioning all those years of teaching and promoting wellness. My life’s work and purpose was about helping sick people get well and here I was, limp and feeling hopeless.
Then I heard an inner voice as clear as day –
“Stop being so hard on yourself! You have had your nose to the grindstone your whole life. Take a break! Learn to nurture yourself.”
At that moment, I decided to stop coaching women one on one and that I would train and teach new coaches to do the coaching work. I realized that I was giving too much of myself. I wanted so desperately to help all these women who were contacting me about their journey.
I had been coaching women Sive, sometimes six days per week, and from sun up to sun down. I was running on an empty tank and my body was telling me to slow down.
The following three years were Silled with adventure and discovery. I was determined to learn everything I could to reverse the cancer once again. I hired a researcher to help me stay on top of the latest science and technologies in the world of evidence-based natural medicine.
The information in this book is a culmination of those years and over four decades of personal and professional experience with natural medicines. I want this book to impart hope to women who are faced with a diagnosis of breast cancer. I know what it feels like to be faced with the maze of internet information and not know which direction to take or even where to start.
I know what it feels like to be scared and to experience pain and doubt.
One morning, while I was on my healing journey, I walked by the kitchen table and picked up a magazine that caught my attention. There was an article about a man named Sean Stephenson. He was afSlicted with osteogenesis imperfecti, a disease that causes the bones to be so brittle that they shatter and break. This 3-foot tall motivational speaker traveled the world to share his story and move people to appreciate all the gifts they have in their everyday lives.
The 7 Essentials System® 15
He related that when he was a child, there was a signiSicant event that changed his life forever. After fracturing another bone in one of his legs simply from playing outside in the yard, he was crying, frustrated, mad, and feeling sorry for himself. His mother looked at him and said, “Is this going to be a gift or is this going to a burden? You get to choose.”
In that moment it was clear that message was meant for me. Those words were exactly what I needed to read right then. I had a choice. I could look at my experience with cancer as a burden or I could choose to appreciate it as a gift.
“Is this going to be a gift or is this going to a burden?
You get to choose.”
I chose to look at it as a gift, and I ask you to do the same. That can be challenging at times, especially if you are feeling low emotionally and physically. Pray for insight and guidance so that you grow emotionally and spiritually as you heal your physical body.
The 7 Essentials System® is the result of years of research and soulsearching. In this guide, I will hold your hand through the process of creating vibrant health and preventing breast cancer -- or any type of dis-ease for that matter. It will also serve as a reference as you embark on your healing journey. It will open doors for you. It will teach you. It will help you take responsibility for your health and make informed decisions.
You will have your highs and lows, but you will also have your own glorious AHA! moments when it all seems to come together. Celebrate when you make progress. Be grateful for the positive changes you make.
Can I make the claim that you will be cancer-free if you follow The 7 Essentials System®? Legally and ethically I cannot and will not. Sadly, some people die even though they seem to have done everything right. Others don’t apply half the principles, and they breeze through their cancer journey without much problem.
But one thing I have learned in over four decades as a health care practitioner, is that I can take no credit or blame for someone else's journey. I cannot live with you 24/7. I have no control over what goes on behind closed doors or what goes on between your two ears and in your heart. Only you know.
The aim of The 7 Essentials System® is to help you become healthy on every level, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, or any other disease, there is something out of balance in your body. It may be your emotions
which are suppressing your immune system. It may be toxicity levels, acidity, lifestyle, dental issues or a combination of many things.
In other words:
You did not get cancer and then become sick. You were already sick and THEN you developed cancer.
You are not alone on this journey. There are hundreds of thousands of people who have successfully healed cancer with the use of evidencebased natural medicine. I'm simply asking you to think about your disease as a process just as your healing will be a process.
My vision for this book is that every person reading this book has an AHA! moment in some way. I pray this book serves as a successful guide for you, so you never have to fear breast cancer again.
Never Fear Breast Cancer Again
A diagnosis of breast cancer brings a wave of fear and dread. I’m hoping this book will change that. The information you get here will change how you might react to a breast cancer diagnosis. Instead of living in constant fear, you can feel a measure of control and peace. Focus on healing and creating vibrant health. Think about where you want to be in Sive years. Don’t give “the cancer” too much energy based on fear and doubt.
By the time you Sinish this book you will:
• Understand the triggers that lead to breast cancer.
• Appreciate the importance of lowering stress and eliciting the relaxation response for deep healing.
• Feel conSidence in evidence-based natural medicine.
• Have a healing mindset.
Be open to new ideas and stare cancer in the face with less fear and more determination. Be brutally honest with yourself and take responsibility by making necessary changes. Trust the process. Trust your body’s ability to heal.
Understand that this information is not just “new age” Kluff. It is based on sound principles and scientiKic studies.
It would be virtually impossible to discuss all the various diets and the hundreds of protocols that have worked for many, since there is no cookie-cutter, one-size-Sits-all cancer cure. So I've attempted to present many scientiSically based facts, so you can build conSidence in this method of healing.
The 7 Essentials System® 17
I have witnessed how our bodies have the miraculous power to heal and restore health even in the face of the most serious and dire circumstances. Tens of thousands of women around the world have chosen to heal their bodies naturally. Many were initially coerced and intimidated into going down traditional toxic paths, only to wake up one day, realizing that the “treatment” designed to “kill the cancer” was also killing them.
Embarking on a healing journey is not just about learning the facts, having the proof, and following the protocols. It is also about opening up your heart to growth, clearing your mind of past programming, and allowing the “true you” to shine through.
Often, the major healing you have to do is found between your ears and in your heart. Erroneous beliefs that have held you captive most of your life can be changed into positive, supportive thought patterns.
Healing is not just about getting rid of that lump or bump. Healing is a metamorphosis and a transformation so that going forward you live your life from a greater consciousness and appreciation for every sunrise, every breath, and every heartbeat. I am so grateful and humbled to have witnessed so many of you transform into conSident and empowered women. You stared down cancer and you won!
Many blessings to you and your family as you journey on your road to vibrant health!
Sending you a warm “Heart Hug.”
Dr. V
“Learn to calm your mind. It is a powerful healing tool.”
My client Sally was on top of the world. She was an exercise therapist who held classes in her local gym. She was a vegetarian and meditated on a regular basis. She was the image of health and felt full of life and energy.
And then one day Sally noticed a tender area in her right breast. She thought she had pulled a muscle in her last workout, so she dismissed it for a few days. But the pain persisted. She reluctantly made an appointment with her GP. He felt a suspicious lump deep in her breast tissue. And she was eventually diagnosed with breast cancer.
You may think this is not your typical story surrounding a breast cancer diagnosis. But the truth is this scenario has become very common. It is not just "unhealthy" women who are being diagnosed. More and more women like Sally are facing breast cancer. Why? Keep reading and you will understand why.
Breast cancer is not one disease. It is an accumulation of many illnesses and weaknesses in the body. We live in an environmentally complex world inundated with foreign chemicals that assault our body every day. We may have chronic low-grade bacterial, fungal, parasitic, or viral infections that weaken and stress our immune systems on a daily basis.
We are also exposed to the insidious effect of electropollution and electromagnetic Sields (EMFs) while we're racing through life trying to “get it all done.” Poor quality food, lack of sleep, and chronic stress is the formula for creating disease in the body.
If you're reading this book, you probably already realize that preventing and healing breast cancer goes beyond being a victim of your genes. It is about taking responsibility for your health and discovering what allowed the cancer to develop in the Sirst place.
The 7 Essentials System® 19
In the 1940’s, your chances of developing breast cancer were 1 in 40. Now 1 in 3 women will develop some form of cancer and 1 in 8 will develop breast cancer in her lifetime.
My team and I have coached women in over 42 countries over the last six years. Whether women are from Africa, Australia, Malaysia, or Sweden, they all face the same issues about healing their body.
According to the World Health Organization: 1 in 6 deaths is due to cancer. And new cases are expected to surge by about 70% in the next 20 years.1
A 2016 report from the American Cancer Society at the World Cancer Congress in Paris this fall estimated that 5.5 million women worldwide will succumb to cancer yearly by 2030, a 60% increase in less than two decades. 2
Here are some other global facts that may surprise you:
● The “Top 20” countries for breast cancer are all industrialized regions (Belgium has the highest rate in Europe with Denmark and France not far behind).
● The highest incidence of breast cancer overall is in North America and Oceania (Micronesia, Fiji and the Polynesian area).
● The lowest rates of breast cancer occur in Asia and Africa.
When women leave their native countries, their breast cancer risk often goes up.
A study conducted by the University of Southern California investigated the rates of breast cancer in US-born Filipina and Chinese women. It found that invasive breast cancer rates were approximately 30% and 80% higher respectively for these women than for women who lived in their home countries.3
The only exception was seen in Japan. Breast cancer rates in that country remained on-par with the United States. Researchers studying this phenomenon speculate that the high number of Japanese breast cancer sufferers has to do with stressful lifestyles as well as poor
1 http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs297/en/ https://www.yahoo.com/news/cancer-kill-5-5-million-women-2030-004639338.html? 2 ref=gs
3 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2837454/
dietary choices that began during World War II, when women began working outside of the home as part of the war effort.4
Breast Cancer Rates in Young Women Worldwide Continue to Soar. Most of the rise in breast, as well as cervical, lung and colorectal, cancers worldwide in the years to come will be among middle-aged and young women. Of course, this trend is nothing new. Exposure to household toxins, stressful lifestyles, diet, birth control use, consumption of personal products, and unprotected extensive use of cellphones are all factors that affect young women (and especially young moms) on the go.
Scientists have come to the conclusion that more than half of all cancers can be prevented through lifestyle changes and healthier habits.5 According to the University of Columbia School of Public Health, “95% of all cancer is due to diet and the accumulation of toxins.”
An article in the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists stated:
“Cancer is a preventable disease that requires major lifestyle changes. Only 5–10% of all cancer cases can be attributed to genetic defects, whereas the remaining 90-95% have their roots in the environment and lifestyle.”6
In other words, breast cancer is highly preventable with lifestyle and dietary changes.
When we look at these statements, it builds conSidence that we can have signiSicant control over our health and breast cancer outcomes. Preventing and healing breast cancer comes with taking responsibility for your health, making informed decisions and being committed to lifelong healthier habits. That is what this book is all about – teaching you to take responsibility for your health and guiding you through that process.
There is a plethora of information on the internet about how to prevent and “cure” cancer. The challenge is making sense of it all and knowing where to begin. That’s where The 7 Essentials System® comes in. This
4 http://www.ghrnet.org/index.php/JT/article/view/805/913
5 http://stm.sciencemag.org/
The 7 Essentials System® 21
book will guide you through 7 key issues that will help ensure that you not only prevent breast cancer but also improve your odds of reversing breast cancer.
“I am healing from a third breast cancer. The 7 Essentials helped me to put it all together and set me up for success.” M.B.
“I have breast cancer because my mom had it, and her mom before her and her mom before her.”
How many times have you heard this statement? Or maybe even made a similar statement yourself? Throughout most of our lives we have been bombarded with a myriad of data and information indicating human beings are permanently subject to their genetic makeup, that we are “victims” of our ancestral gene pool.
The old gene theory has led us to believe that our genes and our DNA would ultimately determine the outcome of our health and that we had very little control over it. But the truth is you don’t have to be a victim of your genes. Only a small percentage of breast cancer cases are caused by genetics.
And we have the power to change and inSluence our genes in many ways. ScientiSic discoveries are shedding new light on the world of genetics. The new science of epigenetics (epi meaning “above” “over” or “near”) reveals that genes are turned off and on, not by the genes themselves, but through external environmental stimuli.
In other words, your genes need instructions for what to do, and when and where to do it. Picture the cell membrane as a computer chip, and the environment is literally typing on the cell receptors – which are equivalent to keys on a keyboard. When information from the environment comes in and “hits” the cell, and the cell signals the gene, creating programming.
Dr. Bruce Lipton is a world-renowned cellular biologist and researcher in the Sield of quantum physics. He says the environment - and not DNA - shapes the development of our health. He writes:
“Cellular biologists now recognized that the environment - the external universe and our internal physiology - and, more importantly, our perception of
the environment directly control the activity of our genes.”7
There are many different types of signals that impact our gene expression. Various inSluences such as your lifestyle choices, exposures to environmental toxins, dietary habits, and even your thoughts and feelings, can affect your gene expression.
A landmark study by Dr. Dean Ornish, M.D., clinical professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, demonstrated that lifestyle changes could alter our genes.8 This study showed that improved nutrition, moderate exercise, stress management, and increased social support, changed the expression of over 500 genes!
These changes “turned on” health-promoting genes while they “turned off” genes that promoted heart disease, cancer, inXlammation, and oxidative stress.
Genes can be turned off and on with nutrition and antioxidants. For example, NRF2 is a gene that increases the levels of the antioxidant glutathione in your cells. It can be activated and turned on with nutrients from broccoli sprouts and curcumin. Research also proves that your emotional and psychological state can have an impact on the genes in your DNA.
A study from the Institute of Heart Math demonstrated the impact our emotions have on inSluencing our DNA.9 Twenty-eight researchers were each given a vial containing DNA. They were instructed to feel positive feelings such as gratitude, love, and appreciation and project those feelings towards the DNA vial. In response to those emotions, the DNA actually relaxed, unwound, and lengthened.
Conversely, when the researchers projected emotions such as stress, anger, and fear, the DNA structure tightened, shortened, and switched off some of the gene codes. When they reverted to normal, loving feelings, the DNA once again responded in a positive way.
The bottom-line is this: Make informed choices about your lifestyle and you change your programming. For example, lack of sleep can turn OFF our cancer-protective genes, according to Dr. Stan Burzynski. If you don’t learn to manage your stress, certain tumor suppressor genes can be turned off, opening the way for increased cancer cell growth.
7 The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Hay House 2008.
8 http://www.ornishspectrum.com/proven-program/the-research/ 9http://appreciativeinquiry.case.edu/practice/organizationDetail.cfm?coid=852§or=32
The 7 Essentials System® 23
Research proves that genetic expression can be altered by what you put in your body and even how you think. In other words, you have a great measure of control on the expression of your genes.
In Chapter 4, Essential #4 –
Heal Your Emotional Wounds, you'll come to understand how powerful your thoughts and emotions can be on the outcome of your health.
And there is another way you can look at breast cancer:
A growing body of evidence points to the fact that cancer is a “metabolic disease.”10 In a nutshell, this means that cancer is a problem at the cellular level, in particular at the level of mitochondria within cells.
Mitochondria are responsible for cellular metabolism and respiration.11 They are like the “lungs” of cells. They look like tiny rods and use oxygen and nutrients to create fuel for each cell. Mitochondria keep cells healthy and able to adapt to stress.
Cellular mitochondria are critical to the development (and the healing) of cancer. No matter what stage cancer you have or what type, all cancer tumors have some form of mitochondrial damage – guaranteed!
Back in the 1920’s and 30’s, Dr. Otto Warburg proved that cancer is caused by defects in cellular metabolism (i.e. mitochondria defects). He was also the Sirst to discover cancer’s insatiable appetite for sugar (i.e. glucose). Modern visionaries in the Sield of cancer research are taking Dr. Warburg’s Sindings a step further with new discoveries.
Dr. Thomas Seyfried of Boston College is an expert in cellular metabolism and nutritional ketosis. He believes all types of cancer are related. He and other experts view all cancers as one disease in which damaged mitochondria prefer glucose (as well as glutamine) as a fuel source.
Research proves healthy cells do best when they can burn fat as fuel. But they can also use almost any substance to keep themselves alive and energized. Cancer cells, on the other hand, need glucose to survive. Nothing else will do.
And this fact is what many say is cancer’s “Achilles heel.” Simply put, get rid of sugar, start the process of burning fat for fuel, strengthen those healthy mitochondria, and your body can heal, according to Dr. Seyfried and others.
10 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2845135/
11 https://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/mitochondria-14053590
If you are a research nerd like I am, Dr. Seyfried’s book, Cancer is a Metabolic Disease is pretty awesome.12
https://www.amazon.com/Cancer-Metabolic-Disease-Management-Prevention/dp/ 12 0470584920/
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You can avoid metabolic diseases and strengthen your mitochondria with these simple tips:
1. Cut the sugar. Over 100 years of research has proven that cancer feeds on sugar so don’t feed it! This goes for highfructose fruits like tropical fruits as well as simple carbs like pastas and potatoes since they also contain a high glycemic load.
2. Exercise. Exertion stimulates “mitochondrial biogenesis” in the muscles as well as in the brain and other organs. Mitochondrial biogenesis is the process through which cells increase mitochondrial mass and the production of ATP (i.e. cellular energy). This is one reason exercise has been shown to reduce cancer risk and improve survival after diagnosis.
3. Consider taking key supplements. Studies show certain “mitochondrial nutrients” such as alpha-lipoic acid, acetyl-lcarnitine, biotin, nicotinamide, riboSlavin, pyridoxine, CoQ10, resveratrol and taurine can promote improved cellular respiration and metabolism.
4. Restrict calories. When you eat less food and consume fewer calories, you extend the life of the mitochondria within each cell. This is because calorie restriction can lead to “autophagy,” a process of “deep cleaning” within the body. During a period of calorie restriction or fasting, the immune system begins to “clean house,” gobbling up old and sick cells and disposing of them. This is one reason many studies show eating less leads to slower tumor growth and the prevention of metastasis.
5. Try a Short-term Ketogenic Diet. More and more evidence indicates that upping your intake of healthy fat, lessening your protein intake, and cutting sugar and carbs, can help your mitochondria by stimulating a state called “ketosis” in your body. I am not yet convinced that a ketogenic diet is beneSicial for long-term health. But for a short-term therapy, and a metabolic reset, evidence is mounting in favor of it. If you feel stuck in your healing journey, consider looking at the ketogenic diet.
6. Get more oxygen! If sugar feeds cancer, oxygen weakens it. Healthy cells thrive in an oxygen-rich environment. Make it a habit to breathe deeply every day. This will also elicit your relaxation response to reduce stress and turn on your healing
To help you better understand how to be proactive with prevention and perhaps even heal your body, I have outlined seven major triggers that create cancer in the body. Remember, cancer is simply a symptom and not the cause.
Since breast cancer is not one disease but a combination of many factors, it's important to take a step back and look at various triggers that may stimulate the growth of cancer in the body. Each of these topics will be discussed in more detail in each of The 7 Essentials System®.
The Standard American Diet’s acronym (SAD) is so appropriate. Processed, packaged and poisoned foods make up 90% of the inventory on grocery store shelves.
It is truly a sad state of affairs when conventional doctors don’t know the difference between toxic food and healthy food. Here are a few of the main foods that trigger the growth of cancer cells:
Sugar is perhaps the biggest threat to your health and the health of your family. Americans consume over 100 pounds of sugar per year. That’s an average of 52 teaspoons of sugar per day! The majority of this is in the form of beverages and other products sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup. As a result, obesity, heart disease and cancer numbers are at an all-time high.
What most people don’t realize is that cancer cells LOVE sugar. A study in the International Journal of Endocrinology states:
Cancer cells are well known to display an enhanced sugar uptake and consumption. In fact, sugar transporters are deregulated in cancer cells, so they incorporate higher amounts of sugar than normal cells.
It drives me crazy when I hear oncologists and medical physicians saying there is no connection between sugar consumption and cancer. And if you visit any hospital or chemotherapy suite you will see gobs of candy and sodas being offered to sick cancer patients.
The very technology that traditional medicine uses to detect cancer in various parts on the body is based on the premise that cancer LOVES sugar. A PET scan (Positron Emission Tomography) takes advantage of
The 7 Essentials System® 27
cancer cells’ voracious appetite for sugar and helps to determine the extent of cancer in the body.
Before a PET scan, the patient is injected with a radioactive sugar solution. Since cancer has 10 times more insulin receptor sites compared to healthy cells, the cancer cells gobble up the radioactive sugar solution Sirst. The result is an image with lights glowing in areas of the body afSlicted with cancer cells.
We now know that cancer cells have more receptor sites for glucose than healthy cells do. This leads to the obvious (and scientiSically veriSied) conclusion that glucose feeds cancer cells.
Studies show a direct connection between diabetes and many kinds of cancer. In fact, a joint US-Canadian study of 600 postmenopausal breast cancer patients found a deSinite connection between high insulin levels, obesity and higher incidence of breast cancer.
The link has to do with insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). This hormonal substance is produced by the liver. Its main job is to promote cell growth. While IGF-1 is vital for early childhood development, too much of it can be dangerous for adults.
A 2014 report in the International Journal of Cancer found active communication between IGF-1 proteins, estrogen hormones, and cellular receptor sites in mammary glands. The researchers concluded that high IGF-1 levels could indicate a higher risk for ER-positive breast cancer. Still other studies have linked IGF-1 to lower immune function and a higher incidence of “dense breast syndrome.”
We also know that out of the three basic forms that sugar comes in — glucose, sucrose and fructose - the worst for your health is fructose. This is the form of sugar you get in processed sugary foods, processed carbohydrates, and sweetened beverages.
Fructose does not break down in your body in the same way that glucose does. Instead of being converted into energy your body can use, much of it is quickly turned to fat.
When I consulted with Hilary, she was convinced that she was doing everything right. "The only little naughty habit I have is my sugar and sweets."
She had no idea her sugar Sixes were feeding the cancer, compromising her immune system, and creating a very acidic environment in her body.
After understanding the impact sugar had on her health, Hilary stopped eating sweets and reSined grains. Within four weeks, she lost 10 pounds and started feeling stronger and healthier.
In the SAD, fructose normally comes in the form of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS).13 HFCS is very cheap mostly because the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) subsidizes farmers to overproduce corn to make it. And almost all HFCS is made from genetically modiSied corn.
In addition, HFCS exposes you to mercury. The mercury comes from chemical processes to separate corn starches from the husk. For every gram of HFCS, there could be up to .570 micrograms of mercury.14 This may not seem like a lot, but when you consider that, according to some estimates, one out of every 10 calories the average American eats comes from HFCS, the cumulative effect could be devastating.15 Even trace amounts of mercury can greatly affect both cognition and cancer. In fact, mercury toxicity has been linked to breast cancer for years because of the way it affects both the endocrine and immune systems.
High fructose corn syrup is found in almost all commercially produced foods— even some foods you wouldn’t think of, like prepared soups, commercial breads, and prepared meat products. This is one of the reasons why consumption of it went up by about 1,000% between 1970 and 1999.16 Another reason is that HFCS may be addictive.17
Most Americans today consume roughly 50 grams of HFCS each day. That is equivalent to 10 teaspoons per day. There are about 15 teaspoons of HFCS in just one 20-ounce serving of soda. This fact alone
13 https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/86/4/895/4649668
14 https://ehjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1476-069X-8-2
16 ajcn.nutrition.org/content/79/4/537.full
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could be a major factor contributing to chronic disease and mental health issues.
Studies show HFCS affects the hypothalamus and other pathways in the brain and has a laundry list of other detrimental effects.18
Sucrose, or basic table sugar, is a combination of both glucose and fructose. It is especially hard to process since the body must separate out glucose and fructose molecules before it can process it fully. Furthermore, HFCS and sucrose are synthetically made and rob your body of essential trace minerals. Both should be avoided completely if you are on a healthy breast protocol. Here’s why:
A groundbreaking study in the journal Cancer Research looked at the effects of sugar on the growth of breast cancer tumors. It found that sucrose consumption increased breast tumor growth and increased metastasis of breast cancer cells into the lungs.
The researchers found that sucrose intake in mice comparable to levels of Western diets led to increased tumor growth and metastasis, when compared to a non-sugar starch diet.
And they found that it was speciSically fructose, in table sugar and highfructose corn syrup, which was responsible for facilitating lung metastasis.
Foods high in sugar of any form should be avoided to prevent “feeding” cancer tumors. Since sugar comes in all shapes and forms it’s important to read food labels and avoid most sugar. Also limit your intake of carbs and whole grains as they eventually are broken down into simple sugars.
In my opinion, the jury is still out when it comes to fruit sugars and cancer. If you are on a healthy breast protocol, play it safe and follow these simple rules when it comes to the sweet stuff:
• Avoid all forms of processed sugars and highly-concentrated sugars including high fructose corn syrup, table sugar, molasses, honey, agave, dried fruit and concentrated fruit juice. These can spike sugar levels and stimulate a strong insulin and insulin growth-factor response.
• If you want to begin a juicing protocol, focus on lots of veggies and a few low-glycemic fruits such as Granny Smith apples and berries.
• Eat fresh fruit only in moderation.
https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/02/28/new-study-conSirms- 18 fructose-affects-your-brain-very-differently-than-glucose.aspx
• Use natural sweeteners such as stevia to sweeten tea and healthy, gluten-free desserts.
Fried foods served at fast food chains and restaurants, as well as many packaged and processed foods, contain hydrogenated oils. These fats have been chemically altered to allow for longer shelf and storage life.
These unhealthy oils raise “bad cholesterol” (LDL) and lower “good cholesterol” (HDL). At the same time, they damage cell membranes.
There are over 10,000 chemicals used in the food industry, most of which have never been tested for safety. Most food products that are manufactured and come out of a box are loaded with these toxic chemicals. Many of the artiSicial colorings, Slavorings, and additives have been linked to cancer and other autoimmune diseases.19
Six different kinds of steroid hormones20 are currently approved by the FDA for use in food production in the United States: estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, zeranol, trenbolone acetate, and melengestrol acetate. These hormones are used to increase the growth rate of cattle, sheep, and chickens.
Bovine growth hormone (bGH) is injected into cows to increase milk production. The large udders are continuously pumped for milk. This often leads to infections which results in the abuse of antibiotics.21 The chronic exposure of consumers to antibiotics from dairy products has been linked to serious health risks such as drug resistant infections.
Love potato chips and French fries? How about toasted breakfast cereals and certain snacks?
Hazardous by-products are produced when plant-based foods are cooked at high temperatures (250° degrees Fahrenheit and above). The HEATOX project (Heat Generated Food Toxicants22) is a multi-
19 http://www.cspinet.org/reports/chemcuisine.htm
20 http://envirocancer.cornell.edu/Factsheet/Diet/fs37.hormones.cfm
21 http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/meat/safe/overview.html
22 http://www.slv.se/upload/heatox/documents/D62_Sinal_project_leaSlet.pdf
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disciplinary research project involving 14 countries. It undertook studies of the effects of various chemicals on the body.
Researchers identiSied more than 800 compounds produced when foods are heated at high temperatures. And 52 of those compounds are potential carcinogens.
One of the chemicals which especially caught their attention is acrylamide. This is so toxic and carcinogenic that the EPA has set a maximum contaminant level goal (MCLG) at 0 but has an allowable threshold of 0.2 micrograms per day.
So how much acrylamide are you getting when you eat your favorite potato chips? A report by the Environmental Law Foundation found that some potato chips had levels as high as 910 times the allowable threshold.23
According to their analysis, all potato chip products tested required a “warning” about cancer risk because of the high levels of cancercausing acrylamide.
The Sindings in the HEATOX project are quite signiSicant:
● Acrylamide levels were linked with breast cancer.
● Even at low doses acrylamide caused neurotoxicity in fetuses.
● Acrylamide caused tumors in the intestines.
Environmental toxicity includes all the chemicals we are exposed to in the environment, in our homes, and in our bodies. Let’s look at the chemical chain from a macro level in the environment all the way down to the micro level inside your body.
Herbicides, pesticides, insecticides as well as many industrial compounds fall into the category of “xenoestrogens.” These chemicals mimic estrogens in the body and have been implicated in a variety of serious health problems including cancer.
Let’s take a closer look and see what toxicity lurks inside your home. Chemicals from carpeting, furniture, cleaning solutions, artiSicial air fresheners, scented candles, and even your pots and pans contribute to a toxic environment.
The average consumer is exposed to 127 chemicals per day, simply from their body care products.
23 http://www.envirolaw.org/report_how_potato_chips_stack_up.pdf
And have you ever considered what you put ON your body? Your skin absorbs everything directly into the bloodstream. When you shower, brush your teeth, and pat yourself with all those potions and lotions, you are ingesting dangerous and toxic chemicals. In fact, the average consumer is exposed to 127 chemicals per day, simply from their body care products.
Here are the chemicals found in a typical daily moisturizer. Many of them are carcinogenic.
● Dimethicone (silica)
● PEG-50 Almond Glycerides
● Sodium Laureth Sulphate
● Cocoamidopropyl
● Triethanolamine (TEA)
● Methylchloroisothiazolinone
● Methyl Paraben
● FD&C Yellow No.6
● Fragrance
Lastly, when we think about toxicity, we must also look at the internal environment or terrain of the body. What is going on INSIDE the body that may be releasing toxins? Are you infected with parasites, bacteria, yeasts, fungi, and viruses?
Recent data from the journal The Lancet revealed that four types of chronic infections are associated with the development of cancer: HPV, H. pylori, Hepatitis B and C, and Epstein Barr.24
Another type of deadly toxin is not chemical in nature. We cannot see it, feel it, or taste it, but it affects us 24/7. It has become a hot topic of debate among scientists for the last decade…
Electropollution has been labeled the deadliest toxin on this planet. The Bio-Initiative Report is an internationally acclaimed scientiSic and public health report on potential health risks of electromagnetic Sields (EMF) and radiofrequency and microwave radiation.25 It’s a wonderful objective study involving scientists from all over the world.
According to the report:
24 https://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/langlo/PIIS2214-109X(16)30143-7.pdf
25 http://bioinitiative.org/freeaccess/index.htm
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Chronic exposure to EMF is associated with increased health risks that vary from impaired learning, headaches, mental confusion, skin rashes, tinnitus, and disorientation, to a variety of cancers and neurological diseases like ALS and Alzheimer's. Sources of concern may include, but are not limited to, power lines, cell and cordless phones, cell towers, WI-FI, WiMax, and wireless internet.26
That pretty much sums up the world we live in! There is no escaping it.
Dr. Devra Davis, a scientist, author, and professor, has done considerable research on the effects of cell phone radiation. She was appointed by several presidents, sat on a panel that was awarded a Nobel Prize, and currently lectures at Harvard.
The title of her recent book tells it all: Disconnect. The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation, What The Industry Has Done To Hide It, And How To Protect Your Family. 27
Here are a few facts from her book:
● Cell phone radiation produces free radicals that weaken DNA.
● Cell phone radiation weakens cell membranes.
● Cell phone radiation weakens the blood-brain barrier.
● Children absorb more radiation than adults because their skulls are softer and their brains have more Sluid.
● Sperm exposed to cell phone radiation die four times faster and are biologically damaged.
● Keeping an iPhone 4 in your pocket exceeds the FCC exposure guidelines. (It’s in the Sine print warnings that come with your cell phone.)
● Many physicians have seen a correlation between breast cancers and tumors, and women who use their bra as a holding device for their cell phone.
Cell phones release constant doses of non-ionizing radiation that increases free radical production and causes DNA damage.
If you store your cell phone in your bra or keep it close to your body all day long, you are dousing your sensitive breast tissue with radiation.
26 https://ccst.us/projects/smart/documents/BioInitiative_Report_1.pdf
https://www.amazon.com/Disconnect-Radiation-Industry-Protect-Family/dp/ 27 140016897X
Your hormonal glands are also particularly sensitive to non-ionizing cell phone radiation. According to Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy from the Imperial College in London, glandular cells are particularly sensitive to radiation. He says, “Although electromagnetic Sields frequently stimulate glandular activity in the short term, long-term exposure is often harmful in that the gland ceases to work properly.”28
Of particular interest is the connection between the thyroid gland and breast cancer. According to an article in Breast Cancer Research, scientists have noted an increased prevalence of thyroid disease in patients with breast cancer.29
And when you hold your cell phone near your head, you are exposing your thyroid gland to non-ionizing radiation.
If you sit in front of a computer for several hours per day, you are exposing your thyroid to another supply of EMF.
Power lines are another source of dangerous EMFs. Studies show that after three months of exposure to power-line frequencies, the thyroid glands of rats showed visible signs of deterioration. They also lost their ability to produce thyroid hormones. And they didn’t recover that ability even after the Sields were switched off.
At Sirst sight, this information may seem overwhelming. It seems there is no escaping the EMF’s that are looming around us 24/7. After all, we can’t live in a bubble, and we all choose to live with our electronic devices. So, what is the solution?
There have been huge advancements in scientiSically valid technology that neutralizes the effects of the EMF’s on our bodies.30 The details of that will be discussed in Chapter 2, Essential #2: Reduce Your Toxic Exposure.
According to Dr. Carl Rubia, Nobel Prize Laureate, our physical body is comprised of only one billionth physical matter… the rest is all energy. Since we are energetic beings, it is vital to keep our energy Slowing.
Our cells communicate with each other through photon light. Our nerve system commands and controls every function in the body through electrical pathways. Our organs communicate with each other through the acupuncture meridian system.
28 http://stopsmartmeters.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Biol-Effects-EMFs-2012NZ1.pdf
29 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC314438/
30 http://www.giawellness.com/drv/products/terra-gia/
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With all this energetic exchange going on, it is important to make sure there is no obstruction in that energy Slow. Obstructions can occur because of spinal subluxations, chemical toxicities, and chronic emotional stress.
Another form of stress in our body is called oxidative stress. This is the body’s inability to readily detoxify or repair damage from toxins.31 When your body breaks down food, or when it is exposed to environmental toxins, it produces free radicals which can cause DNA and cellular damage. If your liver and detoxiSication pathways are not functioning at optimal levels, the chronic exposure to free radicals can lead to DNA damage and ultimately cancer.
Hormonal stress affects us in many ways. Women especially can attest to the fact that when their hormones are out of balance, they FEEL out of balance. Since estrogen is intricately involved with so many hormonal pathways, the concern about these foreign estrogens is that they are interfering with reproduction, increasing endometriosis, increasing Sibroids in the uterus and breasts, and increasing the possibility of developing breast cancer.
A study in the Journal of Applied Toxicology revealed high concentrations of parabens in post-mastectomy breasts affected with breast cancer.32 Parabens are a type of xenoestrogen. The parabens were present even with women who had never used any type of underarm deodorant throughout their whole lifetime, indicating the parabens came from the cosmetic, food, and pharmaceutical industries.
If you cannot metabolize or properly break down these foreign estrogens, you can get a buildup of more “aggressive” proliferative estrogen.
Imbalanced estrogen can trigger abnormal cells to divide and has been associated with many female cancers such as breast, uterine, and ovarian.
There is another stress that can lead to breast cancer…
Chronic stress has reached epidemic proportions in the United States and other industrialized countries.
Chronic stress does its damage mainly through cortisol. This hormone is produced by the adrenal glands through signals from the hypothalamus and pituitary (the H-P-A axis).
Cortisol levels “spike” when the brain perceives a threat to the body (whether that threat is real or imagined). By kicking in the “Sight or
31 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxidative_stress
32 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14745841
Slight” response, the brain literally “turns off” many functions of the immune system so it can send energy where it is needed in the moment for survival. After all, what is the point of producing white blood cells when you are being chased by a lion?
Our bodies were meant for spikes in cortisol to be rare, with plenty of time in between for the parasympathetic nervous system, the calming part of the nervous system, to do its job of replenishment and healing.
Many people today are in constant stress, however. Several studies make the connection between high cortisol levels and breast cancer directly.
Janet was stressed out. She felt like her body was on caffeine 24/7. She struggled with sleep and was falling into a deep depression since the cancer diagnosis. It was a vicious cycle and she did not see a way out.
With the help of our coaching team, an EFT coach, suggested reading material, and perseverance, Janet has learned to monitor her stress and to manage it beautifully.
"I realized that stress was a key contributor to the cancer diagnosis. I knew that if I was going to survive, I had to start doing things differently. That breast cancer diagnosis changed my life for the better! I am calmer and happier than I have ever been."
A 2000 study by Stanford University researchers found 65% of advanced breast cancer patients had either consistently high or abnormally Sluctuating cortisol levels. As expected, those with high cortisol levels also had fewer natural killer (NK) cells to Sight off cancer.33
We’ll discuss all these stressors at more length in Chapter 3, Essential #3: Balance Your Energy.
Although the complex relationship between psychology and physiology is not clearly understood, scientists are well aware that psychological stress affects the immune system.
33 https://news.stanford.edu/news/2000/june28/breast-628.html
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C.W. Douglas Brodie, M.D.34 is a physician who was an early pioneer in alternative medicine. He worked with cancer patients for over 28 years. He found speciSic traits that showed up over and over in the thousands of cancer patients with whom he worked. The stress they experienced was a causative factor in developing cancer.
If you can relate to any of these traits, acknowledge them and take steps to change them. Be honest!
1. Being highly conscientious, caring, dutiful, responsible, and hard-working
2. Being someone who “worries for others” and carries other people’s burdens
3. Being a “people pleaser” with a great need for approval
4. Having a poor relationship with one or both parents and usually their spouse
5. Internalizes toxic emotions like anger and resentment and has great difSiculty expressing these emotions
6. Is unable to cope adequately with stress
7. Having unresolved deep-seated emotional problems and conSlicts from childhood and often being unaware of them
Dr. R.G. Hamer35, a renowned German physician and cancer surgeon, examined over 20,000 patients with all types of cancer. By comparing xrays of their brains and the location of the cancer in their body, Dr. Hamer came to this conclusion:
“I searched for cancer in the cell, and I have found it in the brain.”
Dr. Hamer felt that any cancer began with an extremely harsh emotional shock that would “short circuit” a speciSic area of the brain and then would, in turn, weaken a particular organ and make it more vulnerable to cancer.
34 http://www.cancure.org/dr_brodie.htm
35 http://learninggnm.com/documents/hamerbio.html
Over the years I have personally consulted with thousands of patients with compromised immune systems and found they had a common denominator - dental toxicities.
Dental toxicities affect you in two ways: chemically and energetically.
“Silver” Sillings are a hodgepodge of metals including mercury, which is the most toxic, naturally occurring substance on the planet.
There is NO SAFE level of mercury.
In a Sive-year study with breast cancer patients, Dr. Robert Jones found that 93% of women he worked with had root canals.36 He also found that the tumors were, in most cases, on the same side as the root canal.
This section may be a little technical, but it is an important aspect to understand. Don’t worry if you don’t “get it” at Sirst. It took me a while to put it all together. I happened to stumble across this after I had some blood work done and my homocysteine levels were off the charts!
Homocysteine is a normally harmless amino acid. But high levels are a sign of inSlammation somewhere in the body and have been linked to heart attack and stroke. My levels were so high, I was a stroke and heart attack waiting to happen!
How and why was my homocysteine so high since I had an excellent diet, had a regular supplementation regime, and exercised regularly?
This brought me down the road of research and discovery…
It has been estimated that up to 95% of all cancers have inSlammation in common.37 InSlammation functions at all three stages of tumor development – initiation, progression, and metastasis. And chronic inSlammation helps establish a milieu in the body that is conducive to the development of cancer.
The inSlammatory trigger is a very powerful piece of the puzzle for healing and preventing breast cancer. Studies show that the inSlammatory process in the breast can promote cancer stem cells responsible for developing breast cancer.38
What are some of the causes of inSlammation that may increase your risk for breast cancer?
36 http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/02/18/dangers-of-root-canaledteeth.aspx
37 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19665429
38 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5777276
The 7 Essentials System® 39
● Smoking
● Drinking alcohol
● Sleep deSicit
● Environmental toxins, both in and out of the home
● Unhealthy saturated fats, trans fats, and too many omega-6 fats
● Chronic elevated blood sugar and insulin resistance
● Chronic stress
This process was news to me until I discovered that I had genetic issues that prevented me from properly breaking down estrogen and environmental chemicals. This was also a key reason for the recurrence in 2015.
I am amazed that traditional medicine does not address this issue with women who have breast cancer. It is a key factor that can drive breast cancer in the Sirst place.
Methylation is a complex bio-chemical process that occurs in your body every day. Think of it like the spark plug in a car that evokes certain chemical reactions. It causes hormones and proteins to change into different substances. For example, it helps convert serotonin into melatonin. It helps change strong estrogens to milder, less aggressive estrogens.
Improper methylation patterns are commonly associated with breast cancer. They lead to inactivation of certain genes in the breast tissue.39
Poor methylation also plays an important role in the development of certain types of breast cancer.40 And breast cancer prognosis is closely linked to methylation.41
How do you know if you have methylation problems?
If you have a tendency towards obesity and have painful menstrual periods with excess bleeding and clots, you are probably estrogen dominant and may have a methylation issue.
39 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17090521
40 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20565864
41 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2068666
There are also simple urine tests that can be done in the privacy of your home and then sent to a laboratory to be analyzed. They can determine whether you are metabolizing and breaking down estrogen properly.
DNA genomic testing is another way to discover if your methylation pathways are working. It can determine if you have a genetic defect that prevents you from proper methylation. I did this test and discovered I have a compromised gene that gave me very high homocysteine levels – another sign of improper methylation. This was also a probable trigger in my developing breast cancer.
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When methylation processes are working properly, they can change “aggressive” estrogens into milder forms. That’s great news for breast cancer prevention.
Unfortunately, methylation is rarely addressed by traditional doctors and is a seriously overlooked piece of the puzzle when it comes to breast cancer.
Following even a few of the steps below will take you far towards balancing methylation processes.
1. Reduce Your Toxic Load.
Avoiding toxins is probably the most important thing you can do to help your methylation processes and reduce chemical estrogenic overload. Go organic with not only your veggies, but also meats as well.
2. Balance stress and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Recent studies make the connection between epigenetic factors, brain health and methylation imbalance.
3. Include Xlax seeds in your diet.
Flax seeds are high in lignans, a powerhouse substance that mimics naturally-occurring mild forms of estrogen. It takes up residence at cellular receptor sites in the breasts, blocking xenoestrogens.
4. Support your liver.
The liver’s main job is detoxiSication. It is heavily interconnected with methylation, especially the conversion of folate to glutathione, one of the most powerful antioxidants in your body. An effective way to support your liver is to administer a coffee enema at least once a week (more if you are on a breast cancer healing journey). Studies have shown that the phytochemicals kahweol and cafestol in coffee can activate glutathione and promote cellular detoxiSication.
5. Consider targeted supplementation.
Supplements that target methylation include Methyl Support which supplies synergistic B vitamins to support methylation and homocysteine metabolism. Brocco Power ( https:// breastcancerconquerorshop.com/product/brocco-power/#tabdescription) contains sulforaphane, a compound extracted from broccoli sprouts. And Haelan, a fermented soy product, balances estrogen methylation pathways through isoSlavones.
In Chapter 6, you will learn more about how to repair inSlammation and poor methylation with the use of speciSic foods, herbs and supplements.
This last trigger is what is known as iatrogenic or medically induced cancers. It may come as a shock to you, but the very instruments that are used to diagnose and treat cancer are some of the very causes of cancer.
The July 2013 issue of JAMA clearly conSirms that over-diagnosis of 42 cancer leads to over-treatment which can be potentially harmful. Women undergoing traditional breast screenings with mammograms have an over 50% chance of being diagnosed with a “false positive.” That means that if they Sind a benign tumor like ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), the patient may be encouraged to have biopsies, surgery, radiation, and sometimes even chemotherapy for a cyst that has not developed into cancer... yet. But with the barrage of assaults to the breast, it often does develop into cancer.43
You may be surprised to Kind Tamoxifen and x-ray radiation are categorized as carcinogenic!
According to Medscape News, “The practice of oncology is in need of a host of reforms.”44 It is a well-known scientiSic fact that stem cells subjected to needless radiation and chemical poisoning actually stimulate the growth of cancer and make it more malignant.45
And chemotherapy is worse than ineffective. According to Dr. Allen Levin, M.D., author of The Healing of Cancer,
“The majority of the cancer patients in this country die because of chemotherapy, which does not cure breast, colon, or lung cancer. This has been documented for over a decade and nevertheless doctors still utilize chemotherapy to Kight these tumors.”
Chemo and Other Toxic Drugs
43 http://breastcancerconqueror.com/treatments-for-dcis-cause-cancer/
44 http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/808654
45 http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/chemo-and-radiation-actually-make-cancer-moremalignant
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The history of chemotherapy drugs can be traced to chemical warfare during World War I.46 After a German air raid in Bari, Italy, more than 1,000 people were exposed to the chemical warfare agent called “nitrogen mustard.” Autopsies of the victims were examined by an expert in chemical warfare. He found there was a profound suppression of lymphoid tissue as a result of exposure to the mustard gas.
In his not-so-divine wisdom, this “expert” surmised that this chemical could then be used against cancer cells to stop their rapid division. Thus began the era of toxic chemotherapies.
I once had a patient who described her AHA! moment to me about her chemotherapy experience. In her own words she told me…
I was sitting in this room full of women that looked like death. I was waiting for my turn to have my weekly dose of chemo inserted through my port. As I watched the nurse handle the bag of [luid with gloves and a mask, I noticed that the bag had this big “CAUTION” sign on it.
It dawned on me that if it was too toxic for her to handle without gloves, why was I feeding that poison into my body?
I got up, politely said, “No Thank You,” walked out, and never looked back.
When you take a step back, and look at the facts in a logical way, does it really make sense to insert a poison in a body that is already weak and compromised? The dismal statistics of chemotherapeutic agents speak for themselves.
Chemotherapy improves your chances of survival by a meager 2%.
The Department of Radiation Oncology in Sydney, Australia undertook a study involving 22 major adult cancers and the beneSits of using chemotherapy treatments alone.47 Their conclusion:
The overall contribution of curative and adjuvant cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in
46 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_cancer_chemotherapy
47 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15630849
adults was estimated to be 2.3% in Australia and 2.1% in the USA.
In other words, with the use of chemotherapy alone, you have a 2% chance of surviving your cancer.
But there is some good news on the chemo front…
A major new international study from Vanderbilt University Medical Center says many women with early-stage breast cancer who would receive chemotherapy under current standards do not actually need it at all.48
Gene tests on tumor samples were able to identify women who could safely skip chemo. The researchers estimated that gene testing will spare about 60,000 women a year in the U.S. from getting this toxic treatment. That’s about 70% of patients who would be candidates for chemo.
This study should change the standard of care for women with early stage breast cancer. But we will see how quickly the cancer industry responds to these Sindings. Unfortunately, the study says these women could skip chemo but they would still be treated with other toxic hormonal drugs. These drugs include estrogen blockers such as Tamoxifen, and hormone blocking drugs (aromatase inhibitors) such as Arimidex, Aromasin, and Femara.
Tamoxifen doubles and even triples the risk of endometrial cancer.
Tamoxifen is an antagonist of estrogen receptors.49 That means it blocks the estrogen receptor on a breast cancer cell. Think of an estrogen receptor on a cell like a key hole and the estrogen Sits perfectly into that key hole. Tamoxifen acts by binding with that key hole on the cell and, thus, blocks out the estrogen.
In theory, that sounds like a positive action in estrogen-driven breast cancers. But Tamoxifen has serious side effects, driving cancers into other areas of the body. In fact, Tamoxifen doubles and even quadruples the risk of endometrial cancer in a Sive-year period.50 Other side effects include stomach cancer, colon cancer, blood clots, fatty liver, memory impairment, and a reduced sex drive.51
48 https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1804710
49 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tamoxifen
50 http://www.iss.it/publ/anna/2006/2/422170.pdf
51 http://www.greenmedinfo.com/article/adjuvant-tamoxifen-therapy-early-stage-breastcancer-increases-risk-second-primarly
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How does that make sense? Prescribe a cancer-causing drug and cross your Singers and hope that it does not cause another type of cancer? I can’t make any sense of that logic.
Here are a few of the other drawbacks of hormone-blocking drugs:
● They decrease estrogen for only 12 months, but not 24 months.52
● Use of aromatase inhibitors is linked with vitamin D deSiciency.53
● They signiSicantly increase levels of insulin growth factor-1 (IGF-1) which increases growth of cancer cells. 54
● They cause cognitive deSicits and make your brain sluggish.55
● Over 71% of women experience musculoskeletal complaints.56
● They contribute to decline of bone mineral density and increased fractures.57
● They impair function of hands because of tendon-synovial changes.58
● They increase hot Slashes.59
Research by the Radiation Epidemiology Branch of the National Cancer Institute suggests that CT scans in the U.S. every year may produce 29,000 future cancers, about 6% of them being breast cancer.60
52 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19967558
53 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20399042
55 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20097718
56 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20035381
57 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20429308
58 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18474874
59 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16870085
According to the Journal of the American Dental Association, “Dentists should NOT prescribe routine dental radiographs at preset intervals for all patients.”61 The radiation penetrates the brain and thyroid gland.
Exposure to ionizing radiation through radiation “therapy” has clearly been established as one of the risk factors for the development of breast cancer.62 Increased risk is associated with increased exposures.
Researchers from the Department of Radiation Oncology at the UCLA Johnson Comprehensive Cancer Center report that radiation treatment drives breast cancer cells into greater malignancy.
They found that even when radiation kills half of the tumor cells treated, the surviving cells known as induced breast cancer stem cells (iBCSCs) are resistant to treatment. And iBCSCs are up to 30 times more likely to form tumors than the non-irradiated breast cancer cells.63
In addition, titanium “markers” are often inserted into the breast tissue in order to make the area more easily visible on x-rays and sonograms. Titanium is a toxic metal and I have repeatedly seen unsuspecting women react with inSlammation and pain to the titanium implant.
I am not a fan of mammography because of the many serious side effects of radiation and compression of the breast. A meta-analysis of 127 studies concluded that low dose radiation increases breast cancer risk among high-risk women.64
According to Dr. Samuel Epstein, an international leading authority on the causes and prevention of cancer, two x-ray Silms of a breast in a premenopausal woman gives about 500 times the dose of a chest x-ray.
Extend that over a 10-year period and the accumulated radiation is close to the kind of dosage that women got in Hiroshima outside the major epicenter where the atom bomb exploded.
61 https://jada.ada.org/article/S0002-8177(14)64322-1/fulltext
62 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19930978
63 http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/study-radiation-therapy-can-make-cancers-30xmore-malignant
64 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20582702
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All that radiation takes a toll. Cancer research in the UK suggests that a decade of annual two-view mammographic screening before age 40 years would result in a net increase in breast cancer deaths.65
And the sad thing is that all those mammograms do nothing to save lives. The Canadian National Breast Screening Study followed nearly 90,000 women for 25 years. The women were randomly assigned to either get mammogram screenings or not. At the end of 25 years the researchers found that the death rates from breast cancer were the same in both groups. The mammograms made no difference at all.66
There are times when surgery can be necessary to save the life of a patient. On the other hand, we have all heard the horrifying stories of cancer patients undergoing surgery to remove a simple tumor and months later the cancer has spread all over their body.
Doctors are well aware that surgery causes the cancer to spread and it also suppresses the immune system. The British Journal of Cancer 67 agreed by stating, “The primary tumor removal may result in sudden acceleration of the metastatic process.”68
The facts regarding surgical removal of a tumor are eye-opening:
● During the surgical procedure, natural barriers that contain the tumor are breached, enabling cancer cells to escape their original conSinement and spread to other parts of the body.
● Surgery induces immune suppression while initiating an inSlammatory cascade that allows cancer cells to propagate.
● In response to the trauma of surgery, the body secretes growth factors to facilitate healing. Unfortunately, these same growth factors also stimulate tumor cell growth.
● Cancer cells spill into the bloodstream from the surgical margins and establish metastatic colonies in other parts of the body.
● Cancer cells have a Velcro-like surface that allows them to stick to each other and to blood vessel walls. In one experiment that mimicked surgical conditions, the sticking and binding of cancer cells to blood vessel walls increased by 250%.
65 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16136033
66 https://www.bmj.com/content/348/bmj.g366
67 http://journals.lww.com/annalsofsurgery/Abstract/2011/04000/ Improving_Postoperative_Immune_Status_and.24.aspx
● Surgery reduces the activity of natural killer (NK) cells. NK cells’ function is to gobble up cancer cells.
Do needle biopsies fall into that same category? Absolutely!
Manipulation of an intact tumor with needle biopsies is associated with an increased risk of metastasis or spread of the cancer.69
The tumor is encased with a thick wall, but once a needle is inserted into the protective wall, Sluid containing millions of cancer cells can escape into the blood and lymphatic system. Often the biopsy is repeated several times, increasing the risk for spreading.
Lymph node removal is another typical procedure performed by conventional doctors either before treatment (in the form of a biopsy) or after surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy. It’s been used for over 100 years.
The premise of this surgery is that cancer cells in the mammary area will spread to sentinel lymph nodes closest to the tumor before they possibly spread to axillary nodes and then to the rest of the body. And it is part of the outdated dogma in the medical community that says conventional methods like surgery can “get it all” when it comes to cancer.
However, a 2011 study from the John Wayne Cancer Institute in Santa Monica, California found that for about 20% of all U.S. breast cancer patients (40,000 women a year), removing cancerous nodes proved to have no advantage whatsoever. It did not improve survival rates, make the cancer less likely to re-emerge, or change the treatment plan in any way.70
When I blog about the problems with diagnostic testing, women write to me, explaining that it was important for them to know what cancer they had, simply for their peace of mind. They wanted to know what they were dealing with. I understand that completely. The decision is yours to make. Weigh the risk of the cancer possibly spreading versus the beneSits of having a label to the cancer.
Obviously sometimes there is a need for surgery if the tumor burden is large and growing. Make an informed decision and discuss this with your team.
There are less traumatic ways to get information about your cancer. Various blood tests used outside of conventional medicine measure the hormones, proteins, and enzymes that cancer cells secrete. You can read
70 https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/645514
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more about these tests in Chapter 7: Essential #7 - Adopt Very Early Detection.
If you have had a mastectomy for breast cancer or are considering one, you may also be considering what to do afterwards. As you explore your options, you owe it to yourself to learn the facts about breast reconstruction surgery as well.
I realize this is a touchy subject. I am not here to judge but simply to inform. Women who have breast implants because of breast cancer have been through a lot of pain and agony going through the surgeries and treatments. Others simply chose to have them to touch up their breast shape and size. In all cases, the decision has an impact physically and many times emotionally.
Reconstructive surgery after mastectomy can be done either at the time of mastectomy (called an “immediate” reconstructive surgery) or “delayed,” which means the surgery will occur at a later date. The materials used to recreate the breast vary. They include silicone, saline or the person’s own tissue.
While reconstruction may help a woman feel more like “herself” after breast cancer, there are also quite a few risks associated with it, especially concerning the substances used.
An implant is designed using a strong silicone elastomer shell that’s Silled with either a saline or silicone gel solution. Think of an implant like a sliver underneath your skin. It is a foreign substance that the body naturally wants to reject and this may cause stress to your immune system.
According to The Mayo Clinic,71 saline and silicone gel both pose similar risks:
• Pain
• Potentially permanent changes in nipple or breast sensation
• Infection
• Scar tissue that distorts the shape
• Leakage or rupture
• Need for additional surgery
According to the National Cancer Institute, women with implants are three times more likely to die from respiratory tract cancer, two to three
times more likely to die from brain cancer, and four to Sive times more likely to die from suicide.72
There are other risks you should also know about…
1. Your body’s potential rejection. Capsular contracture is the most common complication associated with implants. 73 Basically, the body looks at the silicone elastomer shell as a foreign object and scar tissue forms around it. It is rejected by the immune system in 11% of all cases and surgical intervention is required in most of them.
2. A rare but treatable cancer. Anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) is a rare cancer involving the immune system that may be associated with implants. In the known cases linked to implants, the lymphoma grew in the capsule of scar tissue around the implant.74
3. High levels of platinum. Platinum is used to turn silicone into a softer, honey-like liquid which makes the implants feel softer. But platinum is highly toxic. It can cause respiratory and skin allergies.
4. Implants may make it more difXicult to detect future cancers.75 Mammograms are not as accurate after an implant. The good news is that thermography may help detect inSlammation in the area of concern.
Silicone Implants
In 1992 the U.S. FDA announced a moratorium on silicone implants because of their possible link to rheumatic disease and breast cancer. However, as of 2013, certain kinds of silicone implants have been reapproved for use in the U. S.76
In addition to silicone, dozens of other chemical substances may be found in some gels, including formaldehyde and acetone.
http://www.greenmedinfo.com/article/capsular-contracture-remains-most-common- 73 complication-occurring-114-implantations
74 https://journals.lww.com/plasreconsurg/Abstract/2011/09000/ Anaplastic_Large_Cell_Lymphoma_and_Breast.1.aspx
75 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14747501
76 https://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/ProductsandMedicalProcedures/ ImplantsandProsthetics/BreastImplants/ucm064461.htm
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Silicone-caused nervous system disorders, especially neuropathy on the side where the implant is located, can occur when there is a rupture of the implant or leakage of the material. Leakage is so common that many experts recommend either removing or replacing the implant every 8 to 10 years.
In addition, silicone leakage can lead to inSlammation, Sibrosis, and “foreign body reaction,” according to a 2007 study published in Hong Kong Medical Journal.77
Silicone can also be carcinogenic.78 Silicone leakage can increase your risk of other kinds of cancer, including lung, colon and pancreatic cancers.79
All is not lost if you are experiencing the negative side effects of silicone implants. “Explantation surgery” can remove implants. In addition, immune system and detox protocols have a good track record for healing side effects once implants are removed.
Saline Implants
Sadly, there are virtually no studies that have critically looked at complications associated with saline implants. According to many experts80 as well as anecdotal evidence, the problem with saline is not so much with the substance, but what could happen if the valve used to Sill the implant is damaged through trauma to the chest, like in a car accident or other injury.
If a valve malfunctions, bacteria and mold fungus can get into the implant.81 There, foreign substances can create biotoxins that can become neurotoxic and even carcinogenic. Symptoms can be similar to those found in “sick building syndrome” caused by water-damaged buildings.82
“Flap” Reconstruction
Using your own tissue—usually from the belly, buttocks, and/or upper thighs—to reconstruct a breast is called autologous or “Slap”
77 https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/24cd/df5fa64c271e3b9353447f7d72632c8461e1.pdf
78 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9498906
79 https://academic.oup.com/jnci/article/89/18/1341/2526365
80 http://www.humanticsfoundation.com/glamour-saline.html#excerpts
81 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2856357/
82 https://www.hindawi.com/journals/tswj/2013/767482/
reconstruction. Many individuals prefer this kind of reconstruction because the tissue feels most like a regular breast and, according to conventional medicine, it supposedly “lasts a lifetime.”
But complications can also arise with Slap reconstruction. According to Cancer Research UK, complications of autologous reconstructive surgery include infection, Slap failure, Sluid under the surgery wound, hardening, leakage, unequal breasts if weight changes, and abdominal hernia.83
Some Final Thoughts On Reconstruction
Now that you know some of the risks of breast reconstructive surgery, you can make your own decision about how you want to go forward. Most women we have coached who have had reconstructive surgery regret going down that road in the long run. I believe the best course is always the most natural one, and that means staying away from any kind of invasive procedure whenever possible.
And if you are a reconstructive surgery candidate, don’t be afraid to consider no reconstruction. I encourage you to read a wonderful article posted on BreastCancer.org’s website called “Going Flat: Choosing No Reconstruction.”84 It encourages you to learn to be comfortable with your body if you choose no reconstruction. Many women are choosing to go this route these days, Sinding empowerment in their new lease on life after breast cancer—and in the new way their bodies look. “I 85 don’t care what they take from you as long as I can see your face” is a common sentiment I hear from partners of Breast Cancer Conquerors.
These women wear their scars with pride as a reminder of their strength throughout their breast cancer journey. Some even choose to get “tittoos” on their scar areas, but I personally do not recommend this. Although some ink companies are creating inks with fewer toxins, most tattoo inks still carry substances that can be very harmful to those with compromised immune systems.
Whatever you look like, be PROUD of who you are!
No matter what path you choose, be sure you have a plan on how you will incorporate reducing your toxic exposure (Essential #2) and healing your emotional wounds (Essential #4). Balance of body, mind and spirit is the bottom line for good health.
http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/breast-cancer/treatment/surgery/ 83 breast-reconstruction/possible-problems
85 http://breastfree.org/content.php?page=26
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Embrace your magniSicence and your scars – you are beautiful inside and out.
Conventional medicine treats breast cancer in the only way it knows how - by cutting out visible tumors and dousing the rest of the body with toxic chemotherapy drugs or radiation in an attempt to kill the rest of the cancer cells before they spread.
If you have had conventional treatment for breast cancer or have had a consultation, more than likely your doctor did not discuss with you the presence of breast cancer stem cells (BCSCs).
If they did, they would have to admit that, although the visible breast cancer tumor may shrink or even appear to “die” with conventional treatment, BCSCs within the shriveled tumor have the ability to reproduce again.
Breast cancer stem cells can be responsible for a relapse even after all “observable” signs of tumor are gone.
Stem cells are vital, for your health. These regenerative powerhouses carry the potential to develop into different kinds of cells. They are blank slates and as such they can serve as a sort of “internal repair system,” especially during early life and periods of intense growth.
Each new stem cell has the potential to either stay a stem cell or become another type of cell with a specialized function such as muscle cells or brain cells. They also help repair and renew organs and tissues.
Cancer stem cells, however, have the ability to grow other cancer cells. They can act as a reservoir of cancer and repopulate an organ or tissue after chemo, radiation, or surgery.
They make up less than one percent of the total number of cells in a tumor. But what makes them so dangerous is that they are very hard to destroy. For the most part, they cannot be killed by drug therapy.
Most importantly, cancer stem cells can be a catalyst for metastasis, the process by which cancer in one part of the body migrates to another part of the body. They can travel and create tumors in other organs. This process of metastasis accounts for 90% of all cancer deaths.
Breast cancer stem cells can change into other types of cancer cells, sometimes after long periods of inactivity. They have been known to be highly tumorigenic (proliSic at growing new tumors). They are also known to spread to other parts of the body. In fact, research now shows that traditional chemotherapy may increase tumor growth by actually increasing the number of BCSCs.
When regular breast cancer cells are poisoned and radiated, some of these cells can reprogram themselves to turn into unstoppable BCSCs.86
“Shrinking a cancerous tumor may offer temporary relief… but it will not offer a long-term cure if the cancer stem cells are not eliminated,” say researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine.87
By now you are probably thinking that this is indeed a dire situation, maybe even a hopeless one. Not so!
An easy way to monitor and measure breast cancer stem cells is through a test called the “Oncotrail R.G.C.C. for Breast .”88
And there are substances in nature whose job it is to hunt down and eradicate cancer stem cells. Here are a few proven natural elements that can kill BCSCs while leaving healthy cells untouched:
• Sulforaphane from broccoli sprouts have been shown to inhibit BCSC without any toxic side-effects.89
• Several studies show that a combination of curcumin, derived from the Indian spice turmeric, and piperine (from black pepper) can eliminate BCSCs.90
• Ginger contains a chemical called 6-shogaol which targets and kills cancer stem cells.91
• Fermented soy products that are grown in controlled environments, such as Haelan, have concentrated amounts of genistein. This compound promotes apoptosis (cell death) of regular breast cancer cells while at the same time directly inhibiting BCSC production.92
• The skin of red grapes and blueberries contain resveratrol, a natural plant compound that signiSicantly suppresses the
86 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22489015
87 http://med.stanford.edu/ludwigcenter/overview/treatment.html
89 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21295962
90 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19898931
91 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26355461
92 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24331293
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growth of BCSCs.93 Resveratrol can also be found in red wine and dark chocolate.
If you have just been diagnosed with breast cancer or a recurrence and are relying on mainstream medicine for the most part, more than likely you have already made an appointment to see your primary doctor or oncologist about what to do next.
The Sirst thing is to know your rights and options as a patient.
Remember your doctor is working for you. Many people feel timid around doctors but this is your body that you and your doctor are discussing. You have the right to ask questions and your physicians must inform you of all signiSicant health risks associated with the treatments they are suggesting.
You also have the right to get a second opinion. If you leave your doctor’s ofSice feeling disempowered, sad and perhaps even bullied, then it may be time to question your relationship with him or her. It’s OK to “fire” your doctor and find one that is more supportive of your goals.
Am I Against Traditional Treatments?
I want to be clear that whatever treatment choice you make, I honor and respect you and want to support you. Women who choose traditional treatments are very brave and determined, because they sign up for program, knowing that they will get very sick as a result of the treatments. My hat goes off to you, since you are determined and willing to do whatever it takes to get rid of the cancer. That being said, there are many supportive natural therapies that you can do while you are taking your treatments, that not only minimize the effects, but can improve your immune system and your chances of recovery.
I also believe that women are looking for safer and gentler ways to heal their body because conventional treatments offer such serious risks and side effects. Women also want to be heard. They want to have a voice in their course of treatment.
93 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21188630
I hope this book will be a guide and companion that will not only inform and educate but will also encourage you to open your heart and mind to new possibilities of healing.
Unfortunately, breast cancer is associated with those darn pink ribbons. I don't know about you, but I get really frustrated with the pink ribbon movement. What has the pink ribbon done to reduce breast cancer rates? Nothing! What has it done to Sind “the cure?” Nothing!
Instead the pink ribbon campaign lures women into a false sense of security with “Breast Cancer Awareness” and more mammograms.
According to the late Dr. Samuel Epstein, a medical researcher of occupational and environmental medicine at the University of Illinois School of Public Health, the pink campaign is a conSlict of interest unparalleled in American Medicine.94
In 1984 the American Cancer Society (ACS) the world’s largest nonproSit organization, launched the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October. But the campaign was funded by the Imperial Chemical Industries, a leading manufacturer of petrochemicals. It is also the owner of Zeneca Pharmaceuticals, the maker of the blockbuster breast cancer drug Tamoxifen.
In other words, a spin-off of one of the world’s biggest makers of carcinogenic chemicals controls breast cancer drugs. It also controls the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and its public message of early detection and treatment, but not prevention.
My frustration with this pink ribbon movement helped me create my own personal icon for breast cancer. I chose the purple butterKly. (Or should I say the purple butter[ly chose me?)
Some of my best creative ideas come as a result of meditation and quiet time. One sunny afternoon, I was feeling particularly impatient about my own healing journey. I kept asking questions. “Why am I going through this? Why is this taking so long to heal? What more can I do to facilitate my physical and emotional healing?”
Then clear as day, I saw this image in my mind of a cocoon being transformed into a beautiful butterSly. The short and stubby caterpillar goes through three stages of transformation and metamorphosis so that the beautiful butterSly can materialize.
https://www.hufSingtonpost.com/samuel-s-epstein/the-breast-cancer- 94 unaware_b_754641.html
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The caterpillar surrenders in full faith to this transition, knowing this vulnerability will lead to full expression and expansion.
The butterSly has to be patient as it goes through its transformation, waiting until it has completely matured before it can emerge.
Philosophers and naturalists have described the butterSly as the representation of freedom and liberty.
A breast cancer healing journey is very similar to that of a butterSly’s. You may start out having certain beliefs, habits, and lifestyles but if you open your heart and mind, and are patient, you will see that your breast cancer journey is more than just healing your body physically. It is also about transforming the inner you. You will come to understand that your healing journey has a greater purpose – that you will emerge on the “other side” as a happier, healthier, more-fulSilled, and spiritual you.
Let’s begin the journey together…
1. More than half of all cancers are preventable.
2. Your DNA is NOT your destiny. The new science of epigenetics proves that what you choose to eat and how you live can positively impact your gene expression.
3. Cancer cannot grow in a healthy body. The body has to be diseased, tired, and toxic in order for cancer to develop.
4. There are 7 main cancer triggers that can be prevented.
5. Too many cancers are medically induced. Many conventional cancer treatments actually cause cancer.
6. Eating a typical SAD diet results in chronic illnesses including breast cancer.
7. The Pink Ribbon campaign has done absolutely nothing to help prevent and cure breast cancer.
“The 7 Essentials has helped me to prioritize the most import “to do’s”. M.H.
1. Write down everything you put in your mouth over the course of the next 3 days. Simply observe how it compares to the SAD.
2. Take a moment to notice how your body feels at various times during the day. Is your neck tight? Do you feel stressed? Do your hormones feel out of balance? Take a moment to jot down your thoughts.
3. Notice how you feel about the majority of your relationships. Are they supportive or negative?
4. Look back at the last two years and reSlect on any major stressful event that may have occurred. Don’t dwell on it, simply jot it down. We will get into some emotional releasing and healing in a few more chapters.
5. Take a few minutes to look inside your mouth and jot down the number of Sillings, crowns, and root canals you have.
6. Consider taking a urine or DNA test to see if you are properly methylating or breaking down estrogens.
7. Get ready to embark on a journey that will change your life forever – should you choose to accept the mission and do the work.
“I am feeling better and more relaxed than I ever have. This program has taken me from overwhelmed to con[ident that I can do this.” M.R.
The 7 Essentials System® 59
If you keep doing the things you've always done, you will get the same results. Healing is about change.
It was a typical morning of a coffee enema followed by juicing. I juiced all kinds of organic greens, apples, carrots and threw in an occasional beet. After sipping on my juice for about an hour, I began to feel lightheaded and just plain sick. It eventually passed, but this feeling consistently kept occurring after my juicing. I had been juicing off and on for over 30 years, so I was perplexed by the symptoms.
I had been reading about Insulin Resistance and problem with high blood sugars. I began to test my blood sugar after juicing and sure enough, my blood sugar was off the charts! (160 mg/dL)
This began my quest to understand the best diet for a healing journey. I will tell you that there is NO “one size Sits all” diet. More on that later….
As I said before, the acronym for the standard American diet, SAD, is quite appropriate. This way of eating has brought nothing but pain and disease to a country that claims to be at the forefront of so many health technologies.
According to a 2011 poll by Consumer Reports Health, nine out of 10 Americans believe they have a healthy diet, even though 43% of them still drink at least one sugar-Silled soda every day.
The 7 Essentials System® 61
The science of nutrition now proves how incredibly powerful our everyday foods can be thanks to their life-sustaining nutrients.
In fact, what you eat can even change your DNA…
Research from Cambridge University discovered the power nutrition has in gene expression. The researchers found that how we eat alters how proteins are produced in “almost every gene in our body.”95
According to an article in Nutrition Journal, a diet comprised of a proper balance of healthy oils, cruciferous vegetables, trace minerals, enzymes and probiotics, as well as speciSic supplements, could likely decrease the development of breast cancer by at least 60% to 70%.96
And a study conducted by the University of Montréal found that women who consumed 27 different fruits and vegetables per week reduced their risk of breast cancer by an amazing 73%. It really can be that simple.
It all boils down to this: what you choose to eat either feeds your body or feeds the cancer.
Now, let's take a look at a few key foods that must be avoided if you want to starve the cancer…
The entire metabolic process of the human body depends on one critical factor – the pH of plasma Sluids.
The pH scale is very simple. The lower the readings on the scale are acidic and the higher readings are more alkaline. A basic principle to apply concerning health and disease is that a low, acid pH creates an environment conducive to disease, and a higher, alkaline pH promotes health.
Through homeostasis, the body maintains a healthy plasma pH of 7.4. Although the pH of the body will Sluctuate with meals, exercise, stress, hormones, and sleep, a healthy and balanced Sirst-morning saliva pH should be between 7.0 and 7.4.
When the scales tip in favor of an acidic micro-environment, a domino effect is created. Toxins are not properly excreted which creates a favorable environment for pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and yeasts to thrive.
95 https://www.nature.com/articles/nmicrobiol201530
96 http://www.nutritionj.com/content/pdf/1475-2891-3-19.pdf
Also, prolonged irritation of the cell membrane from environmental carcinogens blocks the intake of much needed oxygen. When the cell lacks oxygen, it creates lactic acid and becomes acidic. This creates the perfect environment for cancer cells to develop.
“I now feel more empowered to keep learning what lifestyle changes are the healthies for me.” K.B.
To stop feeding the cancer, your focus must be on avoiding acidic foods and moving towards alkaline, plant-based foods.
✓ Vegetables
✓ Herbal Teas
✓ Certain fruits [such as…?]
✓ Vegetable broths
✓ Green drinks
✓ Unsweetened nut milks
✓ Vegetable juices
✓ Raw, soaked nuts
✓ Clean water with lemon
✓ Clean water with 1 tsp. baking soda
✓ Coconut, olive, Slax, hemp oils
✓ Sprouted seeds
✗ All meats
✗ Dairy products
✗ Most grains
✗ Pastas and breads
✗ Sodas, beer, alcohol
✗ Vegetable oils
✗ Hydrogenated fats
✗ Salted, roasted nuts
✗ Sugar-containing foods
✗ White vinegar
✗ Microwaved meals
✗ Processed, packaged foods
The 7 Essentials System® 63
1. Sugar
2 GMO Foods
3. Processed and Charred Meats
4. Dairy
5. Tainted Water
6. Toxic Oils
7. Alcohol
If there is one food you have to eliminate from your diet, it is sugar. There is no dancing around that one.
Cancer cells have twice the number of insulin receptor sites as healthy cells. They need and love sugar. So, it makes sense that the Sirst thing you would avoid like the plague would be sugar.
We’ve known since 1923 that tumor cells use a lot more glucose than normal cells. Knowing this fact alone can help you control tumor growth.
A study done at UCLA proved how simple it is to kill cancer cells: deprive them of glucose. The researchers discovered that depriving 97 cancer cells of glucose or sugar activated metabolic pathways that lead to cancer cell death.
Another way sugar affects the growth of cancer cells is by stimulating high insulin and insulin-like growth factors (IGF). IGF can directly promote tumor cell growth by the insulin/IGF signaling pathway.
Conversely, when blood sugar levels are low and ketone bodies are elevated, this negatively impacts the proliferation of malignant cells.98
98 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3267662/?tool=pubmed
Sugar comes in all shapes and forms. Here is a basic list of sugars to avoid:
✗ White reSined sugar
✗ Brown sugar
✗ Simple carbohydrates including white rice and all breads and pastas made from white Slour and other grains
✗ Honey
✗ Agave
✗ High fructose corn syrup
✗ All fruits, except green apples, lemons and limes, and occasionally some locally-grown fruits in season
✗ All artiSicial sweeteners in the pink, blue, or yellow packets
You may be panicking by now and wondering, “How in the world will I get by without ever eating anything deliciously sweet again?” The good news is there are healthy alternatives to sugar that do not negatively impact your health.
Stevia is a non-caloric herbal sweetener that is perfectly safe and nontoxic. It can be used in baking and to sweeten your teas and lemonades.
Some people Sind powdered stevia has a bitter aftertaste while the liquid version is a little more palatable.
The 7 Essentials System® 65
A popular alternative to sugar are sugar alcohols such as xylitol, erythritol, mannitol, and sorbitol. They can be found in processed foods like chewing gum, candy, ice cream, baked goods, fruit spreads, frostings, yogurts, and tabletop sweeteners. Increasingly you’ll Sind them in the multitude of “diet” and so-called “vitamin infused” beverages on the market today.
The ironic thing about sugar alcohols is they contain neither sugar nor alcohol. It is true they are very low in calories and rank low on the glycemic index. The reason for this, however, is they are highlyreSined, processed chemicals the body simply cannot absorb at all!
Although the USDA has determined that sugar alcohols are “GRAS” (generally recognized as safe), mounting evidence connects these mysterious substances to many disease conditions including leaky gut, neurological damage, and cancer.
The most noticeable effects of sugar alcohols are in your gut. They interfere with the functioning of the gut lining, the very area where immune cells reside. Leaky gut is connected to dozens of other disease conditions including autoimmune disease, thyroid disease, metabolic issues, neurological issues, and breast cancer.
Some recent studies connect certain sugar alcohols directly to tumor growth. A 2016 Swedish study in the journal Oncotarget linked erythritol with glioblastoma, a highly aggressive form of brain cancer.
And studies as far back as the late 70’s tied xylitol to not only gallbladder issues but also tumor growth in mice.
I advise minimizing these sweeteners. If you do use them, buy only organic brands and use them sparingly and occasionally.
Many women are surprised when I recommend the elimination of most grains from their diet. But grains - even complex whole grains – end up eventually as glucose in the blood.
A study from the University of British Columbia showed compelling proof of the ability of a low-carbohydrate diet to slow down tumor growth and even prevent cancer initiation.99
Researchers used genetically engineered mice that are prone to develop mammary tumors. They fed the mice either a typical “Western” diet or a low-carb diet. None of the mice on the low-carb diet developed tumors but 50% of the mice on the Western diet did grow tumors.
99 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=21673053
The bottom line is this… It’s critical to reduce, eliminate, or avoid all forms of sugar as much as possible, and that includes carbs and grains.
The 7 Essentials System® 67
I like to have things to snack on that are sugar-free and grain-free. This “granola” satisSies that crunch craving.
You can eat this as a snack or serve as breakfast. Soaking the seeds for 10 to 12 hours starts the sprouting process and makes it easier for you to digest the nuts and seeds.
Serve with organic, sugar-free hemp milk and you have a delicious breakfast. Bon Appetit!
• 4 cups almonds
• 6 cups sunSlower seeds
• 3 cups Slax seeds
• 4 cups blueberries, frozen or fresh
• 1 cup coconut oil, melted and warm
• 3 tsp. cinnamon
• 2 tsp. nutmeg
• 1 tsp. ground cloves
• stevia to taste for sweetening
1. Pour nuts and seeds into separate bowls. Cover with clean water and one teaspoon of sea salt. Let sit for 10 to 12 hours.
2. Drain and rinse well. No need to rinse the Slax seeds since they are quite sticky.
3. Grind the almonds and sunSlower seeds in a food processor so they are quite Sine but not mushy.
4. Pour into large bowls and add the Slax seeds. The Slax seeds will feel very wet and sticky. Stir well.
5. Add the blueberries and stir well.
6. Mix the coconut oil, stevia and spices all together and pour over the seed mixture. Stir well.
Spread mixture on dehydrator sheets and dehydrate at 115 degrees F for about 12 hours. Make sure the seeds are very dry. If you do not have a dehydrator, use the lowest temperature in your oven and dry until the seeds are no longer moist and feel crunchy to the touch and taste. You can also grind them all together in a food processor.
7. Store in glass airtight containers, preferably in the fridge.
8. Enjoy!
For more of my personal recipes that I call Delectable Dishes, head to https://breastcancerconqueror.com/library/recipes/
The World Health Organization deSines genetically modiSied organisms (GMOs) as “organisms in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in such a way that does not occur naturally.”
That should give you a clue. Historically, any time humans have fooled with Mother Nature, there have been dire consequences.
If you want to prevent cancer or if you are on a healing journey with breast cancer, you must avoid foods with genetically modiSied organisms.
But it’s becoming harder every day to do that…
In the U.S., 92% of Sield corn comes from GMO seeds. It’s pretty much the same for many other crops like soybeans (94%), cotton (94%), sugar beets (95%), and canola (98%). The papaya, zucchini, and summer squash in your supermarket could also be GMO.100
A recent report, “GMO Myths and Truths,”101 by Dr. Michael Antoniou of Great Britain and Dr. John Harper of the U.S., provides peer-reviewed scientiSic studies on the hazards to health and the environment posed by GMO foods.
Compelling research and evidence have been piling up:
1. Plants have a natural resistance to glycophosphates – also called glyphosate - a chemical used in Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup. Genetically modiSied crops have been altered so the plants are not affected by the herbicide. It increases the amount of chemical herbicides farmers can use. It also increases the chemical residues on the crops. That’s a problem because glycophosphates can cause cancer and birth defects in very minute amounts.
2. GMO cultivation hurts our planet. Glyphosates are contaminating groundwater, rivers, and lakes, and are killing healthy bacteria in the soil. They have been found in 60 to 100% of all U.S. air and rain samples. That means even if you try to eat
100 https://responsibletechnology.org/gmo-education/faqs/
101 http://www.pakalertpress.com/2012/06/27/genetic-engineers-explain-why-ge-food-isdangerous/
The 7 Essentials System® 69
organic, you can thank chemical manufacturers for poisoning your food and air.
3. Feeding GMO foods to laboratory animals in trials resulted in harmful effects including infertility, disruption of the immune system, rapid aging, issues with blood sugar regulation, as well as pathological effects to the liver, kidney, spleen, and digestive system. In addition, GMOs have been shown to alter the expression of over 400 genes.
4. There are only a few human studies on the effect of GMO foods but the results are concerning. InSlammatory responses, immune system dysregulation, and intestinal permeability are just a few of the side effects shown.
A great resource to learn more about the effects of GMO foods on your health can be found at www.nongmoproject.org.
With the evidence mounting against GMO foods and the DNA damage they cause, be proactive by making informed decisions about what you put in your body. Avoid GMOs as much as you can to reduce your breast cancer risk.
1. Buy organic. Organic producers cannot intentionally use genetically modiSied seeds. These can be found in many grocery stores and local farmers markets.
2. Look for the Non-GMO Project VeriXied seal on the package. This tells you that an independent third party has veriSied that the product has no more than 0.9% GMO ingredients.
3. Avoid products with ingredients that are very likely to be GMO. These include corn, soybeans, canola, cottonseed, beet sugar, and aspartame.
4. When you shop take along the Non-GMO Shopping Guide from The Institute For Responsible Technology. Download it free at http://www.responsibletechnology.org/irtnew/docs/144.pdf
This can be a bit of a controversial topic. I have worked with women who were strictly vegan or vegetarian and some who were eating 100% raw. One might think these women were faster healers and overcame the challenges of breast cancer more quickly. However, I found this is not always the case.
I have also consulted with women who ate light animal protein along with a diet that was about 80% raw. In my opinion, these were the women who seem to respond much quicker to the suggested protocols.
A key concern of meat consumption is the byproducts produced when heating meat at high temperatures. These include:
● Heterocyclic amines (HCAs) from charred, blackened meat, poultry, and Sish.
● Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) from smoke given off by dripping fat.
● Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) that cause oxidative stress.
All these by-products of grilling meat at high temperatures have triggered the cancer process in laboratory animals.
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) warns that a diet high in HCAs has been linked to an increased risk of breast, colon, liver, skin, lung, prostate and other cancers.102 And diets high in PAHs have been linked to leukemia, as well as GI and lung cancer.
“Dr. V is a human GPS for women with breast cancer.” M.W.
Personally, I have experimented with every type of diet known. When it came to my personal healing journey, I found that my body functions optimally with a small amount of animal protein (no more than three ounces per day and not necessarily every day) and low carbs or no sugars.
Without getting into a complex explanation of some of the Slaws in the famous China Study that promotes 100% vegetarianism, or the pros and cons of the meat-based Paleo diet, I would say that the most balanced approach is to create a diet that consists of 80% to 90% raw food with small portions of Sish, beef, turkey, and chicken three to four times per week.
A meat-heavy diet can lead to excess iron. Animal-based proteins, especially red meat, pork and poultry, are a high source of “heme” iron.
The 7 Essentials System® 71
Eating too much meat can lead to excess iron absorption that the body cannot get rid of on its own.
Recent research shows a link between high iron levels and a higher risk for cancer.103
Excess stored iron can also lead to higher amounts of pathogens and inSlammatory responses within the body.
Eating meat is your choice. There is no cookie-cutter magic dietary cure for everyone. It comes down to balance and what works best for you.
If there's one thing I've learned in my 40- plus years as a health practitioner, it’s that some people thrive on a plant-based diet while others thrive on a protein-based diet.
The factors that inSluence your choice can be your genetic weaknesses, your blood type, your environment, your age, your previous health history, your metabolic type, and your gut health.
One great tool for helping you make sense of the best diet for your body is a simple DNA test from Nutrition Genome that you can take at home. It gives you an analysis to customize your diet based on your 104 genetics as well as a personalized DNA grocery shopping list. It will also tell you what toxins and foods to avoid. It takes the guesswork out of eating.
Obviously, if you're going to include meat in your diet, it must be antibiotic-free, hormone-free, grass-fed, and grain-free. Ideally, you should know the source of the meat by purchasing it from local markets and farmers.
A “Wildatarian” approach to eating would include adding meats such as duck, rabbit, pheasant, elk, venison and bison.
When you purchase Sish, make sure it is wild-caught and not farmed. The best Sish to consume would be wild PaciSic or Alaskan salmon.
And when it comes to pork, eat it rarely and choose only pasture raised. Commercial pork is saturated with toxins since pigs have such a short digestion time that does not allow them to reduce their toxic burden. Plus, they do not have sweat glands to release toxins through the
103 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26890363
104 https://nutritiongenome.com/shop-nutrition-genome/ref/408/
skin.105 And pigs are loaded with parasites like trichinella and tapeworms.106
105 https://draxe.com/why-you-should-avoid-pork/ 106 https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/trichinellosis/
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The ketogenic diet calls for replacing carbohydrates with healthy fats and oils and moderate amounts of high-quality protein.
When you eat this way, your body is forced to burn fats instead of carbs (glucose) for fuel. Burning fewer carbs and glucose affects the liver. It begins to change fats into fatty acids and eventually into “ketone bodies” which are water-soluble fats.
According to ketogenic diet experts, our bodies and our brains run about 70% more efSiciently this way. This is partly because ketones can pass directly through the blood-brain barrier to provide necessary fuel for the brain.
Healthy cells can use ketone bodies rather than glucose for energy, while cancer cells depend solely on glucose. Having more ketones and less glucose means you are starving the cancer.
Since we now understand cancer as a metabolic disease and a disease of insulin resistance, carbohydrate intolerance and inSlammation, the low-carb approach of a ketogenic diet made sense to me. Plus, many studies and books have been written about the ketogenic diet and its impact on breast, prostate, and brain cancers.
A Duke University study found that carbohydrate restriction was “signiSicantly associated with lower tumor volumes” in a prostate cancer mouse model.
A 2014 study from the University of Iowa came to the same basic conclusion for breast and colon cancer cells. They surmised that the diet may be beneSicial as an adjunct to other healing modalities for both colon and breast cancer. It appears to lessen oxidative stress and can interfere with cancer cells’ increased glucose needs.
I personally experimented with the ketogenic diet for six months. I counted carbs, proteins, calories, and fats. I monitored everything that went into my mouth. I tested my blood ketones and blood sugars twice a day. There were some beneSits but because of my genetics, I personally could not sustain and maintain this diet since it adversely affected my lipid levels.
Whether or not this diet is healthy long-term for the general population remains to be seen. But if you have tried other diets, especially those that emphasize raw juicing, raw foods and vegetarianism, and you are not seeing the results you need, you may want to investigate a short term ketogenic diet as a metabolic reset. (fasting can also serve as a metabolic reset) If you do, get a ketogenic coach so they can get you started in the proper direction.
There are massive ad campaigns that would have you believe “milk does a body good.” But the truth is homogenized and pasteurized dairy products are very toxic.
Cow’s milk is designed for baby cows, not humans. To support the growth of an animal that will eventually weigh about 1,500 pounds, cow’s milk has over three times the amount of protein (which is very difSicult to digest) and three times the amount of calcium (which causes gallstones, kidney stones, and arthritic deposits) as human milk.
As human beings, we go through a natural weaning process that occurs between Sive to seven years of age. Our body stops producing the lactase enzyme that breaks down lactose or milk sugar.
According to a study done in the 1970s, most of the world's human adults are lactose intolerant.
Conventional store-bought milk is loaded with pesticide residues. It is also full of bovine growth hormones (bGH). These hormones are injected into cows to increase milk production. But they also increase the level of the insulin growth factor known as IGF-1. This increases the risk for breast cancer since IGF-1 is a critical factor in stimulating tumor cells.107
Suzy used to drink a quart of milk every day. She felt addicted to it. But she also complained of inSlamed joints and chronic sinus infections.
I encouraged Suzy to stop all dairy products. Within 2 weeks, her sinuses were clearing up, she was no longer constipated and she could wear her wedding rings for the Sirst time in 10 years!
Some dairy advocates believe that as long as dairy products are in the raw form, before pasteurization and homogenization, they really are good for humans. But milk is milk, no matter how you drink it. Although I will say that drinking raw milk and consuming raw cheese is better than drinking or eating commercial dairy products.
107 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8932606
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If you are on a healing journey with breast cancer or want to prevent breast cancer, I would encourage you to avoid dairy products of all kinds. An exception to that could be organic, cultured dairy products such as plain yogurt or keSir.
Nothing is more important to sustaining your health than clean water. Since your body is made up of over 75% water, daily ingestion of clean water is vital to life. Water Slushes impurities from your system, helps maintain body temperature, keeps your brain hydrated, and regulates the digestive process.
First and foremost, do not drink tap water. The Environmental Working Group analyzed nearly 20,000,000 water samples between 2004 and 2009 and found over 316 contaminants in the public water supply.108 These included agricultural pollutants, pesticides, chemicals and fertilizers, industrial chemicals from factories, as well as pollutants that were byproducts of the water treatment process itself. The majority of these chemicals are carcinogenic.
The World Health Organization estimates that 75% to 80% of cancers may originate in our water and environment.
Drinking tap water through your mouth - and through your skin in the form of a bath or shower - subjects you to hundreds of chemicals in one sitting.
One of the worst of these chemicals is Xluoride.
Currently, 67% of municipal water supplies in the U.S. are Sluoridated. California, as well as other states, mandates water Sluoridation for all communities with populations over 25,000.109
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, an average American consumes about three milligrams of Sluoride a day, in the form of water, pesticide residue from commercially-processed food, and other sources. For a healthy adult, this amount could result in hypothyroidism. That may well be why an estimated 27 million Americans today have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism; 80% of them are women.
108 http://www.ewg.org/tap-water/reportSindings.php
109 http://Sluoridealert.org/researchers/states/california/
In a vicious spiral of ill health, too much Sluoride in the body can also lead to higher breast cancer risk as well. Fluoride is a known endocrine disruptor. It can lead to imbalanced thyroid function, depleted iodine levels, and the eventual use of thyroid medication. All of these are known risk factors for breast cancer.
In fact, women who take medication to regulate their thyroid are twice as likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer as those who do not. 110
“While following The 7 Essentials, I have been more disciplined and determined…. My health has improved, some tumors are GONE, others smaller with blood supply cut off.” S.D.
The onslaught of Sluoride and other chemicals in our water supply was responsible for creating a billion-dollar bottled water and water Siltration industry.
Unfortunately, bottled water has created its own problems…
In a test of the 10 best-selling brands of bottled water, the Environmental Working Group found over 38 different pollutants. They included industrial chemicals, fertilizers, and even bacteria.111
And a study from Goethe University of Frankfurt found that plastic bottles themselves release estrogenic chemicals into the water.
Bisphenol A or BPA is a chemical compound used to make plastics and epoxy resins. This endocrine-disrupting chemical has a direct effect on breast cancer development.
Studies using cultures of human breast cancer cells show that BPA acts through the same pathways as estrogen. It induces cell proliferation as
110 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/988872
https://www.ewg.org/news/news-releases/2011/01/05/what%E2%80%99s-your-111 bottled-water-%E2%80%93-besides-water
The 7 Essentials System® 77
well as DNA damage to human breast cells.112 With this in mind, do not drink bottled water unless it is stored in a container that is BPA-free.
Drinking the wrong kind of water can lead to chronic dehydration.
You see, most water will not penetrate your cells where it is needed for hydration. This is because most bottled and tap water (including Siltered water) is “dead.” If you were to look at it under an electron microscope, you would see that it has no uniform structure. It remains chaotic and disorganized at the molecular level. [Insert graphics here.]
Nobel Prize-winning research from Johns Hopkins University led to the discovery of water with a “single Sile” molecular structure. Research from Japan conSirmed this single Sile alignment water is the most bio-available and healthiest type of water on the planet.
Technology to deliver this water was created by Russian scientist Dr. Igor Smirnov. Dr. Smirnov spent years after the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster studying how people living in the mountainous areas surrounding the disaster were able to avoid the effects of radiation in larger numbers than others. He discovered the secret was the single Sile structure of the spring water these mountain people were drinking.
Dr. Smirnov went on to develop Molecular Resonance Effect Technology (MRET). The GIA i-H2O Water System uses MRET to restructure water from chaotic and disorganized to single-Sile molecules. Water from this system can penetrate directly into your cells for optimum health effects.
Single Sile aligned water is 400 times more liquid. It is less viscous and can speed up hydration throughout your body by three times. Because of this, it can easily Slush out toxins but also easily carry nutrients into each cell.
Most importantly, single Kile aligned water has been linked to antitumor effects and may lessen the side effects of traditional cancer treatments, including chemotherapy.
For more information on single Sile aligned water, you can visit https://www.giawellness.com/56621/products/aqua-gia/ih2oactivation-system/
112 http://www.breastcancerfund.org/clear-science/chemicals-glossary/bisphenol-a.html
Under the subject of water, I must also mention Siltration systems that alkalize your water. I have heard testimonials from people who raved about their alkaline water. But I've also talked to people who have serious digestive issues as a result of drinking alkaline water.
The theory behind drinking alkaline water is that it helps to alkalize an acidic body. But you must recognize that the stomach, by nature, is extremely acidic, with a pH of 2.0 or below.
If you drink too much alkaline water, it may create an issue with the pH of your stomach. If there's not enough acid in your stomach to properly digest your food, you're setting yourself up for many types of digestive health issues.
Over 700 studies show the therapeutic effects of alkaline water with 170 disease models.
But it’s about the HYDROGEN, not the alkalinity.
You see, alkalinity is not the helping factor. It is actually the hydrogen in the water that contains all the beneSits.
Hydrogen is the smallest element on the periodic table. Its size allows hydrogen to easily access every cell in your body. And it has therapeutic effects for every organ in the body.
A healthy gut produces hydrogen through the normal fermentation and digestive process. If the gut is compromised and there is not sufSicient Siber to create hydrogen gas, then a deSiciency of hydrogen in the body occurs.
The Echo Hydrogen Enriched Water System is a patented technology to infuse water with hydrogen gas.113 I have enjoyed drinking hydrogen water for several years. I believe it was very instrumental in speeding up my healing in my second journey with breast cancer.
Buyer beware! Some oils we use every day in cooking are extremely toxic. GMO oils such as canola oil, soybean oil, corn oil, and even sunSlower oil should be strictly avoided. They are cheap to manufacture and are found in almost all processed and packaged foods.
Many of these oils have been found to deplete certain vitamins and interfere with enzyme function. And heating these oils to a high temperature takes their damage to an even higher level…
When polyunsaturated oils are heated at very high temperatures they produce a dangerous toxin called 4-hydroxy-trans-2-nonenal (HNE).
The 7 Essentials System® 79
This HNE causes lipid peroxidation on the cell wall which reduces cellular respiration and oxygen transport.
As far as cooking oils go, the best choices are organic, cold-pressed grapeseed oil, avocado oil and coconut oil which are sold in glass containers. Olive oil should not be used at a temperature higher than 150° Fahrenheit since the high heat oil denatures the oil.
What About Coffee?
I was never a big fan of coffee. But over the years I have changed my attitude based on the newest research.
Coffee is the most frequently used stimulant in the world. It contains many beneSicial compounds that act as antioxidants, reduce inSlammation, and regulate insulin.
A study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that older people who drink coffee have a lower risk of death overall than noncoffee drinkers. They were less likely to die from heart disease, respiratory disease, stroke, injuries, accidents, diabetes, and infections.
Other studies link drinking coffee with lower risks of , prostate cancer, Parkinson’s disease, depression, gallstones, skin cancer, liver cancer, and cirrhosis.
A number of studies also show that coffee helps to protect against breast cancer. A recent study from Lund University in Sweden conSirms that coffee can inhibit the growth of breast tumors and reduce the risk of a recurrence of breast cancer in women treated with tamoxifen.
Just a few caveats…
If you choose to drink coffee be sure it is organic, free of mold and mycotoxins, lightly roasted, and preferably Fair Trade. My trusted brands include Bulletproof, Purity and Life Extension Rich Rewards.
Rethinking drinking can be tricky. Alcohol has a place in the way we live — we toast happy occasions, we cap the end of the day with a cocktail, and we order beer and wine when we are out with friends.
But the reasons to evaluate how you consume alcohol are sobering.
Regular alcohol consumption remains THE SINGLE MOST prevalent determining factor for breast cancer diagnosis worldwide.
More than 100 epidemiologic studies suggest alcohol increases your risk of breast cancer.
According to one study in the Journal of the American Medical Association114
• Women who have three drinks per week have a 15% higher risk of breast cancer.
• The risk of breast cancer goes up another 10% for each additional drink a woman regularly has each day.
The National Cancer Institute identiSies multiple ways alcohol may increase the risk of cancer including:
● Ethanol in alcoholic drinks is metabolized (broken down) to acetaldehyde, which is a toxic chemical and a probable human carcinogen. Acetaldehyde can damage both DNA and proteins.
● Alcohol impairs the body’s ability to break down and absorb a variety of nutrients that may be associated with lower cancer risk. These include vitamin A; nutrients in the vitamin B complex, such as folate; vitamins C, D and E; and carotenoids.
● Alcohol increases blood levels of estrogen, a hormone linked to breast cancer risk.
Beer is no better than wine or liquor for breast cancer risk. Recent research conSirms that the hops in beer may raise your breast cancer risk signiSicantly.115
Compared with other organs, breasts appear to be more susceptible to the carcinogenic effects of alcohol.
Now let’s move on to the foods that we can enjoy!
114 https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/1104580
115 http://www.reproduction-online.org/content/123/2/235.short
The 7 Essentials System® 81
1. Cruciferous Vegetables
2. Leafy Greens
3. Green Apples and Lemons
4. Nuts and Seeds
5. Healthy Meats
6. Healthy Oils
7. Fermented Foods
Now that we are pretty clear on what you need to avoid, let’s focus on how much fun it can be to nourish your body with powerful healing food. The very fact that you are clear about moving forward to nourish your body with good food can be very motivational.
I understand that food has many emotional connections. We associate good food with casual entertainment and time with family and friends. So, what can we do to make this a joyful experience? It is all in your attitude. But if you constantly grieve the loss of your “comfort foods” and keep wishing you could keep eating them, you are living in the past. You are not yet taking full responsibility for your health.
Life After Comfort Foods
Jane was 30 pounds overweight. She loved her comfort food. After a breast cancer diagnosis and enrolling in our coaching program, Jane found it very depressing to have to live without the foods that made her "feel good." We encouraged her to get to the root cause of her emotional attachment to these foods.
After some soul searching and some EFT tapping, Jane came to this conclusion:
The old me and the old habits I had to stuff my emotions with food were what brought me to this cancer diagnosis. If I was going to conquer cancer, I needed to release and heal the patterns that had kept me fat and fearful for most of my life. I have lost 30 pounds and I am actually enjoying my green smoothies and new recipes. The best part is that I FEEL so much better!
Cancer cannot grow in a healthy body.
Remember that breast cancer doesn’t just “happen” to you. It came as a result of several factors. And for some of them you are ultimately responsible.
So, let’s do whatever it takes to starve the cancer and feed your body.
Many of the chemicals we are exposed to in our macro or micro environment can overwhelm and eventually block our detoxiSication pathways.
Thankfully, Nature has supplied us with the most effective natural detoxiSiers on the planet.
Common cruciferous vegetables include:
• Arugula
• Kale
• Bok Choy
• Parsnips
• Broccoli
• Radishes
• Brussels Sprouts
• Turnips
• Watercress
• CauliSlower
• Wasabi
Cruciferous vegetables optimize our Phase II detoxiSication system116 in the liver. This helps neutralize the effect of foreign chemicals on our DNA.
In fact, if you increase your consumption of cruciferous vegetables, healthy oils, and speciSic low glycemic fruits, you can reduce your breast cancer risk by 60 to 70%.
Cruciferous vegetables have been shown to control cancer’s “on and off” switches for breast cancer.117
They are especially important for women who are healing from breast cancer or want to prevent breast cancer. A study by Vanderbilt-Ingram
116 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23110644
117 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12873994
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Cancer Center revealed that women who ate more cruciferous vegetables had an improved survival rate.118
Plant chemicals in cruciferous vegetables serve many functions. They:
● alter estrogen metabolism.119
● prevent the spread of breast cancer to the lungs.120
● prevent the development of estrogen enhanced cancers, such as breast, cervical, and endometrial cancers.121
● reduce the risk of ever developing breast cancer.122
It is best to eat cruciferous vegetables raw or lightly steamed since overcooking can destroy the powerful anti-cancer nutrients.
Rather than trying to eat bowls and bowls of these raw vegetables, you can include them in your juicing and blending recipes. (More on this later.)
118 http://www.mc.vanderbilt.edu/news/releases.php?release=2395
119 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indole-3-carbinol
120 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19864400
121 http://www.greenmedinfo.com/article/indole-3-carbinol-negative-regulator-estrogen
122 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22877795
Broccoli sprouts are one of my favorite superfoods. They are 50 times more potent than the mature broccoli plant. Their secret weapon is a powerful nutrient called sulforaphane. Sulforaphane from broccoli sprouts activates over 200 genes related to cellular defense.
Here are just a few powerful examples of the effect it has on your body:
• Inhibits growth of breast cancer cells,
• Decreases breast cancer cell migration and tumor formation
• Prevents breast cancer stem cell formation
• Impacts cancer prevention
• Induces breast cancer cell death
• Decreases inflammatory effects of chemical toxins
• Enhances Natural Killer Cell Activity and Immune function
Fresh sprouts are great, but in order to get the full benefit of them you would have to eat at least two cups per day. But you can also take broccoli sprouts as a supplement. One capsule of my 7 Essentials Brocco Power is equal to 1 cup of broccoli sprouts. I take at least four per day.
Green leafy vegetables are the most nutritionally dense foods. Many of them are also in the cruciferous family. Common examples are:
• Kale
• Bok Choy
• Collard greens
• Spinach
• Mustard greens
• Watercress
• Romaine Lettuce
• Arugula
• Wheatgrass
Chlorophyll in leafy greens allows plants to absorb energy from the sun to convert carbon dioxide and water to glucose and oxygen. Chlorophyll makes your green veggies look green and at the same time acts as an “oxygen generator” for our planet and your body.
According to Nutrition Research, chlorophyll and its derivatives are believed to be responsible for prevention of chronic diseases such as cancer.123
123 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0271531706002934
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Research shows that chlorophyll:
• Reduces hunger and stabilizes blood sugar.124
• Improves constipation and gas.125
• Has a positive effect on healing and reducing bacterial infections.126
• Protects against dangerous aSlatoxins (toxic compounds in foods such as peanuts and corn) that are linked with liver damage and cancer.127
• Prevents growth and spread of Candida albicans, the fungus that causes candidiasis.128
• Has anti-inSlammatory effects and suppresses NF-kB, which is a signaling molecule linked to tumor development.129
• Stimulates Phase II liver detoxiSication.130
Green veggies are one of the best sources of chlorophyll but other good sources include wheat grass, algae such as spirulina and chlorella.
124 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23632035
125 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7350215
126 https://digitalcommons.butler.edu/botanical/vol9/iss1/21/
127 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19952359
128 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/ 43335937_Antimicrobial_activity_of_chlorophyllbased_solution_on_Candida_albicans_and_Enterococcus_faecalis
129 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10753-011-9399-0?LI=true
130 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14690798
A quick note about celery
Although it is not considered a leafy green, celery has many beneSicial properties.
A Xlavonoid in celery called apigenin (also found in parsley and grapefruit), has been shown to inhibit the progression and development of breast cancer cells.
So, make sure you include celery in your juicing and blending routines.
Try to have at least two to three large servings of leafy greens every day. You can incorporate them in your salads or use several cups in your smoothies.
The 7 Essentials System® 87
Microgreens are seedlings of edible vegetables. They are usually harvested less than two weeks after they germinate. They are tiny, usually only one to three inches tall, and come in a rainbow of colors based on the veggie seedlings that are grown.
These seedlings are cute, but they are also nutrition powerhouses. A 2012 joint study conducted by the University of Maryland and the United States Department of Agriculture looked at 25 different kinds of microgreens. On average, they found 4 to 40 times higher amounts of beneSicial nutrients in the microgreens when compared to mature plants.
Red cabbage microgreens, for example, had 40 times more vitamin E and six times more vitamin C than regular cabbage. Cilantro microgreens had three times more beta-carotene than mature cilantro.
The good news is microgreens are easy to grow right at home. My favorite kit is from Florida Microgreens.
Add microgreens to the menu with this savory, sweet, and spicy salad.
• 2 cups multi-colored microgreens
• 1 avocado, cubed
• ½ cup sliced radishes
• ½ cup shredded carrot
• 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
• 2 tablespoons lemon juice
• 2 cloves garlic, chopped
• ½ cup slivered almonds or chopped walnuts
• Himalayan sea salt and pepper to taste
Mix the dry ingredients together lightly. Toss in avocado. Drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice and toss again lightly. Sprinkle with optional salt and pepper and serve immediately.
For a sweeter taste, add balsamic vinegar instead of the lemon.
Serves 4.
Bon Appetit!
An apple a day can keep the oncologist away!
Since you are now aware that sugar feeds cancer, you may want to minimize your intake of certain fruits while on your healing journey.
The main fruits you can enjoy while on your journey are green apples, lemons, and occasional berries. Eating fruits in moderation that are in season can be a delicious treat.
Green apples have the lowest sugar content of any of the apple categories and provide many anti-cancer beneSits. Research from The University of Wisconsin demonstrated the power of the apple peel…131
An organic apple peel solution was dripped on petri dishes containing breast cancer cells and prostate cancer cells. Both cancers eventually died off… with apple peels? Yep!
Data analyzed for over 10 years proves there is a consistent inverse association between apples and the risk for various cancers.132 In other words, eating apples is linked with a lower cancer risk.
To feed your body and starve cancer, make it a goal to have at least two lemons per day.
Another fruit you can enjoy as much as you like are lemons. They can be blended or juiced with your greens.
The lemon peel and its extracts are loaded with potent Slavonoids that have many health beneSits and potent pharmacological activities.133
These Slavonoids have been proven to:
● Down-regulate inSlammatory enzymes.
● Suppress the growth of tumors.
● Slow down the spread of cancer cells.
● Stop the growth of blood vessels that feed tumors.
● Cause cancer cell death (apoptosis).
In short, the more citrus you eat, the lower your risk is for developing breast cancer.134
131 http://youtu.be/KI-jaZTRU8M
132 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16091428
133 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23673480
134 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23593085
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Nuts and seeds are nutrient-rich superfoods that can help you on your healthy breast journey. They:
• are chock full of protein, minerals, and healthy fats.
• contain phytonutrients like Slavonoids and other antioxidants.
• may help prevent metabolic syndrome.135
• may prevent chronic diseases and help you live longer!136
Another important beneSit of seeds and nuts is their high Siber content.
You see, estrogen is broken down by your liver and sent to your colon to be eliminated. If your diet is low in Siber, you have poor elimination.
Estrogen sits in the gut. Eventually it gets recirculated in your body. But if there is plenty of Siber in your gut, the excess estrogen can be properly excreted.
Fiber also helps lower your breast cancer risk by regulating insulin and glucose metabolism. The higher your insulin levels, the greater your risk for developing breast cancer.
Walnuts contain speciKic bioactive molecules that have shown beneKicial effects in the prevention of breast cancer.137
Almonds have also been shown to have anti-cancer properties.138
135 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19064829
136 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24847854
138 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28262033
Nuts can be hard to digest. Always consume them raw, not roasted.
And before eating, soak them in fresh spring water with a pinch of sea or Himalayan salt in the refrigerator overnight (or for at least 8 hours).
Nuts have enzyme inhibitors to protect them until it is in the right environment for growing. When you soak nuts, the inhibiting enzymes are released and you begin the sprouting process for the nuts. They then become a “live” food and offer more nutritional value. They are also much easier to digest after they are soaked.
You can air dry your nuts or place them in a dehydrator to speed up the process. Eat them as a snack or add them to salads and main dishes.
The best nuts to consume as part of your healing journey include:
● Almonds
● Pecans
● Brazil nuts
● Pumpkin seeds
● Cashews
● SunSlower seeds
● Macadamia nuts
● Walnuts
No peanuts! They are legumes loaded with fungal toxins and most are GMO.
Flax Seeds
Now let’s talk about seeds, speciSically Slax seeds. When it comes to breast cancer, research proves that Slax seeds are one of the most beneSicial foods you can consume. They are high in soluble and insoluble Siber and are the richest source of omega-3 fatty acids. They are also strong antioxidants.
I Sirst became aware of Slax after reading a study done by the University of Toronto. Women with breast cancer who were awaiting surgery ate a mufSin a day which contained about Sive teaspoons of ground Slax. The cancer tumors were then analyzed after surgery. The results: the tumors were reduced by 30% and up to 71% in the women who ate the mufSins!139
How do Slax seeds Sight breast cancer?
Flax seeds help you metabolize estrogen. A 2004 study, again by researchers at the University of Toronto, found that Slax seeds helped
139 http://clincancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/11/10/3828.long
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metabolize estrogen in greater amounts than other phytonutrients, including soy.140
Another study conducted by Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, New York found that regular Slax intake lowered the risk of pre- and postmenopausal breast cancer.141
Both of these studies focused on lignans in Slax seed. Lignans are natural plant compounds, or phytochemicals, that are locked in the cell matrix of certain seeds, beans, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. They bear a strong resemblance to estrogen in shape, structure and functionality. The main difference - and it’s a big one - is that lignans are much gentler to the body than estrogen. This is good news for you.
Lignans also help regulate and balance estrogen levels in the body. And by replacing more aggressive estrogens with lignans in the body, you may reduce your risk of cell mutations - and of breast cancer.
Should you be concerned about consuming many plant estrogens?
Not at all!
Phytoestrogens contain only 2% of the potency of human estrogens. They also help Xill receptor sites with milder forms of estrogen. And they help Xlush out truly dangerous chemicallycreated xenoestrogens from the body.
Flax seeds inhibit the growth of estrogen-dependent breast cancer and even strengthen the effect of the drug tamoxifen. Research proves many other beneSits:
• Flax seeds cause cancer cells to self-destruct. They inhibit the growth of the blood vessels that feed breast cancer tumors. They also contain a cytotoxic substance called Justicidin B which causes apoptosis (cancer cell death) in human breast cancer cell lines.142
• Flax seeds stop cancer cells from spreading. Flax seeds can actually slow down cancer metastasis. They work through a process called SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulation). SERM can lower estrogen in one area of the body (such as the breast) while increasing it in another, such as the
140 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14749240
141 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15221974
142 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21520988
brain or bones. Lignans are also aromatase inhibitors and potent antioxidants.143
• Flax seeds help the liver do its job. Consuming Slax seeds is detoxifying. It increases the production of “sex hormone binding globulin” which helps Slush out xenoestrogens in the ovaries and fatty tissues.144
• Flax seed is one of the highest magnesium foods in the world. About 68% of all Americans are deSicient in magnesium. And a magnesium deSiciency has been linked to cancer.
• Flax seeds help heal your digestive tract. In addition to being a good source of soluble Siber, Slax is high in alpha lipoic acid (ALA). ALA helps line the intestinal tract to maintain sound GI health. And since close to 80% of your immune system cells reside in your gut, that can help lower your breast cancer risk.
You can enjoy Slax seeds by grinding them with a coffee grinder and sprinkling them on your salads and veggies, or adding them to your smoothies. I have also soaked them, added a bit of Slavoring, spread them on a sheet, and dehydrated them to make amazing crunchy raw crackers.145 Baking with Slax seeds up to 350 degrees Fahrenheit does not affect the nutritional value of the seeds.
Do not purchase Slax seeds that have already been ground up since the shelf life and packaging cause oxidation of the seeds. For breast health, consume up to 25 grams per day (5 teaspoons).
143 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12270221
144 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2080856
145 http://breastcancerconqueror.com/raw-almond-bruschetta-crackers/
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This Slax mufSin is my version of a bran mufSin which my husband and I used to love. I was craving a mufSin one day and came up with this. Let me know what you think.
1. In a large bowl add the following and mix thoroughly:
• 2 cups of ground Slax seeds
• 2 cups of almond Slour
• 1 cup of raisins or goji berries
• 2 tsp. baking powder
• 1 tsp. baking soda
• 1 tsp. Himalayan Crystal salt
• 2 tsps. nutmeg
• 1 tsp. cinnamon
• Stevia glycerite to taste
2. In a separate bowl, whisk the following:
• ½ cup grape seed oil or coconut oil
• 1 cup unsweetened almond milk or coconut milk
• 4 eggs or egg replacer
3. Add the wet ingredients to the dry and mix. The batter should be thick, but if it is too dry, add a bit more almond milk.
4. Spoon into mufSin paper cups and tins. Bake at 350 degrees F for about 20 minutes, or until the batter is done. Enjoy for breakfast or as a snack with a cup of matcha tea. Bon Appétit!
Women in Mediterranean countries have much lower rates of breast cancer.146 Their secret may be olive oil.
A Spanish study in JAMA Internal Medicine divided 4,282 women into three groups. One group ate a Mediterranean diet plus 30 grams of mixed nuts a day. Another group ate the same diet plus added four tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil every day. The control group ate a low-fat diet.
After Sive years the women in the olive oil group had a 68% lower risk of breast cancer compared to the low-fat diet group. Each added 5% of calories from olive oil cut their risk by 28%. 147
147 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26365989
Olives and olive oil should be staples in any healthy kitchen. Not any olive oil will do, however. When choosing olive oil for your pantry, make sure it is organic, cold-pressed and extra virgin - the greener the better for extra freshness and purity.
Olive oil should not be used to cook at high temperatures as this denatures the oil and will damage the fats.
Over 1,500 research articles tout the beneSits of coconut oil.
Here are just 6 ways coconut oil helps prevent and heal breast cancer:
1. Coconut oil is comprised of over 60% medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs). In one study MCFAs reduced the viability of cancer cells by 70% to 90%!148 MCFAs also have the ability to turn on the genes involved in cancer apoptosis.
2. Coconut oil reduces inXlammation.The inSlammatory response is one of the root causes of almost all disease especially cancer.
3. Coconut oil produces ketones. Tumor cells are dependent on glucose for energy. So, when ketones are produced during digestion instead, cancer cells are not able to use them as fuel.
4. Coconut oil heals the gut. Remember, 90% of your immune system cells are in your small intestine. So, when your digestive system is healthy, your immune system will be strong as well. MCFAs in coconut oil can Sight off bad bacteria. And as an anti-fungal, coconut oil helps ward off candida, a fungal growth linked to cancer tumor growth.
5. Coconut oil helps you absorb vitamins D and K. Vitamins D3 and K2 are like the “dynamic duo” for hormonal and breast health as well as for immune system function. Most women I coach on the healthy breast path are seriously deSicient in vitamin D. But vitamin D needs vitamin K2 in order to do its job.
6. Coconut oil balances hormones. This is mainly because of the antioxidant and hormone-balancing effects of lauric acid. A 2011 study of over 1,800 women in the Philippines found that consuming coconut oil raised HDL cholesterol (HDL-c) levels across the board. Past studies have supported the idea that higher HDL-c levels and lower LDL levels have a positive effect on naturally-occurring estrogen especially in postmenopausal women.149
148 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4394462/
149 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/ 26564190_Lipid_ProSile_of_Postmenopausal_Women_in_Calabar_Nigeria
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Coconut oil is very versatile. You can froth it in a hot beverage, slather it on steamed veggies, and even use it for stir frying or sautéing.
Some metabolic types may be better suited for a vegetarian diet, whereas others may improve their healing when they include small amounts of animal protein.
What exactly does “small amounts of animal protein” mean? I recommend a small serving, no bigger than a deck of cards, and not necessarily every day. A 100-pound woman should consume about three ounces of protein per day including vegetable and animal protein.
If you want to include a small amount of animal protein in your diet, there are a few absolutes. For one, you must know the source of your meat. Only eat meat from animals that:
● have been treated humanely;
● are hormone and antibiotic-free;
● get to play outdoors and bask in the sun every day; and
● eat 100% grass with no grain Sillers.
These factors will ensure that you are eating healthy, high quality meat.
Many studies on the pros and cons of a meat-based diet versus a vegetarian diet have been based on grain-fed, slaughterhouse meats. They don’t give you the full picture.
You may be surprised to learn the beneSits of grass fed beef. It is:
● high in omega-3’s;
● the richest source of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a powerful anti-carcinogen associated with a lower breast cancer risk; and
● higher in vitamin E.
To ensure proper digestion of meat, implementing digestive enzymes and betaine HCl with every meal is important.
If you do not have access to grass fed meats, I love my Butcher Box that is delivered to my home. The source grass fed and pastured meats from farmers in the USA.
Cutting back on the amount of protein you eat can affect your mTOR pathways, a typical avenue for cancer cell creation in your body.
What are mTOR pathways? “Mammalian target of rapamycin” (mTOR) is the nexus of a massive communication network inside your cells. It can determine how the mitochondria provide cells with energy through glucose metabolism.
How can mTOR hinder your healthy breast journey?
Dr. David Sabatini, a professor of biology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology has found that cancer is clearly connected with too much mTOR activity.
You see, cancer tumors are designed to grow as fast and as large as possible. Cancer cells have abnormal “wiring” that makes them highly dependent on mTOR signaling. So, the higher the mTOR activity you have, the greater your risk of cancer and metastasis.
A 2014 study in the journal Breast Cancer Research found that inhibiting mTOR signaling could improve the outcomes of patients with hormone receptor-positive or HER 2 positive breast cancer.
You can also regulate mTOR with Calorie restriction.
For those facing severe health challenges including breast cancer, focusing on a very low-carb, moderately low protein and healthy fat way of eating for a period of time may provide powerful healing.
Did you know there are bacteria living in literally every part of our body? In fact, there are more bacterial cells in the human body than there are purely human cells! This community of bugs is called your microbiome
Many people have the impression that all bacteria can make you sick. But not all bacteria are bad for you. If you have a fairly healthy immune system, most pathogenic bacteria are relatively harmless in small amounts. And research conSirms that many forms of bacteria are absolutely beneSicial for health – and even necessary for the proper function of many mechanisms of the body.150
When “bad” microbes crowd out “good” microbes your immune system gets weak. You can develop chronic inSlammation.
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Your gut is home to most of these microbes. But not all.
In fact, your breasts have their own balance of microbes. And researchers now believe there are distinct differences in the bacteria in healthy and cancerous breast tissue.
In other words, some microbes in your breasts increase the risk of breast cancer, and others decrease your risk.
Mayo Clinic researchers recently discovered that women with breast cancer had dramatically different bugs than women with benign breast disease. Women with cancer also had many more microbes in their breasts. And the microbiome from cancer sites was also very different from normal tissue just inches away in the same woman.151 They believe that the imbalance in good and bad in microbes – what we call dysbiosis – may contribute to inSlammation and cancer.
Another study from the Cleveland Clinic looked at breast tissue from 78 women who either had a mastectomy or just cosmetic surgery. Results showed that healthy women and breast cancer patients had different microbes in their breast tissue.152
Fermented foods can help restore microbiome health. They are rich in enzymes, improve digestion, and help restore proper bacterial Slora.
The best types of fermented foods are:
● keSir, preferably coconut milk or goat milk based;
● real yogurt, preferably coconut milk or goat milk based;
● raw sauerkraut and other fermented vegetables;
● miso, a fermented soybean paste that can be used as soup broth; and
● kombucha, a fermented tea which is high in glucuronic acid and assists with liver detoxiSication.
I typically have at least one serving of a fermented food every day. My favorites are kombucha, sauerkraut and coconut milk keSir.
https://www.nature.com/articles/srep30751 151
152 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29152146
About 75% of breast cancers are ER-positive, that is, breast cancer cells that grow in response to estrogen. The more circulating estrogen in the body, the more cancer growth may be stimulated.
Because of this fact, conventional medicine relies on medications like aromatase inhibitors and drugs like tamoxifen to lower estrogen levels. But you can also lower estrogen levels naturally…
Phytoestrogens are plant nutrients that produce “estrogen-like” action in the body. They are often called “gentle estrogens” or “antiestrogens” because of their healing, rather than carcinogenic effect.
Natural estrogens and chemical xenoestrogens both seek out “estrogen receptor alpha” (ER-a) sites on cells. But soy has a much greater afSinity for “estrogen receptor beta” (ER-b) sites.
Why is this good news for you? Soy phytoestrogens reduce the number of ER-a sites in a cell and increases the ER-b sites in cells. Fewer ER-a sites means fewer places for super-aggressive estrogens to land, and less opportunity for ER-positive cancer cells to grow.
So, eating fermented, whole soy – not isolates from soy, like iso[lavones – results in lower circulating estrogen levels in women. It slows down the growth of ER-positive cancers.
The best way to get fermented soy in your diet is with organic miso paste, natto, tempeh and pickled tofu.
Another excellent product I recommend is Haelen, a concentrated organic, non-GMO fermented soy drink. Just one bottle contains 25 pounds of soy. It has many health beneSits especially for women on a cancer healing journey. It contains high levels of genistein, which has been shown to induce breast cancer cell death and inhibit breast cancer stem cells.
I believe Haelan was instrumental in my healing journeys. Admittedly, it is not the best tasting beverage, but there are ways around the taste by adding chocolate stevia followed by water.
So, there you have it.
You have learned about the top 7 foods that you must avoid in order to stop feeding the cancer, and the top 7 foods you can enjoy that will nourish your body.
So how do you put all of this together in a practical day-to-day lifestyle? Great question!
First, get your pantry in shape to make healthy eating easy…
The 7 Essentials System® 99
TV celebrities swap wives, kids, and homes. But we are going to keep it simple and just swap out toxic, cancer-feeding foods, with organic, vibrant foods.
There is no need to go into panic mode and wonder how in the world you are going to change so many things all at once. I do know women who have thrown everything out of their cupboards and started fresh. They were determined and ready to start the healing journey. Others, because of their budget, simply replaced their old products with organic ones as they ran out of things.
Changing your eating habits is not as difSicult as it seems. If you have certain foods that you really enjoy, chances are you'll be able to Sind a very healthy replacement.
Let's take pasta for example. We all love our carbohydrate Six with cheesy tomato sauce. Do you know that you can purchase pasta that is made with 0 carbs? Miracle Noodles are made from Japanese yams and are a great alternative to carb loaded pastas. Black bean, mung bean, or quinoa pasta can also be a delicious substitute, although they are high carb.
Here is a basic checklist for you so you can eventually turn your kitchen into an organic, life-promoting kitchen.
Replace These Cancer Triggers… With These Anti-Cancer Exchanges
✗ All types of sugar and sugar alcohols
✗ GMO foods
✗ Canned foods
✗ Regular milk and dairy
✗ Regular cheese
✓ Stevia
✓ Organic, non-GMO foods
✓ BPA-free organic canned foods
✓ Unsweetened organic nut milk
✓ Organic raw grass-fed goat, sheep, or nut milk cheese
✗ Regular sweetened yogurt
✗ Tap or bottled water
✗ Dark roast coffee
✗ Bottled salad dressings
✗ Roasted, salted nuts
✗ Margarine and butter
✗ Peanut, corn, safSlower and canola oils
✗ Conventional meats
✗ Sodas
✗ Wheat Slour
✗ Rice
✗ Pasta or noodles
✗ Wheat crackers
✗ Corn and potato chips
✗ Peanut butter
✗ White table salt
✗ Chocolate bars and candy
✓ Organic, plain yogurt or keSir
✓ PuriSied, Siltered, and hydrogen water
✓ Light roasted coffee and matcha tea or herbal teas
✓ Homemade olive oil and lemon dressings
✓ Organic raw soaked nuts
✓ Organic grass-fed butter
✓ Organic cold-pressed olive, avocado or coconut oil
✓ Grass-fed local meats
✓ Kombucha or mineral water
✓ Almond Slour
✓ Quinoa
✓ Carb-free Miracle Noodles
✓ Almond, seed, and gluten-free crackers
✓ Kale or sprouted bean chips
✓ Raw sprouted almond or sunSlower seed butter
✓ Himalayan Crystal salt
✓ Organic, sugar-free dark chocolate
For real-life daily menu options, head to my website to enjoy some free gifts: https://breastcancerconqueror.com/bookgifts
Juicing involves grinding, pulverizing, and squeezing the juices out of fruits and vegetables. The beneSit of juicing, especially if you are having some serious challenges with your health, is that you can absorb more nutrients with less effort. The juices are absorbed more quickly into the bloodstream, allowing the digestive system to rest.
The 7 Essentials System® 101
During cancer treatments juicing may be your beverage of choice for several months. It Sloods your body with powerful nutrition and helps you overcome the side effects of chemo and radiation.
Blending has become very popular with the help of kitchen aids like the Vitamix and the NutriBullet blender to make “smoothies.” This method grinds and breaks down leafy vegetables so they are more easily assimilated. You can “eat” more greens if you blend them instead of sitting there trying to eat plate after plate of salads.
Conscious eating is a new way of looking at your food. It is about making food choices that will support healing and hinder cancer.
You can feed the cancer or feed your body. It’s your choice.
Conscious eating involves being thankful for the food on your plate and visualizing the food being digested properly and vibrantly nourishing your cells.
In the beginning of your healing journey, it’s natural to shift your focus to new ways of eating and being. Most of us have to unlearn old bad habits. At the same time, we have to take in a lot of new knowledge about what it takes to eat, and live, for health.
But even as you gain more and more knowledge, you should also be going deeper into your own “gut level” wisdom regarding the needs of your unique body, mind and spirit. As new habits replace old ones, you may even Sind many health concerns that once consumed you are now alleviated.
But there is a Slip side to healthy eating…
Sometimes a woman can’t stop thinking about her health and food to the point where it causes stress. Please remember that your diet does not have to be perfect. I urge you not to feel guilty about food choices. And don’t beat yourself up if you “cheat” once in a while.
After completing this chapter, you are light years ahead of so many women when it comes to healing breast cancer. Congratulations on getting this far!
Keep it light, fun, and be adventurous as you learn to balance your food choices. You will Sind Delectable Dishes153 with all kinds of enjoyable recipes on my web site.
Healthy eating gets easier because you will feel better physically and emotionally, knowing you are taking positive steps in starving the cancer and nourishing your body.
“The 7 Essentials was such a great part of my recovery. It saved my life and has given me hope and a future.” L.K.
1. I can starve the cancer and nourish my body with my food choices.
2. Sugar of ANY kind feeds cancer. Cancer loves acidic food and thrives in an acidic environment.
3. Commercial dairy products have growth hormones that lead to various cancers.
4. Tap and bottled water has hundreds of cancer-causing chemicals in it.
5. Cruciferous vegetables supply strong detoxiSication nutrients that help metabolize estrogen.
6. An apple (and two lemons) a day may keep the oncologist away.
7. Blending and juicing are an excellent way to increase my raw vegetable intake.
“Dr. V’s book gave me a blueprint for taking my health back.” J.D.
1. Purchase three types of organic cruciferous vegetables or leafy greens and incorporate them into your menu for the week.
2. If you have a high-powered blender, experiment with some blending recipes. You can Sind a few of my favorites on my website.
3. Start your morning with a large glass of water and the juice of an organic lemon. You can also add 1 teaspoon of baking soda to really alkalize your body. Wait at least 30 minutes before eating anything.
153 https://breastcancerconqueror.com/library/recipes/
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4. Grind Sive teaspoons of Slax seeds in the morning. Add them to your smoothie or sprinkle them on your salads and veggies.
5. Find out where you can purchase grass-fed, antibiotic-free, and hormone-free meats and eggs.
6. Drink half your weight in ounces of water every day. Write it down here so you will remember how much to drink.
My weight____________ divided by 2 = __________ ounces I commit to drinking every day
7. Write down how you are feeling about changing your diet. Is it hard? Are you resisting the change? Do you miss certain comfort foods? Gently remind yourself that you don’t have to make a perfect transition all at once. Be positive about making a conscious choice about your food. Starve the cancer and nourish your body.
Have no idea what to eat or prepare meals? For a sample 7 Day Menu, head to https://breastcancerconqueror.com/bookgifts
The secret to your success is found in your daily routines. Change your routines to create the success that you desire.
On a cold cloudy day in North Georgia, I was sitting in my sauna, dripping sweat. As I was sweating I visualized all the toxins that were being released from my body. I visualized myself letting go of anything that was hindering my healing. I was so grateful for all that I was learning on this second journey and that I felt so grateful that I had access to tools like this sauna.
We know we live in a toxic world – there is no denying that. We can’t live in a bubble, so how do we handle the exposure to daily toxins and support our body to gently release them? Read on and you will see…
A toxin is a poisonous substance. It can be produced within living cells and organisms or created by man-made chemicals.
We live in an environmentally toxic world that has impacted our health and the future of this planet. Over 77,000 chemicals are produced in North America every year.154 There are over 10,000 chemicals used in the food processing industry and most of them have never been tested for safety. These chemicals are responsible for severe neurological disorders, hormonal imbalances, and immune system disorders, including cancer.
To help you reduce your toxic exposure, I am going to break down all the various ways you are exposed to toxins and how they affect you. I’ll also show you what to do to protect your environment, your home, and your body from this assault of poisons.
154 http://www.nativevillage.org/Messages%20from%20the%20People/ How%20to%20avoid%20environmental_toxins.htm
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“Dr. V’s book has given me hope and direction.” J.C.
In 2018, the CDC published an updated national survey analyzing the blood and urine of more than 2,400 participants all over the U.S. They found that the average person had hundreds of foreign chemicals in their blood, urine, and saliva.155
How does your body handle the onslaught of these chemicals? What effect do they have on your immune system and detoxiSication pathways? I am in awe of the body’s ability to adapt to this toxic soup that it inadvertently absorbs every day.
A growing body of evidence and research proves the connection between breast cancer and environmental toxins. Carcinogenic chemicals can alter DNA and may cause cancer cells to be produced. That may explain why industrialized countries have higher incidences of breast cancer. In fact, close to 90% of breast cancers have no known risk factors such as having children later in life or a family history of breast cancer. That means a high percentage of these cases may be associated with environmental factors.
Learning about xenoestrogens was a game changer for my client Connie. She said,
I had no clue that my everyday products were fueling my breast cancer. Now I am very careful about what I bring into my home and what I put on my body.
Many of these industrial chemicals mimic estrogen in your body and can increase your risk of breast cancer. They are called xenoestrogens or foreign estrogens. The name comes from the Greek root xeno meaning stranger or foreigner.
155 https://www.cdc.gov/exposurereport/index.html
The list of these chemicals having an estrogenic effect is very long. In fact, if you go to this link156 for the American Cancer Society, you will Sind pages and pages of cancer-causing chemicals.
Common sources of xenoestrogens are:
● Commercial dairy and meat containing growth hormones
● Non-organic fruits and vegetables grown with pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides
● Any products associated with plastics including BPA in canned foods
● Commercial detergents and surfactants
● Chemicals in the water supply from detergents and surfactants
● Industrial chemicals such as dioxins, PCBs, and benzene-derived products
● Commercial sunscreens containing 4-MBC157
● Antiperspirants made with metalloestrogens such as aluminum
● Commercial make-up and sundry products containing parabens
● Estrogenic drugs like birth control pills in the water supply Xenoestrogens imitate aggressive estrogens and take up vital space on estrogen receptor sites in mammary tissue. These potent chemicals are dangerous and research has found high levels of them in most breast cancer tumors.158
If your body is not able to metabolize or break down these chemical estrogens – a process called methylation - then estrogen builds up in the body and can lead to estrogen dominance.
An overload of these more “aggressive” proliferative forms of estrogen in your body can:
• interfere with the reproductive system (for both men and women)
• change brain chemistry and lead to neurological conditions
156 http://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancercauses/othercarcinogens/ generalinformationaboutcarcinogens/known-and-probable-human-carcinogens
157 https://www.naturalhealth365.com/sunscreen-skin-cancer-1911.html
158 cancer-with-combined-exposures-to-edcs/
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• cause an imbalance in cortisol levels159 and
• lead to a deSiciency in thyroid hormone.
In a vicious cycle, these other effects of xenoestrogens are also related to high breast cancer risk.
A study in the Journal of Applied Toxicology revealed high concentrations of parabens in the breasts of post-mastectomy patients.160 Parabens are preservatives in cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. They were present even in the breasts of women who had never used underarm deodorant (the most common cosmetic source of parabens). That indicates the toxins were probably acquired through the environment. The level of parabens in the breast tissue studied was one million times higher than the normal estrogen levels in unaffected breast tissue.
So how do you escape the effect of these chemicals if they are everywhere in our environment? Begin by protecting your small corner of the planet: your yard and your home.
• Avoid the use of artiSicial lawn fertilizers and herbicides.
• Don’t drink bottled water, especially if it has been sitting in the sun.
• Never use the microwave or cook your food in plastic containers.
• Purchase a reliable water Silter system for your drinking and bathing water.
• Try to eat only organic food. If that is not possible, peel the fruit and vegetables that have been commercially produced.
• Only buy furniture that doesn’t contain Slame retardants.
• Remove shoes at the door and vacuum with a HEPA Silter.
We discussed electropollution in Section II, and I bring it up again because it is a dangerous issue you must be aware of. You may not see or feel the EMFs in the air, but if you could, it would be like heavy dark smog that permeates the very space we live in.
This was a huge piece of the puzzle that I missed when it came to my personal healing journey. Through bio-energetic testing, I discovered that I was very “electro-sensitive” to electromagnetic Sields (EMFs).
159 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2090989614000277
160 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14745841
Once I learned how to use my cell phone wisely and discovered ways to protect myself from all the EMFs in the air, I felt a tremendous amount of physical and mental relief.
If you live in a metropolitan area, take a look around you as you drive down the interstate. You will see massive cell towers and transmitters on hotel and corporate buildings, as well as in playgrounds and Sire stations.
Add to that all the Wi-Fi hot spots and cell phone usage and you are literally swimming in a smog of EMFs.
Wi-Fi is extremely convenient, and as a result, we tend to overlook the harm it may be doing to our bodies every day. After all, we don’t really feel or see the effects. But according to a recent study in the Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine Journal, low-intensity RFR (radiation emitted by cell phones and Wi-Fi) causes oxidative stress and damage to your cells that can lead to pathology or disease.161
You and I are electrical beings that function using bio-electrical signals from our brain, nervous system, and heart. Chronic environmental exposures to EMFs from cell phones, Wi-Fi, and satellite can have an impact on this delicate transmission system in our body.
Our DNA and cells have no idea how to adapt to this relatively new toxin.
The most pervasive and invasive components of electropollution are the new “smart-meters.” Every home and building that once had an electric meter to measure the usage of electricity is being replaced with a wireless device that communicates with the electric company’s home base. These devices produce constant spikes of EMF exposure to millions of home and ofSice buildings. In spite of adverse health effects, health concerns from experts, and much public pressure, the smart meters are growing in numbers.
The health effects of non-ionizing radiation from EMFs including cell phones and cell towers have been validated by science.
The BioInitiative Report162 was prepared by 29 scientists from all over the world, independent of any government agencies and industrial societies. They are doctors and Ph.D.’s who are concerned about the effects of electropollution on the planet, on people, and especially on unborn and young children.
161 https://ecfsapi.fcc.gov/Sile/60001122232.pdf
162 http://www.bioinitiative.org/
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They have spent years studying the data and thousands of research papers. They have no monetary gain in publishing the truth about this perilous toxin.
These scientists report that cell towers, Wi-Fi, wireless laptops, cell phones, and smart meters have serious biological effects including:163
● brain tumors
● DNA damage
● cancer and cell proliferation
● cardiac, heart muscle, blood pressure, and vascular effects
● disrupted immune system
● reproductive disorders and fertility effects
● production of stress proteins
● oxidative damage to cells
● disrupted calcium metabolism
● weakened blood-brain barrier, the Silter that protects your brain from toxins
● sleep problems
● memory problems
● learning and behavior problems
The World Health Organization classiXies cell phone and cordless phone radiation as a possible human carcinogen.164
This is the same category as lead and DDT.
163 http://www.bioinitiative.org/report/wp-content/uploads/pdfs/BioInitiativeReport-RFColor-Charts.pdf
http://ehtrust.org/leading-epidemiologists-conclude-that-cell-and-cordless-phone-164 radiation-is-a-probable-human-carcinogen/
You probably know melatonin as the “sleep hormone.” But it is also classiSied as a cytotoxin and tumor suppressor. When melatonin is produced in sufSicient amounts, it inhibits the growth of estrogenpositive breast cancer cells. In fact, studies show melatonin puts breast cancer cells to sleep.
Besides increasing risks of a brain tumor, EMFs from cell phones and other wireless devices suppress the production of melatonin. Studies show exposure to EMFs from cell phones signiSicantly reduces the effects of melatonin on breast cancer cells. So never have your cell phone near your bed stand unless it is on airplane mode.
There is a ray of hope… Solid, reputable and research-based companies are now providing solutions to electropollution.
You see, when cell membranes are hit with non-iodizing radiation it triggers a self-defense reaction. Stress proteins “harden” the cell membrane to block entry. But membrane hardening also blocks waste products, toxins, and free radicals from getting out. All of that leads to toxic buildup, cellular dysfunction and disease.
If the radiation from a cell phone can travel through a cement wall when you are in a building, do you think it is possible that same radiation is traveling through your body?
GIA Wellness provides patented and scientiSically proven cell guards to address these effects of electromagnetic radiation. The cell guards and universal guards generate a noise Sield that piggybacks on electromagnetic microwaves. The noise acts as a mask on the microwaves. They neutralize the effect and create a non-harmful frequency. Thus, your cells do not go into defense mode. They don’t harden their membranes.
To learn more about this technology and its beneSits, visit GIA Wellness.165 Personally, my home, my electronic devices, my ofSice, my car, and my body are all fully protected by this patented technology.
We already talked about cancer triggers in our diet in Section II. But another problem is the use of chemicals in producing our food. Since pesticides are very potent xenoestrogens, it is important to pay attention to the foods with the highest pesticide residues.
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The USDA and FDA conducted studies on conventional crops and found that:166
• More than one-third of strawberry samples analyzed in 2016 contained 10 or more pesticide residues.
• More than 98% of strawberries, peaches, potatoes, nectarines, cherries and apples tested positive for at least one pesticide.
• Spinach samples had, on average, almost twice as much pesticide residue by weight compared to any other crop.
The good news is you can reduce your exposure to these carcinogens. A Sirst step is choosing organic produce when possible. A recent study proved that people who ate organic foods had a decreased cancer risk.167
The Environmental Working Group has compiled a list of foods called the Dirty Dozen and the Clean Fifteen.168 These lists reSlect the worst conventional foods to eat as well as the least toxic foods.
A few of the cleanest foods are avocados, sweet corn, cabbage, onions, and sweet peas. If you are serious about becoming more conscious about your food choices and the toxins in your environment, please visit their website.169
Certain Sish are contaminated with heavy metals such as mercury and lead, and industrial chemicals such as PCBs and pesticides. The Environmental Defense Fund has an informative website that gives you a list of the best and worst choices of Sish to eat.170
Another good resource is Safe Catch. They test the tuna and salmon on site, to make sure they have lower levels of mercury.171
166 https://www.ewg.org/release/out-now-ewg-s-2018-shopper-s-guide-pesticidesproduce#.Wwllqy7wbIU
168 https://www.ewg.org/foodnews/
169 http://www.ewg.org/c
170 http://seafood.edf.org/guide/best
https://safecatch.com/ 171
We already discussed toxins that affect your outdoor home space so now it’s time to move indoors.
Commercial cleaning products are a big source of toxins and indoor pollution. The average household has between three and 25 gallons of toxic cleaning products. The most dangerous chemicals are “ethylenebased glycols” that are used in Sloor cleaners, paints, plastics, and synthetic Sibers.
Cleaning products that contain bleach (Sloor cleaners, dishwasher detergents, clothing detergents, and bathroom cleaners) and similar disinfectants can react to create volatile chlorinated compounds.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP), and others have identiSied over 200 chemicals, many of them found in cleaning products, that have been linked to breast cancer.172
Sadly, cleaning product companies don’t have to disclose those chemicals. California recently passed a law to require that information directly on product labels. Until the rest of the country catches up, here are a few tips to minimize your exposure to these toxic ingredients:
• Always read labels before purchasing a cleaning product for your home. The simpler the ingredients the better.
• Try to stick to bio-degradable and/or organic products.
• Slowly replace your regular cleaning products with non-toxic ones.
• You can actually make your own safe cleaning products. White vinegar and a few drops of peppermint oil makes for a great glass cleaner.
You can access non-toxic pest control two ways. You can take the commercial approach and hire a company that uses only organic compounds like plant extracts and botanicals or simple traps and lures. Make sure you ask questions about the quality of their products with proof that they are actually organic and safe.
You can also purchase products that can be applied to baseboards and in corners of your rooms. These “bug busters” include repellent and insecticide sprays that contain neem oil, peppermint oil, limonene from
172 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17503434
The 7 Essentials System® 113
lemons, or pyrethrins from chrysanthemums. The beauty of these products is that they act as neurotoxins if bugs are present, but they can also act as a repellent to keep bugs away. They are bio-degradable so you must apply them every week.
Studies have connected long-term mold exposure to liver, urinary tract and kidney cancer as well as bladder and thyroid cancer. The famous 30-year “Jersey Girls” study found that one type of mold produces xenoestrogens linked to hormonal imbalance and breast cancer.173
The real threat behind mold lies in mycotoxins, which are the waste products that certain kinds of fungi produce.174 There are literally dozens of different kinds of mycotoxins that could pose a threat to human health and they can be found in everything from foodstuffs to building materials. The most common ones are found coffee beans, corn, and peanuts, as well as conventional livestock, and black mold found in schools and homes.
To protect yourself, avoid grains, commercial meats, and other sources of mold contamination in your diet. Also stick to all organic, non-GMO foods. Getting your house and ofSice space checked for black mold on a regular basis is a must-do as well. Finally, pay attention to the warning signs within your own body.
Macha green tea and other detoxifying substances can help purge your body of mold toxins if you have already been exposed.175
Plastic containers and plastic wraps should also be avoided. They contain BPA and phthalates that are plastic softeners. The best plastic is no plastic but if you must use some, make sure they are marked with a #1, #2, #4 or #5.176 These do not contain BPA.
Fortunately, there are alternatives to plastic wrap. Products made from beeswax or tree resins are becoming more and more popular. 177 178
173 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC243572/
174 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC164220/
175 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28536872
176 http://www.ewg.org/research/healthy-home-tips/tip-3-pick-plastics-carefully
177 https://www.beeswrap.com/
178 https://www.shopetee.com/pages/say-goodbye-to-plastic-offer
Styrofoam cups and plates should be thrown out right away. Styrene, the chemical that is used to make Styrofoam, has been shown to deplete glutathione, which is a primary antioxidant that protects against free radical damage. Styrene causes DNA damage and has shown evidence of estrogenic properties. According to a report by the National Toxicology Program, “Styrene could put some individuals at higher risk for carcinogenicity.”179 Styrofoam is especially dangerous when the food or liquid is hot.
My advice is simple… NEVER eat anything that has been microwaved in a plastic container. The heat breaks down the chemicals in the plastic and releases the toxins into your food.
179 http://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/NTP/roc/twelfth/2010/FinalBDs/ Styrene_Final_508.pdf#search=styrofoam
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Reason #1: Microwaves Causes Molecular Damage
Microwaving uses electromagnetic waves to agitate water molecules in food. This causes food to heat very quickly from the inside out.
But the friction caused at the atomic level literally tears apart surrounding molecules, deforming them.
A 1989 study from the University of Vienna found that when food was microwaved, amino acids, the building blocks of protein, were converted from their natural forms to biologically inactive forms which may be toxic to nerve and kidney function.
The bottom line is microwaved food contains both molecules and energies not present in food cooked by humans throughout history.
Reason #2: Eating Microwaved Food Leads to InXlammation
A study from Swiss researchers showed that people eating microwaved foods showed a higher level of white blood cells called leukocytes. These cells are often signs of poisoning or cell damage. And high levels of these cells in the people eating microwaved foods caused leukocytosis. This condition is connected to inSlammation and infection in the body.
Reason #3: Microwaving Releases Carcinogens
Studies show that microwaving foods high in fat may release dangerous dioxins. It may also release bisphenol A (BPA), a known xenoestrogen linked to breast cancer.
Reason #4: Microwaving Releases Dangerous EMF’s
If you stand one foot away from your microwave oven you are being exposed to about 400 milliGauss of electromagnetic radiation. Studies show that as little as four milliGauss is linked to leukemia. Even when the microwave oven is working correctly, the microwave levels in your kitchen are likely to be signiSicantly higher than those from nearby cell phone base-stations.
And don’t fall for a brand-new technology called “induction stovetops.” Like microwave ovens use very high EMFs. In fact, they are approved as safe only if you stand at least one foot away from the stove while cooking.
I recommend you stay away from these stovetops altogether.
The EPA reports that the quality of air in our homes and other buildings can be more seriously polluted than the outdoor air in even the largest
and most industrialized cities.180 Concentrations of some pollutants are often two to Sive times higher than typical outdoor concentrations.181
Indoor air pollution can lead to respiratory diseases, heart disease, and cancer. The major sources of indoor pollution include:182
● Heating fuels such as oil, gas, kerosene, coal, or wood.
● New building materials, new furniture, and new carpeting that emit formaldehyde and other noxious chemicals. Formaldehyde is a pungent smelling gas that can cause respiratory irritations, and is a “probable carcinogen.”
● Pesticide sprays.
● ArtiXicial candles, scented sprays, and fragrances are made from volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Many of the VOCs in your home are known carcinogens and should be avoided.
● Dry cleaning chemicals. That sweet smell that lingers in your clothes after you have them dry cleaned is called PERC or perchloro-ethylene. It is an effective cleaning solvent but is a “likely human carcinogen.” PERC has caused cancer in laboratory animals whether they inhaled it or ingested it. If you do use dry cleaning, air out your clothes in the garage or outdoors for at least 24 hours.
● Mercury vapors from compact Xluorescent light (CFL) bulbs. There is NO safe level of mercury. It is the most toxic metal on the planet. I spent years detoxing mercury out of my body because of amalgams, so I personally choose to not bring anything into my home that contains mercury. What happens if you break a compact Sluorescent light bulb? The EPA tells you to leave the room, open windows, and shut off the AC or heating system so as to not spread the vapors. Sounds too risky for me!
● LED (light emitting diode) bulbs use signiSicantly less energy than even CFLs and do not contain mercury. But a study in Environmental Science and Technology found that LEDs contain lead, arsenic and a dozen other potentially dangerous substances. If you break one, experts recommend sweeping it up
180 https://www.epa.gov/indoor-air-quality-iaq/inside-story-guide-indoor-air-quality
181 https://cfpub.epa.gov/roe/chapter/air/indoorair.cfm
182 http://www.epa.gov/iaq/ia-intro.html
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while wearing gloves and a mask, and disposing of the debris — and even the broom — as hazardous waste. 183
● Nonstick cookware is manufactured with a chemical called PFOA or C8. It has been found in the blood in the general U.S. population, and it causes adverse effects in laboratory animals. It is an endocrine disruptor and has estrogenic effects. An expert report commissioned by the EPA recently labeled PFOA “likely to be carcinogenic to humans.” PFOA is also used in “wrinkle-free” clothing, carpeting, and microwave popcorn bags.
● Aluminum cookware and aluminum foils are very reactive, and the metal can leach into your food. Aluminum absorption has been associated with cancer (including breast cancer), kidney disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. Never wrap your food in aluminum foil or cook with aluminum foil.
For a simple checklist to help you to start reducing your toxic exposure in your home, head to https://breastcancerconqueror.com/bookgifts When you eliminate a product simply check it off the list. You will see yourself making progress before you know it. Even one check mark is a great step in the right direction.
The U.S. government does not require any health studies or pre-market testing of chemicals used in personal care products. Of the over 10,000 chemicals used in these products only 11 have been rejected as unsafe.
Every day the average person applies 15 or more personal care products exposing them to over 126 unique chemicals.184
You are what you eat… whether it enters your mouth or is delivered through your skin. Because of the vast supply of capillaries in the skin, any substance applied to the skin inevitably ends up in the bloodstream. If you apply a lotion to your skin, you are “eating” the lotion.
How much lotion are you eating per day?
If you apply one tablespoon of lotion on your skin every day for Kive years, you would end up “eating” over seven gallons of toxic lotion.
183 https://www.scientiSicamerican.com/article/led-lightbulb-concerns/
If that lotion contains silicone-derived ingredients, petroleum byproducts, chemical fragrances, and artiSicial dyes, then you are subjecting your body to gallons of toxins that can potentially accumulate in your liver, colon, and fatty cells.
The chemicals in lotions are toxic185 to the reproductive system. They affect the hormone system and are known or suspected carcinogens. Shaving creams would also fall into this category.
There are too many chemicals to list but here are a few major ones to avoid. For a more comprehensive list visit EWG’s Skin Deep Cosmetic Database.186
● ArtiSicial dyes and coal tar, which are human carcinogens
● BHA, a preservative that causes cancer
● DMDM hydantoin, a preservative that releases formaldehyde which causes cancer
● Fragrances, which include about 14 different hormone disruptors
● Oxybenzone, a sunscreen agent that disrupts hormones
● Parabens, xenoestrogens found in 19 out of 20 breast cancer tumors
● PEG, a probable human carcinogen
● Phthalates, carcinogenic chemicals
● Triclosan, an antimicrobial in soap which disrupts thyroid and reproductive hormones
Parabens are estrogenic and have been found in 19 out of 20 breast cancer tumors.
Sweating is a normal and natural function that rids your body of toxins. Applying antiperspirants clogs the pores in the armpit with aluminum. This area of the body is very dense with sweat glands and lymph nodes in order to drain toxins away from the breast. Aluminum levels are signiSicantly higher187 in the breast tissue of women who have breast cancer.
185 http://www.ewg.org/skindeep/2011/04/12/why-this-matters/
186 http://www.ewg.org/skindeep/
187 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21337589
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Aluminum is a metallo-estrogen that can mimic estrogen in breast tissue. 188
Cosmetics include everything from makeup to add color to your face and lips, to polishes you use on your nail beds. More than 500 products sold in the U.S. contain ingredients that are banned in the European Union, Canada, and Japan. Sixty-one percent of lipsticks contain residues of lead.
Many of the chemicals used in cosmetics are hormone disruptors and potentially carcinogenic.189
Did you realize that your nails are porous and need to breathe? That means that anything you put on your nails inevitably ends up in your body. The chemicals in nail polish, such as phthalates and formaldehyde, are classiSied as possible carcinogens and are hormone disruptors.
Mineral makeup has been marketed as “more natural” than conventional makeup. But “more natural” is not the same as “safe” and “pure.”
Just about every mineral makeup contains mica, for its light reSlecting quality, and titanium dioxide, for a matte Sinish and UV protection. But the jury is out as to whether they are harmful in cosmetics.
Some mineral makeup also contains man-made silicon oil that gives glide. But it’s classiSied as a toxin and its use should be limited.
It comes down to choosing wisely…
The cosmetic industry is essentially self-regulated and has no real standards. You have to create your own standards where you are the priority.
The good news is there are more and more companies manufacturing healthy, non-toxic body care products. You can research the products on the Environmental Working Group’s website, www.ewg.org.
The average woman who lives in North America uses over 11,000 tampons or pads during her menstrual life. The dangers of commercially-produced tampons and pads have been known since the http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jat.1135/abstract
1980’s when close to 40 women died of toxic shock syndrome (TSS).190 TSS is caused by a fast-moving bacterial infection instigated by the highly-absorbent synthetic material in tampons.
The CDC estimates there are 1,300 cases of TSS reported annually, half of them related to commercial tampon use. About Sive percent of these cases are fatal.191
A 2013 CDC report found that both scented and unscented Always pads emitted chemicals that have already been identiSied as carcinogens. Many of the toxins found in these and other feminine protection products have been linked to breast cancer and endocrine disruption. Dioxin, used in the bleaching process for both pads and tampons, has been shown to lead to immune suppression.
The report also found hazardous amounts of phthalates in the plastic applicators. These carcinogens can lead to gene mutation, organ damage and cancer.
Reusable and disposable pads and tampons made from 100% cotton signiSicantly reduce the risk of TSS.
Women’s Voices For Earth also reports that the following companies offer safer cotton alternatives that also do not contain carcinogens. They are also committed to disclosing the ingredients in their products:
• Natracare192
• Seventh Generation193
• My True Moon (100% cotton tampons)194
If you are still menstruating, educate yourself about the issue now and make the necessary changes in order to reduce your toxic load.
Since I started graying when I was 19, I explored hair dyes at a very young age. But in 2013, I decided it was time to walk my talk so I took the plunge and vowed to go natural and let my silver shine through. It was a little scary at Sirst. I felt a little vulnerable and wondered if my silver hair would age me. But how could I tell women to reduce their
190 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3238331/ 191 https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/5/6/99-0611_article 192 http://www.natracare.com/ 193 https://www.seventhgeneration.com/ 194 http://www.mytruemoon.com/
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toxic exposure when I was still applying that toxic dye to my head every month?
Embrace your beauty and the silver crown you have. Here are a few compelling reasons to stop dyeing your hair with artiSicial dyes:
● Hair dyes contain chemicals that are endocrine disruptors.
● Over 5,000 different chemicals are used in hair dye products, some of which are shown to be carcinogenic in animals. They 195 pose a signiSicant health risk to those that use them and apply them. Studies link hair dye to bladder and various blood cancers as well as breast cancer.196
● Lead in hair dye has been associated with harmful effects to every organ in your body.
As I said before what you put ON your skin ends up IN your body. And the ingredients in regular soaps and shampoo are shocking! They are full of toxins that affect your immune system, cause cancer, and disrupt your hormones.
The worst ingredient in soap is the antibacterial chemical called triclosan. It was originally classiSied as a pesticide but somehow found its way into household and personal care products.
Triclosan is now in:
• Antibacterial body washes and hand soaps
• Hand sanitizers
• Mouthwash
• Toothpaste
• Deodorants
• Cosmetics
• Bedding
• Washcloths and towels
• Clothing
• Children’s toys
https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/myths/hair-dyes-fact- 195 sheet
https://www.webmd.com/breast-cancer/news/20170620/could-certain-hair-dyes- 196 relaxers-raise-breast-cancer-risk#1
• Furniture
Most importantly, triclosan is a powerful endocrine disruptor and too much of it in your system can lead to breast cancer.197 This is because triclosan can create xenoestrogens that mimic aggressive forms of estrogen in the body.
And here’s the irony…
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2013 found that antibacterial products containing triclosan and similar chemicals are no more effective than simple soap and water.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control says insect repellents containing DEET (N,N-Diethyl-3-methylbenzamide) are the best way to ward off mosquitoes. But I don’t recommend it.
According to recent studies, DEET can create serious side effects — with potentially serious consequences to both nervous system and cognitive function. A 2006 study found that DEET is not just a behaviormodifying chemical for bugs. It also affects mammals. 198
Instead of DEET consider natural strategies, including essential oils. Lemon, eucalyptus, peppermint, tea tree oil, vetiver, and neem all have been shown to repel insects, including mosquitoes.
If you read the back of a typical toothpaste tube you will see a warning: Harmful if swallowed. Call poison control center if swallowed
Even if you do not physically swallow it, you are “eating” the chemicals anyway. The lining of your mouth and the skin under your tongue are extremely rich in capillaries.
Anything you put under your tongue or in your mouth by-passes digestion and goes directly into your bloodstream.
If you have a mouthful of toxic toothpaste, you are ingesting those chemicals several times per day. Here is a list of some of the chemicals you should be concerned about:
● SLS or sodium lauryl sulphate is classiSied as a pesticide by the EPA. It is used as a Slea and tick shampoo for dogs and cats. It acts as a foaming agent and is carcinogenic.
197 https://www.endocrine-abstracts.org/ea/0029/ea0029p749.htm
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● Fluoride has serious effects. It can lead to bone fractures in adults and bone cancer in boys. It lowers the IQ of children and causes distortions in brain cells. It is classiSied as a hormone disruptor by the National Research Council and has shown signiSicant effects on the thyroid and parathyroid. It calciSies the pineal gland, which is associated with lower melatonin production.
● Triclosan is an antibacterial chemical found in soaps.
● Sodium - is an artiSicial sweetener that causes cancer.
● ArtiSicial colors and Slavorings can be carcinogenic and neurotoxic.
Is your bra toxic?
Bras are a particular concern. They are commonly made with synthetic fabrics like nylon. Over 80% of bra padding is made from polyurethane foam, a petroleum product. And many bras also contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, toluene and benzene.
Breast tissue is highly sensitive to these toxic chemicals, and breast tissue samples reveal high levels of them.
It comes down to this: the more synthetic clothing you wear, the greater your risk of absorbing toxic chemicals that may harm your health.
For a checklist to help you Start reducing your toxic exposure from personal care products, head to https://breastcancerconqueror.com/ bookgifts
Simply check off the box when you have eliminated one of them. You will see yourself making progress before you know it. Even one check mark is a great step in the right direction.
According to the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer, an intergovernmental agency associated with the WHO), one of the main causes of cancer is chronic infections, whether viral, bacterial, or parasitic.199 The mechanism for causing cancer may be direct by producing oncogenic proteins, or indirect, by creating chronic inSlammation and burdening the immune system.
199 http://www.iarc.fr/en/publications/pdfs-online/wcr/2003/wcr-2.pdf
It is very common to Sind low grade, chronic bacterial, viral, and fungal infections that are compromising the immune system.
Everyday metabolism and digestion of foods can create internal toxins. If the detoxiSication pathways are stagnant and not functioning properly, toxins can accumulate in your body. That increased toxic load affects your health on a cellular level and impedes your body’s natural healing ability.
In addition, every single person is host to bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viral cells. They’re not all bad. But most people have an overgrowth of these opportunistic organisms living in their body. When this overgrowth or imbalance occurs, it affects your immune system - your Sirst line of defense against breast cancer.
The thought of parasites crawling inside you may be disgusting. An excellent book you must read to face up to the reality of parasites is Guess What Came to Dinner by Ann Louise Gittleman.200 International travel, the food industry, and poor sanitary habits have created a parasitic epidemic.
According to the CDC, millions of Americans have parasites.201 A common one is the taenia solium tapeworm whose larvae can be found in uncooked pork. It can lead to cysticercosis, which has been linked to DNA damage and tumor growth.202
In addition to the direct cancer links mentioned above, parasites also have clever ways of “tricking” the immune system.203 As they grow, they strip us of vital nutrients needed to fuel our bodies.
You can get infected with parasites:
● from unclean food sources and the many hands that touch your food from the Sield to the grocery store.
● from other people who have poor sanitary habits.
● by inhaling parasite eggs, especially if you have pets.
● through your skin, especially the bottom of your feet.
200 http://www.amazon.com/Guess-What-Came-Dinner-Parasites/dp/1583330968
202 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10748903
203 https://www.nature.com/subjects/parasite-immune-evasion
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If you have never done a parasite cleanse, chances are you are loaded with them. Parasites are a toxic burden and stress the immune system. But their waste matter can also leave your body feeling tired and toxic.
Performing a regular parasite cleanse is a must for anyone on a healthy breast journey. Two herbs that are toxic to parasites and their larvae include black walnut (be sure to get the green hulls) and wormwood. Other herbs that are effective are pau d’arco and cloves. A recent discovery of mine has been Mimosa Pudica. According to Microbe Formulas developers, it is an excellent gut scraper, pulling our parasites, toxins, heavy metals and bioSilm. I have used it and have enjoyed the beneSits.
I recommend doing a parasite cleanse at least twice a year in the spring and fall. You can Sind a parasite cleanse kit on the Breast Cancer Conqueror website.204
A virus is an infectious agent. Just like in a computer, human viruses are also little bits of “code” whose main goal is the corruption of the whole system, i.e. your body.
Sounds pretty dire, right? It would be if it weren’t for your immune system. If it is functioning right, your immune system will do its job of destroying viral cells along with other pathogens.
But if your immune system is weak, a virus could spread relentlessly, causing further weakening of the immune system and allowing other pathogens like cancer cells to grow.
There is also a direct correlation between some viruses and cancer. Low grade systemic viral infections such as the human papilloma virus (HPV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) and breast cancer.205
And a recent study indicates that women who are infected with bovine leukemia virus (BLV) are three times more likely to develop breast cancer than those who are not infected. That’s higher than other 206 well-known risk factors, including obesity, drinking alcohol and using hormone replacement therapy after menopause.
205 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4344231/
206 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4557937/
A 2007 survey by the USDA found that nearly all bulk milk tanks at both large and small dairy operations are infected by BLV. This is just another reason to avoid consuming dairy products.
Bacteria occupy space in every part of your body. In fact, there are more bacterial cells in the human body than there are “human” cells.
Some bacteria perform vital functions for the immune system and most do no harm in small amounts. But many can become vicious when they get out of control.
Some opportunistic bacteria have internal mechanisms that are shockingly similar to those of cancer. For example, both cancer cells and the bacteria that cause Lyme disease feed on sugar.207
The most obvious link between bacterial imbalance and cancer is the immune system. The key is keeping a balance of good and bad bacteria in your gut since that’s where 60 to 80% of your immune system cells reside.
Similar to bacteria, certain fungi in the right amounts are beneSicial for health. Mushrooms such as agaricus, chaga, and shiitake are immune system balancers. And turkey tail mushrooms have been proven to shrink breast cancer tumors.208
But when certain fungi proliferate because of bad lifestyle choices and eating habits, problems arise. The most well-known fungi is Candida Albicans. Candida is present within everyone, but when it grows out of control, it can wreak havoc on the body. In fact, some experts believe Candida to be the foundational cause of all tumor growth.
For an Internal Toxins Checklist for you to monitor your progress, head to: https://breastcancerconqueror.com/bookgifts
In our modern world where toxins can be found everywhere, periodic cleansing is needed now more than ever.
207https://www.hufSingtonpost.com/dana-parish/lyme-the-infectious-disea_b_9243460.html 208https://www.naturalhealth365.com/paul-stamets-digestive-tract-1366.html
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Most people shy away from talking about bowel movements and habits in the bathroom. But the reality is that a constipated and clogged colon can increase your risk for breast cancer.
The large intestine is responsible for absorbing water and excreting waste. If the waste material is not properly excreted on a daily basis, the toxins will circulate throughout the body. This toxic buildup causes cellular stress and weakens the immune system. It also increases the overall acidity in your body, which cancer cells love.209
V.E Irons, well-known for his colon cleansing programs,210 spent years researching and advocating the need to detox the bowels in order to prevent any disease in the body. He identiSied 22 toxic chemicals that were produced as a result of a toxic colon and then reabsorbed into the body.
Coffee enemas are a simple and inexpensive way to cleanse your colon and your liver.
There is evidence that the great Pharaohs of Egypt had a special doctor or “guardian of the anus” that specialized in administering enemas. In the early 1900s, German scientists noticed that caffeine opened the bile ducts and stimulated the liver of laboratory animals when coffee enemas were administered. And believe it or not, coffee enemas were in the medical doctor’s “bible,” The Merck Manual, until 1972.
While the coffee sits in the bowels, it is absorbed into the bloodstream through the intestinal wall and through the liver’s portal vein. The caffeine stimulates the gall bladder as well. A mere 15 to 20-minute coffee enema can have a profound detoxiSication effect since blood Slows through the liver at a rate of every three minutes. This is why an enema with specialized organic coffee is part of many well-known natural cancer healing and wellness protocols.
Aside from its effect on the liver, coffee enemas also provide the body with phytochemicals, namely kahweol and cafestol, which activate glutathione and cellular detoxiSication.
Tips on Performing a Coffee Enema
209 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22738122
210 http://www.veirons.com/
If you are on a healing journey and killing off unhealthy cells every day, it is very important to support your liver’s detoxiSication pathways. Without coffee enemas and other ways to detoxify the liver, your body will inevitably become overloaded and this can have dire consequences on your health.
Coffee enemas can easily be administered in the privacy of your home using an enema kit, preferably one that has a stainless-steel bucket and silicone tubing.
The most important thing to remember is to use fresh, chemical-free water (either distilled, spring or well water) and certiSied organic, pesticide-free coffee. The best coffee to sue for Coffee enemas is S. A. Wilson Coffee. It is a blond coffee and very high in speciSic nutrients to stimulate liver detoxiSication.
Make your enema a time of relaxation and quiet time. Light a candle, listen to relaxing music or do a meditation as you cleanse your body.
To improve your elimination on a daily basis, I suggest you purchase a small stepping stool to place at the base of the toilet. I have practiced this since the 1970s when I discovered how toilets have ruined the colons of humans for centuries. If you watch any animal eliminate, they get into a squatting position in order to open up the pelvic muscles for proper elimination. We are no different.
Our body is designed to prevent evacuation when we are sitting or standing. When we sit, the rectum is tightened by the pubo-rectal muscles, which is designed to keep the poop in. Squatting, on the other hand, releases the muscle and allows for evacuation without straining or pushing.
There are various types of stools that can be purchased but my all-time favorite is the Squatty Potty.211 They have plain plastic models as well as beautifully designed bamboo models. If you are serious about colon cleansing, proper elimination is a great Sirst step.
The liver has over 500 various functions, one of the key functions being detoxiSication. It can become sluggish and toxic as a result of eating processed foods, alcohol consumption, and certain drugs and pharmaceuticals. Just like the colon, if the liver is not properly cleansed, toxins will re-circulate and cause a systemic overload.
In addition to coffee enemas, you can detox your liver with some common herbs. Some of the best include milk thistle, chicory root,
211 https://www.squattypotty.com/?Click=24574
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dandelion root, turmeric, peppermint, burdock root, ginger, cumin, and cinnamon. I also offer a 90 day liver cleansing kit on my website.212
Every day your kidneys Silter about 200 quarts of blood to remove excess water and waste products. If they become clogged with uric acid crystals and other toxins, your blood will become impure and full of toxins.
Besides ample puriSied water, the following Sluids will assist with Slushing the kidneys:
• Unsweetened cranberry juice helps break down calcium oxalate, which contributes to kidney stones.
• Lemon juice will increase the levels of citrate in your urine.
Some of the best herbs to cleanse your kidneys are horsetail, hydrangea root, celery root, marshmallow, dandelion root, goldenrod, and parsley. Most of these have a diuretic effect. If you use them, be sure to drink a lot of puriSied water to prevent dehydration.
The lymphatic system is one of the major ways the body eliminates toxins.
Lymph Sluid circulates throughout the body through the lymph nodes to transport harmful toxins towards the body’s many pathways of detoxiSication such as the liver. This system is one of the body’s Sirst lines of defense against pathogens such as infections, bacteria, yeast overgrowth, and viruses. White blood cells and other immune system mechanisms reside in the milky-white lymph Sluid.
There are a little fewer than two dozen lymph nodes around the breast area. These nodes act as “Silter stations” for pathogenic invaders.
When this system gets clogged or is sluggish, the building up of lymph Sluid, usually in the extremities, can occur. This condition is called lymphedema, a painful, debilitating, and potentially life-threatening medical condition. Left unchecked, it can lead to edema and Sibrosis. Fibrosis prevents the natural Slow of oxygen and nutrients, encouraging bacteria and infection to Slourish.
Improperly functioning lymphatics can also lead to higher risk of breast cancer and breast cancer recurrence. Toxins build up in a sluggish lymphatic system. Lymph nodes are also one place in the body where
natural killer (NK) cells are produced.213 NK cells speciSically target cancer cells and other pathogens.
Twice every day, morning and evening, I like to perform a quick breast massage.
Always massage from the inside out, with long smooth strokes towards the arm pit and up towards the collar bone.
I take my massage up a notch by incorporating Healthy Girls® Breast Oil not only because it smells divine but because it’s packed with essential oil powerhouses. In fact, studies show that monoterpenes, especially dlimonene, found in large quantity in certain essential oils, have antitumor activity. They improve the liver’s ability to break down carcinogens by increasing the amount of liver enzymes and stimulating abnormal cell death.
Dangers of Bras
One thing that can really slow down your lymph system is wearing a bra. Over 85% of lymph Sluid from the breast area Slows to the lymph nodes in the armpits, with the remainder draining along the breast bone area. When a woman wears a bra for hours at a time, especially one that is very tight or has an underwire, this Slow can become seriously impeded.
A 1991 Harvard University study found that women who went braless had half the risk of breast cancer compared to bra-wearers.214 And the authors of the 1995 book Dressed to Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras conducted their own study with 5,000 women. Their Sindings were even more shocking: women who wore a bra 24 hours per day had a three in four chance of developing breast cancer. Wearing a bra less than 12 hours a day reduced that risk to one in 52.
These fresh water algae are so rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, and polysaccharides that they’re pretty close to being the perfect natural multi-vitamin and mineral supplement.
Chlorella helps purify the blood by binding with toxic heavy metals in the bloodstream and gut, and drawing them gently out of the body. This is important because high levels of metals (such as iron, nickel, chromium, copper, mercury and lead) are related to breast cancer tumor growth.215
213 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2118232/
214 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/027753799190469T
215 http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/16804515
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Research shows that chlorophyll in chlorella increases your cellular glutathione, one of the most potent detoxiSiers produced inside your cells. It clears cells of free-radicals.216
If you decide to add chlorella to your healing journey, Metal Detox found in my store is a great way to start.
Fasting is an age old physical and spiritual healing practice. It allows your body to focus on healing and repairing, rather than using up energy to digest your food.
In animal studies, the only experimental approach that consistently improves cancer survival is “under nutrition without malnutrition.”217
For more than a century, there’s been ample evidence of the beneSits of calorie restriction or fasting. In 2013 researchers at Thomas Jefferson University discovered that calorie restriction and intermittent fasting could decrease the number of spontaneously-occurring tumors and slow the growth of primary ones.218
In addition, a 2012 report in the Proceeding of the Nutrition Society found that calorie restriction could shrink breast cancer tumors, in part through balancing IGF-1 and lowering visceral fat stores.219
And research published in the journal Cell Stem Cell demonstrated that prolonged fasting of 72 hours protected the immune system from damage and actually induced regeneration of the immune system. The researchers suggested fasting may even mitigate some of the harmful effects of chemotherapy.220
In the study volunteers were asked to fast regularly for two to four days over a six-month period. The scientists found that fasting reduced the production of PKA. This enzyme is linked to a hormone which increases the risk of developing cancer and increases tumor growth.
One way fasting works is by triggering a process called autophagy. The word is derived from the Greek “auto” (self) and “phagein” (to eat). It’s a process where your body repairs itself by “eating” unhealthy and dying
216 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2572174
217 http://www.cmaj.ca/content/early/2013/03/25/cmaj.109-4437
218 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23837760
219 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22414375
220 https://www.cell.com/cell-stem-cell/fulltext/S1934-5909(14)00059-9
cells. And it may be one of the best ways your body has to “clean house” for detoxiSication and overall health.
There are numerous types of fasts you can choose depending on your state of health. “Intermittent fasting” involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting on a daily or weekly schedule. It can be as simple as cutting your calories to 400 to 600 per day once a week or every other day.
Another simple way to fast is to limit the time – not the amount - you eat every day. For example, if you eat just between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. you are fasting 16 hours a day.
Here are a few other guidelines for improving your detoxiSication experience:
● Make sure you are drinking clean, puriSied water. A simple rule of thumb is to drink half your weight in ounces. If you weigh 140 pounds, then you would drink 70 ounces per day.
● Start your morning off with one organic lemon squeezed into a glass of water. Add one teaspoon baking soda or raw apple cider vinegar to help alkalize the body.
● A castor oil pack is Slannel or cotton that is soaked in castor oil and applied over the abdomen or liver area. A heating pad or hot water bottle is then placed over the pack for about one hour. It helps to open up the colon and the liver for improved toxic elimination.
● Sweating is by far one of the simplest ways to detox. New research reveals that sweating helps eliminate heavy metals and petrochemicals that have inSiltrated our environment and ultimately our body. A groundbreaking study revealed that certain toxic elements were preferentially excreted through sweat rather than urine. A review of various scientiSic studies and literature concluded that sweating led to detoxiSication of heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium, lead, and arsenic.
● Hyperthermia is an excellent way to increase your natural killer (NK) cells, stimulate lymph nodes, and weaken cancer cells. Raising your body temperature through hot detox clay, Epsom salts baths, sun-bathing, or infrared saunas stimulates your blood and lymph circulation, improving the detox process.
For this, I love my BioMat. It lowers cortisol levels and showers my body with alkalizing negative ions. More on that later.
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1. Xenoestrogens or fake estrogens from chemicals increase your risk of breast cancer.
2. Environmental radiation from cell phones, cell towers, and WiFi cause biological damage to the body.
3. The Dirty Dozen should be avoided because of the many pesticide residues which are potent xenoestrogens.
4. Most conventional household products are very carcinogenic.
5. Body-care products you put on your skin are absorbed into your bloodstream.
6. Breast cancer patients have signiSicantly higher levels of aluminum and parabens in their breast tissue because of the daily use of antiperspirants.
7. Detoxing the body and organs of elimination is extremely important for a successful recovery.
1. Practice safe cell phone use by keeping it away from your body when not in use. Use the speaker phone rather than putting it close to your head.
2. Check your bedroom and make sure there are no electronic devices in your bedroom. Unplug your WiFi at night.
3. Try to eat only organic produce and clean, local meats.
4. STOP using your microwave. Slowly replace your plastic containers with glass ones.
5. Conduct a household walk through and make a note of all the products that have dangerous chemicals in them. This is the Sirst step in creating awareness for yourself and your family.
6. Start substituting commercial body care products with organic and nontoxic products.
7. Make it a point to really sweat for 30-60 minutes, at least three times per week.
For a detailed resource list of products that can support your detoxiSica- tion goals, head to: https://breastcancerconqueror.com/bookgifts
What is the gift that this journey is offering you?
My initial introduction to “energy medicine” was way back in the early 1980s. I was at a conference and I met a medical doctor who had this machine that could read the electrical resistance of the acupuncture points on the hands and feet. It was like testing the charge on a battery. He ran a complimentary test on me and he had my body and emotions nailed down to a “T”. I was so impressed that I purchased equipment and became certiSied in the technology. This technology impressed on me how we really are energetic beings. Our body responds to the environment by lowering or raising our frequencies and energy, and this machine provided the proof. Sounds woo woo? Read on.
We are energetic beings. This may be a new concept to you but it has been established as a scientiSic fact for many years.
According to Dr. Carlos Rubbia, a Nobel Prize Laureate, we are one billionth physical matter and the rest is all energy.
Our body runs on an energetic and electrical system that can be measured with instrumentation. An EEG measures electrical activity of
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the brain while an EKG measures the electrical activity of the heart. Bioenergetic meridian testing measures electrical resistance at various acupuncture points on the hands and feet.
Your body also emits UPEs or ultra-weak photon emissions.221 These biophotons are particles of light that are part of the visible electromagnetic spectrum. They are detectable only with ultra-sensitive instrumentation.
Our DNA seems to be a type of laser that emits coherent light and communicates to our cells.222
What does all of this have to do with healing and preventing breast cancer? If we are energetic beings, then we must make sure our energy Slow is not being obstructed or impeded.
We must do everything possible to keep our energetic system strong and full of vitality. If the energetic Slow of your body is low, optimal healing cannot happen.
In this chapter, I will discuss:
● how various healing arts can improve your energetic body;
● key hormones that must be kept in balance and how to monitor them properly;
● the importance of sleep in your healing process;
● the necessity of exercise on a healing journey; and
● various therapies that help balance your energetic body.
Before you Slip to the next page or jump over this topic, I ask you to keep an open mind about this amazing profession.
Simply put, your nervous system commands and controls every single aspect of your body. It could be called your body’s master computer system. Your vertebrae and skull protect this electrical system from harm. But when the vertebrae misalign or become subluxated (misaligned) because of physical, chemical, or emotional stress, the electrical Slow of the nerve system can be impeded.
221 http://www.greenmedinfo.com/afSiliate/2929/node/102238
Quality chiropractic care focuses on correcting dysfunction in the nerve system. Proper alignment of the spine prevents stress on the nervous system,223 helps reduce stress responses, and boosts the immune system overall. The removal of subluxations can also unblock signaling pathways between the nervous system, your organs and the immune system.
Chiropractors specialize in gently realigning the spine in order to allow the brain to communicate freely with all parts of the body. Without the ability of the body’s systems to communicate with each other, proper healing cannot occur.
Your nervous system is also closely related to your immune system.
• Immune function is regulated in part by your nerve system. 224 These nerves affect the lymph nodes, the spleen, and the thymus.
● Dr. Ronald Pero, Chief of Cancer Prevention Research at New 225 York’s Preventative Medicine Institute, measured the function of the immune system of patients under chiropractic care versus those of the general population. He found that on average those under chiropractic care had a 300% greater immune competence than those who had not.
● The activity of speciSic cells of the immune system that attack and destroy unhealthy cells is enhanced through chiropractic care.226
I have personally witnessed the transformation of over 18,000 patients in the course of my career. So I speak from experience when I ask you to consider incorporating chiropractic on your healing journey. The advanced and scientiSic techniques that many modern-day chiropractors use are painless and very gentle.
223 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4238248/
“Chiropractic made such a difference for me! While I was on my healing journey, there were moments when I had pain in my beck and mid back. After going for my Sirst appointment per Dr. V’s recommendation, I was amazed that I not only felt better, but that I now understood how important it was to have no interference on my nerve system.”
Pero R. "Medical Researcher Excited By CBSRF Project Results." The Chiropractic Journal, 225 August 1989; 32
http://www.chiro.org/research/ABSTRACTS/226 Immune_Responses_to_Spinal_Manipulation.shtml
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Here are several other healing arts that may be beneSicial on your healing journey:
Acupuncture is a component of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It involves stimulating speciSic body points in order to correct the Slow of energy through your meridian system. Imagine your meridians as a freeway system that gets bogged down during rush hour. The energy accumulates in certain areas of the body, creating blockages and imbalanced energy Slow. The electricity that runs along the meridian system is its own separate system and integrates all the organs and teeth into one system.
As I will discuss in Chapter 5, Essential #5, Embrace Biological Dentistry, your teeth are connected to your organs through the acupuncture meridian system. A root canal or large amalgam in a tooth that corresponds to the breast can weaken the Slow of energy to that area of the body, making it more susceptible to disease.
ReXlexology is a hands-on therapy that focuses on your feet. The nerve endings in the feet are connected to all the organs in the body. Various locations on the soles of the feet correspond to speciSic organs. Applying pressure to these points can indirectly stimulate the organs. A study conducted by researchers at Michigan State University found that reSlexology helped women in late stage breast cancer have an improved quality of life. 227
Oxygen is vital for all of us. A human being can live for about three weeks without food, about three days without water, and about 10 minutes without oxygen. It goes without saying that oxygen is vital for all of us. Oxygen may also help heal breast cancer…
Oxygen levels can determine whether cancer cells grow or die.
In the 1930’s, Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for his discovery that low oxygen was characteristic of cancer cells. In his book The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer, he states:
…The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar. All normal body cells meet their energy needs by respiration of oxygen, whereas cancer cells meet their energy needs in great part by fermentation. [Needs citation]
The importance of increasing oxygen for slowing cancer growth cannot be overestimated.
227 http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/31689.php
In 2013, research biologists at Johns Hopkins University found that low oxygen levels caused breast cancer cells to spread by triggering increased amounts of speciSic proteins that stimulate metastasis.228
Studies conSirm that the presence of oxygen weakens cancer cells, making them less resistant to various kinds of treatment, both conventional and natural.229
Researchers from UT Southwestern Medical Center discovered that when animal models with aggressive tumors and “hypoxic” (low oxygen) internal environments inhaled oxygen, there was a “greater delay in tumor growth” overall.230
How To Boost Oxygen To Beat Breast Cancer
For cancer prevention and overall breast health, include techniques that infuse your body with oxygen organically, such as daily exercise and wheatgrass supplementation.
And make sure you are getting enough essential minerals, like magnesium and selenium, which help to carry that all-important oxygen where it needs to go.
I also recommend a method called exercise without oxygen therapy or EWOT to super-oxygenate your body. It uses special equipment from LiveO2 that helps super-saturate your body with oxygen. It creates an anti-inSlammatory effect and weakens pathogens in the blood.
To learn more about this process, visit the LIVEO2 website. I really enjoy using this oxygen therapy several times per week. I feel like it gives my body a real rush of energy in a short 15-minute session.
The earth is one big magnet with north and south poles. It emits pulsed electromagnetic Sields – or PEMFs – almost like a beating heart. When
228 http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2013/12/05/1321510111? sid=14b63e15-34b3-4106-9848-f4d00afdb5d6#aff-1
229 https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/117617/Oxygen-kills-cancer
230 https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/07/130723154959.htm
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our cells “resonate” at the same frequency as the earth, we are at our best in both body and mind.
PEMFs emitted by planet earth are necessary to maintain health and energy production.
The earth’s frequency hovers at around 7.8 Hz. Your physical body can be measured electrically as well. Think of your cells as having mini batteries in them called the mitochondria. As the charge in the cell decreases, less oxygenation occurs and the cell can become diseased.
Diminished cellular voltage has a direct correlation to disease and sickness. Dr. Otto Warburg found that healthy people had cell voltages of 70-100 mV; people with chronic illnesses had cell voltages between 30-50 mV; but cancer patients had cell voltages less than 15-20 mV.
Cancer cannot thrive in highly charged cells.
This is why we never hear of cancer of the heart, as it is the muscle that has the highest voltage of any organ in the body.
A 2015 study conducted by Laurentian University in Canada discovered that low-level PEMFs can inhibit the growth of malignant cells.231 Another study showed that pulsed electric Sields can induce cell death in cancer cells.232
And a 2017 study in the journal Anti-cancer Research found that using a very low PEMF frequency had an effect on breast cancer cells at the genetic level.233 And an Italian study showed PEMF has a cytotoxic effect on breast cancer cells but are not damaging to healthy cells.234
Humans who walked the earth before the modern era of rubber-soled shoes, indoor lifestyles, and electropollution were able to maintain a fairly stable resonance with the planet’s frequencies through naturally “grounding” with the earth. You can do the same thing.
231 http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0124136
232 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26148858
233 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28668834
234 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24039828
Grounding or Earthing is the simple act of putting your skin in contact with the Earth. And it can be profoundly healing. A joint Polish-American study found that “contact with the Earth—whether being outside barefoot or indoors connected to grounded conductive systems” may be a simple, natural, and yet profoundly effective strategy against chronic stress, inflammation, pain, poor sleep, and many common health disorders.
You can do the same thing by using a PEMF device like a mat. For many years I researched various types of PEMF devices. After much deliberation and research, I decided on the Curatron device.235 I love my PEMF home unit and try to use it almost every day – either on the “Oxygenation and Circulation” mode or the “Relaxation Mode” before going to sleep.
Music and sound frequencies created with gongs, tuning forks, or Tibetan bowls have healing properties. Since everything in the universe vibrates at a speciSic frequency - including healthy cells and cancer cells - listening to or exposing your body to various sounds has a potentially healing effect. Studies have shown that musical sounds alter the functionality and shape of breast cancer cells as well as interfere with hormone binding properties.236
Light is electromagnetic radiation or simply a form of energy. Each color has a different frequency of vibration and thus affects cells in various ways. Chromotherapy or light therapy is a centuries-old concept that has been used successfully to heal various diseases.237
Many scientists believe that various colors of light entering through the eye are responsible for biological rhythms in the body. Interestingly, even blind people are affected by light and have learned to “read” light through their Singertips. In fact, studies conducted in the U.S. and Russia suggest that all living things conduct light.238
235 https://www.curatronic.com/
236 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23955127
237 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1297510/
238 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1297510/
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Sunlight is, of course, the perfect blend of all colors and is the ultimate form of light therapy. Since colors are responsible for the release of speciSic hormones which keep you healthy, exposing your body to the sun for about one hour a day is very beneSicial.
I include hormones here in the topic of energy since hormones are responsible for the regulation of many physiological functions and behavioral activities. Hormones are messengers that are secreted by glands and then transported through the bloodstream to target organs. They can stimulate or inhibit growth, wake you up or make you feel sleepy, activate or suppress your immune system, and even affect your moods.
I think we all can agree that when our hormones are out of balance, we feel out of balance. The discussion of balancing hormones can be a whole book unto itself. So -for the sake of time and space- I will simply hit the highlights.
Unfortunately, traditional medicine has created fear in women at the mention of their hormones.
Many women associate hormones with an increased risk of cancer. Billions of dollars have been banked by Big Pharma as a result of hormone suppressing drugs that are supposed to block female hormones so cancer won’t reoccur. However, as previously discussed, the very drugs that hold promise for a cancer-free future are the very ones that leave women scarred with life-long side-effects and even other forms of cancer.
The Sirst and foremost thing to understand is this:
Your hormones are not your enemy!
Your hormones do not cause cancer.
Look at it this way: During a woman’s younger years, when sex hormones are at their highest, there are relatively fewer incidences of breast cancer. If your hormones were the sole cause of breast cancer, then the incidence of breast cancer would be much higher with this younger age group.
As you age, cancer risk increases because of:
• the accumulation of toxins and xenoestrogens;
• protective genes that are turned off because of poor nutrition and poor sleep;
• poor stress management; and
• high levels of inSlammation.
As you learned in the Sirst few sections of this book, your body is subjected to countless chemicals that stimulate estrogen production or chemically mimic estrogen in the body. The key is to reduce your exposure to these xenoestrogens and make sure you are breaking down and metabolizing estrogen properly.
Determine exactly what your hormone levels are with a simple home saliva test so you can monitor your hormones. There are also reliable urine tests that assess the risk of estrogen related diseases.
The most reliable way to determine your biologically available hormones is through saliva testing.239
Blood serum testing measures all the hormones in your blood, including both those that are “free” and available to your body to be used, and those that are bound to proteins and not bio-available. However, when blood is Siltered through the salivary glands, the free hormones can pass through the Silters in the saliva glands while the large, protein-bound hormones cannot.
Thus, saliva testing tells you what hormones are actually available for your body to put to use. Since hormones are powerful messenger molecules that affect your physical and mental health, balancing your hormones is an important part of your healing journey.
Your body has three main types of estrogen…
E1 or estrone is the least abundant of the estrogens and is most abundant in postmenopausal women. It can be converted to estradiol, the more aggressive estrogen.
E2 or estradiol is 10 times more potent that estrone and about 80 times more potent than estriol or E3. Estradiol is the predominant estrogen during reproductive years and has been linked to the development of various female cancers such as breast, ovarian, and uterine cancer.
E3 or estriol is the gentler estrogen and has a protective effect against “cellular growth factors” of the other estrogens. Estriol reduces the
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effect of the more aggressive estradiol240 and has a protective effect against radiation-induced cancer of the breast.241
It’s important to understand whether you are metabolizing these estrogens properly.242 If you are not breaking down estrogen because of a sluggish liver or if you have a problem with methylation, you may not be effectively eliminating carcinogenic hormone metabolites.
If you are not metabolizing estrogen, it builds up in your body and becomes “dominant.” Estrogen dominance is common in menopausal and perimenopausal women. It means you have too much estrogen in comparison to your progesterone levels. Progesterone is a protective hormone that helps slow tissue growth. When estrogen and progesterone are in balance, breast tissue is likely to be healthy. When out of balance symptoms often appear.
Estrogen dominance can lead to issues like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, and pre-mature aging.243
Long term estrogen dominance is also a signiSicant risk factor for breast cancer. That’s why saliva testing is so important.
Interestingly essential oils can be very helpful in supporting hormone balance.
If you are postmenopausal, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may be beneSicial for you. But pharmaceutical HRT is synthetic. The Women’s Health Initiative study linked it to heart disease, stroke, and breast cancer.244
But bioidentical hormones are different. They share the exact same molecular structure as those you produce in your body. There is a tremendous amount of ignorance in the traditional medical community regarding bioidentical hormones and, therefore, you will need to Sind a doctor who understands the gentle balance for bioidentical hormone therapy. (DO NOT attempt to take hormones without consulting with your doctor.)
240 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9369454
241 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2702580
242 http://breastcancerconqueror.com/store/products/complete-hormones-urinalysis/
243 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16399912
244 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12117397
Some experts suggest that estriol can be used alone, since it is such a protective and gentle estrogen.
Additional hormones such as progesterone, testosterone, and DHEA may be added to the formulation, depending on the results of saliva tests.
The big question that often comes up is, “Are bioidentical hormones safe to take if I have breast cancer?” The answer has proven to be “yes.” A large study by Dr. Agnes Fournier followed tens of thousands of women. It found there was no increase in breast cancer related to bioidentical hormone therapy that includes natural progesterone.245 In fact, women who were using bioidentical hormones had a 10% decrease in breast cancer risk.
The key may be natural progesterone rather than the synthetic version. It has long been known that progestins, the synthetic form of progesterone given to millions of women around the world, can increase breast cancer risk. The same is not true of natural progesterone.
The European Menopause Journal published an article about the 246 difference between synthetic and bioidentical hormones. The authors concluded:
Compelling indications also exist that differences might also be present for the risk of developing breast cancer, with recent trials indicating that the association of natural progesterone with estrogens confers less or even no risk of breast cancer as opposed to the use of other synthetic progestins.
And an exciting joint study from Cambridge University and the University of Adelaide in Australia in the journal Nature found that not only does natural progesterone not increase breast cancer risk, it may actually prevent it.247
If you choose to use bioidentical hormones, consult with a physician who is supportive of bioidentical hormones and understands how to prescribe them properly.
245 http://www.virginiahopkinstestkits.com/bioidenticalbreastcancer.html
247 https://www.nature.com/articles/nature14583
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Most doctors have never heard of 2-methoxyestradiol (2MEO). It’s the Sinal product if your body is metabolizing estrogen properly. It has low estrogenic activity and less afSinity for estrogen receptors. Dr. Lindsey Berkson is a hormone scholar that I consulted with on my second healing journey. She is a genius and has quite a personal healing story herself.
Until recently 2MEO was thought to be a metabolic "dud" with no action or purpose at all. But that never happens in Nature. Now we know that 2MEO protects against inSlammation and DNA damage and reduces blood Slow to tumors. It protects heart tissue, joints, kidneys, as well as breast, ovarian, endometrial tissue.
2MEO is anti-proliferative, anti-angiogenic, and anti-tumorigenic. Lab studies show 2MEO inhibits the growth of multiple cancer cell lines including ER-positive and ER-negative breast cancer cells.
In one clinical trial of a patented form of 2MEO 15 patients with metastatic breast cancer took 200-1000 mg per day of 2MEO with a cancer drug for four to six weeks. The patients showed stabilization and some had remission.
Your body’s ability to produce 2 MEO is adversely affected by antibiotics, junk food, and more. If you can’t produce it naturally, you can get it through bioidentical hormone replacement.
Healthy restful sleep is an essential part of keeping your body in balance.
According to Dr. Stan Burzynski, an internationally known physician and cancer specialist,
“Stress and lack of sleep can silence cancer-protective genes.”
Restful, refreshing, and rejuvenating sleep is orgasmic. There is nothing like waking up in the morning after seven to eight hours of sleep, ready to take on the day. On the Slipside, if you have not had enough sleep, if you have tossed and turned and have watched the hours go by, you are dreading the day and what lies ahead. I can speak from personal experience on this matter.
Erin was an emotional wreck. After her diagnosis, she developed insomnia. She could only get two or three hours of sleep at night, and that was with medication.
We encouraged Erin to work with an EFT coach to get to the root cause of the anxiety concerning her cancer diagnosis. She also learned to meditate on a daily basis. Moving her body every day and improving her eating habits helped reduce the anxiety as well. With time, Erin's sleep improved and her cancer markers were improving.
"I can now enjoy a restful night's sleep, knowing that I don't have to fear cancer any longer. It was a long road, but so worth the effort!" V.C.
For years, I personally struggled with insomnia and those dreaded mornings I had to face after only a few hours of sleep.
I spent years researching sleep and all the neurotransmitters and hormones involved in sleep patterns. In my research, I came across saliva and urine neurotransmitter sleep panels that analyze various neurotransmitters and hormones such as serotonin, GABA, dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and glutamate. My results were off the charts! No wonder I could not sleep.
With proper supplementation of L-theanine and other supportive herbs, as well as proper hormone balancing, I can proudly say that nine out of ten times, I sleep like a baby for a solid seven to eight hours. I wake up refreshed and revitalized and ready to take on the day. I LOVE that feeling, and I am so grateful for it because I know what it is like to really suffer (and it is suffering) from insomnia.
As human beings, our bodies are endowed with a biological clock or a circadian rhythm. This biological process runs on 24-hour cycles and is associated with sunlight and darkness. Emerging data shows how important it is to stay in sync with our biological clocks. In fact, stressrelated disruptions in our patterns, such as insufSicient sleep, may affect a cancer prognosis.248
sleep patterns can induce cancer progression and growth.
Poor sleep patterns promote insulin resistance and a decrease in the satiety hormone leptin, which signals appetite control.249 High insulin levels and obesity have been clearly linked to cancer. Sleep loss also
248 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12946654?dopt=Abstract
249 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20042408
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affects the thyroid, which leads to weight gain, perpetuating the vicious cycle.250
But most importantly, your immune system is affected by your sleep patterns. Research has shown that people who had difSiculty going to sleep had lower levels of natural killer cells.251
Incandescent light bulbs and our electronic devices such as television, computers, Kindles, and iPads, have disrupted our circadian patterns.
When light enters your eyes, it affects a small gland in your brain called the hypothalamus, also known as “the brain’s brain.”
If the hypothalamus does not receive full spectrum sunlight, your biological rhythms are disrupted. Ideally, you should have at least one hour of sunlight shining in your eyes every day.
Since the hypothalamus is also connected to the pineal gland that secretes melatonin, the sleep/wake cycle is affected.
Melatonin is not only a “sleep” hormone. It is also a cytotoxic hormone which acts as a scavenger attacking free radicals.
Having sufSicient levels of melatonin is very important to prevent cancer as well as to heal from cancer.
● Melatonin suppresses breast cancer cell growth. Dr. David Blask, M.D., Ph.D., a cancer biology expert, conducted several experiments proving that melatonin slowed breast cancer cell growth by 70%.252
● Melatonin counteracts the effect of excess estrogen and the effect estrogen has on breast cancer cells.
● Melatonin reduces oxidative stress in the body.
● Melatonin reduces side effects from chemotherapy and radiation.
● Melatonin boosts your immune system.
● Melatonin causes apoptosis or cancer cell death.
● High doses of melatonin (10 to 50 mg) have proven beneSicial in treating various types of cancers.253
250 http://www.medscape.org/viewarticle/502825
251 http://www.psychosomaticmedicine.org/content/60/1/48.abstract
252 http://tulane.edu/news/newwave/121108_blask.cfm
253 http://www.lifeextension.com/Magazine/2004/1/report_melatonin/Page-03
Since melatonin peaks when there is total darkness, you can see how important it is to create a “sleep sanctuary” in your bedroom. Here are a few suggestions that may improve your sleep patterns.
● Turn off all your electronic devices, including the television, by 9 p.m. Read a relaxing book or meditate to soothing music.
● Remove all electronic devices from your bedroom. That includes cell phones, iPads, computers, etc. Turn off your Wi-Fi for the night. EMFs reduce the effect melatonin has on cancer cells.
● If you must have an alarm clock in your room, keep it at least six feet from your head. Set the wake-up sound to something relaxing and soothing. Why start your day with a stress response?
● Make sure your bedroom is totally dark. No night lights or street lights. Hang dark curtains. If this does not work, then wear an eye mask that blocks out all the light.
● Keep the room temperature very cool
● Create a routine when it comes to bedtime. Try to get to bed at the same time every night.
● Avoid alcohol and caffeine before bed time.
● If you wear prescription glasses, order them with blue light Silters. The more updated devices have blue Silters built into them.
● You can also purchase True Dark glasses that Silter the green, violet and blue lights. Put them on at sunset and see how drowsy they make you feel.
If you are having challenges with sleep, I encourage you to have your neurotransmitters and hormones tested to see which are out of balance.
Sleep is a natural body function that can be restored. Something has happened along the way to affect and interrupt your sleep patterns. There is hope!
Please, do NOT fall into the temptation of a quick Six with sleeping pills. These do not address the cause of your insomnia and do not provide the real, restful sleep that your body needs.
According to Dr. Daniel F. Kripke, M.D., people who take sleeping pills die sooner than people who do not use sleeping pills.254 In a study of over 10,000 people who took sleeping pills, those who averaged 132 pills per year died 4.6 times as often as those who did not take sleeping pills. And pill takers were 35% more likely to develop a new cancer.
254 http://www.darksideofsleepingpills.com/
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The simple answer is yes.
Don’t throw your hands up in the air and think, “How can I exercise when I am on this healing journey?” Or the other excuse I often hear is, “But I HATE to exercise.”
Exercise comes in various forms. The action of moving your body is what is important, since that gets your blood and lymph pumping. Moving your body also affects and balances your energy in many ways.
According to the National Cancer Institute,255 the most important message for people who want to prevent cancer or heal from cancer more effectively, is to avoid inactivity.
In other words, move your body!
Do you need some proof that exercise can help prevent breast cancer? Hopefully, these studies can motivate you to start moving your body:
● A recent study in The British Journal of Sports Medicine looked at 71 studies. It concluded that exercise decreased mortality risk up to 35%.256
● Researchers with the Epidemiology Research Program at the American Cancer Society analyzed data from more than 73,600 postmenopausal women over nearly two decades. They found that walking at least seven hours a week was associated with a 14% lower risk of developing breast cancer after menopause. The most active women – those who walked and did more vigorous exercise – had a 25% lower risk of breast cancer compared to the least active.257
● Physical exercise alters sex hormones and their receptors in a way that causes cancer cell death or apoptosis.258
● Certain proteins rich in cysteine are secreted from muscle tissue during exercise.259 These proteins slow down tumor growth by causing apoptosis or cancer cell death. http://www.cancer.gov/ncicancerbulletin/062910/page5255
256 http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/50/6/339
257 http://cebp.aacrjournals.org/content/22/10/1906.short
258 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22830442
259 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22851666
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● Exercise improves immune function and antioxidant activity, and promotes DNA repair.260
● In a controlled study, women who underwent high dose chemotherapy agreed to train for six weeks in an endurance training program.261 These women had lower fatigue scores and higher hemoglobin levels.
Simply walking the equivalent of 3 to 5 hours per week, which is 25 to 43 minutes per day, greatly reduced the risk of death from breast cancer.262
I recommend carving out at least 20 minutes a day to move and get your heart rate up. Make this time special. Add some music, some stretching before and after and drink plenty of water.
When we get busy with other parts of our lives exercise is often one of the Sirst things to cut. Make a pact with yourself and commit to moving your body every day. I guarantee you will feel amazing once you get started – in mind and body. The key is to be consistent, for consistently good outcomes.
And why not incorporate light weights in your post-exercise stretch?
Rebounding involves jumping on a mini-trampoline, also known as a rebounder. Rebounding has been studied and recommended by NASA. It helps to move the lymphatic Sluid and has less impact on your joints than running.
And if you are physically able to rev up the intensity of your exercise routine, try “burst training.” This is intense activity that pushes your body for 20 minutes. Studies in the Journal of Physiology have found that 20 minutes of high intensity training has many beneSits.
Regardless of the type of activity you choose, make sure you are physically able and that you inform your primary care provider.
260 http://www.bmj.com/content/321/7274/1424
261 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/ 10.1002/1097-0142(20010915)92:6%2B%3C1689::AID-CNCR1498%3E3.0.CO;2-H/pdf
1. Since your body is only one billionth physical matter, keeping our energetic body balanced is a key to vibrant health. Acupuncture balances meridians and energetic Slow of the body and may thus improve healing.
2. On average, people under chiropractic care have a 300% greater immune competence than those who have not received chiropractic care.
3. Neuromuscular therapy or massage has been shown to reduce pain, stress, and muscle tension for postsurgical mastectomy patients.
4. Your hormones do not cause cancer. If that were the case, every 21-year-old on this planet would be ravaged with cancer. It is your exposure to environmental xenoestrogens that increase your risk for breast cancer.
5. Your ability to properly metabolize estrogen – a process called methylation - is extremely important for cancer prevention.
6. Disrupted sleep patterns can induce cancer progression and growth. But melatonin – the sleep hormone - suppresses breast cancer cell growth and causes apoptosis to cancer cells.
7. Exercise reduces your risk of developing breast cancer and decreases your mortality rate if you have breast cancer. Walking just 25 to 43 minutes per day is all it takes.
1. Consider seeing a chiropractor to insure your nerve system is functioning optimally.
2. Include acupuncture in your healing journey.
3. Schedule an appointment with a professional and licensed massage therapist who has experience with whole body healing.
4. Discover your hormonal patterns by having your hormones analyzed with saliva testing.
5. Examine your sleep patterns. If you are not getting seven to eight hours of restful, revitalizing sleep, consider doing a sleep proSile test. And think about adding melatonin to your supplement regime.
6. People using sleeping pills are 35% more likely to develop a new cancer. If you are relying on sleeping pills, get professional help to break that addiction.
7. Commit to 25 to 43 minutes of walking every day. If your body is strong enough, learn about the beneSits of burst training.
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For a resource list that can support you with Essential #3, head to:
Learn to nurture your soul. Then true healing can begin.
I was driving home after another very intense session with my therapists, who were a husband and wife team. I would spend 1 hour with the husband on cognitive therapy and then I hour with his wife for stress management and emotional healing. I was in the second year of my Sirst healing journey and I was struggling with some unresolved childhood issues.
They both kept insisting that I needed to consider the fact that I may have been sexually abused as a child. They said I had the “behavioral patterns and traits of someone who had experienced sexual abuse”. Whatever… Not me… But I was open to thinking about the possibility.
On my way home from that session, I began to feel nauseous and dizzy. I thought I was going to have to pull over and vomit. I was shaky and then all of a sudden it happened. I felt like I was watching a movie.
I saw the dark basement with the glass jars on the shelves. The light bulb hanging from a wire in the ceiling, and him… the old guy who lived next door to us – who was a convicted pedophile. (This was in the late 1950s) When he and his wife moved into the neighborhood, the police went door to door and warned the parents about him. “Keep you children away from him”.
As it turns out, my mother and my sisters were aware of the situation – that I was spending a lot of time over there from the age of 3-5 years of age. It was a family secret that was never spoken about until my repressed memories surfaced and revealed themselves. I was 50 years
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old and I was just now discovering a deep unconscious belief of shame and male trust issues. That explained the many unhealthy relationships and the choices I had been making.
This discovery felt like a two-edged sword. I was relieved that I Sinally understood what was driving me subconsciously, but the pain that my wounded little girl had to heal from was quite difSicult.
I share this story to help you understand that this may be the most difSicult chapter for you to read and get through. It will require you to be brutally honest with yourself and with others. I must admit that healing my emotional wounds was the most difSicult part of my healing.
Being quite an analytical and logical thinker, I could relate to the facts, the science, and the biology of a healing journey. I became aware of the need to heal my emotional wounds at the tender age of 13, and I continued to see several therapists over the course of my adult life.
I thought I had my emotional wounds Sigured out and that I was “OK.” But my experience with breast cancer was sending me another message: “You are not done with your emotional healing. You still have ‘stuff’ to let go of and heal.”
Emotional healing can be scary and leave you feeling very vulnerable. So I ask you to trust the process and follow the suggestions outlined in this chapter. I speak from my heart as I write these words. I truly understand what it’s like to be burdened with emotional stress and pain.
My childhood was Silled with stress, strife, and the damaging effects of parental alcoholism. With very little attention and nurturing, I was left on my own to play by myself and wander the neighborhood.
I was an innocent child who just wanted to be loved and protected. Instead, I was abused and lost faith and trust in men and in humanity
Those formative years were the basis for the development of my teenage and adult life. I matured physically, but emotionally I was a confused, scared, scarred, and wounded child living in an adult body. I felt hopeless and helpless. I was despondent and depressed.
After hundreds of hours of therapy and countless books, I began to understand why I had sabotaged my life time and time again. Although I was very successful in my practice and was perceived as a business woman who had it all together, subconsciously, I felt undeserving of true, enduring, and stable love.
Fortunately, there was a seed of greatness inside me that kept germinating and taking root as I peeled away the layers of dysfunction.
With prayer, perseverance, and my commitment to a happier life, I learned to heal and let go of the dark gloom and doom that festered inside my soul. I was Sinally able to cast away my dark demons that had kept me captive my whole life.
Happy became my new normal.
Happy and healthy can become your new normal, too!
I share my personal story to let you know that I understand emotional pain. I understand suppression that leads to depression. You too can let go of the dark gloomy thoughts and replace them with sunny, bubbly, happy thoughts.
If you really want to get well and heal your body, this chapter is the most important one. If you skip this information and think you have it all together, you are missing a BIG piece of the puzzle.
I have coached many women who say they don’t have “emotional wounds” that need healing. But as they progress on their journey and they do the work, they recognize the need to change their emotional patterns.
In the beginning of the journey they compartmentalize their disease. They keep functioning like everything is Sine and OK. They continue to be Super Mom and carry out all the activities of a busy mom. Some may work full time and carry on without stopping to rest and take inventory of more important things.
Some of these “super moms” and “super women” often lose their battle with cancer because they keep putting themselves last on their list of “things to do.”
They do not take the time to rest, meditate, self-nurture and heal the emotional wounds that may have initiated the cancer in the Sirst place.
Being diagnosed with cancer is scary and surreal. You never think it can happen to you. The initial shock and trauma of the diagnosis can leave you paralyzed for weeks and sometimes months. You typically feel initial shock, then disbelief, which often leads to “Why me?” Then you feel anger, frustration, shame, and eventually, acceptance.
You can spend your energy on being angry and complaining about being a victim of your genes and your life, or you can use that energy to visualize yourself being victorious over the cancer and being healthy, whole, and complete.
It is not so much what happens to us, but how we deal with what happens to us. You ultimately have a choice. You can be bitter or you can choose to be better.
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You can look at cancer as a curse or as a blessing.
Blessing? You may think I’m out of my mind to suggest that cancer can be a blessing. But in his book, Getting Well Again, Dr. Carl Simonton 263 beautifully describes cancer as a message of love:
“The need to refocus is the greatest message of cancer. Over and over again, I have seen cancer as the body’s way of shocking a person into making changes. I believe cancer is a message to stop doing the things that bring you pain, and start doing the things that bring you joy - things that are more in line with who you are and what you want your life to become.”
In other words, if you keep doing the things you have always done, you will keep getting the same results. YOU HAVE TO CHANGE EVERYTHING about your life in order to create vibrant health.
You have to change your emotional patterns, your communication styles, your forgiveness and tolerance, your stress management, and your pace of life. You can design and create a life that brings you laughter, playfulness, and joy.
If you have read this far, I applaud you for being brave and courageous. I promise if you stay the course in this chapter and do the work, you will transform into a happier, healthier you.
Earlier, I pointed out that emotional triggers could initiate the development of cancer in your body. After 30 years of work with cancer patients, Dr. W. Douglas Brodie, M.D., observed certain personality traits they had in common.264 As you read over these traits, honestly ask yourself if any of these apply to you. If some of them resonate with you, that’s great! Be thankful for discovering or perhaps afSirming some of the emotional triggers that may have led you down this path.
Check the ones that apply to you or that you can relate to.
• Being highly conscientious, caring, dutiful, responsible, hardworking, and usually of above average intelligence.
264 http://www.alternative-cancer-care.com/the-cancer-personality.html
• Exhibits a strong tendency toward carrying other people's burdens and toward taking on extra obligations, and often “worrying for others.”
• Having a deep-seated need to make others happy. Being a “people pleaser” with a great need for approval.
• Often lacking closeness with one or both parents, which sometimes, later in life, results in lack of closeness with spouse or others who would normally be close.
• Harbors long-suppressed toxic emotions, such as anger, resentment, and/or hostility. The cancer-susceptible individual typically internalizes such emotions and has great difSiculty expressing them.
• Reacts adversely to stress and often becomes unable to cope adequately with such stress. Usually experiences an especially damaging event about two years before the onset of a detectable cancer.
Think about the points you checked and ask yourself how these traits may have impacted your life.
You are moving forward and are getting a deeper understanding of what may have increased your risk factor in developing cancer. You are on the road to healing.
Mounting evidence proves that stress is a risk factor for breast cancer265 as well as the aggressiveness of breast cancer tumors.266
Both psychological and physical stress, such as repressed anger, poor sleep, depression, poor nutrition, toxins, and chronic stress,267 can contribute to the formation and spread of cancer. Basically, stress suppresses the immune system and cancer cells take advantage of that.
New research shows that stress also fuels the spread of cancer by triggering a master gene called ATF3.268 In fact, researchers found the expression of this gene was linked to a poorer prognosis in breast cancer patients.
266 https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/234645.php
267 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21142861
268 https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/265254.php
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The good news is you have control over how you respond to what life throws your way. It’s a matter of discovering the right tools to help you cope with stress.
I highly recommend a very simple and effective way to help you relax quickly. It can be done anywhere and is very easy to do.
When you start to feel overwhelmed, catch yourself and take a moment to identify where in your body you feel the stress. Breathe into that part of your body, visualizing your breath releasing and calming the stress. Hold the breath to a count of 10, then let it go. Repeat 10 times.
It sounds simple but you will really feel your stress level drop a notch.
Sometimes the cycle of stress is extreme. About 70% of adults in the U.S. have experienced at least one traumatic event in their life such as death, violence, serious injury, war, or child abuse. And about 20% of these individuals will go on to develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).269
A breast cancer diagnosis can cause PTSD. I have seen this quite often in women who are newly diagnosed. They are frozen in fear and stay stuck for a long time.
When this kind of trauma goes unhealed for years, the body exists in a constant state of heightened stress. A recent meta-analysis of over 100 studies published in the journal Nature found that the sympathetic nervous system, and especially the hormone adrenaline can actually alter genetic codes when under chronic acute stress.270 The result is a cascade of changes to the immune system including:
• a reduction in the cytotoxic effect of natural killer (NK) cells
• inhibiting of cancer apoptosis (cell death)
• inhibiting DNA repair
• stimulation of cancer cell angiogenesis
• increased inSlammation.
All of that adds up to higher breast cancer risk.
How we respond to stress - even PTSD - is a learned habit. As children, we saw how our parents reacted to stress. Some shouted and slammed doors. Others drank to numb the pain. Some withdrew emotionally or a few may have actually had communication skills. (Consider yourself blessed if your parents had communication skills.)
Very likely, you picked up on your parents’ behaviors of stress management and created some deep-seated subconscious beliefs about life. In fact, between conception and the age of Sive, our tiny brains functioned at the delta and theta levels. These slower frequencies are actually “hypnotic” and subconscious. Our little brains were like sponges, and we absorbed and created our beliefs subconsciously at a very young age.
The stress behind the development of cancer may often begin at a very early age, when there are unresolved traumatic events. Those unresolved events create poor coping skills in which adult problems are not dealt with properly. This can lead to feelings of helplessness and despair. And those feelings impact your immune system and your body’s ability to heal.
As difSicult as it may be to admit, we really do create the meaning of the various events in our lives. Thus, if we had a hand in subconsciously creating disease in our body, we invariably can also have a hand in improving our health!
The “relaxation response” is the exact opposite of the stress response. When you are in “Sight or Slight” mode, the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline spike and cause a cascading effect that can cause extreme harm to the immune system when stress becomes chronic. Natural killer cell production and effectiveness goes down,271 glucose levels increase, and overall inSlammation can spike dramatically, opening you up to diseases like cancer.
271 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/smi.2460070110
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"I am feeling better and more relaxed than I ever have. The 7 Essentials have taken me from overwhelmed and confused to con[ident that I can do this."
But when a person feels calm, supported and centered, another cascade of hormonal interactions occurs. The relaxation response puts the limbic system, the most primitive part of the brain, into “hibernation mode.” With cortisol and adrenaline production at rest, the healing mechanisms of the parasympathetic nervous system can take place.
When the relaxation response kicks in:
• Chemicals such as endorphins, dopamine, oxytocin and serotonin are released. These hormones not only allow you to feel good, they also play many protective roles within the immune system.272
• Cortisol and adrenaline levels go down and stabilize.
• Natural killer cells increase in number and effectiveness.273
• Insulin levels stabilize.
• InSlammation decreases.274
• Cognitive ability increases.275
• DetoxiSication occurs.
• Risk for disease goes down and life expectancy (as well as quality of life) goes up over time. In fact, some studies have 276 277 found that the relaxation response can help alleviate symptoms of hypertension, insomnia, depression, anxiety, arthritis,
272 https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/10/121011123740.htm
273 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18077773
274 http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0062817
275 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1744388106000132
276 https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/abs/10.2105/AJPH.77.3.307
277 http://www.apa.org/monitor/2008/10/relaxation.aspx
digestive conditions like IBS and even cancer. And eliciting 278 279 the relaxation response on a regular basis may even lead to positive changes at the genetic level.280
Many tools have been proven to elicit the healing effects of the relaxation response in studies, including ones that focus speciSically on breast cancer. Here are 10 of the easiest to use:
1. Meditate or pray.
2. Connect with friends or your community.
3. Spend time with a pet.
4. Go out in nature. Studies show that simply taking a walk in the woods or other natural setting can greatly increase the relaxation response.
5. Practice Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or “tapping.”
6. Take a soak or do a sauna.
7. Take a nap.
8. Get creative.
9. Go for a brisk walk or do some light stretching.
10. Breathe! Studies show that simply breathing in the right way can calm the nervous system. Conscious deep breathing sends an immediate signal to every cell in your body that “all is well.”
You are probably familiar with the “placebo effect,” where patients are given a sugar pill and told that it will improve their symptoms and disease. But most people don’t know how powerful this effect really is…
Studies show that on average, about 40 to 50% of people respond favorably to a placebo.
278 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12038646
https://journals.lww.com/psychosomaticmedicine/Abstract/2000/09000/ 279
280 http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0002576
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Placebos are so powerful they actually change the biochemistry of your body, which explains some of their miraculous results.281
In his amazing book, You are the Placebo, Dr. Joe Dispenza gives an 282 astonishing example of the power of placebo in a patient…
Mr. Wright had advanced lymphoma, with tumors as large as oranges! He was febrile, gasping for air, and bedridden. Then his doctor told him about a new drug called Krebiozen that would “cure” his cancer. In a few days, the tumors were melting like snow and he was laughing and joking. In another ten days, Mr. Wright was sent home.
Two months later, the media reported that the new drug was a failure and it was taken off the market. Mr. Wright relapsed immediately and the tumors returned very aggressively.
But his doctor, who was very wise, told Mr. Wright not to believe the media. They were talking about the old batch of Krebiozen and he had just obtained a new powerful batch that was twice as strong. In reality, however, there was no such thing; his doctor just injected him with a saline solution. The doctor Sigured he had nothing to lose since his patient was terminal.
Again, the nodes vanished and Mr. Wright was well again! Several months went by. Then the AMA announced that the drug was a fake and not effective at all. Mr. Wright no longer believed in the possibility of health from the drug, the cancer returned and he passed away as a result of lymphoma.
Think about that: TWICE Mr. Wright recovered because he believed the Krebiozen would heal his body. But what actually happened?
His mind - i.e., his thoughts – created biochemical changes in his body that literally turned off the cancer-promoting genes and turned on the healing and protective genes that destroyed the cancer and restored his health and vitality.
People have healed not only cancer but also IBS, allergies, arthritis, depression, Parkinson’s, heart conditions, Hashimoto’s, MS, and even spinal cord injuries (as Dr. Dispenza did for himself) through the power of their minds.
On the Slip side, the “nocebo effect” demonstrates how negative beliefs affect your body. Nocebo is Latin for “I shall harm.”
281 http://www.amazon.com/Placebo-Effects-Understanding-mechanisms-disease/dp/ 0199559120
In his book, Love, Medicine and Miracles, Dr. Bernie Siegel describes 283 how patients in a study for a new chemotherapy drug were given a saline solution. They were told that this “new drug” was very powerful and could make them sick. Astonishingly, 30% of them lost their hair even though they were only receiving a saline solution.
When your oncologist tells you that you are at Stage X, and you only have so much time to live, that burns a stressful message into your subconscious. If you ever Sind yourself in that situation, take the time to emotionally recover from that shock.
What he is telling you is based on what he knows inside the realm of the box of traditional medicine, but he probably does not know about the power of natural medicines and cutting-edge technologies that are used in other countries.
You Are Not a Victim of Your Genes
Believing you are a victim of your genes and your DNA can have a detrimental effect on your healing. Rather than empowering themselves by believing they can heal, many women with cancer see themselves as victims, with little control on the outcome of the disease.
The problem is we have been conditioned to believe cancer is a potential death sentence that ultimately results in a slow tortuous death. Most people think it is really difSicult to heal and recover from it, that we are victims of cancer. That is the nocebo effect at work. It is a thought that has been planted in our consciousness by medical and pharmaceutical companies for years.
As I said earlier, your DNA is NOT your destiny. The relatively new sciences of epigenetics and nutrigenomics have clearly established that you can change your gene expression with speciSic nutrients and plant compounds.
Even more fascinating is that your DNA responds to your thoughts whether they are positive or negative. Studies prove that our DNA responds to our thoughts and stress levels. Positive thoughts of love, gratitude, and joy cause DNA strands to relax, unwind, and become longer. Stress, anger, and fear cause DNA strands to shorten, tighten, and turn off speciSic protective genetic codes.
https://www.amazon.com/Love-Medicine-Miracles-Self-Healing-Exceptional-ebook/dp/283 B005AJQKBO/
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What if your body contained ALL the natural “drugs” needed for healing?
What if, in your daily healing protocol, you believed what you were doing was very successful and easy to accomplish – and that very soon your body would be completely well?
Try it for 30 days and you’ll be amazed by the results…
Every day, set aside 30 minutes (Sirst thing in the morning or right before bed is best). Sit down, close your eyes and imagine the life you want to have.
Imagine yourself happy, healthy and full of life!
Remember as you do this that health is not something you are wishing or hoping for; vibrant health is something you are actually seeing and feeling while you meditate.
For example, imagine your cancer test results coming back with zeros and negatives. Imagine and see that your blood work is perfect and your scans are clear. How would you feel if that really happened? Imagine it, then feel it!
Becoming aware of your lifelong beliefs and how they affect your health is a huge step toward healing your body. Your stress responses and certain beliefs are learned behaviors that can be repaired and changed. As Laura Silva of The Silva Method often states: 284
“Your beliefs govern your living experience.”
As you are on your healing journey, it is important for you to examine your beliefs and recognize the ones that have not served you well in your life. The beliefs we hold are often beliefs our parents had and we simply adopted them as truth.
What are your general beliefs about life?
s Is life hard and full of problems or is life an adventure and Silled with joy and anticipation?
s Is your home Silled with stress because life is hard or is it a place of refuge and peace?
s Do you believe there is never enough money or do you see the abundance that is Slowing to you?
s Do you believe most people with cancer die or do you see your body as healthy and strong?
I encourage you to get a journal and write out your thoughts about your beliefs. If you see patterns that are negative and holding you back from enjoying your life to the fullest, then change them. It really is that easy in a sense. It’s a choice!
When I was on my healing journey, I referred to my old, dysfunctional beliefs and the patterns they created as the “Old Me.” Once I was clear about the old belief that did not serve me well, I would change the script of my old belief into a new belief.
I embraced the new belief with joy, and proudly afSirmed what the “New Me” now believes and how the New Me feels. If I caught myself being the grumpy, gray Old Me, I would say, “Thank you for sharing, but the happy, sunny-bubbly, New Me believes and feels this way now!” Notice and pay attention to the energy you attach to your beliefs. They are typically fear, shame, anger, pride, stubbornness, and resistance. Those energies have a very low frequency and that can keep your body stuck energetically.
Use index cards and post it notes and write yourself messages that remind you to stay in higher frequency healing thoughts and stick them everywhere around your home. I stick some inside the kitchen cabinets, on the bathroom mirror, in my closet, on my desk, below my computer screens, in my car, in my purse and wallet, …etc. They are subtle reminders that reinforce a healthy mood and mentality.
E-motions are “energy in motion.” Your emotions are a key factor in the outcome of your healing journey.
There are many avenues to help heal your emotional wounds. Psychotherapy and counseling with a psychologist and therapist are two avenues. There is also an emerging area called “energy psychology” that connects the mind with the body during therapy sessions.
“Learning to do tapping has helped me manage those times of doubt and fear. I try to tap everyday because it helps to calm me down and feel less stressed about my day.” -A.A.
I discovered tapping around 2002. I was so impressed with the shifts that I felt, that I became certiSied in the technique and began to apply it in my practice. The changes I saw in some of my patients was short of miraculous.
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Here are a few examples of the power of EFT that I have personally witnessed:
➢ Smoking addiction: gone
➢ Drug addiction: gone
➢ Migraine headaches: gone
➢ General back pain: gone
➢ Autistic behaviors much improved
➢ Hyperactive children calmed down
➢ Positive emotional shifts and personality changes
During my second healing journey, I worked with two EFT coaches over the course of three years. They helped me to uncover even more layers that needed healing and helped me gain so much insight into what made “Dr.V” tick versus me, Véronique, as a mom, grandmother and wife. I discovered how the two of them could happily co-habitate. �
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or Meridian Tapping is an easy system for releasing emotions. Originally created by Stanford-trained engineer and self-improvement coach Gary Craig, EFT uses the same energy meridian system that traditional Chinese acupuncture uses − minus the needles. I like to say that EFT is “acupuncture for the emotions.”
EFT is done by lightly tapping speciSic points on your body (usually eight or nine) between your chest and the top of your head. While tapping, you vocalize Sirst the negative issue at hand (and your feelings about it) and then vocalize a more positive perception of the issue (even if it is just to accept it).
On an anatomic level, regularly practicing tapping and using it in times of stress helps stabilize hormone levels. It also calms the amygdala, an small almond shaped section of the brain, that responds to emotional stimuli and is responsible for the “Sight or Slight” response.
According to physicist Bruce Lipton, author of The Biology of Belief, EFT is also a way to “supercharge” deep emotional healing. This is because it reprograms negative belief patterns to more life-afSirming ones. Lipton metaphorically equates the subconscious mind to a tape player: “Tape players are not good or bad. The programs (that they play) can be good and can be bad … You have to learn how to push the record button to change the program in the subconscious mind.”
According to Lipton, practicing EFT allows you to “push the record button” on your subconscious mind and replace negative belief systems and patterns with healthy ones.
EFT has proven especially effective for calming fear and anxiety associated with a breast cancer diagnosis.
One study took a look at EFT’s effectiveness in relieving the fatigue and mood disturbances in women with breast cancer that were using chemotherapy drugs such as tamoxifen.
Measurements were taken after six weeks and twelve weeks of working with EFT. Marked reductions in anxiety, depression, fatigue, and hot Slashes were noted. According to the researchers, “these preliminary [indings suggest that EFT may be an effective self-help tool for women with breast cancer experiencing side effects from hormonal therapies.”
There are two key acupuncture meridians that run through the breasts:
1. spleen meridian
2. stomach meridian
Emotionally, these meridians have been associated with the following:
• low self-esteem
• rejection
• disapproval
• hopelessness
• criticism
• anxiety
• worry
• disappointment
For a simple training video on EFT for breast cancer, visit https:// breastcancerconqueror.com/bookgifts
The new Sield of neuro-cardiology studies how the heart and the brain communicate with one another. Although most people think the heart responds to commands from the brain, in fact there is often more instruction from the heart to the brain than the other way around!
The Heart Math Institute285 has been producing cutting-edge research on heart intelligence for the last forty years. It has found that the heart communicates directly with the brain and body through the nervous system, hormones, pulse waves, and electromagnetic Sields (i.e. energy). Basically, the heart is considered a “mini-brain” or secondary brain.
Heart-brain is the new term neuro-cardiologists use to describe the ways in which the heart sends signals that instruct brain and body functions. And they describe health as a state of “coherence” in the
285 https://www.heartmath.org/
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heart-brain. In other words, coherence means the rhythmic patterns and electrical impulses within the heart as well as between the heart and the brain are in sync.
Negative emotions, on the other hand, are considered to be incoherent states. Upset, anger and imbalance have all been linked to coronary disease286 as well as sleep disorders, neurological disorders, diabetes, fatigue, a compromised immune system and even breast cancer.287
Staying in coherence is a skill that you can learn. The key is knowing your “heart rate variability” or HRV.
Too much HRV is an indication of chaos and imbalance in the nervous system. Too little HRV can indicate depletion of energy, chronic stress, or imbalance in one of the body’s systems.
For some time, I have been using Heart Math’s Inner Balance™288 phone app to manage my heart rate variability. I really love this little device because it helps me monitor my stress and reminds me to get into balance and coherence. The app gives you insights into how your internal reaction to your circumstances affects your HRV.
EVOX – Voice Stress Patterns
EVOX is a new technology that can help you recognize long-held subconscious perceptions that lead to potentially harmful and unresolved emotions such as fear, anger, grief and insecurity that can keep us from living our lives to our full potential and hinder our healing.
VOX is latin for voice. This technology picks up subtle patterns and stress in your voice and then helps to neutralize the stress by imprinting frequencies while you listen to music through headphones.
EVOX operates through a process of “perceptual re-framing” based on your voice frequencies. You work with a practitioner one on one or it can be done virtually over the phone.
If you Sind yourself engaged in self-talk such as: “That is just the way I am. I will never change” or you are noticing old patterns with regards to relationships, money, and health coming up again and again, you could beneSit from EVOX sessions.
Another modality for healing emotions is called “Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).” It can be very effective in
286 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022399999000914
287 https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/366764
288 https://www.heartmath.org/support/faqs/inner-balance-app-faqs/
helping to focus on physical sensations while talking through the trauma with a trained professional.
Other helpful therapies include German New Medicine, Rapid Eye Technology, and many others.
Do your research and pick something that resonates with you. Many of these therapies can be conducted in the comfort of your home.
I believe Dr. Candace Pert289 said it best,
Most psychologists treat the mind as disembodied, a phenomenon with little or no connection to the physical body. Conversely, physicians treat the body with no regard to the mind or the emotions. But the body and the mind are not separate and we cannot treat one without the other.
It becomes very empowering to know that you do have quite a measure of control over your health and body.
Taking the time to sit down and think about your emotional wounds, whether they are from childhood or more recently, will help peel the layers. Releasing these wounds and letting them go, will free your mind and body to focus on healing. Relieving stress, including subconscious stress, can help you move one step closer to being a Breast Cancer Conqueror.
289 http://candacepert.com/
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Tips to Increase Your Joy
If you have struggled with happiness and joy, here are a few things that may help you let go of the grumpy, gray Grinch inside you.
● Discover YOUR great purpose: Finding your greater purpose in this life can be very assuring and calming. I believe we all have a purpose and if we live our lives fully and completely, we honor our Creator with our lives.
● Develop a spiritual connection with God of the Bible, (Jehovah), your Creator or Universal Energy, whatever it is for you. If you consider yourself a spiritual person and feel connected to God, spend time in prayer, asking for strength and direction.
● Meditate every day. Monks who spend years meditating have a larger left prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that is responsible for happiness.
You don’t have to spend hours meditating. Simply 20 minutes per day has proven to create very positive results in the brain. Research shows regular meditation can actually permanently “re-wire” your brain for improved levels of happiness. With a little time and effort, happiness can become a learned behavior and a regular part of your life.
Visualizing a positive outcome of your journey and seeing and feeling your body as healthy, whole and complete is extremely powerful.
Be open to making time in your life for this mental and emotional “exercise.” Create a quiet spot in your home. Light a candle. Rub some essential oils on your neck and forehead. Breathe slowly and relax.
Think about your future and create a visual image about something that would give you pleasure. It can be as simple as going to the movies or taking a vacation to the beach or mountains. How about a night out with the girls? A massage or spa day? Like to garden or paint? All these activities raise your endorphin levels and the human growth hormone that keeps the body young and healthy.
Simply the anticipation of watching a funny movie has been shown to raise endorphin production by 27% and human growth hormone by 87%!290
290 http://phys.org/news63293074.html
We spend a lot of time in our homes. Create an environment that reSlects life, calm, and nature. A few green plants, occasional fresh Slowers, candles, and soft music stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system and the relaxation hormones that are conducive to healing.
Moving your body produces neurotransmitters called endorphins. They are produced by the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus during exercise and sexual activity.
Endorphins produce a euphoric feeling and can also block the transmission of pain.291 Choose what makes you feel good: walk, bounce on your rebounder, ride a bike, hike, do yoga, tai-chi, etc. The important thing is that you move your body.
When I talk to women who have faced breast cancer, many of them admit to feelings of isolation and loneliness, even when they have been surrounded with love and support from their spouse, family and friends. I get it.
Healing breast cancer is a unique experience and it’s unlikely your loved ones understand the valley of emotions and the mountains of challenges you face – unless they have been on the same journey.
And feelings of isolation hamper your physical healing. Research suggests that the stress and anxiety caused by social isolation results in decreased immune functioning and increased inSlammation, which can actually be the perfect environment for the growth of more unhealthy cells.292
I felt relieved to learn that the loneliness I carried with me for so long could be healed by choosing to love myself and to feel safe around others.
Community with like-minded women that understand you is critical. You don’t have to try to Sigure this out on your own. Others have walked the path before you and are ready to cheer you on.
And an 11-year study on breast cancer patients concluded that women who had group and community support and learned to
291 http://science.howstuffworks.com/life/exercise-happiness2.htm
292 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15863708
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manage their stress had a 79% lower risk of dying than those who did not have support.293
Based on my experience working with women around the globe, I would add that seeking like-minded women is also a part of the equation. This was a motivation for me to create my Healing Diva Retreats. Visit my website to learn more about the quarterly and yearly retreats that I host.
These retreats are always a huge success. So many of the women who attend make amazing breakthroughs. And they create very supportive relationships which they have lovingly nick-named “Breast Friends.”
Being a part of a like-minded community of women like those in the Healing Diva Retreat makes you feel like you have a tribe that you can relate to and it offers you support at a time when you need it most. Being surrounded by women who are going through the same experience allows you to express your thoughts and feelings more freely. It allows you to be authentic and vulnerable, and to share your hopes, fears and concerns. It is a powerful step in healing your emotional wounds.
It might seem difSicult to feel grateful about this healing journey and all that you have been through so far. But as I mentioned earlier, you have a choice to be bitter or to be better.
As I experienced my healing journeys, learning to be “better” was a huge part of my healing. I was determined that I would truly get to the core of my health challenges once and for all. I chose to see my experience as a gift and not a burden. I repeatedly asked myself, “What is the gift?” As the years Slowed by, there were so many gifts that became apparent.
My healing journeys have molded be into a much happier and healthier woman. Submit to your journey with a sense of calm, curiosity and change.
As Dr. Simonton so beautifully expresses,
“Cancer is a message of love.
Your body has been whispering to you for years, but it did not get your attention.” [Citation]
https://integrativeoncology-essentials.com/2015/12/stress-management-reduces- 293 breast-cancer-recurrence-and-death/
Now it is screaming at you and telling you to change and to take responsibility for your health. It is telling you to love your body; to be kind to your body; to rest, nurture, nourish, detox, and heal.
• Be grateful for all the new insights you have gained since you were diagnosed.
• Be grateful for your doctors and the technology that discovered the cancer.
• Be grateful for the organic foods available to you.
• Be grateful for the knowledge that your cancer coach is sharing with you.
• Be grateful for your body’s ability to heal.
• Be grateful for fresh air and a blue sky. Be grateful for the rain.
• Be grateful for the positive relationships in your life.
I think you get the point.
Learn to live your life consciously. Keep a journal by your bed and write down everything for which you are grateful. This increases your awareness about gratitude. It helps you appreciate the bountiful life you have in so many ways. The very act of writing these thoughts is very therapeutic and calming.
I will close this chapter on emotional healing with some thoughts from a palliative nurse who worked with dying people for many years. What she has to say is quite sobering and comforting at the same time.294
She found there were Sive main regrets people had about their life as they prepared to die:
1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
2. I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.
3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
5. I wish I had let myself be happier.
Don’t let this be you. Live your life to the fullest every day so when that day comes for you to take your last breath and go to sleep, you will do 294 http://www.ariseindiaforum.org/nurse-reveals-the-top-5-regrets-people-make-on-theirdeathbed/
The 7 Essentials System® 175
so feeling grateful that you served your purpose and that your mission was accomplished.
Books can educate, inspire and support you in so many ways. They can make you laugh out loud and shed a tear.
Get inspired on your own journey by checking out these [ive MUST-READ books. I encourage you to commit to reading them and doing the work speciSied in these books. They will help you shift beliefs and patterns that may be holding you back, consciously or subconsciously.
1. You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay
Packed into these pages is more love, support and wisdom than you will Sind anywhere. This book was one that really helped me shift some stuck patterns and helped me tap into nurturing my “little girl.” Louise Hay was a revolutionary of human potential and the “mother of afSirmations.” Her main message for those who are healing breast cancer and other illnesses is that if you are also willing to do the work of healing your emotional wounds (Essential #4) and learn to nurture that little girl inside you, then many physical ailments can be healed as well.
2. The Art of Healing: Uncovering Your Inner Wisdom by Bernie Seigel, M.D.
This is an inspiring and thorough manual on the art and science of healing from a pioneer in mind-body medicine. Dr. Bernie Seigel demonstrates the notion that “somatic aspects of health and disease are inseparable from the natural integration of mind, body, and spirit.” It can also be used as a workbook for those healing from breast cancer. Each chapter of The Art of Healing contains easy and fun exercises on everything from spontaneous drawing to “animal cuddling” to help you get into a healing mindset.
3. Even Though I Have Cancer by Emma Roberts
Emma Roberts is a London-based Emotional Freedom Technique master and trainer, clinical hypnotherapist, and NLP Master Practitioner who specializes in cancer, fertility and trauma. Together with Sue Beer, she offers energy psychology counseling, information and training through the EFT Center.
Even Though I Have Cancer is an empowering self-help manual written by a wise professional. It takes the cancer patient on a healing journey from diagnosis to treatment. It is also a great resource for family, friends and medical professionals. If you want to learn how to do some tapping speciSically around a cancer diagnosis, this is THE book.
4. You are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter by Dr. Joe Dispenza
The 7 Essentials System® 177
1. Healing my emotional wounds is an important part of my physical healing.
2. What kind of attitude will I have about this cancer?
3. The message of cancer can be a message of love.
4. Change is a necessary part of the healing process.
5. Do I have a “cancer personality?”
6. How I react to stress and events in my life is a learned habit. If it was learned, it can be un-learned.
7. My mind is a very powerful tool in my healing. It can create biochemical reactions for my good or for my detriment. I get to choose.
“Most importantly my emotional, mental and spiritual health has been endlessly impacted by following the 7 Essentials. My health and well-being are a top priority.” G.L.
1. Examine the Cancer Personality proSile and determine what areas call for improvement in your life.
2. Express your thoughts in your journal about what you believe may be your emotional connection to the breast cancer.
3. Order a meditation program that deals with the mind body connection and meditate every day for no less than 15 minutes. Make the time to meditate more frequently throughout the day.
4. Discover Energy Psychology techniques, like EFT and apply them to your healing journey.
5. Happiness can become a learned habit. I can incorporate daily habits to improve my happiness levels. Choose to be happy today and make happy your new normal.
6. Become conscious of deep breathing several times throughout the day.
7. Choose to live your life without regret.
“Dr. V and the 7 Essentials is everything you need to
conquer your goals and live in vibrant health.” G.K.
The 7 Essentials System® 179
When you focus on the beneKits of your healing routine, the motivation will come more easily.
I discovered the dental connection to health and disease very early in
my career in the late 1980s. I was fascinated to learn that the so-called “silver” Sillings in my mouth were a hodgepodge of toxic metals. They were slowly releasing toxins into my body, taxing my immune system, and affecting my whole neurological system.
In 1991, I was fortunate to Sind a biological dentist who was trained by Dr. Hal Huggins, a pioneer in the Sield. He carefully removed 16 amalgams from my teeth and replaced them with biocompatible materials that were conSirmed by a serum combability test.
As I was going through my Sirst healing journey in 2004 through 2006, I discovered I had a cavitation (more on cavitations later). This was on a lower left tooth (#21) which had been improperly extracted when I was a young teen. That tooth corresponds with the left breast meridian. At the time I had it treated with local antibiotics because I did not know about ozone yet.
During my second healing journey in 2017, I had a CD panoramic x-ray of my mouth to take a closer look at my dental health. To my surprise, I now had two more cavitations that were never addressed.
I also had a problem with “root resorption” on one of my top left teeth (#14), which also sat on the left breast meridian. Root resorption is a rare autoimmune issue in which the immune system attacks the tooth and “eats” it from the inside out.
Thanks to the expertise of my biologic dentist, Dr. Nunnaly in Marble Falls, Texas, the cavitations are now clear and healthy.
My personal experience has taught me how important it is to stay on top of every aspect of The 7 Essentials System®. Clearly, my dental issue was a causative factor in the recurrence.
In my 40 years of experience in the wellness industry, I’ve found that 9 out of 10 patients have adverse effects to their health as a result of dental toxicities. And dental care is not a “once and done” issue. You must be very vigilant since there is such a strong correlation between dental health and breast health.
If you truly want to heal your body, you must address your dental issues. Can you recover from breast cancer without addressing your teeth? Maybe. But your chances of overcoming cancer are much greater if you address dental toxicities.
If you absolutely cannot confront this issue head on because of Sinancial issues or extreme dental fear and overwhelm, then the next best step is to implement homeopathic remedies and speciSic nutrients that help to detoxify heavy metals from the body. More on this later.
Obviously, I am not a dentist and am not representing myself as one. However, the information presented here is a growing movement called biological dentistry. The real pioneers in this Sield were Dr. Weston Price and Dr. Hal Huggins.
In the early 1900s, Dr. Price was way ahead of his time. He theorized that there was a relationship between dental health and physical health. He discovered extremely toxic bacteria in root canals and infected gums and concluded that these bacteria created a serious toxic load in the body.
By injecting bacteria from a dental infection into laboratory animals, Dr. Price was able to replicate the same diseases the human donor had in 80% to 100% of the animals.
In the 1980s, Dr. Hal Huggins, a Colorado dentist, began promoting a safer, alternative to traditional dentistry he called “biological dentistry.”
The principle behind biological dentistry is the safe removal of toxic metals used in Killings and root canals, and replacing them with compatible, non-reactive compounds.
Before having any metals replaced, Dr. Huggins encouraged his patients to have a “serum compatibility” blood test. This determined what dental compounds were safe to use for that particular patient. You can think of it as an allergy test for your teeth and immune system.
The 7 Essentials System® 181
I had this procedure done back in the early 1990s, and I encourage you to begin your dental “clean-up” with this blood test as well. If you only have one or two Sillings that need replacing, it is not as serious an issue. But I would encourage you to consider this test if you have over three amalgams that need replacing. There are two labs in Colorado that specialize in dental material reactivity testing - Clifford Consulting and Research295 and Biocomp Laboratories, Inc.296
Dr. Tom McGuire297 is a mercury-free dentist who has a wealth of information about safe dentistry. His research reveals that amalgams consist of 50% elemental mercury. On a global scale, over 400 tons of mercury are placed in people’s mouths each year.
At room temperature, mercury vapors are released from amalgams. So, imagine what happens when the amalgam sits in your mouth at 98° degrees Fahrenheit or when you enjoy a hot cup of tea!
Mercury vapors are also released with a small amount of friction such as chewing and brushing your teeth. I recommend you watch a YouTube video called “Smoking Tooth.” You will see proof of mercury vapors escaping a tooth with an amalgam Silling.298
How does mercury affect your health? Here are just a few of the impacts amalgams have. But there are many more because essentially, mercury impacts every system in your body. Here is just a short list:
● Mercury impacts your digestive system and causes everything from colitis to constipation.
● It is classiSied as a neurotoxin and can affect your mental and emotional health. Mercury has been linked to depression, anxiety, and even hallucinations. It also causes learning disorders, tremors, numbness, and memory loss.
● Chronic exposure to mercury will trigger chronic inSlammation in the body, which is a precursor to so many diseases, especially cancer.
295 http://www.ccrlab.com/
296 http://biocomplabs.com
297 http://dentalwellness4u.com/index.html
298 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ylnQ-T7oiA
● If you have gold Sillings and amalgams in your mouth, a galvanic electro-current is created, causing serious erosion to the amalgam and thus releasing much more vapor into your body.299
Mercury has been banned in disinfectants, thermometers, and many other consumer products. Why not dental work?
According to the president of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT),
“There is no magic formula that makes mercury safe when it’s put into our mouths. It’s inexcusable to use mercury in dental Killings when there are much safer alternatives.”
Roughly half of American dentists still use amalgam Sillings on their patients. In fact, dental ofSices account for between 35 to 57% of mercury consumption. In the U.S., they are the number one source of mercury waste water that eventually leaches into public waterways, landSills, the atmosphere and fertilizers. After mercury enters the environment, it can turn it into methylmercury, a highly toxic form of the substance that can build up in Sish, shellSish and people.
According to the Journal of Applied Toxicology, metallo-estrogens are an emerging class of xenoestrogens. They have the potential to add to the estrogen burden of breast tissue, ultimately leading to an increased risk of breast cancer.300
Mercury and other heavy metals used in dentistry can be classiXied as metallo-estrogens. These metals bind to estrogen receptors, mimic estrogen and may cause cancer.
In 2011, a Canadian research team looked at breast cancer tissue biopsies. They found a signiSicant accumulation of heavy metals, such as mercury, zinc, and nickel in the diseased tissue.301
Mercury signiSicantly stimulates the growth of MCF-7 breast cancer cells, which are found in invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast and are typically estrogen and progesterone positive.302
299 http://orthomolecular.org/library/jom/1983/pdf/1983-v12n03-p184.pdf
300 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16489580
301 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16804515
302 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15712295
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Research also conSirms that excess dietary cadmium, for example, mimics estrogen and can lead to the development of estrogendependent malignancies.303 Cadmium is often found in trace amounts in amalgams and dental materials. It is also used as a chemical soil fertilizer.
Think about this: if you had a dead and infected gallbladder or appendix in your body, how sick would that make you? Very! In fact, you could die from the systemic infection that it would cause.
Root canals are no different. Your teeth are living entities that can become very diseased and infected.
No matter how aseptic a dentist may try to make that tooth, it is a dead tissue that creates a toxic focal site.
I can’t tell you how many thermograms I have seen with a hot red spot in the area of a root canal, which is often on the same side as the breast cancer.
When a dentist performs a root canal, the goal is to remove the nerve tissue, blood vessels, and other tissue from the pulp chamber and root canal. But if you go back to Dental Anatomy 101, the roots of your teeth are implanted into the jaw bone and are held in place by tiny ligaments. There are literally miles of tiny tubules and blood vessels attached to each root. Filing and irrigating the large root chamber does not touch any of these tiny tubules which are a haven for all types of bacteria.
No matter how aseptic a dentist may try to make that tooth, there is always a pocket of anaerobic toxic bacteria that forms at the base of the root. These bacteria drip potent and pathogenic toxins into your circulatory and lymphatic system. This dead tooth may sit in your jaw for years, without any obvious symptoms like tooth pain. But in the meantime, it weakens your immune system and contributes to inSlammatory and autoimmune diseases.
The Toxic Element Research Foundation (TERF),304 a non-proSit research group, used state-of-the-art DNA testing and identiSied 42 different species of anaerobic bacteria in root canal samples. These bacterial toxins are associated with many autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular disease, and neurological issues.
It is an established medical fact that chronic infections can contribute to the development of cancer by creating inSlammatory responses and
303 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22422990
304 http://terSinfo.com/
biochemical changes in the body. In fact, several bacterial toxins interfere with healthy cell communication in a way that promotes tumor growth.305
From this information, the chemical and biological impact of amalgams, root canals, and dental implants on your health is quite clear.
However, there is also an energetic aspect to consider.
Your acupuncture meridian system is a distribution network of your chi or life force. This system is independent of the nerve, blood, and lymphatic systems and yet ties all of your organs and systems together. This principle is very important to understand since the meridians that affect the breast are also connected to speciSic teeth, namely those numbered 23, 13, 14, and 15 on the top left, and 2, 3, 4, and 5, on the top right. Additionally, on the lower jaw, teeth numbered 20 and 21 on the left and 28 and 29 on the right are also associated with the breast meridian.
This life energy in the meridian system travels in cycles every 24 hours and Slows through ALL your organs and teeth. However, if there is a hunk of metal, root canal, or implant in a tooth, that chi energy can be “short-circuited” and reduced. Over a period of time, this may have an adverse effect on the organ that is attached to that tooth.
When I was in active practice and tested my patients with bio-energetic screenings, I repeatedly found dental issues connected to serious health problems, including cancer.
I learned about cavitations during my Sirst healing journey. An old extraction site on the bottom left of my jaw remained infected, no matter how much I Slossed and used the water pick. After consulting with a few dentists, it was concluded that I had a cavitation in my bone that sat directly on my left breast meridian.
“Cavitation” literally means “hole in the bone.” Cavitations are infections of the bone caused when periodontal ligaments are not properly extracted after a tooth is pulled. When the membranes are left behind, an infected focal site is created, even if the hole closes over and is sealed. With time, this causes sponginess in the bone and bone erosion.
But the more serious issue is that cavitations are breeding grounds for toxic bacteria. This is very similar to the root canal issue. The cavitation releases deadly toxins into the lymphatic and circulatory system, and
305 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12088666
The 7 Essentials System® 185
can also affect the meridian Slow at that particular meridian leading to all kinds of chronic conditions,306 including breast cancer.
“I resisted the dental aspect for a long time - too long.
But Dr. V kept on me about the dental connection because my numbers were not improving. I committed to the process and had root canals pulled, cavitations cleaned up and metals removed.
Within a few months, my markers were going down and I was feeling so much better!"
Once a person takes care of a cavitation, however, their symptoms sometimes “mysteriously” disappear. It makes sense in that the person has cleaned up a major source of bacterial toxins that had been affecting their whole body.
If you have ever had an extraction, consider having that site examined by an experienced biological dentist.
Several research studies over the last decade have made the connection between periodontal disease (also known as periodontitis and chronic in[lammatory gum disease) and speciSic kinds of cancer, including breast cancer.
The bacterial community in your mouth is similar in some ways to that in your gut; many of the strains found there are actually helpful for your health. But there are a few which will aggressively attack healthy tissue in the mouth.
But the destructive path of periodontal disease does not end in the mouth. These same bacterial toxins, as well as destructive enzymes and inSlammatory cytokines,307 are continuously released into the body.
Nearly half of all Americans over age 30 suffer from some form of gum disease according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Of utmost importance to those who are on a healthy breast journey is the link between periodontal or gum disease and breast cancer.
A 2015 study in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention analyzed data gathered from over 70,000 postmenopausal women enrolled in the NIH’s Women’s Health Initiative Observational
306 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2785020/
307 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2785020/
Study.308 Results showed that women with chronic inSlammatory gum disease were more likely to get breast cancer than those with healthy gums. And very relevant to breast cancer prevention and healing is the connection between periodontal disease and low vitamin D levels.309
I would NEVER have a dental implant screwed into my jaw bone. Think about the implications of that procedure. First of all, the metals used in dental implants can be a hodgepodge of metals such as titanium, nickel, chromium, zirconia, aluminum, vanadium, etc. Many people have allergic reactions to metals implanted into their body. Secondly, the implant is drilled into your jawbone, often causing severe infections, nerve damage, and chronic pain. According to Authority Dental.org, “Half of dental implant patients get some sort of infection.”
Autoimmune issues can be sparked or aggravated by foreign metals permanently implanted into the jaw. Just as amalgams cause a galvanic, electrical response in the body, dental implants can do the same.
Lastly, the metal implant will most deSinitely interfere with the Slow of energy in your meridian system.
What makes a Biological Dentist (BD) different from a regular dentist?
A BD appreciates that materials in your teeth and diseases in your mouth have long lasting effects on your health. BDs also understand the concepts of natural healing and often work with other like-minded healthcare providers for the beneSit of the patient. Through various forms of testing, whether it is blood serum, allergy testing, or bioenergetic testing, a BD will determine what materials are most compatible and safe for a patient.
Biological dentists also use ozone therapy to help prevent dental infections after surgery.
Unfortunately, I have witnessed too many cases of dentists who claim to be BDs, but don’t align themselves with the true philosophy and care of biological dentistry. Often, they have not had the proper training and do not use the proper equipment and protocols.
For a list of 10 questions to ask a BD before you sit in the dental chair and open your mouth visit https://breastcancerconqueror.com/ bookgifts
308 https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/science/womens-health-initiative-whi
The 7 Essentials System® 187
309 abstract
Here is a list of organizations and non-proSit groups that support biological dentistry.
• International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine (www.iabdm.org)
• Holistic Dental Association (www.holisticdental.org)
• Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions (www.amalgam.org)
• Dental Wellness Institute (www.dentalwellness4u.com)
As soon as you understand the dental connection to health and disease, it’s time to start detoxing the heavy metals that have accumulated in your body. As discussed in Chapter 2 – Reduce Your Toxic Exposure, there are many ways to detox. Here are a few simple ways to speciSically address the dental detox:
● Chlorella is a type of fresh water algae that has been shown to eliminate methyl mercury in the bodies of laboratory animals. It is best to Sind a chlorella that has a “broken cell wall” which improves its digestibility. Start slowly and increase to the point where you are using four grams (about one teaspoon) of chlorella each day. The Metal Detox supplement available in the Breast Cancer Conqueror website store contains this type of chlorella to bind heavy metals without depleting essential minerals from the body.310
● ModiXied citrus pectin (MCP) is another powerful detox agent. It binds with harmful metals and escorts them out of the body through the urine, leaving healthy essential minerals unaffected. I recommend PectaSol-C by EcoNugenics (in capsules or powder).311
● Increase your glutathione levels with a broccoli sprout powder high in sulforaphane. 312
● Cilantro tincture can be taken orally or applied to the wrists twice per day.
● Use speciSic homeopathic formulas designed to stimulate the body to expel heavy metals.
● Clean your mouth with oil pulling.
Oil pulling is a way to cleanse the mouth and detoxify the body. It was Sirst mentioned in ancient Ayurvedic medical texts over 2,000 years ago.
This simple process involves swishing about one tablespoon of oil in your mouth. Organic coconut or sesame oils are best because of their antibacterial properties. “Oil pulling” accurately describes what is really going on: the movement of the oil allows this natural substance to “pull” harmful microorganisms out of deep pockets between teeth and gums and even around root canals. The particular chemical makeup of the oil binds toxins to it without harming teeth or gums.
Many people notice improvements in their oral health right away. Gums heal, loose teeth tighten, and teeth naturally whiten.
Bacteria accumulate in your mouth throughout the night while you sleep. So the best time to oil pull is Sirst thing in the morning. Here’s how:
• Before eating breakfast, place about one tablespoon organic coconut oil in your mouth. Begin to push and pull it around the teeth and gums. Moving the chin as you do this is also effective, since this action will allow more toxins to be drawn out.
• Swish the oil in your mouth for up to 20 minutes.
• Spit the oil out in the trash can when you are done. NEVER SWALLOW THE OIL since is highly toxic after pulling. Rinse your mouth out thoroughly with warm water and brush your teeth.
• Repeat this daily or at least 3 times a week for best results.
The 7 Essentials System® 189
1. If you truly want to heal your body, the dental connection has to be addressed. Infected teeth and gums can create disease in other organs.
2. Amalgams are 50% mercury, the most toxic metal on the planet.
3. Brushing amalgams or heating them to body temperature releases toxic mercury vapors.
4. Mercury and other metals stimulate the growth of breast cancer cells by acting as metallo-estrogens.
5. A root canal-Silled tooth drips bacterial toxins into the body. A high percentage of women with breast cancer also have had root canals.
6. Metals in your teeth and jaw may weaken your life force or chi that travels through your meridian system, directly affecting speciSic organs.
7. Biological dentists understand the dental connection to health and are trained to remove any toxic materials in your mouth.
“Dr. V’s book gave me a roadmap during a very stressful and confusing time in my life. Two years after the diagnosis, my latest test results are all within normal limits and I don’t have any cancer activity.” E.K.
1. Take inventory of how many amalgams and root canals you have.
2. Examine a meridian tooth chart and determine what organs may be affected by your present dental situation.
3. Find a biological dentist (BD) in your area by using the suggested websites.
4. Make sure to interview the dentist using the 10 questions in this chapter before you allow them to work in your mouth. It is YOUR health and YOUR body.
5. Consider having all of your amalgam Sillings removed.
6. Begin a dental detox if you presently have metals in your mouth or if you ever had metals in your mouth.
7. Experiment with oil pulling three times a week.
The 7 Essentials System® 191
You are beautiful! I believe in you. You can do this!
The 7 Essentials System® 193
This step seems to cause the most confusion and frustration
with women. There is a maze of information on the internet about the latest and greatest “cancer cures.”
When I began my healing journey, I had already seen Sirsthand how patients responded to various protocols, so I had a pretty good idea which direction I would go. But even with decades of experience and research under my belt, I still found it daunting to sift through all the various products and pick a protocol that would work best for me.
During my second healing journey, I had access to tools like the RGCC test and IV infusions. My protocol was deSinitely intense and there were days when the 1-hour drive to visit my DO for the IV infusions was really challenging. But I had a mantra that I would consistently repeat during those 3 years….
“I am happy and vibrantly healthy
and living my life with joy and ease!”
If you Sind yourself feeling challenged, reach out to your coach and the Facebook groups that I have established. Reach out to our community for support. You are not alone.
In this chapter, I will only discuss products and protocols I have had personal and/or professional experience with. There are literally hundreds of products and protocols that have proven successful. However, not all remedies and programs work for everyone.
There is no “one-size-Kits-all” protocol that guarantees success 100% of the time.
You might have the best products and herbs, but if your emotions or hormones are out of balance, the products may not be as effective. Each and every essential has to be applied successfully in order for the body to have the capacity to truly heal.
In my personal healing journey, I used a combination of nutrients, supplements and herbs that fall into four main categories:
1. Nourishing Essentials to support the healing process
2. Immune Essentials to enhance the immune system
3. Targeted Essentials to weaken cancer cells
4. Favorite Foods to starve cancer
It would be impossible to list all of the combinations of nutrients and herbs that have proven successful in healing the body. Do your research
and work with a qualiSied and licensed practitioner who has experience in successfully working with cancer patients.
Nature has gifted us with innumerable supportive plants and herbs to help heal the body and boost the immune system. Many of these have been scientiSically proven to target and kill cancer cells, while not harming healthy cells.
I like to refer to some of these phytochemicals or plant chemicals as “herbal chemotherapy.” The beauty of this herbal chemo is that it is efSicient, non-toxic, and causes apoptosis (death of the cell) to cancer cells only.
Prove It To Yourself…
Don’t simply take my word about the power of evidence-based natural medicine. Go to https://scholar.google.com and search “natural remedies breast cancer.” You will see over 110,000 published studies about natural medicines that kill breast cancer cells!
Or go to the National Library of Medicine (https:// www.nlm.nih.gov/).
It’s another great resource if you like to do your own research.
Many nutrients have strong antioxidant and anti-cancer effects. I will share the ones I have found to be most effective, based on scientiSic research, and personal and professional experience.
Organic, raw food is always the best source of nutrients. But when your body needs extra fuel to overcome stress and immune deSiciencies, supplementation with some of these nutrients may prove helpful for you.
The 7 Essentials System® 195
Bee Products
Blueberries Broccoli Sprouts
Curcumin DIM
Flax Seeds
Folate Garlic
Glutathione Iodine
Magnesium Matcha
ModiSied Citrus Pectin Olive Oil – Oliventures
Omega-3 Fats Probiotics SAC – Calcium (ionic form)
Spirulina Wheatgrass
One of my clients has had success in shrinking a tumor using bee venom (api-toxin) or apitherapy. In addition to bee venom, apitherapy includes all the products of a hive such as beebread, beeswax, honey, pollen, propolis and royal jelly.
For years, scientists have known about the anti-tumor properties of bee venom. Recently scientists from Washington University in St. Louis modiSied a protein in bee venom called melittin to make it safe.313
Starting in 2007, they injected mice with the modiSied melittin using nano-technology. They call these particles “nanobees.” They tested them on mice with skin cancer, breast cancer, and the HPV virus that causes cervical cancer. Their results were amazing.
The nanobees launched a lethal attack on cancerous tumors. But they did not affect healthy cells. Study results showed that the nanobees induced apoptosis. They
313 https://www.fasebj.org/doi/10.1096/Sj.09-153130
• Slowed the growth of breast cancer tumors;
• Shrank melanoma tumors; and
• Reduced precancerous lesions.
In addition to killing cancer cells, bee venom also soothes inSlammation and helps kick start your immune system.
Besides bee venom injections, bee propolis, also known as “bee putty” or “bee glue,” is also a cancer killer. Research conducted in Japan in 2014 discovered the propolin Artepillin C (as well as other substances) induced “cytotoxicity, abortive mitosis, mass necrosis and apoptosis” in melanomas as well as in invasive breast cancer cells.314 The report, published in the Asian Paci[ic Journal of Tropical Biomedicine , speculated that propolis’s tumor suppression capabilities may be due to the cancer-killing substances it contains but also due to the big boost propolis gives to the immune system in general.
“Dr. V’s book gave me the con[idence I needed to refuse conventional treatment and follow the natural healing path that resonated with me.” M.K.
Two things you look for in a natural substance:
1. increase the number of cancer-destroying natural killer (NK) cells in your body; and
2. slow or stop the growth of breast cancer stem cells (BCSC).
Many foods provide this one-two punch to keep you cancer-free, and blueberries are one of the best. They are not only a favorite fruit and low in natural sugars when compared to other fruits; blueberries are also super healers as well.
6 Ways Blueberries May Prevent and Heal Breast Cancer
1. Blueberries increase levels of natural killer (NK) cells.
A 2014 study from Appalachian State University in North Carolina found that 100% of people eating the equivalent of 250 grams of blueberries a day increased their levels of NK cells in just six weeks.315 NK cells hunt out “foreign invaders” such as potential
314 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3985046/
315 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25150116
The 7 Essentials System® 197
tumor cells, and pathogens like viruses and harmful bacteria and destroy them.
2. Blueberries slow breast cancer stem cell (BCSC) growth.
Researchers at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine found that resveratrol (found in blueberries) can inhibit the growth of breast cancer stem cells in ER+ and ER- breast cancer cell lines.316 According to the study authors, “resveratrol signiSicantly reduced the cell viability and mammosphere formation followed by inducing apoptosis in cancer stem-like cells.”
3. Blueberries cause apoptosis in triple-negative breast cancer cells.
Resveratrol found in blueberries also has the ability to cause apoptosis (programmed cell death) in many forms of aggressive cancers. One impressive study found it did the same for triplenegative breast cancer in both in vitro and live studies by interrupting cancer cell signaling.317
4. Blueberries are a vital antioxidant for cancer prevention.
Of course, blueberries are also super-antioxidants which help prevent cancer by stopping free radical damage. In particular, blueberries contain anthocyanins, which are powerful free radical scavengers and also give them their rich color.318
5. Blueberries help boost your immune system.
A handful of blueberries contains a healthy dose of vitamins K and C as well as manganese, Siber and copper. In addition, a 2013 study at the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University found that both resveratrol and pterostilbene, another compound found in blueberries, work in synergy with Vitamin D to enhance the expression of CAMP (cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide) genes, which are directly involved in proper immune system function.319
6. Blueberries reverse cell damage from radiation.
316 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21188630
317 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20388778
318 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1082894/
A telling study conducted in 2013 found that conventional radiation treatment of liver cancer cells resulted in increased cancer stem cells and increased invasiveness. But when researchers added pterostilbene found in blueberries to the mix, it actually reversed the malignant trend caused by the radiation!320
I recommend adding blueberries to your protocol, especially when they are in season! And if you can Sind them, wild blueberries carry a powerful anti-cancer punch.
Of course, always be sure to buy ORGANIC when it comes to storebought blueberries, whether they are fresh, frozen or dried.
Life Extension has a great blueberry concentrate supplement.321
Who would have thought that little broccoli sprouts were cancer busters? The key nutrient we are most interested in is sulforaphane.
Although raw cruciferous vegetables contain sulforaphane, the highest concentrations are found in broccoli sprouts, with 20 to 50 times more than the mature vegetable.
Sulforaphane is a messenger or “signaling molecule” that activates around 200 genetic switches within a cell. Sometimes these switches are turned off because they are “sleeping” or because of toxicity and foreign chemicals.
Sulforaphane in broccoli sprouts plays a major role in stimulating the production of glutathione, a very powerful antioxidant produced inside the cell.
As long as there is plenty of glutathione in your cells, they are protected from damaging free radicals and toxins.
We could say that sulforaphane “talks to your DNA.” It inSluences how your DNA expresses itself. Changes in the expression of your genes can have a powerful effect on your overall health.
Here is just a sample of some of the research Sindings on sulforaphane and its effect on breast cancer. Sulforaphane:
● inhibits growth of breast cancer cells.322
322 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24289589
The 7 Essentials System® 199
● decreases breast cancer cell migration and tumor formation.323
● prevents breast cancer stem cell formation.324
● impacts cancer prevention.325
● induces breast cancer cell death.326
● powerfully inhibits breast cancer.327
● suppresses growth and metastasis of breast cancer.328
● decreases inSlammatory effects of chemical toxins.329
● enhances natural killer cell activity and immune function.330
There are over 122 research articles on sulforaphane and its effect on breast cancer. How exciting is that?
Broccoli sprouts were part of my regimen in my healing journey and I still take them every day. I sprout them as microgreens and add them to my salads and veggies. I also take them in capsule form.
One capsule of the 7 Essentials® Brocco Power is equivalent to 2 cups of broccoli sprouts. So, if you do not have the time or access to fresh sprouts every day, take the capsule version. You can Sind it in my Breast Cancer Conqueror website store.331
Curcumin is derived from the roots of the turmeric plant, a very wellknown Indian spice.
The United States National Library of Medicine has over 200 studies speciKically on the effectiveness of curcumin in breast cancer.
323 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24002734
324 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23752191
325 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23657153
326 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22975350
327 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23389114
328 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21617865
329 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16905640
330 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17723168
Here are a few proven reasons to incorporate curcumin in your healing journey. Curcumin:
● decreases the survival rate of breast cancer cells332
● has anti-cancer properties and prevents tumor development333
● inhibits the spread and proliferation of breast cancer cells334
● induces apoptosis and cell suicide in breast cancer cells335
● reduces side effects of chemotherapy and improves the beneSits of the drugs336
● could provide an improved survival rate with triple-negative breast cancer337
● may be helpful against multi-drug resistant breast cancer338
● inhibits development of cancer from pesticides having an estrogen effect on breast cells339
You can get curcumin by cooking with turmeric. Or you can Sind curcumin as a supplement. However, not all curcumin supplements are created equally. Although curcumin has an impressive array of beneSits, it can be difSicult to absorb.
Look for a formulation of curcumin containing piperine, a compound found in black pepper. Piperine slows down curcumin absorption and makes it more bioavailable. According to a recent study, the bioavailability of curcumin can shoot up as much as 2,000% with the addition of piperine.340
332 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21713389
333 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19908170
334 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21713389
335 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20646066
336 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19703194
337 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19809577
338 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19250217
339 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9168916
340 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9619120
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Unfortunately, the word estrogen creates fear in most women. Estrogen has been given a bad rap because it is often associated with breast cancer. But the truth is estrogen is your friend and ally and not your foe.
As discussed in Chapter 2, synthetic estrogens or xenoestrogens add a signiSicant estrogen burden to your body in addition to your natural estrogen. If you do not metabolize estrogen properly because of a toxic liver or poor methylation then harmful, aggressive estrogen will accumulate in your body.
DIM is a compound found in cruciferous vegetables. It helps convert stronger estrogens into benign and protective estrogens such as 2–hydroxyestrone.
Here are a few reasons for including DIM in your healing or prevention protocol. DIM:
● reduces your breast cancer risk341
● prevents the development of estrogen-enhanced cancers such as breast, cervical and endometrial cancers342
● is a potential anti-metastatic agent for breast cancer343
● inhibits development of breast tumors by preventing the growth of new blood vessels (angiogenesis)344
● down-regulates or weakens the protein survivin that keeps cancer cells from dying and thus encourages cancer cells to selfdestruct345
You would have to eat four to six pounds of broccoli and cabbage in order to get 100 to 200 mg of DIM. Supplementing with a clean DIM formula will support a healthy estrogen metabolism so you do not have to fear estrogen ever again.346
As always, I stand in awe of the healing power of yet another gift from nature: Slax seeds. Although Slax is high in Siber, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, its most beneSicial components are lignans.
341 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22877795
342 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12840226
343 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19864400
344 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15661811
345 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16651453
346 https://breastcancerconquerorshop.com/product/dim-balance/#tab-description
Lignans are chemical compounds classiSied as plant estrogens. They act as strong antioxidants.
Research proves Slax seeds are a girl’s best friend. Here are some proven beneSits of Slax seeds:
● Premenopausal women who had a diet higher in plant lignans had a signiSicantly reduced breast cancer risk.347
● Enterolactones from Slax lignans have a very signiSicant antimetastatic effect.348
● Plant estrogens, such as Slax seeds and (fermented) soy, may affect breast cancer progression in a similar fashion as tamoxifen (but without all the side effects, of course.)349
● Lignans activate programmed cell death in certain breast cancer cell lines.350
● Flax lignans have a strong protective effect on breast cells.351
● Lignans increase the concentration of sex hormone binding globulin which lowers estrogen levels.352
I recommend grinding your Slax seeds right before use. It keeps them fresher and more potent. Get into the habit of adding 5 teaspoons of freshly ground Klax seeds to your smoothies, soups, or salads every day.
One of the most important functions of folate (Vitamin B9) is methylation. As we’ve already discussed, this complex biochemical process converts one substance, such as serotonin, into another (melatonin). Methylation is crucial for healthy DNA expression and for supporting the liver.
Folate deSiciency may also lower red blood cell counts and lead to fatigue, poor immunity, mouth sores, poor digestion, mood changes and pale skin.
347 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15221974
348 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22842186
349 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21097717
350 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21520988
351 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14687793
352 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/096007609290359Q
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Foods such as green leafy vegetables, lentils, broccoli and Brussels sprouts are great natural sources of folate.
You can also take a supplement. But if you are going to supplement with folate, make sure it is bioavailable and nature-derived. Here’s what you need to know:
The words “folate” and “folic acid” are sometimes used interchangeably. Folate is natural Vitamin B9. But folic acid is a synthetic form that is obtained mostly through supplementation and fortiSied foods. It is difSicult to assimilate in the body and over time can build up in the bloodstream.
Too much folic acid in the bloodstream has been linked to cancer. It encourages the development of already existing cancerous tumors. And a recent study found too much folic acid promotes the growth of cancerous and pre-cancerous cells in mammary glands.
If you currently supplement with folic acid, be sure to switch to natural folate.
For thousands of years, garlic has been credited with treating the common cold, killing fungal and viral infections, and even enhancing your sex life!
Over 1,000 research papers prove the effectiveness of garlic on cancer. Studies show:
● garlic helps detoxify carcinogens.353
● extracts of garlic slow down the growth of breast cancer cells.354
● garlic inhibits tumor growth.355
● breast cancer cells are sensitive to the anti-cancer properties of garlic extract.356
● garlic reduces the side effects of chemotherapy.357
353 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23960721
354 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23050048
355 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23700562
356 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21428708
357 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21269259
Garlic works primarily through a compound called allicin which also gives it that strong familiar odor. This phytochemical is released once the garlic is chopped or crushed.
Allicin may deliver anti-cancer effects by inhibiting free radical production,358 activating detoxifying enzymes, inducing apoptosis (cell death), and inhibiting angiogenesis.359 It also seems to enhance DNA repair.360
Allicin offers another beneSit to women who have chosen conventional cancer treatment. A recent study indicated that allicin may alleviate liver damage associated with taking tamoxifen.361 It also combats many issues that women with breast cancer struggle with such as candida,362 parasites and viral infections.363 Basically, allicin can strengthen the immune system and we all know that is essential for healing cancer.
For general health, The World Health Organization suggests about one clove (2 to 5 grams) of fresh garlic or up to 1,000 mg of garlic extract per day. Obviously, with all the anti-cancer beneSits, the more garlic the better.
When eating garlic, remember to crush or chop it and let it rest for 10 to 15 minutes for the healing compounds to develop. It’s best to eat garlic raw without heating or drying.
If the taste of garlic is an aversion, Kyolic garlic supplements are organically grown and aged. The aging removes the strong odor-causing agents so you don’t have to worry about “garlic breath.”
Glutathione is what we call a primary antioxidant because it is extremely potent and powerful. Glutathione is produced inside a healthy, well-nourished cell and is needed in order for other antioxidants to be properly utilized. It is also very important in detoxiSication pathways and immune system activity.
358 https://academic.oup.com/jn/article/131/3/1010S/4687113
359 https://lpi.oregonstate.edu/mic/food-beverages/garlic#anti-cancer-activity
360 http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/11963557
361 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24646302
362 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15041073
363 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19109792
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The bad news is that stress, toxins, pollution, aging, radiation, and infections deplete our glutathione reserves. In addition, some people have a genetic weakness called a SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) that compromises their production of glutathione.
If you can get glutathione from nature instead of a pill, I believe that ALL the co-factors necessary to stimulate the production of it will be there.
Here are the best ways to increase your glutathione production:
● Minimize and reduce your mental and physical stress since it depletes your glutathione reserves.
● Curcumin increases glutathione levels364 so use plenty of the spice turmeric in your cooking.
● Eat plenty of organic sulfur-containing vegetables such as garlic and onions.
● Regular exercise boosts glutathione production. Move your body vigorously with burst training or brisk walk/runs at least four times per week for 20 to 30 minutes per day.
● Use liver supporting herbs like milk thistle to help boost glutathione.
● Broccoli sprouts have high levels of sulforaphane which stimulates glutathione production. 365 Other cruciferous vegetables, as well as avocados and parsley also improve glutathione production.
● Stimulate glutathione production with coffee enemas.
Discovering the connection between iodine and breast cancer was a huge AHA! moment for me. I was equally excited to learn about a simple home-based urine test that could measure the extent of an iodine deSiciency.
Iodine is an essential trace element and nutrient that every cell in the body needs. It is needed to produce many hormones, such as thyroid hormones, sex hormones, insulin, and growth hormones.
Without iodine, many of our glandular tissues such as the thyroid, breast, uterus, ovaries, and prostate begin to develop nodules and cysts. The end result is Sibrocystic breasts, polycystic ovaries, and uterine Sibroids. According to Dr. David Brownstein’s research, if these cysts are
364 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15650394
365 https://breastcancerconquerorshop.com/product/brocco-power/#tab-description
not corrected, the cells can develop hyperplasia (increased cell growth) which can lead to cancer.366
One out of every seven women in the U.S. is iodine deKicient, while the incidence of breast cancer is one in every eight.
Demographic studies indicate that countries with a high intake of iodine, such as Japan and Iceland, also have a low incidence of breast cancer.367
And having sufSicient iodine has been shown to prevent breast cancer, ovarian cancer, ovarian cysts, and Sibrocystic breast disease.368
One of the main causes of iodine deSiciency is toxic overload. This can especially occur when the body has been saturated with too much
• [luoride, mostly coming from drinking water;369
• chlorine, a common additive in swimming pools;370
• bromide, a pesticide residue, dough conditioner used in baking, and Slame retardant found in plastics, interior linings of automobiles, carpeting, furniture and electronics; and
• perchlorate, a known carcinogen and toxic chemical used in rocket fuel, explosives, Sirearms, Sireworks, batteries, auto parts, and agricultural fertilizers, and found in both conventional and organic produce as well as water supplies.
These toxins displace iodine in the cell. They block the absorption of iodine in the body, leaving the endocrine and the reproductive systems to Sight over a limited supply.
I believe every woman who wants to prevent breast cancer, or is actually dealing with breast cancer, should have her iodine levels tested through a 24-hour iodine-loading test. Blood testing for iodine does not give a clear representation of the iodine deSiciency.
Thyroid Disease and Breast Cancer
366 http://www.drbrownstein.com/
367 Finley JW, Bogardus, GM. Breast Cancer and Thyroid Disease Quart. Review Surg Obstet Gyn 17:139-147, 1960
368 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28260263
369 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3956646/
370 https://www.health.ny.gov/environmental/emergency/chemical_terrorism/ chlorine_tech.htm
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More and more evidence links breast cancer with thyroid disease.371
The thyroid is a butterSly-shaped gland that sits on the throat and is responsible for the distribution of many key hormones in the body.
Hypothyroidism is hands down the most common form of thyroid disease. With this condition an under-functioning thyroid does not produce enough thyroid hormones and the body’s functions begin to slow down.
One study found that women who have hypothyroidism are 11% more likely to develop breast cancer.372 This is because, as it does for the thyroid, iodine acts as “food” for the mammary glands, providing tissue integrity in the breasts.
“Thyroid supplementation increases the body’s metabolic needs and therefore increases the body’s need for iodine. If someone is iodine deSicient and is prescribed thyroid hormone, thyroid supplementation will worsen the iodine-deSiciency problem,” says iodine advocate and researcher Dr. David Brownstein
According to Dr. Brownstein, prescribing thyroid hormones to iodine deficient women could be a prescription for increasing the risk of breast cancer. In fact, taking synthetic thyroid medication has been found to increase your risk of breast cancer by 200%!. 373
371 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=PMC314438
https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/is-there-a-link-between-thyroid-disease-and- 372 breast-cancer-risk-201604079407
Japanese women have very low rates of breast cancer and consume high levels of iodine. One reason for this is the Japanese diet, which is rich in seaweed.
Animal studies show that wakame, a type of seaweed, has a suppressive effect on the proliferation of mammary tumors. And mekabu, the Slowering sprout of wakame, has been shown to be stronger than chemotherapies widely used to treat human breast cancer.
Other studies have shown that compounds in various seaweeds inhibit breast cancer tumor growth and help in cancer cell death.
Eating seaweed regularly is one of the best breast cancer preventatives you can use. Keep in mind that red and brown seaweeds are your best sources for iodine. Brown seaweeds include kelp, focus, hijiki and sargassum. Red seaweeds include dulse, nori, Irish moss and gracillaria. Nori, while easy to Sind, is not particularly high in iodine.
Magnesium is involved in more than 300 enzymatic reactions in the body. It is needed for glutathione production, nerve and muscle function, DNA and RNA synthesis, and many other vital functions.
This common mineral is also critical for maintaining hormonal balance and sleep quality. It reduces cortisol levels, helping you relax.
Magnesium is also needed for the proper utilization of Vitamins C and E as well as iodine. And it provides protection from heavy metals, such as mercury, aluminum, and lead.
So, it is no surprise that famed natural medicine pioneer Dr. Norman Shealy said that “a magnesium deXiciency may be responsible for more diseases than any other nutrient.”
In fact, research shows a link between magnesium deSiciency and cancer.374
It’s important to Sind a safe source for your seaweed since some comes from polluted waters and should be avoided. And it’s fairly easy to add it to your diet. You can toast it as snacks and add it to soups, stews, and other vegetables. Or look for ground seaweed to sprinkle on your food. 374 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3545048
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Magnesium deKiciency seems to be carcinogenic, while a high level of supplemented magnesium inhibits carcinogenesis. 375
Green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale, as well as most nuts, seeds and beans, contain the most magnesium.
If you are on a healing journey, magnesium therapy is a must. Here are the best ways to use magnesium as part of your healthy breast protocol:
• In the bath: Add magnesium chloride Slakes to a bath for a relaxing soak. Make sure to use magnesium chloride Slakes and not magnesium sulfate (found in regular Epsom salt).
• As an oil or gel: Transdermal application of magnesium oil or gel on the skin, and especially around the breast and colon area, can be very effective in getting the mineral into your system quickly.376 Also try rubbing the oil or gel on the bottom of your feet.
• As a supplement: I prefer magnesium glycinate or magnesium in liposomal form. Your digestive system absorbs these forms more easily. They are also less irritating to the gut.
• As an enema: According to Dr. Mark Sircus, an outspoken advocate of magnesium for healing, some people have used a small amount of magnesium chloride Slakes (1 to 2 teaspoons) in clean, Siltered water as an enema. This quickly Sloods the body with healthy magnesium and goes straight into the bloodstream.377
For many years I was aware that green tea had healing properties, but I never could get into the habit of drinking it regularly. And then I discovered matcha green tea, the mother of all green teas.378
A study conducted at the University of Colorado reported that matcha green tea has over 137 times more EGCG, a powerful antioxidant, than regular green tea. 379
376 https://www.enviromedica.com/ancient-minerals
378 http://www.matchasource.com/?
utm_source=Share+A+Sale&utm_medium=afSiliate+ads&utm_campaign=Matcha+Source+ AfSiliates
379 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14518774
In fact, drinking one cup of matcha is equivalent to drinking 10 cups of regular green tea.
Matcha has a higher ORAC score than blueberries and is loaded with trace minerals like selenium and zinc. The chlorophyll in matcha is a great detoxiSier and is full of soluble and insoluble Sibers that clean out the colon and the arteries. It has Sive times more L-theanine, which is a great brain relaxer.
There are over 130 studies on the beneSits of EGCG and breast cancer.
Here are a few highlights. EGCG:
● suppresses breast cancer stem cells.380
● targets tumor cells and inhibits the growth of new blood vessels that feed tumors (angiogenesis).381
● reduces inSlammatory factors in breast tissue.382
● inhibits growth and spread of triple negative breast cancer.383
● down-regulates estrogen on ER+ and PR+ breast cancer cells.384
● induces cancer cell death in triple negative cancer.385
I enjoy two cups of matcha every day. Sometimes, I even add a few teaspoons in my smoothies for that extra EGCG and antioxidant punch.
Pectin is a naturally-occurring carbohydrate found in plant cellular walls. It is most concentrated in the pulp and peel of citrus fruits like limes, grapefruits, oranges and lemons. You would recognize it as the white stuff on the inside of the peel. It is a great source of soluble Siber.
The body does not easily absorb pectin. But scientists have been able to create a modiSied version called “modiSied citrus pectin” (MCP), which is easily absorbed in the bloodstream. Research conSirms that MCP has
380 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22459208
381 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23638734
382 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23880231
383 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23646788
384 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23322423
385 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23163783
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the ability to inhibit breast cancer tumor growth and metastasis, along with many other beneSits.386
One way MCP works is by acting on galectins. These lectin proteins help cells clump together. They aid in the spread of cancer by keeping cancer cells “sticky.”
But modiSied citrus pectin has a unique relationship with galectins. It can “stick” to them within cancer cells and make them slippery. Research shows slippery cancer cells cannot stick to cells in other parts of the body.387
MCP has also been shown to prevent angiogenesis, i.e. the growth of new blood vessels that feed cancer tumors.388 And it can inhibit the kind of cancer cell communication that can encourage metastasis.
ModiSied citrus pectin is also a powerful detox agent. According to a 2006 study in the journal Phytotherapy Research, MCP has a “chelating effect” on heavy metals.389 In other words, it binds with harmful metals and escorts them out of the body through the urine.
I recommend PectaSol-C by EcoNugenics (in capsules or powder).390 It is backed up by evidence-based scientiSic research.
Omega-3 fatty acids have the unique job of maintaining cellular health and integrity. They can help the cardiovascular system as well as the brain.
Omega-3s are extremely important for breast health. Decreased breast cancer risk is associated with the intake of healthy, unsaturated, fatty acids while an intake of saturated fats and trans fats increases breast cancer risk.391
https://www.news-medical.net/news/20110831/Research-shows-numerous-health- 386 beneSits-of-ModiSied-Citrus-Pectin.aspx
387 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15967104
388 http://www.lifeextension.com/magazine/2009/3/ModiSied-Citrus-Pectin-FightingCancer-Metastasis-Heavy-Metal-Toxicities/Page-02
389 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16835878
391 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23137008
Studies show that Omega-3 fatty acids inhibit human breast cancer cell growth392 and also decrease your risk for developing breast cancer. 393
In a study involving over 880,000 participants, higher consumption of dietary marine PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids) was associated with a lower breast cancer risk.394
Omega-3s actually shift estrogen signaling to inhibit breast cancer cell growth.395 Data from a study done in 2013 indicates that omega-3s keep breast cancer cells from spreading and growing by inducing cell death.396
The best source of Omega-3 fats is wild cold-water Sish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, anchovies, sardines, and trout. If you don’t like eating Sish, there are plant sources of omega-3s. In one study walnuts decreased the growth rate of breast cancer by 80% and reduced the number of tumors in laboratory animals by 60%.397
Flax seeds are also a great source of Omega-3s. So remember to add those freshly ground Slax seeds to your smoothies and salads. Just ¼ of a cup of ground Slax seeds has over three times the amount of omega-3’s as a 4-ounce piece of salmon. So start grinding those Slax seeds!
Selenium is essential for over two dozen biochemical reactions involved in thyroid metabolism, reproduction, and protection from oxidative stress.
394 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23814120
395 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23285198
396 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23168911
397 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24500939
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Selenium has been credited with having high anti-cancer properties.398 Lab studies show that selenium inhibits the growth of various types of cancer cells. It also inhibits estrogen-induced breast cancer cells. 399 400
Low tissue levels of selenium may be associated with the development of breast cancer.401 And the lack of selenium may increase the risk for progression of breast cancer and metastasis.402
Poor breast cancer survival rates are associated with low selenium levels.403
Decades of studies show the beneSits of selenium. More recent Sindings include:
• Women with the BRCA1 gene mutation who were given selenium for three months found it normalized the number of chromosome breaks, which lowers the risk of breast cancer.404 Once again, proof that your DNA is NOT your destiny!
• Selenium compounds act as natural aromatase inhibitors.405
• Selenium has been shown to trigger apoptosis of cancer stem cells which are at the root of recurring cancer.406
It can take as little as 200 micrograms (mcg) of selenium a day to create an optimal anti-cancer effect in your body.
Adding selenium-rich foods into your diet is easy. The best food sources include Brazil nuts, yellowSin tuna, halibut, sardines, grass-fed beef, chicken and turkey, beef liver, eggs, and spinach.
398 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23613334
399 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9566703
400 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22975630
401 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23959347
402 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23429470
404 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15894690
405 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22128327
406 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24872387
But even if you eat plenty of these foods, supplementing with selenium is very important. To insure the most effective health beneSits, the best forms of selenium are selenomethionine and selenocysteine.
Calcium supports healthy gene function to protect against cancer. Here’s how it works:
P53 is a tumor-suppressor gene. It’s responsible for the production of proteins that can repair damaged cells. These proteins can also cause cancer cells to die in the process of apoptosis.
Fifty percent of all individuals with cancer have P53 mutations. Without healthy P53 genes, abnormal cells are allowed to survive, divide and grow. And a 2002 report published in the journal Breast Cancer Research found that patients who have the P53 mutation tend to have more aggressive forms of breast cancer.407
Research shows calcium can protect this important, cancer-Sighting gene. An investigation conducted at the University of Ferrara in Italy discovered that P53 function is directly dependent on calcium stores.408
By restoring the right levels of calcium in your body, you can “turn on” the P53 gene and increase cancer cell apoptosis.
Calcium can also boost your immune system. A 2013 German report in the journal Biochimica Biophysica Acta discovered that increased levels of calcium can kick up natural killer (NK) cell production.409
At the same time, calcium has the ability to neutralize lactic acid and promote an alkaline environment in the body that is less conducive to the development of cancer.
I recommend a supplement called MaraGen by Pronuvia.410 It uses a new patented form of calcium called SAC, or Sigma Anti-Bonding Calcium, which is 200 times more absorbent than regular calcium supplements.
The MaraGen formula uses SAC as well as other super-antioxidants selenium, magnesium and zinc to maintain pH levels, detox the body, protect the P53 gene, and strengthen the immune system. This allows your body to do its job of Slushing out cancer cells naturally.
408 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4330769/
409 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23220009
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From a nutritional point of view, spirulina is about 60% protein. It is loaded with healthy omega-3 fats like GLA, EPA, DHA, and ALA. It has 300% more calcium than dairy products and 3900% more beta carotene than carrots.
One half teaspoon of spirulina has more antioxidant and antiinKlammatory power than Kive servings of vegetables.411
Here are just a few examples of the power of spirulina. It:
● enhances your immune system 412
● can potentially prevent malignancy 413
● has many anti-cancer properties and induces cancer cell death414
● reduces the incidence of breast tumors from 87% to 13% in laboratory animals 415
● reduces the expression of proteins that increase cellular proliferation 416
● induced breast cancer cell death in 48 hours 417
Research shows the anti-cancer effects of spirulina when 150 mg per pound of body weight were ingested.418 For example, a 200-pound person would ingest six teaspoons per day while a smaller framed woman would do well with just three to four teaspoons per day. This can be accomplished by adding spirulina to your smoothies or taking it in capsule form.419
412 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23743830
413 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23633807
414 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23134462
415 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24269837
416 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24269837
417 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24269837
418 https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/cb99/2ea9f00fabcb7390f1723f535bc53b69adc9.pdf
419 http://breastcancerconquerorshop.com/product/cancer-x-spirulina-1-lb-powder/
If one single substance could represent what it means to be a “superfood,” the humble blade of bright green wheatgrass would be it. Hands down, if you want to detoxify, have more energy, and stay alkalized, oxygenated and proactive with your health, adding wheatgrass to your healthy breast toolbox is a great place to start. And wheatgrass is a sprout and does not contain gluten.
It is packed with over 100 nutrients, including selenium, Vitamin D and dozens of others. Studies show it has more antioxidants than most vegetables.420 It is high in many key vitamins such as C, D, A, and B17 (amygdalin), as well as key minerals such as calcium and magnesium. In fact, one ounce of wheatgrass juice is nutritionally equal to over two pounds of vegetables.
Wheatgrass is sometimes called “green blood” because it contains as much chlorophyll as hemoglobin!421 The juice contains up to 70% chlorophyll.
According to a 2009 study by the Linus Pauling Institute at the University of Oregon, chlorophyll has a direct negative impact on carcinogen bioavailability.422 And a 2010 study conducted by West Virginia University discovered that chlorophyll may be a protective agent against toxins found in breast cancer cells.423
You can get a shot of wheatgrass at your local natural foods store or smoothie shop, although the quality and mold content of those traygrown varieties may be questionable. Most wheatgrass grown indoors in trays will have some amount of “white mold” contamination. That mold may lead to the nausea and dizziness some people get with wheatgrass. Growing wheatgrass outdoors in a Sield is the only way to ensure that it will not contain harmful mold toxins.
The best source I have found for super high-quality wheatgrass juice is a business called Dynamic Greens.424 I have been using their wheatgrass myself for years. I love the fact I can open up my freezer at any time and enjoy an unpasteurized, Slash-frozen, vacuum-packed little cube of green goodness with all its nutrients intact. 420 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/ptr.1838
421 http://wheatgrassorganico.com/articuloscientiSicos/ Multiples_potenciales_del_wheatgrass.pdf
422 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19952359
423 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20163913
424 https://www.dynamicgreens.com/?id=drv
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Zinc is another essential mineral for a strong immune system since it helps maintain the thymus gland. It stimulates the activity of over 300 enzymatic reactions, but is especially important for the production of SOD (superoxide dismutase), one of the most potent free radical scavengers in the body.
Zinc deSiciency is prevalent worldwide. It not only improves your immune function, but zinc acts as an anti-inSlammatory agent. It also decreases the formation of new blood vessels that feed tumors while increasing cancer cell death.425
The cleanest food sources of zinc are grass-fed clean meats, beans, nuts and grass-fed, raw dairy. You can also take zinc supplements. It is very inexpensive and can easily be added to your protocol. Just don’t exceed 50 mcg per day.
• ABM Mushrooms
• Beta Glucans
• BRM4 – Daiwa Labs
• Chaga
• Colostrum
• Herbal Support
• Homeopathy
• Mistletoe
• Probiotics
• Vitamin D
• Turkey Tail Mushrooms
In any protocol, it is important to weaken cancer cells. But it is just as important to boost the power of your immune system with speciSic herbs and other natural substances.
Your immune system is an intricate system with many components. According to the National Institutes of Health, your immune system is a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together against any foreign invaders.
The secret to the success of your immune system is its communication system. Remember that cancer cells produce the enzyme Nagalase to help cloak themselves from the immune system by putting the macrophages to sleep.
Therefore it is so important to make sure your immune system is working at full capacity. If you have developed cancer, it is an indication that your immunity was tired and your body was toxic. Mother Nature has blessed us with so many amazing gifts in the form of powerful immune boosters.
I Sirst became aware of the Agaricus Blazei Murill (ABM) mushroom after seeing positive cytotoxic effects (kills cancer cells) in the Greece Test results of many of my clients. I did a bit of research and was quite impressed with the effectiveness of this medicinal mushroom.
Scientists discovered ABM mushrooms while investigating why natives in Sao Paolo, Brazil enjoy long lifetimes.426 They found that ABM mushrooms contain:
• beta-glucans, known to stimulate the immune system and reduce inSlammation
• derivatives of ergosterol, a potent anti-tumor agent 427
• double stranded RNA, an anti-viral agent 428
• proteoglycans and protein-bound polysaccharides, which are immune enhancers.
Other research shows ABM extract improves natural killer (NK) cell activity and quality of life in cancer patients undergoing chemo. In addition, patients taking ABM had an improved quality of life in appetite, body weight, nausea, insomnia, depression, and anxiety.429
There are so many great beneSits to ABM mushrooms that I recommend adding them to your daily care.
I recommend Atlas World’s Agaricus blazei. It is produced organically in the United States, by a leading fungal biology company with a history spanning over 70 years.
426 https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ecam/2008/659263/abs/
427 https://academic.oup.com/jn/article/131/5/1409/4686970
428 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0141813012003832
429 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15304151
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Beta glucans are polysaccharides (complex sugar molecules) extracted from medicinal mushrooms. Abundant research shows the effect of beta glucans on the immune system.430 They increase the activity of the Mack truck macrophages, inhibit the growth of tumor cells, and weaken breast cancer genes.
Beta glucans stimulate immunity by activating macrophages. They can increase the beneKits of therapies in women with advanced breast cancer.431
As with any product, there is the “real deal” and the “wannabes.” Beta 1, 3D Glucan by Transfer Point, Inc. is the real deal.432 They have numerous independent laboratory studies proving that not all glucans are created equal and that many of the other commercial glucans exhibit very low immune activity.
This is a powerful immune boosting product which consists of fermented rice bran using Shitake mushroom enzymes. Daiwa Pharmaceutical in Japan has a unique and patented process which results in increased production of your body’s natural defense mechanisms such as tumor necroing factor, which helps to destroy rogue cells and viruses.
Most of the research papers done on Biobran involve Natural Killer cell activity, which has shown to increase activity by as much as 300%. I have had several clients on this product, and they have seen a steady increase in their NK cells.
Chaga is a medicinal mushroom that grows in the wild and is handharvested. It has a similar effect on the immune system as beta glucans since it has 30% beta glucans by weight. I personally use chaga extract and to this day enjoy drinking it as a tea. You can also take it in capsule form. The extract has been found to be more potent than eating the whole mushroom.
430 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19053851
432 http://www.transferpoint.com/aboutus.asp
Chaga extracts have demonstrated strong anti-bacterial effects as well as anti-proliferative effects on breast cancer cells.433 Results of studies suggest that chaga extracts could be used as a natural anti-cancer ingredient.434
Colostrum is produced by nursing mothers during the Sirst 72 hours after birth and is vital for immune system health.
For adults, supplementing with bovine colostrum can help balance the immune system. It can also heal intestinal permeability, known as leaky gut syndrome (LGS). LGS is believed to play a direct role in some types of cancer.435
Bovine colostrum supplementation, can “heal and seal” LGS, halting “intestinal sewage” from crossing over into the bloodstream. It also provides a strong layer of defense against viral-caused cancers.
Colostrum-LD™ from Sovereign Laboratories has been clinically proven to heal and prevent LGS, is veriSied to contain the maximum quantity of immune and growth factors, and has more than two decades of research behind it.436
Colostrum is safe to use. But some people have raised concerns because it contains insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). This hormone is produced by the liver and its main job is to increase cellular repair, growth, and regeneration. And as I said before, some researchers believe high IGF-1 levels could stimulate growth of cancer cells and could indicate a higher risk for breast cancer.437
But the truth is that colostrum has not been shown to increase IFG-1 levels in blood serum. And there is no evidence that drinking milk or colostrum with IGF-1 causes cancer.
In fact, colostrum is a potent anti-cancer agent. It contains immunoglobulins, antibodies, lactoferrin, and cytokines to boost the immune system. And it contains proline-rich polypeptides (PRPs) that increase natural killer (NK) cell activity by more than forty times 433 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24380885
434 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20607061
435 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25291131
437 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24248481
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normal amounts, and increase macrophage and T-cell activity which help identify and destroy cancer cells.
GcMAF is a protein that binds with vitamin D. It prevents breast cancer cells from spreading and creating their own blood supply (angiogenesis).438
It also activates and stimulates macrophages, a type of white blood cell that eats breast cancer cells or any cancer cell for that matter.439
Macrophages are the principle soldiers of your immune system. They are like big Mack trucks compared to tiny cancer cells. They have long arms that engulf and surround a defective cell, then eat it and digest it. Another great reason to make sure your vitamin D3 levels are optimal!
However, cancer cells have their own defense weapons against the immune system. They produce an enzyme called Nagalase that blocks GcMAF production and puts macrophages to sleep. Without GcMAF, cancer cells (and viruses and HIV) grow without restraint.
The most reputable sources for injectable GcMAF are manufactured in Japan and the UK. And Bravo Co-op provides kits for you to make your own fermented milk containing GcMAF. Or you can purchase a readymade version delivered to you in a Miron glass jar.440
Many herbs have shown tremendous effects on cancer. The tinctures that I am most familiar with are from Bio-Active Nutritionals.441 I have personally and professionally used the following herbs for over 20 years:
• Artemesia, also known as wormwood, has been shown to inhibit growth of breast cancer cells and has promising anticancer properties.442
438 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22213287
439 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23857228
440 https://mimiskitchenclub.com/? afmc=1d&utm_campaign=1d&utm_source=leaddyno&utm_medium=afSiliate 441 http://breastcancerconquerorshop.com/product-category/homeopathics/ 442 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22185819
• Pau d’arco, also known as taheebo, has anti-proliferative effects on breast cancer cells and promotes apoptosis (cancer cell death).443
• Una de gato extracts, also known as cat’s claw, have a direct anti-proliferative effect on breast cancer cells and possess antiinSlammatory properties.444 Research scientists believe it is a promising agent in the treatment of breast cancer and human sarcoma.445
• Burdock has concentrations of lignans that have exhibited anticancer properties in animal models. It suppresses the growth of various cancers, including breast cancer.446
Tinctures are very easy to take since you simply add them to your drinking water and sip on them all day.
Homeopathy is a system of medicine which involves dosing with highly diluted substances.447 The theory is based on the principle that “like cures like.” In other words, when a substance causes certain symptoms in large doses, it can relieve the same symptoms in extremely minute, diluted doses. Rather than change the chemistry of the body, homeopathy affects the body energetically.
I have used homeopathy extensively for many years and have found it to be a beneSicial adjunct to any protocol.
“Dr. V’s book gave me an expanded direction and ideas of what to do next.” T.R.
European oncologists have used extracts of mistletoe for the past 90 years and such usage is no longer controversial there. According to Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D., former science writer for Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center, by some estimates, 40% of French and up to 60% of German cancer patients receive this botanical extract.
443 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19578798
444 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11724307
445 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19724995
446 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18288407
447 http://www.homeopathy-soh.org/about-homeopathy/what-is-homeopathy/
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Mistletoe’s anti-cancer effects are backed by research. A groundbreaking study in the peer-reviewed journal Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine focused on more than 10,000 cancer patients. It found that those who took mistletoe extract in addition to conventional medical treatment lived an average of 40% longer than those who used conventional treatments alone.448
Ample scientiSic evidence also proves that mistletoe can help counter the harmful effects of many chemotherapy drugs. Researchers at the University of Bern in Switzerland investigated mistletoe’s effect on the chemotherapy drug cyclophosphamide, (Cytoxan) on healthy and malignant cells. They found that mistletoe extract doubled the activity of healthy immune system cells and that mistletoe also increased the levels of anti-cancer cytokines as well.449
Most patients using mistletoe use Iscador but some forward-thinking doctors are beginning to offer mistletoe extract injections with positive results. One of those practitioners is Dr. Nasha Winters, author of The 450 Metabolic Approach To Cancer.451 Always consult with your natural healing professional before using mistletoe in any form. If administered improperly, mistletoe can become poisonous.
Probiotics are an essential part of boosting your immune system. The general term probiotic literally means “for life” or “supporting life.”
Your intestines have over 500 different strains of bacteria which support digestion and the immune system, and even produce certain vitamins, such as B vitamins and vitamin K. This army of bacteria also creates a line of defense against any unhealthy invaders.
It’s estimated that 70% of your immune system is in your gut; thus, a healthy gut equals a healthy immune system.
Aside from assisting in digestion, numerous studies demonstrate the many beneSits of healthy bacterial strains when it comes to breast cancer. Research shows probiotics:
● reduce cancer-promoting enzymes 452
448 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11347286
449 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20486623
450 https://hub.jhu.edu/magazine/2014/spring/mistletoe-therapy-cancer/
451 https://optimalterrainconsulting.com/
452 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18461293
● improve the production of immune modulators 453
● reduce the effects of chemotherapy-induced diarrhea 454
● delay breast tumor growth in animal studies 455
● are a potential agent in the prevention, treatment, and management of breast cancer 456
● stimulate anti-tumor immunity in breast cancer models 457
● signiSicantly impact and inhibit cancer progression 458
The estrobolome is a collection of speciSic gut bacteria that aid in the breakdown of estrogen. Microbes in the estrobolome produce an enzyme called beta-glucuronidase. This enzyme helps transform estrogen to an active circulating form. Too much of beta-glucuronidase can result in too much circulating estrogen and contribute to estrogensensitive breast cancer.
New research links an imbalance or “dysbiosis” of gut microbes with various forms of cancer. Studies show that cancer patients have a signiSicantly altered gut microbiota compared to healthy people as well as imbalances in the microbiota of breast tissue. In one study women taking the probiotic Lactobacilli were found to have the microbes in their breast tissue, where they have anti-cancer effects.459
You can test your own microbiome at home. One of those tests is called Viome. It analyzes your gut microbes.460 It detects the nutrients and toxins being produced by your microbiome and gives you personalized recommendations of foods and nutrients to heal your gut.
Daily supplementation with a solid, healthy strain of probiotics is extremely important for cancer prevention and for supporting the
453 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20193099
454 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19423769
455 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20550747
456 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22201894
457 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22711009
458 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24382758
459 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27342554
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healing process. Fermented, raw vegetables and cultured milks (goat, coconut, and raw, grass-fed cow) are also a great source.
The formulas that are in my store are very potent, dairy free and use advanced patented delivery system to ensure the highest number of organisms to the intestinal tract. https:// breastcancerconquerorshop.com/product/probiotic-support-15b/ #tab-description
Turkey tail mushrooms (Trametes versicolor) can boost your immune system so signiSicantly that it may even shrink breast cancer tumors.
A $2 million, seven-year clinical study funded by the National Institutes of Health showed that turkey tail mushroom, in freeze-dried form, dramatically boosts immune function for women with Stage I to III breast cancer - possibly shrinking tumors.461
Researchers discovered that the immune system beneSits increased when a daily dose was administered. They also saw no adverse side effects on the women. With the results of the NIH study, turkey tail mushrooms are being taken seriously as a natural medicine treatment. They have long been used in China and Japan.
The one supplement at the very top of my list for helping prevent and supporting the healing of breast cancer is vitamin D. A large placebocontrolled cancer study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that vitamin D decreased overall cancer risk by as much as 77%!462
Over 500 studies on the United States National Library of Medicine’s website prove the beneKits of vitamin D for breast cancer.463
Studies show higher circulating blood levels of vitamin D are associated with reduced risk of postmenopausal breast cancer.464
And a study from the University of South Florida College of Medicine found that vitamin D suppresses leptin stimulation which may also
461 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3369477/ 462 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17556697
464 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24438060
inhibit cancer growth and reduce breast cancer risk among obese women.465
Vitamin D has also been proven to:
● be a promising preventative agent for breast cancer 466
● inhibit breast cancer cell growth 467
● stimulate Mack truck macrophages to attack breast cancer cells 468
● suppress proteins required for survival of triple negative breast cancer cells 469
Unfortunately, most women that approach my team and me have very low vitamin D levels.
Conventional medicine recommends that vitamin D levels of roughly 25 to 30 ng/ml are safe. But according to a study in the American Association for Cancer Research, when the vitamin D levels in the blood were doubled to 50 ng/ml, there was an 83% reduction in breast cancer. 470
In reality, vitamin D is not really a vitamin. It is a steroid hormone that affects over 100 genes in the body. The majority of tissues in the body have receptors for vitamin D.
How do you determine your proper dosage of vitamin D? Have your physician run some blood work to test your levels. Once you know how deSicient you are, you can supplement accordingly.
According to Dr. R. Bleue, when you take vitamin D, you are creating an increased need for vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 is manufactured in your intestinal tract, IF you have a healthy gut. However, it is recommended that you supplement with a formula that contains the proper ratios of vitamins K1, K2, and D3.
465 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25252917
466 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24244740
467 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23700865
468 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23857228
469 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24239860
470 http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/68/9_Supplement/3078
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Here is a list and description of some of the natural medicines I call Targeted Essentials that can act as cancer busters.
• Amygdalin - B17
• Apigenin
• Argentyn
• Aroma8 PN
• Artecin/Artemisinin
• BeneGene
• Berberine
• Blood root
• C Statin
• CoQ10
• Enzymes
• Essential Oils
• Ginger
• Haelan 951
• Hemp oil and CBD
• Lycopene
• Melatonin
• Mitochondrial Support
• Onkobel-Pro
• Paw Paw
• Poly-MVA
• Quercetin
• Resveratrol
• Salicinium - Orasol
• Sea cucumbers
• Vacustatin
• Vitamin C
The story of apricot kernels begins in a remote kingdom in the Himalayan Mountains called Hunza. Hunzacuts are well-known to live beyond 100-plus years, cancer-free, and living their life in good health. Interestingly, compared to the average diet, they eat over 200 times the amount of plant compounds called nitrilosides. One type of nitriloside is amygdalin. And the Hunzacuts get the majority of their amygdalin from the many servings of apricot kernels they eat each day.
The secret of the apricot kernels and vitamin B17 lies in the fact they contain glycoside, a form of cyanide, surrounded by sugar molecules. We know cancer cells love sugar, so they gobble up amygdalin.
Healthy cells contain an enzyme called rhodanase that neutralizes the cyanide in B17. But cancer cells do not have rhodanase to neutralize the cyanide. Instead, they have another enzyme that creates a poisonous version of cyanide and kills the cancer cell. Poof! Another beautiful example of selective toxicity, very similar to blood root.
Studies show amygdalin stops the production of new blood vessels,471 suppresses inSlammatory responses,472 and induces apoptosis or cell death in various types of cancers,473 including triple negative breast cancer cells.474
I purchase my apricot kernels from Apricot Power475 and keep a bag on my desk. I munch on them throughout the day and include them in my smoothies. I also grind them and sprinkle them on my salads and veggies.
Gradually introduce these potent seeds to your diet. Adding them too fast can cause nausea and headaches. A good rule of thumb is about one apricot kernel every day for every 10 pounds of body weight, MAX. So, if you weigh 150 pounds, you would consume 15, spread out throughout the day. For serious health issues, some people have taken as many as 25 to 40 per day. If you feel any type of adverse effect like headache or nausea, immediately stop consumption
Apigenin is a Slavonoid found in celery. A 2016 study conducted by Pusan National University in Busan, Korea and published in the Journal of Cancer Prevention found that apigenin (found in celery, parsley and grapefruit) contains powerful anticarcinogenic properties. SpeciSically, this Slavonoid had the ability to control cancer cell proliferation through “regulation of cellular response to oxidative stress and DNA damage, suppression of inSlammation and angiogenesis, retardation of cell proliferation, and induction of autophagy and apoptosis.”
Argentyn 23™ is a proprietary formula designed to provide safe and precise levels of functional silver. Argentyn 23™ features a unique particle size (average 0.0008 microns) and ultra-Sine dispersion that 471 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22771646
472 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21756879
473 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16880611
474 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4703354/
475 http://www.apricotpower.com/#oid=80_1
The 7 Essentials System® 229
may enhance bioavailability of silver ions. The silver content is 99.99% pure
Silver has been classiSied as a potential “oncolytic agent”, having an adverse effect on cancer cells, bacteria and viruses.
This product often tests positive on the RGGC test. It supports the body’s natural process of Aromatase activity. Aromatase is an enzyme that converts certain hormones into estrogens. Research has shown that the unique proprietary blend of 8-PN from hops and plant lignans slowed down certain growth pathways in certain breast cell lines. It may also be helpful for menopausal symptoms.
Chinese wormwood is speciSically known as an anti-malaria herb and for promoting gut health. RGCC tests various forms of artemisia since it seems to be quite effective on slowing cancer growth.
Oxaloacetate is a naturally occurring compound that is needed by our cells to produce energy. Benagene holds 10 patents and has undergone 5 clinical trials. The key to this product is that it supports the formation of new mitochondria and triggers pathways that calorie restriction is known for. This often tests positive on the RGCC blood test for natural extracts.
Blood root is a perennial plant native to North America. It has “blood red” roots; thus, the name.
The power of this herb is a special compound called sanguinarine. 476 This plant alkaloid weakens the surviving protein that keeps cancer cells from dying. It induces apoptosis or cancer cell suicide. And the beauty is it does not kill healthy cells but only targets cancer cells. This is a miraculous mechanism called selective toxicity.
Sanguinarine also has powerful anti-metastatic properties that inhibit and suppress breast cancer cells’ migration and invasion.477
By nature, blood root is an emetic, which means if not taken properly it can cause you to vomit. Work with a functional medical doctor or naturopath who is familiar with the proper dosage.
476 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2996866/
This product contains a proprietary extract of bindweed which is in the Morning Glory family. The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center had this to say about Bindweed: “Recent in vitro and animal studies show that the water extracts from the plant’s aerial parts, rich in proteoglycans, have anti-angiogenic and immune-stimulating effects. https://www.mskcc.org/cancer-care/integrative-medicine/herbs/ convolvulis-arvensis
In other words, it slows down the growth of blood vessels that feed tumors and stimulates your immune system.
DCA or dichloroacetate is not a natural plant substance, but it has been used in humans for decades for the treatment of lactic acidosis and inherited mitochondrial diseases. Recently it has shown promise in isolating cancer cells while leaving healthy cells unharmed.
Since 2007, numerous studies have veriSied the effectiveness of DCA for destroying cancer cells:
• In 2007, Dr. Evangelo Michelakis of the University of Alberta announced the results of a study where rats with lung, breast and brain cancer were fed DCA. Cancer cells declined by 70% over the course of three weeks while healthy cells were left untouched.478
• A 2009 study found that DCA reduced tumor growth in metastatic breast cancer cells in both in vitro and animal models.479
DCA is part of the Greece Test Natural Extracts testing, and often shows promise in killing off cancer cells. It is relatively inexpensive but the potential side effects in humans remain elusive.
When I spoke with the DCA company, they stated that there have been very few negative issues with their suggested protocol, if the proper dosage is used. They recommend taking Vitamin B1 (thiamine) to help reduce any potential neuropathy.
478 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1535610806003722
479 http://www.thedcasite.com/Library/ Reversal_of_the_glycolytic_phenotype_by_dichloroacetate_inhibits_metastatic_breast_cancer_c ell_growth_in_vitro_and_in_vivo.pdf
The 7 Essentials System® 231
High doses of pancreatic enzymes are an essential part of any cancer protocol.
The idea of healing cancer with enzyme therapy was Sirst discovered by Dr. John Beard, an embryologist involved in cancer research back in the early 1900s. He discovered that cancer patients’ blood samples were extremely deSicient in pancreatic enzymes. His “trophoblast theory of cancer” is very interesting.480
As an embryologist, Beard had a light bulb moment when he realized that fetal placenta cells were very similar to cancer cells. Placental cells:
● are very primitive
● divide and multiply uncontrollably
● create their own blood Slow and
● invade healthy tissue of the uterine wall.
Theoretically, if there were no trigger mechanism to stop the placenta from growing, it would continue to spread and invade other tissues. So, what was the trigger that stopped the growth of the placenta?
Pancreatic enzymes produced by the fetus!
The day a fetus begins to produce and secrete pancreatic enzymes - day 56 of the pregnancy - the placenta stops growing.
Enzymes are biological catalysts that accelerate some reactions and block other reactions from occurring. Some enzymes attack proteins while others attack carbohydrates.
Cancer cells have a tough Sibrous outer membrane that makes it very difSicult for anything to penetrate the cell.
Pancreatic enzymes have the ability to destroy the carbohydrate chain and protein layers in the Kibrin of the cancer cell wall, thus making the cancer cell weaker and more vulnerable.
Scientists who researched the effectiveness of pancreatic or pro-enzyme therapy in a 2005 study came to very promising conclusions:481
● The mixture of these enzymatic activities produces potent antimetastatic and anti-tumor effects in cellular, animal, and human systems.
● The treatment of cultured tumor cells with enzymes causes complete arrest of the directional movement of metastatic cells.
480 http://www.greenmedinfo.com/afSiliate/2929/node/109251
481 http://ar.iiarjournals.org/content/25/2A/1157.long
● These Sindings support the conclusion that proteolysis (the breakdown of the cancer cell wall) is the active mechanism of proenzyme treatments.
● Proenzyme therapy shows remarkable selective effects that result in growth inhibition of tumor cells with metastatic potential.
A key enzyme in healing your body is bromelain. This enzyme is found in pineapple stems and immature pineapple fruits. Research shows bromelain is more effective in killing cancer cells than a chemotherapy agent. In a 2012 study, bromelain was reported to promote apoptosis (cancer cell death) in breast cancer cells.
If you do a search of “essential oils and cancer,” you’ll Sind over 700 references and almost all of them show that essential oils can kill cancer cells – at least in an experimental model.
In a 2010 study, researchers tested the healing properties of 10 of the most popular essential oils and found that jasmine, chamomile, thyme and cinnamon were signiSicantly potent against breast cancer cell lines.482 Chamomile killed up to 93% of them and thyme oil killed up to 97% of the MCF-7 breast cancer cells.
The beneSits of essential oils can be gained topically, when inhaled, or ingested.
I would caution that quality is key. Many essential oils are synthetically produced and diluted with alcohol and other additives. To be effective, only 100% pure therapeutic grade quality essential oils must be used, otherwise you will not obtain the health beneSits. The most popular companies are doTerra and Young Living Oils.
482 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20657472
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According to a study by the Division of Cancer Research at the Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology in India, ginger contains 6-shogaol, a chemical which targets and kills cancer stem cells (CSCs).483
The study found that ginger is 10,000 more effective at killing cancer stems cells than the conventional chemotherapy drug Taxol.
They determined that 6-shogaol targeted breast cancer stem cells in many different ways. For example, it induced programmed cell death and also poisoned the cancer stem cells outright (cytotoxicity).
Consider adding plenty of raw ginger to your juices, smoothies, and recipes. The essential oil of ginger or ginger capsules are also a great addition to your preventive or healing protocol.
Haelan 951 is a very concentrated fermented, organic, non-GMO soy beverage. My personal use of this product takes me way back to the mid-1990s when I was dealing with a serious health challenge. I drank several cases of Haelan 951 and took many different types of herbal tinctures. Over a period of time, my health dramatically improved. I continued to recommend Haelan to many patients with deSicient immune systems and saw remarkable results. After “retiring” from my brick and mortar practice, I lost touch with Haelan for a few years. But as serendipitous events occur, it came back around into my life. It was part of both of my healing journeys and is now a part of my daily prevention plan.
One 8-ounce bottle of Haelan 951 contains 25 pounds of NON GMO, organic soy, indicating the potency and the concentration of the product. Spectral analysis of other soy products compared to Haelan indicates a much greater concentration of isoSlavones and genistein in Haelan 951.484
Here are some of the beneSits of adding Haelan to your prevention or healing journey. In a nutshell, it is a multi-faceted cancer killer.485 Haelan:
● inhibits development of breast cancer tumors 486
483 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26355461
484 http://www.thrivinghealthandwellness.com/uploads/9100_-_Townsend_Ltr__Not_All_Soy_Products_are_Created_Equal_-_WHW.pdf
485 http://weeksmd.com/2011/08/haelan-multi-faceted-cancer-killer/
486 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22954488
● induces apoptosis or self-destruction of cancer cells 487
● increases levels of the healthier estrogen (2-hydroxyestrone) and helps metabolize the carcinogenic estrogens (4 and 16 hydroxyestrogens) 488
● lowers your breast cancer risk 489
● stimulates tumor suppressor genes 490
● converts cancer stem cells to normal healthy stem cells 491
Sound too good to be true? This formula was created by Chinese medical doctors and nutritionists to support the healing process of their hospitalized patients. Once they saw the miraculous results with their patients, they shared this formula with other doctors around the world.
You can order Haelan through the Breast Cancer Conqueror website store.492
The two most commonly known compounds from the hemp plant are THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). THC is the compound that gives you the sensation of feeling “high” and “giddy,” whereas CBD has the most powerful anti-cancer properties.
Your body has receptors for these cannabinoid compounds. It is a system called the endocannabinoid system, and we now know it helps regulate many biological functions such as appetite, food intake, motor function, reproduction and many others.
CBD is a powerful anti-cancer agent.493 Research shows it may affect the genes involved in the spread of cancer. Scientists in San Francisco compiled data showing that CBD may actually heal cancer. They found
487 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12588701
488 http://www.thrivinghealthandwellness.com/uploads/9150_Townsend__Ltr_AugSept_2010_The_Mgmt_of_Estrogens_etc.pdf
489 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23635365
490 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11496322
491 http://weeksmd.com/2011/08/converting-cancer-stem-cells-to-normal-stem-cellshaelan-led-the-way-science-catches-up/
492 https://breastcancerconquerorshop.com/product-category/food/
The 7 Essentials System® 235
that CBD has a speciSic effect on metastatic cancer cells and aggressive tumor cells.
Through many detailed experiments, CBD was found to:494
● trigger cell death,
● stop cancer cells from dividing,
● prevent new blood vessels that feed tumor growth and
● stop cancer cells from invading neighboring tissue.
Research also shows CBD causes programmed cell death in breast cancer cells and signiKicantly reduces tumor cell mass. And it 495 496 has shown anti-estrogenic properties, without the toxic side effects of aromatase inhibiting drugs like tamoxifen. 497
CBD offers hope as a potential anti-metastatic therapy. In a study 498 conducted in Japan, CBD stopped the spread of aggressive breast cancer.499
I have used hemp oil internally and topically as part of my healing protocol and enjoyed many of the beneSits. But be careful what you buy as it is important that the CBD product you use is organic and extracted with CO2 and not toxic chemicals. After much research, the product that I have enjoyed is Optivida Hemp Extract 540.500
“Dr. V’s book helped me to [igure out my next steps after surgery, chemo and radiation so that I can continue to improve my healthy habits.” M.C.
When it comes to breast cancer, melatonin could be a very helpful therapy to consider.
494 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22555283
497 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16392670
498 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22963825
499 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22963825
https://breastcancerconquerorshop.com/product/optivida/ 500
Let me begin by reminding you about the effect of EMFs on melatonin production. In Chapter 2, we discussed how melatonin actually put breast cancer cells to sleep. But when the cells were exposed to EMFs, melatonin had absolutely no effect in suppressing the growth of cancer cells. In a meta-analysis, higher levels of morning urinary melatonin were associated with a decreased breast cancer risk.501
Melatonin behaves as a “smart killer” by keeping healthy cells alive while triggering suicide signals to cancer cells. 502
When it comes to breast cancer, melatonin is a powerful ally. It has an anti-estrogenic effect on estrogen receptors and reduces cell proliferation.503 Melatonin levels are signiSicantly associated with lower breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women.504 It inhibits initiation505 and growth of hormone-dependent tumors while at the same time inhibiting and preventing the growth506 of new blood vessels that feed tumors.
Melatonin enhances DNA repair capacity507 and even causes breast cancer cells to die.508
Since melatonin production peaks in total darkness, make your bedroom a sleeping sanctuary. Remove all your electronic devices from your bedroom and never sleep with a cell phone or electric alarm clock by your head. Turn off all lights, even nightlights as this can affect your melatonin production.509
Cell phones, computers, hand-held iPad, televisions and other electronic devices emit a light that reduces your melatonin production. Stop using all electronic devices at least one hour before you get into bed.
501 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24418683
503 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19522736
504 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22237979
505 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21995112
506 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24416386
507 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23294620
508 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22335196
509 http://jbr.sagepub.com/content/12/6/575.refs
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Food sources that improve production of melatonin include nuts, seeds, spirulina, and beans.
A healthy gut also creates more serotonin, which is eventually converted to melatonin. This is another great reason to have your methylation patterns tested through urine, blood, and DNA tests.
Mirko Beljanski, Ph.D. was a biochemist and biologist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. He developed the “Oncotest” in the 1970s to screen substances for carcinogenic properties.
Dr. Beljanski also developed a method to make very pure extracts from certain plants. A combination of three of these natural plant extracts have been proven to Sight cancer. The plants include Pao Pereira (bark from an Amazon rainforest tree), Rauwol[ia vomitoria (bark from the root of an East African shrub), and yellow leaves from Ginkgo biloba.
Pao Pereira extract exerts a signiSicant anti-inSlammatory effect and supports the immune system. Rauwol[ia vomitoria extract normalizes 510 reproductive hormones in both men and women. And yellow gingko is rich in antioxidants. OnKobel-Pro® is a supplement that combines these three powerful plant extracts.511
Testing by RGCC has conSirmed that this combination can induce apoptosis (death) of the cancer cells in many types of cancer including stage IV breast cancer.512
If you want to read a very sweet story about Dr. Beljanski and his daughter Sylvie, Winning the War on Cancer is a must read. Sylvie took the government of France to the European Court after the government illegally invaded and shut down Dr. Beljanski’s lab and proceeded to poison him with radiation while he was tied to a chair in his ofSice. He died of leukemia as a result of the radiation poisoning and did not have access to his won remedies to reverse the cancer. This is a story of a daughter’s love, courage and determination to defy the governmental powers that prevent the use of proven and effective natural therapies.
510 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24287876
511 https://www.natural-source.com/us/onkobel-pro.html/
512 http://www.beljanski.org/engl/mirko-beljanski-extracts/rgcc/
I was Sirst introduced to Poly-MVA® close to 15 years ago. While in active practice, a few of my patients were using the formula. The results were noticeable and, in retrospect, I would say that taking the formula was an essential part of their recovery from cancer.
If you are one of the 650,000 people each year who have gone through conventional chemotherapy for cancer,513 you may want to try PolyMVA. It is also helpful if you are suffering from a serious health condition that has you zapped of energy, or you just want to stay vibrant and strong while living an active lifestyle.
Poly-MVA supports normal energy production of ATP by increasing oxygen and oxygen pathways inside the cell. Since we know that cancer cells do not like oxygen and “breathe” with sugar fermentation, PolyMVA nutrients interfere with the cancer cells’ metabolism.
One of its main ingredients is alpha lipoic acid (also called lipoic acid, thioctic acid or ALA). ALA is a very powerful antioxidant involved in cellular production. It also helps reduce inSlammation and heavy metals, and balances insulin, among other things. It is often called the “universal essential antioxidant nutrient.”
To date, there are close to a dozen published studies that validate the effectiveness of this formula.514 Clinical trials, including observational data gathered by over 200 breast cancer, lung cancer and prostate cancer patients, are currently in the works.515
Quercetin is found in a broad spectrum of vegetables and fruits, everything from red onions and green tea to grape skins, apples and tomatoes.
This plant compound can stop the process that turns healthy cells into malignant ones by protecting cellular DNA from mutations that can lead to cancer. It does this by literally “freezing” cancer cells, even if they are producing rapidly, and returning them to an early stage of their development. This reversal process triggers apoptosis, or cancer cell death.516 And as a preventative, quercetin acts as a watchdog for abnormally-signaling cell pathways which could potentially turn cancerous.
513 https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/preventinfections/providers.htm
514 http://garnettmckeenlabs.net/research-development/
515 http://garnettmckeenlabs.net/clinical-studies/
516 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16280456
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Quercetin is a true “chemo-preventive” substance: it works on multiple fronts so that cancer cells never even have a chance to form a tumor.
As for breast cancer, research shows that:
• Quercetin signiSicantly affects the cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) molecule in breast cancer cells, an important mediator in the inSlammatory process.517
• Quercetin stimulates beta estrogen receptors, which suppress cancer.518 (Alpha estrogen receptors, on the other hand, are considered cancer-promoting).
• Quercetin works with even more effectiveness against breast cancer in conjunction with other substances, including localized near infrared hyperthermia519 as well as EGCG found in green and matcha tea.520
• Quercetin is also one of the rare substances that appears to have an apoptotic effect on the cancer stem cells. Research has conSirmed this effect on colorectal and pancreatic cancers. 521 522 Although no studies have directly conSirmed its effect on breast cancer stem cells thus far, the outlook is positive.
I became familiar with this protocol after reading Suzanne Somers’ book, Knockout, Interviews with Doctors That Are Curing Cancer. 523
In Chapter 9 she interviews Dr. James Forsythe, an oncologist who is also a board-certiSied Doctor of Homeopathy. In his book, The Forsythe 517 http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0022934
518 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15937998
519 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26769848
520 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16968065
521 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4556754/
522 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20664924
523 http://www.suzannesomers.com/products/knockout-interviews-with-doctors-who-arecuring-cancer-and-how-to-prevent-getting-it-in-the-Sirst-place-autographed
Anti-Cancer Diet,524 Dr. Forsythe discusses the amazing success rates he has had using salicinium in conjunction with Poly-MVA. Salicinium (Orasal is the product name) is a natural plant-based extract. It is a glycome or sugar-based molecule. Cancer cells gobble it up. Remember that cancer cells love sugar because they use it in a fermentation process that keeps them alive. Unlike healthy cells, they do not “breathe” oxygen, but use sugar to keep multiplying.
Once this glycome is inside the cancer cell, it interrupts fermentation. It also stops the production of the enzyme that cloaks or hides cancer cells from the immune system. The cancer cell is now exposed and immunoglobulins can identify the cell as mutant and dispose of it.
This powerful herbal therapy holds promise for many women who are on a healing journey. If you are very challenged with your health, consider doing the IV protocol under the supervision of a licensed healthcare professional.
Plants contain certain compounds that help them Sight off lifeendangering “predators” such as insects, droughts and especially fungal overgrowth.
One class of these plant protectors are phytonutrients called salvestrols. These antimicrobial and antioxidant substances are like members of a vast army. Their mission is to be on the lookout for pathogens that may harm an organism.
When salvestrols encounter cancer in a human body, they enter the tumor cell. There they are metabolized by an enzyme produced by the gene CYP1B1. Once a salvestrol is metabolized by the enzyme in the tumor cell, toxins are released that lead to apoptosis, or cancer cell death.
Salvestrols and the metabolic process they ignite only affect tumor cells while leaving healthy cells untouched. The result is overall tumor decline and a signiSicant slow-down of metastasis.
Salvestrols in supplement form have been shown to affect tumor growth in prostate, lung and bladder cancer as well as melanoma and breast cancer.525
https://www.amazon.com/Forsythe-Anti-Cancer-Diet-James-HM.D.-ebook/dp/ 524 B00C4YUBK4/
http://truemedM.D..com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Savestrol-Cases- 525 Studies_JOM_2007_v22_n04_p177.pdf
The 7 Essentials System® 241
If you are interested in adding salvestrols to your healthy breast protocol, I think the best value is a product called Salvestrol Platinum 1000.526 It uses 100% natural, non-GMO, pesticide-free extracts of blackberry, blueberry, strawberry, and tangerine.
Recent studies conSirm that glycoside extracts of sea cucumber may be greatly beneSicial for breast cancer prevention as well as after a breast cancer diagnosis. Studies show Triterpene glycoside a compound in 527 sea cucumbers not only stops the spread of cancer but can also trigger “cell death” or apoptosis in cancer cells.
Another 2012 study from the University of Maryland Greenebaum Cancer Center found that Frondoside A, another glycoside derived from sea cucumber, had a signiSicant effect on mammary-gland tumor metastasis.528
Finally, sea cucumber extracts have also been shown to be powerful and natural aromatase inhibitors (AI’s). AI’s lower estrogen levels by prohibiting enzymes in fatty tissue from converting other hormones to estrogen.
Angiostop529 is a sea cucumber extract created by Dr. Tsu-Tsair Chi, a popular Southern California-based naturopathic physician.
The research behind vitamin C is staggering. In a nutshell, it acts as a powerful antioxidant and anti-inSlammatory agent.530
According to the National Institutes of Health, “Laboratory and animal studies using vitamin C have shown that it slows the growth and spread of several types of cancer.”531 High doses of vitamin C produce large amounts of hydrogen peroxide which kills off cancer cells.
In addition, when vitamin C discovers a malignant cell, it converts itself into DHA, or dehydroascorbic acid. Disguised as DHA, it is “accepted”
527 http://www.townsendletter.com/AugSept2017/angiostop0817_3.html
528 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21761157
529 https://chi-health.com/products/angiostop
530 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22963460
531 http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/pdq/cam/highdosevitaminc/patient/page2
into the inner part of the cancer cell. Once inside the cancer cell, DHA turns itself back into ascorbic acid, causing rapid apoptosis or cancer cell death.
Vitamin C has been shown to inhibit the growth and spread of breast cancer cells.532 In the Breast Cancer Pooling Project, over 12,000 breast cancer survivors from the United States and China were assessed.533 The analysis indicated a decreased risk of death with the use of vitamin C and other antioxidants.
Vitamin C has also had a very positive effect on improving the quality of life for women undergoing radiation and chemotherapy.534 Symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, depression, sleep disorders, and dizziness were drastically improved.
You can supplement with ascorbic acid or Ester C or a high-quality liposomal Vitamin C. Liposomal Vitamin C ensures better absorption into your cells. Liposomes are extremely small substances that bypass all digestive issues associated with high dose ascorbic acid. The liposomal C ends up in your bloodstream unscathed and can then be readily absorbed into your cells. But for really high doses of vitamin C you may need to take it intravenously.
If you are faced with a cancer diagnosis or other serious condition, consider intravenous vitamin C. A qualiSied healthcare professional can administer the IV and will take a blood sample to determine what dosage is best for you to begin with. Doses will often be adjusted as time goes on. Intravenous vitamin C for cancer is safe and has proven time and again that it works.
A great resource for learning more about IV vitamin C therapy is the Riordan Clinic.535 They have been researching and offering this therapy for three decades.
By now, I hope you can appreciate the power of foods and how they inSluence our gene expression and ultimately our health. And speciSic foods seem to have more of an effect than others when it comes to preventing and healing breast cancer.
532 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23175106
533 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23660948
534 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22021693
535 https://riordanclinic.org/our-philosophy/
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I recently watched a TED talk called Foods That Starve Cancer, presented by Dr. William Li.536 I love his approach and reasoning especially when he says, “We are treating cancer too late in the game, when it is already established. Oftentimes, it’s already spread.”
The tipping point for the development of cancer is often the formation of new blood vessels that feed tumors – angiogenesis. I have mentioned this many times throughout this book.
Dr. Li reasons, “What could we be adding to our diet that is naturally anti-angiogenic that would boost the body’s defense system and beat back those blood vessels that are feeding the cancer?”
I have already discussed several nutrients that have been shown to have that ability. This is a great reminder to view our food choices as a prescription for health as we discussed in Essential #1: Let Food Be Your Medicine.
Here is a partial list of some of the foods that have anti-angiogenic properties. You can see that many foods can have this effect IF we consume them regularly as part of our daily diet.
● Several fruits such as berries, citrus fruits, apples, cherries, and grapes
● Red wine or resveratrol
● Vegetables such as kale, bok choy, artichokes, and parsley
● Spices such as turmeric and nutmeg
● Oils such as grape seed oil and olive oil
● And lastly, la pièce de resistance: dark chocolate
Every day, I treat myself to a few small squares of some really dark chocolate. And I don’t feel guilty about it. I thoroughly enjoy it! � .
Cacao has the highest ORAC score of antioxidant power of any superfood – even higher that goji berries and blueberries!537
536 http://www.ted.com/talks/william_li.html
Those antioxidants make cacao a powerful cancer-preventative. Cacao contains polyphenols, such as procyanidins and epicatechins, also found in red wine and berries.
Research supports the beneSits of cacao for cancer:
• A study at the Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center found that certain proteins from cacao were able to reduce the proteins in breast cancer cells that promote tumor growth.538
• One study found Sive of 16 human cancer cell lines tested were sensitive to chemically-synthesized antioxidants (like what’s found in cocoa), inhibiting cell growth at relatively low concentrations.539
But make sure you get the right chocolate…
I am talking about raw CACAO and not COCOA. There is a big difference between the two. Cacao is a raw food loaded with antioxidants and healing nutrients, while cocoa is a processed version of cacao. The more cocoa is processed, the lower the active Slavanols.540
And make sure your chocolate is at least 70% cacao. Or, select pure cacao powder, unsweetened, to use in smoothies. It has the highest concentration of Slavonoids of any dark chocolate product.
Here are more foods you may Sind beneSicial for your healing journey.
Olive oil contains healing compounds called polyphenols. One of these is a powerful antioxidant called oleocanthal. A study from Rutgers University shows it can cause cancer cells to break down and die within just 30 minutes.541
Olive oil also contains a powerful antioxidant called luteolin that protects against breast tumors.542 Studies show it even reduces the risk
538 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15827326
539 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18560275
541 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26380379
542 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26312209
The 7 Essentials System® 245
of lethal triple-negative breast cancer.543 And mono-unsaturated fats in olive oil could reduce breast cancer risk.544
Use olive oil in the kitchen for your daily cooking. You can also get the beneSits of olive oil polyphenols in a concentrated supplement from a company called Oliventures.545
You now have ample evidence of the power of natural medicine and its effect on cancer. I trust this will encourage you and give you conSidence in herbal and natural cancer busters. Consult with your healthcare provider and decide what may work best for you.
Many other types of supportive therapies have proven successful on a healing journey. These are a few I believe are worth mentioning based on the results of patients who have incorporated these into their protocol:
The BX protocol is an interesting protocol. The premise behind their results is that the mitochondria in the cancer cells have been infected with a Nano bacteria-like organism. They use many types of frequency and light technologies to “zap” this Nano bacteria, along with supportive therapies. Their research, website and testimonials are quite compelling. I do not personally know anyone who has followed their protocol, but the science and research make sense.
Cryoablation is a way of destroying cancer tumor cells through the use of deep-freeze. A doctor Sirst uses ultrasound imaging to identify the tumor. Next, he inserts a very thin, needle-like instrument called a cryoprobe directly into the tumor. The device releases liquid nitrogen gas inside the tumor, which can be as cold as -75 °C. This freezes the tumor. Then the practitioner allows the tumor to thaw. The process is repeated several times until enough blood Slow is interrupted to cause cancer cell death, or apoptosis
THE PROCEDURE CAN BE DONE IN AN OUTPATIENT SETTING WITH LOCAL ANESTHESIA. The study examined 86 patients at 19 centers across the
543 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5207335/ 544 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2360254/ 545 https://www.oliventuresinc.com/
country. They found that cryo-ablation had a 92 percent success rate for destroying targeted cancers. It also had a 100 percent success rate at getting within one centimeter of the targeted tumor. A report of the clinical trial was published in the Annals of Surgical Oncology. https:// www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27221361
Some women have found it to be very painful while others seem to breeze right through it.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) uses a pod-like chamber to immerse you in an environment of 100% pure oxygen with an atmospheric pressure of up to three times the normal level.
Breathing pure oxygen under high pressure can greatly increase the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream.
According to a 2012 Norwegian study, “Hypoxia (low oxygen)is a critical hallmark of solid tumors and involves enhanced cell survival, angiogenesis, glycolytic metabolism, and metastasis.” Researchers noted that cell and animal studies show that HBOT may inhibit angiogenesis in mammary tumors, increase cell death, reduce cell proliferation, and restrict the growth of large tumor cell colonies.546 In one mouse model of breast cancer, HBOT was shown to reduce metastatic lesions547
HBOT and Ketogenic Diet
Evidence suggests HBOT may be especially effective for cancer in combination with the ketogenic diet.
The HBOT/keto combination may be effective at turning cancer around because of cancer’s characteristic dependency on glucose for survival. As an extremely low-carb, low-sugar approach, “keto” diets basically starve the cancer cells since they cannot survive on ketones. When combined with the high-oxygen beneSits of HBOT, the two produce a “double shot” of effectiveness against tumors.
According to a 2013 mouse model study at the University of South Florida, the combination led to a 78% increase in survival compared to a control group.548
Keep in mind that long-term, a strict meat-based ketogenic diet may not be the healthiest of diets. For a short term reset of the body’s
546 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11523-012-0233-x
547 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5568407/ 548http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0065522
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metabolism, however, a well-supervised ketogenic diet may be beneSicial.
Healthy humans maintain a constant temperature of around 98.6° F (37° C), regardless of the outside temperature. Individuals with certain health conditions, however, often have a lower basal body temperature than the norm.
According to Dr. Nobuhiro Yoshimizu, M.D., PhD, former director of Yokohama General Hospital, and author of the book The Fourth Treatment for Medical Refugees, 549 a decline of just one degree Celsius in body temperature leads to a corresponding 40% decline in immunity. The good news is that the opposite is also true. If the body increases in temperature by one degree Celsius, then there will be a 40% increase in immune function.
Dr. Yoshimizu found that 100% of his cancer patients had lower body temperatures.
Hyperthermia (also called thermal therapy or thermotherapy) is a type of cancer treatment in which body tissue is exposed to high temperatures. Accumulating evidence indicates that physiological responses to hyperthermia therapy (HT) may impact the tumor environment through a variety of immunological responses.550
According to the National Cancer Institute, “research has shown that high temperatures can damage and kill cancer cells, usually with minimal injury to normal tissues.”551
In conventional medicine, localized hyperthermia is often used in combination with chemotherapy and other drug protocols. A 2014 Korean study found that raising the body’s temperature to 105° F (42° C) was toxic not only to regular breast cancer cells but to breast cancer stem cells as well.552
Integrative doctors and clinics, on the other hand, use localized hyperthermia alone or in combination with natural substances such as 549 http://amzn.com/B0036USKX0
550 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24490177
https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/treatment/types/surgery/hyperthermia-fact- 551 sheet
552 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3914884/
curcumin and quercetin to directly affect cancer tumors without the side effects.553
I recommend infrared sauna therapy as well as the BioMat for hyperthermia.
Infrared Sauna Therapy: Using an EMF-protected infrared sauna on a regular basis is probably one of the best things you can do for cancer prevention and general detoxing.
A variety of toxins (everything from heavy metals to pesticides) become “encapsulated” in your fatty tissues. Both near and far infrared saunas allow the body to sweat and promote lymphatic drainage and deeptissue detoxiSication to get rid of these harmful toxins.
BioMat: Another highly effective modality that uses hyperthermia is the BioMat.554
The BioMat is a medical device approved by the FDA. It combines three bio-tech therapies for therapeutic results:
1. The natural healing properties of far-infrared light that can penetrate Sive to six inches deep into the body, affecting organs, blood vessels, lymph, and nerves.
2. Soothing and healing negative ion technology. Negative ions are what you smell after a few hours of fresh rain. They exist only in a clean environment and are needed for the body to detoxify properly. As negative ions increase, the alkalinity of the body increases.
3. The power and energy of the mineral kingdom using amethyst and black tourmaline to soothe and balance the body.
The BioMat has been shown to reduce inSlammation, increase blood alkalinity, balance the energy chakras, ease chronic pain and remove toxins. In addition, sleeping on a BioMat can induce a “delta state” and reduce stress hormone levels.555
I love my BioMat!
I recommend downloading the free ebook, Thermotherapy in the New Century to learn more about the beneSits and use of the BioMat.556
553 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26769848
554 https://drv.biomat.com/
https://s3.amazonaws.com/liv-healthy/BioMat/research/Measuring-Stress- 555 Reduction+Dr+Grant.pdf
556 http://drv.biomat.com/
The 7 Essentials System® 249
IPT stands for “insulin potentiation therapy.” It targets cancer cells with insulin and lower doses of chemotherapy. The lower doses often negate the destructive side effects of regular doses of chemo.
We know cancer cells have many times more insulin receptor sites as a regular cell does. During an IPT treatment, a small amount of insulin is given to the patient to lower their blood sugar. Then a low dose of chemotherapy is given by IV. The insulin “fools” the cancer cells into thinking it is dinner time, when in fact, they are gobbling up the chemo.
This is a therapy that should only be done under medical supervision by a doctor trained in this method.557
Laser surgery may be an alternative to regular lumpectomies and mastectomies. Many women prefer to have surgery to remove the lump in their breast. I totally understand that.
Regular surgical methods can be very stressful on the body. Dr. Vincent Ansanelli has performed FDA approved laser surgery for years. All surgeries are without general anesthesia, pain medications and hospitalization. The clients that we have referred to him have been very pleased with their outcome and their time at Dr. Ansanelli’s ofSice. https://laserbreastcancersurgery.com/
Naltrexone is a pharmaceutical drug, not a substance found in nature. In 50 mg doses (low doses) it has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as an aid in drug detoxiSication and alcohol dependence since 1994.
Dr. Bernard Bihari was a physician in New York City in the mid 1980’s when he discovered that a very low dose of naltrexone (LDN) dramatically improved immune response in his patients who had HIV. Since then, it’s been shown to improve patients with lymphoma, pancreatic cancer, lupus, and Crohn’s disease.558
Some university studies as well as studies by Dr. Bihari himself have proven the effectiveness of the drug on various forms of cancer. A recent study from St. George’s University in London reported that LDN was able to reduce tumor growth in a “variety of cell lines” by interfering 557 http://www.ioicp.com/directory/cat/IPT/
558 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17222320
with tumor cell signaling (i.e. communication) and by modifying the immune system.
Interestingly, they also found that following an “on-off” schedule for LDN administration helped to enhance the effect. The authors of the report, which was published in the August 2016 edition of the International Journal of Oncology, stated: “Our data supports further the idea that LDN possesses anti-cancer activity, which can be improved by modifying the treatment schedule.”559
More information about the effects of LDN on a whole list of cancers as well as a comprehensive database of case studies related to LDN and cancer can be found on the non-proSit LowDoseNaltrexone.org website.
Ozone (03) is a close cousin to oxygen. It contains an extra molecule that makes it highly reactive and a powerful healing substance.
In some parts of the world, ozone is part of the established health-care system. Cuban doctors use it to treat close to 50 different ailments and in Germany, it is covered by health insurance.
Ozone is able to oxidize plaque and break down matter such as blockages inside blood vessels. It can also destroy cancer cells. A study published over 30 years ago in the journal Science found that ozone exposure, in a dose-dependent manner, inhibited lung, uterine and breast cancer cell growth by up to 90% while non-cancerous cells were unaffected.560
The medical use of ozone is not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. But in dental practices, ozone is perfectly legal. It is being used more and more for the prevention of dental infection after surgery.561
Besides dental applications, ozone therapy can be administered intravenously. With IV ozone therapy a patient’s blood is drawn and mixed with medical-grade ozone. It is then injected directly into the patient’s vein. This must be done by an experienced health practitioner.
560 http://science.sciencemag.org/content/209/4459/931
The 7 Essentials System® 251
Ozone can also be administered by insufSlation. In this treatment, a patient gets ozone through a catheter inserted in either the rectum or vagina. It can be self-administered.
In many states, ozone generators are available for personal and home use but be careful of substandard machines which can be dangerous. I recommend products by Longevity Resources since they have an excellent track record and customer support service.562 The Ozone Doctor website also has many resources and informational articles to help you understand the beneSits of ozone therapy.563
I have personally used ozone therapy at home and have enjoyed the many beneSits.
The technical term for light therapy is photodynamic therapy or PDT.564 Patients are given an IV with a non-toxic photosensitizing dye that is absorbed by all cells but stays in cancer cells much longer. When that photosensitive chemical is exposed to a speciSic wavelength of light, it produces a form of oxygen that kills cancer cells but not healthy cells. PDT appears to shrink or destroy tumors, damages blood vessels that feed the tumor, and activates the immune system.565
A recent addition to the Hope 4 Cancer Treatment Center in Cancun is the Photo Dynamic Therapy Spectrometer (PDIS) from Germany. After doing an IV of indocyanine green, a non-toxic photo sensitizer, a small laser catheter is inserted in the vein.
This technology detects circulating tumor cells in real time as they circulate in the blood stream. These mesenchymal cells are problematic since they are responsible for metastasis or spread of the cancer. If any are detected, a far infrared laser zaps the cells as they travel through the blood. It is amazing technology.
I personally experienced this test in the fall of 2018 and I was so happy to get a “0” on the results. All clear!!
If you would like to experience some of these technologies, consider attending one of our Healing Diva Cancun retreats at the Hope 4 Cancer Treatment Center. https://breastcancerconqueror.com/cancun/
562 http://www.ozonegenerator.com/
564 http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet/Therapy/photodynamic
565 http://www.nih.gov/researchmatters/december2011/12052011light.htm
SPDT is a combination of light therapy and sound therapy that has been used successfully at the Hope 4 Cancer Treatment Center566 in Mexico. It is very similar to PDT, but the agent that is ingested sublingually is also activated by sound frequencies. The sound therapy works best with deeper tumors because the body transmits sounds better than light.
This system is registered and allowed in 25 countries in the European Union.567 There are approximately 3000 published research articles about this therapy.
Your skin is the largest organ of the body. Anything you place on your skin is absorbed into the circulatory system and eventually ends up in your cells. Since the skin covering the breast tissue is very thin, application of speciSic substances may directly nourish the breast.
Do you take the time to love and nurture your breasts? It may sound silly, but our breasts are not just appendages on our chest or milk machines. They are an expression of our female-self and our nurturing qualities. Whenever you bathe or shower, take a few extra minutes to massage the breast tissue in order to stimulate the lymphatic glands and tissues.
Consider rotating the application of the following:
• Magnesium chloride - gel or oil
• Iodine – You can “paint” your breasts with Lugol’s iodine. Be careful since the iodine will stain clothing. Iodine has a clear anti-cancer effect on breast tumors.568
• Cannibinoid (CBD) cream
• Far infrared heat with the BioMat technology (remember hyperthermia kills cancer cells.
• Exposure to sunlight for 30 minutes per day.
Frankincense oil – This extract has been shown to have antiinSlammatory and anti-neoplastic (anti-tumor) effects. Make sure you purchase a good quality oil since this can make all the difference in the effectiveness of the phyto-compounds. My oil of preference is Young Living Oils.
566 http://www.sonophotodynamictherapy.com
567 http://www.sonophotodynamictherapy.com/sonophotodynamictherapy_therapy.html
568 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17956159
The 7 Essentials System® 253
• If you are on a healing journey, a concentrated form of frankincense is best. If you are being proactive with prevention, try Healthy Girls Breast Oil.569 It has frankincense as well as other oils that support breast health and is lovely.
569 http://breastcancerconquerorshop.com/product/healthy-girls-breast-oil/
About 15% of all breast cancer cases are triple negative. TNBC is considered the most aggressive and the most treatment-resistant cancer. It often recurs soonest if treatment fails. (according to traditional medicine)
Understandably, given the “doom and gloom” attitude of mainstream medicine, women diagnosed with TNBC can be shaken. But for those who understand their body has an amazing ability to heal itself once the “causes” of the cancer are removed, there is much hope. Evidence-based natural medicine can help repair the body by boosting the immune system and targeting unhealthy cells.
Nature nurtures women with TNBC
Research has uncovered some promising natural options for killing TNBC cells.
• Bee propolis exhibits anti-tumor effects in models of TNBC.
• Blueberry phytochemicals inhibit growth and metastatic potential of TNBC.
• Curcumin induces apoptosis and inhibits the proliferation of TNBC cells.
• Vitamin D levels are lowest on average in those with the TNBC phenotype. And TNBC cases have the highest percentage of patients who are vitamin D deSicient.
• Epigallocatchin-3-gallate (EGCG) from green tea induces apoptosis and inhibits cell proliferation and migratory behavior of TNBC cells.
• Ginseng sapogenins are potent inhibitors of MDA-MB-231 human TNBC cell lines.
• Melatonin showed effectiveness in reducing tumor growth and cell proliferation, as well as in the inhibition of angiogenesis in TNBC-induced mouse model. Melatonin is a powerful cytotoxic hormone that kills breast cancer cells.
• Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids have a pronounced inhibitory effect against triple-negative breast cancer cell lines in vitro.
• Piperine, an alkaloid from black pepper, inhibits the growth and motility of TNBC and enhances radiotherapy in vitro.
• Silibinin, from the milk thistle plant, given orally signiSicantly suppressed tumor volume in a TNBC mice model.
• Cannabinoids may help Sight TNBC according to some studies. If you have been diagnosed with TNBC, I hope you are encouraged
The 7 Essentials System® 255
At this point, you are probably on “overload” with all this information and research. It was very important to me that you know that the principles of natural medicine are evidence-based. This can impart conSidence in your natural preventive or healing protocol.
The big question is: How do I apply this to my daily routine? It does take a bit of organization and planning at Sirst. But once you have your game plan Sigured out, it simply becomes part of your routine.
If you get frustrated, reach out and consider partnering with one of our certiSied coaches. The guidance and listening ear have proven to be very helpful by women all around the world.
When you focus on the power and the beneKits of engaging in a healing routine, the motivation comes easily.
When I was on my healing journey, I expressed gratitude daily that I had the opportunity to heal at home rather than lying in a hospital bed.
Which brings me to this next thought: Just because you are healing at home does not mean you can continue with your hectic schedule as “Super-mom.” To me, healing is a family affair. Inform the children that Mom is healing her body, and she needs extra rest and a bit of relief from all her regular activities. Herbal chemo is potent, and your body is using up lots of energy and resources to heal and detox the dead cancer cells.
Organize your juices and your supplements. Set your timer for your teas and tinctures. Schedule mindful meditations. Commit to doing your coffee enemas on a regular basis. This is necessary for a successful outcome. If you feel overwhelmed one day, call your best friend and let her know you need a day out at the movies or something. Relax and read a book that will enthrall you and inspire you. Or spend time outside, enjoying the sunshine and the fresh air.
If you would like to dive deeper into this section, I have created an online course called Never Fear Breast Cancer Again.570 It has over eight hours of videos, PDF downloads, a work book and USB drive. This course is part of our Group Coaching program. This program includes weekly group calls and a private FB group.
I am also in the process of creating an on-line program that can support you through traditional treatments. (How to Survive and Thrive with The Big 3 Traditional Treatments)
570 description
“Trust the system and the guidance. You cannot do it alone. I do not know that I would be in the positive position that I am in today in relation to my health.”
The 7 Essentials System® 257
Work with a qualiSied health care practitioner and/or a coach to help you work out a plan that best supports you and your healing. As always, don't guess when it comes to your health. Test to measure your progress. It will keep you focused and encouraged.
You can Sind a sample checklist for Essential #6 by heading to my website at: https://breastcancerconqueror.com/bookgifts
“Dr. V has been my lighthouse in the sea of confusion. I feel empowered and encouraged after so much medical assault on my body.” D.T.
This has been a very full chapter with a lot of information. You may want to review this chapter several times to be clear about what feels right for you.
1. Proteolytic enzyme therapy has anti-tumor and anti-metastatic effects.
2. The phytochemicals in blood root have many anti-cancer properties.
3. Over 200 studies prove the beneSits of curcumin for breast cancer.
4. Broccoli sprouts contain sulforaphane which kills breast cancer cells and enhances your natural killer cell activity. Compounds in cruciferous vegetables called DIM also help convert and metabolize aggressive estrogens into benign estrogens.
5. It is important to weaken cancer. At the same time, you must support and boost your immune system. Beta glucans found in medicinal mushrooms stimulate and activate macrophages that gobble up cancer cells.
6. Probiotics stimulate anti-tumor immunity in breast cancer models.
7. Omega 3 fatty acids from walnuts, clean Sish, and Slax decrease the growth rate of breast cancer cells.
“I knew I wanted to treat my DCIS naturally, so I started researching natural treatments. I was overwhelmed by the information. When I found Dr. V, it was like a light in the darkness. I truly feel that the cancer diagnosis was an invitation to lead a healthier life.” C.G.
1. Re-read this chapter several times and decide what protocols work best for you.
2. The Endocannabinoid System in your body is intricate part of your Brain, hormones and immune tissues. Add a clean, organic CBD oil to your protocol.
3. Three to four teaspoons of spirulina has been shown to have anti-cancer effects. Add spirulina and broccoli sprouts to your water or juice every day.
4. Adding 5 teaspoons of ground Slax seeds reduced tumor markers by 30% to 71%. Grind 5 teaspoons of Slax seeds and enjoy them on salads or in your smoothies.
5. Iodine and magnesium inhibit carcinogenesis. CBD oil signiSicantly decreases the expression of metastatic breast cancer. Love those girls (your breasts) by massaging various applications of these and other oils and minerals. Also apply magnesium oil to the soles of your feet, lower back, and neck.
6. Vitamin D decreases overall cancer risk by as much as 77%. Try to get at least one hour of sunshine on your body and eyeballs every day.
7. Hyperthermia boosts the immune system and weakens cancer cells. Sit in a far infrared sauna for 30 to 45 minutes several times per week. Or relax on a BioMat for at least one hour per day. Sleep on it all night if you own one.
8. If you are feeling overwhelmed by all of this information, consider joining our community through many of our coaching programs. We offer group coaching and one on one coaching. https://breastcancerconqueror.com/coaching-programs/
The 7 Essentials System® 259
“When you think about your healing journey, do so with a grateful and happy heart.
Early detection is by far the best plan to circumvent breast cancer.
I love working with women who are being proactive with prevention. They are inquisitive and are searching for better ways to improve their overall health, which ultimately improves their breast health.
According to the WHO, “Cancer cases are expected to surge 57% worldwide in the next 20 years.”571 If you have a “this-will-neverhappen-to-me” attitude, think again. Today, 1 out of 3 women and 1 out 2 men are destined to develop some form of cancer.
We live in a toxic and stressed out world with nutrient-deSicient food. Our immune systems are weakened by the onslaught of chemicals and stress hormones that we release because of our hectic lifestyles. We swim in a soup of electropollution that causes DNA damage.
Unless you are proactive and become conscious of your long-term health, you may face the diagnosis of cancer. And if your healing journey is behind you, it is more important than ever for you to keep
571 http://www.cnn.com/2014/02/04/health/who-world-cancer-report/index.html? hpt=hp_t2
The 7 Essentials System® 261
a pulse on your health. If you follow the basic principles outlined in The 7 Essentials System®, you may never have to fear cancer again.
“My markers and test results are throwing it! My doctor congratulates me for the great work we are doing.” N.R.
Let’s start with the biggest multibillion-dollar screening tool, mammography. In this section, I am presenting you with the facts. I am not suggesting that you never have a mammogram. That is your choice. And to be fair, I have heard from women who never knew they had breast cancer until they had a mammogram. Ultimately, you weigh the risks with the beneSits and decide what is best for you.
Even though mammograms have been around for 50 years or more, thousands of women remain misinformed about their options when it comes to breast cancer screenings.
A study in the International Journal of Epidemiology found that 9 out of 10 women “vastly overestimate” the beneSits of a mammography screening (or have no idea about them).572 The same study found that most American women believe mammography could prevent breast cancer from happening in the Sirst place.
What causes women around the world, and especially in the United States, to be so misinformed about the facts?
One problem is that breast cancer screening campaigns tell women what to do. They do not give a woman all the information she needs to make her own choices. In pink ribbon fact sheets, for example, there is no mention of false-positives which occur in up to 20% of all mammogram screenings.573 There is also no mention of the fact that mammograms themselves can sometimes lead to cancer.
The real question each woman must ask for herself when it comes to mammography is:
Do the beneKits outweigh the risks for me?
And the beneSits are not as great as the medical industry would have you think.
572 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14559757
http://annals.org/aim/fullarticle/733981/screening-mammography-women-40-49- 573 years-age-systematic-review-american
The largest and most meticulous study of mammography ever done was a 25-year study, published in the British Medical Journal in 2014.574 It followed almost 90,000 Canadian women from the ages of 40 to 59.
The study concluded:575
“Annual mammography in women aged 40-59 does not reduce mortality from breast cancer beyond that of physical examination…”
If you have dense breasts, mammograms do not work as well since dense breasts may hide a tumor. Even in normal breasts, by the time breast cancer is detected on a mammogram, a woman will have already had the disease for an average of six to eight years.
And mammograms are not without risk. According to Cornell University’s Program on Breast Cancer and Environmental Risk Factors, “Female breast tissue is highly susceptible to radiation effects.”576
In a study published in the British Journal of Radiology researchers found compelling evidence that low-energy x-rays used in mammograms are “approximately 4 times, but possibly as much as 6 times more effective in causing mutational damage than higher energy x-rays.”577
In other words, the low-energy radiation in mammograms causes DNA damage that could result in an increased risk of breast cancer.
Could this constant exposure to radiation actually be responsible for the increase in breast cancer rates?
It’s possible. In a Norwegian study that followed two groups of women for Sive years, researchers reported that women who had mammograms every two years had 22% more breast cancers compared to the group who just had one screening in six years.578
574 http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/12/health/study-adds-new-doubts-about-value-ofmammograms.html?_r=0
575 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24519768
576 http://envirocancer.cornell.edu/factsheet/physical/fs52.radiation.cfm
577 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=16498030
578 http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/25/health/25breast.html? ref=health&pagewanted=all&_r=0
The 7 Essentials System® 263
Overdiagnosis is another major risk of regular mammograms. A prime example is ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), a zero grade “noncancer.” Some 80% of untreated DCIS never become invasive, and the risk of dying within Sive years from DCIS alone is less than 1%.579 And early detection of DCIS with mammograms does NOT reduce mortality as conSirmed by a 13-year Canadian study.580
Yet all too often DCIS is aggressively treated with a lumpectomy, mastectomy, radiation, and chemotherapy.
In addition to over-treatment and increased risk from radiation, regular screening mammograms increase cancer risk from the painful compression by the mammography machine.581 The compression can lead to rupturing of small tumors and blood vessels, spreading malignant cancer cells throughout the body.582
New Mammogram Guidelines
Given this mounting evidence, the American Cancer Society (ACS) is Sinally changing its tune on breast cancer screening. In 2015 the ACS changed its guidelines to reduce the frequency of mammograms.583 The new guidelines recommend that women with an average risk for breast cancer start getting annual exams at age 45 instead of 40. And women 55 and older are advised to cut back to a mammogram every two years.
The guidelines were changed in response to a report from the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF).584 According to the report’s Clinical Considerations:
The evidence reviewed by the USPSTF indicates that a large proportion of the beneSit of screening mammography is maintained by biennial screening, and changing from annual to biennial screening is likely to reduce the harms of mammography screening by nearly half.
579 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10761960
580 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10995804
581 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD002942.pub2/full
582 https://academic.oup.com/jnci/article/89/15/1164/2526360
583 https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2463262
584 https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2463262
For years, conventional medicine has told women that if you have dense breasts, your risk for breast cancer may be up to six times higher.
Those statistics are tied to the limitations of mammograms. As breast tissue becomes denser, it’s more difSicult to detect tumors through mammography alone.
If you are diagnosed with dense breasts, your doctor may recommend more frequent mammograms as well as other invasive procedures.
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) found that, statistically, women with extremely dense breasts also had the highest breast cancer rates. This Sinding is in line with other studies that have come to the same conclusion.
Here’s the bottom line…
If you have extremely dense breasts, studies indicate your chances of breast cancer may be higher than normal. But it does not mean breast cancer is inevitable. I recommend that you be proactive with prevention. Here’s what you can do:
• Train your Singers to perform a regular Breast Self-Exam using the “My Breast Friend” silicone training model.
• Get checked using thermography and “outside the box” blood tests regularly.
• Do not use synthetic hormone replacement therapy.
• Follow the 7 Essentials System® for healthy breasts and vibrant living!
Personal and regular breast exams are a safe and effective alternative to mammograms. But have you ever been properly trained? Most women are afraid to touch their breasts because they don’t know what they are feeling.
Only about 43% of breast cancers are found in a mammogram while another 43% are found either by breast self-exam (BSE) or pure accident.585 In a pooled analysis of several studies, women who regularly performed BSEs detected breast tumors much earlier and with fewer lymph node involvement.
585 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3153870/
The 7 Essentials System® 265
The human sense of touch is powerful and highly sensitive. Many studies conSirm that a large percentage of breast cancers are found by Singers, often by the woman’s own.
My Breast Friend is a training system that is based on the MammaCare Method®. The MammaCare Method® was developed with the support of the National Cancer Institute, the National Science Foundation and medical scientists worldwide.
This silicone breast model has been the gold standard in training clinicians and nurses around the globe for over 3 decades. And now this system and model is available to you as My Breast Friend™ Training System!
My Breast Friend™ is a training system that includes a pure silicone breast model and instructional video that will teach your Singers what normal breast tissue feels like and what a suspicious lump may feel like.
The average size lump that is found by a woman untrained to perform a proper Breast Self-Exam is the size of a ping pong ball.
The average size lump that is found by a woman properly trained in a Breast Self-Exam is the size of a pea. Size does matter! The smaller the lump, the better the odds are for thriving and surviving. In fact, the 15-year survival exceeds 88%! https:// mammacare.org/breast-cancer-early-detection/
To order your own training model, visit http:// mybreastfriend.com/
Thermography, also known as “digital infrared thermographic imaging” (DITI), offers the opportunity of very early detection of breast disease over and above breast self-exams and mammography alone. Is it 100% accurate all of the time? No. But neither are mammograms and ultrasounds.
Thermography is a non-invasive test of physiology. It does not diagnose cancer but it can alert your doctor to changes that could indicate early stages of breast disease. When used in conjunction with other procedures, you get the best possible evaluation of breast health.586
Here is an over-simpliSication of how DITI works:
586 http://thermologyonline.org/Research/Breast/Case%20Study.pdf
● Your body emits heat that is picked up and recorded with the DITI camera.
● When there is inSlammation, more heat is generated. (Think of a swollen ankle or knee after a sports injury.)
● More heat is registered by the camera and translated into an image through specialized, computer software.
● Increased inSlammation in the breast can be a result of angiogenesis, or the formation of new blood vessels that are feeding a tumor. With increasing evidence that inSlammation often enhances tumor growth, DITI may have considerable beneSicial value587 in the prognosis due to early detection.
● These abnormal heat patterns are among the earliest signs of a developing cancer, according to the late Dr. William Hobbins, M.D., a board certiSied thermologist and Fellow of the American Board of Surgeons. 588 Before his death, he had been performing DITI for over 35 years.
In a study conducted at the University of Louis Pasteur589 in France, research scientists concluded that “Thermography is useful not only as a predictor of risk factor for cancer but also to assess the more rapidly growing neoplasms.”
Angiogenesis590 is present in more than 90% of non-palpable tumors and 100% of palpable lesions, according to Dr. P. Gamagami, M.D., a radiologist at the Breast Center in Van Nuys, CA. He found that increased vascularity from enlarged arteries were vascular markers for breast cancers as small as 5 mm (0.2 inches). His group has found that tumor angiogenesis causes “hot spots in the affected breast, even in the absence of recognized signs of developing cancer.”
This is very encouraging information for breast cancer prevention and treatment. Imagine being able to nip cancer in the bud by proactively lowering inSlammation with lifestyle changes and epigenetic nutrition. Think of the impact this could have on breast cancer mortality rates, since the majority of breast cancers are already a palpable mass when discovered.
587 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ijc.11618
588 http://thermologyonline.org/Research/Breast/beating-breast-cancer.pdf
589 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7351006
590 http://thermologyonline.org/Research/Breast/Angiogenisis.pdf
The 7 Essentials System® 267
Thermography seems to spot active pre-cancerous breast signs some 6 to 8 years before any palpable mass appears. 591
A 2008 study in the American Journal of Surgery found that thermography had a 97% sensitivity rating for discovering malignancies, sometimes several years before a visible a tumor has ever formed.592 Thermography can also be a good screening choice for those who have dense breasts. But if there is a well-established tumor that is encased with a hard capsule, thermographic changes may not be seen.
In addition to very early detection, DITI offers many other beneSits. There is NO radiation, NO compression, NO pain, and NO touching.
To learn more about the beneSits of thermography and to Sind approved thermography clinics, visit the American College of Clinical Thermography.593
“My level of confusion has calmed down greatly with The 7 Essentials®. It is still early in my journey, but my thermography shows a large reduction in my in[lammation.” K.B..
Ultrasound is another tool to help you monitor your breast tissue. It is non-invasive and painless.
An ultrasound cannot diagnose cancer, but it can be a great indicator of what is happening in the breast tissue and lymph nodes, as well as the size of a suspicious lump. A suspicious lump may be Sluid-Silled (a benign cyst) or a solid lump which may be a benign Sibro-adenoma or a cancerous lesion
It may be difSicult to get an ultrasound without having to have a mammogram, but if you insist or Sind a more compliant doctor that will support your request, then you can add this to your monitoring tools.
Personally, I love ultrasound. I have seen some pretty amazing changes in my lymph nodes for example. During my second healing journey, I went from four inSlamed lymph nodes in my left arm pit to only one, and it became a granuloma. This is a calciSied lymph node
592 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0002961008004753
593 http://thermologyonline.org/Breast/breast_thermography_clinics.htm
that is no longer "active." It forms when immune cells surround the node as a result of foreign invaders or an infection.
Are you really cancer-free? I have seen too many women suffer with a recurrence of breast cancer, after they have been told that they were “cancer-free.”
According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, the highest risk of recurrence for breast cancer is during the Sirst two years following treatment.594
Routine testing such as mammograms, MRI’s and PET scans are the typical ways conventional medicine monitors women after their treatment. But a PET scan will not pick up anything smaller than four millimeters. An ultrasound seems to be the best accurate predictor of tumor size.595 And randomized controlled trials have found that routine testing for distant metastatic disease provides no beneKit in survival or health-related quality of life.596
Not only is this type of testing costly, it is very damaging at the same time. CT scans and mammograms emit serious amounts of radiation that can lead to DNA damage in an already compromised and weak body. They also produce more breast cancer stem cells, which are often very resistant to future treatment.
Fortunately, there are many sensitive blood tests, often called “liquid biopsies”, that can help you keep a pulse on what is going on in your body before another lump or bump is found.
These tests are powerful for early detection of an initial cancer or a recurrence. But conventional medicine is not interested in real prevention or early detection. They would not know what to do with very early signs of cancer since their approach is to destroy visible tumors.
The conventional cancer marker blood tests that are run for breast cancer are CA 15-3, CA 27.29, and CEA, a marker for the presence of lung, colon, and liver cancer, and to see if the breast cancer has spread. Unfortunately, these markers are not always reliable, as I have often seen women with active breast cancer with “normal”
594 https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/breast_center/breast_cancers_other_conditions/ breast_cancer_recurrence/
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5566672/ 595
The 7 Essentials System® 269
cancer markers. These tests measure less well-deSined cancer proteins or antigens and tend to be inconsistent and are elevated only in the late stage of the disease.
If the very sensitive blood tests described below were part of the normal screening process, I believe many more lives would be saved. Would it not be advantageous to the patient to discover cancer production on a cellular level instead of discovering it as a tumor in an advanced stage?
“Progressive improvements. Excellent guidance and information. Remember to pace yourself and give yourself lots of love!” M.H.
Many countries are making use of this sensitive technology and are moving forward based on scientiSic evidence that these tests are beneSicial and can prevent suffering and save lives.
Remember that none of these tests are “diagnostic” in themselves. The only way cancer can be truly diagnosed is with a biopsy and tissue sample of the area in question.
Some of these tests can be delivered to your home and you can have the blood drawn through your doctor’s lab or any other public lab that offers that service.
Here are a few tests that you may consider, (in alphabetical order):
This is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands that plays a vital role in hormonal balance and youthful vitality. According to Dr. Schandl of American Metabolic Laboratories597, DHEA-S is an antistress, pro-immunity, and longevity hormone. Studies have shown that low levels of DHEA-S are associated with inSlammatory disorders, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Most cancer patients and those developing cancer have low serum DHEA-S levels.
Genomic testing or DNA testing uses a swab sample from your mouth rather than a blood sample. It evaluates genetic variants and gives you a glimpse into the potential of a healthy or diseased future. The old school of thought was you inherited “bad” genes from your parents and you inevitably acquired the disease. The new paradigm
597 http://americanmetaboliclaboratories.net/
shift, thanks to the advances in epigenetics, tells us that our genes may predispose us to a particular disease, but we have the power to change that expression with speciSic nutrients and lifestyle changes.
DNA testing allows you to create preventative strategies and points to speciKic nutrients that would give you optimal support. It reveals your body’s antioxidant defense as either weak or strong. It can evaluate your inSlammatory responses and how well your body can detoxify environmental toxins. It will help you understand your hormonal metabolic pathways and how your body responds to stress.
DNA testing is deSinitely the preventive medicine of the future. Here is a partial list of DNA tests I have experimented with:
1. Nutrition Genome: This test maps out your genetic weaknesses and strengths and shows you how to optimize your health through speciSic dietary recommendations and lifestyle changes.598
2. 23andme: This seems to be the most popular and reasonably priced DNA test. It gives you some basic information, but you need to take it one step further by ordering another program to decipher your genetic variants.599
3. Smart DNA: This is an Australian-based company I have recommended for many years. I like their test because it has an explanation of how to best support your genetic weaknesses. It is a great broad overview that can tell you if you need more liver detoxiSication support, problems with Vitamin D, C, or E absorption, tendency towards oxidative stress, etc. This test has to be ordered by a doctor.
To check for excess iron, ask your doctor for a serum ferritin blood test. Ferritin is a protein in your cells that stores and releases iron as needed. Studies show that longevity increases when ferritin levels are lower than 80 to 90 nanograms per milliliter. Those with breast and other cancers often have higher than normal serum ferritin levels.600
600 http://www.irondisorders.org/Websites/idi/Siles/Content/1050668/ ST%20four%20tests.pdf
The 7 Essentials System® 271
The struggle with oncology is that doctors have used a “one-size-Sitsall” approach. As a result, drugs too often fail, with life altering consequences. The Greece test allows doctors to personalize treatment.
This blood test had its origin in Greece by Dr. I. Papasotiriou, medical director of R.G.C.C. Group (Research Genetic Cancer Center).601 It uses state of the art technology to determine the genes that are responsible for the growth and survival of the tumor. It tests the chemo-sensitivity of circulating tumor cells and cancer stem cells to see which chemotherapies are most effective in killing off these cells. It also checks over 50 natural medicines and nutrients that can kill cancer cells and stimulate the immune system. It will even determine if the cancer is sensitive to radiotherapy and hyperthermia.
Contact RGCC USA to Sind a doctor in your area.
Homocysteine is an amino acid produced by the body as a by-product of protein breakdown. High levels are an indication that there is poor methylation or metabolic breakdown because of defective MTHFR genes, poor diet, and gastro-intestinal issues. High levels are associated with increased risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease but are also an indication that there may be a methylation issue, leading to improper estrogen metabolism.
Although not related to cancer directly, high homocysteine602 levels play an important role in breast cancer development.603 Elevated homocysteine levels are associated with breast cancer progression.604
A few years ago, I discovered I had “off the charts” high homocysteine levels despite being an avid runner, exerciser, and excellent eater. I was shocked but grateful since that discovery led to a whole new understanding of breast cancer. It was through that process that I discovered methylation and the MTHFR gene mutation.
601 http://www.atmctx.com/cancer-test/
602 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24023349
603 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24166605
604 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23934182
Dr. Nasha Winters, best-selling author of The Metabolic Approach to Cancer and CEO of Optimal Terrain Consulting, recommends three vital blood tests that anyone healing from cancer should get done at least every quarter.
According to Winters, these three tests may be able help you determine if you are “cancering” (have active cancer) or not. They may be the best way to know if your strategy for healing is working or whether you need a change in direction. Here is her “Trifecta.”
1. Highly Sensitive C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP). The hsCRP test determines the level of overall inSlammation in your body. For a long time, CRP was just used as a marker for heart disease, but now research has shown that it is also a critical marker for cancer. It is known to be cause of inSlammation as well.
The hs-CRP test can also be an indicator of your prognosis. A 2011Danish study published in the journal Cancer Research found that, of roughly 3,000 women with invasive breast cancer surveyed, those with elevated Creactive protein levels had the highest mortality rates from the disease.
2. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR). This is a long name for a fairly simple and relatively inexpensive test. The ESR test also measures inSlammation levels that may be caused by infection, autoimmune conditions or cancer tumors. It does this by looking at the “clumping rate” of red blood cells. As far back as the late 1999’s, research has indicated a correlation between high ESR levels and cancer.
3. Lactic Acid Dehydrogenase (LDH). LDH is an enzyme that is found in all living cells. The LDH test measures how much LDH is in the blood. It correlates with tissue damage in most major organs as well as in the blood cells and muscles. High levels of LDH are associated with various diseases such as liver, heart and cancer. According to a 2016 report in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, high levels of serum LDH is a bio-marker for breast cancer.
The 7 Essentials System® 273
Many genetic tests look for either DNA mutations or circulating tumor cells to determine the presence of cancer. IvyGene, on the other hand, measures DNA methylation at targeted sites in the body. It uses advanced DNA sequencing to detect the DNA methylation pattern of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) in blood samples to conSirm the presence of cancer. The IvyGene test lets you know with great accuracy if cancer is present. It also gives good information about the speciSic disease type.
Proper methylation is extremely important for preventing breast cancer and other diseases associated with hormone imbalance. Of course, cancer cells have a completely different methylation process from that of healthy cells.605 When methylation is abnormal or turned off, healthy genes can get “turned off” while unhealthy ones get “turned on.” The IvyGene test uses this difference to its advantage.
The IvyGene Test can be ordered through a qualiSied physician. Their website has a list of U.S.-based physicians who order the test.606
Nagalase is an enzyme secreted from cancer cells during “tumor invasion” and when your body has a high viral load. It prevents cellular vitamin D receptors from functioning properly. And it targets your immune system by putting macrophages to sleep.
Nagalase is not secreted by healthy cells.607 This means an elevated reading for the presence of the enzyme may indicate that cancer cells are multiplying and dividing in your body.
The good news is that Nagalase tests are very sensitive. This test can determine if this enzyme is present in your system years before a large tumor becomes evident. That puts time on your side.
For more information regarding Nagalase testing, contact the Health Diagnostics and Research Institute at lab@vitdiag.com.
Please note that this test is used for “research purposes” only and is not considered a diagnostic test in the world of traditional medicine.
605 https://www.nature.com/articles/ncponc0354
606 https://www.ivygenelabs.com/listings/
607 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=8665521
Natural killer (NK) cells are lymphocytes that respond to cells infected with viruses and to the formation of tumors. They can also produce chemicals that directly kill cancer cells. The stronger your NK cells, the stronger your immune system.
Detecting low thyroid activity is very important for preventing and healing breast cancer. A high TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) may indicate that the thyroid is sluggish and not responding to stimulation. A helpful thyroid panel would include TSH, T4, T3, and Free T4.
VEGF - Vascular endothelial growth factor
(VEGF) promotes the growth of new blood vessels. That’s beneSicial for growing babies and healing injuries. But VEGF also increases the blood supply to solid tumors. Cancers that express VEGF are able to grow and metastasize to other parts of the body. Overexpression of VEGF is linked to a poor outcome in breast cancer. Measuring VEGF is a helpful way to understand your prognosis.
Higher serum levels of vitamin D3 are associated with lower cancer risks and improved survival rates. You can ask your doctor to include this test in your regular blood work or you can order a simple spot test you can do in the privacy of your home.
Saliva testing measures the hormones that are bio-available versus the hormones in the blood that are attached to a protein. These protein-bound hormones comprise 95% of the hormones in the blood, yet they are bio-unavailable. They don’t Sit in the “key-hole” of the receptor site on the cell.
Conversely, hormones that can be Siltered through the salivary glands are not bound to a large protein. They have been shown to be more
The 7 Essentials System® 275
bio-available and thus represent a more accurate picture of hormone levels.
Saliva can reveal the balance of many intricate systems of your body, including your hormones, adrenal function, and neurotransmitters. These hormones are functionally interrelated, meaning that one set of hormones affects the other. If one is out of balance, it will cascade into creating imbalance with the others. Although saliva tests are not “diagnostic” for cancer, they give you much insight as to the stress that may have led to the development of breast cancer. Saliva testing may be useful if you are experiencing some of the following symptoms:
● Depression and anxiety
● Insomnia and fatigue
● Chronic illness and immune deSiciencies
● PMS, menopause and andropause (yes, men go through menopause, too)
● Weight gain and thyroid issues
● The urine estrogen methylation test is designed to assess the risk of estrogen-related diseases. This 24-hour homebased urine test measures various estrogens and estrogen metabolites. It will indicate whether you are breaking down and metabolizing estrogen properly. If you are not methylating estrogen properly, the accumulation of more aggressive estrogens may result in an increased risk of breast cancer. The Essential Estrogens Test from Genova Diagnostics can give you much insight into the metabolism of your estrogen pathways.
● The urine iodine test is simple and you can do it in the privacy of your home. As discussed in Chapter 6, iodine is an anti-proliferative agent and contributes to the health of normal breast tissue. Low iodine levels and weak thyroids have been connected to an increase in breast cancer. Iodine testing is fundamental to preventing and healing breast cancer.
● The Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones (the DUTCH test) is another urine test that can also give you insight into your hormone balance.
The 7 Essentials System® 277
One of the questions I hear most often is, “Other than mammograms, what tests do you recommend for TRUE prevention and very early detection for breast cancer?”
First and foremost: do not guess when it comes to your health! I encourage you to work with an integrative functional doctor, naturopath, or chiropractor, or one of our 7 Essentials CertiSied Coaches who can walk you through The 7 Essentials System® for breast health.
As you can see there are many tests to support breast health. Here are the Sive that I believe every woman should get. These are the same Sive tests I personally use to monitor my own breast health.
#1 Thermography
No single tool can be 100% accurate, but I believe that thermography is one of the best non-invasive tests for very early detection. I recommend that most women on a healthy breast program get a thermography screening on an annual basis. Contact the American College of Clinical Thermology for more information.
#2 Vitamin D
Vitamin D can “activate or deactivate” genes that affect dozens of functions, including nutrient absorption, cell proliferation, and cancer growth or suppression. Most Americans suffer from low vitamin D levels because of sedentary indoor lifestyles and poor diets. A simple blood test or Singer prick can measure your vitamin D levels to let you know if you are deSicient.
#3 Iodine
Iodine is food for the thyroid and mammary tissue. Lack of iodine may lead to breast cancer and other cancers because all glandular tissues (thyroid, breasts, ovaries, prostate and colon) rely on healthy iodine levels to function properly. For these reasons, I encourage you to have your iodine levels checked with a simple 24-hour urine test.
#4 Estrogen Methylation
Methylation is a process where hormones are metabolized and then broken down into other vital substances. Poor methylation and liver clearance of aggressive estrogens may be a contributing factor in the development of breast cancer. Your estrogen methylation pathways can be measured by a simple at-home urine test.
#5 IvyGene
Of course, there are many more valid tests that can be implemented in your preventative or healing regime. I sometimes use a urine test to measure potential enzyme deSiciencies. Periodically checking for Epstein Barr, CMV, herpes, and Candida antigens is also beneSicial. Other tests that I have found beneSicial in revealing key imbalances that may be contributing to ill health include:
• Biocept. This “liquid biopsy” gives doctors a way to rapidly detect and monitor cancer biomarkers.608
• Viome and Ubiome. There is no one-size-Sits-all diet for your gut health. These at-home test kits help you understand what nutrients and toxins are being produced by your gut microbiome. You receive food and nutrient recommendations on your phone or computer.609
• Nutrition Genome. This at home test lets you know what food sensitivities you might have based on your DNA. The report maps out your genetic strengths and weaknesses. It shows you how to optimize your food and nutrition choices and your environment to improve your unique gene expression.610
• Blood sugar levels. Simple blood tests can check for insulin resistance. These tests include fasting glucose, fasting insulin, and HbA1C.
As advances are made in integrated oncology practices, hopefully tests like these will be regularly recommended and prescribed.
“Thanks to the 7 Essentials, I feel better than I have in years. Physically for sure, but emotionally I have grown leaps and bounds.” A.L.
1. Cancer cases are expected to surge over 57% worldwide. About 1 out of 3 women and 1 out of 2 men are destined to develop some form of cancer in their lifetime.
608 https://biocept.com/our-technology/
609 https://www.viome.com/
610 https://nutritiongenome.com/
The 7 Essentials System® 279
2. Mammograms do NOT reduce breast cancer mortality rates or prevent breast cancer. True prevention involves applying all the principles in The 7 Essentials System®.
3. Getting an annual mammogram for 10 years delivers the same radiation exposure as you would have gotten just one mile from the epicenter of the atom bomb in Hiroshima.
4. Compression from a mammogram can potentially rupture small tumors and cause malignant cells to spread throughout the body.
5. Abnormal heat patterns are among the earliest signs of developing cancer. Thermography can spot breast changes 6 to 8 years before any palpable mass appears.
6. Several very sensitive blood tests can detect cancer at an early stage, before a tumor mass appears.
7. The Greece Test can tell whether a cancer is sensitive to different types of chemotherapy as well as whether over 50 natural medicines and nutrients can kill cancer cells and stimulate the immune system.
1. Make a conscious decision to be proactive with prevention by following The 7 Essentials System®.
2. Review the referenced links about mammography and make an informed decision about future screenings.
3. Read up on thermography on the ACCT web site. Find a certiSied thermographer in your area and ask questions.
4. Decide which preventive blood tests would work best for you and your budget. If you are on a healing journey, many of the suggested tests can give you a base line to help you measure the progress you are making.
5. Next time you have regular blood work done through your medical doctor, ask about the “trifecta” of tests to
determine if you have active cancer. The three tests include highly sensitive C-reactive protein; erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR); and lactic acid dehydrogenase (LDH).
6. Make sure your vitamin D3 levels are in the upper range, near 80 ng/ml.
7. Learn more about DNA testing and add it to your testing list.
For a resource list on Essential #7, head to: https:// breastcancerconqueror.com/bookgifts
The 7 Essentials System® 281
“Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterKly.”
There are no accidents in the Slow of life. I never imagined that I would face a second healing journey with breast cancer.
Almost 10 years after I had reversed breast cancer the Sirst time, I faced another lump and another journey. This recurrence was more difSicult for me than the Sirst. I say more difSicult because by 2015, I was the face of Breast Cancer Conqueror. How could I conSidently tell women that they could heal when I was facing breast cancer for a second time?
There was such an internal struggle for several years. I wanted to stand in integrity and be honest about what I was experiencing, but at the same time I wanted to wait for the right timing to share my journey. And the right time would be when I was conSident that I had once again healed and reversed breast cancer naturally. It was a driving force that kept me going. I wanted to prove to myself and others, that vibrant health was attainable, even if you are faced with a dis-ease like cancer.
I focused on the 5 C’s:
1) Clarity – I got very clear about my intention about healing. I got very clear about cancer’s proSile, its strengths and its weaknesses.
2) ConXidence – Once I gained clarity, then I could have the conSidence that the protocols that I was following were going to be successful.
3) Commitment – I had to be committed, even when there were times of doubt and shame. I did the work, even when I did not “feel” like it. I made the needed changes that would insure success.
4) Coaching – I created a healing team that consisted of medical doctors, naturopaths, EFT coaches, audio books, family and a few close friends.
5) Community – I became even more passionate about creating community for women on a healing journey with breast cancer, because I too felt like the lone ranger at times. Connecting with women who were on the same journey and seeing successful results, gave me even more conSidence as I moved forward.
I ask you to follow this same path.
The 7 Essentials System® 283
If you have read through all the material and taken the time to read some of the cited references, you now have a greater understanding of the irrefutable Laws of Nature. Disease can only manifest itself when your body is out of balance and has tipped the scale to ill health.
Nature is very forgiving and very loving. All we have to do to restore health in the body is to be in sync with the natural laws and treat our bodies and minds with respect.
I am so grateful for everything that my healing journeys have taught me.
I have learned to live with joy and a state of happiness.
I have learned to be kind to myself and to practice compassion for myself and others.
I have learned to be more forgiving of myself and others.
I have learned to manage stress and refuse to allow stress to have the upper hand.
I have let go of the past and released the “stories” that no longer serve me.
I have discovered balance and a renewed sense of purpose. I take the time to meditate and pray.
This book is a “work of heart.” I know I may not be the most expressive and eloquent writer. What I have endeavored to create, however, is a book that will Sill you with hope. Knowledge is power, and my prayer for you is that one thought or one Essential from this book shifts your life for the better. If that happens, then my mission has been accomplished.
Whether you want to prevent breast cancer or are on a healing journey with breast cancer, the underlying message is the same. You can learn to heal your body on all levels. If you nourish your body, calm your mind, and nurture your soul, chances are you will heal and recover.
Remember that healing is a journey with no ultimate destination. It may be baby steps at Sirst. But if you push forward with faith and courage, you will emerge as a beautifully transformed “new you.”
Even though the cocoon may feel dark and cramped, and the caterpillar may fear what comes next, the caterpillar trusts the process and the Laws of Nature. With that trust and patience, it emerges as a totally transformed and elegant new being.
You, too, can trust the Laws of Nature by applying The 7 Essentials System®. In doing so, I pray that your life is Silled with vibrant health and a renewed sense of joyful living.
With much love and gratitude,
Dr. V.
The 7 Essentials System® 285
“Flap” Reconstruction 53 ...............
“heme” iron 73 ....................................
“live” food 91 .......................................
“Silver” Sillings 39 ..............................
2MEO 148, 149 ...................................
2-methoxyestradiol 148 .................
4-hydroxy-trans-2-nonenal 80 ....
4-MBC 107 ............................................
6-shogaol 56, 235 ..............................
ABM 219, 220, 221 ............................
acetaldehyde 82, 124 .....................
acetone 52 ............................................
acetyl-l-carnitine 25 .........................
acidic 64, 65, 79, 103 .......................
Acidic Foods 65 ...................................
acidity 16, 129 ....................................
acrylamide 32 ......................................
Action Steps For Your Healing Journey 60, 104, 135, 155, ....... 182, 194, 288
acupuncture 12, 36, 138, 140, ..... 155, 171
Acupuncture 140, 155 ...................
acupuncture meridian system .... 36, 140, 188
acupuncture meridians 12, 172 .. additives 31, 235 ................................
adrenal glands 37, 274 .................... adrenaline 163, 164 ..........................
Advanced Glycation End Products 72 ....................................
aSlatoxins 87 ........................................ agaricus 128 .........................................
Agaricus Blazei Murill 220 .............
agave 30 .................................................
Agave 67 ................................................
AGEs 72 .................................................
aging 71, 147, 207 ............................. AHA! moment 16, 44, 208 .............. ALA 93, 217, 240 ................................ alcohol 40, 65, 67, 81, 82, 127, .... 130, 152, 235, 252 alkaline 64, 65, 79 .............................
Alkaline Foods 65 .............................. alkaline water 79 ............................... allicin 206 .............................................
Almond Slour 101 .............................. almond milk 68, 94 ........................... almonds 69, 88 ................................... Almonds 90, 91 ...................................
Alpha estrogen receptors 241 ...... alpha lipoic acid 93, 240 ................. alpha-lipoic acid 25 .......................... ALS 34 ..................................................... alternative medicine 38 .................. alternatives to sugar 67 aluminum 107, 118, 120, 135, .... 190, 211 Aluminum 118, 120 ........................ aluminum foil 118 ............................. Alzheimer's 34, 118 .......................... amalgams 117, 183, 185, 186, .... 187, 188, 191, 193, 194 American Cancer Society 20, 58, 107, 153, 265
American College of Clinical Thermology 284 ............................ amino acid 40, 277 ............................ amino acids 116, 132 ....................... amygdala 171 ...................................... amygdalin 218, 230 ..........................
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) 51 .........................................
anger 23, 38, 160, 161, 162, 168, 170, 173 angiogenesis 12, 163, 204, 206, . 213, 214, 223, 245, 249, 257, 270
Angiostop 243 ..................................... animal protein 72, 96 .......................
Anne Louise Gittleman 126 ........... antagonist 45 ....................................... anthocyanins 200 ............................... anti-angiogenic 149, 245, 246 ..... antibiotic-free 73, 104 ..................... antibiotics 31, 149, 183 .................. anti-cancer 85, 89, 90, 197, 200, 202, 206, 207, 215, 216, 217, 218, 222, 223, 224, 225, 227, 237, 253, 255, 259, 260 anti-fungal 95 antioxidant 23, 95, 115, 154, ....... 197, 200, 201, 207, 212, 213, 217, 240, 243, 244, 246, 247, 275 antioxidants 23, 42, 81, 90, 91, ... 92, 200, 204, 207, 218, 240, 244, 246, 247 antiperspirants 120, 135 ................ Antiperspirants 107, 120 ............... anti-tumor 198, 220, 255, 256 ..... anxiety 165, 172, 176, 186, 221, 282
apigenin 87 .........................................
Apigenin 231 ....................................... apitherapy 198 ................................... api-toxin 198 ....................................... apoptosis 56, 89, 92, 95, 151, ...... 153, 155, 163, 197, 198, 199, 200, 202, 206, 216, 224, 230, 232, 234, 236, 240, 241, 243, 244, 256, 257 apple cider vinegar 134 .................. apples 89, 112, 241, 246 ................. apricot kernels 229, 230 ................. Apricot Power 230 ............................ Argentyn 231 .......................................
Arimidex 45 ......................................... Aromasin 45 ......................................... aromatase inhibitors 45, 46, 92, 99, 215, 244 arsenic 118, 135 ................................. Artecin 229, 231 ................................. Artemesia 224 ................................... Artemisinin 231 ................................. artiSicial colorings 31 ....................... artiSicial sweeteners 67 .................. aspartame 71 ....................................... ATP 25, 240 .......................................... autoimmune disease 67 .................. autoimmune diseases 31, 188 ..... autophagy 25, 134 ............................. avocado 80, 88, 101 .......................... avocados 113, 208 ............................. axillary nodes 49 ................................ Ayurvedic 192 ..................................... B vitamins 43, 226 B17 218, 229, 230 ............................. bacteria 33, 53, 65, 70, 78, 95, 97, 98, 125, 127, 128, 131, 184, 187, 188, 189, 199, 226 Bacteria 127, 193 ............................... baking soda 65, 93, 104, 134 ........ BCSC 56, 199 ........................................ BCSCs 54, 55, 56 ................................. Be Grateful 177 ................................... beans 92, 100, 211, 219, 239 ........ bee glue 198 ....................................... Bee Products 198 ............................... bee putty 198 ..................................... bee venom 198 ................................... beebread 198 ...................................... beer 65, 81, 82 .................................... beeswax 115, 198 .............................. BeneGene 229, 231 ........................... benzene 107, 124 .............................. Berberine 231 ..................................... berries 30, 89, 246 ............................ Beta 1, 3D Glucan 221 ...................... beta carotene 217 .............................. beta estrogen receptors 241 ......... Beta glucans 221, 259 ...................... Beta-glucans 220 ...............................
The 7 Essentials System® 287
beta-glucuronidase 226 ..................
betaine 96 .............................................
betaine HCl 96 .....................................
bGH 31, 75 ............................................
Bio-Active Nutritionals 224 ...........
Biocept 286 .........................................
Bio-energetic meridian testing ... 138
bio-energetic testing 11, 12, ........ 109, 191
bioidentical hormones 147, 148 .
Bio-Initiative Report 34 ...............
biologic dentist 184 ..........................
biological clock 150 ..........................
biological dentistry 184, 185, ...... 191
Biological Dentistry 140, 183, ..... 191
Biological Dentists 191 ...................
BioMat 135, 250, 251, 255, 260 biopsies 43, 49, 187 .......................... biopsy 5, 49, 274 biotin 25 ................................................
biotoxins 53 .........................................
birth control 21, 107 ........................
birth defects 70 ..................................
bisphenol A 116 .................................
Bisphenol A 78 .................................... black walnut 126 ............................... blending 85, 87, 104 .........................
blood brain barrier 34 ..................... blood clots 46 ......................................
blood pressure 110 ...........................
blood root 230, 232, 259 ................ blood sugar 40, 71, 86 ..................... blood-brain barrier 74, 111 .......... bloodstream 33, 49, 102, 119, .... 124, 129, 133, 135, 144, 205, 212, 213, 222, 245, 249 blueberries 56, 69, 199, 200, ....... 212, 246
BLV 127 ..................................................
body care products 33, 121, 136 bone 15, 46, 124, 132, 187, 189, 190
bone mineral density 46 .................
bottled water 78, 101, 103, 108 .. Bottled Water 78 ................................
Bovine growth hormone 31 .......... bovine growth hormones 75 ..... bovine leukemia virus 127 ............ bowel movements 128 .................... BPA 78, 101, 107, 115, 116 ............ bra 35, 124, 132 ................................. brain 25, 30, 34, 37, 39, 42, 46, ... 47, 51, 55, 68, 74, 92, 108, 109, 110, 111, 124, 138, 139, 151, 164, 172, 173, 175, 180, 212, 214, 232
Bras 124, 132 ......................................
Bravo Co-op 223 ................................. Brazil nuts 91 ...................................... BRCA 215 .............................................. breads 29, 65, 66 ................................ Breast Cancer Awareness 58 ........ breast cancer drugs 58 breast cancer healing journey ..... 42, 59
breast cancer risk 20, 47, 71, 77, 82, 84, 90, 93, 96, 108, 147, 148, 163, 203, 204, 214, 228, 236, 238, 247
breast cancer stem cells 54, 56 Breast cancer stem cells 55 ........... breast implants 50 ............................ breast reconstruction surgery .... 50
breast reconstructive surgery 53 breast self-exam 268 ........................ Brocco Power 43, 202 ...................... broccoli sprouts 23, 43, 56, 201, 202, 260
Broccoli sprouts 85, 202, 208, .... 259
bromelain 234 ................................... broths 65 ...............................................
Bruce Lipton 171 ............................... BSE 268 .................................................. burdock 131 ......................................... Burdock 224 ....................................... burst training 154, 156, 208 ......... BX Protocol 248 ..................................
C.W. Douglas Brodie, M.D. 38 ........ CA 15-3 273 ......................................... CA 27.29 273 .......................................
cabbage 88, 113, 204 ....................... cacao 246, 247 .................................... cafestol 42, 129 ................................... calcium 75, 111, 217, 218 .............. calcium oxalate 131 .......................... calorie restriction 25, 133 ............. cancer cells 12, 27, 30, 44, 46, ..... 47, 48, 49, 50, 54, 55, 56, 65, 66, 74, 78, 87, 89, 92, 95, 99, 106, 111, 127, 128, 129, 132, 135, 141, 143, 144, 149, 151, 155, 162, 187, 193, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 204, 206, 213, 214, 215, 220, 222, 223, 224, 228, 230, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 246, 247, 249, 250, 251, 253, 254, 255, 257, 258, 259, 260, 265, 276, 280, 281, 287
Cancer Loves Acidic Food 64 ........ Cancer Personality 161, 182 ......... cancer stem cells 40, 55, 56, ........ 199, 200, 213, 216, 235, 236, 242, 250, 273, 276
cancer triggers 60 .............................. candida 95, 207 ..................................
Candida 87, 128, 285 .......................
Candida albicans 87 ..........................
Candida Albicans 128 ...................... candidiasis 87 ..................................... cannabidiol 237 ..................................
cannabinoid 237 ................................ canola 70, 71, 80, 101 ......................
Capsular contracture 51 .................
Carb-free Miracle Noodles 101 .... carbohydrates 28, 66, 74, 234 ...... carbs 25, 26, 30, 68, 72, 74, 75 ..... carcinogenic 32, 33, 43, 52, 53, .. 58, 76, 82, 99, 118, 119, 120, 122, 124, 135, 146, 211, 236, 239
carcinogens 32, 65, 112, 117, ...... 119, 120, 121, 132, 206 carotenoids 82 .................................... Cashews 91 ........................................... Castor oil packs 134 ......................... cat’s claw 224 ...................................... cavitations 183, 184, 189 ............... Cavitations 189 ................................... CBD 229, 237, 238, 255, 260 ........ CDC 106, 121, 126, 190 ................... CEA 273 ................................................. celery 87, 131 ..................................... cell membranes 31, 34, 111 .......... cell phone 34, 35, 109, 111, 116, 135, 239 cell phone radiation 34 ................... cell proliferation 78, 110, 238, .... 249, 257, 284 cell towers 34, 109, 110, 135 ........ cellphones 21 cellular damage 36 ............................ Centers for Disease Control 123 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 190 .............................. CFL 117 .................................................. chaga 128, 222 .................................... chamomile 235 ................................... Charred Meats 66 .............................. chemical warfare 44 ......................... chemicals 19, 31, 32, 33, 58, 67, . 76, 77, 78, 84, 103, 105, 106, 107, 108, 112, 113, 115, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 129, 135, 136, 145, 201, 262, 281 chemo 11, 43, 44, 45, 55, 102, ..... 221, 241, 251, 252, 258, 276 chemotherapy 27, 43, 44, 45, 49, 54, 55, 79, 133, 151, 154, 167, 172, 196, 202, 206, 225, 226, 234, 235, 240, 244, 250, 251, 252, 265, 287 Chemotherapy 45 .............................. Chernobyl nuclear disaster 79 ..... chi 188, 194, 244 ............................... chicory root 130 .................................
The 7 Essentials System® 289
China Study 72 ....................................
chiropractic 10, 12, 139, 140, ...... 155
Chiropractic 5, 139, 317, 318 .......
chlorella 87, 133, 192 ......................
Chlorella 132, 133, 192 ................... chlorophyll 86, 87, 133, 212, ....... 218
Chlorophyll 86 ....................................
cholesterol 31, 95 ..............................
Chromotherapy 144 .........................
cilantro 88 ............................................. cinnamon 69, 94, 131, 235 ............
circadian rhythm 150 ...................... cirrhosis 81 ..........................................
citrus 90, 192, 213, 214, 246 ........
Clean Fifteen 113 .............................
cleaning products 113, 114 ...........
Cleaning Products 113 ....................
Clothing 123, 124 cloves 69 ................................................
coal tar 119
cocoa 247 ..............................................
Cocoamidopropyl 33 ........................ Coconut 65 ............................................
coconut milk 98, 99 ..........................
coconut oil 69, 80, 94, 95, 101, ... 193
Coconut oil 95 .....................................
coffee 42, 81, 101, 129, 130, ........ 208, 258
coffee enemas 129, 130, 208, ...... 258
Coffee Enemas 129 ............................
cognitive deSicits 46 ..........................
colon 44, 46, 52, 72, 74, 90, 119, 128, 129, 130, 134, 212, 273, 285
colon cancer 46, 74 ...........................
Color therapy 144 ..............................
colostrum 222, 223 ...........................
Colostrum-LD™ 222 ......................... compact Sluorescent light bulb ... 118
conjugated linoleic acid 96 ............
Conscious Eating 102 .......................
constipation 86, 185 ......................... Conventional Cancer Treatments 54 ................................ conventional treatment 54 ............ cookware 118 ......................................
Co-Q 10 232 ......................................... CoQ10 25 ............................................... cordless phones 34 ........................... corn 27, 29, 30, 67, 70, 71, 80, .... 87, 101, 113 cortisol 37, 38, 108, 135, 164, ..... 211
Cosmetics 120, 123 ........................... cotton 70, 121, 122, 134 ................. COX-2 241 ............................................. cranberry juice 131 .......................... crowns 60 ............................................. cruciferous vegetables 64, 84, ..... 85, 104, 201, 203, 208, 259 Cruciferous vegetables 84, 103 Cruciferous Vegetables 84 ............. Cryo-Ablation 248 C-Statin 232 .......................................... CT scans 47, 273 ................................ CT Scans 47 .......................................... cumin 131 .............................................
Curatron 143 ....................................... curcumin 23, 56, 202, 203, 250, . 259
Curcumin 197, 202, 207, 256 ....... cyanide 230 .......................................... cyclooxygenase-2 241 ..................... cyclophosphamide 225 ................... CYP1B1 243 ......................................... cyst 43 .................................................... cysticercosis 126 ................................ cytokines 190, 223, 225 .................. cytotoxic 45, 92, 143, 151, 163, 220, 257 cytotoxicity 198, 235 ...................... cytotoxin 111 ....................................... Cytoxan 225 ......................................... D3 95, 223, 229, 281, 288 .............. dairy 31, 75, 76, 101, 103, 107, .. 127, 217, 219 Dairy 65, 66, 75 ..................................
Dairy products 65 ..............................
dandelion 131 .....................................
dark chocolate 56, 101, 246, 247
DCA 229, 232, 233 .............................
DCIS 43, 265 .........................................
DDT 111 ................................................
DEET 123, 124 ....................................
dehydration 78, 131 ......................... dehydrator 69, 91 .............................. dehydroascorbic acid 244 ..............
Delectable Dishes 103 .....................
dense breast syndrome 28 ............
dense breasts 264, 266, 267 .........
dental 16, 47, 183, 184, 185, ....... 186, 187, 188, 191, 192, 193, 194, 253
Dental Detox 192 ...............................
dental implants 190 .........................
Dental Implants 190 .........................
dental toxicities 39, 184
Dental toxicities 39 ...........................
Dental Toxicities 39
Dental X-Rays 47 ................................
deodorant 36, 108 .............................
Deodorants 120, 123 ........................
depression 10, 81, 159, 162, ........ 165, 167, 172, 186, 221, 244 detox 52, 129, 130, 134, 135, ....... 178, 192, 194, 214, 258
detoxiSication 36, 42, 84, 87, 99, 103, 106, 125, 129, 130, 131, 134, 135, 207, 251, 252
DetoxiSication 134, 165 ................... detoxify 36, 129, 184, 192, 206, . 218, 251, 275
detoxifying 93, 206 ...........................
DHA 217, 244 ......................................
DHEA 147, 274 ................................... diabetes 28, 81, 173 ......................... dichloroacetate 232, 233 ................ diet 21, 26, 30, 40, 42, 60, 64, 66, 67, 68, 72, 73, 74, 75, 90, 94, 96, 99, 103, 104, 112, 204, 210, 211, 216, 229, 230, 245, 246, 249, 277
digestive system 71, 95, 102, ....... 185, 212 digital infrared thermographic imaging 269 .................................... DIM 197, 203, 204, 259 ................... Dimethicone 33 .................................. Dioxin 121 ............................................ dioxins 107, 116 .................................
Dirty Dozen 113, 135 ..................... DITI 269, 270, 271 ............................ diuretic 131 .......................................... dizziness 219, 244 ............................. d-limonene 132 .................................. DMDM hydantoin 119 ..................... DNA 22, 23, 34, 35, 36, 41, 59, .... 60, 64, 70, 71, 78, 82, 84, 106, 110, 115, 126, 138, 148, 154, 163, 168, 188, 205, 206, 211, 215, 239, 241, 262, 264, 273, 275
doTerra 235 ..........................................
Dr. Allen Levin, M.D. 43 Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy 35 ..........
Dr. Bernard Bihari 252 .................... Dr. Bernie Siegel 167 ........................
Dr. Bruce Lipton 22 ...........................
Dr. Candace Pert 174 ........................
Dr. Carl Rubia 36 ................................
Dr. Carl Simonton 160 ......................
Dr. Carlos Rubbia 138 ......................
Dr. Daniel F. Kripke 152 ...................
Dr. David Blask 151 ...........................
Dr. David Sabatini 97 ........................
Dr. Dean Ornish 23 ............................
Dr. Devra Davis 34 .............................
Dr. Hal Huggins 183, 184 ................
Dr. I. Papasotiriou 276 .....................
Dr. Igor Smirnov 79 ...........................
Dr. James Forsythe 242 ...................
Dr. Joe Dispenza 166, 180 ..............
Dr. John Beard 233 ............................
Dr. John Harper 70 ............................
Dr. Michael Antoniou 70 .................
Dr. Nasha Winters 225, 277 ..........
Dr. Nobuhiro Yoshimizu 249 .........
Dr. Norman Shealy 211 ...................
The 7 Essentials System® 291
Dr. Otto Warburg 24, 141, 142 .....
Dr. P. Gamagami 270 .........................
Dr. R. Bleue 229 ..................................
Dr. R.G. Hamer 39 ...............................
Dr. Robert Jones 39 ...........................
Dr. Ronald Pero 139 ..........................
Dr. Samuel Epstein 48, 58 ..............
Dr. Stan Burzynski 23, 149 ............
Dr. Thomas Seyfried 24 ...................
Dr. Tsu-Tsair Chi 244 ........................
Dr. W. Douglas Brodie 161 .............
Dr. Weston Price 184 ........................
Dr. William Hobbins 270 ................
Dr. William Li 245 .............................. dried fruit 30 .......................................
Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones ...... 283 drug therapy 55 .................................. ductal carcinoma in situ 43, 265 dulse 211 ...............................................
DUTCH test 283
Dynamic Greens 219 ........................ dysbiosis 98, 226 .............................. early-stage breast cancer 45 .........
Earthing 143 ........................................
Echo Hydrogen Enriched Water System 80 ......................................... edema 131 ............................................
EFT 166, 170, 171, 172, 180, ....... 182
EGCG 212, 213, 242, 257 ................ eggs 94, 104, 126, 216 .....................
electromagnetic Sields 19, 34, ..... 35, 109, 142, 173 electromagnetic radiation 144 .... electronic devices 35, 112, 135, . 151, 239
electropollution 19, 109, 110, ..... 111, 143, 262
Electropollution 34 ...........................
EMDR 174 ............................................
EMF 34, 35, 36, 110, 116 ................ EMFs 19, 35, 109, 110, 111, 117, 151, 238, See electromagnetic Sields
Emma Roberts 180 .........................
emotional 10, 23, 36, 39, 58, 60, 83, 139, 158, 159, 160, 161, 171, 175, 178, 179, 182, 186 Emotional Freedom Technique .. 166, 170, 171, 180 emotional wounds 54, 158, 159, 170, 174, 177, 179, 181 Emotional Wounds 24, 38, 157 .... emotions 16, 23, 24, 38, 161, ....... 170, 171, 173, 174, 176, 196 endocannabinoid system 237 .. endocrine 29, 77, 78, 118, 121, . 122, 123, 209 endometrial 45, 46, 85, 148, 204 endometrial cancer 45, 46 .......... endometriosis 36, 147 ..................... endorphins 164, 176 ........................ energy Slow 12, 36, 138, 140 ........ Energy Psychology 170, 182 environment 21, 22, 26, 29, 32, .. 33, 64, 65, 70, 73, 77, 84, 90, 103, 106, 108, 113, 134, 186, 250, 251 Environmental Defense Fund ...... 113
Environmental Protection Agency 77 .........................................
Environmental Radiation 109 ...... Environmental Working Group .. 76, 78, 113, 121 enzyme 75, 80, 90, 134, 223, ....... 226, 230, 234, 242, 243, 259, 280
enzyme therapy 233, 234, 259 .... enzymes 50, 64, 89, 90, 96, 98, ... 132, 190, 206, 226, 233, 234, 244
EPA 32, 117, 118, 124, 217 ............ Epigallocatchin-3-gallate 257 .. epigenetic 42, 270 ............................. epigenetics 22, 59, 168, 275 ......... Epstein Barr 33, 285 ........................ Epstein-Barr 127 ............................... ER-positive 28, 99, 149 ................... erythritol 67, 68 ...............................
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate 278
ESR 278, 288 ........................................
essential oils 124, 132, 175, 235 .
estradiol 31, 146 ..............................
estriol 146, 147 .................................
estrobolome 226 ..............................
estrogen 28, 36, 37, 41, 42, 43, ... 45, 46, 78, 82, 85, 90, 91, 92, 95, 99, 103, 107, 108, 111, 120, 123, 145, 146, 147, 148, 151, 155, 186, 187, 203, 204, 205, 213, 214, 215, 226, 236, 238, 244, 277, 285
estrogen blockers 45 ........................
Estrogen dominance 146, 147 ..... estrogen receptor 45, 107 ..............
estrogen-dependent breast cancer 92 .......................................... estrogen-driven breast cancers 46
estrogenic chemicals 78 estrogens 32, 36, 37, 41, 42, 60, . 92, 99, 107, 108, 135, 146, 148, 203, 204, 236, 259, 282, 285
estrone 146 .........................................
Ethanol 82 ............................................. ethylene-based glycols 113 ........... evidence-based 5, 16, 17, 214, .... 257
EVOX 173, 174 ....................................
EWOT 142 .............................................
exercise 10, 23, 25, 64, 138, 142, 153, 154, 176, 208
Exercise 25, 153, 154, 155 ............. exercise without oxygen therapy 142 .....................................
Explantation surgery 52 .................
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing 174 ................ Fair Trade 81 ....................................... false positive 43 .................................. fasting 25, 133, 134 ..........................
Fasting 133 ...........................................
fatigue 154, 172, 173, 205, 244, . 282
fatty acids 74, 91, 95, 204, 214, .. 257, 259
fatty liver 46 .........................................
Favorite Foods 196 ..........................
FD&C Yellow No.6 33 ....................... FDA 6, 31, 52, 112, 251 ................... fear 10, 16, 17, 23, 145, 168, ........ 170, 172, 184, 203, 204, 258, 262, 292
female cancers 37, 146 .................... Femara 45 .............................................
Feminine Protection 121 ................ fermentation 80, 141, 240, 242 ... fermented foods 98 ...........................
Fermented Foods 83, 97 ................. fermented soy 43, 99 ....................... Fermented soy 56 ............................
Fermented Soy 99 ferritin 276 ........................................... Ferritin 276 fertility 110, 180 ................................ fertilizers 76, 78, 108, 186, 209 . Siber 80, 90, 91, 93, 200, 204, ...... 213
Fiber 90 .................................................. Sibrocystic 208, 209 .......................... Sibroids 36, 208 .................................. Sibrosis 52, 131 ...................................
Sillings 60, 183, 185, 186, 194 ...... Siltration systems 79 ........................
Sish 72, 73, 113, 186, 215, 259 .....
Slame retardant 209 ..........................
Slame retardants 109 .......................
Xlavonoid 87 ........................................
Slavonoids 89, 90, 247 ...................... Slavonols 247 .......................................
Slavorings 31, 124 ..............................
Slax 42, 65, 69, 91, 92, 93, 104, .... 204, 259, 260
Flax MufSins 93 ...................................
Slax seeds 42, 69, 91, 93, 104, ...... 204, 205, 215, 260
Flax seeds 92, 93 ................................
Flax Seeds 91, 204 ...........................
The 7 Essentials System® 293
Florida Microgreens 88 ...................
Xluoride 77, 78, 209 .........................
Fluoride 77, 124 .................................
focus 30, 65, 83, 102, 133, 165, . 174, 183, 258
folate 42, 82, 205, 206 ..................... folic acid 205, 206 .............................
Food and Drug Administration 123, 252, 253
formaldehyde 52, 117, 119, 120, 124
fractures 46, 124 ................................
Fragrance 33 ........................................
frankincense 256 ...............................
Frankincense 255 ..............................
Free T4. 281 ......................................... fructose 25, 27, 28, 29, 30 .............. Fructose 28 ........................................... fruit 30, 31, 67, 89, 109, 199 ......... fruit juice 30 fruits 25, 30, 64, 65, 67, 84, 89, ... 92, 102, 107, 199, 213, 234, 241, 246
fruits and vegetables 64, 102, .. 107
fungal 19, 91, 95, 125, 206, 221, 243
fungi 33, 125, 128 .............................. fungicides 107 ..................................... fungus 53, 87 .......................................
Fungus 128 ........................................... galectins 213 ........................................
gall bladder 129 ................................. gallbladder 68, 187 ........................... gallstones 75, 81 ................................ garlic 88, 206, 207, 208 ................... garlic extract 206, 207 ..................... gas 80, 86, 117 .................................... GcMAF 219, 223 ................................. gene expression 23, 59, 64, 168, 245
gene mutation 121, 215, 277 ........ generally recognized as safe 67 ... genes 19, 22, 23, 24, 41, 71, 95, .. 145, 149, 160, 167, 168, 200,
221, 228, 236, 237, 275, 276, 277, 284
genetic defect 41 ................................ genetically engineered 68 .............. genetically modiSied 29, 70, 71 .... Genetically modiSied 70 .................. genetically modiSied organisms . 70
genetics 22, 75 .................................... genistein 56, 236 ................................ genomic testing 41, 288 .................. German New Medicine 174 ........... GIA i-H2O Water System 79 .......... GIA Wellness 112 ............................... ginger 131, 235 ................................... Ginger 56, 235 .................................... Ginkgo biloba 239 ............................. Ginseng 257 ........................................
GLA 217 .................................................
glioblastoma 68 glucose 24, 27, 28, 30, 66, 68, ...... 74, 75, 86, 90, 95, 97, 164, 249
glucuronic acid 99 ............................. glutamate 150 ..................................... glutamine 24 ........................................ glutathione 23, 42, 115, 129, ....... 133, 192, 201, 207, 208, 211 gluten-free 31, 101 ............................ glycome 242 ......................................... glycophosphates 70 .......................... glycoside 230, 243 ........................... glyphosate 70 ...................................... GMO 66, 70, 71, 80, 91, 101, 235, 243
GMO foods 70, 71, 101 .................... GMOs 70, 71 ......................................... goat milk 98 ......................................... goji berries 93 ..................................... goldenrod 131 ..................................... gracillaria 211 ..................................... grain-fed 96 .......................................... grain-free 68, 73 ................................. grains 30, 65, 66, 68 ......................... Granny Smith apples 30 .................. granuloma 272 ....................................
grape seed oil 94, 246 ...................... grapeseed oil 80 .................................
GRAS 67 .................................................
grass-fed 73, 101, 104, 216, 219, 227
Greece test 276 ...................................
Greece Test 220, 233, 276, 287 .... green apples 67, 89 ...........................
Green drinks 65 ..................................
green tea 115, 212, 241, 257 ........
Grounding 143 ....................................
gum disease 190 ................................ gut 67, 73, 80, 90, 93, 95, 98, ....... 102, 128, 133, 190, 212, 226, 227, 229, 239
H. pylori 33 ...........................................
Haelan 43, 56, 229, 235, 236, ...... 237
hair dyes 122 .......................................
Hair Dyes 122
Hand sanitizers 123 ..........................
hazardous waste 118
HbA1C 286 ............................................
HBOT 248, 249 ...................................
HCAs 72 .................................................
HCMV 127 .............................................
HDL 31, 95 ............................................
Healing Diva Retreat 177 ...............
healing journey 6, 15, 16, 17, 26, 58, 59, 70, 72, 76, 89, 91, 100, 102, 109, 129, 133, 138, 140, 146, 153, 155, 158, 169, 170, 177, 180, 182, 183, 189, 195, 196, 202, 211, 236, 242, 247, 248, 256, 257, 258, 288, 291, 292, 318
Healing Points to Ponder 59, ....... 103, 135, 155, 181, 193, 259, 287
Health Diagnostics and Research Institute 280 ...............
healthy fats 74, 90 .............................
Healthy Girls Breast Oil 256 .......
Healthy Girls® Breast Oil 132 .......
Healthy Meats 83, 96 ........................
healthy oils 64, 84 .............................
Healthy Oils 83, 94 ............................ heart attack 40 .................................... Heart Brain Connection 172 ......... heart disease 23, 27, 81, 117, ...... 147
Heart Math Institute 173 ................ heart rate variability 173 ........... HEATOX project 32 ........................... heavy metals 113, 133, 134, ........ 184, 186, 187, 192, 211, 214, 240, 250
hemp 65, 237, 238 ............................. Hemp 229, 237, 238 ......................... HEPA Silter 109 ................................... Hepatitis B 33 ...................................... herbal chemo 196 .............................. Herbal Teas 65 .................................... herbicide 70 ......................................... herbicides 70, 107, 108 ................... Herbicides 32 herbs 11, 12, 43, 126, 130, 131, . 150, 196, 208, 220, 224 hernia 53 ............................................... herpes 285 ............................................
Heterocyclic amines 72 ................ HFCS 29, 30 .......................................... high glycemic load 25 ...................... high-fructose corn syrup 27, 30 .. Highly Sensitive C-Reactive Protein 278 ......................................
hijiki 211 .............................................. Himalayan salt 90 .............................. Hiroshima 48, 287 ........................... HNE 80 ................................................... homeopathic 184, 192 ..................... homeopathy 11, 224, 225 .............. Homeopathy 219, 224, 242, 318 . homeostasis 64 ................................... homocysteine 40, 41, 43, 277, .... 288
Homocysteine 277 ............................ homogenized 75 ................................. honey 30, 51, 198 .............................. Honey 66 ............................................... Hope 4 Cancer 254 ............................ hops 82 ..................................................
The 7 Essentials System® 295
hormone blocking drugs 45 .......... hormone replacement therapy ... 127, 147, 267
hormone-blocking drugs 46 ......... hormone-free 73, 104 ...................... hormones 26, 28, 31, 35, 36, 41, 50, 60, 65, 95, 103, 107, 119, 122, 138, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 150, 152, 153, 155, 164, 173, 176, 196, 208, 209, 210, 239, 244, 262, 282, 285
horsetail 131 ........................................
hot Slashes 46, 172 ............................
household toxins 21 .........................
Household Toxins 113 .....................
H-P-A axis 37 .......................................
HPV 33, 127, 198 ...............................
HRV 173 .................................................
hs-CRP 278 ...........................................
human cytomegalovirus 127 human papilloma virus 127 ..........
hydrangea 131 hydrogen 80 .........................................
hydrogen peroxide 244 ...................
Hydrogen Water 79 ...........................
Hydrogenated fats 65 ....................... hydrogenated oils 31 .......................
hyperbaric oxygen therapy 26 .....
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy 248
Hyperthermia 135, 249, 250, ...... 260
hypothalamus 30, 37, 151, 176 ... hypothyroidism 77, 210 ...................
iatrogenic 43 ........................................
iBCSCs 47 ..............................................
IGF 28, 46, 66, 75, 133, 223 ...........
IGF-1 28, 46, 133, 223 ......................
immune cells 67 .................................
Immune Essentials 196, 219 .....
immune function 28, 154, 202, ... 219, 227, 250
immune system 12, 16, 25, 37, ... 38, 48, 50, 51, 52, 71, 93, 95, 97, 98, 106, 110, 122, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 131, 133, 139, 144, 150, 151, 162, 163,
164, 173, 183, 184, 185, 188, 196, 198, 200, 207, 217, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 225, 226, 227, 239, 242, 249, 252, 254,256, 259, 260, 276, 280, 281, 287 immunoglobulins 223, 242 ........... Imperial Chemical Industries 58 implant 47, 50, 51, 52, 53, 188, .. 191
implants 51, 52, 188 ......................... indoor pollution 113, 117 .............. induced breast cancer stem cells 47 ............................................... induction stovetops 117 .............. infections 19, 31, 33, 81, 86, ........ 125, 126, 127, 131, 188, 189, 190, 191, 206, 207 infertility 71 ......................................... inSlammation 12, 23, 40, 43, 47, 52, 74, 81, 95, 98, 116, 125, 143, 145, 148, 163, 164, 176, 186, 198, 220, 240, 251, 269, 270
inSlammatory response 95 ............ infra-red saunas 135 ........................ Insect Repellents 123 ...................... insecticides 32, 107 .......................... Institute of Heart Math 23 ............. insulin 27, 28, 30, 40, 66, 74, 81, 90, 208, 241, 251, 286 insulin growth factor 46, 75 .......... insulin growth-factor 30 ................. insulin potentiation therapy ... 251
insulin resistance 40, 74, 150 ....... insulin/IGF signaling pathway .... 66
insulin-like growth factor 28, ...... 223
insulin-like growth factors 66 ...... intermittent fasting 133, 134 ....... Internal Toxins 125 ........................... International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) 186 ...................................
International Agency for Research on Cancer 113, 125 .. intestinal permeability 71, 222 ... intestine 95, 128 ................................
intravenous vitamin C 245 ............
iodine 77, 208, 209, 210, 211, ..... 255, 284
IPT 251, 252 .........................................
Irish moss 211 ....................................
iron 73, 133, 276 ...............................
Iscador 225 ..........................................
isoSlavones 43, 99, 236 ....................
IvyGene test 279, 285 ......................
IvyGene Test 279 ...............................
jasmine 235 .......................................... juices 65, 102, 235, 258 .................. juicing 30, 75, 85, 87, 102, 103 ....
Justicidin B 92 .....................................
K2 95 .......................................................
kahweol 42, 129 kale 211, 246 .......................................
Kale 101
keSir 76, 98, 99, 101 ..........................
kelp 211 ................................................
kerosene 117 .......................................
ketogenic diet 26, 74, 75, 249 ......
Ketogenic Diet 26, 74, 249 .............
ketone bodies 66, 74 ........................
ketones 74, 75, 95, 249 ...................
ketosis 26 ..............................................
kidney 71, 75, 116, 118, 131 .........
Kidneys 131 .........................................
kombucha 99 .......................................
Kombucha 101 ....................................
Krebiozen 166, 167 ........................... lactase 75 ..............................................
lactic acid 65 ........................................
Lactobacilli 227 .................................. lactose 75 ..............................................
Laser Surgery 252 .............................
Laura Silva 169 ...................................
lauric acid 95 .....................................
LDL 31, 95 .............................................
LDN 252, 253 .......................................
lead 211 .................................................
leafy greens 86, 87, 104 ..................
Leafy Greens 82, 86 .......................... leaky gut 67, 222 ................................ LED 118 ................................................. LEDs 118 ............................................... legumes 92 ........................................... lemon 65, 88, 89, 101, 104, 134 .. lemons 67, 89, 103, 114, 213 ........ leptin 150, 228 ....................................
Let Food Be Your Medicine 63, ... 246
leukemia 72, 116 ............................... leukocytes 116 ..................................... leukocytosis 116 ................................. LGS 222 .................................................. lifestyle 6, 16, 21, 23, 42, 100, ..... 128, 240, 270, 275 lifestyles 21, 59, 143, 262, 284 .... light emitting diode 118 .............. lignans 42, 92, 204, 205, 224 ...... limbic system 164, 171 limes 67, 213 ....................................... liposomal vitamin C 245 lipsticks 120 ......................................... liquid biopsy 286 ............................... liquor 82 ................................................ Liveo2 26 ............................................... LIVEO2 142 .......................................... liver 28, 36, 42, 71, 72, 74, 81, .... 84, 87, 90, 93, 99, 119, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 146, 200, 203, 205, 206, 208, 216, 223, 273, 285 localized hyperthermia 250 .......... Longevity Resources 253 ...............
Lotions and Potions 119 ................. Louise Hay 179 .................................. low-carb diet 68 ................................. low-carbohydrate 68 ........................ Low-Dose Naltrexone 252 ............. low-glycemic 30 ................................. L-theanine 150, 212 ......................... lumpectomy 11, 265 ......................... lung cancer 44, 72, 241 ................... lungs 24, 30, 85 ................................... lupus 252 .............................................. luteolin 247 .........................................
The 7 Essentials System® 297
Lyme disease 128 ..............................
Lymph node removal 49 ................. lymph nodes 120, 131, 132, 135, 139
Lymph System 131 ............................ lymphatic system 49, 131, 132, .. 187
lymphedema 131 .............................
lymphoma 51, 166, 167, 252 ........
Macadamia nuts 91 ...........................
Mack truck macrophages 220, .... 221, 228 macrophages 221, 223, 259, ...... 280
magnesium 93, 142, 211, 212, .... 218, 260
Magnesium 197, 211, 255 ..............
malignant 43, 47, 66, 143, 200, .. 225, 241, 244, 265, 287
Mammalian target of rapamycin 97
mammary glands 28, 206, 210 mammary tumors 68, 210, 249 ... mammogram 48, 263, 264, 266, 268, 272, 287
mammograms 43, 48, 58, 263, ... 264, 265, 266, 267, 269, 272, 273, 283 mammography 47, 263, 264, ....... 265, 266, 269, 288
mannitol 67 ........................................
Maple syrup 67 ...................................
marshmallow 131 ............................. massage 155, 175, 255 .................... mastectomy 36, 50, 98, 108, 155 matcha 94, 101, 212, 213, 242 ..... MCF-7 187, 235 .................................. MCFAs 95 ...............................................
MCP 192, 213, 214 ............................ meat 29, 31, 72, 73, 96, 107 .......... meats 42, 65, 72, 96, 101, 104, ... 135, 219
Medical Marijuana 237 ................... medically induced cancers 43 ...... Meditate 165, 175 .............................
meditation 58, 130, 175, 180, ..... 182 mekabu 210 ......................................... melatonin 41, 111, 124, 151, ....... 155, 205, 238, 239 Melatonin 111, 151, 238, 239, .... 257
melittin 198 ........................................ memory 46, 111, 186 ....................... memory impairment 46 ................. mercury 29, 39, 113, 117, 118, ... 133, 135, 185, 186, 187, 192, 193, 211
Meridian Tapping 171 ..................... metabolic 24, 25, 64, 66, 67, 73, . 74, 90, 96, 148, 210, 243, 275, 277 metabolic disease 24, 74 ................ metabolic pathways 66, 275 ......... metabolism 24, 25, 43, 85, 90, 97, 111, 125, 204, 215, 240, 249, 277 metabolize 37, 91, 103, 108, ........ 155, 203, 236, 259 metallo-estrogens 186, 193 ....... metastasis 5, 26, 30, 40, 49, 55, .. 92, 97, 141, 202, 213, 214, 215, 243, 244, 249 metastatic 48, 49, 149, 204, 232, 233, 234, 237, 238, 249, 256, 259, 260, 273
Methyl Paraben 33 ............................
Methyl Support 43 ............................. methylating 60, 283 .......................... methylation 41, 42, 43, 108, 146, 155, 203, 205, 239, 277, 279, 285
Methylation 39, 41, 42, 205, 285 Methylchloroisothiazolinone 33 . microbes 98, 226, 227 ..................... microbiome 97, 98, 227 ................ microbiota 226 ................................... microgreens 88, 202 ......................... microwave 34, 108, 116, 117, ..... 118, 136 Microwave 116 ...................................
microwave radiation 34 .................. Microwaved 65, 116 ......................... microwaves 112 ................................. milk thistle 130, 208, 257 .............. mineral makeup 120 ........................ minerals 90, 132, 142, 192, 204, 212, 218, 260
Mirko Beljanski, Ph.D. 239 ............. miso 98, 99 ........................................... mistletoe 225 ....................................... mitochondria 24, 25, 26, 97, 142 Mitochondria 24, 25 ......................... mitochondrial biogenesis 25 ........
modiSied citrus pectin 213 ............ molasses 30 .......................................... mold 53, 81, 218, 219 ......................
Molecular Resonance Effect Technology 79 ................................ monoterpenes 132 ............................ mono-unsaturated 247 Monsanto 70 ........................................
MRET 79 MTHFR 277 .......................................... mTOR 97 ................................................ Mushrooms 128, 220, 227 ............. mustard gas 44 ................................... mycotoxins 81 ..................................... nagalase 223, 280 ............................ Nagalase 280 .......................................
Naltrexone 252 ................................... nanobees 198 ......................................
National Cancer Institute 47, 51, 72, 82, 153, 250, 266, 268
National Institutes of Health 5, ... 220, 227, 244
National Research Council 124 ....
natural killer (NK) 38, 49, 132, ... 135, 163, 199, 216, 221, 223
natural killer (NK) cells 38, 49, ... 132, 135, 199
Natural Killer Cell Activity Test .. 281
Natural killer cells 165 ....................
natural medicine 5, 16, 17, 197, . 211, 227, 247, 256, 257 nausea 219, 221, 230, 244 .............
NCI 72, 266 ........................................... near infrared hyperthermia 242 . neem 114, 124 .................................... nervous system 37, 52, 109, 123, 139, 163, 166, 173 neuro-cardiology 172 ................... neurological 34, 67, 106, 108, ..... 183, 188
neurological damage 67 ................. neurological disorders 106, 173 . neuropathy 52, 233 .......................... neurotoxic 53, 124 ............................ neurotoxins 114 ................................. neurotransmitter 150 ...................... NF-kB 87 ................................................ nicotinamide 25 ................................. nitrilosides 229 ................................ nitrogen mustard 44 ........................ NK cells 49, 132, 199, 281 ............. No Regrets 178 nocebo effect 167, 168 .................. Non-GMO Project VeriXied 71 Non-GMO Shopping Guide 71 ... non-ionizing radiation 35 .............. nori 211 ................................................. Nourishing Essentials 196, 197 NRF2 23 ................................................. nut milks 65 ......................................... nutmeg 69, 93, 246 ........................... NutriBullet 102 ................................... nutrients 23, 24, 25, 64, 79, 82, .. 85, 88, 99, 102, 103, 126, 131, 168, 184, 196, 197, 218, 219, 227, 240, 245, 247, 275, 276, 287 nutrigenomics 168 ............................ nutrition 23, 29, 64, 88, 102, ....... 133, 145, 162, 270 nutritional ketosis 24 ....................... nuts 65, 68, 69, 90, 91, 94, 101, .. 211, 216, 219, 239 Nuts 83, 90 ........................................... obesity 25, 27, 28, 41, 150 ............. oil pulling 194 ..................................... Oil Pulling 192, 193 .......................... oleocanthal 247 ................................
The 7 Essentials System® 299
olive 65, 88, 246, 247 .......................
olive oil 88, 94, 101, 246, 247 ......
Olive oil 80, 94, 247 ..........................
Oliventures 247 ..................................
Olives 94 ................................................
omega-3 91, 96, 204, 214, 215, ... 217
Omega-3 214, 257 .............................
omega-6 fats 40 ..................................
oncologist 5, 57, 89, 103, 242 ....... oncology 43, 276, 286 ......................
Oncotest 239 ........................................
Oncotrail R.G.C.C. for Breast 56 ...
Onkobel-Pro 239 ................................
Optimal Terrain Consulting 277 ..
Optivida Hemp 238 ...........................
ORAC 212, 246 ...................................
ORAC score 212, 246 ........................
Orasal 242 .............................................
organic 12, 42, 68, 70, 71, 76, 80, 81, 89, 94, 99, 100, 101, 104, 107, 109, 114, 117, 124, 129, 130, 134, 135, 136, 178, 193, 208, 209, 235
ovarian 37, 146, 148, 209 .............. ovaries 93, 208, 285 ......................... over-diagnosis 43 .............................. over-treatment 43, 265 ...................
Oxaloacetate 231 ...............................
oxidative damage 110 ...................... oxidative stress 36, 72, 75 ...........
Oxybenzone 119 ................................
oxygen 24, 26, 65, 80, 86, 131, .... 141, 142, 240, 242, 249, 253, 254
Oxygen 141, 142 ............................... oxytocin 164 ....................................... ozone 183, 191, 253, 254 ............... P53 216, 217 ........................................ packaged foods 65, 80 .....................
PAHs 72 ................................................. Paleo diet 72 ........................................ pancreatic cancer 9, 11, 252 ......... pancreatic enzymes 233 .................
Pantry Swap 100, 101 ......................
Pao Pereira 239 ..................................
papaya 70 .............................................. parabens 36, 107, 108, 135 ........... Parabens 36, 108, 119, 120 ........... parasite cleanse 126, 127 .............. parasites 33, 74, 125, 126, 207 .... parasympathetic nervous system 37, 164, 176 ..................... parathyroid 124 ................................. Parkinson’s 81, 167 .......................... parsley 87, 131, 208, 246 .............. pastas 25, 66 ........................................ Pastas 65 ............................................... pasteurized 75 .................................... pathogens 65, 73, 127, 131, 132, 142, 199, 243
Pau d’arco 224 ...................................
PCBs 107, 113 ..................................... PDT 254 ................................................. peanuts 87, 91 ..................................... Pecans 91 peer-reviewed 70, 225 .................... PEG 33, 119 PEG-50 Almond Glycerides 33 ..... PEMFs 142, 143 .................................. peppermint 114, 124, 131 ............. PERC 117 ............................................... perchloro-ethylene 117 .................. periodontal disease 189, 190 ....... Periodontal Disease 189 ................. periodontitis 189 ............................... pesticides 32, 76, 107, 112, 113, 203, 250
PET scan 27, 272 ................................ PFOA 118 ............................................... pH 64, 79 ...............................................
Photo Dynamic Therapy
Spectrometer 254 .......................
Photodynamic Therapy 254 .......... phthalates 115, 120, 121 ................ Phthalates 119 .................................... phytochemicals 42, 92, 129, 196, 256, 259
Phytoestrogens 92, 99 ................... phytonutrients 90, 91, 243 ............ pineal gland 124, 151 ...................... pineapple 234 .....................................
pink ribbon 58, 263 .......................... Pink Ribbon campaign 60 .............. piperine 56, 203 ................................. pituitary 37, 176 ................................ placebo effect 166 ............................. Placebo Effect 166 ............................. plant-based diet 73 ......................... plant-based foods 31, 65 ................ plasma 64 .............................................. plastic 78, 108, 115, 121, 136 ...... platinum 51 .......................................... Platinum 51, 243 ................................ pollen 198 .............................................
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons 72 ........................
Poly-MVA 229, 240, 242 .................. polyphenols 246, 247 ..................... polyunsaturated 80, 214, 257 ...... pork 73, 74, 126 .................................
Positron Emission Tomography 27
postmenopausal 28, 92, 95, 146, 147, 153, 190, 228, 238 Postmenopausal 95 .......................... post-traumatic stress disorder ... 163
poultry 72, 73 ...................................... power lines 34 .................................... Power lines 35 ....................................
premenopausal 48 ............................ probiotics 64, 226, 227 ................... Processed and Charred Meats ..... 71
progesterone 31, 147, 148, 187 .. progestins 148 .................................... propolis 198, 256 ............................... prostate 72, 74, 81, 89, 208, 241, 243, 285
protein 26, 73, 74, 75, 90, 96, 97, 116, 146, 198, 204, 217, 221, 223, 232, 234, 276, 277, 282, 288
protein-based diet 73 ..................... proteoglycans 221 ............................. proteolysis 234 .................................
protocol 30, 168, 195, 196, 200, 203, 211, 219, 220, 225, 233, 235, 238, 242, 243, 248, 257, 285
pterostilbene 200 ............................ PTSD 162, 163 ..................................... Pumpkin seeds 91 ............................. purple butterKly 58 .......................... pyridoxine 25 ...................................... Quercetin 241 ...................................... quinoa 100 ............................................ Quinoa 101 ........................................... R.G.C.C. Group 276 ............................. radiation 11, 34, 35, 43, 47, 48, .. 49, 54, 55, 79, 102, 109, 110, 111, 112, 116, 135, 146, 151, 200, 207, 244, 264, 265, 271, 273, 287
radioactive 27 ...................................... radiofrequency 34 Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D. 225 ............... Rapid Eye Technology 174 RauwolSia vomitoria 239 ................ Raw Grain-Free Blueberry Granola 68 ........................................
Rebounding 154 ............................... receptor sites 27, 28, 42, 66, 92, 107, 251
Reconstructive surgery 50 ............. Reconstructive Surgery 50 ............ red grapes 56 ....................................... red meat 73 ..........................................
ReXlexology 140 ................................ relaxation response 17, 26, 164, 165
reproductive system 108, 119 ..... Research Genetic Cancer Center 276
respiration 24, 25, 80, 141 ............ respiratory diseases 117 ................ resveratrol 25, 56, 199, 200, 246 RGCC 240, 276 .................................... rheumatic disease 52 ....................... rhodanase 230 .................................... riboSlavin 25 ........................................ Riordan Clinic 245 .............................
The 7 Essentials System® 301
risk factors 47, 77, 106, 127 .......... RNA 211, 221 .......................................
root canal 39, 140, 187, 188, ....... 189, 194
root canals 39, 60, 184, 185, ........ 188, 193, 194
root resorption 184 ..........................
Roundup 70 ..........................................
royal jelly 198 ......................................
SAC 198, 217 ........................................
saccharin 124 ......................................
SAD 26, 29, 60, 63 ..............................
salicinium 242 .....................................
Salicinium 242 ....................................
saline implants 53 .............................
Saline Implants 53 .............................
saliva 65, 106, 145, 146, 147, ...... 150, 155, 282
Saliva Tests 282 .................................. salmon 73, 215 salvestrols 243 ....................................
Salvestrols 243 sanguinarine 232 .............................
sarcoma 224 ........................................
sargassum 211 ..................................
saturated fats 40, 214 ......................
sauerkraut 98 ...................................... scars 54 ..................................................
sea cucumber 243, 244 ...................
Sea Cucumbers 243 ..........................
sea salt 69, 88 ......................................
Sean Stephenson 15 ......................... second opinion 57 .............................
seeds 42, 68, 69, 70, 71, 90, 91, .. 92, 93, 204, 205, 211, 230, 239, 260
selective toxicity 230, 232 .............
selenium 5, 142, 212, 215, 216, .. 218
selenocysteine 216 .........................
selenomethionine 216 .................
sentinel lymph nodes 49 ................
serotonin 41, 150, 164, 205, 239 serum ferritin blood test 276 .......
sex 46, 93, 145, 153, 205, 206, .... 208
sex drive 46 .......................................... sex hormone binding globulin .... 93, 205 shame 160, 170 .................................. Shampoos and Soaps 122 .............. shiitake 128 .......................................... sick building syndrome 53 ............ side effects 12, 46, 47, 52, 71, ...... 79, 102, 123, 151, 172, 202, 204, 206, 227, 233, 237, 250, 251
Sigma Anti-Bonding Calcium ....... 216, 217
Silibinin 257 .......................................
silicone 50, 51, 52, 119, 130, ....... 268 silicone implants 52 .........................
Single File Aligned Water 78 ......... single nucleotide polymorphism 207 Sjogren’s Syndrome 51 .................... skin allergies 52 skin cancer 81, 198 ........................... sleep 19, 23, 65, 111, 138, 143, .. 145, 149, 150, 151, 152, 155, 162, 173, 179, 193, 211, 220, 223, 238, 239, 244, 280
Sleep 40, 149, 150, 152, 260 ......... sleeping pills 152, 156 ..................... SLS 124 ................................................... smart-meters 110 .............................. Smoking 40 ........................................... SNP 207 ................................................. Sodas 65, 101 ......................................
Sodium Laureth Sulphate 33 ........ sodium lauryl sulphate 124 .......... Sono-Photodynamic Therapy ...... 254
sorbitol 67 ........................................... Sound Therapy 144 .......................... Sovereign Laboratories 222 .......... soy 91, 99, 204, 235, 236 ................ soybean 80, 98 .................................... soybeans 70, 71 .................................. spirulina 87, 217, 218, 239, 260 . spleen 71, 139 .....................................
Sprouted seeds 65 .............................
sprouting 68, 91 .................................
Squatty Potty 130 ..............................
standard American diet 63 ............
starve the cancer 64, 83, 103, ..... 249
stem cells 43, 55, 235, 236, 242 .. stevia 31, 67, 69, 94 ..........................
Stevia 67, 101 .....................................
stomach cancer 46 ............................
Stop Feeding The Cancer 63 ......... stress 10, 17, 19, 23, 24, 26, 36, .. 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 50, 64, 103, 109, 110, 126, 129, 139, 143, 145, 150, 151, 152, 155, 158, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 166, 168, 169, 171, 173, 174, 176, 181, 197, 207, 215, 251, 262, 274, 275, 282
stroke 40, 81, 147, 277
Styrofoam 115 .....................................
subluxations 36, 139
sucrose 28, 30 .....................................
Sucrose 30 ............................................
sugar 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, .. 64, 66, 67, 68, 71, 75, 89, 101, 128, 141, 166, 221, 230, 240, 242, 249, 251
Sugar 27, 65, 66, 103 ........................
sugar alcohols 67, 68, 101 ...........
Sugar Alcohols 67 .............................. sugar beets 70 .....................................
sugars 30, 66, 72, 199 ...................... suicide 51, 202, 232, 238 ...............
sulforaphane 43, 192, 201, 202, . 208, 259
Sulforaphane 56, 201 .....................
summer squash 70 ............................
sunSlower seeds 69 ...........................
SunSlower seeds 91 ........................... sunscreen 119 ..................................... superfoods 90 ..................................... supplements 6, 12, 25, 43, 64, ..... 203, 207, 258 surgery 43, 48, 49, 51, 53, 54, ..... 55, 91, 98, 191, 250, 253
survivin 204, 232 ............................... Suzanne Somers 242 ........................ Sweating 120, 134 ............................. sweetener 67, 124 ............................. sweeteners 31, 67, 68 ...................... syrup 29, 30 ......................................... T3 281 .................................................... T4 281 ....................................................
taenia solium tapeworm 126 ....... tai-chi 176 .............................................
Tainted Water 66, 76 ........................ tamoxifen 46, 81, 92, 99, 172, ..... 204, 207, 237
Tamoxifen 43, 45, 46, 58 ............... tampons 121, 122 .............................. tap water 76, 77, 78 ........................ tapeworms 74 ..................................... tapping 166, 171, 180 ......................
Targeted Essentials 196, 229 .... tattoo inks 54 taurine 25 .............................................. Taxol 235 tea tree oil 124 .................................... teas 10, 67, 101, 212, 258 .............. tetrahydrocannabinol 237 ............. THC 237 .................................................
The 7 Cancer Triggers 26 ...............
The 7 Essentials System® 13, ... 15, 16, 22, 62, 228, 262, 287, 288, 318
The BioInitiative Report 110 ........
The Institute For Responsible Technology 71 ................................
The Ozone Doctor 254 .....................
The Pink Frenzy 58 ...........................
The Silva Method 169 ....................... thermogram 12 ................................... thermography 12, 52, 267, 271, . 284, 288
Thermography 269, 270, 271, .... 284, 287, 318 thermotherapy 250 .......................... thioctic acid 240 ................................. thyme 235 ............................................. thymus 139, 219 ................................
The 7 Essentials System® 303
thyroid 35, 47, 67, 77, 108, 119, . 124, 150, 208, 209, 210, 281, 282, 284
Thyroid Panel 281 ............................. thyroid stimulating hormone ...... 281
titanium 47, 120, 190 ...................... tittoos 54 ...............................................
TNBC 256, 257 .................................... toluene 124 ..........................................
Toothpaste 123, 124 .........................
Top 7 Foods To Avoid 66 .................
Top 7 Foods to Enjoy 82, 84 .......... toxic chemicals 31 .............................
toxic exposure 54, 106, 118, ........ 122, 125
Toxic Oils 66, 80 ................................. toxic shock syndrome 121 ............. toxicity 16, 29, 32, 33, 201 ............. toxins 21, 23, 33, 36, 40, 42, 54, 73, 79, 91, 106, 108, 111, 113, 115, 119, 120, 121, 122, 125, 128, 130, 131, 145, 162, 183, 187, 188, 189, 190, 193, 194, 201, 202, 207, 209, 218, 219, 227, 243, 250, 251, 275
trace minerals 30, 64, 212 ............. trans fats 40, 214 ...............................
Transdermal Application 255 ......
Transfer Point, Inc. 221 ...................
trichinella 74 ....................................... triclosan 122, 123 ............................
Triclosan 119, 123, 124 ..................
Triethanolamine 33 ..........................
Trifecta Of Cancer Tests 277 .........
trigger 27, 40, 41, 43, 186, 216, .. 233, 237, 243 triggers 17, 26, 111, 112, 161, .... 241
triple negative breast cancer ....... 213, 228, 230
triple-negative breast cancer ...... 199, 200, 203, 247
Triterpene glycoside 243 ............... trophoblast theory of cancer ....... 233
TSH 281 .................................................
TSS 121 ..................................................
tumor 12, 24, 26, 30, 40, 43, 45, . 47, 48, 49, 54, 55, 66, 68, 74, 76, 79, 87, 95, 111, 126, 128, 132, 133, 134, 141, 153, 188, 198, 199, 201, 202, 206, 210, 213, 221, 226, 233, 234, 236, 237, 241, 243, 244, 246, 249, 250, 252, 254, 257, 259, 260, 264, 270, 271,273, 276, 280, 287
tumorigenic 55 ................................... tumors 24, 30, 32, 35, 39, 44, 47, 54, 55, 68, 81, 89, 91, 92, 97, 108, 110, 119, 120, 128, 133, 141, 148, 162, 166, 167, 198, 204, 205, 213, 214, 215, 217, 219, 227, 236, 238, 245, 247, 249, 250, 254, 255, 265, 266, 268, 270, 273, 281, 287 turkey tail mushrooms 128, 227 turmeric 56, 131, 202, 203, 207, 246
U.S. National Toxicology Program 113 ................................... Ultrasound 271 ................................... ultra-weak photon emissions ...... 138
Una de gato 224 ................................ Unnecessary Surgery 48 ................. uric acid 131 ........................................ urine estrogen methylation test 282 ............................................. urine iodine test 283 ........................ Urine Tests 282 ................................... USDA 29, 67, 112, 127 ..................... uterine 37, 146, 208, 233, 253 ..... V.E Irons 129 ........................................ Vascular endothelial growth factor 281 ........................................ vegan 71 ................................................ Vegetable oils 65 ................................ Vegetables 65, 82, 246 ..................... vegetarian 71, 96 ............................... vegetarianism 72, 75 ........................
VEGF 281 ..............................................
Very Sensitive Blood Tests 272 .... vetiver 124 ............................................
Viome 286 ............................................
viruses 33, 65, 127, 131, 199, ...... 223, 281 Viruses 127 ..........................................
vitamin A 82 .........................................
vitamin B 82 .........................................
vitamin B17 230 .................................
vitamin B9 205 ...................................
vitamin C 88, 244, 245 .....................
Vitamin C 244 ......................................
vitamin D 46, 95, 190, 200, 218, 223, 227, 228, 229, 256, 280, 284
Vitamin D 281 .....................................
vitamin E 88, 96 ................................. vitamin K2 95, 229 ............................ Vitamix 102 wakame 210 ......................................... walnuts 88, 215, 259 Walnuts 90, 91 ................................... water Silter 109 ................................... water Sluoridation 77 ....................... wheatgrass 12, 142, 218, 219 ...... white blood cells 37, 116 .................
white Slour 66 ...................................... White reSined sugar 66 .................... white rice 66 ........................................ White vinegar 65, 114 ..................... whole grains 68 .................................. Wi-Fi 109, 110, 135, 151 ................ wild-caught 73 .................................... wine 56, 81, 82, 246 ......................... wireless internet 34 ......................... World Health Organization 20, ... 70, 77, 111, 207 wormwood 126, 224 ........................ www.nongmoproject.org 71 ......... xenoestrogen 36, 116 ...................... xenoestrogens 32, 42, 92, 93, ...... 107, 108, 112, 119, 123, 135, 145, 155, 186, 203 Xenoestrogens 106, 107, 135 ....... xylitol 67, 68 ....................................... yeast 131 yeasts 33, 65 ........................................ yogurt 76, 98, 101 Young Living Oils 235 ...................... Zeneca Pharmaceuticals 58 ........... zinc 187, 212, 217, 219 ................... zucchini 70 ...........................................
The 7 Essentials System® 305
Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, better known as ‘Dr. V’, is the founder of Breast Cancer Conqueror and creator of the 7 Essentials System®, a step-bystep educational program. Her signature process has empowered thousands of women in over 42 countries around the world.
Dr. V’s has personally conquered breast cancer twice, which gives her an empathetic perspective to understand other women facing a healing journey.
Dr. V has been in the Wellness Industry for over 40 years, beginning with her Chiropractic degree in 1979. Dr. V has also pursued extensive studies in various Sields of Energy Medicine. Her specialty in Chiropractic, Bio-Energetics, Meridian Stress Analysis, Homeopathy, and Digital Thermography gives Dr. V a unique approach to Health and Wellness.
Dr. V is an Amazon #1 bestselling author in nine different categories, including Oncology Nursing, Breast Cancer, Cancer, Oncology,
Alternative Medicine, Chemotherapy, Health, Fitness and Dieting, Women’s Health, and Reproductive Medicine.
Dr. V has been featured in the world-renowned Truth About Cancer Docu-series and TTAC LIVE stages. She was also invited to participate in many summits and podcasts relating to health and wellness, including JJ Virgin, Wendy Meyers, Chris Wark, etc.
She is a guest contributor to Natural News, Green Med Info, Natural Health 365, Mind Body Green, Wellness.com, and many other sites.
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The 7 Essentials System® 307