Becausemolecularhydrogen(H2): reducesinflammationandjointpain improvesallaspectsofcellularmetabolism=more+betterenergy isneuroprotective is aselectiveAnti-oxidant isapotentanti-inflammatory increasesbloodcirculation boostsimmunity(lesscoldsandflu) increasesmemoryandmentalalertness
H2 is naturally produced in the body. As much as 12 liters a day is produced as a result of a healthy gut microbiome. Most people these days do not have a healthy gut, so are at a disadvantage.
You can think of H2 as a supplement that makes our bodies resistant to oxidative stress, which in turn ripples through our health and resolves and prevents disease.
H2 is a supplement that you can generate in your own home with distilled water and electricity. With an investment of a hydrogen generator you have an unlimited supply of H2 you can share with family and friends for years to come.
H2 is highly diffusible and goes throughout in the body in minutes. It does not accumulate in the body, any excess is passed out of the body with exhalations. There are no measurable toxic effects of H2. It works synergistically with other treatments and is safe for the whole family.
H2 is two hydrogen atoms bonded together to create a stable, covalent bond. This is what makes H2 a selective antioxidant.
Astudyin2023bySergejM.OstojicshowsH2asamodulatorofbrain metabolism.Koreanadults40-60yearsoldweregiven4weeksof hydrogeninhalation.
Dementia-relatedbiomarkerssignificantlyimprovedaftertreatment. TotalintracellulaReactiveOxygenSpecies(ROS)decreased. Improvedmood,anxiety,andothermeasurablebiomarkers.Suggests thathydrogenimprovesbraincellfunctionalitybyupregulatingthe metabolismofshort-chainfattyacids.
A2018studypublishedinMovementDisordersfoundthathydrogengas inhalationwaseffectiveinreducingoxidativestressandimprovingmotor functioninpatientswithParkinson’sdisease(MovementDisorders,Vol. 33,No.9,2018).
ValerieRobitaille,aholisticnutritionist,herstudiessuggestthat HydrogenTherapyforParkinson'sDiseaseworksbyenhancingcellular communication,helpingtopreventthebreakdownofdopamine pathwaysessentialformotivation,pleasure,andadrenalineproduction.
In2018DrKonoatDenoUniversity,performedarandomizeddoubleblindplacebo-controlledtrialwith178participantsacross14hospitals. UPDRSscoreswerenotedatvariouscheckpointsthroughoutthetrial, allsuggestingthatlong-termconsumptionofhydrogenwatercould leadtosustainedbenefitsinmanagingPDsymptoms
This is a recent report from one of our customers who purchased a hydrogen generator to use in her home with her mother who has Parkinson’s Disease.
She reported that when her mom is regularly using the hydrogen she has more energy, and her mind seems more clear and responsive. The time it takes her to go from sitting up to standing up is less. She started to do more around the house and made her bed.
The feedback from her mother’s caregiver is good. She also noticed some improvements including more clear thinking and speaking, and less confusion.
We also have customers who have reduced tremors from using hydrogen.
It’stheonlywayyoucandohydrogeninhalationtherapy,and youcanalsomakehydrogen-richwateranddiffusethegasover bodypartwiththesamemachine.
Everyoneinthehouseholdcanbenefit.Givethekidsandthe plantsH2water.Everyonecanhavetheirowncannulafor inhalationtherapy.Hydrogenisgoodforeveryone.
Allyouneediselectricityanddistilledwatertomakean abundantstreamofthisvitalelementforyearstocome.