Nutrition Cheatsheet How To Eat In PERI/MENOPAUSE

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I started What The Menopause?! to provide a little corner of the internet where women in midlife feel seen, heard and validated in their experiences.

The menopause transition can pull the rug out from underneath you and impact you just as much emotionally as it does physically - leaving you feeling confused, isolated, alone and often unable to recognise who you are anymore.

Despite marketing messages, there is no magic bullet in peri/menopause - what works for one person will not necessarily work for another, but it is possible to take control of your health and not let your hormones run havoc on your life. This is the time to prioritise nourishment in the form of food, movement, sleep, self-care and connection. If you are struggling with symptoms and they are disrupting your life, you may also want to look at supplementation and hormone therapy through your healthcare provider.

This cheatsheet is a snappy list of evidence-based nutrition strategies to support you through the transition, improve symptoms, help you decrease inflammation in the body, optimise energy levels, boost mood and even reduce the visceral fat that's been distributed around your waistline. And if you’re looking for extra support on you journey, chekc out the last page where you can find the details to work with us. Reach out anytime if you need support at

You've got this!


Research shows that symptoms of peri/menopause are more pronounced in women who have high glucose and high insulin levels. On top of this, the decrease in hormones in peri/menopause can lead to a wide range of changes and can make the body more prone to insulin resistance which exacerbates symptoms and drives up inflammation, which also increases the risk of chronic disease. Breaking up with sugar is the way forward - high sugar foods are ok occasionally, but should not be a mainstay of your diet.




Mood swings


Reduced libido


Weight Gain

Craving Carbs

Hot flashes + Night sweats



Protein provides the building blocks (in the form of amino acids) for every cell in the body. Menopausal women need more protein than pre-menopausal women to support musculature, prevent muscle loss (sarcopenia), support metabolism, prevent cravings and keep you fuller for longer.

Aim for c.30g /meal at every meal from animal sources, fish, shellfish, eggs, tofu, legumes etc.


Weight Management

Balance blood sugar

Mood Cravings

Energy Levels

Support Muscular Health



Fill up on plants at every meal in the form of colourful fruit and veggies: they are crucial in keeping inflammation and oxidative stress (aka cellular aging) at bay.

Phytonutrients: naturally occurring plant chemicals that have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body.Choose colourful fruit, veg + herbs such as broccoli, cauliflower, leafy greens, berries, parsley, etc.

Phytoestrogens: support symptoms such as hot flashessoybeans, tofu, edamame, miso, chickpeas/garbanzo beans and flaxseeds - eat 2 tbsp daily.


Weight Management

Balance Blood Sugar

Hot Flashes

Energy Levels

Support Muscular Health

Night Sweats

Researchshowsthatwomenwhohaveadietrichinfruits andvegetableshavealowerincidenceofhotflashesand nightsweatsthanthosewhodon't.


Fibre is essential for keeping your bowels moving daily, your microbiome nourished, your inflammation in check and your hormones optimised. It also supports weight management, regulates blood sugar, improves heart health, lowers cholesterol, and even helps you live longer.

Aim for 30g per day from lentils, kidney beans, vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, dried figs, oats, pears, wholegrains, chickpeas, avocado, apples.





Weight Gain



Elevated Blood Sugar

Researchhasfoundthatforevery10-gram increaseinsolublefibreeatenperday,belly fatwasreducedby3.7percent.


You can't produce estrogen, progesterone, testosterone or cortisol without fat. Hormones are made from cholesterol (ie. fat), so it is important to provide the building blocks through diet. The body also needs fat to absorb key vitamins and minerals (which are so needed at this time!).

Omega 3 fatty acids are essential particularly in peri/menopause as they are anti-inflammatory, support brain health, joint pain, nervous system, heart health and metabolism.


Brain Fog

Joint Pain

Skin Dryness

Hair Thinning

Hot Flashes



ResearchshowsthatfoodsrichinOmega3FattyAcidssuch assalmon,sardines,chiaseeds,walnuts,flaxseedscan decreasetheseverityandfrequencyofhotflashes.


Carbs come in the form of sugars, starches and fibre found in fruits, grains, vegetables and dairy products. Complex carbs provide sustained energy, fuel our muscles and our brains.

Choose whole grains and minimise highly processed refined, simple carbohydrates, which can quickly spike blood sugar. Certain carbs reduce inflammatory markers in the body. Choose brown rice, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat, millet, teff sorghum in moderate portions.






Sugar Cravings

High Cholesterol


Howactiveareyou?Someonewhotrainsinthe gymorhasanactivejobwillrequiremorecarbs thanifyousitatadeskallday.


Sip on iced water throughout the day. It aids digestion and detoxification and is important for many aspects of health, including kidney function. Our thirst sensation declines with age, increasing the risk of dehydration, so drink water whether you feel thirsty or not. Dehydration can cause sunken skin, low blood pressure, dizziness, fatigue, confusion and even falls.

TOP TIP: Aim for 8 glasses per day and add Pink Himalayan Salt or good quality electrolytes to increase absorption.


Brain Fog

Hot Flashes

Night Sweats



Problem Solving


Skin Dryness/Elasticity

Muscle Cramps


Vaginal Dryness

Sleep Quality

Didyouknowthatdehydrationcantakeabigtollonourvaginal healthaswell?Ifyou'renotdrinkingenoughwater,yourskinis pronetodryness-thisdoesn'texcludeyourvaginalskin.

Alcohol exacerbates symptoms and many women share that they just can't handle it as before.

Alcohol is also a depressant, disrupts blood sugar levels, depletes nutrients necessary for ovarian function including B vitamins, selenium and zinc and lowers the bodies ability to absorb calcium and iron - minerals critical for optimal health at this stage of life.


Brain Fog

Hot Flashes

Heavy Periods

Disrupted Sleep



Low Mood

Bone Health

Regularalcoholintakehasbeenassociatedwithhormone imbalances,weightproblemsincreasedriskofuterine fibroidsandmoreseveremenopausesymptoms.



You can feel incredible in your body. You can sustainably lose belly fat AND feel vibrant again.

Peri/Menopause: Your Pain to Power Era

You’ll learn my proven 3 Step Method to:

Reverse menopause weight gain

Improve menopause symptoms Finally feel like YOU again.

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